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Journal of Network and Computer Applications 138 (2019) 39–50

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SDN-enabled recovery for Smart Grid teleprotection applications in

post-disaster scenarios☆
Abdullah Aydeger ∗ , Nico Saputro, Kemal Akkaya, Selcuk Uluagac
Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, Florida International University, Miami, FL 33174, USA


Keywords: Maintaining Smart Grid communications is crucial for providing power services. This requires a resilient commu-
SDN nication architecture that can instantly self-repair any failures in the communication links or routes. Emerging
Wireless networks
Software Defined Networking (SDN) technology provides excellent flexibilities that can be applied to critical
Smart grid
power grid applications. In this paper, we consider the problem of link failures in inter-substation communica-
tions and provide self-recovery by relying on wireless links that can be the only viable means for communication
after disasters. Specifically, we propose an autonomous framework, which can not only detect link failures, but
also establish either a WiFi or LTE-based link among substations through SDN capabilities. To be able to effec-
tively evaluate the performance of this proposed SDN-enabled framework, we developed it in Mininet emulator.
Since Mininet does not support LTE connections, we proposed several unique extensions to Mininet by integrat-
ing it with ns- 3 simulator that supports the LTE/WiFi protocol stacks. We conducted extensive experiments
by considering a teleprotection application using GOOSE to assess the recovery performance of the proposed
framework. The results show that SDN-based framework can meet the deadlines for teleprotection on wireless
links during the times of link failures in a reliable fashion.

1. Introduction tion substations to communicate with each other and with the control
center. This is developed under IEC 61850 standard as IEC 61850-90-
The existing Power Grids worldwide are going through massive 1 (IEC61850-90-1, 2010) and IEC 61850-90-2 (IEC61850-90-2, 2016)
transformations to make it more reliable and connected with the ability which will enable different applications such as teleprotection (Apos-
to transfer data in two-ways, which is referred to as Smart Grid (Saputro tolov, 2012). Since the underlying communication medium for most of
et al., 2012). The data communication motivation necessitates upgrad- the current substation-to-substation links is based on wired communi-
ing the existing network infrastructure with different components. With cations technology (e.g., Ethernet, power-line communications (PLC)),
these new transformations, Smart Grid systems will need to maintain a they can be easily damaged during certain disasters (i.e., storms, floods,
large-scale heterogeneous network that brings a number of challenges. minor earthquakes that cause link failures but still keep the substa-
One challenge is the ability of this networking infrastructure to self-heal tions alive) that may eventually lead to the damage of the physical
itself during man-made or natural (e.g., hurricane, earthquake) disas- components of the power grid. Self-healing in such unfortunate situ-
ters so that the damage of potential blackouts and temporary outages ations requires a comprehensive coordination among the components
can be minimized (Goldman et al., 2012). Through continuous interac- of the Smart Grid and needs to rely on the availability of backup or
tions between different components of the Smart Grid, the new energy redundant links/paths and devices. Assuming that most of the network
infrastructure should reconfigure the control of the physical assets and infrastructure may be damaged and not functioning, we envision that
network topology in an efficient manner and achieve resilient opera- a fast switch-over to wireless communications should be the priority
tions. for quick restoration of services. However, it is a challenge to quickly
One envisioned application for Smart Grid that requires the interac- reconfigure the network infrastructure since one needs to first identify
tion between different components is the ability of the power distribu-

A preliminary version of this paper, titled: Software Defined Networking for Resilient Communications in Smart Grid Active Distribution Networks, has appeared in
the Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2016), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, May 2016.

Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (A. Aydeger), (N. Saputro), (K. Akkaya), (S. Uluagac).
Received 21 June 2018; Received in revised form 1 March 2019; Accepted 22 April 2019
Available online 2 May 2019
1084-8045/Published by Elsevier Ltd.
A. Aydeger et al. Journal of Network and Computer Applications 138 (2019) 39–50

