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{° No PROBLEM 10.1 a I 1a x Vow Pgtelasal gay Determine the vertical force P that must be applied at C’ to maintain the equilibrium of the linkage. ts / SOLUTION Assume dy,,| Also Virtual Work: We apply both P and M to member ABC. 8U =1008 4 ~ PB Ye ~ MOO + 608 + 505y5, ~ 40394 =0 1008y,, ~ PQ3y,)— (2) ready, +30(5 5v4) 100-24 «6025-200 aps a65N wo Now from Eq. (1) for M 2P=165N P=825N| 4 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2010 The MeGraw-16il Companies, Inc. AML ihts reserve. No part ofthis Manna! may e displayed reproduced or diwibuted in ay’ form or by cay means. without the prior written permiesion of the publisher use beyond the Fimited dsitation to teachers onl educators porated hy Sderane-Hl for Or dvidval corse preparation If yn arc student wing ts Shona pow are sing I el permission, 10 tinfe-oin 1 PROBLEM 10.2 Determine the horizontal force P that must be applied at 4 to maintain T iP #1 —r the equilibrium of the linkage. oi | 1 gg ble ah | * ‘oaal | 10% om isa cle me oat SOLUTION Assume 59) Virtual Work: We shall assume that a force P and a couple M are applied to member ABC as shown, BU =~PSx, ~ M5O+305 yc +405 yy + 18059 + 80845 =0 P(WO50)— M50 + 30(460) + 4040) + sso( $3} +s0c089)=0 10P = M + 120+ 1604+ 1204800 =0 (10 in.)P-+ M-=1200 Ib-in @ 120.015 P= 120.016 Making M =0 in Eq. (1): ae PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, © 2010 The MeGrew4il Companies, Ine llrightsreserved. No part of this Manual oxy be diyptayed, Teprodiced on esributed in eny form or by any mess, without the prior written permission ofthe publisher, o” sed beyond the lined ismibuton to teacher eed ecieotors ported By Gran Hil for thsi individual one preparation If ou areca student wing this Manu, Sow are rng withoud person va pe x PROBLEM 10.3 Determine the couple M that must be applied to member 4BC to : tnaintain the equilibrium of the linkage. i Be fesse SOLUTION Assume dy 4h araim yp licen #4, ote rt. by Also, Virtual Work: We apply both P and M to member ABC, SU = 10054 ~ PSve ~ MEO + 605yy +505 y, ~A0Byq, =0 1005), — Pedy,)-M{ 2) 8, +s0{ 4y, }-ao( $5) ° @ 2 190- 2p 60+-25-20=0 o Now from Ea, (1) for M=49.5N-m) PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2010 The MeGrav-ill Companies, Ine. All rights reserved. No port of this Mannal may be dinpleyed reproduced or dried in any form ov by any means, stout the priar written permission ofthe publisher, or ased beyond the linited sdsiebaton to teachers and educators permited hy MeChens-1l fr their ndivdal course preparatcn. yon nea stews this Mend, Sow are using witout perinsson, rms PROBLEM 10.4 Je M that must be applied to member ABC to SOLUTION Assume 68) 6x, =1068-—~ Bye = 4604 yp = Bye = 458 = Pe 2 99°) 59-220 = 580°) bx, = 1886 2 -1(2 3 = 1060 Virtual Work: We shall assume that a force P and a couple M are applied to member ABC as shown, BU =~PEx, ~ 00+ 305. + 408) + 18059 +808 x, = 0 (2 ~PLUO5D) = MBO 30460) + 4450) +180) )s 801088) =0 1OP—M +120+160 +120+800=0 (0 in.)P + M = 1200 Ib-in a Now from Eg. (1) for P=0 M=12001b-in. 4 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, © 2010 The McGraw-Hill Companies, ie. AL rights reserved. No pot of this Mamral may be display repreduced or disiibuted in cny form or by any nent, without the prior svtten permission ofthe publisher, or used beyond he Tinited disiuton to ecacrs end dc utrs permite by eCra-Hil for thir indvidua ors preparation If on area student esing this Manual, Doar are using i whout permission 04 PROBLEM 10.5 Knowing that the maximum friction force exerted by the bottle on the cork is 60 Ib, dotermine (a) the force P that must be applied to the corkserew to open the bottle, (b) the maximum force exerted by the base of the corkscrew on the top of the bottle. SOLUTION From sketch a 4Ve ‘Thus Sy =48¥ tf (@) Virtual Work: BU =0; PSy,-FSy, =0 PASI) ~ FY =60b: P=+(601b)=15 1b (0) Free body: Cotkserew ReP- fee, 0) R4ISIb-6o1b=0 Oneorkscrew: R=45ib] Qnbattle: R=45.01b|€ PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, © 2010 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Ic. All sights reserved. No pt of ths Manwal may be diplaye ‘reproduced distributed in any form or by any means, without the pri writen permission ofthe publisher, or ase beyond the line istribution te teachers and educators permed by McCrae Hl fortes indvidal cones preparations Ifo arca stent wsing hs Manual ‘our are wing I without permission. 70s PROBLEM 10.6 ‘The two-bar linkage shown is supported by a pin and bracket at B ‘and a collar at D that slides freely on a vertical rod, Determine the force P required to maintain the equilibrium of the linkage. Assume 5y, |: Since bar CD move in translation « ‘Virtual Work: SU =0: ~PSy, +(1001b)Syy + (150 Ib)dy>, 1 1 ~ PO: <6) 150] = =0 11424, )os( 45, P=125.01b] 4 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, © 2010 The MeGraw-ill Companies, Ine. All righ reseved, Ne part of this Manel may be doplayed, beprnduced on cstibned in any farm or By my means, wthond the prior wren permission ofthe publisher, or wsed besond the lente ‘ltribution fo teachore a educators persed by MeCirow- HL fer thet sndvidual cows preparation. Ifyou ars asd wsing his Manta ‘you are using i without permssion 706, PROBLEM 10.7 A spring of constant 15 kN/m connects Points C and F of the linkage shown. Negiceting the weight of the spring and linkage, determine the force in the spring and the vertical motion of Point G when a vertical downward force is applied (a) at Point C, (b) at Points Cand H. SOLUTION Yo Yn Ve Ye For spring: A=¥p Ve Q= Force in spring (assumed in tension) Q=HKA=K (ye ~ ¥e)=kVe — Vo) = 2h wo @ C=120N, E=F=H=0 Virtual Work: =0: ~(20N)y. + OS¥e~O5yp 1205 ye + 08 y= OBS Ye Q=-60N O=600N C4 Bg. (1): Q=2ye, -60N At Point G: Ye Yo =8.00 mm. o c= Virtual Wor OU =O: —(120 NS ye ~ (120 N) vy + OSV ¢ -— QS yp =O. “1208 y¢ ~120(48y,) + O8y¢ ~ GIy) =0 O=-300N O=300N C4 Eq. (0): Q=2kye 300 N=2(1S ENhmlye, y= 10 mm AtPoint G: Yq =4¥e = 4-10 mm) =—40 mm Yo =40.0mm| 4 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, © 2010 The Mezaw-Hill Companies, ne, AI tihls reserved. No part of this Manual muy be displayed reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, without the prior writen permission ofthe publisher, or ned beyond the tanited sition to teachers and educators permite by MeGravelil for tir individual course prearaton, vow area student wing hs Mame Dour ore using f without permission v0 PROBLEM 10.8 A spring of constant 15 kINim connects Points C and F of the linkage shown. Neglecting the weight of the spring and linkage, determine the force in the spring and the vertical motion of Point G when a vertical downward 120-N force is applied (a) st Point £, (6) at Points & and F. SOLUTION Fe = 4% In=4¥c By =48Ye Ye =3¥e Sp = WY Ye=2We Srp =2Bye | For spring: A=Yp~ Je | Q=Force in spring (assumed in tension) Q = +h = kre — He) =A Ve — He) = hve o @ E=120N, C= BU =0: — (20 N)S yp + Ody By, =0 =120(26y¢)+ QS ye - OBS) =0 Q=-10N O=12000N C4 Ea. (1): Q=2lye, “120N=2(15 KNiim) ye, ye = 4 mm At Point G: Yo #4Ave =4(-4 mm) = 16 mm Yq =16.00mm| Oy E=F=120N, 0 Virtual Work: BU =0: ~(20 N)Syp ~(120 N)Syp + OB ~OByp = =120(26 ye) ~12035 ye) + OB ye - OBA) =0 Q=300N C4 Eq.) Q=2lye, ~300N=2IS EN/myp, yg =-10mm At Point G: 4(-10 mm) =—40 mm, 0.0mm] PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, © 2010 The Meciaw-Hil Companies, Ine. Al sights reserved. No pure of sls Mamwal may be ecplaved reprdced oc dstruted i any form ar any means, without the prior wllen permmsion af the publisher wed beyond the lined ‘Fatibtion i teachers and edscuors permite by era HAl fo ther isda conree preparation. Ifyou areata wing ths Mam Yow ae ung i withon permision 108 PROBLEM 10.9 Knowing that the line of action of the force Q passes through Point C, derive an expression for the magnitude of Q required to maintain equilibrium, SOLUTION We have yq=Ueos®, By, cD=21sin$s 61D Virtual Work su =0 ~PBy,-QH{CD)=0 a ~P¢-alsin080)-0[teos2.50) 0 Q=2P. PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2010 The MeGraw-ill Companies, ne. All ights reserved. No part of this Manual may be displayed, reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, withont the pri write permission of the pusher, or aed Beyond the Tinted distribution to teachers end educators permited by MeGrene Ill fr ther india course prepavatan Ifyou area ster use th Mam “you are uri thou! permision. 1709 PROBLEM 10.10 Solve Problem 10.9 assuming that the force P applied at Point 4 acts horizontally to the left. PROBLEM 10.9 Knowing that the line of action of the force Q passes through Point C. derive an expression for the magnitude of Q required fo maintain equilibrium, SOLUTION We have x4= 21058; 8x4 ep =tisin$ BCD) =reos 60 Virtual Work: ou Pdx,~OB(CD)=0 cos ©0s(072) Pete aot)-oftoos$09)-0 Q=2?. PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2010 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. AB rights reserved. No part of dhs Manual may be displaved produced or dried i any form or hp aay mens, it the rior writen permraion ef te publisher, or nse bend the Tinned ‘criti to teachers and edncciens permite by MoGraw-1I Jor her muda course preparation Ifo are a shear ug ts Mua, Dow are nsng i without permission me PROBLEM 10.11 ‘The mechanism shown is acted upon by the force P derive an expression for the magnitude of the force Q required to maintain equilibrium. SOLUTION Virtual Wor We have and xy =2sind i xq = 2e05060 Jp = 3e0s0 Byp = Hsin O60 bu bx, + Py =0 O2lc0s 450) + P(-31sin 660) =0 3 SPtund 2 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2010 The McGraw-Hill Companies, ell rights reserved. No part ofthis Marnal may bo display ‘produced ar dstrbuted in any form ov by any means, shout the prior written permision of the publizher, oF nsed beyond the linited “sibs to feachers an edvecoss pest by MeCrav>Fil for ther onde course preparation. Ifyou are stent sing this Ml. ou are using i without permission im PROBLEM 10.12 ‘The slender rod AB is attached 10 a collar A and rests on @ small wheet at C: Neglecting the radius of the wheel and the effect of friction, derive an expression for the magnitude of the force Q required to maintain the equilibrium of the rod. SOLUTION For AAd°C: A’C=atand yy =A C)=~atand For ACC: BC’ =Isind—A'C Isin 8—artan Jy = BC =1sin8—atand Syq = 10366069 cos? 0 Virtual Work BU =0: QBy,~P8 yp =0 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL © 2010 "ie MoCoaw-Hill Compnies, Ine AIL igh eesevel, No port of his Manual may be dps reproduced or dlitibue is aay form oF by any means, without de prior weiuen permission ofthe publlshes, or wsed beyond the Lined ‘soibuton to teachers ans cucators permit by Mera forte indivi course prpwaton If yar student sng this Manel, Sow are ning ito permission m PROBLEM 10.13 ‘The slender rod AB is attached to a collar A and rests on a small wheel at C. Neglecting the radius of the wheel and the effect of fiiction, derive an expression for the magnitude of the force Q required fo maintain the equilibrium of the rod, SOLUTION For AAd’C: For ABB‘C: py BE, [sind -atand lo tan? tan? ip = BB = e050 a Ox, =-Isin 050 rk; BU =0: Pbx,~05),=0 Pino) of 7 2) -0 cos 8 or Pisin cos’ @=Qa PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. {2 2010 Tho McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All ighs reseve. No part of this Mana! maybe csplayed reproduced or disribued in any form or by any meds, wil! the prior written permieson ofthe publisher, or nved beyond the Famed Lisribution to feachors and educators pormited by MeGreve-tRllfr tet ndividval couse preparation If von area student wing is Manual, Daw are uting ithe permission m3 PROBLEM 10.14 Derive an expression for the magnitude of the force Q required to 0" 7 maintain the equilibrium of the mechanism shown, A Z 30 2 Se @_Z e °. c sr elees 8 \ Srp We have Xp =2lcos sothat dx, =—2sindse 54 = 2180 B= 180 Virtual Work: 6U =0: ~Qdxp ~PSA~ PSB =0 -Q(-21 sin 980) — P(2188) ~ PUSB) =0 20lsind~3P1=0 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2010 The McGraw-Hill Companies, In, All sights reserved. No part ofthis Manual may be displayed, reproduced or dbtribued any form oF by any means, witout the prior widen permission of the publisher. om wsed hevond the lined ‘detribution to teachers and educators permite by MeGrav-Hil for ther naval course preparation. Ifyou