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This document is solely prepared to understand the configuration setup of contact
center Lab V11.0 and the parameters associated with it. This minimalistic document
gives an insight of verifying crucial part of Contact Center Lab procedures .

This document entails specifics such as hardware/software requirements, window’s

configuration, installation setup for each component and minimalistic configuration to
integrate ICM components.

This document does not provide detailed explanation of a feature, configuration or

related parameter.

Network Diagram:

Fig 1 : Components of Contact Center Lab

IPCC Lab Details:
This lab is based on duplex installation of components. Side A and B are mandatory for Router,
Logger and PG and Agent’s CUCM (PUB and SUB). (Side B of AW, Finesse, CUIC and CVP are
optional. You can install side B for these components once your lab is fully functional and
compressive call works.)

Phone registered to CUCM (PSTN) is acting as PSTN phone

SIP trunk between CUCM—Ingress gateway
Single router for Ingress and VXML gateway
SIP trunk between Ingress/VXML Gateway – CVP
Agent Phones (Agent 1 and Agent 2 ) are registered to CUCM (Agent’s CUCM)
SIP trunk between CVP-CUCM
( PSTN phone and Agent Phone can be on a single CUCM Cluster )

The Engineer must have basic pre requisite of UCCE technology and its components.

Software and hardware requirement:

1.Number of VMs needed to setup a lab
• Total number of VM = 12 (Not counting VM for optional component )
• Hardware requirement for each VM = 80 GB / 6GB RAM (Window and Linux box)
• VM are needed for below components:
• PG Side A and Side B ( this PG will host Agent and VRU PIM. CTI will be installed on
same server
• Router + Logger Side A and Side B ( Router/Logger will be installed on a single server)
• AW Side A and Side B ( ( Side B is optional)
• Finesse Side A and Side B ( ( Side B is optional)
• CUIC Side A and Side B ( Side B optional )
• CVP CALL SERVER + VXML Side A + Side B ( Side B is optional)
• CVP Reporting server (optional )
2. Number of Subnets:

• Two Subnets are needed i.e. For Public and Private

• One subnet is sufficient to build a lab i.e. Same subnet can used for public and

• private.

• List all Public/Private IP which is going to be assigned to machine.

• Only Rogger (Router/Logger in same box) A/B and PG A/B needs to be in two subnet
i.e. Public and Private so two IPs are needed from each subnet.

3. Patch specific to Window to prevent Wannacry Ransomware attack

• Windows8.1-kb4012213-x64_5b24b9ca5a123a844ed793e0f2be974148520349.msu

• Windows8.1-kb4012216-x64_cd5e0a62e602176f0078778548796e2d47cfa15b.msu

If upgrading to 11.5 then below patch must be installed before upgrade

• Windows8.1-KB2919442-x64.msu

• Windows8.1-KB2919355-x64.msu

4. Software Version for OS ICM Components:

• Window OS : 2012R2 Standard

• SQL version : SQL server 2014
• CUCM version
• Window OS : 2012R2 Standard
• ICM version : 11.0
• Finesse Version :
• CUIC version 11.0.1
• CVP version 11.0(1)

5. Window & SQL installer Key

Ø Procedure to obtain window key is mentioned in below url
Microsoft Lab Licensing via Visual Studio with MSDN:
Ø SQL Key - This comes along with installer file.
6. Activate window server

On CVP call/VXML server , window should be activated otherwise process IIS will not be
running which is need for CVP server.

Attaching the document which has procedure to activate the window.

7. Router

At least one router. This will be used for Ingress/VXML gateway

8. NTP Server

NTP server is required by CUCM PUB node.

9. License

License for CUIC and CVP call server/VXML

10. Browser : Firefox.

Procedure to install Window:
There are two methods through which window can be installed while building components
you can refer this section

Method 1 : Through CALO—VM Setting

If you are using CALO to build a VM then please make sure that below are selected

• . DISK driver – LSI Logic SA

• Memory
• Database size
• Two NIC to have two subnet (this is required only for Router/Logger , PG. Both side )
• ISO location

Fig : Snapshot of Calo VM setting attributes

Method 2 : Through Calo-Template

Window server can be created using Template.

