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Shaft Capacity of Open-Ended Piles in Sand David John Paul Igoe’; Kenneth George Gavin?; and Brendan C. O'Kelly® ‘Abstract: This paper presents the results from an experimental investigation designed to examine the effect of soil-core development and cyclic loading on the shaft resistance developed by open-ended piles in sand. An instrumented open-ended model pile was installed either by driving or jacking into an artificially-created loose sand deposit in Blessington, Ireland. The tests provided continuous measure- iments of the soil-core development and the radial effective stresses during installation and subsequent load tests. The equalized radial effective stresses developed atthe pile-sol interface were seen to be dependent on the degre of soil displacement (plugging) experienced 0.6 mim). The water table was approximately 13 m BGL. Considering the high CPT g, values atthe ste, the instrumented model pile could not be installed in the naturally overconsolidated ground. To overcome this, a large 2.5-m-wide, 10-nlong, and 6-T-medeep trench was excavated at the site ‘The excavated material was backfilled into the tench maintaining minimum drop height of 1 m that resulted in the formation of a uniform deposit of loose sand, “Two weeks after the formation of the test bed, four CPTs were performed at 2 m spacings along the trench. Four addtional CPT {races were performed six months aftr the trench formation to as ‘836 temporal variations in the sand state, The average CPT @. and ‘de fiction (f,) profiles forall 8 CPTs are shown in Fig. 3 (solid line). The range of CPT values ae highlighted by the upper- and lower-bound profiles (dashed lines). The CPTS performed six ‘months after the formation of the trench had significantly higher 4. values near the ground surface (up to ~ 1.2 m depth) than those performed after 2 weeks. This was assumed to be attibutable to talficking of the area by both the CPT truck that performed the 100 0 Percentage passing (%) op 01 01 1 10 Sieve size (mm) Fig. 2. Paticle size dstibution analysis on Blessington sand pile experiments in this period and general quarry trafic. Below 1.2 m, the CPT 9. and side friction (f,) profiles were consistent at all locations in the tench. The 9. femained relatively steady at 08 to 1.0 MPa until the cone tip reached the base of the trench 6-7 mBGL, The pile tests were performed between 2 weeks and 66 months of the formation of the trench and were all performed from the base of 0.85 to 1.9-m-deep starter holes because this was the required clearance to position the instrumented piles beneath the CPT truck. Hence, al the pile tests were essentially performed in the zone unaffected by trafficking. Profiles ofthe small strain shear modulus, Go, determined by multichannel analysis of surface waves (MASW) are shown in Fig. 30). The Gp values in the trench increased from 20 MPa near the ground surface to ~35 MPa at depth. Although these Go values are approximately 25-35% of those measured in the natural dense sand, the CPT 4, values inthe trench are only 6-79 those recorded in the natural ground. Therefor, the excavate and replace process altered the ratio of Go/4. from 6 for the natural sand to ~35 for the trench, Mode! Piles Model open- and closed-ended piles were used in the tests de- seribed in this paper. The stainless stel open-ended pile had an ‘extemal diameter of 168 mm and a wall thickness () of 9 mm, siving a D/r ratio of 19 (which is within the D/ range of 15-45, ‘noted by Jardine and Chow 2007, typical for offshore piles). The lower instrumented section, 2m in length, was constructed by using the twin-walled technique in which two strain-gauged stel pipes ‘wit slighty different diameter ae joined (atthe top, thus allowing separate measurement ofthe intemal and external shaft resistance and the base load developed on the annulus of the pile toe itself ‘Three instrumented units, which housed the radial total stress sen sors and pore pressure transducers were located at h/D = 1.5,5.5, ‘and 