GeotekhApp Soft Manual - 31.08.2017 PDF

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User Guide

GeotekhApp.exe (version 4.17.88.xxxx)

LLC “PKF Geotekh”
city Neftekamsk, Russia
1 Features of the program ................................................................................................................................................ 7
2 Installing and Uninstalling GeotekhApp ......................................................................................................................... 8
3 Working with data files.................................................................................................................................................. 9
4 Working with the curves on the graph ......................................................................................................................... 11
Concept. ........................................................................................................................................................................... 11
Active curve and active axis. ............................................................................................................................................. 11
Horizontal scaling (by time). ............................................................................................................................................. 13
Vertical scaling (by value). ................................................................................................................................................ 14
The grid settings. .............................................................................................................................................................. 16
Information about the curve ............................................................................................................................................. 17
Work with the list of curves .............................................................................................................................................. 19
Curves table window settings. .......................................................................................................................................... 20
Combine curves. ............................................................................................................................................................... 22
Smoothing curves. ............................................................................................................................................................ 25
5 Axes and units of measurements.................................................................................................................................. 27
Concept ............................................................................................................................................................................ 27
The option of work with one axis ...................................................................................................................................... 27
The option of work with several axes ................................................................................................................................ 28
The option of work with different units of measure .......................................................................................................... 30
Output format for axis values ........................................................................................................................................... 30
6 The header of GST file .................................................................................................................................................. 32
Concept ............................................................................................................................................................................ 32
View info a file header ...................................................................................................................................................... 32
Displays of file header on screen and print........................................................................................................................ 32
7 Legend ......................................................................................................................................................................... 34
Concept ............................................................................................................................................................................ 34
Legend settings ................................................................................................................................................................. 34
8 Print of graph .............................................................................................................................................................. 35
9 Export of points ........................................................................................................................................................... 36
Concept ............................................................................................................................................................................ 36
Example 1: Getting of four points for the calibration of pressure channel. ........................................................................ 36
Example 2: Getting of nine points for primary calibration and for secondary interpolation table of pressure channel. ...... 38
Example 3: Getting the table for pressure channel and temperature points for temperature in one text file for tool with
external channel of temperature. ..................................................................................................................................... 39
The conditions for obtaining the results of examples 1 - 3................................................................................................. 40
Opportunities of work with the table of points. ................................................................................................................ 40
10 Time export ................................................................................................................................................................. 41
Concept ............................................................................................................................................................................ 41
Order time export ............................................................................................................................................................. 41
Order of working with tab “Text+” .................................................................................................................................... 42
Order of working with tab “Excel” .................................................................................................................................... 43
Order of working with tab “LAS” ....................................................................................................................................... 44
11 Depth export................................................................................................................................................................ 44
Concept ............................................................................................................................................................................ 44
Order of work with one depth interval.............................................................................................................................. 45
Order of work with several depth intervals. ...................................................................................................................... 47
General settings of depth LAS format................................................................................................................................ 49
Change LAS file viewer. ..................................................................................................................................................... 52
Changing of mnemonics of curves and calculation curves ................................................................................................. 53
Settings of automatically formation of LAS file.................................................................................................................. 56
Report on depth intervals ................................................................................................................................................. 59
12 Subsystem import ........................................................................................................................................................ 62
Concept ............................................................................................................................................................................ 62
Import order with synchronous time ................................................................................................................................ 63
Import order with asynchronous time ............................................................................................................................... 65
13 Time correction ............................................................................................................................................................ 69
Shift, stretching and compressing of curve. ....................................................................................................................... 69
Working with the mouse and hot keys .............................................................................................................................. 72
14 Viewing Depth Data..................................................................................................................................................... 73
Work order for viewing depth data: .................................................................................................................................. 73
Description of standard scales .......................................................................................................................................... 80
Description of context menu items ................................................................................................................................... 80
Printing in depth mode. .................................................................................................................................................... 84
Consolidated report .......................................................................................................................................................... 86
Grid in depth mode ........................................................................................................................................................... 87
15 Navigation bar. ............................................................................................................................................................ 88
16 Data of Multisensory Capacitance Water Hold-up........................................................................................................ 92
Channels of GEO-MVA Tool ............................................................................................................................................... 92
An order of a data processing of GEO-7 data and GEO-MVA data ...................................................................................... 93
Preparation of reports ...................................................................................................................................................... 97
The creation of LAS ........................................................................................................................................................... 99

The List of Pictures

Pic.1 Window of file opening with a list of recently files ............................................................................................. 9

Pic.2 Menu “File” .......................................................................................................................................................... 9
Pic.4 The program window with unsaved material ..................................................................................................... 10
Pic.5 Warning about unsaved data .............................................................................................................................. 10
Pic.5 The mode of display of one axis ......................................................................................................................... 11
Pic.6 Change an active curve in the mode of display of one axis ................................................................................ 12
Pic.7 Change an active curve in the mode of display of multiple axes........................................................................ 12
Pic.8 Horizontal scaling (selection of the time interval).............................................................................................. 13
Pic.9 Display of collar locator curve as minimum-maximum ..................................................................................... 13
Pic.10 Display of collar locator curve by pixel time ................................................................................................... 14
Pic.11 Automatic vertical scaling mode ...................................................................................................................... 14
Pic.12 Mode of manual vertical scaling ...................................................................................................................... 15
Pic.13 Setting the vertical scale using the context menu of the axis ........................................................................... 15
Pic.14 Mode of manual vertical scaling ...................................................................................................................... 16
Pic.15 Settings of the grid ........................................................................................................................................... 17
Pic.16 Horizontal lines, color - gray, style - solid, thickness - 1 pixel. ....................................................................... 17

Pic.17 Curve properties ............................................................................................................................................... 18
Pic.18 Gamma channel without averaging .................................................................................................................. 18
Pic.19 Gamma channel after averaging ....................................................................................................................... 19
Pic.20 Curve statistics ................................................................................................................................................. 19
Pic.21 Sort curves by location in the GST file ........................................................................................................... 20
Pic.22 Sort of curves by alphabet ................................................................................................................................ 20
Pic.23 Properties of curves table ................................................................................................................................. 21
Pic.24 Invisible curves are hidden ............................................................................................................................... 21
Pic.25 Invisible curves are displayed of gray color ..................................................................................................... 21
Pic.26 Transparency of the window with the curves is set on 80% ............................................................................. 21
Pic.27 Curve combine window .................................................................................................................................... 22
Pic.28 Information about different cycles of curves .................................................................................................... 23
Pic.29 List of curves a) before combine b) after combine the depth curves ................................................................ 23
Pic.30 Depth curve after combine. .............................................................................................................................. 24
Pic.31 Combine curves with overlapping .................................................................................................................... 24
Pic.32 Curve smoothing .............................................................................................................................................. 25
Pic.33 The example of smoothing 10 и 100% ............................................................................................................. 26
Pic.34 Curve before smoothing. .................................................................................................................................. 26
Pic.35 Curve after smoothing ...................................................................................................................................... 26
Pic.36 Several curves of one type with common axis. ................................................................................................ 27
Pic.37 Window «Program Settings» for one axis ........................................................................................................ 28
Pic.38 Changing of orientation of axis text ................................................................................................................. 28
Pic.39 Mode of all axes display ................................................................................................................................... 29
Pic.40 Example of display only three axes .................................................................................................................. 29
Pic.41 An example of changing of pressure units of measurement ............................................................................. 30
Pic.42 New units of measurements on graph............................................................................................................... 30
Pic.43 Select output format for pressure axis .............................................................................................................. 31
Pic.44 The output format is individually configured for each axis .............................................................................. 31
Pic.45 The window with a header of GST file ............................................................................................................ 32
Pic.46 Displaying of lines from file header ................................................................................................................. 33
Pic.47 Settings of displaying the file header ............................................................................................................... 33
Pic.29 Displaying of file header .................................................................................................................................. 33
Pic.49 Graph with curves and legend for each curve .................................................................................................. 34
Pic.50 The legend settings ........................................................................................................................................... 34
Pic.51 Window of print ............................................................................................................................................... 35
Pic.52 Input the reference values of P and T ............................................................................................................... 36
Pic.53 Four points for pressure calibration .................................................................................................................. 37
Pic.54 Table of selected points (four) .......................................................................................................................... 37
Pic.55 Table of pressure depending on temperature for calculating the calibration coefficients and its analogue in the
text file ............................................................................................................................................................... 37
Pic.56 Points for calculating of the coefficients by pressure and temperature and secondary interpolation table....... 38
Pic.57 Table of selected points (nine) ......................................................................................................................... 38
Pic.58 Table of pressure depending on temperature for calculating the primary coefficients + secondary interpolation
table and its analogue in text file ....................................................................................................................... 39
Pic.59 Choice of points for second (external) channel of temperature ........................................................................ 39
Pic.60 Common text file for channel of pressure and external channel of temperature. ............................................. 40
Pic.61 Window «Export» ............................................................................................................................................ 41
Pic.62 Time export to text with calendar time ............................................................................................................. 42
Pic.63 Time export to text with time from zero ........................................................................................................... 42
Pic.64 Time export to text with calendar time and with time from zero ..................................................................... 43
Pic.65 Example of time export .................................................................................................................................... 43
Pic.66 Time export to Excel with calendar time .......................................................................................................... 44
Pic.67 Time export to Excel with time from zero........................................................................................................ 44
Pic.68 Example of export to depth format of single depth interval ............................................................................. 45
Pic.69 Example of depth LAS file ............................................................................................................................... 46
Pic.70 Example of depth TXT file............................................................................................................................... 46
Pic.71 Form for automatic creation of LAS file when selecting one interval.............................................................. 47
Pic.72 An example of export in depth format of some number of intervals ................................................................ 47
Pic.73 Report on overlapping curves for Auto export in LAS .................................................................................... 48
Pic.74 Study with a few numbers of intervals ............................................................................................................. 48
Pic.75 The table of depth intervals created by program .............................................................................................. 49
Pic.76 Automatically created LAS files ...................................................................................................................... 49

