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Dialogue with my English teacher.

Teacher:​ Hello, how are you?

● Hi, I can't complain, everything is going very well.

Teacher: ​What do you seem the college majors of the snapshot?

Are they important? Aren't they important?
● They are important, here we can see a wide panorama of the different careers, get to
know them, choose the one that best suits our tastes and preferences, to prepare us
as future professionals.

Teacher:​ Why do you think that? Tell me.

● Because when a person enters higher education, they face all the responsibility and
discipline involved in finishing a university career, which will allow us as future
professionals to have ample opportunities such as; job stability, growth in experience
and knowledge, autonomy and independence and also prepare ourselves to face all
the new challenges that society imposes.

Teacher:​ For me, ​business​ and ​engineering​ are very hard. You know, numbers, math,
finances and those things are so difficult.
What is the most difficult for you?
● For me, the most difficult are also careers like business and engineering, because it
is a really difficult field, they need a lot of knowledge to solve different mathematical
problems, that is, good mathematical bases to understand, analyze and be

Teacher:​ Why do you believe that?

● Because mathematics is exact science, you must have a vast knowledge to correctly
perform mathematical exercises, in addition to this, have bases in subjects such as
physics, chemistry, which are too complex and that teachers demand a lot of their
level. Few people understand the numbers and it is for that circumstance or reason
that they prefer to choose another career.
Teacher:​ By the other way, I think that ​nursing​ is easy. Nurses only help to the doctors to do
their job. But I can be wrong, maybe it is a hard job. What do you think about this?
● I think it is really difficult, it is a completely overwhelming and stressful job, not to
mention long hours of work, sleepless nights, sacrificing time with your family,
working twice more when an emergency arises, being aware of any unforeseen event
That it can happen, not having a stable social life, supporting people with different
moods, is a great responsibility
Teacher:​ I find a small coincidence between ​education​ and ​psychology,​ because in both you
work the people´s brain, in both you mold the mind and you are like a guide for others.
Are you agree with me?
● I do not agree with you, the degree and psychology are different careers by virtue of
which the degree focuses on forming, training, inculcating, guiding, all the capacities
of people to face it to the different needs of society, that is to say that they are
"Correct and useful", psychology focuses as we already know on the mental
processes of people, their behaviors and how it relates to society to enter to explain
them and change behaviors through the different psychological modalities, applying
the correct one in the different cases.

Teacher:​ Finally, I consider that ​social sciences and history​ has been declining. People
ignore the history, even our own history and they only think in the future.
What do you think about this?
● Young people today are not interested in investigating more about their culture,
traditions, customs, learning about the world, learning and studying, to discover what
the present is like. For me, technology is the reason why young people spend their
time playing or doing other activities instead of being informed about all the past
events that thanks to them we can know what were those great changes and
transformations that the world and the society have suffered. Through the years.

Teacher:​ Ok, it was nice to see you and talk to you. See you later. Goodbye.
● BYE, it was a pleasure to see you this time, I hope to see you soon, take care
of yourself.

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