the failures and then manually fix such failures which may be slow or functions. To the best of our knowledge, this work is the first to provide
even infeasible in post-disaster scenarios. such an integration for a more detailed network-oriented evaluation.
These challenges can be perfectly addressed with the employment of We tested the effectiveness of our SDN-enabled framework by con-
the emerging software defined networking (SDN) paradigm that splits sidering inter-substation communications that are exchanging Generic
control of underlying communication infrastructure and data flow oper- object oriented substation events (GOOSE) data among Intelligent Elec-
ations (Hu et al., 2014). One of the major goals in SDN is to be able to tronic Devices (IEDs) (Mackiewicz, 2006) on different teleprotection
interact with the networking equipment (e.g., routers, switches) to cre- applications. Specifically, we analyzed the end-to-end packet transmis-
ate an open networking architecture. In this way, one can get a global sion delay, packet loss, switching delay, and the number of packets
view of the entire network and will be able to make global changes missing the delay requirement of teleprotection as metrics which are
without having to access to each device’s unique hardware. Eventually, caused by link failures. The results show that SDN-based recovery can
various large-scale network architectures can be deployed and main- meet the deadline of 4 ms for teleprotection applications, for both LTE
tained easily while still featuring resiliency and robustness. and WiFi connections.
Considering such capabilities of SDN, we propose using SDN to This paper is organized as follows. In Sections 2 and 3, we dis-
enable interaction among the gateways in substations and/or control cuss the relevant work and provide some background on SDN and
center of Smart Grid. Specifically, we propose to have resilient links at Smart Grid. In Section 4, we introduce the proposed SDN-enabled inter-
each substation through OpenFlow switches and utilize them in case a substation network architecture. Detailed performance evaluation of
disaster occurs. These resilient links could be wireless, e.g., WiFi or LTE the proposed work is given in Section 5. Finally, we conclude the paper
based. To the best of our knowledge (Rehmani et al., 2018a), our work in Section 6.
is the first to leverage SDN-enabled devices and SDN controllers to do
self-recovery through a wireless resilient communication infrastructure 2. Related work
among the substations.
The SDN-based approach is also equipped with a link failure detec- Power grid has a lot of domains (generation, transmission and dis-
tion feature that enables real-time self-recovery. Such detection capabil- tribution) and within each domain there are various applications with
ity is a proactive approach based on the idea of OpenFlow fast-failover diverse requirements. Therefore, a solution applied to one domain or
groups, which is supported starting from OpenFlow V1.1.0. With this application will not be applicable to other application. Below, we sum-
method, our switches will be able to update their flow rules to use marize related work with applications in various domains that utilized
active ports with the highest priority while sending port-status mes- SDN or dealt with recovery.
sages to the SDN Controller so that it can find better alternative routes SDN-based Smart Grid resilience is studied for different Smart Grid
dynamically. Finally, we integrate cellular LTE links in the proposed applications (Gyllstrom et al., 2014; Ghosh et al., 2016; Ren et al.,
approach that can work with SDN in an efficient manner. The LTE con- 2017). In Gyllstrom et al. (2014), the authors proposed SDN-based link
nection is provided by attaching a User Equipment (UE) to one of the failure recovery mechanism for PMU networks that handles link failure
interfaces of each SDN gateway switch in the substations. detection based on the rate of packet loss. They show the problem of
With the above components, we layout the foundations of a com- Multicast Recycling is NP-hard and come up with their algorithm to
prehensive SDN-based framework for teleprotection applications. For a find a backup tree. They consider multicast PMU application and tried
realistic testing of the proposed framework, we built a testing tool that to minimize the control plane signal overhead whenever find backup
can be used by researchers to implement LTE or WiFi-based connections multicast trees. They also propose fast backup tree installation. The
with SDN switches. This is achieved by integrating the widely used problem tackled in that paper is similar to ours but there are many dif-
Mininet Emulator (Lantz et al., 2010) with ns-3 that can support the ferences that prevent us taking this solution to our application domain.
LTE/IEEE 802.11 protocol stacks. Specifically, we designed and imple- First, they consider an IEEE bus system, which assumes a network topol-
mented a custom patch to have an LTE connection from one switch to ogy that is connected with Ethernet links. In any failure, the backup is
another in Mininet by utilizing some of the ns-3 functions. To the best sought within the network by looking at alternative trees. And since
of our knowledge, this work is the first to provide such an integration they use multicasting, they strive to create a backup multicast tree
for a more detailed network-oriented evaluation. using SDN. In our case, we do not have backup Ethernet or wired links.
We would like to note that our contribution in this paper is mostly We rely on wireless links since the communication is mainly assumed
experimental that integrate multiple existing novel concepts and pro- between two substations. Switching to a wireless through fast failover
vides an evaluation framework to be able to assess the effectiveness of property of OpenFlow and looking into data performance of wireless
the proposed SDN-based approach. Our contributions can be divided link is not studied in that paper. Moreover, the data transmission and
to two items: First, we propose a novel SDN framework that can be latency requirements are also very much different than GOOSE in our
used for the Smart Grid communications at the substation level. This application.
framework includes different communication links among substations In Ghosh et al. (2016), the authors studied how the delay in Smart
and SDN controller. We integrate a link failure detection feature to this Grid communications due to the failure of the SDN controller (which
framework that enables real-time self-recovery. Such detection capabil- represents a single point of failure) may impact the performance of the
ity is a proactive approach based on the idea of OpenFlow fast-failover underlying critical physical system such as automatic gain control that
groups, which is supported starting from OpenFlow V1.1.0. With this regulates the grid frequency to a critical nominal value. In Ren et al.
method, our switches will be able to update their flow rules to use (2017), the authors proposed an SDN-based communications that incor-
active ports with the highest priority. We also integrate cellular LTE porates network delay guarantee, automatic failover, and traffic pri-
links in the framework that can work with SDN in an efficient manner. oritization functionalities for resilient microgrid operations. The delay
The LTE connection is provided by attaching a User Equipment (UE) guarantee is achieved by monitoring link latencies through the use of
to one of the interfaces of each SDN gateway switch in the substations. three types of special-purpose Ethernet frames. In these two works, the
Second, for a realistic testing of the proposed framework, we built a focus is on intra-substation communications while we focus on inter-
testing tool that can be used by researchers to implement LTE or WiFi- substation communications which has longer distance between devices
based connections with SDN switches. This is achieved by integrating and has strict quality of service (QoS) requirements in terms of latency
the widely used Mininet Emulator (Rehmani et al., 2018a) with ns-3 and reliability. Thus, a solution for an intra-substation communication
that can support the LTE/IEEE 802.11 protocol stacks. Specifically, we would not fit into our case directly. What we investigate in this paper
designed and implemented a custom patch to have an LTE connection is the ability of SDN to meet the unique application requirements when
from one switch to another in Mininet by utilizing some of the ns-3 used with the right components such as quick failure detection, proac-