are asta wing te Man dow are using i thon! permission ma PROBLEM 10.15 ‘A uniform rod AB of length 7 and weight Wis suspended from two cords AC and BC of equal length. Derive an expression for the magnitude of the couple M required to maintain equilibrium of the rod in the position shown, SOLUTION Yom Bye =~ Flamer sin 66 8U =WSyq+ M50=0 w(t asin «aro PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2010 The MeGrawHill Companies, Ine. AM ighls reserved. No part of this Manual may be displayed ‘reproduced or diibuted in any form or by any means, without the prior writen permission ofthe publisher, or used beyond the liited isribution to teachers dnd educators porno by MeGraneHil forthe indiviual course preparation Ifyou ance stent ws his Men Yow are using without permission ims PROBLEM 10.16 Derive an expression for the magnitude of the couple M required to maintain the equilibrium of the linkage shown, SOLUTION We have xy =/eos@ Bx, =1sin 060 @ yo =1sind bye= 1008050 Now be, = L188 2 ‘Substituting from Equation (1) sino = La Sy or 5p =-2sin 080") e Virtual Work: BU =0: Md Pb, =0 M(-2sin 850) + P{/ cos 660) = or M=1PI PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2010 The MeGiraw-Hil Companies, Ie, All hts reserved. No part of his Manual may be displayed ‘reproduced ov ditibued im any form or by any means, tho the priv writen permission ofthe publisher oF ase bevond the tinted (dstributon to teachers and educators pert by MeCiraw- Hl forthe individual course presaration Ifo are aston using hit Marna pow are neg withou permision m6 PROBLEM 10.17 aan expression for the magnitude of the couple M required to ‘maintain the equilibrium of the linkage shown. SOLUTION Virtual Work OU = 0: ~MEO+ Pdyp + POY, =O M60 + PBacos860)+ P(4a cos050) =0 M=1Pacosd € PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2010 The McGraw-Hill Corspnies Io, All rights reserved. No part of this Manval muy be dsplayes reproduced or dioibuied in any form or by any means, withon the prior itn permission ofthe publisher, ar used beyond the litte! , 8 =180° Equation (1) M "13sin 180° cos ~cos180"sin 8) Pisind PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. «9 2010 The MeGrao-Hil Companies, Ine A rights reserved. No part ofthis Manual may be displayed reproduced or dsrbued iv any frm oF by any means, wihon the prior wien permision of the publisher. wsed bavond the finated ‘Aspibation to teachers and edueniors permite hy McCraw Hil for thee aus course proparotion fyourare awe! wing is Man, ow ae using it thon permission. ms PROBLEM 10.19 A-4-KN force P is applied as shown to the piston of the engine system, Knowing that 4B = 50mm and BC = 200 mm, determine the couple M required to maintain the equilibrium of the system when (a) 9=30°, (6) 8 =150". SOLUTION Analysis of the geometry: Law of sines AB sing Abin a Now ie = ABeosd + BCcose -ABsin 059 ~ BC sin 650 Q Now, from Equation (1) iad & BC cong ® From Equation (2) bre = sn 0v0-ncsing 9 0) BC cos or 8x. =-A4 (sin dcosg-+singcosO)50 036 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2010 Tho McGraw-Hill Companies, Ine. All ighs reserved. No part of this Manual nay be dioplavee reproduced or dsributed in any jorm or by any mes, seit the prior written permission ofthe publisher, used beyond the lnited Aisribuion ta teachers and educuions permitted by MeGnaw Hil or thei ina duleourse preparation Ifo areas! ning this Mar ow are using i withont permission. ms ‘Then Virtual Work: Thus, @) Bg. (): Eq. (4): @ Eq. (1): Eq. (4) PROBLEM 10.19 (Continued) = ABSiNO+ 9) 5g cose 8U =0; —Pax,~ Mé9=0 sin(0+0) p 008d M = AB’ w P=4kN, @=30° 50 mm ing = sing g=7.181° ang 200 mm . M =(0.05 my OOF ISD 4 key M=121.8N-m) ie P=4kN, @=150° g=7181° sin (150°7.181°) M=(0.05 mre ee (aan) M=782N-m)4 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2010 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Ine. All igh reserved. No part of his Manual may be displayed, repealed or dated in any form or by any nes, hon the prior vrtien permission of the publisher, or wed beyond the fied sibrion to teachers an educators permit by MeGrew- Hl for ther inva course preparation. sow areastudent ws his Man, dow are sing i hou permission, m0 PROBLEM 10.20 A couple M of magnitude 100 N (a) 8= 60", (6) 8 =120° m is applied as shown to the crank of the engine system. Knowing that AB=50 mm and BC'= 200 mmm, determine the force P required to maintain the equilibrium of the system when SOLUTION Anallysis of the geometry: Law of sines Now Now, from Equation (1) or From Equation (2) or w Xe = ABCos® + BCo0s@ Sig =-ABsin 068 ~ BCsin gop @ cos p59 AB cox 080 @) 400 esinof AB (sindcos +singcos0)59 cos PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2010 The MeGraw-Hill Compunies, Ine. All ighsreseved. No part of thir Manne may be dstayet ‘reproduced or dstriuted in any form or by ans meas, wihou the prior writen permision of the publisher use beyond the tnd “dbiibtion to teachers an edaceors permit ow are using Iho permision ud by MeGraw-Hil or ther nvidia course proportion. Ifo are astudent sing tis Maal, im PROBLEM 10.20 (Continued) _ABSIN(O+®) sy Then 5502 6U =0: ~Pédx,~Md0=0 -- Belt 849) 180-0 0s Thus, = sp S289) p @ cos @ M=100N-m, 0=60° Fg. (1) = 12.504 sin (60° + 12.504") Eq. (4 100 N-m-= (0.05 m2 EEO) aad 008 Moos 12.504 P= 2047 N P=205kN— € 0 M=100N-m, @=120° 50 mm Eg, (0: sin sint20° =12.504? sin (120° + 12.5042) 100 N-m= (0.05 m) = CEE) p Fa. 00 Nm = (0.05 m) P= 2649 N P=265kN—> 4 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. 