Below link has procedure :

Tool ‘SYSPREP’ must be run after building a window server using template. Below link
has details about it :

While installing window , following input is needed

Ø Enter Key
Ø Server type : standard server with GUI
Ø Select drive ( Disk might not be seen if Disk driver is not set to 'LSI Logic SA’ in VM’s setting

Following Link describes the windows installation procedure :
Window’s setting

• Below setting must be done on Window server after installation

• To disable IPv6 , follow the below procedure

o From the registry key :

ters\ , create the new Dword Disabled Components with a value of fffffff.

Ø Rename the two interface as public and private. Both should belong to respective
Ø At public/private interface’s properties,

Ø Uncheck the Internet Protocol version 6

Ø Click the tab ‘properties’ and Assign IP , Subnet , default gateway and DNS.

**** Below two steps are not needed for private’s interface

Ø Click ‘Advanced’ and move to Tab ‘DNS’. Here Make sure that check box for “Append
Parent suffixes….” and “Register this connection’s address in DNS are enabled.

Ø Mention your domain name (AD/DNS server must be running) under

parameter parameter ‘DNS Suffix for this connection’
Ø Go back to interface’s properties, click ‘configure’ and click tab ‘Advanced’.
For below Property :
• Ipv4 Checksum Offload
• TCP Checksum Offload
• UDP Checksum Offload
Value : should be set to ‘disabled’.
Ø Change the order of public and private interface. Public should be on top in order .
o To do this go to Control Panel—> Network and Internet —> Network
Connection. Hit ‘Alt’
o Then select option ‘Advance Setting’ under tab ‘Advanced’
o Make public on top and then private.

Ø Change the computer name to some descriptive name and Add this server domain server
Ø Install the SNMP and .NET from window installer

o Procedure :
o Open Server Manager – Click ‘Add roles and feature’. Go to Server roles
o Select .NET Framework 3.5 Feature , 4.5 Feature SNMP Service – SNMP WMI

At next page , click ’Specify an alternate source path’ .

Here path of window installer needs to be mentioned. Path is C:\sources\sxs\

****Follow the same procedure to install service ‘IIS’ on CVP call server and AD/DNS service
on DNS server

Ø Install all four window’s specific patch (Mentioned in section software and hardware
requirement )

Ø Install Firefox

Ø Disable the firewall

Ø Enable remote desktop

**** Please review the config and take the snapshot. If something goes wrong with SQL and
ICM Installation ,then you can revert it back.

**** above setting is not applicable on AD/DNS server.

SQL Installation and configuration
SQL is needed on Logger side A/B and AW Side A/B.
This should be installed before installing ICM setup on above server. Make sure you have
logged into Window through domain account otherwise ICM setup will fail

Procedure to install:
Below doc has procedure

Look for section 'Install Microsoft SQL Server’ (Page 21- 24)

SQL configuration:

Once SQL is installed , it must be configured through SQL Server Configuration Manager

Open this tool and configure as follows:

Expand both, SQL native Client 11.0 Configuration (32) and SQL Native Client 11.0
Configuration, under Client protocols check the order

o The order should be: Shared Memory, Name Pipe, TCP/IP

o Change the order, right click on the protocol Named pipes, and move it to the
top of TCP IP
o Now we need to enable Name Pipe protocol under SQL Server Network
Configuration. Under protocol for MSSQLSERVER, Right Click on Named pipes
and then enabled it
Order of installation:

Components should be installed in below order:

AD/DNS - Logger A- Logger B - Router A - Router B - AW side A – PG Side A (VRU/CUCM PIM

)- PG side B (VRU/CUCM PIM)- JTAPI and CTI server on PG side A and side B - CVP Side A

1. AD/ DNS server installation

Ø Build Widow 2012 R2 server.
Ø Please assign , IP , Subnet , default gateway and change the host name
Ø Install AD/DNS service through Server role page. Please refer Section 'DNS
Configuration’ (page 6) of attached document ’Student-guide' to configure

2. Logger A and Logger B : Installation and configuration

Build window machine . Procedure and respective setting is mentioned in

Ø Logging though domain account

Ø Install SQL Server
Ø Procedure and respective setting is mentioned in section.
Ø Run ICM setup
2.1Facility and Instance through Domain Manager Tool

After ICM Installation , Run the Domain Manager from the installation page or
from the UCCE tools installed on the desktop.