A. Aydeger et al. Journal of Network and Computer Applications 138 (2019) 39–50

tive link/route selection etc. that has not been done in the previous mechanism for GOOSE packets to be carried by LTE since LTE works
works. with IP packets only; (3) Design and implementation of our link failure
We also would like to point out that there has been a lot of work detection into the switches by utilizing SDN capabilities. There was not
on general network topology recovery that do not directly apply to our proactive detection in the previous work; (4) Extension of our frame-
case. We believe that network topology recovery problem is a different work to support multi-hop WiFi links along with the experiment results;
problem than ours since it is studied within the transmission domain (5) Implementation on the GENI testbed. Finally, this work is also very
and unique latency challenges are not enforced there. The approaches different than our work in Akkaya et al. (2015) where we surveyed
that can provide real-time communication such as (Kim et al., 2012) possible SDN-based wireless technologies in Smart Grid environment.
for demand response (Chai et al., 2015), for PMU data communications There is no resilience focus in that work.
in distribution networks and (Johnston et al., 2006) for real-time mon-
itoring can complement our approach if underlying GOOSE is not used 3. Preliminaries
for data communication. In our case, the unique challenge is to be able
to perform switching within the time limits of GOOSE so that the sub- 3.1. SDN advantages
stations will be protected.
Another recent work on SDN-based Smart Grid resilience that also SDN’s main advantage and motivation is to move the control of
attempts to thwart eavesdropping of traffic flows between the master the lookup tables inside the network devices to a separate location so
station and a substation in SCADA network by dispersing traffic across that it can be controlled more easily centrally. Specifically, this can be
multiple paths is presented in da Silva et al. (2015). For any given mas- described as separation of the packet forwarding from the way of how
ter station and a substation pair, N-shortest routes are calculated using the forwarding tables are created and changed. These two processes are
Dijkstra’s algorithm and an OpenFlow Hard timeout timer is used to ini- assumed to be on separate layers, which are referred to as data plane
tiate the route changing each time the timer expired. While we also and control plane in SDN terminology.
follow the idea of redundancy in this work, we achieve it at the link One major problem with the traditional network settings involves
level with wireless complementary links different from (da Silva et al., updating the network elements after configuration, topology changes.
2015). In Dorsch et al. (2014), the authors considered both resilience By creating a programming interface to be able to update network ele-
and QoS for Smart Grid applications when SDN is employed. Specif- ments centrally via SDN, such complexity in network management is
ically, they considered the performance at the transmission and dis- eliminated.
tribution networks focusing on Manufacturing Message Specification
(MMS) traffic. The tests were carried out on an actual testbed of Open- 3.2. Smart grid substation networking architectures
Flow switches. They studied the recovery delay when one of the links
was removed manually. The authors in Dorsch et al. (2016) proposed a Smart Grid has three main components for generation, transmission,
hybrid approach of local and centralized solutions for failover case in and distribution of the power. For transmission and distribution, sub-
Smart Grid networks. They used Bidirectional Forward Detection (BFD) stations at different geographical locations are used. For each of these
as the local solution and implemented a module on SDN controller in components, transmission and distribution data networks are also used
order to react with the global knowledge of the network for the central- for communicating the collected field data.
ized solution. This hybrid approach can satisfy sub 50 ms requirement A substation contains numerous IEDs, each generating various infor-
of carrier grade networks (Niven-Jenkins et al., 2009). In Zhang et al. mation about the status of some aspect of the substation. In new-
(2016), Lee and Shin (2018) and Rehmani et al. (2018b), the authors generation substations, the IEC 61850 standard is used for substa-
propose resiliency in Smart Grid networks utilizing SDN capabilities by tion automation, control, and wide area communications (Budka et al.,
switching to an alternative path if the current one is down. The authors 2010). SCADA systems are used for control centers to collect data from
in Al-Rubaye et al. (2017) also propose network failover in Smart Grid field devices such as PLCs, PMUs, and IEDs at a substation in real-time
with SDN switches, yet as an addition they use BFD packets in order and perform control decisions at the control center in terms of relia-
to detect the failure quickly. In Kurtz et al. (2017), different failover bility and quality of service (Budka et al., 2010). Inter-substation com-
strategies are observed and results are compared within an SDN envi- munications is also possible for protection data (e.g., for line distance
ronment. The same authors enhanced their work to enable hard service protection) or control data (e.g., for interlocking functions) exchanges
guarantees by applying Network Calculus in Dorsch et al. (2018). In all (IEC61850-90-1, 2010). In the next section, we explain in detail how
these works, the network mainly re-routes through another path. This these components can be interconnected with the emerging SDN tech-
is different from our case where we do not consider just re-routing, but nology utilizing numerous advantages it brings.
employ redundant wireless links in substation to substation communi-
cations since we believe that in some cases there would not be any alter- 3.3. GOOSE background
native way to do re-routing for some substations. Specifically our target
communication infrastructure (inter-substation communication) is not GOOSE is a messaging scheme that provides fast and reliable com-
so feasible for path protection considering the long distances and few munication between IEDs. As can be seen in Fig. 1, unlike MMS that uti-
number of substations in a specific area. We propose having alternative lizes TCP/IP protocols, GOOSE runs over Ethernet without any further
communication channel and use it for a short time during an emergency networking layer protocol needed. It supports multicast communication
until the wired links are recovered. Even though we consider switching and is based on publisher/subscriber model (Kriger et al., 2013). There
to wireless links at first, in SDN Controller we still consider checking are different timing requirements of IEC 61850 such as Type 1A, Type
if there is a better (faster) way to the destination afterwards. Thus, our 1B and Type 2 according to (IEC61850-90-1, 2010). The requirements
framework covers their solution as well as improving it with resilient of GOOSE could be 1A, 1B depending on the application. It is used for a
links in the network. number of applications including but not limited to distributed protec-
We also would like to note that this work is an extended work of tion scheme (Naik et al., 2011) and bus protection (Duong and Cueco,
our previous paper (Aydeger et al., 2016) which had some prelimi- 2016).
nary results by considering an MMS application under WiFi links within GOOSE messages are consisted of following fields; (1) 6 bytes of
a substation communication. The extensions and difference from that source address and 6 bytes of multicast destination address. (2) The
paper are; (1) Consideration of LTE links for backup links and inte- 802.1Q Virtual Local Area Network (VLAN) is 4 bytes and includes
grating LTE with Mininet. Previous paper focused only on WiFi; (2) the TPID (Tag protocol identifier), TCI (Tag Control Information) and
Consideration of GOOSE under teleprotection and an encapsulation Ethertype. The TCI and Ethertype is total of 4 bytes and the value is

A. Aydeger et al. Journal of Network and Computer Applications 138 (2019) 39–50

but the scope of these controllers are different. While the global SDN
controller adjusts the inter-substation communications, the local SDN
controller focuses on the interior traffic within a substation. We assume
that the Global controller sits in a protected environment with backups
and will not fail. Local ones can fail but they can be substituted with
the global controller.
We considered emergency situations that cause the main wired link
between two substations to go down and assumed that there would be
backup link available. Note that wired backup link will not be reliable
in case of a natural disaster since wired links are based on same features.
To ensure a fast recovery after the disaster, a wireless link is used as a
temporary backup link as shown in Fig. 2. The connection between two
substations is based on the wireless redundant link that can be based on
either a WiFi (802.11) or cellular (LTE) connection as will be detailed
Fig. 1. The communication Layers of GOOSE vs. MMS.

0 × 88b8 for GOOSE. The length of Ethernet Protocol Data Unit (PDU) 4.2. Redundant back-up link using LTE public network
is the number of octets including the Ether type PDU header starting
at APPID and the length of the Application Protocol Data Unit (APDU). Fig. 3 shows our proposed SDN-based LTE redundant link model
Thus the length would be 8 + m, and m is less than 1492. The detailed between substations. In our proposed model, a user equipment (UE) is
analysis of GOOSE data structures can be found in Kriger et al. (2013). connected to every local SDN switch. We assumed that a public LTE
network is always available. In other words, we considered that the
4. SDN-based inter-substation network disaster does either not have any impact to the public LTE network
or it is a partial impact which can be handled (e.g., UPS or drones
4.1. Proposed model: overview are readily available to function the towers). Each UE has a Subscriber
Identity Module (SIM) card from the provider of this public LTE net-
We propose an SDN-based communication infrastructure that can work. When a wired link failure between two SDN switches is detected,
be deployed both within and among the substations as shown in Fig. 2. the UE from each side is activated and they connect to LTE network.
Specifically, each substation maintains an SDN gateway switch, which Then the switches changes their flow rule (by fast-failover capability as
can be controlled by a global SDN controller that is located at the Util- will be explained next) so that all traffic that previously passed through
ity Control Center. The global SDN controller can maintain the traffic the failed wired link, is now redirected through these UEs. When this
among the substations (e.g., IEC 61850-90-1 GOOSE traffic) by insert- wired link is fixed, the SDN switch will change the flow table again to
ing the flow rules in the table. The regular communication with the redirect traffic to the original wired link and UEs from both sides are
gateway can be achieved through a control line or the existing data disconnected from the LTE network.
network, typically wired. We consider having in-band communication The main issue in this model is related to the role of the UE. Typ-
between SDN switches and the SDN global controller since there are ically, the UE is the end terminal in the LTE network and is assigned
already established links between Utility Center and gateway switches, an IP address by the Evolved Packet Core (EPC) network (3GPP, 2011).
and SDN Controller runs on the same machine with Utility Center. The Thus, the Packet Data Gateway (PGW) in the EPC network identifies the
gateways at the substations can also be part of the local area network appropriate GPRS tunneling protocol (GTP) tunnel identity (TEID) for
(LAN) within the substation and thus we also introduce a local SDN con- any downlink traffic based on the destination IP address in that traffic
troller for controlling the traffic within this substation LAN. In this way, as depicted in Fig. 4. However, since in our case UE acts as a gateway
the flow table in the gateway can be accessible by multiple controllers, to the substation network and the destination IP address in the down-

Fig. 2. Proposed SDN model for substation communications.

A. Aydeger et al. Journal of Network and Computer Applications 138 (2019) 39–50

Fig. 3. Proposed SDN-based LTE redundant links model for substation communications.

