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Special Function MCQ Questions:

1. Gamma Function is generalization of______ function Factorial

2. Gamma Function is defined for _____ integrals Definite
3. Factorial Function is defined for only ______ integers +ve
4. Γ(5/2) = ? (3√π)/4
5. Γ(1/2) = ? √π
6. Γ(1-α) = ____? -α Γ(-α)
7. Γ(3/2) = ? √π⁄2
8. Γ(0)= _____? ∞
9. (1)n = _____? n!
10. Γ(0)= _____? 9!
11. Which of The Following is True? Γ(n+1) = n Γ(n) for n > 1
12. Γ(m) . Γ(1-m) = ______? π/sin ⁡mπ
13. (a)2 = _____? a(a+1)
14. (α)n = ______? Γ(α+n)/Γ(α)
15. β(m,n) = _____? Γ(m)Γ(n)/Γ(m+n)
16. β( 1/2,1/2) = _____? Π
17. 1/3 β(1/3,2/3) = _____? 2π/(3√3)
18. Series ∑ an is convergent if Z<1
19. Which statement is true 1 + α≥ exp(α) ≥ (1- α)
20. Beta function is also called Eulerian integral of _______? 1st kind
21. Beta function named by______? None
22. (1)r = ____? r!
23. Value of (5)3 15/8
24. (p+q) β(p,q+1) = ____? q β(p,q)

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