Ø Once it is opened , under your domain

Ø Add Cisco Root ( 'Cisco_ICM' added automatically)
Ø Add Facility (ex: Facility-Kumar)
Ø Add Instance (Instance-Kumar)
Ø Make sure that user ‘Administrator’ is member of ‘config/setup’ for Cisco Root ,
Facility and Instance

****This is done only once i.e. Just on 1st server. On other server i.e on .
Logger B , ROUTER A/B , PG A/B and AW value will be updated automatically.

Ø Screen shot of this tool with values updated

2.2 Building DB through tool ICMDBA

Ø Run tool ‘Unified CCE Web setup’ from folder Desktop/Unified CCE Web setup.
Ø Logging through domain account
Ø Under Instance Management , click add and select Facility and instance. Enter ‘0’
for instance number and save it.

****above steps must be performed on Logger B , Router A/B , PG A/B and AW.

Ø Next we are going to build Logger database using tool ‘ICMDBA’. Run this tool
from folder Desktop/CCE tools.
Ø Once it opened , Selected your instance under server
Ø From top bar menu , select Database—Create—Select Logger A. (while building
logger B and AW , Select Logger B and AW respectively )
Ø Further, click OK on configuration page and then select ‘Enterprise’ for
Logger type
Ø On ‘create Database’ , click ‘ADD’. Add device for both type DATA and LOG with
default size
Ø Finally click ‘Create’ on Create Database page.
**** run tool ICMDBA to build database for Logger B and AW on their respective

2.3 Configuration of logger through ‘Unified CCE Web setup’

Next Logger will be configured using tool ‘Unified CCE Web setup’. Run this tool
from folder Desktop/Unified CCE Web setup.

Ø Logging through domain account

Ø Next under Component Management - > Logger , click add to add logger A. Use
below parameter at respective place

Ø Deployment type : Enterprise

Ø Side A : A ****On logger B Machine, this must be ‘B'
Ø Fault Tolerance Mode : Duplex
Ø Private Interface IP of Router A and Router B
Ø Private Interface IP of Logger A and Logger B
Ø Enable Historical/Detail Data Replication

**** build window machine for logger B and follow above procedure. Few setting
will be specific to Side B as mentioned above.
3.Router A and Router B: Installation and configuration
****Router A and Router B will be configured on Logger A and Logger B server
**** ICM has been installed already. Only configuration with respect to Router
needs to be done.

3.1 Configuration of Router through ‘Unified CCE Web setup’

Next Router will be configured using tool ‘Unified CCE Web setup’. Run this tool
from folder Desktop/Unified CCE Web setup.

Ø Logging through domain account.

Ø Click ‘Router’ from menu. Use below parameter at respective place
Ø Side A : A ****On Router B , this must be ‘B'
Ø Fault Tolerance Mode : Duplex
Ø Router Connectivity: Enter Private and Public IP of Router A and Router B at
respective please.

**** Normal and High Priority IP address is same IP address

Ø Enable Peripheral gateways : 1-2

**** Don’t give any random number or range. Router failover depends on
Active PG connection.

**** Configure Router B on Logger B machine. Procedure will remain same. Few
setting will be specific to Side B as mentioned above.