Fig. 4. LTE downlink traffic delivery.

link traffic is an IP address in the substation network, the PGW cannot Note that since LTE network is an IP-based network, in case of
recognize the appropriate tunnel identity and thus it fails to deliver this GOOSE message, which is multicast data-link layer traffic, our proposed
downlink traffic to the intended destination. UE gateway application protocol has some additional steps before the
While a UE access list at the EPC network (Saputro et al., 2016) can encapsulation and after de-encapsulation processes as follows:
tackle this issue, it still requires the LTE provider to know the substation
1. At the source UE gateway: It captures the GOOSE message at the data-
network addresses to create the mapping. Besides the security concern
link layer and embeds it in an IP datagram where the source and des-
of exposing the substation network addresses to the third party, it is
tination IP addresses in this datagram are the UE’s source IP address
also not practical in emergency situations where a quick response is
and a predefined multicast IP address (i.e., a specific IP address that
required. Therefore, we propose a UE gateway application protocol that
can be used to indicate a group of destinations) as the destination
handles the UE’s role as the gateway to the substation network. This
application performs the following actions:
2. At the destination UE gateway: After de-encapsulation and the gate-
1. Reports its assigned UE IP address from the PGW to the SDN global way knows that the destination IP address is a multicast IP
controller; address, the gateway removes the IP header and then pushes the
2. Receives address mapping information from the SDN global con- GOOSE traffic to the data-link layer for the data-link layer multi-
troller. This address mapping contains the information about the cast.
destination substation IP address and its corresponding destination
We would like to note that a comprehensive consideration of secu-
UE IP address;
rity features for the framework is beyond the scope of this paper. We
3. Encapsulates and de-encapsulates the traffic between the communi-
believe the deployment of middleware like C-DAX (Heimgaertner et al.,
cating UEs. For this purpose, a new IP header is created, where the
2015) can address these issues automatically. However, privacy and
source and destination IP addresses are the UE’s source IP address
source anonymity as pointed out in case of IP address exposure needs
and UE’s destination IP address respectively as depicted in Fig. 5.
to be studied on top of C-DAX services.
This way, the PGW can assign the appropriate TEID.

A. Aydeger et al. Journal of Network and Computer Applications 138 (2019) 39–50

Fig. 5. Proposed LTE tunneling between UEs.

4.3. Redundant back-up link using IEEE 802.11 proactive solution by exploiting the openflow fast-failover group (Open-
flow switch specification, 2011) and using the per-link BFD for the link-
In cases where the disaster is stronger and the public LTE net- failure detection. An OpenFlow fast-failover group connects a couple of
work is not available or partially available, there can be other poten- action buckets. Each action bucket consists of watch ports with specific
tial solutions such as using LTE Device-to-device (D2D) communica- actions for each port. If the highest priority watch port is active, the
tion (Nishiyama et al., 2014) or hybrid multi-hop WiFi communication switch will perform the actions for that port.
and LTE (Saputro et al., 2019). In this section, we consider the case In our work, a certain switch port in SDN gateway switch is assigned
where battery-operated WiFi devices can be used to establish a multi- to a wireless communication channels. The priority of this wireless-
hop wireless backup link. In this case, each SDN switch is assumed to be assigned port is lower than the other switch ports that are assigned
equipped with a Wi-Fi Mesh enabled device that supports IEEE 802.11s for the wired links (i.e., wired-assigned ports). When a higher priority
standard (IEEE Std 802.11s, 2011) which can work with various MAC port (i.e., the wired connection) is alive, the traffic will be forwarded
protocols such IEEE 802.11n. Note that for long-distance communica- through that port. However, whenever the port-down status for a wired-
tions this can be the newly developed IEEE 802.11ah standard (IEEE assigned port connected to other SDN gateway switch indicates that the
Std 802.11ah, 2017). This device will be activated in case of emergency port is down, the wireless-assigned port, which is the next higher prior-
situations that cause a wired link failure. ity port, will be used for forwarding the traffic. The SDN controller will
However, before the wireless link can be used, the 802.11s devices pre-install these flow rules in the OpenFlow fast-failover groups. This
need to find a route from one switch to another which is by default way, we enable the SDN gateway switch to automatically forward the
handled by the standard. Note that this process is a one-time process traffic, which is previously passed through the failed wired link, to the
and can be done in advance to save time for the applications which wireless link without any need to communicate with SDN controller.
require meeting certain end-to-end delay times. Additionally, we consider that the SDN switch also sends a port-status
message to the SDN controller to trigger it to find any other possible
routes (e.g., multi-hop paths through other wired-links) that may be
4.4. Possible SDN-based failure detection mechanisms and recovery and
better than using this temporary wireless link. If there is a better path,
our solution
new flow rule can be disseminated by the SDN controller to the SDN
gateway switch(es). This means that even though we opt to use proac-
Link failure detection and installing new flow entries in an SDN
tive method as a solution right after the failure happens, we still use
switch can be performed in a reactive fashion (also known as restora-
reactive solution by utilizing SDN Controller in order to have optimal
tion approach) that involves the SDN controller in the process of find-
path after a failure. Note that this cannot be done without SDN’s capa-
ing new routes, or in a proactive fashion (also known as a protection
approach) without SDN controller intervention. In a reactive solution,
Standard per-link BFD liveness mechanism is used to recognize a link
an SDN controller sends Link layer discovery protocol (LLDP) packets
failure. For each particular wired link, a BFD session is established and
periodically. Thus, the recovery time will consist of LLDP packet trans-
a periodic hello message is sent through that link. According to our
mission from Controller to switches, getting replies back, comparing
configuration; if three messages in a row are not received by the other
the topology with previous state and updating the flows if necessary. In
side, BFD assumes that a link failure occurs and then the corresponding
proactive solution, SDN switches are able to react whenever a failure
port-down status is set to indicate a link failure.
is detected. In this case, alternative flow rules are installed to the SDN
switches to be activated in case of a failure. Recovery time for proactive
case depends on failure detection time and switch’s flow rule reconfigu- 4.5. Testing tool: mininet setup and its integration with ns-3
ration (which is done automatically). As a comparison, reactive solution
is slower but more dynamic, and proactive solution is faster but requires Even though there are many smart grid testbeds available (Cin-
pre-configuration. Since meeting the delay requirements of Smart Grid tuglu et al., 2017), none of them supports SDN-based infrastructure.
applications (e.g., teleprotection) is crucial and the recovery time from Furthermore, the performance evaluation of the proposed SDN-enabled
a reactive solution might delay the packet transmissions, we opt for a architecture in real substation to substation environment is not possible