Pic.77 Settings for depth LAS file ............................................................................................................................... 50
Pic.78 Short curves name from GST file ..................................................................................................................... 53
Pic.79 Short curves names with changing (field “Apply Mnemonics” is check) ........................................................ 54
Pic.80 Settings of mnemonics of curves. ..................................................................................................................... 54
Pic.81 LAS file with calculated curves ....................................................................................................................... 55
Pic.82 Settings of calculated curves variant A ............................................................................................................ 55
Pic.83 Settings of calculated curves variant B ............................................................................................................. 56
Pic.84 Settings of auto LAS. ....................................................................................................................................... 56
Pic.85 The parking with short time interval (it isn’t in the table of intervals) ............................................................. 57
Pic.86 A short time parking now in the table of intervals ........................................................................................... 57
Pic.87 Uneven parking missed as an interval to the table............................................................................................ 58
Pic.88 Uneven parking now in the table of intervals ................................................................................................... 58
Pic.89 “Auto Las” window with several depth intervals ............................................................................................. 59
Pic.90 Report on selected depth intervals using the basic template............................................................................. 59
Pic.91 Selection of the basic template for the report on depth intervals ...................................................................... 60
Pic.92 Selecting a custom report ................................................................................................................................. 60
Pic.93 Calling the context menu in the Auto Las window .......................................................................................... 61
Pic.94 Select fields for the custom report .................................................................................................................... 61
Pic.95 Report on selected intervals using a custom template ...................................................................................... 62
Pic.96 Synchronous text file for import ....................................................................................................................... 63
Pic.97 Window of import after opening ...................................................................................................................... 63
Pic.98 Window of import after fill in the table ............................................................................................................ 64
Pic.100 Window with import results ........................................................................................................................... 64
Pic.101 Asynchronous text file for import .................................................................................................................. 65
Pic.102 Settings asynchronous format ......................................................................................................................... 65
Pic.103 Window of LAS file for depth import ............................................................................................................ 66
Pic.81 Window of import after opening (depth import) .............................................................................................. 66
Pic.82 Window of import after setting (depth import) ................................................................................................ 67
Pic.83 Window of import after table formation (depth import)................................................................................... 67
Pic.84 Window of import after fill in the table ............................................................................................................ 68
Pic.85 Window with results from import .................................................................................................................... 68
Pic.108 Time correction window................................................................................................................................. 69
Pic.109 Two curves before time shift .......................................................................................................................... 70
Pic.110 Two curves after time shift ............................................................................................................................. 70
Pic.129 Shifting the right boundary ............................................................................................................................. 71
Pic.130 Shift of the left border .................................................................................................................................... 71
Pic.113 Calling the time correction context menu ....................................................................................................... 72
Pic.114 One depth interval - descent (time view). ....................................................................................................... 73
Pic. 115 One depth interval - descent (depth view). .................................................................................................... 74
Pic.116 Several depth intervals - descent and ascent (time viewing). ......................................................................... 75
Pic.117 Several depth intervals - descent and ascent (depth view). ............................................................................ 75
Pic. 118 Single “Uneven” descent with several nested intervals of depth (little descents with parking) .................... 76
Pic. 119 Combining nested intervals: a) Before combine; b) After combine. ............................................................. 76
Pic. 120 List of intervals in the depth mode after combine ......................................................................................... 77
Pic. 121 Depth interval setting. ................................................................................................................................... 77
Pic. 122 Multiple nested intervals ............................................................................................................................... 78
Pic. 123 List of intervals: a) Before combine; b) After combining one interval; c) After combining all the intervals.
........................................................................................................................................................................... 79
Pic. 124 Depth view after combining all the intervals. ................................................................................................ 79
Рис.125 a) Standard scales; b) Custom scale (via mouse); c) Custom scale (through the keyboard). ......................... 80
Pic.126 a) Interval selection; b) Scaling at the selected interval; c) Scrolling the graph up with a custom scale ........ 80
Pic.127 Table with a list of depth intervals (menu item "Curve window"). ................................................................ 81
Pic.128 Table with curves from two work intervals (descent and ascent), sorted by the name of the curves. ............ 81
Pic.129 Curve Properties. ............................................................................................................................................ 82
Pic.130 Tablet settings................................................................................................................................................. 82
Pic.131 Adding track 4 in the tablet editor. ................................................................................................................. 83
Pic.132 a) Temperature curves (shift is disabled) b) Temperature curves (shift enabled) ........................................... 84
Pic.133 a) Temperature curves (visibility) b) Temperature curves (hidden) ............................................................... 84
Pic.134 A window for printing. ................................................................................................................................... 85
Pic.135 PDF-report from the depth view ..................................................................................................................... 85
Pic.136 The summary report window.......................................................................................................................... 86
Pic.137 Formed consolidated report ............................................................................................................................ 86

Pic.138 The ability to enable/disable the visibility of the grid on tracks ..................................................................... 87
Pic.139 Work data in the depth mode, a track of a volume moisture meter with a grid disabled ................................ 87
Pic.140 The GeotekhApp window with the navigation panel turned on. .................................................................... 88
Pic.141 Select the color of the selected data in the navigation panel .......................................................................... 89
Pic.142 Navigating using the navigation bar ............................................................................................................... 90
Pic.143 a) Call up the settings window b) The navigation panel settings window ...................................................... 90
Pic.144 Navigation panel in depth mode ..................................................................................................................... 91
Pic.145 Movement GEO-MVA tool from the air to diesel fuel in the inclined pipe ................................................... 92
Pic.146 The data of the GEO-MVA tool and GEO-7 tool in a horizontal section of the wellbore with the presence of
oil ....................................................................................................................................................................... 93
Pic.147 The ascending of the tool GEO-7 and GEO-MVA ........................................................................................ 93
Pic.148 The program window with data GEO-7 tool (without data GEO-MVA tool) ................................................ 94
Pic.148 Context menu in the depth mode .................................................................................................................... 94
Pic.150 The Plot Editor ............................................................................................................................................... 95
Pic.151 Data of geological exploration, plot PlotVVL.xml......................................................................................... 95
Pic.152 Data of geological exploration, plot PlotGEO7VVL.xml .............................................................................. 96
Pic.153 The window with hydrometer settings ........................................................................................................... 97
Pic.154 Three kinds of display information in the track of the hygrometer a) Line b) Rectangle) Interpolation ........ 97
Pic.155 The report in BMP format .............................................................................................................................. 98
Pic.156 The selected depth interval ............................................................................................................................. 99
Pic.157 Generated LAS file ....................................................................................................................................... 100

1 Features of the program

 Opening GST Files for viewing.

 Adding extra curves to the GTS file.
 Saving all or part (by time) of curves graphic to GST format.
 Initial auto-scaling both horizontally (in time) and vertically (in value).
 Possibility to view data both by time and by depth.
 Possibility of horizontal scaling both by time and by depth.
 Possibility to set the values of scaling.
 View the details of research from GST file.
 View statistics of each curve on any time or depth interval.
 Print graphics from the screen.
 Displaying and setting of legend on the screen and on the printer
 Displaying one or more axes with the names and units of measurement.
 Possibilities of using different units of measurement to any curve.
 Time export in three formats TXT, EXCEL, LAS (based on a template with the ability to
 Deep export to formats: TXT, LAS (based on a template with ability to configure).
 Depth automatic export of research at all (automatic creating the LAS files by the number of
intervals of descent, ascending, parking).
 Export of individual points of the curves for further calculations.
 Time import from text files.
 Deep import from text files.
 Customizable report on calibration of pressure and temperature.
 Time movement of one or more curves.
 Calculation of productivity on the pressure curve.
 Customizable report on calibration of channels Q, GK, REZ, VL.
 Graphical display of spectral sound noise data, volumetric water hold-up and volumetric

2 Installing and Uninstalling GeotekhApp

1. Copy the SetupGeotekhApp folder from the package (CD) to the hard disk of the
computer in the folder with the installation programs.
2. GeotekhApp requires a Microsoft .NET Framework library version 4.0 or higher. If these
libraries are already installed on your computer (you can see it in the Control Panel / Add
or Remove Programs), you not copy the dotNetFx40_Full_x86_x64.exe 48MB file from
the supplied package.
3. Run the setup.exe file from the copied folder SetupGeotekhApp.
4. The installer will prompt you to create a C:\Geotekh folder, which you can change if
5. The installation program will offer to create in the main menu the section "Geotekh" with
reference to the program GeotekhApp.exe and the uninstall program. You can choose not
to create this section.
6. The installation program will prompt you to create a shortcut on the desktop, from what
you can refuse.
7. When you reinstall the program, you are prompted to keep program settings files. If you
click the "Yes" button, settings files will remain from the previous version and all user
settings of the old version of the program are saved. If you click "No", then settings files
will be overwritten with the settings files that come with the package.

8. The installer will run the Microsoft .NET Framework version 4.0 installation if it is not
on your computer. You can install the .NET library when you disconnect from the
Internet. You can ignore network connection messages. After the .NET library is
installed, the installation of the software is completed. Also you can install the Microsoft
.NET Framework from Internet.

Uninstalling GeotekhApp

1. Start the uninstall program from the "Geotekh" menu via the "Start" button.
2. Or run the file unins000.exe from the folder with the installed program (by default
3. Or delete the program through the "Control Panel / Add or Remove Programs".
4. If you installed the Microsoft .NET Framework version 4.0 library, you can uninstall it
using the Control Panel / Add or Remove Programs.

3 Working with data files

To open a file GST you need to perform the menu item "File/Open" (Pic.2) or you can
click button "Open File” on the toolbar. Window "File Open" is shown in Picture 1. In the
area "Files of Type" file type *.gst must be selected. To add data execute the menu item
"File/Add" or press the button "Add from File” . You should ensure that the calendar time in
an open file, and time in added files were approximately the same. When saving a file, select the
menu item "File/Save as ..." or click the button "Save as ..." . When saving a file invisible
curves will not be saved. Only the screen time interval will be saved.

Pic.1 Window of file opening with a list of recently files

Pic.2 Menu “File”

When you will add data using the button "Add from file" (indicated by the digit "1" in
Picture 4) or the menu item "File /Add", there is no automatic saving of data. A warning appears
at the top right of the screen indicating that the added data has not been saved (2). After saving
the data to file, this warning will disappear.

Pic.3 The program window with unsaved material

In addition, if changes are not saved, a warning is issued when the program is closed.

Pic.4 Warning about unsaved data

When you click "Yes", the file save dialog will open, if you click "No" the program will
be closed without saving, when you click "Cancel" the program will not be closed and no saving
will occur.
The warning window (Pic. 5) also appears when you try to open a new file if the program
is currently working with unsaved data.

4 Working with the curves on the graph


After opening the file GST format, images of curves as functions of time with one or
several axes appear on the screen. Initially, all the curves are scaled automatically both
horizontally (in time) and vertically (on value) so that all the curves fit into the workspace of
graphic. The program allows to do horizontal time scaling or in other words to stretch curves for
viewing more detailed time intervals. Vertical scaling remains automatic at the same time. You
can install the manual vertical scaling by changing the settings, or in other words, stretch curves
vertically. In this cause the part of the curve may be outside of the working area of the graph.
Also you can see all the information on each curve of graph and calculate statistics in the
separate window. Some of the new features are the combine and smoothing curves (need in case
of correction wrong data).
Let us consider each possibility:

Active curve and active axis.