Open the tool Service Control from folder Desktop/Unified CCE tools
Make sure that Router A and Logger A service is running. You can start/stop these
service from here. This should be checked on Side B as well (Router B /Logger B)

3.4 Status check through tool ‘Diagnostic Framework Portico’

Before we proceed further, Router A/B and Logger A/B should be running fine and
status must look good.
To check the status, open the tool ‘Diagnostic Framework Portico’ .Run this tool
from folder Desktop/Unified CCE Web setup.
Ø Go to Service —> List process
Ø Under ‘’Router A “
Ø MDS process should be like below

mdsproc.exe : ins11-RouterA mdsproc - (InSvc Pr-Enb Clk) :

On Router B , it should be like
mdsproc.exe : ins11-RouterA mdsproc - (InSvc Pr-Dsb Clk) :

4.0 AW: Installation and configuration

Build window machine .Procedure and respective setting is mentioned above.

Ø Logging though domain account

Ø Install SQL Server
Ø Procedure and respective setting is mentioned in section.
Ø Run ICM setup
4.1 Facility and Instance through Domain Manager Tool

After ICM Installation , Run the Domain Manager from the installation page or from
the UCCE tools installed on the desktop.

Ø Make sure that Facility and Instance are populated.

Ø Building DB through tool ICMDBA
Ø Procedure is mentioned in section logger B

4.2 Configuration of AW through ‘Unified CCE Web setup’

Next AW will be configured using tool ‘Unified CCE Web setup’. Run this tool from
folder Desktop/Unified CCE Web setup.

Ø Logging through domain account

Ø Under Instance Management , click add and select Facility and instance. Enter ‘0’
for instance number and save it.

Next under Component Management - > Administration & Data Servers , click add to
add AW. Use below parameter at respective place

Ø Deployment Type : Enterprise

Ø Deployment Size : Small to Medium
Ø Server Role in a Small to Medium Deployment : Administration Server, Real-time
and Historical Data Server, and Detail Data Server (AW-HDS-DDS)
Ø Primary Administration & Data Server :
Ø Secondary Administration & Data Server : AW Hostname
Ø Primary/Secondary Pair (Site) Name : Site A

**** AW does not have sides. However we can have two sites and each site can
have Primary/Secondary server.
**** AW servers at each site are independent to each other.

4.3 Configuration through ‘Configuration Manager Tool’

Before we install PG at both side , PG specific config must be done through config
manager tool.
**** while opening this tool , if you see any error like below then you need to check
config of Router/Logger and AW.

Open this tool from Desktop/ Cisco Unified CCE tools/Administrator tool.
Below configuration needs to be done.

Ø Network VRU

Explorer Tool – Network VRU explorer

Add Network VRU : ‘CVPNTVRU’ , TYPE 10

Ø System Information

Miscellaneous Tools —System Information

Check on Expanded Call context Enabled

On Default Network VRU, Select ‘CVPNTVRU’

Min Correlation ID:10 Maximum: 99
Ø Expanded call Variables List

List Tools- Expanded call Variables List, and create Variables. Attaching the file
‘CVP-Variables’ which has list of variables that must be created.

4.4 Peripheral gateway, VRU (CVP ) PIM And Agent (CUCM)PIM configuration
through “Configuration Manager tool”

4.4.1 Peripheral gateway

Ø Explorer tool — PG Explorer

Ø Click ADD PG :
Ø Below are mandatory parameter
Ø Name : (Ex : PG1_CVP+CUCM) ****in this lab , there will be on PG with both
sides. Both VRU and Agent PIM will be installed on this.
Ø Client type : Generic ****this PG is not specific to one Peripheral (VRU or Agent).
It has more than one type PIM so this PG will be ‘Generic’
Ø Primary CTI Address : ****Primary and Secondary CTI server will be installed on
PG Side A and Side B so assign ip address of PG
Ø Secondary CTI Address :
**** Note down Logical controller and Physical controller ID. These values are
needed while installing PG

4.4.2 Agent (CUCM)PIM

Before adding Agent PIM , Create ‘Agent Desk Setting ‘

Ø Go To List tools — Agent Desk Setting List . Below value is needed

Ø Name: (ex CUCM_ADSL)
Ø Enable Cisco Unified Mobile Agent : Enabled
Ø Mobile Agent mode ‘Agent chooses’
Open Explorer tool — PG Explorer

