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Colegio Santo Ángel de la Guarda 180 años

San José de Cúcuta

Reconocimiento Oficial 1156 del 5 de junio de 2014
de presencia

STUDENT: Jesus Perez GRADE: 10 A - B

Be sit and quiet.
Pencil, eraser and a highlighter are required on your desk.
Fill out the blanks with your personal information.
Write clearly and with the proper grammar rules.
Studs or amendments are not allowed.
Special devices must be kept inside your schoolbags or on the board, on the contrary your lesson could be

READING: Read and select the best option (1-14) (1,5 points each)


The brain is the main part of the body's nervous system constantly sending signals to the
body. The brain has several different parts working together to help a person live their life
each day. The five main parts of the brain include the cerebrum, cerebellum, brain stem,
pituitary gland, and hypothalamus.
The largest part of the brain is the cerebrum, making up about 85% of the brain's weight.
The cerebrum allows a person to think and control voluntary muscles, which a person is
able to control. A person can kick a ball, walk down, the street, or jump in the air because
they control the muscles and movements.
The cerebrum is active when a person is thinking during a test, making decisions, or
playing a video game. Memory is a part of the cerebrum, including short-term memory,
recalling a morning event, or long-term, a memory from several years ago.
The cerebrum has two halves, one on each side of the head. The right half helps a person
think about abstract things like art, music, colors, shapes, and other parts of the
imagination. The left half is more analytical, which helps a person speak, make logical
decisions, do math problems, and reason. Scientists are unsure about which half of the
brain controls the left or right side of the body.
The cerebellum controls a person's balance, movement, and coordination. This includes
how a person stands, moves, and balances. The cerebellum is located in the back of the
brain under the cerebrum, but it is only about one-eighth the size of the cerebrum, though
it is a vital part of the brain. Without the cerebellum a person would not have very little
ability to move.
The brain stem, also small, is responsible for all of the functions of the body for a person
to remain alive, including breathing, food digestion, and blood circulation. Located below
the cerebrum, in front of the cerebellum, it connects the rest of the brain to a person's
spinal cord. The brain stem controls involuntary muscles, working on their own without
the help or thought. The muscles are located in the heart, stomach or other parts of the
body. It tells the heart to pump blood to the body, and stomach muscles to break food
down. The brain stem is also the pipeline sending and receiving millions of messages back
and forth between the brain and the body.
The pituitary gland controls the growth of a person's body by producing and releasing
hormones into the body. The gland is only the size of a pea, but without it properly
functioning, a person's body would not go through its changes as they get older. The gland
also controls sugars and water in the body, as well as keeping the metabolism of the
body going, which is related to the body's use of energy.
The final part of the brain is the hypothalamus, which basically controls the temperature
of the body. When the body is too hot, this part of the brain tells the body to sweat; too
cold, and it tells the body to shiver.
The five parts of the brain connect with the body's nervous system, made up of thousands
of nerves that communicate information to and from the brain. The more messages sent to
the brain, the stronger the connections become. This is how good, and bad, habits or skills
are learned. The brain also is the control center for feelings. On each side of the brain
there are a groups of cells called amygdala, which is responsible for emotions.

Agentes Humanizadores de la Historia

Nit 860009659-4 Tel. 5763449 Fax 5762738 Urbanización la Rinconada - Cúcuta - Colombia
Correo Electrónico: Página Web:
Colegio Santo Ángel de la Guarda 180 años
San José de Cúcuta
Reconocimiento Oficial 1156 del 5 de junio de 2014
de presencia
In conclusion, the brain is the control center of the body, and it must be treated well by
eating healthy, being safe, and avoiding alcohol, drugs, and tobacco, but it's also important
to challenge your mind.
1) Which part of the brain is responsible for short and long-term memory?
A: Brain stem B: Cerebrum C: Cerebellum D: Pituitary gland
2) The normally healthy man was having trouble balancing himself as he walked down the
street. Which of the following parts of the brain may not have been functioning properly?
A: Cerebellum B: Cerebrum C: Hypothalamus D: Amygdala
3) The talented artist became famous not only for her paintings, but also for her
poetry. Which part of her brain was most likely functioning very well?
A: Left half of the cerebrum B: Left half of the cerebellum
C: Right half of the cerebrum D: Right half of the cerebellum
4) Which of the following is an example of an involuntary muscle?
A: Arm B: Leg C: Finger D: Heart
5) Which of the following pars of the brain is like a pipeline which sends the
messages back and forth between the body and brain?
A: Pituitary gland B: Cerebellum C: Amygdala D: Brain stem
6) Which parts of the brain may not have been working properly when the boy in the
hospital stopped growing and did not sweat even in hot temperatures?
A: Hypothalamus and pituitary gland B: Amygdala and hypothalamus
C: Pituitary gland and brain stem D: Cerebellum and pituitary gland
II: GRAMMAR: Read and choose the best option for each question.
7. ________ you go already? You only arrived an hour ago!
a.Must b.should c.can
8. When he was young, he ________ swim very well. He won medals and
a.had to b.can c.could
9. The company ________ go bankrupt if they don't find a lot of money quickly!
a.should b.shouldn't c.might
10. You look very confused by the homework, Clive. ________ I help you?
a.will b.can c.must
11. I left my purse at home. Lily, ________ you lend me ten dollars?
a.may b.could c.shouldn't
12. It's wet and windy outside today. You ________ go out without an umbrella.
a.shouldn't b.don't have to c.don't have to
13. I think that sign means we _____ enter the building. Look, there's a security
guard too.
a.won't b.have to c.mustn't
14. Lindsay watched the movie in French and ________ understand very much of it.
a.didn't have to b.can't c.couldn't