A. Aydeger et al. Journal of Network and Computer Applications 138 (2019) 39–50

through a file descriptor to the ns-3 process. Next, they are forwarded
down by Tapbridge to the ns-3 Net Device and transmitted over the ns-3
emulated channel. This allows us to analyze the behavior of native pro-
tocol suites (such as 802.11, LTE etc) in large-scale networks that may
not be supported by Mininet.
In our work, either for IEEE 802.11 or the LTE network, both hosts
and SDN switches are Mininet nodes. The integration with ns-3 is done
at the switch node by connecting the virtual TAP device interface in
the Linux to the ns-3 Tap-bridge in the ghost node. For each SDN
Fig. 6. Modeling channels in Mininet using ns-3 features (Aydeger et al., 2016).
switch, the connection from the virtual TAP device and Tap-bridge in
the ghost node is created. The ghost node is a CSMA (Carrier Sense
Multiple Access) network device model and is connected to either an
IEEE 802.11 or a UE node that has two interfaces: a CSMA net device
since no utility has such an infrastructure which will be accessible for interface and an IEEE 802.11/LTE interface. As depicted in Fig. 7, the
research. Therefore, we rely on emulators that are freely available such gateway application module described in Section 4.2 is built in ns-3
as Mininet (Lantz et al., 2010), an open source emulator that comes environment on top of the IP protocol of both interfaces to handle the
with OpenFlow protocol support and can work with internal as well as traffic from/to the Mininet node and LTE. Hosts (i.e., the sender and
external SDN controllers. receiver) are emulated in Mininet while the communication protocols
Since Mininet can only mimic the behavior of protocols that are are based on ns-3.
available in the Linux protocol stack, the support for backup wireless
links and testing of LTE-based links in a realistic manner is not possi- 5. Experimental evaluation
ble with the current environment. This does not only limit the research
capabilities regarding SDN deployments but is also not flexible in terms 5.1. Experiment setup
of testing network resilience, fault-tolerance, real-time behavior and
security when SDN is deployed. Therefore, there is a great need to inte- We utilized Mininet, ns-3, and FloodLight SDN controller (Project,
grate Mininet with one of the existing network simulators for compre- 2014) to evaluate the performance of our proposed work. Network
hensively evaluating the effectiveness of SDN-based control on Smart topology as in Fig. 2 was created in Mininet and integrated with ns-3
Grid communication networks. links as described in Section 4. While ns-3 provides pretty good captur-
To this end, this paper proposes a novel mechanism that uses ns-3 ing of the behavior in many cases, it is not perfect to reflect accurately
communication channel among the Mininet nodes by bridging the capa- the actual scenarios. However, it still does provide a good sense of the
bilities of Mininet and ns-3, a C++ based discrete event simulator (Net- issues as studied in our previous work (Ozgur et al., 2016). Therefore,
work simulator - ns - 3, 2017). Each device, link, protocol, application, we decided to include experiments by generating background LTE traf-
etc. can be represented as objects and linked together to create network fic to investigate its impact on the delay. For testing the proposed frame-
topologies. The proposed generic ns-3 integration model, is shown in work, we used GOOSE, a data-link layer publisher-subscriber mecha-
Fig. 6. As can be seen, the Tapbridge object in ns-3, which effectively nism within IEC 61850 framework to ensure fast messaging within a
allows host systems and virtual machines running native applications 4 ms end-to-end delay enforced for teleprotection applications (Apos-
and protocol stacks to integrate with a ns-3 simulation, is used. In our tolov, 2012). We specifically consider Type 1A ‘Trip’ messages in our
case, ns-3 connects to a Virtual TAP Device interface created on Mininet. model. Example of such messages between substations are ‘block’ and
Packets sent by Mininet host to the Virtual TAP Device are transmitted ‘release’ binary messages (for our case, it would be necessary for substa-

Fig. 7. The data plane integration of Mininet and ns3 LTE.

A. Aydeger et al. Journal of Network and Computer Applications 138 (2019) 39–50

Table 1
Switching delay results (in ms).
Link Type Switching delay (avg, std-dev, confidence interval 99%)
1s data generation frequency 20 ms data generation frequency 5 ms data generation frequency
Wired (0.4, 0.2, 0.1) (0.6, 1.0, 0.3) (1.0, 1.4, 0.4)
WiFi (1.1, 0.3, 0.2) (1.3, 0.8, 0.2) (2.9, 2.0, 0.6)
LTE (1.1, 1.6, 1.1) (21.2, 5.1, 1.5) (36.5, 6.9, 2.1)

tions to block some of the devices in their network to enable urgent elec- time from failed link to backup interface, and Tlink represent the new
tricity need). These messages are mission critical and the most impor- link establishment time.
tant fast binary messages. Thus, they have a strict and tight transfer
time. In our experiments, a publisher in one substation is periodically Ts = Tfd + Tconfig + Tlink (1)
sending multicast GOOSE messages to the subscriber in another sub-
However, the exact duration of each event would be very difficult to
station through the SDN gateway switches. Our GOOSE packets were
measure since it needs a timer within switch. Therefore, we approx-
20 bytes. Even though two different data generation frequencies are
imated the switching delay Ts by subtracting the E2E delay of the
used in the experiments (i.e., 1s by considering steady state condition
first packet that is received at the destination after the link failure
and 5 ms by considering a signal change as specified in Niejahr et al.
D(Tfail ) from the average E2E delay of packets, depicted as DE2E − avg ,
(2010)), we also run experiments considering 20 ms data generation
when these packets used the backup-link to reach the destination:
frequency. The simulation time is set to 2 min and the occurrence of
the link failure is assumed to happen at the 60th second from the begin- Ts = D(Tfail ) − DE2E−avg (2)
ning of the simulation for the experiments with 1s data generation fre-
quency. For 5 ms and 20 ms data generation frequencies, we set the • End-to-end Delay (E2E delay): This metric represents the average ETE
simulation time to 10s and failure is assumed to be at 5th second. The delay DE2E − avg of packets from the publisher to the subscriber host
BFD packet size is 66 bytes and its transmission rate is 1 ms. Note that when the backup-link is used. We measured the DE2E − avg when the
we repeated each experiment 50 times for statistical significance and backup-link is fully functioning and there is no more packet affected
reported the average result. by the link failure is still being transmitted. In other words, the
measured E2E delays are purely coming from the newly transmit-
ted packets after the backup-link has been completely established.
5.2. Benchmark and metrics for testing Our empirical study shows that this situations starts around 1 s after
the link failure at time Tfail . Equation (3) represents the computation
Fig. 2 represents the basic topology to test the effectiveness of of DE2E − avg where D(t) represents individual packet delay generated
the proposed SDN-based approach. Each substation connects to an at time t, and N is the total number of transmitted packets since
OpenFlow-enabled gateway router. A double-link connection, which (Tfail + 1) until the end of the simulation time, Tmax .
consists of the main wired-link and a backup-link, is used to sup-
port the resiliency of the communications between the substations ∑Tmax
t =1+Tfail
D (t )
through these gateway routers. The global SDN controller manages DE2E−avg = (3)
these gateway routers. The data transfer between substations uses the N
main wired-link. The backup-link, which can be wired or wireless, • Packet Loss: This metric is used to assess the number of lost packets
can be activated when there is a link failure in the main wired-link. due to the link failure.
In our experiments, we considered three different network topolo- • Number of Packets Exceeding the Delay Deadline: This metric rep-
gies based on the communications technologies for the backup link as resents how many packets being sent cannot reach the destina-
follows: tion within 4 ms deadline of teleprotection applications (Apostolov,
1. Wired Topology: This topology has double wired links to connect two
SDN gateway switches for substation to substation communications.
It is used as the benchmark for the wireless cases. We configured the
5.3. Performance results
throughput between nodes as 1 Gbps and the distance is set 100 m
to be able to fairly compare with the wireless case.
The performance evaluations results are summarized in three tables
2. Proposed Wireless: This topology used IEEE 802.11n wireless link as
based on the aforementioned metrics in Section 5.2.
the redundant link to connect two SDN gateway switches in addition
to the wired connection. The distance between the two switches is
100 m. 5.3.1. Switching delay
3. Proposed LTE: In this topology, LTE public network is used as the We first compared the switching delay of our approach to that of
redundant link that connect two SDN gateway switches. The dis- Al-Rubaye et al. (2017). The results shown in Table 1 indicate that
tance between a UE to the eNB is also 100 m in order to do a fair our wired case switching delay is less than or equal to 1 ms (e.g., 0.4,
comparison with the proposed wireless case. 0.6 and 1 ms respectively depending on the data frequency rate) while
their result for the same process is about 6 ms. This shows a significant
We considered the following performance metrics:
reduction which would be very critical for teleprotection applications.
• Switching Delay: This metric represents the time required to restore The main reason behind this is that we use fast-failover groups and do
the connection after a link failure occurs, which consists of a not require controller access in order to use a new path.
sequence of events: failure detection, switch flow-rule reconfigura- In the rest of this section, we analyze the switching delay results
tion, and wireless/LTE link establishment until the new link is ready under a variety of configurations and link types. The results are shown
for transmitting the packet. Equation (1) represents the theoretical in Table 1. Note that we also included the standard deviation and con-
calculation of switching delay Ts , where Tfd represents the failure fidence interval (assuming 99% of all experiments) for the results in the
detection time, Tconfig represents the flow table configuration/update same table. The results indicate that for 1s data generation frequency