10.5. Spacer sections machined from the same pipe that ‘were 1.0 m in length and of equal diameter could be used to allow pile installation to 6 m. The stress sensors were TML (Tokyo Sokki Kenkyujo Co.) PDA-500 kPa and had a rated capacity of ‘500 KPa, The same sensors were used to measure pore pressure response (located diametscally opposite the total stress sensor). ‘A porous ceramic disk was mounted flush with the outer pile surface in front ofeach of the pore pressure sensors. The location of the instrumentation, including the electrical resistance strain ‘gauges are shown in Fig 4 Fall details of the design, construction, land calibration of the model pile are contained in Igoe et al 20108) ‘The model closed-ended pile used in the field tests was a ‘Temm, stainless steel pile with radial total stress and pore-water pressure sensors at the same relative locations (h/D = 1.5, 5.5, ‘and 10.5) as the open-ended piles and a similar level of overall instrumentation, Ths instrumentation is described in detail by [zoe 2010). Test Program ‘The installation and load testing of three ples is described inthis paper. The piles were installed through initial bore holes (with the bore wall supported by PVC tubing), and penetration continued tuntl the piles approached the base of the trench (sce Fig. 5) ‘The fist test (CEI) involved jacking the open-ended model pile into the ground at arate of 20 mm/s and by using the CPT truck asa reaction. The pile was jacked from the botiom of a 1.9-m-deep starter hole toa final depth of 5.9 m BGL. The installation was ‘paused and the pile head completely unloaded after each 100 mm ‘of penetration to monitor the plug development and record the sta- tionary radial effective stresses under a fixed number of jacking JOURNAL OF GEOTECHNICAL AND GEOENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING © ASCE / OCTOBER 2011 / 905 CPT cone resistance, CPT sleeve friction, Incsitu shear stiffness, (MPa) (MPa) Gy (MPa) 0 2 4 6 & 10 0 0.2 006 006 008 01 0 10 2 30 40 50 ° 2 a3 £ Z¢ as . 7 ® @ © © Fig, 3. (2) CPT end bearing g.( Inner Tube Outer Tube I Pore Pressure sensor B Tot sess sensor 0 strain Gauge Fig. 4. UCD open-ended model pile instrumentation layout (after Igoe eta 20108) ‘eyeles. Some ofthe initial findings on the installation phase of pile ‘OEI were reported in Igoe etal. (2010a, b). The second test (02) involved driving the pile from a 1.5-m-deep starter hole to a depth ‘of 4.1 m, Driving was achieved by using a 25 kg hammer allowed to free-fall vertically through a drop-height of 0.5 m, The hammer ‘was machined from a solid 150-mem-diamete, mild steel shaft that, hada hole drilled through its center to accommodate an alignment ‘bar. The alignment bar was threaded into the pile ap, thus ensuring good contact between the hammer and pile during each blow. Driv= ing was paused after each 100-mam penetration to allow plug and ) CPT sleeve friction J; and (6) in-situ shear stifiness G, determined by MASW cE OF! Fz “Vg mn Fig, 5. Layout ofthe pile tests in the tench in Blessington stress measurements to be recorded. Following a sequence of load tests (described in Table 1), the pile was pushed a further 1.4 m imo the ground with the CPT truck with 50-mm jacking stokes, ‘The final est involved the installation of the 73-mm-diameter losed-ended model pile that was installed with the CPT truck in SOcmm jacking strokes. The pile was jacked from a 0.85-m-deep starting hole to a final depth of 3.55 m after which a series of cyclic load tests were conducted. Experimental Results Plug Development ‘The IFR profiles measured during installation of the two open- ended piles are shown in Fig. 6. Pile OE remained fully coring (ER = 100%) for only the frst 100-mm jacking stroke. Thereafter, the pile experienced significant plugging and became fully plugged (ER = 0%) after 11 jacking strokes corresponding oa pile embed ‘ment depth of 1.1 m, It remained fully plugged wnil the fi {906 JOURNAL OF GEOTECHNICAL AND GEOENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING © ASCE / OCTOBER 2011 