II. GRAMMAR: Read and select the option that best fits for each question. (16-30)(1.5 points each)

15.Hassan plans __ (go) to a university in California next year. go b.going going go / going

Agentes Humanizadores de la Historia

Nit 860009659-4 Tel. 5763449 Fax 5762738 Urbanización la Rinconada - Cúcuta - Colombia
Correo Electrónico: Página Web:
Colegio Santo Ángel de la Guarda 180 años
San José de Cúcuta
Reconocimiento Oficial 1156 del 5 de junio de 2014
de presencia
16.In Colorado, many people enjoy __ (ski) in the winter. ski b.sking c.skiing ski / skiing
17.My wife wants __ (eat) at an Italian restaurant tonight.
a.eating eat / eating eat d. eatting
18.My classmate, Anna, actually likes __ (do) homework! do do / doing c..of doing
19.Emiko hopes __ (finish) her Master’s degree in Biology by the end of this year. finish b.finishing finish / finishing finishing
20.I decided __ (come) to Colorado because three of my friends came here before
me and liked it.
a.coming coming come / coming come
21.Corinne needs __ (renew) her passport before she can come back to the U.S. renew b.renewing renew / renewing d.renewwing
22.Mr. Lewis is finally going to finish __ (paint) his house next week. Paint painting c.painting paint / painting
23.Jessica loves __ (eat) ice cream, but it makes her fat! eat / eating eat c.eating d. eatting
24.Emiko practices __ (speak) English with her host mother every evening. speak b.speaking speaking speak / speaking
25.Marcus learned __ (play) the guitar when he was in elementary school. play b.playing c. to pay / paying
26.Mr. Davis quit __ (smoke) when his first child was born two years ago. smoke b.smoking smoking smoke / smoking
27.Gail expects __ (graduate) from Spring next term. graduate b.graduating graduating graduate /
28.I promise __ (pay) you the money I owe you next month. pay b.paying c.paing paying
29.We are going to go __ (snowboard) this weekend. Come with us! snowboard b.snowboarding snowboarding snowboard / snowboarding
30.I would like __ (eat) Italian food. Let’s go to the Olive Garden! eat eat / eating c.eating eating
III. WRITING: Make a list of 16 words related to the reading. Write a clue for each one
and put them into the crossword puzzle. Use gerunds (5), infinitives(5) or modals(5).
(2.0 points each)


1 1

2 2

3 3

4 4

Agentes Humanizadores de la Historia

Nit 860009659-4 Tel. 5763449 Fax 5762738 Urbanización la Rinconada - Cúcuta - Colombia
Correo Electrónico: Página Web:
Colegio Santo Ángel de la Guarda 180 años
San José de Cúcuta
Reconocimiento Oficial 1156 del 5 de junio de 2014
de presencia
5 5

6 6

7 7


Crossword (5.0 points all)

Agentes Humanizadores de la Historia

Nit 860009659-4 Tel. 5763449 Fax 5762738 Urbanización la Rinconada - Cúcuta - Colombia
Correo Electrónico: Página Web:
Colegio Santo Ángel de la Guarda 180 años
San José de Cúcuta
Reconocimiento Oficial 1156 del 5 de junio de 2014
de presencia
Think about principal aspects you must have for a FIRST GOOD IMPRESSION. Make
a mind map and support your ideas. (10 points all)

You have just a few seconds to make a good first impression and it's almost
impossible to change it once it's happened. So it's worth giving each new
encounter your best shot.

You can do this by following these eight strategies:

Be on Time.
Present Yourself Appropriately.
Be Yourself.
Have a Winning Smile!
Be Open and Confident.
Use Small Talk.
Be Positive.
Be Courteous and Attentive.

LISTENING: Listen and complete each sentence or question with the correct word.
(1.0 point each)

1. They decided ____________________________ a movie.

2. I need ____________________________ something to eat.

3. Do you want ____________________________ a break?

4. It's necessary ____________________________as much as possible.

5. Their house is not easy ____________________________.

6. There seems ____________________________ a problem with my phone.

7. Nobody wanted that ____________________________.

8. ____________________________ to the highway, take this exit.

9. She hopes not ____________________________.

10. She doesn't want ____________________________.

Agentes Humanizadores de la Historia

Nit 860009659-4 Tel. 5763449 Fax 5762738 Urbanización la Rinconada - Cúcuta - Colombia
Correo Electrónico: Página Web:

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