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To Kill a Mockingbird​ Synthesis Writing

(Adapted for Distance Learning)

Three-Part Thesis Construction:

Your claim should take the form of a sentence that combines the ​subject ​you are addressing
followed by both an ​assertion​—a statement of your opinion—and a ​rationale​—a generalized
reason in support of the assertion​.

Example Three-Part Thesis:

Schools should put more money into academics than into athletics because the primary goal of a
school is to educate students, not to train athletes.

TKAM Synthesis Prompt:

Carefully read the following five sources, including the introductory information for each source.
Then synthesize material from at least two of the sources and incorporate it into a coherent,
well-developed thesis and 2-chunk body paragraph response in which you develop a position on
the role, if any, Harper Lee’s ​To Kill a Mockingbird​ should serve in public schools.

Three-Part Thesis Statement

(You may type your thesis directly into this chart if you find it to be helpful. Otherwise, feel free to
delete the chart, or provide your response below it).

Subject The school board of America should ban the book “To Kill a
(topic to be explored) Mockingbird” by Harper Lee in middle schools and elementary schools
+ because the children are younger and immature but the book should still
Assertion be allowed in high school and collage because of the vulgur language and
the dark tones.
(statement of opinion)
(generalized reason in
support of the assertion)
2-Chunk Body Paragraph Structure
(You may type your paragraph directly into this chart if you find it to be helpful. Otherwise, feel free
to delete the chart, or provide your response below it).

Topic Sentence The Book “To Kill a Mockingbird” by Harper Lee should be banned in middle and
elementary schools because of the vulgur language and the dark tones.

Lead into a “In 2017, To Kill a Mockingbird was removed mid-lesson from 8th grade
Concrete Detail classrooms in Biloxi, Mississippi, over complaints about language in the book, in
from a source particular the use of the N-word. The parent who filed the complaint was
provided concerned about her daughter, who is black, and her classmates’ response to the
book, which reportedly included laughter over the use of the slur.”(Source A).

Commentary This shows that the 8th grade children were not mature enough to read these words
that are very harmful and destructive.

Commentary This is because the children are too young so they haven't been exposed to the
language that the book contains and they also might use the words because they
don't know their true meaning.

Lead into a In To Kill a Mockingbird “Scout’s father, Atticus Finch, Maycomb’s respected
Concrete Detail attorney, agrees to defend a Black man accused of raping a White woman, Scout
from a second quickly comes to realize the role that racism and inequality play in Maycomb every
source provided day”(Source B).

Commentary This shows the dark tones of the book like racism, rape and inequality.

Commentary These terrible things are not for young children to read about all at once, they
should find this out on their own and not be forced into the horrible acts of the

Concluding In conclusion To Kill a Mockingbird has a place in schools but because of the
Sentence language and dark themes it is not for young children to read.

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