Ø Select PG that you create and click ‘Add Peripheral’ :

**** Note down Peripheral ID . This Value is needed while installing PG

Enter below values under tab ‘Peripheral'

Ø Name: (ex PGI_CUCM_PIM)

Ø Peripheral Name : ex PGI_CUCM_PIM)
Ø Client Type : CUCM
Ø Default desk setting : CUCM_ADSL // this was created earlier
Ø Enable Post Routing : Enable
Ø Enter below values under tab ‘Routing Client’
Ø Default Media Routing domain: Cisco_Voice
Ø Dailed Number/Label map : Do not use DN/Lable map
Ø Client type : IPCC/ Enterprise Agent

Enter below values under tab ‘Agent Distribution’

Ø Enable agent Reporting : Enabled

Ø For ‘Agent distribution entries’
Ø Click New and add Site **** Site was added in AW through web setup

4.4.3 VRU (CVP ) PIM

Select PG that you create and click ‘Add Peripheral’ :
**** Note down Peripheral ID . This value is needed while installing PG

Enter below values under tab ‘Peripheral'

Ø Name: (ex PGI_CVP_PIM)

Ø Peripheral Name : ex PGI_CVP_PIM)
Ø Client Type : VRU
Ø Enable Post Routing : Enable

Enter below values under tab ‘Routing Client’

Ø Default Media Routing domain: Cisco_Voice
Ø Client type : VRU
Ø Enter below values under tab ‘Advanced’
Ø Network VRU : CVPNTVRU’ ****This was create earlier
5: PG1 A/B , VRU and CUCM PIM: Installation and

**** PIMs for VRU and CUCM will be installed on same PG.

5.1Peripheral Gateway

Ø Build window machine .Procedure and respective setting are mentioned above.
Ø Logging though domain account
Ø Run ICM setup
Ø Once it is installed , open a from Peripheral Gateway Setup from folder
Desktop/ Cisco Unified CCE Tools
Ø You will see below window
Ø ICM Instance , click add and and select Facility , instance name and number

Ø Instance Components : click ADD and select ‘Peripheral Gateway’

Ø On Peripheral Gateway Properties :
Ø Enable all check box under Node Manager Properties i.e. Production mode , Auto
Start at system startup, Duplexed Peripheral Gateway
Ø PG Node Properties : PG 1
Ø Select Side A

**** For side side PG , select PG1 and Side B

Ø From the Client Type Selection , select CUCM and VRU

Ø On next page i.e. Peripheral gateway Components Properties
Ø Logical Controller ID : ****Refer AW – Config Manager tool section
**** On same page , PIM for VRU and CUCM will be added

5.2 Agent (CUCM) PIM

Ø Peripheral Interface Managers , click ADD

Ø On Add PIM page , select client type CUCM and PIM 2 (you can select PIM 1 as
well ) from Available PIMS .click Ok
Ø On CUCM Configuration page
Ø Select the enable
Ø Enter Peripheral name (ex: CUCM-PUB) **** this PIM is for CUCM – PUB . On
Side B , PIM will be for CUCM-SUB
Ø Peripheral ID **** Refer AW – Config Manager tool section
Ø Agent Extension length : 4 **** if Agent’s extension is like 5XXXX then this value
will be 5
Ø For CUCM Service Parameter
Ø Service : IP address of CUCM PUB // for PG side B , this will be CUCM-Sub IP
Ø Enter User ID and Password **** This is application user of CUCM. Agent Phone
will be associated with this user
Ø Mobile Agent Codec : G711u
5.3 VRU (CVP ) PIM

Ø Peripheral Interface Manager , click ADD

Ø On Add PIM page , select client type VRU and PIM 1 for Available PIMS .click Ok
Ø On VRU Configuration page
Ø Select the enable
Ø Enter Peripheral name (ex: CVP-CALL-VXML)
Ø Peripheral ID ****Refer AW – Config Manager tool section
Ø VRU host name : CVP-CALL-VXML server IP
Ø VRU Connection port : 5000