An active curve is drawn on top of everyone curves of 2 pixels thick (the others curves are drawn
of 1 pixel thick) and axis of this curve (an active curve) is located on the right from all other axes
(if it is visible) and horizontal lines of grid are connected with this axis.
A curve only one type may be active in the program. The type of curve is determined by short
name. For example: TEMP – temperature, PRES – pressure. If you have several curves of the
same type, then they will be considered active with the common scale of the display. After load
GST file, depth curve becomes an active curve by default, and in its absence - a first curve in the
file. If the user operates with one axis («View/Program properties/Axes/One Axis»), this axis
will be an active and respectively curve or curves of this type will also become active. Mode of
one axis is shown in the picture, in which the active curve and the active axis belong to the

Pic.5 The mode of display of one axis

To change the active curve it is necessary to open a window with a list of curves ("View/Curves
Window") and double click on the line with the name of the curve. Change of active curve
shown in the picture (active curve "Depth" was replaced by the active curve "Pressure").

Pic.6 Change an active curve in the mode of display of one axis

When you operate in mode of display of multiple axes ("View/Program properties/Axes/All

Axes") is the most right axis (the closest to the graphic) will always be active.
When you change the active curve its axis will be redrawn in the rightmost position of the
axes. The user can display or not display each axis. In the menu item "View/Axes Window" you
can turn on or turn off visibility of axes. The program will remember the visible and invisible

Pic.7 Change an active curve in the mode of display of multiple axes

Horizontal scaling (by time).

Horizontal scaling is carried out by selecting time interval on graph. For this press and
hold the left mouse button at the beginning of the interval and move mouse cursor to the end of
the interval and release the left mouse button. You can always step back by button "Zoom
Previous" or return to the start graph by button “Initial Scale”» .

Pic.8 Horizontal scaling (selection of the time interval).

If the number of points in the GST file more than the number of screen pixels (which
happens in most cases), each screen pixel is representative by a large number of real points (pixel
array) and the pixel can be displayed in two ways (switch Alt + T):
1. As the line between maximum and minimum among of all values of the pixel array
(default). The example is in the picture.
2. As the point value is taken on the timeline (each pixel on the screen has its own time). The
example in picture.

Pic.9 Display of collar locator curve as minimum-maximum

Pic.10 Display of collar locator curve by pixel time

The first method gives full information, as the second method gives a more beautiful picture for
some curves.

Vertical scaling (by value).

Vertical scaling is automatic by default. In other words, the vertical scale is set so that the
curves fit all workspace of graph. Automatic scaling mode of the curve "Pressure", with values
from 358 psi to 443 psi is shown in the picture.

Pic.11 Automatic vertical scaling mode

There are three ways to set a new vertical scale:

 Using the mouse;
 Using the context menu of the axis;
 Using the axis settings in the axes window.

Setting the vertical scale with the mouse.
To do this, select the required range of values on the axis place on the graph. For this
press and hold the left mouse button at the top of the required range, then move the mouse cursor
down to the end of the required range, and release the left mouse button. After that all curves of
the given axis on the graph will be scaled by the selected interval of values. To reset the scale to
its original value, it is necessary to make a reverse selection (bottom to up) by mouse.

Pic.12 Mode of manual vertical scaling

Settings the vertical scale using the context menu of the axis.

To do this, you need to call the context menu of the axis, select the item "Vertical scale of
<axis name>", then select the sub-item "Manual". In the axis properties window, you must
specify the maximum and minimum values of axis, and click the "OK" button. After that all the
curves of this axis on the graph will be scaled by new values.

Pic.13 Setting the vertical scale using the context menu of the axis

Setting the vertical scale using the axis settings.
After you open the table with the axes (menu item "View/Window of axes"), you need to
right-click on the line with the curve "Pressure". A window with the properties of the selected
axis appears. This window can also be called by clicking the right mouse button on the pressure
axis and selecting the item "Vertical axis scale: Pressure", then select the item "Manual". We
switch the radio button from "Auto" to "Specified Value" and enter the desired values. Curve
"Pressure" with the manual vertical scaling from 390 to 440 psi is shown in the picture. As you
can see some values of curve “Pressure” are out of graph borders. When multiple axes are
displayed, it is possible to vertically scale each axis.

Pic.14 Mode of manual vertical scaling

The grid settings.

By default, after installing the program, when you open a file with data on the screen will
be visible grid. The horizontal lines will be match to the values on the scale of the right (active)
axis. Vertical lines will be match the round values of the time axis.
Grid settings is available through the "View" menu, "Program properties" item, "Grid"

Pic.15 Settings of the grid

Vertical and horizontal grid lines can be disabled or enable using the appropriate
checkboxes. If necessary, you can change the color, style and thickness of the lines. Also you
can change the color, type (style) and width of grid lines. A separate settings is background of
graph as whole.

Pic.16 Horizontal lines, color - gray, style - solid, thickness - 1 pixel.

Information about the curve

To get the information about the curve you should select the menu item "View/Curves
Window" or to right click on the graph to invoke the context menu and to select the menu item
“Curves Window". Invoke the window "Properties Curve". In the table click right mouse button
on the row with name of curve and the window “Properties of curve” will show.

Pic.17 Curve properties

The property of the curve is the information recorded in the GST file for this curve.
Array name is the full name of this curve - can be changed. Array code is the short name of the
curve or code curve. Device Type and Device Number are the information from the tools of
the company LLC "PKF Geotekh". Point of Record is the length in dm from the point of zero
(usually the cable head or wire head for attaching the tool to the cable or wire) to sensor of
channel tool. It can be changed. Cycle and the Number of points are the characteristics of the
curve. You can change the name of the array, the point of record, color, width (in pixels) and the
averaging of the curve. Changes are written to a GST file.
Averaging uses the method of floating window and the averaging value in seconds is
entered in the field "Average(s)". It applies for curves with abrupt changes of values (such as
gamma-channel, collar locator). After averaging you will see the smooth curve as seen in the
example of gamma channel pictures. In the first picture the averaging is zero, in the second
picture the averaging is equal to five. It is recommended that the averaging time is in ranging
from 1 to 30 seconds. Averaging value is stored in the GST file.

Pic.18 Gamma channel without averaging

Pic.19 Gamma channel after averaging

Checkmark "Apply to All" put if you need to commit the changes for all the curves of the same
type. Otherwise, only the selected curve in the table is changed.
Statistics on the time interval visible on the screen performed through the item "Statistics" of the
context menu of the curve table as shown on the example of the gamma channel. Averaging the
curve is not taken into statistic.

Pic.20 Curve statistics

Work with the list of curves

A window with list of curves opens when you invoke the menu item "View/Curves
Window", or you can right-click on the graph to invoke the shortcut menu and to select the menu
item "Curves Window". The toolbar has the button to open a window with list of curves. Date
and time of the cursor indicates in the header of window. You can remove the visibility of any
curve. Invisible curves are not involved in the processes of saving and exporting data. If you
click on the column header with checkmarks, all checkmarks will be removed or will appeared
depending on the previous state (respectively, all curves will disappear or appear). By default the
curves are sorted in order in the GST file. If you click on the header "Name", the sort order is
changed to alphabetical. This sort option is useful when there are several curves of the same
type. When you click again, the sort order is changed to the previous.

Pic.21 Sort curves by location in the GST file

Pic.22 Sort of curves by alphabet

Curves table window settings.

If you right click in the curve table it is possible to select menu item "Properties Grid"
through the context menu. A window “Properties of Grid of Curves” appears on the screen as
shown in picture. You can limit output information about each curve by checkmarks. If curves
of the same type are in the graph then a situation may occur for horizontal scaling time when part
of the curves will not be visible on the graphic. In this case, the invisible curves in the list of
curves can be gray color, or can be invisible. Gray color or invisible mode of rows viewing
depends on the settings in the area "Rows View" (see pictures). You can also adjust the
transparency of a window and number of decimal places common for all curves in the table. If
you set the check box "Use output format from axes settings", then for each curve will be
displayed a different number of decimal places (in accordance with the settings of each axis).

Pic.23 Properties of curves table

Pic.24 Invisible curves are hidden

Pic.25 Invisible curves are displayed of gray color

Pic.26 Transparency of the window with the curves is set on 80%

Combine curves.
When data is received from different tools or when the operation of tool or depth
recording systems is malfunctioning, it is possible that the GST file contains curves of the same
type with time gaps. To combine such curves, the special subsystem is implemented.
The window for combine curves is called up via the menu item "Modes operation/
Correction of curves/Combining Curves". A window is a list of curves with time gaps, a list of
time gaps and additional information. There is a choice of combine curves for the marked time
gaps in the list. If there are curves with different cycles on the screen, the combine curves will
occur with the maximum cycle. Combine works only with visible curves. If two curves of the
same type and the same time interval are on the screen, after combine the curve with a smaller
time interval is deleted.

Pic.27 Curve combine window

Procedure for combine curves:

 Open the GST file;

 Select time interval with time gap/gaps;
 Press the key combination "Ctrl+C" or select the menu item "Operating Modes/
Correction of curves/Combining Curves " to open the curve combine window;
 Select the desired curve type for the combine (default curve for combine is depth);
 Select/remove the time gaps to be combine and click the "Combine" button;
 If necessary, perform a combine for another type of curve.

In the additional information field, a message is displayed about the cycles of the curves.
If curves with different cycles, then a message with a list of curves and corresponding cycles is
output. Have in mind that the combine will occur with the maximum cycle. When the curve
cycle is small (for example, 25 μs), when combine long time intervals, the curves take up a large

amount of memory. Therefore, there is a limit on the data size of one curve of 500 MB. In this
case, you need to select a smaller interval for combine.

Pic.28 Information about different cycles of curves

After combine, a new curve is added to the end of the list of curves, the curves that have
been combined are deleted. A combining curve is displayed. The program will warn you that
unsaved data has appeared. After combine, please save the file.

a) b)
Pic.29 List of curves a) before combine b) after combine the depth curves

Pic.30 Depth curve after combine.

The program also allows you to combine curves with overlap. In this case, the combine
will be made from the start time of the second curve (the value of the first curve is taken), until
the end time of the first curve (the value of the second curve is taken).

Pic.31 Combine curves with overlapping

Smoothing curves.

The window for smoothing curves is called up via the menu item "Operating modes/
Curve correction/Smoothing curves". The window is a list of curves and the percentage of
smoothing of the selected curve. If on the screen there are several curves with the same short
name, the smoothing is performed only on the first curve in the list.