Table 1 Installation and Loud Test Det from Blesingion Trench ‘Tet number Deseption Deals 1 ont Static tension load test 2 (08? deriving Sate compression test Celie stat 35 and 605 Sate compression test (OF? jacking Jacked instalation in 100 mm strokes Stic compression load test Driven instalation B84 blows Jacked instalation in 0 mu strokes Cyetic compression test at $0 Comments Staring depth = 1.9m, final depth = 5:9 m Staring depth = 1.5m, end of diving Staring depth = 4.15 m, depth fina depth = 5.55 m Continued jacking in 50 mm stokes Celie compression test at 359% Satie tension test Satc compression Chetic ust at 35 and 605 Jacked instalation in SO mm stokes test Staring depth = 0.85 m, end of driving = 35 m Incremental Filing Ratio, TER (%) 02 4 6 a 10 ‘Tip Depth, xm) 7 Fig, 6. IFR against pile we depth two jacking strokes, where the IFR value increased as the pile approached the bottom of the trench. Pile OE2 remained partly coring with IFR reducing to =45% as ‘twas driven over the depth range 1.5-4.1 m BGL. At this depth, a ‘number of load tests were performed (See Table 1) during which time the pile remained fully plugged. The pile was subsequently jacked to a final penetration depth of 5.55 m BGL and remained fully plugged throughout Radial Effective Stresses ‘The three model pile tests presented in this study were conducted, above the natural groundwater table, and hence, the pore-water pressures measured during testing were negligible. Because no radial stress changes were measured in the period between instal lation and load testing, the stationary radial effective stress, 0, values measured when the piles were unloaded were therefore equivalent tothe short- to medium-term equalized radial effective stresses (af, = 0). The values measured during installation of, all he piles are shown in Fig. 7, and the following tends are noteworthy 2° 'The of, values measured during installation ofthe closed-ended pile (Fig. 7a] demonstrate that at given /D level, the 0, ‘ofl were relatively uniform with dep, abet with a sight reduction evident between 22 and 28 m BGL. These profiles Closely mimored the CPT q, profiles measured in this deposit. ‘The effets of iction fatigue ae obvious where o, deceased fiom 22-30 KPa at h/D = 1.5 to just $-8 KPa at h/D = 105 + The combined effets of pile plugging and friction fatigue con the of, valves developed during the nsalltion of jacked open-ended pile OEI (Igoe et al, 2010b) are demonstated in Fig. 100), it which the of, values measured at h/D = 1.5, increased steady asthe sensor depth increased from 2-3 m BBGL atthe time when the pile moved from the fully coring ‘0 fully plugged mode of penetration. Both the measured, ‘ales andthe rate of increase in these values asthe pile became plugged were much lower at h/D = 5.5. + ‘Theetfect ofthe number of load cycles and pile plugging onthe af, values developed during the installation of an opewended Pile (OE2) are demonstrated in Fig. 1(). Dung diven instal Iain, in which the numberof load cycles, N, exceeded 100, the af values increased gradually with depth. Considering, Yalues recorded for pile toe depts of les than 3.25 m BGL (bere TFR values were greater than 75%), similar radial stes- ses were measured at all sensor levels. Below this pile penetra thon depth, the TFR values reduced (1 the range 45-68%) and the oy values near the pile Up (at h/D = 1.3) became higher than those measured elsewhere along the pile shaft. When the pile installation mode was changed to jacking at depths below 4.1m BGL and the pile became fully plugged (IFR = 0%), the sensor at h/D= 15 registred a significant increase in the Tmobilized of, values. In contas, neither of the other two sensors (at h/D~5.5 and 1055) registered increased radial Sess, wheres the sensor at 10-5D remained within the depth Tange where the pile had been driven and the TFR value ex- ceeded 45%, The sensor at h/D = 5.5 entered the depth range in which pile instalation tok place inthe flly plugged con- don, However, the performance ofa eyclic load test when the pile toe