8 2010 The MeGssw ill Companies, Ine. All rights reseved. No part of this Monval may’ be dlaplayed, reproduced or dbriuted in any form or by any mean, without the prior written permission ofthe publisher, or used beyond the linited dsrbuson to tachors ed educators permitted by MeGrane-Hill fr thet individual corse preparation. Ifyou are a.stacent using his Manvel, Sow are ring without permission. m2 PROBLEM 10.21 For the linkage shown, determine the couple M required for equilibrium when 7=1.8 fl, Q=40 Ib, and 0 = 65°. SOLUTION Virtual Work: dU =0; Mép-Q5C=0 Mop-0f 3 1 5g=0 2 cos es M 1 Q@ cos Data: SOWIE 5.18 theft M=85.21b-t) 4 2 c0s65° PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, © 2010 The McGraw il Companies, Ine. All ights reserved. No part ofthis Manual may be displaved, ‘produce or distributed in any for or by ay means, thou the prior rien permusson ofthe puller, or rac besond the lnited epradaced or dsiibued In any form or by any mcs, thon the prior ition permission ofthe puller, or used beyond the finated 0 0=755%, Stable 4 ae 2 €¥ yl At @= 180" wlearn0 9 =288°, Stable PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2010 The McGraw-Hill Companies, ne. All ighs reserved, No pars of this Manual may be displayed. reprxticed or dsibted in any form or by any means without the prior writen permission ofthe publisher or used beyond the fated dsarbuton to eachers end ducers permite by McGrane Hl for thet indidual course preparation fou areastdent using his Mana ou are using out permission i PROBLEM 10.70 ‘Two uniform rods AB and CD, of the same length J, are attached to ‘gears as shown, Knowing that rod AB weighs 3 Ib and that tod CD. weighs 2 Ib, determine the positions of equilibrium of the system and state in each case whether the equilibrium is stable, unstable, orneutral. ‘a(Eaind)-ten( S20) 2 2 WN Wy 1c080-+ Weyl sin 20 av Bquilib x“ ili a ~My 108-4 Wl in20-=0 “Wg 6080 + Ay Sin 86050 = 0 tg oi 1-H sina] Was and a For =210°, = 22.0", 0=158.0° < Stability: (Zvnsno aNen os20)} 2 ev fi a=270% | )sina70") +2(2)cosS40") |! =-5.51<0, unstable 4 ay a= 22.0% TE =| eysinan0"+202o0s440"|)>0 Stable 4 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. € 2010 The McGraw-Hill Companies, ne. All rights reserved. No part of this Manual may be displayed, reproduced or dlitibuced i any form or by any means, without the prior writen permission of the publishes, or used beyond the Tinted dsoributon to texchers ae educators permite hy MeGravHl for vir individu comrse preparation If yo are student ving hs Meme, Sora ning ith permision 19 o-oo, LY [Soinsors 2ayeosia | =2.5<0, Unstable < de 2 , &Y fi pea ate ; =1500' £h | Loysinise +2(2)c0s316 |iesaar~o, Stable < PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2010 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Ie. All rights reserved. No part ofthis Manual may be displayed, ‘reproduced or distributed any form or by any means, wiout the prior wetten permission ofthe publisher, or nsed beyond the United ddsribution to teachers and educators permuted by MeGraw-Hil forte individual course preparation Ifvow area stent wing hs Mani, ‘you are sing twit! permission, 780 PROBLEM 10.71 ‘Two uniform rods, each of mass m, are attached to gears of equal radii as shown, Determine the positions of equilibrium of the system and state in each case whether the equilibrium is stable, unstable, or neutral SOLUTION Potential energy For equilibrium: or Thus Stability: At 0=-45.0°: 0=-45.0°, Unstable At 0=135.0°: 0135.0", Stable PROPRIETARY MATERIAL © 2010 The McGraw-ill Companies Inc. All rights reserved, No part of this Manual may be dispar ‘apradiced or csibuced in any form a Dy any moans, wahon the prior written pormisson ofthe publisher, or ase bevond the lined! disoibation to teachers an educators permed by MeCran-#l for thei individual ours pressavaton Isom areasedent we this Monta, Sow are usin without permission PROBLEM 10.72 ‘Two uniform rods, AB and CD, are attached to gears of equal radii as shown, Knowing that Wy) =8 1b and We, =4 Ib, determine the positions of equilibrium of the system and state in each case ‘whether the equilibrium is stable, unstable, or neutral SOLUTION Potential energy Equilibrium: ‘Thus Stability ALO = 63.4" AL O= 116.6: V=stgx98tn Liga 2stgxosime' (Es) 6388 91 2inv bene aw £5838 N)/(-20056—sin a0 NC 8 —sin8) LY (8.5838 Ny(2sin e080) ao a 0: ~2eos8—sind = 0 do tan 2 63.4" and 116.6" er ae (8.5838 N}/[2sin(-63.4") — cos(-63.4°)] = (8.5838 N-1.788- 0.448) <0 @=-63.4", Unstable (8.5838 N)I[2sin(116.6°)—cos(116.6°)} = (8.5838 N/(1.788 +0.447) > 0 0=1166", Stable PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2010 The MeGraw-till Companies, ne. AI rights seserved, No part ofthis Manna may be dispaved ‘produced or dsrbuted iv any frm or by any means, witha the prior writen permission of the publisher ov wed Beyond the inated ‘detroit to teachers and econ pore by McCroweH lil for ther tv conrse prparatin. iyo are asta wing this Mena, ow are wing without permission. rma PROBLEM 10.73 Using the method of Section 10.8, solve Problem 10.39, Determine whether the equilibrium is stable, unstable, or neutral, (inl: The potential energy conesponding to the couple exerted bya torsion spring is £0, where Ki te lorsional spring corstan and is the angle of twist.) PROBLEM 10.39 The lever 4B is attached to the horizontal shat BC that passes through a bearing and is welded to a fixed support at C. The torsional spring constant of the shaft BC is K; that is, a couple of magnitude K is required to rotate end B through 1 rad. Knowing that the shaft is untwisted when 4B is horizontal, determine the value of corresponding to the position of equilibrium when P= 100 N, (= 250 mm, and K=12.5 N-mv/rad. SOLUTION Potential energy ayiteke Ase 7 ss 8 4% a P Equilibrium: For P=100N, K =12.5 N-mirad 12.5 N-mirad (100}(0.25 mm) = 0.5000 Solving numerically, we obtain 8 = 1.02967 rad = 59.000" 0=59.0° Stability Stable PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2010 The MeCrawtill Comgunies, Inc. All ihts tesived. No pant of this Manual ony be csplaved ‘reproduced or distributed in en form or by any means, wiont the prior written permission ofthe publisher, or sed bevoned the fot dation to teachers cond educators pert by Mean for tinal conve preparation If area stent ws ths Mana, Sonne ning i wtthou permission a3) PROBLEM 10.74 In Problem 10.40, determine whether each of the positions of equilibrium is stable, unstable, or neutral. (See hint for Problem 10.73.) PROBLEM 10.40 Solve Problem 10.39 assuming that P=350.N, }=250 mm, and K =12.5 N-m/rad. Obtain answers in each of the following quadrants: 0<0<90°, 270°<0<360", 360°<0-<450°, SOLUTION Potential energy Equilibrium Por Solving numerically or Stability at @ = 78.7%: AL AL @=379.1° He ko val Ke ~Pising oY 2 a 6 0 Pleosd a K K+ Plsind e K ko cos PH3S0N, 1=0250m and K =12.5 N-amirad 12.5 N- mrad 0030 = 12:5 Nm (G50 Ny0.250 m) coso=2 7 0=1,37333 rad, 5.652 rad, and 6.616 rad 0= 78.7, 328.8, 379.1° 5 N- mrad) + (350 NX0.250 m)sin 78.7° 8.304 >0 0=78.7", Stable € 2.5 N-anrad) + (350 N}(0.250 m)sin 323.8" 39.178 Nem <0 6=324, Unstable 2.5 N ana) + 350 N(0.250 m)sin379.1° d =44.132N-m>0 0=319°, Stable PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2010 The MeGra-1il Companies, Ine. AI nights reserved. No part of she Manual may be dplaved produced or asrbed i cy form or by any meas, without the prior wien ponmision af the publisher owed bayond the Finited Ustribmtor ta toachore and ede ators permite By ear Hil forthe sil conse preparation suse acing is a, bowavewshig te withont permission. i 7 PROBLEM 10.75 . A load W of magnitude 100 Ib is applied to the mechanism at C. 0Dyin Knowing that the spring is unstretched when @=15°, determine that ke vin, a value of 8 corresponding to equilibrium and check that the equilibrium seh ti isstabi t St SOLUTION w C We have ye = 10088 TNX. Ge Es, Equilibrium ma 4? (0~0,)—wlsind =0 a with W=100 Ib, R=S0tb/in, 1=20in, and r=Sin (50 Ibvin.JQ5 i (100 1b)(20 in.jsin @= 0 or 0.6250 —sind = 0.16362 Solving numerically =1.8145 rad =103.97° a=104.0° Stability 2 or =1250-2000c0s0 For 0=104.0°: =1734 in. 1b> 0 Stable PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. «> 2010 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Ine. All righ rekerved. No part of this Manual may he dsplved eprodneed or dite in any form or hy ony neces, thon the por wvtiespernassion ofthe publiher, or aed beyond the Tinted disributon te teachers cn educators permite by MeCra- Hl forthe ind ial one preparation If yo ane stdent ving this Montel, dow ae ng i ato permistion 78s PROBLEM 10.76 A load W of magnitude 100 Ib is applied to the mechanism at C. Knowing that the spring is unstretched when @=30°, determine that value of @ corresponding to equilibrium and check tht the equilibrium is stable, SOLUTION Using the solution of Problem 10.111, particularly Equations (1), with 15° replace by ao(Ena) With k= 50 Ibjin,, W=1001b, r=Sin, and f (50 Ibvin.}(25 in, ale Z)-a 00 1b)(20 in)sind = 0 or 12506 - 654.5 - 200sin@=0 Solving numerically, 81,9870 rad = 113.8" O=113.8° ability: Equation (2), Problem 111: theme ~Wheosd or =1250-2000¢0s6 For 0=113.8° = 2057 insIb>0 Stable PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. {2 2010 The MeGiraw Hill Companies, Inc. Al ightssesrved. No part of His Manual! may be displayed, ‘reproduced or dbibuted 1 any form or by any means, wihout the prior written permision of the publisher, or used beyond the limited ‘rihution to teachors and educators porittd hy MeGraw Hil for thee individual conrseprsporion Ion area stent using he Meu yon are ning i hou premio, Da PROBLEM 10.77 A slender rod 42, of weight IY, is attached to two blocks 4 and B that ‘can move frcely in the guides shown. The constant of the spring is k. and the spring is unstretched when AB is horizontal. Neglecting the ‘weight of the blocks, derive an equation in @,W, 1,and & that must be satisfied when the tod is in equilibrium. SOLUTION sinO+1c0s0~1 (sin 8+ cos@~1) Blongation of spring: bs? wh 2 Potential energy: nd W=mg KP (sin + cos ~1¥ =e a) Equilibrium: o oxo ino sey —tn) A PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2010 Tue McGeaw4lil Companiss, ne All hts reserved, No purt of thi Manual nay be dispar repredrced or dried in any for oF by any moans, won the prior wt permission ofthe publisher, or nse bevond the lint tUsaiaton fe teachers end ecucaors permitted by eran or cel inva couse prewavation UFyoweareastadent eng he Manoa Dow ae using I witon permission 17897 7 PROBLEM 10.78 A slender rod AB, of weight #, is attached to two blocks 4 and B that can move frvely in the guides shown. Knowing that the spring is unstretched when 4B is horizontal, determine three values of @ corresponding to equilibrium when i = 300 Ib, 1=16 in, and k= 75 Ibfin, State in each cease whether the equilibrium is stable, unstable, or neutral, SOLUTION Using the results of Problem [0.77, particularly the condition of equilibrium 084} (sind +-c080 ~ 1X I~ Now, with W 00 Ib, = 16 in., and k=75 lovin, ¥ 300 Ib, Bal ~ (Biny75 thing 9? Thu cos [(sind +cos 0-11 tan @)-0.25]=0 c030=0 and (sind +c0s8—1)(1 tan) = 0.25 First equation yields @ = 90°, Solving the second equation by tral, we find @=9,39° and 34.16" Values of @ For equilibrium are 8=9.39°, 34.2°, and 90.0° Stability we differentiate Bq. (1) fe P[(cosé—sind\e0s sind) + (sind + cosd-—I)-sind—cos6)]+ vlsind ~Ar |e Osa? 0-2e04dsin ds? cos? 0 2oondind- orcs tt sn] AV. AP (.25sin0 + c080~2sin20) ae = AP (1.25sin9.4-+ 0089.4 ~2sin 18.8) ao =HE055)<0 Stable 4 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, © 2010 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Ine All igs served, No part of his Manval may Be dsplaved, epruducnd or died in cn form er by ay mans, on! tho prior writin permission ofthe publisher, oF sed bevond the Limited ispibtion to aachers ad educators perted by MeGnw-Hl for thee nda conse prepavation Ifyou avec student wing this Mav, Son ave sig in permission 1788 PROBLEM 10.78 (Continued) = 342°. £Y < 47 25sin34.2° +c0834.3°~ 2sin68, 4) de =H(-0.33)<0 Unstable 0.0": #Y. «APC 25sin90°+ co5%0° —2sin 180") dé = HP(1.25)>0 Stable PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, © 2010 The MeGrow Hil Companies, Ine. All dghtseeseryed. No part ofthis Manuel may be displayed, ‘reproduced or disibued in any form or by cy means, without the prior virlen permission ofthe blisher, or used beyond the liited 0 Stobie », ay 2 2 ‘ O=72.9' 1 4ka* c0s145.8° = 4ka* (0.83) <0 Unstable PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, © 2010 The MeGraw-4ill Companies, Ine. All tights reseed. No part of tis Manual may be displayed, ‘reproduced or diibuied in any form or by any means. wthow the prior wren permasson ofthe publisher, or ased beyond the Tinted ‘stebuton fo tavhers adders permed by Metraw-Hl or thet ndvidua ows preparation. fyouearecasindent using his Manna pe are ering i without permtsion. 