Pic.32 Curve smoothing

Procedure for smoothing curves:

 Open the GST file;

 Select the time interval with the splash/distortion of the data;
 Press "Ctrl+B" key combination or select the menu item "Operating modes/Curve
correction/Smoothing curves" to open the curve smoothing window;
 Select the desired curve type;
 The percentage smoothing default is 100% (fully smoothing), a decrease in the
percentage of smoothing on the graph will appear "bump" in the place of splash;
 Click the "Smoothing" to confirm the desired percentage of smoothing on the chart and
the splash of curve is replaced by a curve with a chosen percentage of smoothing.

The time interval should be chosen as small as possible for an individual particular splash.
Smoothing occurs on a selected time interval. Smoothing of several splashes can be performed
individually for each splash. After smoothing the curves, you must save the modified file.

Pic.33 The example of smoothing 10 и 100%

Pic.34 Curve before smoothing.

Pic.35 Curve after smoothing

5 Axes and units of measurements


In GST file contains code/short name (4 characters), name (16 characters) and unit (8
characters) for each curve. The curves may have the same code, but different names. Viewer
Geotekhapp.exe uses the same codes/short names as in the GST file. For example: PRES –
pressure, TEMP – temperature.
In the viewer Geotekhapp.exe stores a reference axis for all curves. Axis differs from
each other code/short name. The codes of the axes coincide with codes of the curves. One axis
can has multiple curves (curves of the same type). One curve can has only one axis.
In the picture you can see several pressure curves with one common axis and a common
pressure scaling.

Pic.36 Several curves of one type with common axis.

There are two modes of display axes - one axis (the default) and all axes with the ability
of settings of visibility for each axis. If one axis is closest to the graphic, it is considered active
(horizontal grid is drawn on the axis and all the curves of this axis are drawn two pixels).
Units of measurement are taken from the GST file by default. If necessary, the unit of
measurement from GST file can replace by units built-in the reference axis in the program
Geotekhapp.exe (for the case of replacement units).

The option of work with one axis

This option takes by default. You can set the display mode "One axis" in the menu item
"View/Program Properties", as shown in picture.

Pic.37 Window «Program Settings» for one axis

One axis is always displayed in this mode. When open GST file the depth axis becomes a current
axis, and in its absence - the axis of the first curve in the GST file.
Axis can be changed by double clicking on a line with the name of the curve in the curve table
(menu item "View/Curves Window") or a table axes (menu item "View/Axes Window").
Direction of display of the title and units of axis from the bottom to up or from top to bottom can
be changed as shown in picture.

Pic.38 Changing of orientation of axis text

The option of work with several axes

You can enable the display mode of all axes in the window "Properties Of Program" in
the area "Axes" (menu item "View/Program Properties"). The result of operate of this mode can
be seen in picture (for example, a tool type of GEO).

Pic.39 Mode of all axes display

The rightmost axis or otherwise nearest to the graphic is an active axis. Horizontal lines
of grid are drawn on the active axis and the curve/curves corresponding to the active axis, are
drawn by two pixels (active curves). A depth axis becomes an active axis when loading GST file
and in its absence - the axis of the first curve in the GST file. The active axis can be changed by
double-click on the line with the curve name in the curve table (menu item "View/Curves
Window") or an axes table (menu item "View/Axes Window"). Direction of display the title and
unit of measurement of axis from the bottom to up or from top to bottom can be changed, as
shown in picture above. To reduce the number of displayed axes you need to invoke the window
via the menu item "View/Axes Window" or via the context menu item "Axes Window".
Visibility of each axis (saving by the program for further work) can be configured in this
window through the checkmarks.

Pic.40 Example of display only three axes

The option of work with different units of measure

The curve unit of measurement is written to a GST file along with the name of the curve.
In the window "Program Properties" (menu item "View/Program Properties") checkmark is set
by default in the area "Unit from GST» (see picture). To work with other units you need to
remove this checkmark. This enables the internal reference unit of measurement, which is
aligned with the axes. After opening the window with axes you need the right mouse button
clicking on the desired axis and to select the context menu "Properties". A window appears with
the properties of the appropriate axis. If you change the unit of measure the unit of axis on the
screen will change according to your selection.

Pic.41 An example of changing of pressure units of measurement

An example of temperature in degrees Fahrenheit and pressures in psi is shown in picture.

Recalculation is performed from the unit of measurement in the GST file (they are basic).

Pic.42 New units of measurements on graph

Output format for axis values

The output format field is responsible for the numbers of decimal places are showed on
the axis. The default value is "Auto", if necessary, you can select from 0 to 4 decimal places.
When the value of "Auto" is set, the number of decimal places is automatically set depending on
the data on the screen (the selected vertical range of values). Also, the output format of the axis
can be included in a table that displays the values of the curves ("View/Curves Window"

Pic.43 Select output format for pressure axis

Pic.44 The output format is individually configured for each axis

6 The header of GST file


In the GST file stored eight rows with additional information. Each line have got the
description part (32 characters), and the content/data (63 characters). When you open GST file
these eight lines are displayed in the program. Each line can be changed. All changes are saved
in the GST file (button “OK”). All or part of the rows can be displayed on the graph with curves
and print with a choice of location and font.

View info a file header

Executed the menu item "View/File Header" we get the window "Header File" as shown
in picture.

Pic.45 The window with a header of GST file

Displays of file header on screen and print

Setting checkmarks in table, you can see lines on the screen. For example, put a
checkmarks for the rows "Well Number", "Area", "Customer" and "Date of test." We can see the
image as shown in picture.

Pic.46 Displaying of lines from file header

Change the font and margins for more beautiful images. Value of field "Left" (pixels)
moves both columns to the right. Value of field "Between" moves the right-hand column to the
right. Value of field "Top" moves down both columns (the visible part of the graph decreases).
Settings and changes are shown in pictures. Information on the screen is repeated when printing.

Pic.47 Settings of displaying the file header

Pic.48 Displaying of file header

7 Legend


The legend serves for more understandable images of each curve on the graph. In picture, you
can see a picture of the legend with the maximum possible information.

Pic.49 Graph with curves and legend for each curve

Legend settings

Executed the menu item "View/Program properties/Legend" we will get the window with
the settings of legend. The window is shown in picture.

Pic.50 The legend settings

A legend displays on the graph by the checkmark "Screen". If haven’t checkmark

“Screen”, the working area of the graphic on the screen increases. Displays a legend when
printing is switched on and off in the area "Print". You can make the legend text in black and
white or color (default). Black and white legends sometimes needed when printing on non-color
Content of Legend line is formed using six fields. You can specify the length of the dash
in pixels from 0 to 100, by default it is 15, and display of information about each curve from
GST file - full name, short name, unit of measurement, type and number of the tool or device. If
no checkmark "Unit from GST» in the window "View/Program properties/Axes", the units of
measurement are taken not from the GST file but from program reference of units.

8 Print of graph

It is possible to print graph through the menu item "File / Print" or the corresponding
button on the toolbar. The printer appears in the area "Printer" adopted by the operating system
by default. You can select another printer from the list of printers connected to the operating
system. Page orientation, color graphics and the number of copies are configured.

Pic.51 Window of print

9 Export of points


The program allows you to export the individual points of the curves in a text file for
further processing in the special window for points (if you want to export a large number of
points, then use the time export ("Reports/Time Export")). Typical task which uses separate
points of the curves is calibration. For example to calculate the calibration coefficients you need
to have a four points of pressure (zero and 80% from maximum at room temperature and
similarly at temperature closest to the maximum) and two points of temperature (room and
closest to the maximum). We can get all the points through the program thus the value of the
channel of pressure and the value of the channel of temperature at the point specified by the user
is taken. In the process of selecting points there are prompted to input the reference values of
pressure and temperature. Then, from the selected values of points we can form a table of
pressure versus temperature and record it in a text file for further calculation of the calibration
coefficients in the tool programs. Similarly, you can get a table with any number of points. Let
see examples:

Example 1: Getting of four points for the calibration of pressure channel.

We have a calibration graph with curves pressure and temperature in units of ADC. It is
necessary to form a table with four points (the points indicated in the picture). Place the cursor to
each of the four points sequentially and press «Ctrl» + double-click the left mouse button. The
window of input of reference values of pressure and temperature every time appears on the
screen. Input a reference pressure and the reference temperature at each of the four points. If you
accidentally entered incorrectly, in the future you will can possibility to correct. When we input
all four points we open the table with points of menu item "View/Points Window" for viewing.
*You can open a blank table before entering points and to see how points are added after the
«Ctrl» + double-click the left mouse button.

Pic.52 Input the reference values of P and T

Pic.53 Four points for pressure calibration

Table with four points of pressure and a four points of temperature is shown in picture.
Reference values of pressure or temperature can be corrected. You can remove the pressure
points, then remove the temperature points (after switching to a table with temperature points)
and re-enter the new points. The button 'Save TXT file” allows you to keep points of separate
curve in a text file.

Pic.54 Table of selected points (four)

To form the table of pressure depending on temperature press the button "Table P T».
The result is shown in the picture. After saving the table to a text file, we can calculate the
coefficients of the tool. The calculation is performed in the program of work with the tool.

Pic.55 Table of pressure depending on temperature for calculating the calibration coefficients
and its analogue in the text file
Example 2: Getting of nine points for primary calibration and for secondary interpolation table of
pressure channel.
The second example differs from the first only in the number of points. Also we select
nine points on the graphic indicating the reference values of pressure and temperature, thus the
reference temperature at the points 1,2,3 (room temperature) is considered to be the same, and
similarly for points 4,5,6 (average temperature) and 7,8,9 (closest to the maximum temperature).
The pressure at each temperature is taken equal to zero in the middle of the range, and 80% of

Pic.56 Points for calculating of the coefficients by pressure and temperature and secondary
interpolation table

Pic.57 Table of selected points (nine)

Pic.58 Table of pressure depending on temperature for calculating the primary coefficients +
secondary interpolation table and its analogue in text file

Example 3: Getting the table for pressure channel and temperature points for temperature in one
text file for tool with external channel of temperature.

You need to get a text file for tool with external (second) channel of temperature for
calibration, which provides data on channel of pressure and data on a separate (external) channel
of temperature. First, a table for pressure and temperature is prepared, as described in Examples
1 and 2. Thus internal temperature curve of the tool is used. Points for the external temperature
of the tool have not yet chosen. After generating the table a text file is recorded as described in
Examples 1 and 2.
Then we select the points for external temperature channel («Alt» + double-click the left mouse
button) as shown in picture. To record these points in a text file we click the button "Save to txt
file" and add points to a text file, were previously tables of pressure channel ("No" button to add
points) were recorded. The resulting text file shown in next picture.

Pic.59 Choice of points for second (external) channel of temperature

Pic.60 Common text file for channel of pressure and external channel of temperature.