depth was a 4.95 m BGL (sensor at 4m BGL) meant {he sil layer in which the sensor was measuring had experi enced in exces of 100 load cycles. JOURNAL OF GEOTECHNICAL AND GEOENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING © ASCE / OCTOBER 2011 / 907 Stationary radia stress, Statlonary radial stress, Stationary radial stress, (kPa) (kPa) oy, (kPa) o m7 2 © 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 w 4 ° cE oxt oz 1 oe WD = 10.5 2 g wp-is q s \ End of Driving za £ 5 wo=ss 5 Tym 105 wD ° woes 7 @ @ © Fig. 7. Measured stationary rail efetive sess for (a) CE: () OB: ad () OF2 Discussion jacked pile when the IFR valve was high (FR > 50%). However, a mich lower og rio of ~0.005 was mobilized by this p Etfect of Plugging sven i became filly plogged “The field data suggest that of, values mobilized by openended piles depended onthe CPT g-resistance, te efecto ol plugging, H/D, and the number of load cycles experienced at the pile-soil interface. The effet of plugging i considered in Fig. 8by ploting the normalized radial effective stress of,/4. valves. measured ding installation against IFR. Considering the sensor measure- ments at #h/D= 15 [Fig. 8(2)} both piles mobilized similar increased minimum o',/a. value of ~0.003 when fully coring GFR = 100%), As IFR decreased, both piles exhibited approxi mately linear increases in 0/9, although the rate at which this increase occured. was significanly different forthe two piles considered. Pile OE!, which was installed by using 100 mm jck- ing stokes (causing tre load eyes for each installation jacking, stoke at h/D = 15), experienced a 1O-fld increase in o/e to 0003 as IFR decreased from 100% to 0. Further increases in the rao of,/a. of approximately 33% occured as the pile was jacked further in plugged mode (FR = 0). During driven in- stallation, pile OF2 experienced approximately 100 load cycles during very 100-mm penetration. The increase of o,/4- measured uring the den installation of pile OF2, sIFR reduced from 100 1 45%, was signiicanly smaller thn that measured on the jacked pile OE. After driving, pile OE2 was jacked by using S0-mm Strokes ffom 4.15-5.55 m BGL. The ple remained fully plugged (GER = 0) throughout this installation stage and the oq. #860 Ineeased with depth to a maximum value of 0033, ‘Considering the sensor measurements at h/D = 5.5 (Fg. 80) ‘both piles mobilized a similar minimum o/,/9. value of 0.003 ‘when flly coring (FR = 100%). The sensor on pile OEI, which ‘was jacked into place, experienced nine instalation load cycles, And ihe ratio o/,/q- increased linearly as IFR reduced, reaching. 4 value of 0.008 when the pile frst became plugged. This ratio, increased substantially to 0.015 asthe pile was jacked in the fully plugged condition. The sensor on pile OE2, which experienced ‘more than 100 load cycles, mobilized similar ¢, values to the Considering the sensor measurements at h/D = 10.5 (Fig. 8(0)), the sensor on pile OEI did not function during pile installation, and only data from the sensor on pile OE2 (that had experienced more than 100 installation load cycles) was available. The data show that a minimum o/,/ae value of 0.008 (comparable tothe mini- ‘mam recorded at all other sensor levels) was mobilized when IFR = 100%. Unlike the response noted at all other sensor levels, the ratio of,/q. did not appear to increase as the IFR value atthe sensor depth reduced to 55%, Effect of Number of Load Cycles ‘The pile installation mode (sumber of installation load cycles experienced) had a significant effect on the radial effective stress ‘developed. To investigate this effect further, the results of cyclic load tests performed on two piles; namely the closed-ended pile (CE1) ‘andthe open-ended pile (OE2) are compared inFig.9.Inal the tests, ‘one-way compression loading was applied withthe load varied from (0 to 50-60% of the static axial capacity of the pile ‘The eyelic load test on the closed-ended pile was performed at its Final installation depth of 3.55 m BGL. The installation method ‘of incremental jacking resulted