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Summary of Reviewer: b) Quartile Deviation

o Variations of Scores or Types of Scores Q3 – P25 Q2 – P50 Q3 – P75

o Organizing & Summarizing Quantitative Data
o Types of Reliability c) Standard Deviation – used when there is normal curve
o Types of Validity and partnered with the mean.
- Determine if the individual is HA, A, BA, LA and S
=//=//=//=//=//=//=//=//=//=//=//=//=//=//=//=//=//=//=//=//=//=//=//=//= - Add the mean to 1SD or 2SD or 3SD or 4SD or
the “-“version to get the scores belonging in the
*** Raw Scores are converted into relative measure LA to S

2 types of Question/Statement formulation ( Keyed ) d) Standard Scores – express the individual’s distance
1. Positively Keyed direction – questions/statements are from the mean in terms of the SD of the distribution
directed to the variables (Z-scores)
Ex. Anxiety – Are you frequently nervous? Draw normal curve… with A, BA, LA, AA & S (graph)

2. Negatively Keyed direction – questions/statements are

indirectly towards the variables
Ex. Anxiety – Are you comfortable in public speaking?

Variations of Scores / Types of Scores

A. 1 point – YES or NO

+ -
(Anxiety) (Anxiety)
Are you frequently nervous? Are you comfortable in public
*If answer is YES --- 1pt *If answer is YES --- 0pt e) Normalized Standard Score – are standard scores in
If answer is NO --- 0 pt If answer is NO – 1 pt terms of distribution that has been transformed to fit a
normal curve.
B. Likert Scales – responses are measured in 5 categories
(e.g. 5-Strongly Agree; 4- Agree; 3-Undecided; 2-disagree; 1. Stanine Score -- provides a single-digit
1 – strongly disagree) system of 9 scores with a mean of 5 and SD
of approximately 2
+ -
2. Stem Score -- same as stanine but has a 10
(Anxiety) (Anxiety)
score system
I am always nervous. I am comfortable in public
* the rating of the participant speaking.
*** Scores can be converted to stanine by arranging
will be the raw score for the * the rating of the participant
the original scores in order of size and then assigning
questions (e.g. 5-rating then 5 will be reversed to get the
stanines in accordance with the normal curve.
will be the score; 1-rating then score (e.g. 5-rating then 1 will
1 will be the score) be the score; if 4 –rating then
% 4 7 12 17 20 17 12 7 4
2 will be the score)
Stanine 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
C. Within-groups NORMS – the individuals performance is
evaluated in terms of the performance of the mostly nearly
comparable standardization group
Stem 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
a) Percentile – expressed in the term of the percentage
of persons in the standardization sample who fall
below a given raw score.
- Gives the relative position

P50 = median /P25 P75 = 3rd Quartile

*** if the curve is skewed, use QD (Quartile Deviation)

Organizing and Summarizing Quantitative Data d) Chi Square – both are nominal (phi coefficient)
(a) Frequency Table – grouping the score into convenient e) Point Biserial – when X is nominal and Y is
class interval and tallying each score in the appropriate ratio/interval
interval then are counted to find the frequency or the
number of cases in each class interval, the sum of the RELIABILITY  consistency of scores or agreement between
frequencies id equal to N. 2 independently derived sets of score.

(b) Measures of Central Tendencies – provides a single most Types:

typical or representative score to characterize the  Test-Retest Reliability – repeating the identical test;
performance of the group; measures the average/ majority consistency overtime
score commonly occurring.
 MEAN (average) – adding all the score and dividing  Split-half Reliability – consistent content; 1 administration
the sum by the number of cases (N) of test then the test questions will be divided into half (e.g.
 MODE (most frequent score) – the midpoint of the all odd and all even) then correlate the answers (e.g.
class interval with the highest frequency ; used for correlation between the odd and even answers)
nominal data
 MEDIAN (middle most score) – the point that bisects  Alternate Form Reliability - content; 2 administration of
the distribution; half the cases falling above and half test with same variable: the 1st administered test is 1 form
below. of the test and the 2nd administration of test will have the
same variable to be measured but different sets of
*** If mean, median and mode have variation of scores the questions/statements.
graph will be skewed not a normal curve.
 Inter-rater/ Inter-scores reliability – ability of observers to
(c) Measures of Variability—the extent of individual give consistent ratings.
differences around the central tendency
 RANGE – between the High and low score  Kuder-Richardson and Coeffiecient/Cronbahc Alpha –
 STANDARD DEVIATION – always partnered with the single administration of test, single form used; based on
mean; provides the basis for expressing individual the consistency of responses to all times in the test
scores in different test in terms of norms. (content and subject pool)
- the square root of SD = variance/ mean square - The cronbach alpha value will determine if there will
deviation  useful in sorting out the contributions be revisions or not. (.81 & above – no revisions;; .70
of different factors to individual differences in test to .80 – needs revisions)
- Negative sign of SD is disregarded. SPSS: analyze – scale—reliability analysis

CORRELATION COEFFICIENT  a way to find reliability and VALIDITY  what the test suppose to measure?
validity; expresses the degree of correspondence/relationship
between 2 sets of scores. Types:
 Face Validity -- appearance ( ex. Leading
2 variables: statemens/obvious answers)
 + correlation = X Y; X Y
 - correlation = X Y; X Y  Content -- RRL, standardized; experts review

Values:  Criterion –PREDICTIVE -- administer OWN’s test first to

≈ .00 to .20 – no corr. predict there will be same result to a standardized test
≈ .21 to .40 – slightly/weal (the own test will predict the result the standardized test)
≈ .41 to .70 – moderate
≈ .71 to .90 – High  Criterion-CONCURRENT – administer a standardized
≈ .91 to .99 – Very High test then administer the self-made test and see if there
≈ -1 to 1 – Perfect were similarities in the result or correlation

Techniques:  Construct -- test to measure a theoretical construct or

a) Pearson R – both are ration/interval trait.
b) Spearman’s Rho – both are ordinal ; n>=30
c) Kendall’s Tau – both are ordinal; n<=30

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