The conditions for obtaining the results of examples 1 - 3.

 One continuous pressure curve should be on the graph and a one continuous curve
temperature of pressure compensation.
 The number and the amount of steps of pressure at each temperature should be the same.
 The reference points of temperature are determined at zero pressure before applying
pressure steps
 Temperature when submitting one portion of pressure steps should be the same (if there
is a difference, introduced the first reference temperature - the temperature at zero

Opportunities of work with the table of points.

 The point selection with the temperature for table occurs by «Ctrl» + double-click the left
mouse button.
 The point selection without temperature for the table occurs by «Alt» + double-click the
left mouse button.
 If adding the points occurs without opening of the window "Selected point" the first
curve from GST file and temperature (if pressed «Ctrl») are taken or the temperature is
not taken (if pressed «Alt»).
 If adding points occurs when the "Selected points" window is open, the points of the
selected curve are added, respectively with the temperature ("Ctrl") or without ("Alt").
 Switch between the curves in the window of points works as a filter between all the
selected points (it selects only the points of the selected curve).
 If the points selected out of order, you can sort them in ascending order of the point
number (to click on the column header «№»).
 You can delete one point by press button «Delete».
 All points of the selected curve you can remove by button "Clear".
 You can edit the reference values directly in the table.
 You can save points of any channel in a text file by button "Save TXT file".

10 Time export

Data of GST file are stored in the time format. For each curve, the start time and the cycle
are saved. In the time export the user sets the cycle, with which data will be exported. If you set
the cycle is equal to the cycle of curve, we will get the points with the actual values one to one
from the GST file. If you specify a cycle more or less of cycle of curve, we get correspondingly
less or more points after time export. And the values of the points in the time export will be
calculated (linear interpolation). When exporting multiple curves with different cycles, it is
recommended to set the cycle of the curve, which is the most important for processing. You can
also export each curve separately (to do the export when there is only the appearance of the
exported curve). For example there are depth curve, curve of magnetic marks, curve of pressure,
curve of temperature, curve of collar locator and curve of flow meter. And the channels of
pressure, temperature, collar locator, flow meter were recorded in the tool GEO-6 with the same
cycle and the depth was recorded by depth sensor (system logged control) with another cycle.
We recommend take cycle for time export as cycle of the curves of tool GEO-6. As a rule, it is
more than the cycle of depth curve.

Order time export

First step is the choice of time interval for time export (see Horizontal scaling by time).
Second step is the choice the menu item "Reports/Time Export." A window "Export" will
appear as shown in picture.

Pic.61 Window «Export»

Let’s see each area of window separately.

In the field "Time Period" shows the interval of time within for the time export. This
time interval corresponds to the time interval selected in the chart.
In the field "Step selection for export" the user enters a cycle for export. The last entered
cycle is stored.
In the field "Cycle in GST" is displayed the cycle of first curve from a file GST, except
for depth curve and magnetic marks curve. This cycle is shown for reference.
In the field "Export Rows" shows the number of rows (points), which is formed in the
output file. And the more the user sets the value of cycle, then smaller number of lines will be
formed and Vice versa. Step time can be set with accurate to micro seconds.
In the field "Curves Count" shows the number of curves involved in the time export. If
you remove visibility of the curve (curves), they aren’t in the time exports.

Three tabs ("Text+», «Excel», «LAS») show three types of files for a time export.

Third step is entering new time step in the area “Step selection for export” (in necessary).
Fourth step is the choice of type of output time file (the choice one of tab “Text” or “Excel” or
“LAS”). Other actions are dependent on the selected tab.

Order of working with tab “Text+”

In the field "Text File" by pressing button , the user selects or enters a new file name
where the information will be save.
Using the area "Time" on tab "Text" you can select the type and the number of time
columns in the output text file.
Three options:
Option 1 is calendar time

Pic.62 Time export to text with calendar time

Option 2 is the time from zero

In this case, you can select the time format (seconds by default). The hours and minutes are
represented by a decimal number.

Pic.63 Time export to text with time from zero

Option 3 is both times. Both time format.

Pic.64 Time export to text with calendar time and with time from zero

There are extra settings of exporting to a text file. They allow saving additional information
about to the file. Additional settings that can be set using checkboxes:
"Show GST header" - display the GST header in the output file.
"Show time interval" - display the exported time interval.
"Show a list of curves" - display information about all exported curves.
"Set columns splitter" - set a separator between columns of data.
"Combine depth curves" - combining several depth curves into one column of data.
"Show headers of columns" - display headers with channel names and measurement units.
"Show row number column" - display line numbers in a text file.
"Use MS DOS encoding" - compatibility with old LAS files.
After pressing the button "OK" the starting of Notepad with the recorded file will be offered.

Pic.65 Example of time export

Order of working with tab “Excel”

To use this tab, you must have Microsoft Excel since version 11.0 (Office2003). Setting
of the time columns is similarly to text files. Time from zero is formed only in seconds.

Pic.66 Time export to Excel with calendar time

Pic.67 Time export to Excel with time from zero

Order of working with tab “LAS”

The window for creating a time LAS is similar to the window for creating a depth LAS.
The order and principles of work see in the section "Depth export".

11 Depth export

Data in GST files are stored in the time format. You can convert this data into a depth
format (LAS) for delivery to the customer. We have got the curve values at certain points in time
(by the cycle) in GST file. And in a depth format it is necessary to obtain the curve values on the
certain depths with a certain depth step (usually 0.1 m). First the program calculates the time of
each depth, and then it calculates the curves values in these times (linear interpolation). The
time of beginning of depth interval is the left border of the time interval selected in the graph.
Condition for obtaining of a single depth LAS file:
• Presence of one continuous curve of depth.
• One of three deep intervals - descent, ascent or parking should be displayed on the graph. If
depth changes its direction in graph, then you should use the horizontal time scale to select the
desired depth interval.
• Curves of tool data of one type should not be time gaps (continuous curves of the same

• Depth file of LAS format based on the template, so the standard file «LAS20.tmp» must be
supplied. The file can be changed to your requirements (see more in " Programmer's Guide ") or
based on it to create a new template file.
If several depth intervals are displayed on the graph, it is possible to automatically
generate several LAS files (the button "Auto Export"). Conditions for obtaining depth LAS files
are the same as for a single file. And you can see more than one depth intervals on one graph.
For more details see below.

Order of work with one depth interval.

The first step is the selecting of depth interval for depth export.
The second step is the selecting of the menu item "Reports/Depth Export". The screen displays
the window "DepthExport" as shown in picture.
The third step is the selecting of the format of the depth file. You can select two: LAS format or
TXT format. As the path for the depth exported file, GST file path loading proposed.
The fourth step is export.
After clicking on the button "Export" a preview of the resulting file will be offered if the
setting is enabled "View LAS file”.
An example of depth file in LAS format and TXT format are shown in the pictures.

Pic.68 Example of export to depth format of single depth interval

Pic.69 Example of depth LAS file

Pic.70 Example of depth TXT file

If you press the button "Auto Export", window “AutoLasForm” appears on the screen
with single-interval as shown in the picture. Working with this isn’t sense because this window
is designed to work with a group of intervals.

Pic.71 Form for automatic creation of LAS file when selecting one interval

Order of work with several depth intervals.

The first step is selection of several depth intervals for depth export.
The second step is selection the menu item "Reports/Depth Export”. The window
“DepthExport" appears on the screen as shown in the picture. The direction of depth is not used
(group intervals may contain both parking and descents and ascents). Depth text format is also
not used in this case. Settings of LAS format are the same as in the case of the single interval.
The third step is to press the button "Auto Export" for a viewing of depth intervals list and auto
exports. The window "AutoLasForm” appears on the screen.

Pic.72 An example of export in depth format of some number of intervals

Consider in more detail the form "AutoLasForm”.

Graphic of researches with a few numbers of intervals is shown in the picture below.
Obtain a table of intervals as shown in the next picture after selecting the menu item
"Reports/Depth Export" and pressing the button "Auto Export".
You can have a few numbers of the depth curves. In this case if the curves of depth
overlap, auto export will not be performed and the window with message “overlapping curves”
will appear. It is necessary to remove the appearance of extra depth curve and repeat auto export.

Pic.73 Report on overlapping curves for Auto export in LAS

Sorting in the table of intervals is by the time of the beginning of intervals.

So you will have a set of files in accordance with the table of intervals after clicking on
the button "Export". The directory where the files are saving, taken from the settings of LAS
format in the previous window and is changed by the button ("Folder").
File name will be formed as a sequence number + letter «D» (Depth) for ascending and
descending or the letter «T» (Time) for parking. Example: 100_D.las or 201_T.las.

Pic.74 Study with a few numbers of intervals

Pic.75 The table of depth intervals created by program

Pic.76 Automatically created LAS files

General settings of depth LAS format

Settings of depth LAS format are similar to setting a time LAS format as shown in the
picture. You can change the template, replace the NULL value, step of depth, step of parked
time, select the decimal separator (period/comma), choose MS-DOS code (for compatibility with
older programs of work with LAS files), format of time column, and numbers of decimal places
for depth or time columns. Time step on the parking is taken from the cycle of depth curve of
GST format. Time step in the parking can be changed without saving. Other settings are saved
by program.

Pic.77 Settings for depth LAS file

The file name will «Data.las», if not put a checkmark in the area "Apply making file
name". If you put checkmark, you can automatically generate a file name in the case of a single
depth LAS file, which may consist of information about the depth interval and tool. In the table
of settings, you can add or remove the visibility of the separate information fields by
checkmarks. The arrangement of parts of file name is chosen based on the order in column «N»,
which can be changed by changing the numeric values. Automatically generated file name with
direction of interval, depth of interval start, depth of interval end is shown in the picture (except
it has the ability to output tool type, tool number, date and time of the interval start, date and
time of interval end) .

If the checkmark "View LAS file" is set in the window of the depth export, the program will
offer to view the file after export.

If the program is registered for the *.las format in operating system, it will automatically
open, otherwise the window will appear asking you to choose a program to run. Select the item
"Select the program from the list of installed programs" and click "OK.

Choose a program from the program list (eg "Notepad") in the opened window "Select
programs". If the desired program is not listed, it can be noted by clicking on the button
"Browse ...", select the directory of the program and file for running the program (usually a file
with the extension *. exe). Set check mark "Use the selected program for all files the same type"
and click "OK". LAS file opens in the program you choose and further launch will open by this
(selected) program.

Change LAS file viewer.
If you need to change the program to launch of LAS file, right-click on the file *.las format and
select the item "Properties».

File properties window opens. In the window on the tab "General", click on the button "Edit".

