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Names: Luis Galarza, Oscar Galarza, Luis Camacho, Edison Yanchaguano

Date: February 3, 2020


1. Hi classmates , I am Luis

2. Hello, how are you, I am Miguel?

3. Nice to meet you I am Oscar

1. I have a problem

2. I too

3. What is your problem

1. I need a roommate

2. Ohh. Really l too.......////

3. Let's do an interview

1. I agree

2. I like the idea

3. I have a friend who would like to live with us

1. Bring it to interview

4. A pleasure I am Edison

2. We are going to interview you, do you work?

4. No I am an electrical engineering student

4. Luis Do you work?

1. I am not an electrical engineering student

4. Do you work Miguel?

2. No I am an electromechanical engineering student

2. And Oscar, what do you like to do?

3. I like to listen to music

1. They would like to change something in the room

2. If the table is old

3. Excellent idea

4. Let's change the room color

1. I like the idea

2. How about a blue color

3. No better a green color

4. Yes, that great ideal

1. Miguel would you like that color

2. If I love them

1. Oscar would you like that color

3. If I agree

4. Then let's do it

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