A. Aydeger et al. Journal of Network and Computer Applications 138 (2019) 39–50

Table 2
E2E delay results (in ms).
Link Type E2E delay (avg, std-dev, confidence interval 99%)
1s data generation frequency 20 ms data generation frequency 5 ms data generation frequency
Wired (0.22, 0.015, 0.007) (0.14, 0.015, 0.004) (0.16, 0.024, 0.011)
WiFi (1.46, 0.06, 0.03) (0.97, 0.082, 0.023) (0.51, 0.07, 0.03)
LTE (1.19, 1.01, 0.17) (1.6, 1.1, 0.33) (4.95, 7.72, 0.34)

Table 3
Number of packets exceeding 4 ms deadline.
Link Type 1s data generation frequency 20 ms data generation frequency 5 ms data generation frequency
Wired none 3 over 20000 (0.01%) 38 over 47350 (0.08%)
WiFi none 65 over 20000 (0.3%) 128 over 47350 (0.3%)
LTE 16 over 3000 (0.5%) 1862 over 20000 (9%) 14768 over 47350 (31%)

the switching delay does not have a significant impact on 4 ms dead- We observed that the proposed approaches are able to meet the delay
line requirement for all link types. Considering that our 3 BFD mes- requirements of 4 ms when GOOSE data generation frequency is 1s.
sage exchange loss is a signal of the link failure, possible link failure This is due to the ability to switch in 1.1 ms time. Only a few pack-
detection would take 3–4 ms. This time is eliminated in large data gen- ets (i.e., 0.5%) in LTE case were not able to meet the deadline due to
eration frequencies since it is very rare that the detection of BFD link increased E2E delay. In the case of 20 ms and 5 ms data generation fre-
failures would coincide with the time of the data generation. However, quencies, there are a few packets (i.e., 0.01%–0.3% and 0.08%–0.3%
for 20 ms and 5 ms data generation frequencies, this is not valid. of the overall) missing the deadline for wired and proposed wireless due
While Wired and Wireless cases still have reasonable switching to increased switching delays at the SDN switches as shown in Table 2.
delays within the limits of 4 ms requirement, LTE has 36.5 ms delay However, for LTE, almost one-third of the packets missed the dead-
which is far beyond the requirement. For 802.11, this time is a bit line for the 5 ms data generation frequency as shown in Table 3 due
longer than the wired connection setup due to message exchanges for to increased switching and E2E delays. In particular, switching delay
associations. However, for LTE, besides the connection setup, it is much increased significantly, e.g., 36.5 ms for the 5 ms data generation fre-
longer since it involves the base-station as well as the EPC network. Fur- quency. Therefore, we decided to further look in to the reasons behind
thermore, re-transmission protocols also have an impact on this delay. this.
Finally, LTE base-station gets more data before it can handle the ones Specifically, for further investigation, we plotted E2E delays of
already in the queue. Such factors increase the overall switching delay GOOSE messages around the link failure time for the three link types
significantly. under two data rates in Figs. 8 and 9. Two interesting results can be
The main delay difference lies in the link establishment times since observed: First, while the link failure only has an impact on a small
given the same Openflow switches, failure detection and flow-rule number of GOOSE messages around the link failure time for wired and
reconfiguration take same operations for any topology (Wired, Proposed proposed wireless (i.e., a very short transient state) as depicted in Figs. 8a
Wireless, Proposed LTE) as shown in Equation (1). The number of link and 9a in both data rates, this is not the case for the proposed LTE that
failures will also not cause any extra delay. Basically, the duration of experiences a long transient state for 5 ms data generation frequency as
network recovery mechanism with fast-failover openflow rules does not depicted in Fig. 8b and a very short transient state for 1s data genera-
depend on whether the failure is on a singe link or multiple links. The tion frequency as depicted in Fig. 9b. Second, the GOOSE messages that
total time to recover will be based on the delay for failure detection experience the highest delay are not the first few messages after the
and for switching the interface. Therefore, the failure detection time backup links become active as in the wired and proposed wireless cases
for multiple failures will be the maximum of the delays caused by sin- for 5 ms data generation frequency. This is an interesting behavior. We
gle failures. Whichever failure is longest to recover will cause all the speculate that this behavior with 5 ms frequency can be attributed to
nodes in the network to wait for it. the inherently different uplink (from UE to the base station) and down-
link (from the base station to the UE) schemes, and the use of mul-
tiple layers of retransmission mechanisms in LTE. Typically, the LTE
5.3.2. Packet loss
uplink traffic has a lower maximum throughput than the downlink traf-
There is no packet loss for all link types and data rates which indi-
fic. When the link failure occurs, the activation mechanism for LTE as
cates that the proposed SDN-based approaches are reliable.
explained in Section 4.2 takes more time than the other link types and
causes some GOOSE messages in the queue of the sender UE gateway
5.3.3. E2E delay & number of packets exceeding the delay deadline for 5 ms data generation frequency. Eventually, some of these GOOSE
Compared to the wired case, both proposed wireless and proposed LTE messages cannot be received by the receiving UE gateway. In this case,
have higher E2E delay for both data rate cases. This is expected due LTE first attempts to retransmit the erroneous or lost messages at the
to the limited bandwidth in both link types. However, it is interest- medium access control layer. The Hybrid Automatic Repeated reQuest
ing to see that E2E delay reduces with increased data generation fre- (HARQ) mechanism will handle this retransmission attempt and add
quency (i.e., 1s vs. 20 ms vs. 5 ms). This is related to increased uti- around 8 ms of transmission delay (Zhang et al., 2012). This trans-
lization of the links in random access channel (WiFi). In this case, the mission delay can increase with several tens of milliseconds (Zhang et
channel is reserved continuously for the packets and thus there is less al., 2012) when the higher layer protocol, the radio link control (RLC)
contention delay compared to 1 s case. However, this is not the case layer, is involved. This can happen, if after the maximum HARQ retry,
for LTE because it is not random access. It needs to schedule every the GOOSE message is still not correctly received by the receiving UE
packet which increases delay. LTE is slower since it will keep the pack- gateway. In this case, the Automatic repeat request scheme at the RLC
ets in the queue and try to retransmit if there is packet in the queue. layer will take over the retransmission attempts. Note that since many