792 PROBLEM 10.82 A spring AB of constant & is attached to two identical gears as shown. Knowing that the spring is undeformed when 0 =0, and aiven that a= 60mm, b=45 mm, °=90 mm, and k=6kN/n, determine (a) the range of values of P for which a position of equilibrium exists, (6) two values of @ corresponding to equilibrium if the value of P is equal to half the upper limit of the range found in Part a. SOLUTION Elongation of spring oe s=2(asind)=2asind ®) Vv &) Potential enerey SnD te ‘kQasin 8) — PhO ae - in’ 0— PbO Equilibrium Wyo = Aka? sin cos ~ Pb do ae a Ph (0.045 m) (a) a Poy = 960N - 2(6000 Nim)(0.06 m)" be () 26=30? and 150° 8 =15.00" and 75.0" € PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. * 2010 The MeGraw-1 Companies, ne. All rights reserved. No prt of this Maneal me be dispaved ‘produced or dsbued any Sonn oF by any mens, without the price: writen permission ofthe publisher ot nse levond the lated distributions teachers an educators permite hy McCrae fr thelr india ese preparation. If omar ase asin tes Mean ‘you are using i without permision 13 PROBLEM 10.83 A slender rod AB is attached to two collars A and B that can move freely along the guide rods shown, Knowing that = 30° and P= Q = 400 N, dotermine the value of the angle 6 corresponding to equilibrium, SOLUTION Ya sin(Oe+ B—) —sin(90~ B) Ja L cox) cos cost@-B) Law of Sines or 7 From the figure: ” = 1.0088 From the fig ne cos(~ 8) cos(@—f) tential Energy =—Pry ~ p) 1288) _ 1 co30| on SO rot tnege Feet af Asana] cn er W sin(@~ ) sin(0~ f) WP py) -SMO- Py sin QL EP dO af cose +0 cos =14r+ QCD _ prising conf PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. ‘© 2010 The MeCirw-4lill Conpsiss, Ine All ights reserved. No part ofthis Manna! maybe cspaved eorodced sr dstribted te any form or by any means, witht the prior wren permision of the publisher, or awed beyond the fnited ‘thins foteuchers an enor pormitied by McGee Hl for ter hudvidaal course preparation. If vo arc stent using hs Manta on are ising ith permis. 1984 PROBLEM 10.83 (Continued) #0. 4p 4Q) SOB) = Equilibria Font ees P) rrsina=0 or (P+ Q)sin(@ - B)= Psin@cos (P+ OXsin Boos f — cos Asin B) = Psin Beos 8 or ~(P + Q)cosAsin + OsinBeos B 00s 8 * cos ps0 n= 2* 2 tan 2) 0-22 ang @ with P=0=40N, =30° oN tan SOON an 30° 1.1547 0 poz ae 2 Mea? swe differentiate , oe 2PIsinO—2k(0—a)?sin26=0, For @=0 ao Ya ptcos—ak(~aY c0s20 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2010 Tho MeCiw Hill Companies, Alt sights reserved. No part of hs Manat! muy be displayed eoraduced or diseiied ineny form or By any means, without the prior written permission ofthe publisher, or used beyond the tinted “Tiburon to teachers na ecotonspormited by MeGncs Hil for ti individual conse preparation Ifyou area stent us this Mau ‘ou areusing i ethout permission 1808 PROBLEM 10.94 (Continued) pkl=al ey ay 7 © © = 2PI-AK a ra (~ay =k a)! ~4k(I ay <0 Md~o) ‘Thus equil is unstable for PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2010 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Ine. All rights served. No part of this Manual may be displayed, ‘repnndaced or distbuted in any form or by any means, thon the prior vin posmissan ofthe publisher, or nse beyond the lined ‘tistibution i teachers and educators permit by Metarow-H for thei nvial cose prepavation Ifyowaneesodent ws this Mal ow are using i wthont pormision. 1809 PROBLEM 10.95 ‘The horizontal bar BEH is connected to three vertical bars. The collar at E ean slide freely on bar DF. Determine the range of values of Q for ‘which the equilibrium of the system is stable in the position shown 4 in, b= 20 in,, and P= 150 Ib. when a= SOLUTION First note A=asind=bsing For small values of and: aO=bg or et V = Plat bcos 20(a + bcos ~(o10] Poof 20) 20008] wv 4 painf 4 : tata vo|-Srea( to) 20.ine| av @ ee fr ooo -L rele) 2004 when 0 =0: oxb(-r+20) PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2010 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. AIL ighs reserved. No part of this Manual mo be displayed Feproduced or darted iv any for or By any means, thou the prior written pernision of the publisher, or use byond the lint ‘dsb to teachers and edcors ported by eC Hil forthe individual course preparation ifsow are ast wsg ths Maral, ow are suing i win persion 810 PROBLEM 10.95 (Continued) Stability: #8 59, A do porto o @ or 2 with P=150lb, a=24in, and b=20in. (24 in? Equation {1 > >> (150 Ib) = 108.000 Ib. Equation (1) Oe rtm For stability O> 108.0 1b PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2010 The MeGraw-Hill Companies, ne. AM ris reserved. No par ef thi Manual may be displaved, ‘reproduced or dstribied in any form or by any means, without the pri rit permission ofthe publisher, or woed beyond the linited distribution to eachers and educators permite by MeGraw-Bil for thet nda cone preparation Ifyou arecastcdent sine this Mena Do ave sing without permasson. asi 7 PROBLEM 10.96 |The hoviontal bar BEM is connected to thee vertical bars, The cola | at£ can slide freely on bar DP. Determine the range of values of P for which the equilibrium of the system is stable in the position shown when a= 150 mm, b = 200 mm, and Q= 45 N. » SOLUTION Using Equation (2) of Problem 10.95 with Q=45N, a=150mm, and b= 200mm p< 2 COMM 4s ny (150mm)? = 160,000 N Equation 2) 60.0N For stability PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, #2010 The MeGiow-Alil Companies, le. All ights reserved, No port of this Manual maybe displeyed Ieprediced or distributed in amy form or By any mins, thon the prior svt permission ofthe publisher, or wed even the lite ‘sibaion to teachers snd ecco ported by McGrcw- Hil for this individual one preparation fy area stat ting his Mana sow ae sig wit! permiesion ise PROBLEM 10.97* Bars AB and BC, exch of length f and of negligible weight, are attached to two springs, cach of constant A. The springs are undeformed, and the system in equilibrium when 6 = 4 = 0. Determine the range of values of P for ‘which the equilibrium position is stable SOLUTION We have xy =/sind be tea sin +/sin 0, ye = 1e0s8 +0038, fee Ve tye tig beg + bes 7 eesb, or ¥ = Pl(cos0, +080) + >HI? [sin? 8 +¢sind, +sind,) ] Ht For small values of ,and 0 ae <6, cosd, =1 7h ten arf 212) Leelee ’ Th rer tat 2) sat [8 +(4, +04)" | and Spor +hPIG +440) Ove Fyn PIM.) 2 opr Sho pi sie 0} av G0 Stability: Conditions for stability (see