Ø Click next. On Device Management Protocols Properties

Ø Select ’No side Preference’
Ø On Peripheral Gateway Network interface page ,
Ø Enter Private and Public IP address of PGA/B and Router A/B
Ø *** Private B and Private B high are same IP address. Same is applicable for
Public interface

**** once PG1 side A is completed, please install the PG1 side B , CVP and Agent
PIM on side B

Once above is completed then check the status of PG , CVP and Agent PIM
Open the tool Diagnostic portico---Service---ListProcess

As you can see for process pgagent , it has active connection with Router A and Idle
connection with router B. It could be vice versa.

*****For Pim 1 which is CVP (VRU) PIM and Pim 2 which is CUCM (Agent) , status is
active. Check the status of these PIMs after installing CVP and CUCM. I had built my
lab before writing this doc. That’s why you see PIMs are active.

On PG1 Side B , status should be ‘Not active’ for pgagent ,IDLE for PIMs as seen

**** when both Router is up, PIM can get registered to any of the router so you
might see active PIM on side B but PG Side A is active ie taking to router.
6.0 CTI Server side A and Side B

Ø CTI server side A/side B will be installed on PG side A and PG Side B respectively
Ø open a from Peripheral Gateway Setup from folder Desktop/ Cisco Unified CCE
Ø For Instance Components : click ADD and select ‘CTI server’.

Ø On CTI Server Properties

Ø Enable check box under Node Manager Properties i.e. Production mode , Auto
start at system startup , duplexed CTI server
Ø Under CG node properties
Ø ID: CG 1
Ø ICM System ID : 1
**** on CTI Server side B , chose SIDE B

Ø On next page , for Client connection Port Number 42027

**** on CTI Side B , set it to 43027

Ø On next page , enter PG Public , CG Public (PG Public) and CG Private (PG Private)
Ø CTI server should be active on side A . Check the status through diagnostic portico

7.0 JTAPI Client on PG side A and Side B

**** This step you should do it after building CUCM’s cluster

Down JTAPI 32 bit for window machine from CUCM to PG Side and Side B and install
For TFTP Server IP address, enter the CUCM IP address.

JTAPI should be active on PG where CUCM (Agent) PIM is active . Check the status
through diagnostic portico

8.0 CUCM PUB and SUB

Ø Install PUB and SUB.

Ø Both server must be member of domain
Ø It should reside in public subnet

Ø Create a application username and password

**** use the same username/password which you have provided while
Installing Agent PIM on PG server.

Application user must have below

Group :
Standard CTI Allow call monitoring
Standard CTI Allow Call park Monitoring
Standard CTI Allow Call Recording
Standard CTI Allow Control of Phones supporting Connected Xfer n conf
Standard CTI enabled

Roles: same as above

Associate the Agent phone under controlled device

Ø Agent phone’s DN must have below setting

Busy trigger : 1
Max call :2

Ø Agent’s DN should not be shared

**** Attaching the doc which has details about CUCM-IPCC integration

Ø After installing CUCM PUB/SUB and JTAPI on PG , Agent (CUCM) PIM must come
Ø Open the tool diagnostic portico on PG1 side A (or Side B ) and go to

**** Check the status of Agent PIM as mentioned above.

9.0 CVP Components: Installation and Configuration

9.1 CVP CALL-VXML server

Ø Build window machine

Ø This should not be a member of domain
Ø Only one interface is needed which should belong to Public subnet
Ø Active the window otherwise IIS service will not be running.

Ø Attaching the file ‘activate window’ which has procedure.