A. Aydeger et al. Journal of Network and Computer Applications 138 (2019) 39–50

Fig. 8. Per message E2E delay of GOOSE messages through the simulation time Fig. 9. Per message E2E delay of GOOSE messages through the simulation time
for 5 ms data generation frequencies. 1s data generation frequencies.

Table 4
more packets are waiting in the queue of the switch for 5 ms case than LTE ETE Delays with Additional Background LTE Traffic, for
1s case, the latter does not experience much of the similar problems of 5 ms case.
5 ms case and thus transient state time is more consistent with those of
Number of Pairs Delay Increase % Packet Loss %
wired and proposed wireless.
100 2 0
Impact of public LTE traffic: Note that the above experiments for
140 2 5
LTE assumed that there is no other traffic using the network. How- 200 15 60
ever, in case of a natural disaster, there may be lots of devices trying
to access the public LTE network at the same time since many people
may want to reach their family or relative. This may cause a peak traf-
fic that eventually may have a significant impact to the delay of the LTE coverage would only be possible with multi-hop scenarios where
teleprotection traffic that passes through the network. Therefore, we we can envision multiple relay nodes to enable such communication.
also conducted experiments to assess the impact of public LTE usage on These relay nodes can be picked from the existing AMI infrastructure
the performance. We considered the situation where many pair-devices which is prevalent. For instance, data collection points can provide
(i.e., 100, and 200 pair-devices where a total of 200, and 400 UEs com- this service. Therefore, we conducted experiments by considering mul-
municate simultaneously). The results are shown in Table 4. We noticed tiple hops for wireless connection and measured the E2E delay. The
ETE Delay increases around 3% for 200 pair-devices and around 2% results are shown in Table 5. As can be seen, after 2 hops, the E2E
for 100 pair-devices for 5 ms data generation frequency respectively. delay requirement could not be met. While E2E delay increases linearly
LTE with less than 140 pair-devices, our proposal is still able to meet for 1s data rate, for 5 ms data generation frequency, the situation is
the delay requirements of Smart Grid Teleprotection application. How- much worse. This case is suffering more due to the high data rate of
ever, whenever we increased the number of nodes more than 100 pairs, the packet transmission which eventually increases the packets that are
we observed some packet loss that would prevent meeting the GOOSE waiting in the queue. These delays are due to the half-duplex nature of
requirements. This could be happening because of congestion and scala- the wireless communications and the increase in the hidden node prob-
bility issues in LTE. Therefore, these results suggest that for guaranteed lems along with the increase of the number of hops. Therefore, utilizing
performance it will be required to use private LTE connections among beyond 2 hops of links with IEEE 802.11n is not recommended to meet
the substations that are solely dedicated to teleprotection communica- the delay requirements. Utilizing IEEE 802.11ah would cover a wider
tion. area and reduce the number of hops. Note that if there are multiple
Impact of multi-hop wireless link: While the wireless case pro- links failed simultaneously after the disaster, our solution will address
vides a promising solution, it suffers from limited transmission range them separately but in parallel. So in such cases, LTE or 2-hops solu-
and thus will only apply to cases where substations are close to tions would apply in isolation. However, if the failures depend on each
each other. While there are new IEEE 802.11 standards such as IEEE other, this creates a more complex problem which is out of scope of this
802.11ah with long distance coverage (e.g., more than 1mile), matching paper.

A. Aydeger et al. Journal of Network and Computer Applications 138 (2019) 39–50

Table 5
WiFi E2E delays with multiple hops.
Number of Hops E2E Delay for 1s data generation frequency (ms) E2E Delay for 5 ms data generation frequency (ms)
2 1.94 1.94
3 4.34 19.28
4 6.74 280.27