Window «Selection of program» will open. Perform the actions on selecting the program as it
was described just above, click "OK" to accept all the changes.

Changing of mnemonics of curves and calculation curves

Checkmark "Apply Mnemonics" in the area "Mnemonics of Curves" affects the

mnemonic of short names of curves and units of measurement in the section «~ Curve
information» of LAS file. If the checkmark is not installed, the short name of curves and units of
measurements are taken from the GST file, as shown in the picture. Full names of the curves,
which can be changed in the window "Properties curve", display in column «DATA

Pic.78 Short curves name from GST file

Pic.79 Short curves names with changing (field “Apply Mnemonics” is check)

You can replace the short names, units and extra data in the "DATA INFORMATION"
section during the conversion of curves to the LAS format when the "Apply Mnemonics"
checkbox is selected in the "Change curve mnemonics" area as shown in the previous picture.
The replacement of the mnemonics curve is based on the text file "SettingsNew.xml" located in
the directory with the program GeotekhApp.exe. Entries in this file can be changed or added
with the help of the "Mnemonics of curves" window, which is called up by the "Settings" button
in the area "Changing the curve mnemonics". An example of setting the mnemonic curves is
shown in the picture.
The first column contains standard curve names in the GST file, which can’t be changed.
The other columns are allowed to edit. The coefficients A and B allow you to change the channel
values when converting to LAS: the coefficient A is multiplied, the coefficient B is added. The
coefficients apply to all channels except the depth and time channel. You can see examples of
new mnemonics: transfer the pressure from kgf/cm2 to psi and the temperature from Celsius to

Pic.80 Settings of mnemonics of curves.

Another mechanism of creating of extended LAS file is calculated curves. As an

example of the calculated curves consider the following problem: we must get in LAS file two
curves: data of the flow meter channel (revolutions per minute), and recalculated data in cubic
meters per day into borehole of different diameters.

Set a checkmark "Apply Calc Curves" in the area "Calc Curves".

After forming the LAS file (button "Export"), we get next picture.

Pic.81 LAS file with calculated curves

We see that for each of the flow meters (FLOW - bottom, FLO2 - top) added additional channels
(for column diameter 73mm).

Clicking the "Adjust" button to open the "Calc Curves" form and look at the settings. The
checkmarks are set for both flow meters (bottom and top/inline) for borehole 73mm inner
diameter. The coefficients are got after flow meter calibration. For depth interval with borehole
another inner diameter you need to enter the other coefficients, check it, and uncheck old

Pic.82 Settings of calculated curves variant A

If you have the calibration coefficients with different directions of flow (ascending,
descending, parking), it’s possible to apply the variant B of settings of calculated curves. In this
case you will get better data from flow meters.

Pic.83 Settings of calculated curves variant B

FLOW - is the code of the Bottom Flow Meter channel in the GST file.
FLO2 – is the code of the Top Flow Meter channel in the GST file.

The settings of calculated curves:

The first column contains standard curve maps in the GST file, which can’t be changed.
The other columns are allowed to edit. The column "Name in LAS" contains the symbols of
additional channels in the LAS filePic.81 LAS file with calculated curves . The column
"TOOL_Name" doesn’t use with calculated curves (it’s used for KLB files). The program
automatically save all settings in the file "SettingsNew.xml" You can add your own calculated
channels. Code of curve from GST file (you can see in the properties of the curve) is written in
the column "GST_Name».

Settings of automatically formation of LAS file

In the picture shows two settings, with which you can fine-tune the automatic generation of
depth intervals.

Pic.84 Settings of auto LAS.

The first setting "Min Number Points For Interval" varies from 1 to 1000. The second setting
"Deviation Of Parking, m” varies from 0 to 1 meter. Button "Calc" recounts generated intervals
in accordance with the settings.
To understand the first setting, let’s consider the following example in the picture.

Pic.85 The parking with short time interval (it isn’t in the table of intervals)

Parking duration about 4-5 measurement points are shown. If we transfer the point in seconds,
we will get 40-50 seconds (cycle in example is 10 seconds). In setting "Min Number Of Points
For Parking" the value is 15 and therefore the program does not define a parking. In table of
intervals descent and ascent will be only without parking. To define the parking we have to
reduce the setting value to 3. The result is shown in picture 70, where you can see additional
parking interval.

Pic.86 A short time parking now in the table of intervals

To understand the second setting, let’s consider the following example in the picture.

Pic.87 Uneven parking missed as an interval to the table

Parking in picture is uneven on depth. Depth floats in a small range within 0.1m. The second
setting "Deviation of parking, m" is set to 0. There is no parking in the table of intervals after it
formation. To solve this problem we change the setting to 0.1m and after press “Calc” get
parking in the table, as shown in the next picture.

Pic.88 Uneven parking now in the table of intervals

Report on depth intervals

Basic report
You can get a report on the selected depth intervals by clicking on the "Report" button.

Pic.89 “Auto Las” window with several depth intervals

The report will contain a fixed number of fields predefined in the program. An example of report
you can see in the picture.

Pic.90 Report on selected depth intervals using the basic template

The base report uses the base template, by default. To view the current settings, click the
button (to the right of the "Report" button) in the "Auto Las" window.

Pic.91 Selection of the basic template for the report on depth intervals

Custom Report
You can also create a report with the selection of other fields (or another order) in the
table of form "Auto Las". Press the button to call up the report settings. In this window we
specify the order of creating the report "Before creating the LAS file" and the template for the
report "User", then you must specify the path to the file of the user template. By default, the
template is "Custom_report.xls".

Pic.92 Selecting a custom report

Customization of the fields in the table with depth intervals occurs by right-clicking in
the Auto Las window. The new window will appear.

Pic.93 Calling the context menu in the Auto Las window

In the appeared window, using the mouse (dragging fields), you can select the required fields
(the "Delete" key for deleting the field) and thus adjust the display of columns in the report of
deep intervals. When the configuration the configuration is finished, click "Apply" to save.

Pic.94 Select fields for the custom report

After completing all the settings, you can generate a report by clicking on the button “Report” in
the Auto Las window. An example of a custom report is shown in the picture.

Pic.95 Report on selected intervals using a custom template

Customizing the settings for generating a custom report for the selected depth intervals is
usually done once, since all the settings are automatically saved and stored in the
"SettingsNew.xml" file.

12 Subsystem import

There is a subsystem of import data from text files for connecting data of GST format
with tools and devices from other manufacturers in the program GeotekhApp.exe. Typical
problem is that when the GST data from the tool manufactured by LLC "PKF Geotekh" need to
merge with a text file of depth and tension resulting from logging control system made by other
manufacturers. These text files can be of two types: synchronous time (time on the cycle, depth
asynchronously) and asynchronous time (depth on the cycle, time asynchronously). The LAS
file is one of the types of text file.
Requirements for a text file for successful import:
 For a synchronous format, you don’t need the time column. It is believed that the
measurements were carried out at regular time intervals.
 The presence of a time column for an asynchronous time format is required.
 One row must correspond to one measurement.
 Values in one line must be separated by a delimiter or delimiters: a space or tab.
 The title should not exceed 200 rows.
 There should be no extra rows after the channel values.
 There should not be blank rows inside channels.

Import order with synchronous time

Let us consider the import order with synchronous time using the example of depth and
tension import:
We have a text file sps.txt, where time is cyclical with a cycle of 1 second.

Pic.96 Synchronous text file for import

Run the program GeotekhApp.exe and call the dialog window "Open File" via the main menu
"File /Open". Choose the file extension *. txt. After clicking on the button "Open", window
appears to import a text file into a GST format.

Pic.97 Window of import after opening

1. In the area "Number first row", enter the number (starting from zero) of the first row of
data. In this example, the number is three. You can click on the desired row and its number
will automatically appear in the field "Number first row". Select the column separator in the
text (you can open the text in Word and see invisible characters between columns by
button ). In our example, the separator is a space character. After selecting separator press
the button "Step 1". The filled table will appear on the screen filled as shown in the picture.

Pic.98 Window of import after fill in the table

The program defined the time in zero column, the depth is in the first column and the tension
is in the second column. Only the depth and tension needed to import, so in the column
"Curve Name" choose the corresponding curves. Checkbox “FlagApply” will be set
Do not forget to enter the start date, start time and cycle time.

2. Window "Save File" will appear to save the data in the GTS format after pressing the button
"Step 2 SyncTime". Graph with curves of depth and tension (the speed curve will add
automatically) appears on the screen after pressing button "Save".

Pic.99 Window with import results

You can add data in a GST format received from the tool (menu item "File/Add") to this
file. Another way for importing is to open the file with the GST data from the tool, and then add
depth and tension (the main menu item "File/Add") by selecting the text format in the dialog
window "Open File".

Import order with asynchronous time

Consider the import order with asynchronous time using the depth import example. If you
look at a text file with depth data, you can see that the time intervals between the measurements
are different. In other words, time is asynchronous. After importing GST asynchronous time will
be calculated in a synchronous time by the program. The depth between two points in
synchronous time will be programmed interpolated (new calculation depth points will be

Pic.100 Asynchronous text file for import

The difference between the asynchronous time import and synchronous time import is in
the settings. As you can see in the picture, the time column and the depth column is selected, the
start time, the cycle, and the time column format are entered. After clicking the "Step 2
AsyncTime" button, the "Save File" window should appear to save the data in GST format.

Pic.101 Settings asynchronous format

Now let's look at the import order using the deep LAS file as an example. LAS files can
be either with synchronous time or with asynchronous time. In our example, a LAS file is
with asynchronous time.

Pic.102 Window of LAS file for depth import

Depth is in the first column of LAS file, time is in the second, the tension is in the fifth
column. The task is to carry out import of depth and tension to the GST format.
Open the LAS file similarly as time import, and import window appears.

Pic.103 Window of import after opening (depth import)

Step 1 – Setting of LAS format

Here we opened the LAS file, unlike the time import from TXT files, and therefore it is
necessary to check the settings of LAS. These settings are designed to automatically creation the
start date (the field “Date String:”), the start time (the field "Time String") and Null values (the
field “Null String”). Also, the time format for the column of time of LAS file is selected. All
values are corrected once and thereafter stored. In our example of LAS file the start date is in
LAS row with the name “DATE”, which corresponds to the settings. Date format in LAS row is
“”. Time string is “hh-mm-ss”. Time column format must be selected to “”.

Pic.104 Window of import after setting (depth import)

Step 2 - Creating of the table to import, start date and time

Type the number (starting from zero) of the first row with the data in the area "Number
first row". This is number 44 in our example. You can click on the desired row and its number
will automatically appear in the area " Number first row". Select the column separator in the text
(you can open the text in Word and see invisible characters between columns by pressing
button ). In our example, the separator is the space. After selecting of separator press the
button "Step 1." The completed table will appear on the screen as shown in the picture.

