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 Basic  Intermediate  Advanced

Lesson Plan
Business/Materials Lesson Objectives

This lesson intends to practise Ss' listening skills - both

6b music soundtrack- road trip listening for gist and listening for specific information in the
context of love songs. *** The lead-in will use a
6b music soundtrack- road trip visualisation approach to set the context, engage Ss in
lesson and encourage them to use their imagination in
6b worksheet 1 - storyboard
preparation for the activities to follow. *** Ss will be
introduced to key vocabulary to help their understanding
6b worksheet 1 - storyboard of the text through flashcards and mime *** In stage 2 of
6b worksheet 2- lyrics and fill in the lesson Ss will work in pairs, practise reading for gist
the gaps and semi-controlled speaking – organising a picture
storyboard to predict the story behind the song lyrics.*** In
6b worksheet 2- lyrics and fill in stage 3, Ss will listen to a recording of the song to check
the gaps their predictions (listening for gist). They will discuss their
6b audio recording answers to exercise 2 in pairs and T will monitor – they
can listen again if necessary. T puts an answer key on the
6b audio recording WB. *** Ss will then listen for specific information
(intensive listening), with a 'fill in the gaps' exercise. Ss
6b flashcards
check answers in pairs, T monitors, and puts answer key
on WB. *** The lesson will follow up with GW discussion
6b flashcards about the characters in the song and opinions about
6b music soundtrack- road trip 'breaking up'. T will provide prompting questions on the
WB. This semi-controlled speaking activity will give Ss the
opportunity to share opinions and communicate with peers
in L2'; practising speaking for fluency. T monitors. The
lesson could lead on to a follow-up lesson where Ss
produce their own 'break-up' letter.

Warm-up and Objective Discussion

To set the context of the lesson and immediately engage students in the topic (car jorneys) through
visualisation and semi-controlled WG story-telling
1) *Project an 'open road' scene onto the WB and play background 60's driving music to make the activity
sensory. * Ask Ss to imagine the scene... they are on a car trip. They feel free (Ss know this word in
previous lesson). The roof is down. They can feel the wind in their hair. What can they smell? What can
they see? Where are they going? (allow Ss to imagine ). Who is with you? * you turn on the radio - what
music can you hear? Is it a love song? * You see a 'welcoming light' (gesture flashing light)... what is it?
You are tired. You need somewhere to sleep (elicit hotel)... should you pull in? (gesture). (yes). * Do you
like the music? Do you feel free? * Switch off music - and slowly back to the classroom! CCQs for
understanding and for vocab. Were you taking a journey on the train or in a car? (car) You were tired, did
you carry on driving? (no I pulled-in for a rest) How did you know there was a hotel there? (I saw a
welcoming light) Did you hear music? (yes). 2) * Ask Ss what kind of music they think was playing on the
radio . Could it be a love song? * Ask Ss what love songs they know/ like? Do they know any Turkish ones?
Are they happy love songs or sad love songs? (Mime happy sad). Key words: Pull in / welcoming light/ T
elicit, check, write on board.
Instruct and Model  R  W  L  S

Practising reading for gist and prediction skills (5-7 minutes) • To practise prediction skills by putting
pictures from a story in order of events and discussing a possible plot. Ss will be reading for gist
1) * Demonstrate activity to WG using the worksheet. Project onto WB. Tell Ss the pictures tell a love
story, that is the lyrics to a popular love song and that they will try to imagine what the story is by putting
the pictures in order. * WG discuss what is happening in picture a. 2)* Ss work in pairs to predict a story
from the pictures; discussing what they think is happening in each picture and in what order the story should
go. Ss have 4 mins to do this. * ICQ "are we working individually or in pairs?" (pairs) " Are we going to
guess the story? (yes) " We have 4 minutes. Are we going to be work fairly quickly or talk in detail? (fairly

Guided Practice  R  W  L  S

Listening activity 1 - listening for gist (6-8 minutes) • Ss to practise receptive skills - listening for gist.
Ss check their predictions.
1) * Demonstrate first activity with Ss using worksheet on the WB . Ss read the lyrics to the song and listen
to the audio recording to self-check their own predicted version of the story. Briefly say who Gene Pitney is
and where Tulsa is in America. 2) * Ss have 2 mins to read lyrics and will then listen to the audio once. 3) *
Ss check their answers in pairs - T monitors and Ss can listen again, if necessary. 4) * T ask Ss if they
predicted the story in the same order? (Yes/ No). Point Ss in the direction of the answer key on board A-F-
but don't discuss. NB; 'B' could come at the end of the story or the beginning. Ask class if anyone put it at
the beginning. Why? (flashback)

Independent Practice  R  W  L  S

Listening activity 2 - listening for detail (7-9 minutes) • Ss to practise receptive skills: listening for
specific information and filling in the word gaps.
1) * Demonstrate second listening activity using worksheet on WB: filling in the gaps. 2) * Remind Ss of
key vocab on the board. 3) * Ss listen to a recording of the song and fill in the word gaps from the list
provided. (3 mins) 4) * Ss check their answers in pairs. T monitors. Ss listen again if necessary. 4)* T writes
answer key on WB Comprehension questions: "Who was in Tulsa?" (The man's girlfriend) "Did the man in
the story get to Tulsa?" (No) "Why did the man in the story decide not to got home to Tulsa?" (Because he
fell in love with another woman)
Assessment  R  W  L  S

Feedback - practising productive skills (8-10 minutes) • Ss to practise speaking for fluency
in a semi-controlled group environment
1) * Ask Ss how to discuss how they feel about the characters in the story, This is semi-controlled
discussion as Ss are guided by three prompting questions written on the board. a) What do you
think the man in the song? b) What do you think of the woman he met in the hotel? c) What do
you think is the cruellest way to break up with a partner?

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