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Solution to Guide # 1 ~ English

Solar Arias Luisa Fernanda Jorge C

-Happen: suceder
-Scared: asustado
-Ago: hace
-Handed: entregó
- Feel: sensación
- Forward: adelante
-Thought: pensamiento
-Knew: sabía
-Hope: esperanza
- Healthy: sano
-Kind: tipo


1: Match phrases a–d with the underlined phrases in the text.
R/=a. do things as well as I could ~ looking forward to 
b. feeling happy about something in the future~do my best 
c. gave my homework to teachers~ handed in
d. continued~went on

2: Read the text again. Write T (true) or F (false).

R/=a. Anna never worried about the future.(F)
b. She didn’t always work hard in 8th grade(V).
c. She won a prize for her school work in 8th grade. (F)
d. She studied harder in 9th grade than 8th grade.(V)
e. Her family felt happy for her in 9th grade(V).
f. Sheisn’tveryconfidentnow.(F)

•PRODUCTS TO DELIVER: Development of activities and responses corresponding

to the work unit. (P. 10 to 15):

-pag 10 :
a: ¿How often do you think about your future?:
R/= When I think of this, a philosopher a bit since I do it very often, and when
thinking about the future, it is letting the "mind fly", because it is something that
does not yet exist, which brings unknowns to my mind, which only In time they will
be resolved, but to stop thinking about it is something that I cannot control, because
as Dennis Gabor says "there certainly is a future and the best way to think about it is
to create it"

b: ¿Do you feel like the boy on the left or the boy on the?:
R/=I feel like the child on the right, because I do not say that I do not think about
him because I do, but the difference is that I only think I let my mind imagine and I
hope, instead of worrying about this.

C: Listen to some students. What are their dreams for the future? Who wants ...
▪ to have a family?
▪ to travel a lot?
▪ to have a good job?
▪ to be happy?
▪ to be famous?
R/=most of my colleagues want to be happy, have a good job and travel a lot (jeila
chin, juan jose arteta, joke calero, keythin jimenez).

d: Discuss in pairs.
a. What are your dreams for
the future?
b. What do you need to do
to make your dreams come true?
R/= a: My dreams for the future are the goals that I have set for myself throughout
my journey, what I want to achieve in my life, what I want to become as a person,
these are the goals that I want to achieve.

R/=b: what we have to do to make our dreams come true is: trust ourselves, be clear
about what we want, be persistent, and not give up on the first stumble.

-PA 11.
•Match the sentences with the meanings of the phrases with dream:
R/=a. I dream of going to Antarctica on holiday.~ (want to do something  very
much ).

b. My sister wants to be a doctor. It’s her dream job.~( ideal carrera).

c. You’ll never be a film star. You’re living in a dream world~(want ti do something

very much ).

d. The party went like a dream. We all had a great time.~( was Perfect ).

e. Do you really think Dad will let you come home late? Dream on!~( that will never

•what’s your dream job? Why?:

R/=My dream job is to belong to the dijin, because that way I can help the people who
are corrupting our youth.

•Say the words below. Circle all the /iː/ sounds and underline all the /ɪ/ sounds.
Listen and repeat.
a. heat - hit
b.. it - eat
c. live - leave
d. sleep - slip

Pág 12

• Match phrases a–d with the underlined phrases in the text.

R/=a. do things as well as I could ~ looking forward to 
b. feeling happy about something in the future~do my best 
c. gave my homework to teachers~ handed in
d. continued~went on

•Read the text again. Write T (true) or F (false).

R/=a. Anna never worried about the future. (F)
b. She didn’t always work hard in 8th grade(V).
c. She won a prize for her school work in 8th grade. (F)
d. She studied harder in 9th grade than 8th grade. (V)
e. Her family felt happy for her in 9th grade(V).
f. Sheisn’t very confident now.(F)

Pág 13
• Look at these two pairs of sentences. Which ones are in the text?.
A1. ‘What will happen if I don’t get good results next year?’
A2. ‘What would happen if I didn’t get good results next year?’

B1. ‘If I don’t go to university, what will I do?’

B2. ‘If I didn’t go to university, what would I do?’.

• Read the sentences in exercise 11 again. Answer these questions:

R/=a. all the sentences about the future?: all the prayers are not about the future
because there is one that is in the present.

b. Which sentences show possible future situations?: the sentences that show future
situations are: A1, A2, B2.

c. Which sentences show imaginary future situations? : for me the sentences the
future imaginary sentences are: A2, B2.

d. Complete the table. Use the options in the box:

FirstConditional Second Conditional

( real future) (Imaginary future)
If clause If i get results will to go If I won the lottery
Result clause

•Match the two parts of the sentences.

1. Will I get a prize~b(if I pass all my exams?)
2. If I knew what to study, ~a(I wouldn’t worry about my future)
3. Would I get into university ~d(if I failed all my exams?)
4. If I don’t study hard,~c(my parents will be disappointed.)
•Complete the sentences with your own fears about the future.
a. If ...( If I don't meet my goals, what will I do?)
b. WouldI...if...?( Would I graduate if this pandemic did not end?)
c. Iwon’t...if...( I will not finish my school year, if the pandemic continues)
d. Will...if...?( will this pandemic come to an end, if they don't find a cure)

•Compare your fears with a classmate’s. Are they the same?

R/=texting with some colleagues, I came to the conclusion that the fears are similar

PÁG 14

•Read the people’s plans. Match them with the pictures.


=b. What do you want to do with your life after this


=c. Five years from now, I see myself as a famous

=d. A: My short-term plans? I plan to eat another
B: Ha, ha. Very funny.

=a. When I grow up, I hope to be a dentist.

•Read the comments in exercise 1 again. Which words or phrases talk about future
R/= For me the phrases the speak If future plan are :
*When I grow up, I hope to be a dentist.
*Five years from now, I see myself as a famous actress.

•Go around the class. Ask your classmates about their plans.
a. ... plans to work and study.
b. ... plans to work before studying.
c. ... plans to study, but not work.
d. ... wants to be a doctor.
e. ... wants to be an artist.
f. ...doesn'tknowwhattheywanttodo.
g. ... has a similar future plan to yours.
h. ... has a completely different plan to yours

*colleagues such as: jeila chin, Luisa solar, Ángel de la hoz, keythin Jiménez, Josué Hernández,
Jafet Pérez, choose option “A” which is to work and study.

*but others like Kevin bornacelli, choose option “C” which is to work but not study.

*but other colleagues like Andrés Ortega choose option "E" which is to be artists

*others like Joke calero choose option “D” which is to be doctors.

*and some like my partner jean Carlos Fuentes choose option “F” who don't know what they

PÁG 15

•Read the texts. Which words and phrases do they use to talk about their plans and intentions?
R/=The phrases used to talk about their life plans and intentions are:
* “I already have my life plan".
* "I intend to be ...".
*"My dream is ...".
* I want to…”.
*”my ambition is ... ".
*”in ten years I see myself ... ".
* “I hope ... ".
•Read the texts again. Write T (true) or F (false).
a. Angela wants to help people with medicine after she is 25. ~(F)
b. Carlos plans to travel the world with his family.~( F )
c. Both teenagers have a plan for the future.~( V )

•Listen and repeat. to.

a .I am in eleventh grade.
 b. I know it is hard work.
 c.My dream is to help people have a healthy life

•Listen. Mark the links between consonant sounds at the end of words and vowel sounds at the
beginning of words.

I’m keen to travel around the world before I get married and have a family. My ambition is to
become a really good football player.
I hope to play until I’m forty.( this question was canceled )

•Practise saying the sentences in exercise 6.~( It's done)

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