Pic.105 Window of import after table formation (depth import)

The program defined the depth in zero column, the time in the first, the tension in the
fifth. The depth, time, and tension only need to import, so the areas "Curve Name" choose the
corresponding curves. Speed is automatically generated in the GST file and it is not necessary to
import. Start date, start time and Null value is automatically generated from LAS file according
to the settings. Cycle time is usually equal to 1 second, but it can be changed.
Step 3 - Fill the table for import

It should be marked the necessary columns in the table for imports at this stage. Note that
the button “Step 2 AsyncTime” becomes active, intended for asynchronous time import.

Pic.106 Window of import after fill in the table

Step 4 – Getting of GST file

Window "Save File" will appear to save the data in the GST format after pressing the
button " Step 2 AsyncTime". After confirmation will be open the program GeotekhApp with
graph of depth, speed and tension. You can add the tool data by the menu item "File/Add".
Another way to import is to open the file with the tool data, and then import depth and
tension (the main menu item "File/Add") by selecting of LAS file in dialog box "Open File”.

Pic.107 Window with results from import

13 Time correction

Shift, stretching and compressing of curve.

Time correction is time shift the curve or group of curves forward or backward along the
time axis. Maximum time shift is 99 hours 99 minutes 99 seconds 999 milliseconds. Usually
time shift is applied when you want to compare the curves with the same impact at different
times or in different tools.
When correcting the time, you need to select the action of time correction and direction
of shift:
 Shift – the entire curve shifted to the right or to the left;
 Shift the right border - compressing or stretching the curve relative to the left
 Shift the left border - compressing or stretching the curve relative to the right

Pic.108 Time correction window

For example, it can be seen in the picture that a curve ahead of another in one minute.
Call the menu "View/Adjust Time Window" from the main menu or via the context menu of the
graph. You must specify the type of action how “Shift”, then enter the time interval of shift and
the direction of shift. Dedicated curve after clicking “OK”, will be shifted and the graph is drawn
again. If the tool were recorded several channels, the channels have the same start time will be a
group of curves. Time shift will occur once with a group of curves. Curves can’t be moved
relative to each other, if they belong to the same tool and the recording is started at the same
time. The button "Show all" shows all the curves on the scale of the screen (in the case of the
output curve beyond the screen).

Pic.109 Two curves before time shift

Pic.110 Two curves after time shift

Shifts of the right and left borders of curve can be performed in 2 directions: left and
right. When the right border is shifted, the left boundary is fixed. If the right boundary is shifted
to the right, then the time curve stretches. If the right boundary is shifted to the left, then the
curve is compressed in time.

Pic.111 Shifting the right boundary

Accordingly, when the left border is shifted, the right boundary is fixed. If the left border
is shifted to the right, the time curve is compressed. If the left boundary is shifted to the left, then
the time curve stretches.

Pic.112 Shift of the left border

The value of the time interval dt is set in the time correction window in the format hh:
mm: ss.sss, where hh - hours, mm - minutes, ss - seconds, sss-milliseconds.

Working with the mouse and hot keys
Also, the time correction operations can be performed with the mouse. In order to enter
the time correction mode, you must right-click in the graph area and select the desired mode in
the "Time Correction" menu. To exit the mode, you need to select it again. If you select a
different mode, the output from the previous one occurs automatically.
You can also enter the time correction mode using the hotkeys: Ctrl + Z (shift), Ctrl + S
(shift mode of the right border), Ctrl + X (left border shift mode). When you press the same
hotkey combination again, the time correction mode is exited. If you select a different mode, the
output from the previous one occurs automatically.
To shift the right border of the time interval with the mouse, you need:
a) Enter the time correction mode as shift mode of the right border;
b) Select a curve (point the mouse at the desired curve and make sure that the name
appears in the pop-up message);
c) Press the left mouse button and hold it, move the mouse to the desired direction. When
the mouse moves, the left border is fixed, and the right one is shifted behind the cursor.
To shift the left border of the time interval with the mouse, you need:
a) Enter the time correction mode as shift mode of the left border;
b) Select the curve (point the mouse at the desired curve and make sure that the name
appears in the pop-up message).
c) Press the left mouse button and hold it, move the mouse to the desired direction. When
the mouse moves, the right border is fixed, and the left one is shifted behind the cursor.

Pic.113 Calling the time correction context menu

It is not necessary to aim the mouse at the boundary of the curve. It is enough to "hit" by
mouse in the desired curve.
Compression and stretching of the time interval occurs due to a change in the cycle of the curve.

14 Viewing Depth Data

The standard mode for viewing GST files is to view the data by time. To view data by
depth, GeotekhApp has a special subsystem. Depth view allows:
 Display the curves in the depth format by treks, each trek can display one or more curves;
 Select one or several depth intervals (descents and ascents);
 Set the depth scale manually or from the standard scale list;
 Scroll the graph with the mouse wheel or the ↑ ↓ Page Up and Page Down keys;
 Set the visibility of curves at depth intervals;
 Edit curve properties in the curves window and tablet editor;
 Change the number of tracks and their width;
 Create BMP, JPG, PDF files with curves at different depth scales;
 Create reports in PDF formats from BMP files;
 To use special treks for display the sound meter data, multisensory water holdup data, and
multisensory temperature data.

Work order for viewing depth data:

 Open the GST file (time format);
 choose a depth interval (descent or ascent) or several intervals (descents and ascents);
 Press the "Ctrl+D" key combination - turn on/off the depth of view mode or click the "D"
 If necessary - customize the appearance through the tablet editor (see below);
 To turn off the depth viewing mode and return to the time view, press "Ctrl+D" again or
click the "D" button again.

Pic.114 One depth interval - descent (time view).

Now introduce the concept of "clean" and "dirty" intervals of depth. "Clean" intervals of
depth are smooth interval of descent or ascent. "Uneven" intervals of depth - represent large

intervals of depth with one direction, which contain within small intervals of descent, ascent or
parking. Usually such a picture of depth is obtained with coiled tubing work.
So let’s consider four cases:
 "Clean" single depth interval;
 A few "Clean" depth intervals;
 "Uneven" single depth interval;
 A few “Uneven" depth intervals.

After pressing "Ctrl+D" When the program switches to depth mode (after pressing
"Ctrl+D" or click the "D" button), in the case of a "Clean" single depth interval, we
immediately go into the depth view mode.

Pic. 115 One depth interval - descent (depth view).

If you select a few "Clean" depth intervals in a time view, then when you switch to the
depth view, a list of intervals is displayed (except the parking intervals). If you don’t need any
interval in the depth view, you need to remove the check mark from the row with this interval.

Pic.116 Several depth intervals - descent and ascent (time viewing).

Pic.117 Several depth intervals - descent and ascent (depth view).

When an interval (ascent or descent) contains small areas of ascent, descent or parking (a
single "Uneven" interval of depth), there are two methods of transfer to the depth viewing.

Pic. 118 Single “Uneven” descent with several nested intervals of depth (little descents with

The first method consists in combining nested intervals. To do this, select the upper-
level interval and check the "Combine the intervals" check box. In the depth view, this section
will be displayed as one interval.

a) b)
Pic. 119 Combining nested intervals: a) Before combine; b) After combine.

Pic. 120 List of intervals in the depth mode after combine

The second method consists in changing the settings for determining the depth intervals.
In the window with the list of intervals, when the "Settings" button is pressed, the corresponding
settings will appear. The settings are remembered by program and, in the case of constant work
with this type of material, the program will automatically generate "Clean" depth intervals.

Pic. 121 Depth interval setting.

The field "Min Number Points For Interval" specifies the minimum number of points
per interval. Depth intervals, which duration less than value of this field are cut off from the list
of depth intervals. After increasing the value of this field, the number of depth intervals is
reduced (the depth intervals "upsize" because of small intervals) and Vice versa. The value is set
at the points corresponding to the time (depends on the cycle of the curve) is displayed in the
field "Min Time For Interval ". After changing the settings, the list of intervals is updated by
pressing the "Calc" button.
Another setting, which also depends on the number of depth intervals, is the field "Range
depth direction" in meters. When the value of this field increases, the number of depth intervals
will be reduced (the depth intervals "upsize" because of small intervals) and vice versa. In this
case will be used the value of depth after the change of direction.

The "Auto" setting (it recommends) allows you to automatically determine the depth
intervals. The "One interval" used to when you always need only one depth interval. The
"Several intervals" always show all depth intervals. The last two modes are used in situation
when the “Auto” mode can’t show correct depth intervals.

In case there are several "Uneven" depth intervals, it is possible to combine them or
lead to one interval using the settings, as described for a single "Uneven" depth interval.

Pic. 122 Multiple nested intervals

You can combine several intervals in one interval of depth by right-clicking on the upper-
level interval and selecting the item of the context menu "Combine". Restoring to the previous
state occurs when you call the context menu and select the "Restore" item.

a) b) c)
Pic. 123 List of intervals: a) Before combine; b) After combining one interval; c) After
combining all the intervals.

Pic. 124 Depth view after combining all the intervals.

Attention! In the presence of several intervals in the depth mode, the viewing of the sound level
meter, volumetric water hold up and volumetric thermometer is limited. Viewing these tracks
will only be possible if there is one depth interval.

Description of standard scales
In the depth view mode, there is a set of standard scales. You can select one of the values
from the drop-down list. You can also select a depth interval with the mouse directly on the
graph. In this case the program will calculate the user scale and display it in the corresponding
field. Keyboard input is another way to set a custom scale.

a) b) c)
Рис.125 a) Standard scales; b) Custom scale (via mouse); c) Custom scale (through the

For more detailed view (depth scale) use the left mouse button. To scroll the graph
(scrolling), use the mouse wheel or the ↑ ↓ Page Up and Page Down keys. To zoom in, you need
to select a depth interval from top to bottom (with the left mouse button pressed). To return to
the previous scale, you must select a deep interval from the bottom up (with the left mouse
button pressed). Using the mouse wheel, you can scroll the graph up or down the depth at the
same scale.

a) b) c)
Pic.126 a) Interval selection; b) Scaling at the selected interval; c) Scrolling the graph up with a
custom scale

Description of context menu items

The local menu (call through the right mouse button) consists of three items: "Curves
window", "Tablet editor" and "Summary report".
Pic.127 Table with a list of depth intervals (menu item "Curve window").

In the curves window, on the tab "Intervals" you can set the visibility of individual work
intervals (descents and ascents), on the tab “Curves” - the visibility of individual curves. Also on
the Curves tab you can see the values of each curve at a certain depth, the current depth is
displayed in the window title.

