(Trichechus: Blood Parameters of The Amazonian Manatee Inunguis) - Dietary Variation

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ComP. Eiochem. Physiol.Vol. 103A, No. 2, pp. 413-415, 1992 0300-9629/92 $5.00 + 0.

Printed in Great Britain 0 1992 Pergamon Press Ltd




*Institute National de Pesquisas de Amazonia, Caixa Postal 478, CEP 478, Manaus, Amazonas, Brasil;
tUniversidade de Slo Paulo, Instituto de Biociencias, Caixa Postal 11461, SZo Paulo, Brasil

(Received 14 January 1992)

Abstract-l. No significant differences (P > 0.05) were found between the blood parameters of male and
female Amazonian manatees.
2. When water hyacinth was introduced into the animals’ diet, there was a significant difference (P < 0.05)
in total lipid, total protein and albumin concentrations. However, there were no differences (P > 0.05) in
glucose and urea concentrations.
3. The total protein and albumin concentrations in the Amazonian manatee blood appear to be good
indicators for nutritional status, while urea appears not to be.

INTRODUCTION Blood was collected in the morning, 24 hr after the animals

were fed and always on the day that the pool was cleaned.
Trichechus inunguis, the Amazonian manatee, is This is because the pool was emptied and thus reduced the
endemic to the basin of the Amazon river and is the stress caused to the animals by handling. The animals were
only exclusively fresh water sirenian, being found immobilized using a restraining apparatus (Colares, 1991)
from the Island of Marajo, Brazil to the sources of and the blood was withdrawn from the ventral side of the
this river in Colombia, Peru and Equador (Domning, pectoral flippers in the brachial artery sub-divisions. A
disposable 20 ml syringe was used with scalp needles, number
1981; Timm et al., 1986). According to Best (1984),
19 G. Ten millilitres of blood were removed from each
its occurrence is restricted to calm waters and lakes animal and separated between two tubes, one containing
with abundant aquatic vegetation. This animal is heparin and the other an anti-coagulant for glucose.
herbivorous, non-ruminant and feeds on a large Once the blood was removed, the tubes were quickly taken
variety of aquatic plants. However, it has a preference to the laboratory where they were centrifuged at 15OOgfor
for aquatic grasses (Goncalves-Colares, 1991). 20 min. The plasma was stored at - 15°C. The biochemical
Nutrition plays a fundamental role in the physio- analysis of the plasmas were carried out, at the latest, 10 days
logical state of the animals, and consequently, causes after being collected. Calorimetric analysis (kits LABTEST)
changes in concentrations of blood parameters of the was carried out on these samples to determine the glucose
concentration by the enzymatic method (GOD-ANA), total
individuals. The use of blood parameters as physio-
lipids, urea, albumin and total proteins. The globulin concen-
logical indices to determine the nutritional status of tration was calculated by the difference between the total
wild animals has received a lot of attention. LeResche protein and albumin concentrations.
et al. (1974) wrote a literature review on the vari- In order to find out whether the animals’ diet caused
ations in blood parameters of cervidae and correlated alterations in the blood parameters, following blood collec-
these to the nutritional status of the animal. A similar tion from the nine animals, they were fed for a period of 28
study was carried out by Warren et al. (1981) days, during May 1990, on a diet consisting of 20% water
studying the deer Odocoileus virginianus. Brown et al. hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) and 80% para grass, con-
(1978) observed variations in the total protein and tributing a total of 5% live weight per day. The water
urea content in the blood of the elephant Elephus hyacinth was collected every day from Marchantaria Island,
near Manaus city (Sohmdes river, Amazon) in the morning,
maximus, in relation to the food consumed at differ-
and given to the animals on the same day. After this period,
ent periods of the year. Therefore, the main objectives blood was collected and processed as described earlier.
of this project were to verify the possible variations Eichhornia crussipes was used in this project because it is
of some biochemical parameters in the blood of the easily found near the city of Manaus and because it is the
Amazonian manatee in relation to dietary changes, as third most common plant in the manatees’ diet in the wild
well as whether these parameters are related to the sex (Goncalves-Colares, 1991). The fact that this plant contains
of the animal. tannin, polyphenols and heavy metals was also taken into
consideration (Howard-Williams and Junk, 1977; Gopal and
Sharma, 198I; Wolter, personal communication), since they
MATERIALS AND METHODS decrease the absorption of proteins in the digestive tract of
the animals (Reese, 1979; Fraser and Mays, 1986; Hay and
Nine adult Amazonian manatees (four male and five Van Hoven, 1988).
female), which are kept captive at the National Institute of During the experimental period, samples of the leaves
Amazonian Research ‘(INPA) in a concrete tank with an area from the plants given to the animals were collected in order
of 78.5 m2 and a denth of 60 cm. were used. The animals have to determine the percentages of crude protein, fats, ashes,
been fed on para &ass (Brachi& mutica) since 1986, given carbohydrates and humidity. For these analyses, the usual
in sulIicient quantity to provide 5% of the animals’ live analytical methods for nutritional plant constituents were
weight per day. used (Silva, 1981; IBGE, 1981).


Table I. Comparative analyses (Student’s r-test) of the blood Table 2. Bromatological analyses of the plants
parameters between male and female Amazonian manatees fed on used in this study
oara arass and water hvacinth
Blood Male Female Brachiaria Eichhornia
parameters X S N X s N Sig mutica crassipes
W) (“10)
Glucose (mg/dl) 40.05 8.97 4 39.82 9.25 5 ns
Lipids (mg/dl) 582.91 115.48 4 603.26 147.92 5 ns Proteins 12.9 11.6 -
Urea (mg/dl) 22.93 3.33 4 29.32 12.68 5 ns Fat 6.5 3.1
Proteins feldl1
5.93 0.30 4 6.10 0.30 5 ns Carbohydrates 12.1 71.6
Albumin (g/dl) 2.88 0.19 4 2.84 0.18 5 ns Ashes 7.9 13.7
Globulins (g/dl) 3.05 0.26 4 3.26 0.33 5 ns Humidity 67.5 89.0
ns, Not significant; X, mean; S, standard deviation; N, number of
animals; Sig, level of significance.