inthe application ofa fixed number of installation load cycles atthe sensor levels h/D = 1.5, 55, and 1055. These are indicated by brackets in Fig. 9(a) in which (3) in- dicates that the sand at the sensor level h/D = 1.5 experienced three load cycles before the cyelic load test. A cyclic Toad test was performed on the open-ended pile atthe end of driving (when the pile tip was at 4.1 m BGL), during the subsequent jacked in- stallation stage (when the pile tip depth was at 4.95 m BGL), and again atthe end of installation (5.55 m BGL). The variable instal- lation method used for this pile meant tha the ground atthe level of the sensor at h/D of 1.5 experienced 100 installation load cycles before the cyclic tet at 4.1 m BGL and only five load cycles before the tests at 4.95 m and 5.55 m BGL, respectively. The IFR values {908 / JOURNAL OF GEOTECHNICAL AND GEOENVIRONNENTAL ENGINEERING © ASCE / OCTOBER 2011 0.95 ¢ BORO) ¥ om {2082 Driven 650) i BOE2 Jacked (N~S) = 003 ic 3 7 Endof =F atalion one 3 oO Big oo 2 ° © aos # 2081 =) Se 008 (© 0E2 Driven (N>100) i 202 eked (0100) 003 q 3 = ove i “ 2 00, z °@ paso ° @ 005 s 3082 Driven (>100) i oot E aos E om i: z AS ANY ° «0 6 0 1% Incremental Filing Ratio, FR © LPR against normalized stationary radial stress at (a) (©) h/D = $5; and (¢)h/D = 105 recorded when the pile toe pasted the various sensor levels is also indicated inthe figure Considering the response ofthe sensors nearest the ile te at ‘h/D = 13) in Fig. 90, it ler that before the performance of the yeild test cvs were highest onthe toils with the IFR values of 0%, and of these, 0, was highest on the pile that had experienced the alles nomber of instalation fad eycles, Daring the eyei Toad tet hit followed theo, values on these two ples dzcreased rapidly during the erly pst of the test to a into ‘le of 14-15 kPe after the application of between 10 and 40 loxd tyeles. In contrast, the much lower inal o, valve of 5 KPa teased by the sensor nearest the tov ofthe driven pile (hat had experienced approximately 100 load cycles daring installation) 25 Tenor e-ssie) b 003 ~e-omt=4im) g » CNesn praca i |omae i pesca i ig 15 0.018 i ¢ BE 1 oon Ee 2 E Bos Fey | ° ° @ 2s ons a ; e072 =5556) ; i 20 ears oon ¥ ze oow 3 a8 as fe oo Fe : : 5 3 coos § 0.03 —e e082 6e=s55m) || o 006 IER-80% © TFR-O% [* aa i 12 on 0018 ig BE wit cow Ee i i z 0 2) S100 [Number of eycles, N @ Fig. 9. Effect of cycling on stationary radial effective suesses at (@)h/D = 15; () h/D=55; and (©) h/D = 105, with an TFR value of 65% did not exhibit any change during the application of an additonal 100 load eyeles. Because of the performance of the intermediate cyclic load test ding the jacked installation phase of pile OE2 (sce Table 1), the ‘remaining sensors on the open-ended pile, although encountering a ‘ange of installation IFR values, all experienced in excess of 100 load cycles. The measurements made on the closed-ended rile ‘ean, however, provide an insight into the response of pile with TFR =O that has experienced a relatively small number of load cycles. Considering the data from the sensors at h/D = 5.5 in JOURNAL OF GEOTECHNICAL AND GEOENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING © ASCE / OCTOBER 2011 / 908 Fig. (0), despite having very diferent IFR values, the open-ended piles mobilized very similar test of, values of <4 KPa that ‘were unaffected by further load cycling. The inital of, of 16 KPa robiized ding installation of the closed-ended ple (tat expe- rienced eight installation load cycles) deereased rapidly during the eyelic load test, reaching a similar minimom value to the open-ended piles of 3-4 KPa after approximately 50 load cycles. This suggests that unlike the response measured at h/D = 1.5, at this level a minimum radial stess developed after eyele loading did not depend significantly on degree of soil plugging experienced during installation. “The sensors at h/D = 10.5 (Fig. 9()] show that after the appli ‘ation of approximately 40 load cycles, the minimum radial test robilized on ll piles was approximately equal