Pic.128 Table with curves from two work intervals (descent and ascent), sorted by the name of
the curves.

In the tables you can see information about each depth interval and each curve. In the
“Value” column, you can see the current value of each curve (at the depth where the cursor is
You can set the properties of each curve in the local “Curve Properties” menu. You can
change the color, line thickness, averaging for each individual curve, or for all curves of the
same type. These changes are not saved when the depth view is restarted. To save the color of
the curves of an individual channel, you need to use the "Tablet Editor". To save the other
settings of curve you need to use the settings of curve in the time view.

Pic.129 Curve Properties.

In the "Tablet Editor" local menu item, you can configure the display of depth curves.
You can change the current display or create a new tablet with the new settings. A tablet is a set
of settings for the depth view mode. The tablet consists of tracks (plots). A track is a vertical area
of the screen where one or more curves are drawn. You can set the track width as a percentage of
the screen width and the number of tracks on the screen.

Pic.130 Tablet settings.

To add a track, select "Add track" of the shortcut menu in the tablet editor. Next, you can
set the width of the tracks in percent and add the necessary curves to display on the screen.
Adding a curve also occurs through the context menu, in the middle area of the tablet editor
window. Select "Add Curve" menu, then select the curve name. The curve is deleted via the
"Delete curve" item. Delete a track - the item "Delete track" of the context menu.

Pic.131 Adding track 4 in the tablet editor.

Each curve on the track has a set of properties, consider them in more details (see right
area on the window – channel Pressure for example).
All the curves on the tracks have two scales: the depth scale (vertical) and the scale by the
value (horizontal). The depth scale is considered above, and the scale by value is adjusted by the
property of the curve "AutoFormat".
AutoFormat - automatic scaling, takes the values "Yes" and "No". Automatic scale
(value "Yes") - the program's calculated range of curve values, at which the curve visually fits
horizontally within a single track. By default, each curve has an automatic scale horizontally.
Custom scale ("No") is a manually set range of values. The user scale allows you to view the
sections of the curve in more detail. To select a custom scale, you must set "No" in the
"AutoFormat" field. After setting "No" in the field "AutoFormat" you need to set the Minimum,
Maximum. Minimum, Maximum are the minimum and maximum values for a curve on a
custom scale. The user can set the minimum and maximum values at which the curve may not be
visible on the track.
In order to see the curve in this situation, it is necessary to set the shift curve (property
"Shift") to the value "Yes".

a) b)
Pic.132 a) Temperature curves (shift is disabled) b) Temperature curves (shift enabled)

The setting “Visible” controls the visibility of the curve. Allows you to hide or make
visible curves of the graph. The value of "Yes" sets the visibility (default), the value "No" - to
hide the curve.

a) b)
Pic.133 a) Temperature curves (visibility) b) Temperature curves (hidden)

Setting “Color” is the color of the curve. This setting allows you to change the color of
the curve on the graph using the color change dialog box.

Printing in depth mode.

To print a graphic and create a BMP/JPG/PDF-file, click the "Print" button. Next, check
the "Print to BMP" field in order to use the generated files later when creating a consolidated
report. It is also possible to save in JPG and PDF formats, which allows you to significantly
reduce the size of the resulting file.

Pic.134 A window for printing.

When creating a BMP, JPG, or PDF file, the current scale of depth is used. So with a
larger scale, a more detailed report is formed.

Pic.135 PDF-report from the depth view

Consolidated report
From the previously generated BMP files, you can create a summary report. Calling the
summary report creation window is available through the depth data viewing context menu.
At the top of the window, you can select the working folder with the material for the
summary report.
In the left list (Folder with files) are the files available for adding to the report, you can
drag them to the right list (Selected files) with the mouse. The right list contains the files from
which the report will be generated.

Pic.136 The summary report window

After selecting all the files necessary for the report, you must select the folder to save the
report and click the "PDF Report" button. After receiving a message about the success of
creating a report, open the folder with the report and further - the report itself.

Pic.137 Formed consolidated report

Grid in depth mode
Setting the grid in the depth mode is similar to setting the grid in the time mode. In the
settings of the sound level meter, volumetric volume meter and volumetric thermometer, you can
disable the grid for these tracks.

a) b)

Pic.138 The ability to enable/disable the visibility of the grid on tracks

Pic.139 Work data in the depth mode, a track of a volume moisture meter with a grid disabled

15 Navigation bar.

To navigate in the material when viewing individual time intervals, the navigation bar
can be useful. The navigation bar is the area at the top of the screen that contains a visual mini-
copy of the material from the * .gst file. To set the visibility of the navigation bar, you must
press the Ctrl + Q key combination, or select the "Panels" - "Navigator" menu item.

Pic.140 The GeotekhApp window with the navigation panel turned on.

When the interval (for example, descent) is selected, this interval will be shown on the
screen, and in the navigation panel, by highlighting the current position of the interval in the
material will be displayed.

Pic.141 Select the color of the selected data in the navigation panel

Also, the navigation bar allows you to move the selected interval into navigation bar. To
do this, select the time interval in the graph, move the cursor to the selected interval in the
navigation bar (the cursor will take the form of a hand) and drag it to the desired location. The
first picture shows the starting position, the second picture shows the position after moving
through the navigation bar.

Pic.142 Navigating using the navigation bar

You can customize the display of the navigation bar. To do this, right-click on the
navigation bar and select "Configure Navigator". With the help of three sliders you can set the
background color, highlight color and transparency of the selected area.

a) b)

Pic.143 a) Call up the settings window b) The navigation panel settings window

Navigation bar in the depth view

To establish the visibility of the navigation panel in the depth mode, you need to go to the
menu "View" - "Program settings" - "Other", check the "Navigation bar". If the navigation panel
has been enabled in the time view, then after the going to the depth mode it will be visible. The
navigation bar will be displayed on the right, as well as in the time view, you can use it to
navigate the graph.

Pic.144 Navigation panel in depth mode

16 Data of Multisensory Capacitance Water Hold-up

Channels of GEO-MVA Tool

The GEO-MVA tool has 6 channels of hydrometer (VVL1-VVL6), the channel to

determine the angle of rotation of the tool (ROT – rotation), the channel to determine the angle
of deviation of the tool (DEV - deviation), channel of the sensor of the disclosure (CAL -
calibrator) and technological channel temperature (VVLT). Channels of hygrometer are
measured in relative units or in percentage, angles are measured in degrees, calibrator is
measured in millimeters and the channel temperature is measured in degrees Celsius.
The program uses the data of the sensor of rotation plus the data of six sensors of CWH
and you can see the 2-D picture (from real 3-D picture in the pipe). For example, you can see the
laboratory data of MVA tool (the movement of the tool from the air into the diesel fuel in the
inclined pipe) and data of MVA tool in a real horizontal well (with the channels of the GEO-7

Pic.145 Movement GEO-MVA tool from the air to diesel fuel in the inclined pipe

The first figure shows a gradual movement of the tool in the diesel fuel. As the sensors of
the hydrometer are immersed in diesel fuel, you can see the increase in the share of oil (green).

Pic.146 The data of the GEO-MVA tool and GEO-7 tool in a horizontal section of the wellbore with the
presence of oil

On the second figure one can see a transition of the tool from the water to the area with
the presence of oil. Channel DEV (deviation) measures the angle of inclination of the borehole
(in the figure it is equal to 90).

An order of a data processing of GEO-7 data and GEO-MVA data

 First we need to open a GST file, which collected material from the tool GEO-7,
tool GEO-MVA and the depth data from the panel SKK. If the data is in separate
files, you need to combine all data into one file GST.
 Then select the required depth interval in which you want to see the data of GEO-
MVA. The figure shows an example of one interval.

Pic.147 The ascending of the tool GEO-7 and GEO-MVA

 To switch to depth mode, press the key combination Ctrl+D (or click button “D”).
 If necessary, adjust the scale of the depth.
 Setting up your tablet (plot).

Pic.148 The program window with data GEO-7 tool (without data GEO-MVA tool)

The software has the standard tablet (plot). You can customize the current tablet (and
then save) or to choose the most appropriate tablet from the list of standard tablets. To call the
Plot Editor, you need to click right click on chart and choose the context menu item “Plot

Pic.149 Context menu in the depth mode

In the window you can see the current tablet (plot).

Pic.150 The Plot Editor

To change the current plot, you need to click on the button to open the selection plot,
choose new plot and press the "OK" button.

Pic.151 Data of geological exploration, plot PlotVVL.xml

Pic.152 Data of geological exploration, plot PlotGEO7VVL.xml

 Customizable tablet (plot):

You can add, delete tracks. After empty tracks are added you can add curves from the
GST file. Special tracks are added to the visualization of GEO-MVA and spectral sound level
meter. Width of tracks is allocated automatically, you can manually change the % of the width.
You can add, delete curves on the tracks. It is possible to add as individual curves and
group curves of the same type (for example, curves of GEO-MVA or sound level meter).
Color curves are taken from the settings file GST or plot settings.

 Customize track with image of GEO-MVA

The window “Hydrometer Settings” shows when you right-click on the track hygrometer,
then select "Settings".
In this window you can set the ranges for each component (gas, oil, water) in the fluid of
the well.

Pic.153 The window with hydrometer settings

The figure above shows the ranges for gas, oil and water. Example: when receiving
values from the hygrometer sensors that fall in the range from 0.5 to 0.09, the graph is displayed
as gas – red. The display colors for gas, oil and water can be changed using the standard
Windows color adjustment, it is necessary to double click on the colored square next to "Color".
There are 3 types of display information in the track: Line, Rectangle and Interpolation.

а) б) в)
Pic.154 Three kinds of display information in the track of the hygrometer a) Line b) Rectangle)

Preparation of reports
In the depth mode it is possible to get a report as a graphic file in BMP/JPG format or in
PDF format. Click the "Print" button on the toolbar or via the menu "File", then select "Print". In
the pop-up print window to select the save format (BMP, JPG or PDF), to specify if necessary
the width of the image and the file path. The size and detail of the report is affected by the scale
of the deep mode. The following is an example of the generated report in format of BMP, scale

Pic.155 The report in BMP format

There is a possibility to create a consolidated PDF report from several reports in BMP
format (multiple depth intervals). This requires in-depth mode to open the context menu and
select "Consolidated report". Drag from left field to right field the required depth intervals and
click the "PDF Report".

The creation of LAS

The data in the GST file stored in the time format. To transfer data in the depth format
(LAS) used by sub-system export. To create LAS should:
- choose depth interval;

Pic.156 The selected depth interval

- choose the menu "Reports", "Depth Export";

- set the necessary settings;
- click "Export";
More information can be found in the relevant sections of this manual.

Pic.157 Generated LAS file


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