Ø After activating window , you should see “Activated” at Server—All Server

Install the service IIS. Procedure is mentioned in section

Ø Run the CVP installer

Following should be selected

Ø Select the component ‘CVP call server ‘
Ø Codec g711ulaw
Ø Once it is installed please make sure that service call –server and IIS are running.
You can check the status in Control-Panel/System-Securty/Administrator-


Ø Build window machine

Ø This should not be a member of domain
Ø Only one interface is needed which should belong to Public subnet
Ø Run the CVP installer
Ø Following should be selected
Ø Component ‘Operation Console’
Ø Codec g711ulaw
Ø Password **** this password is needed to login to OAMP

Once it is installed please open OAMP console through below URL


Username : Administrator
Password : *****Password which was set during installing OAMP

Go to Device Management server And add below

Ø Unified CVP Call Server ‘

Ø 'Unified CVP VXML Server’. **** CALL Server and VXML Server are running on
same machine
Ø ‘Gateway’ ****Gateway which will be Ingress/VXML gateway
Ø ‘Media Server’ ****CVP call server as media file will be stored here
Ø ‘Unified CM’ ****PUB and SUB
Ø ‘Unified ICM’ ****Add AW Server here

Install license on CALL-VXML server through OAMP

Ø Go to OAMP—> BULK-Adminstrator—> File Transfer—License
Ø Select device type : 'All Unified CVP Device’
Ø Under License file : Browse to License file // Attaching the License type
Ø Click Transfer
Ø You can check the Transfer status by clicking File transfer status

****You can check the license and service status from below URL

Ø http://<CALL SERVER IP>:8000/cvp/diag

Ø Open OAMP and go to System—Device Management
Ø Status of ‘Unified CVP call Server and Unified CVP VXML server’ should be UP.

10.0Finesse server

Ø Install Finesse Server

Ø It should be member of domain
Ø It should belong to public subnet
Ø Once it is installed open below URL
Ø https://<Finesse IP amor FQDN>:8445/cfadmin'

Go to setting and configure below

‘Contact Center Enterprise CTI Server Setting’

Ø A side Host/IP address : // CTI server side A ip address

Ø B side Host/IP address : // CTI server side B ip address
Ø A Side Port : 42027
Ø B Side Port : 43027
Ø Peripheral ID : // The ID of the Agent (CUCM) PG Routing Client (PIM). Refer

For ‘Contact Center Enterprise Administrator and Data Server Setting’

Ø Primary Host / IP address : IP address of AW

Ø Database Port : 1433
Ø AW Database Name : <your_insatnce>_awdb
Ø Domain : your domain
Ø Username and password / Domain user through which Finesse will login to
AW machine

**** Refer section 'Sign in to Cisco Finesse Administration Console’ in below doc

11.0 CUIC Server

Ø Install CUIC server

Ø It should be member of domain
Ø It should be part of public subnet
Ø Once it is installed , open URL
Ø https://<IP of CUIC >/oamp
Ø Go to Cluster Configuration - License Management
Ø Upload License

Ø Open a URL https://<IP of CUIC>:8444/cuic

Ø Go to Report — > Data Source
Ø Edit ‘UCCE Historical’ and enter below values
Ø Database Port : <IP of AW>
Ø Port 1433
Ø Database name : <your instance _ awdb>
Ø Database sa
Ø Password : / password that you see it while installing SQL
Ø Charset : ISO-8859-1
Ø **** you can test the connection from this page

Edit ‘UCCE Realtime' and enter below values

Ø Database Port : <IP of AW>

Ø Port 1433
Ø Database name : <your instance _ awdb>
Ø Database sa
Ø Password : / password that you see it while installing SQL
Ø Charset : ISO-8859-1
Ø Status should be green for CUIC , UCCE Historical and Real time.

At this stage , LAB is built and ready to be configured.

To establish a compressive call , this lab needs additional configuration. I will provide
details in my next document.

Summary of configuration needed to establish compressive call:

Ø Transfer config template and media files to ingress/VXML gateway

Ø SIP trunk config between CUCM and CVP
Ø Config of Agents in CUCM
Ø SIP component config in CVP
Ø Build Microapp script using tool script editor tool in AW
Ø Config of skill group , label , call type routing etc through config manager tool in AW

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