Page 583). PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, © 2010 The MeGraw-Hitl Compan, tne All ghts reversed. No part of ths Manacl may be cliptayes sproduced or distributed in any form or by ay means, ithe the pre: vr permission ofthe pusher, or used beyond the lined 0 M5 yy 2 P2.62KI Pe or ay 2 Sho: -Pry 2 >0 om polka 2 a PY 0: —Plsk? >0 oe Pek ‘Therefore, all conditions for stable equilibrium ave satisfied when 05 P<0382K! 4 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, © 2010 The MeCras-Hill Companies, te, All sights reseved. No part ofthe Manual may be diplayed, reproduced or dried bu any form or by any mess, wilt the prior writen persion ofthe publisher, ar aaed beyond the lined cdsnibuaion to teachers an ductors permited by McGraw Il for thew individual conse preparation Ifyou area stent wsing ds Marval oo are ning i witha permission, 1814 PROBLEM 10.98" Solve Problem 10.97 knowing that = 800 mm and k=2.5 kNim, ose PROBLEM 10.97* Bars 4B and BC, each of length / and of ] negligible weight, are attached to two springs, each of constant k. ‘The springs are undeformed, and the system is in equilibrium when 8, = 62 = 0, Determine the range of values of P for which i} the equilibrium position is stable = SOLUTION From the analysis of Problem 10,97 with 1=800mm and k=2.5kN/m P< 0.382k1 = 0.382(2500 NimX0.8 m) = 764 N PION PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2010 The MeGsaw-Hill Companies, ne. All rights wweeved. No part of this Manval maybe displayed rapreluced or dsributed in any form 0° by ony means, sithnt the prior writen permission ofthe publisher, or ws beyond the limited ‘stribution to teachers and educators permite by MG Hilfor thet individual course preparation Ife arecastant ving ths Men You are sing i withou permission. sais PROBLEM 10.99" ‘Two rods of negligible weight are attached to drums of radius r that are connected by a belt and spring of constant & Knowing that the spring is undeformed when the rods are vertical, determine the range of values of P for which the equilibrium position @ = @ = 0is stable. SOLUTION 2 vee 8: tah N ees 8, Dari ar are r Lefl end of spring moves from a to b. Right end of spring moves from’ to’, Elongation of spring s=ab—ah=10 ~ 0; =1(G,-0,) 4s? + pleos@, ~ wleos0y ahaa ~0,)? + pleosd, —wlcose, av ya 2” 2 br2(@, ~8,)~ plsind 5 (,-8)~ plsing, a 9, — kr? = plleos 6, 26; ay 8 ay 2 ke"(6, ~ A) + wisin = kr? + whcos 0, 30,90, PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. £2010 Tho MeCiaw Hill Companies, Inc. AB eights reserved. No part of thiv Manual may Be displayed reprodiced or disbuted in any form or by any meen, wil the prior writer permission ofthe publisher, or used beyond the Died Ahnribuion to teacho's and educionspormiied by Meira Hil for ter indvidaal course preparation [sow area stent ng Ms Mata Son are sing without permission. 1816 PROBLEM 10.99* (Continued) For = hr? ~ ply he? br 90,00, Stability conditions for stability (see Page 583) ay )_ ay av ~ 28. og (saae ) 98 00; (ir? )? (hr? = pier? + wt) <0 plier? + wl) =e wl <0 pet. pake'{ a ew 1 iw ft pio, Poe 4 We choose: PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. #) 2010 The MeGiaw-Hill Companies, ne. AIL iis resexved. No part of his Manna mar be displayed reprduced or dstibued é any form or by any means, without the prior vniten permission ofthe publisher oF used beyond the loiter ‘Asribation to teachers and educators permite by MMe for thet nda course preparation Ife are aster! ws ths Mant ow are wag it withowt permission 1817 al af @ a PROBLEM 10.100* Solve Problem 10.99 knowing that & = 20 Ibvin., and (a) W'= 15 Ib, (b) W=60 Ib, 3 in, F= 6 in, PROBLEM 10.99* Two rods of negligible weight are attached to drums of radius » that are connected by a belt and spring of constant k Knowing that the spring is undeformed when the rods are vertical, determine the range of values of P for which the equilibrium position Oat eree SOLUTION k= 20 Ibvin, rein I=6in. kr? _ 201b/inX. t Gin. @ We=I5Ib: P-<(301)——> 1 _ P<10.0016 4 Goi) +05) ® W =601: P< (301b)——_ P<2001b € (30 Ib) + (60 Ib) PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. 12 2010 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.All Fighs reserved. Ne part of tis Manual may’ be displayed ‘produced or diarited in any form or by ey mean, stot the prior written permission afte publisher, or nse beyond the tinted sition to teachers and edacears permite by Metra forte nail curse preparation. Ifyou area student using is Maral ow are nsing if without pormssion wis PROBLEM 10.101 Determine the vertical force P that must be applied at G to maintain the equilibrium of the linkage. ‘sin Bin Gan 100 SOLUTION Goa eaittla ty B = - bn a fi ri ge | eee et era ie ‘Assuming dy{ it follows. bye = 2ay, =1.55y4! 8 By =8y¢ =1.58y44 yp =Ley, =3(.58y,)=4.58y,1 By = oy, =a 58y,)=258%4) ‘Then, by virtual work SU =0: G00 ID)3y,, ~ (100 Ib)Syp + Pye =0 3005y,, -100(4.55y,,) + PQ.58y,)=0 300-4504+2.5P P=6001b — P=60.01b PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. {9 2010 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Ine All igh ressved. No part of this Manual may be displayed reproduced or distributed 20 any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the publisher, o used beyond the lnited ‘diibntion to teachers and educators permit by McGraw Hilfor tee intvidual course preparation iyo area staking the Maa, Yoo are sing it weit povmrssion i819 : PROBLEM 10.102 ae 2 ge : Determine the couple M that must be applied to member DEFG to pase maintain the equilibrium of the linkage. 