In this study, the hypothesis test to compare means LeReche et al. (1974) and Brown and White
(Student’s f-test) for equal variances was used, at a signifi- (1980) showed that cervidae and elephants, respect-
cance level of 95%. ively, fed on a high protein diet have higher
levels of urea in the blood than those fed on low
protein diets. Bahnak et al. (1979) suggested that
The nine animals studied consumed all the water the urea concentration reflects the energy and/or
hyacinth given to them and only the green leaves of protein metabolism of cervidae. Kirkpatrick et al.
the para grass, leaving the stems and dried leaves. It (1975) and Warren et al. (1982) suggest that high
was, therefore, noted that the animals fed on 32% protein and fat diets have opposite effects on
water hyacinth and 68% para grass, contributing to the concentration of blood urea in cervidae. There-
4.3% of their live weight per day. There was no fore, urea is not always indicated as being a good
significant difference (P > 0.05) in the animals’ indicator for the nutritional status of animals. This
weights during the study. could have happened with the manatees since there
The means and standard deviations of the glucose, was not any variation in urea when the water hy-
total lipid, urea, total protein, albumin and globulin acinth was added to their diet (Table 3). This is
concentrations for the male and female Amazonian because this plant inhibits the absorption of protein,
manatees are given in Table 1. It was noted that there which could cause a decrease in the urea concen-
was not any significant difference (P > 0.05) in the tration in the blood.
concentrations of these substances between the sexes. Kumar et al. (1972), Seal et al. (1978) and Warren
These results are similar to those reported by Moore et al. (1981) confirm that the variations in the total
and Sikes (1967) who also did not find any significant protein and albumin concentrations are not a good
differences in the blood total lipid concentrations of index of nutritional status and that these only vary
elephants of different sexes. The same thing was when there is an enormous decrease in the crude
observed by Medway et al. (1982) when the possible protein concentraton in the diet and also when this
protein variations in the blood of marine manatees situation is prolonged for a long period. These results
was studied. differ from those encountered in this study in that the
The results of the bromatological analyses carried total protein and albumin concentrations (Table 3)
out on the plants given to the animals during the showed a significant decrease (P < 0.05) when water
study are shown in Table 2. The percentages of ashes hyacinth was added to the animals’ diet for a short
and humidity in the water hyacinth were greater than period (28 days). This indicates that these substances
in the para grass, while the percentage of fat was may be a good index of nutritional status for the
lower. The percentages of the crude proteins and Amazonian manatee.
carbohydrates were similar between the two plants. The total lipid concentration was also significantly
In Table 3 it can be seen that the introduction of lower (P < 0.05) when water hyacinth was added
water hyacinth to the animals’ diet significantly re- to the manatees’ diet (Table 3). This decrease may
duced the total lipid, total protein and albumin be due to the lower fat content consumed by the
concentrations (P < 0.05). However, the glucose, animals, since water hyacinth contains half the
urea and globulin concentrations did not show any amount of fat compared to para grass (Table 2). Also,
significant difference (P > 0.05). the percentage of humidity in water hyacinth is much

Table 3. Comparative analyses (Student’s t-test) of the blood parameters between the
different diets
Blood Diet 1 Diet 2
parameters X S N X S N Sig
Glucose (mg/dl) 38.25 8.54 9 39.77 5.48 9 ns
Total lipids (mg/dl) 721.71 109.6 9 590.93 89.1 9 *
Urea (mg/dl) 24.11 6.24 9 23.37 2.41 9 ns
Total proteins (g/dl) 6.40 0.30 9 6.02 0.29 9 *
Albumin (gjdl) 3.46 0.21 9 2.86 0.17 9 *
Globulins (a/dlj 2.94 0.40 9 3.20 0.39 9 ns
ns, Not significant; Diet I, para grass; Diet 2, para grass + water hyacinth; X, mean; S,
standard deviation; N, number of animals; Sig, level of significance.
*Significant at P < 0.05.
Blood parameters of th e Amazonian manatee 415

greater (89%) than in para grass (67.5%), thereby Gallivan G. J. and Best R. C. (1986) The influence of feeding
decreasing even more the quantity of fats consumed. and fasting on the metabolic rate and ventilation of the
The same was observed by Colares, Gonqalves- Amazonian manatee (Trichechus inunguis). Physiol. Zooi.
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Colares and Amaral (in preparation) who found
Gon9alvesColares I. G. (1991) Hdbitos alimentares do
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showed that when the consumption of fat of the hornia crassipes) most Troublesome Weed of the World.
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for donating the lab kits used in this study; Dr Adalberto Howard-Williams C. and Junk W. J. (1977) The chemical
Val and MSc Mtrcia Cristina Caraciolo who loaded the composition of central Amazonian aquatic macrophytes
with special reference to their role in the ecosystem. Arch.
equipment necessary and the help of the veterinarian
Hydrobiol. 79, 446464.
Francisco Colares and all the employees of the Aquatic
Mammals Laboratory. The study was financed by the I.B.G.E. (1981) Tabelasde Composgiio de Alimentos. Estudo
National de Despesa Familiar. Vol. 3. Rio de Janeiro.
Instituto National de Pesquisas de Amazonia.
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