t 3 kPa, suggesting thatthe posteyclic loading 0, value emote from the pile ip was independent of IF. “The combined effects of ple plugging, cylic loading, and h/D fn the ratio ay/a, is shown in Fig. 10, which summarizes the changes in ofy during cyclic load tests on pile CE! and OE2 (closed-ended and fully plugged, respectively, with IFR — 0%) and compares these with 0/4. values measured during installation ‘of OE2 when the pile was fly coring. The following behavior is observed: ‘+ Atallsensor locations, of, reduced to minimum values a the number of loading cycle experienced increased (with fewer than 50 load eyeles being suficint to effect this reduction. + Theminimum a, mobilized near the pile tip (at h/D = 1.5) was alfeced strongly by the IFR value, with much higher values developed by the flly plugged and closed-ended piles. + The effet of IFR reduced significantly as h/D increased, with the posteyeie loading minimum o,/q values developed by the fully plugged and closed-ended piles being only shy higher than the value measured onthe fully coring pile (FR = 100%) at h/D=55. At h/D= 105, the ofy/qe values on al piles ‘were equal, suggesting thatthe TFR value had no effect on the minimum o, value mobilized away from the pile tip ‘A now model (refered to as UCD-11) fr estimating the shat resistance of piles driven in sand can be suggested on the basis of trends observed from the Blessington pile tests. The local shat fection 1; is given by 1“ (0 66 a ‘Normalized distance from pile toe, /D 0) (1097 6) 0 oor one (008 ‘Normalized radial stres,o',/q.. Fig. 10. Combined etfect of eyeling, plugging, and h/D on ofy/de 15 = (che + At) tan, (128) ‘The radial effective stresses reduce from a maximum value at the pile toe (se Fig. 11, which is consoled by the a, value and the degree of plugging experienced during installation, as uantfied by the Ayr value fc = 910025 ~0.0025(h/D) Area > Semin (128) A linear reduction of radial effective stress occurs until the minimum radial effective stress, gins Which is unaffected by the degree of plugging, is developed Sry = Me (12) where \= scalar reduction factor that accounts for friction fatigue. Igoe (2010) investigated the effect of pile installation method on the radial effective stress developed by closed-ended piles installed in loose and very dense deposits of Blessington sand. Jacked in-place piles that experienced a small number of load cycles developed similar normalized radial effective stress profiles in both the loose and dense deposits. However, when a large number of loading cycles were applied, the minimum normalized radial stresses were ‘much lower in the loose sand deposit It was argued that because volume reductions atthe pile-soil interface control the reduction in radial effective stress during cyclic loading (see Randolph 2003), that ffietion fatigue effects should be dependent on the sand state with loose, compressible deposits exhibiting higher rates of friction fatigue in relation to the CPT q,. Because of the limited data avail- able, values of A = 0.003 (For loose sand) and 0.006 (for dense sand) are proposed (Igoe 2010), Higher values may be possible in very dense sand deposits. The proposed design line fora range of Acar values from 0:2-1.0 in dense sand are shown in Fig. 11 Application to Case Histories ‘The ability ofthe new design approach to predict the shat resis- tance of large-scale instrumented piles installed in dense sand is ‘compared with predictions made with both UWA-05 and ICP.0S inthis section, Brucy et al. (1991) report load tests performed 20 i woo —UWADS Normalized distance from ple tip, h/D 08 SN 001 002 003 [Normalized radial stress, ye 02, 04 06 oe Fig. 11. New UCD-11 design approach compared with UWA-OS design method fora pile in dense sand ‘910/ JOURNAL OF GEOTECHNICAL AND GEOENVIRONNENTAL ENGINEERING © ASCE / OCTOBER 2011 CPT cone resistance, Incremental Filling Ratio, (MPa) TER (%) Ce ee ee ° 2 Pigeon River Dunk 4 J 6 ze . Duhiek 10 2 4 @ » Fig. 12. (a) CPT ga; and (b) IFR profiles from two case histories ‘on