10 |. |. Sin Bin Bins 10 SOLUTION Assume dy4|: oy “he ye = 31.589.) = 4.559, rp 15894 M gy) 6 Gear 6U=0; — GODIb)Sy, - (100 Ib), + M5=0 3005), —100(1.58y,,) + (Joy, ro L 300-4504 0 M =+600 Ib-in, M =6001b-in. )4 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2010 The McGraw-Hill Cmmpanies, Ine, All ighs reserved. No part ofthis Manual may be displavet reproduced or dsributed in any form or by any mean, vehoud the roe written permission ofthe publisher nse beyond the linited ‘Axirioation to teachers and ednctors permite by Mota Tl or hee baal course preparation you crc astedent using this Ska yon are wing l without permiion 1820 PROBLEM 10.103 Derive an expression for the magnitude of the couple M required to maintain the equilibrium of the linkage shown. SOLUTION We have Virtual Work: ou =0: ay =lsin 8 xq = 100s 080 4 =Le0s8 ~Isin 668 M80~ Px, + Pdy, =0 M60 — P{/cos 850) + PC M = Pl(sind +0080) € PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2010 The MeGrew 1K Companies, fc. Al rights resrve. No part af thi Manual mia be dpe, reproduced on dite in any form oF by any tes, without the prior wrt permission ofthe publisher, or zed beyond the Lined (sibution to teachers en cuca permite be Mer Hl for thet indica ons preparation 1 yom ave.a student ws this Mom, bo are ning ihn! permis wea id PROBLEM 10.104 Collars A and B are connected by the wire AB and can slide freely ‘on the rods shown. Knowing that the length of the wire is 440 mm and that the weight HY of collar 4 is 90 N, determine the magnitude ‘of the force P required to maintain equilibrium of the system when (a) c=80 mm, (6) ¢= 280 mm. SOLUTION Since AB = 440 mm, we have Differentiate: 8U=0: Pdc+WOb= For W=90N: a) (a) When ¢=80 mm: Fa. (I) P=90. esa P=200N 4 136x10° — (80)? (6) When c= 280 mm: Eq.) Pe 280 P=1050N 4 yis6x10° ~ 280)? PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2010 The MoGeawHill Companies, Inc. All rights reseeved. No par ofthis Manual may be displayed, ‘repraduced or ditibued ine form or by any ment, wont the prior written permission ofthe publisher or wsed beyond de linted dsibution to teachers ad educators permed by Metra Hl for tc inva course preparation Ifyou area student usb ths anu, Done are singin permission 1822 PROBLEM 10.105 Collar B can slide along rod AC and is attached by a pin to a block that can slide in the vertical slot shown, Derive an expression for the magnitude of the couple M required to maintain equilibrium, SOLUTION ° M = PResc? PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2010 The MeGrew-Hill Companies, ne. All ights reserved. No par” of this Manual may be dispaved Depreduced or csibuted in any form or By any means, without the prior writin pormosson ofthe publisher, or used Beyond the Tinted ‘stribution to teachers and educators permed by Mero il fr thei dial conve prepara If recast asin his Manna. owe meme witha persion: nas PROBLEM 10.106 A slender rod of length /is attached to a collar at B and rests on a portion of a citeular cylinder of radius r. Neglecting the effect of friction, determine the value of @ corresponding to the equilibrium position of the ‘mechanism when /=200 mm, r=60 mm, P =40 N,and Q=80'N. SOLUTION Geometry PU-By,)~O8x, =0 rsind cos 8 Pisin 69-0 69 =0 Then, with /=200 mm, r= 60 mm, P=40-N, and O=80 N cos? 9 = BONK6O mm) _ 9 (4O.N}2O0 mm) 0 =39.231° a= wr 4 or PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. 12 2010 The MeLiraw-Hill Comps, fe All igs resewe. No part ofthis Mama may be displayed ‘eproced or disuted yay form or by any mee, witout the prior writin permission 2 the publisher, or used beyond te lined stration to teaclrs anc ects permit hy Me Grea for thr adil course preparation If youre astudent sng is Manna, ow are using if without permission rand PROBLEM 10.107 A horizontal force P of may tude 40 th is applied to the mechanism at C. The constant of the spring is k=9 Ibvin,, and the spring is unstretched when @=0. Neglecting the weight of the mechanism, determine the value of @ corresponding to equilibrium, SOLUTION Ep Spring is unstretched at @= 0° Kap = ks =e ye =fsind x Bre = 1008600 Virtual Work: BU =: PBX = Fypds =0 a e P(Le0s 050) ~ kr (780) = 0 PL Thus or 2.1333 0-004 4 @=1,054 rad = 60,3 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. 2010 The McGraw) Companies, ne AIL igh reserved. No pers of ths Manual may be splaved reproduced or duniied bs any form oF by any cans, lon te price wet pernnsion of te publisher, or ws beyond the foited dsrauaion to feuchors ne edsaors pened by Mere Hil for thes inva conse preparaon Iso area sident ving this Mam, ea are es 1 it permission. n2s PROBLEM 10.108 ‘Two identical rods ABC and DBE are connected by a pin at B and by a spring CE. Knowing that the spring is 4 in, long when “unstretched and that the constant of the spring is 8 tb/in., determine the distance x corresponding t0 equilibrium when a 24-16 load is applied at B as shown, SOLUTION Deformation of spring quilibrium: x=T13in. PROPRIBTARY MATERIAL. © 2010 Tho MeGraw HK Companies, Ine. All ighs reseved. No part of his Meonal may be dsplaed produced ar dsibuded in any form oF by any mecus, without the prior writin permision ofthe pubtister or used beyond the linited stribton to tachrs aad ducers permite by MeGane-1il for tiv indiviual course preparation If ow area stent we hs Mave son are sing it witht pormision 26 et PROBLEM 10.109 Solve Problem 10.108 assuming that the 24-Ib load is applied at Cinstead of E, PROBLEM 10.108 Two identical rods ABC and DBE are connected by a pin at B and by a spring CE. Knowing that the spring is 4 in. Jong when unstretched and that the constant of the spring is 8 Ib/in., determine the distance x correspon equilibrium when & 24-1 load is applied at fas shown, SOLUTION Deformation of spring Equilibrium: r=1L63in. PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2010 The McGraw-Kl Companies, Ine, All dights reserved. No part ofthis Manual may be diplayed. ‘reproduced or distributed ix any form or by any means, wilt the prior written permission ofthe publisher, ov nved beyond the limited Lsnabution wo teachers and educciars permit by MeGrawtHl for ther ddl course preparation vou area student sing tis Maal, ‘on are ng without permission. 1827 PROBLEM 10.110 ‘Two uniform rods, each of mass mand Tength /, are attached to gears as shown, For the range0= 0 180", determine the positions of equilibrium of the system and state in’each case whether the equilibrium is stable, unstable, or neural SOLUTION Potential energy W ae Mea ssini.s0y + 2 2 FE Ssin1 50+ sind) isis £4 Ma a5 c0s1.50-+6050) de w For equilib 0: 1Ssin1 50 +sin9=0 Peete do second angle less than 180° can be found numerically: ns: One solution, by inspection, is @=0, anda 0 = 2.4042 rad ~ 137.8" Solut de Now ve 25c0s1.50 + e036) BE (2.25¢080° +6030") Mesasy

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