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Causes of breast lumps include infections, injuries.

Any lumps should be assessed further, and the client

should be referred to a physician

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is one common cause of breast swelling. Before the start of each period,
your estrogen production increases. Along with other changes in your body, this hormonal shift can
cause your breast ducts and milk glands to become enlarged. It may also result in water retention, which
can increase breast swelling.

Redness and warmth indicate inflammation

Dimpling can also be a symptom of fat necrosis, a condition where the fatty tissue in the breast dies. It
can happen for various reasons, including breast surgery, a bruise or injury,

Size, firmness is a recent increase in the size of one breast may indicate inflammation, pregnancy,
lactations or abnormal growth

Pain and tenderness of the breast are common in fibrocystic breasts -is a common way to describe
painful, lumpy breasts especially just before and during menstruation. This is especially true for clients
taking oral contraceptives.

Discharge- local irritation, inflammtaion from rough clothing or an improperly fitting bra, as well as
excess stimulation or trauma to the breasts, normal hormonal changes, as well as medications such as
birth control pills but if you have bloody discharge, I recommend you to seea physician for further

Alcohol increases levels of female hormone oestrogen – high levels of oestrogen can cause a cancer cell
to multiply out of control.

Axtra fat cells make estrogen can cause extra breat cell growth increases risk for breast prob

Chemicals in cigarette smoke enter our blood stream and can then affect the entire body

Age at menses- early menses before age 12 or delayed menopause after age 52 increases risk for breast

Give birth- the risk for breast problem is greater for woman who have never given birth or for those who
had their first child after age 30

Mens- this is just to know if this is the optimal time to examine the breasts. Hormone related swelling,
breast tenderness are reduced right after menstruation

History- a history of breast problem in one’s family increases one’s risk for breast problems

Hormones and some psychotic agents can cause breast engorgement in women.contraceptives
increases risk of breast problems.
Breast self-exam, or regularly examining your breasts on your own, can be an important way to
find a breast cancer early, when it’s more likely to be treated successfully.

increase the odds of early detection

A mammogram is an X-ray of the breast that helps identify breast abnormalities. A mammogram can
show changes in the breast two years earlier than a patient or her doctor can feel them.

ine does not directly cause benign breast lumps, large amounts of it can cause hormone levels to
fluctuate, which can be a cause of breast cysts and pain.

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