a324-mm-diameter, 11-m-long, open-ended steel ple (pile CL) ‘driven in dense sand at Dunkirk, northern France. The pile was instrumented with strain gauges at a number of levels, and Chow (1997) reported local shear stress distributions that were corrected for the effects of residual loads. Paik et al. (2003) describe load tests performed on a 356-mm-diameter, instrumented twin-walled pile (OEP) and a closed-ended pile of the same diameter (CEP), which were driven approximately 7 m through loose sand into a dense sand deposit at Pigeon River, Indiana. The CPT 4. profiles and TER values measured at both sites are shown in Fig. 12. Estimates of ry determined by using the tree design approaches are shown in Fig. 13. Bq. (4) was used to provide estimates of di- lation for the UCD-11 method and interface friction angles of 27° (Chow 1997) and 22.2° (Paik and Salgado 2003) were used for Dunkirk and Pigeon River, respectively. Fig. 12. demonstrates the following: +All methods provide reasonably good overall estimates of the total shaft resistance developed by the open-ended pile at Dunkirk with the ratio of predicted to measured resistance at {99% for ICP-0S, 116% for UWA-0S, and 102% for UCD-11 However, both the ICP-05 and UWA-05 methods tended to loverpredict 1 near the pile base and underestimated the resistance near ground level. The new method provided better predictions of the distribution ofthe shaft stress. ‘+ Both the ICP-05 and UWA-05 methods significantly overpre- dicted the shaft resistance developed by the open-ended pile Shaft stress (kPa) hat stress, x4) Shaft sre, (KP) © 8 100 180 200 250 0 50 100 180 200 280 0 50 100 180 200 260 ° 2 Dunkiic= cL Pig. R.- OEP Pig. R.-CEP 2 =o] og =o oa eters ae teres —etcros owns waa Se owass 4 ens | 4 == = = = ie gs é Z ° . 10 a> 7 : 2 2 @ ® @ Fig. 13. Unit shaft friction profiles for (a) Dunkitk CL pile: (b) Pigeon River open-ended pile; and (c) Pigeon River closed-ended pile \JOURINAL OF GEOTECHNICAL AND GEOENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING © ASCE / OCTOBER 2011 / 911 installed at Pigeon River, withthe two methods predicting 216 and 241% of the measured capacity, respectively. The predicted shear stress profiles clearly overestimated the 7) values mobi- lized near the base ofthis ple, which had high TFR throughout instalation, The UCD-11 approach gave a much better overall prediction of the shaft resistance (with a ratio of predicted to ‘measured shaft resistance of 134%) and again provided a good prediction ofthe distribution of the shaft stress, This particular ‘case highlights the differences between the UCD-11 and the two other methods. The majority of the shaft resistance developed by this pile was mobilized within 10 diameters of the pile base. In contrast to the ICP-05 and UWA-05 design methods, UCD-11 suggests that ples which experience high IFR values during installation will not generate very large shear stresses near the pile tp ‘+ All methods provided relatively good predictions of the overall, shaft resistance (with prediction to measured ratios of 117% for ICP-05, 141% for UWA-05, and 113% for UCD-11, respee- tively) and distribution of shear stress along the closed-ended Pile installed at Pigeon River, Conclusions ‘Tests conducted with the UCD instrumented open-ended model pile have provided reliable measurements of the radial effective stresses developed by piles installed in sand. The fully equalized radial effective stress ofe acting on the external shaft of an ‘open-ended pile was shown to depend on the number of load, cycles, W, experienced by the soil horizon, the normalized distance from the pie tip, h/D, and the degre of plugging experienced do ing installation defined by using the IFR or A,r values. Approx- imately 50 loading eycles were sufficient to mobilize a minimum radial effective stress atthe pile-soil interface. This minimum value was controlled by the CPT q, value, h/D, andthe degree of plug- ‘ging experienced durin installation only in zone within $-8 pile

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