back-up link which can be activated from SDN Controller whenever the
failure occurs. We developed a realistic framework which could inte-
grate wireless channels to Mininet via ns-3. To this end, we introduced
bridge nodes so that random access nature of Ethernet links can talk to
LTE links that utilize a different MAC layer.
Evaluation results indicate that SDN can provide seamless resiliency
in case of the availability of redundant wireless 802.11 or LTE links
for real-time protocols such as GOOSE. More specifically, the results
for the link failure indicate that with 1s data generation frequen-
cies, teleprotection applications can use our proposed wireless approach
which can meet the 4 ms deadline all the time. Furthermore, the
proposed LTE can meet the deadline 99.5% of the time and thus
it can also be a viable option if used in a private band. For 5 ms
Fig. 10. Experimental network topology in GENI. data generation frequency, we observed many packets exceeding the
4 ms E2E deadline, particularly with proposed LTE topology. However,
GOOSE packets at a signal change are usually transmitted with lots
In addition to the multi-hop Wifi, we have also considered Device-
of redundancy (Niejahr et al., 2010), and thus LTE might still be
to-device (D2D) LTE communications between substations in case of
useable for such rates since the failure duration is less than a sec-
LTE network is down. We propose to integrate the possible D2D mech-
ond and beyond that LTE can support ETE delays in normal opera-
anism with relay devices as shown in Nishiyama et al. (2014) in our
As a future work, we plan to extend ns-3 capabilities to support
Experiments on GENI: We have also implemented our experiments
802.11ah and test our system with longer distance parameters. We also
on GENI testbed to observe switching delay performance in a realistic
plan to integrate our framework into one of the remotely accessible
environment. GENI is a distributed virtual laboratory which provides
Smart Grid Testbeds cited in Cintuglu et al. (2017) by replacing current
access to real OpenFlow switches (Berman et al., 2014) and network
switches with virtual SDN switches. Furthermore, we intend to imple-
infrastructure. We created a topology for our experiment in GENI as
ment WiFi or LTE connections on real devices such as USB dongles or
shown in Fig. 10. Basically, we created two wired links between node-0
to node-3 and disabled one of them in the middle of the experiment to
observe fast-failover mechanism. We observed similar results as in the
Mininet environment for the wired topology. Our switching delays were
measured as 0.1 ms for 1 s data generation frequency, 0.3 ms for 20 ms
This material is based upon work supported by the U.S. Department
case, and 0.5 ms for 5 ms case respectively. Note that these results are
of Energy under Award Number DE-OE0000779. The views expressed
even better than our results in the Mininet environment (0.4 ms, 0.6 ms
are those of the authors only.
and 1 ms respectively. This can be attributed to the fact that Mininet
mainly runs on a single virtual machine which may slow processing
compared to an actual hardware-based switch. Nonetheless, the num-
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Furthermore, we also ran our experiments on GENI without the BFD
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Heimgaertner, F., Hoefling, M., Vieira, B., Poll, E., Menth, M., 2015. A security Saputro, N., Akkaya, K., Tonyali, S., 2016. Addressing network interoperability in hybrid
architecture for the publish/subscribe c-dax middleware. In: Communication ieee 802.11 s/lte smart grid communications. In: Local Computer Networks (LCN),
Workshop (ICCW), 2015 IEEE International Conference on, IEEE, pp. 2616–2621. 2016 IEEE 41st Conference on, IEEE, pp. 623–626.
Hu, F., Hao, Q., Bao, K., 2014. A survey on software-defined network and openflow: Saputro, N., Akkaya, K., Adgin, R., Uluagac, S., 2019. Drone-assisted multi-purpose
from concept to implementation. IEEE Commun. Surv. Tutor. 16, 2181–2206. roadside units for intelligent transportation systems. In: 2018 IEEE 88th Vehicular
IEC61850-90-1, 2010. Communication Networks and Systems for Power Utility Technology Conference: VTC2018-Fall, Chicago, USA.
Automation Part 90-1: Use of Iec 61850 for the Communication between Zhang, L., Okamawari, T., Fujii, T., 2012. Performance evaluation of end-to-end
Substations. communication quality of lte. In: 75th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC
IEC61850-90-2, 2016. Communication Networks and Systems for Power Utility Spring). IEEE, pp. 1–5.
Automation Part 90-2: Using Iec 61850 for Communication between Substations and Zhang, X., Wei, K., Guo, L., Hou, W., Wu, J., 2016. Sdn-based resilience solutions for
Control Centres. smart grids. In: Software Networking (ICSN), 2016 International Conference on.
Ieee Standard for Information TechnologyTelecommunications and Information IEEE, pp. 1–5.
Exchange between Systems - Local and Metropolitan Area Networksspecific
Requirements - Part 11: Wireless Lan Medium Access Control (Mac) and Physical
Layer (Phy) Specifications Amendment 2: Sub 1 Ghz License Exempt Operation,
Abdullah Aydeger is a PhD student in Electrical and Computer Engineering in Florida
IEEE Std 802.11ah-2016 (Amendment to IEEE Std 802.11-2016, as Amended by
International University, Miami, USA. He received his M.S. degree from Department of
IEEE Std 802.11ai-2016), 2017. , pp. 1–594. Computer Engineering at Florida International University in 2016 and his B.S. degree in
Ieee Standard for Information TechnologyTelecommunications and Information
Computer Engineering from Istanbul Technical University in 2013. Prior to his master
Exchange between SystemsLocal and Metropolitan Area Networksspecific degree, he did his internship at A∗STAR research institute in Singapore. His research
Requirements Part 11: Wireless Lan Medium Access Control (Mac) and Physical
interests include SDN, network security, and resiliency.
Layer (Phy) Specifications Amendment 10: Mesh Networking, IEEE Std
802.11s-2011 (Amendment to IEEE Std 802.11-2007 as Amended by IEEE
Nico Saputro received his PhD degree in Electrical Engineering from Florida Interna-
802.11k-2008, IEEE 802.11r-2008, IEEE 802.11y-2008, IEEE 802.11w-2009, IEEE
tional University, Miami, USA in 2016. He is a Postdoctoral Associate at the Department
802.11n-2009, IEEE 802.11p-2010, IEEE 802.11z-2010, IEEE 802.11v-2011, and
of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Florida International University Miami, FL. He
IEEE 802.11u-2011, 2011. , pp. 1–372.
is also a senior lecturer at the Mechatronics Engineering Bachelor Degree Program, at
Johnston, R.A., Hauser, C.H., Gjermundrod, K.H., Bakken, D.E., 2006. Distributing
the Department of Electrical Engineering at Parahyangan Catholic University, Bandung,
time-synchronous phasor measurement data using the gridstat communication
Indonesia. His research interests include security and privacy in a variety of wireless
infrastructure. In: Proceedings of the 39th Annual Hawaii International Conference
and cellular networks, communication protocols for Smart Grid, moving target defense,
on System Sciences (HICSS06), vol. 10, p. 245b.
SDN, and Internet of Things. Dr. Saputro is a Fulbright Presidential Scholarship recipient
Kim, Y.J., Lee, J., Atkinson, G., Kim, H., Thottan, M., 2012. Sedax: a scalable, resilient,
(2009–2012) and a member of IEEE.
and secure platform for smart grid communications. IEEE J. Sel. Area. Commun. 30,
Dr. Kemal Akkaya is a full professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engi-
Kriger, C., Behardien, S., Retonda-Modiya, J.-C., 2013. A detailed analysis of the goose
neering at Florida International University. He leads the Advanced Wireless and Security
message structure in an iec 61850 standard-based substation automation system.
Lab (ADWISE). His current research interests include security and privacy, internet-of-
Int. J. Comput. Commun. Control 8, 708–721.
things, and cyber-physical systems. He is the area editor of Elsevier Ad Hoc Network
Kurtz, F., Dorsch, N., Bektas, C., Wietfeld, C., 2017. Synchronized measurement concept
Journal and serves on the editorial board of IEEE Communication Surveys and Tutori-
for failure handling in software-defined smart grid communications. In: Smart Grid
als. He has published over 120 papers in peer reviewed journal and conferences. He has
Communications (SmartGridComm), 2017 IEEE International Conference on, IEEE,
received “Top Cited” article award from Elsevier in 2010. Dr. Akkaya is a senior member
pp. 1–6.
of IEEE.
Lantz, B., Heller, B., McKeown, N., 2010. A network in a laptop: rapid prototyping for
software-defined networks. In: Proceedings of the 9th ACM SIGCOMM Workshop on
A. Selcuk Uluagac is currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Electrical
Hot Topics in Networks. ACM, p. 19.
and Computer Engineering at Florida International University, where he leads the Cyber-
Lee, C., Shin, S., 2018. Fault tolerance for software-defined networking in smart grid. In:
Physical Systems Security Lab (CSL). He has served as a member of the research faculty
Big Data and Smart Computing (BigComp), 2018 IEEE International Conference on,
as a Senior Research Engineer in the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering at
IEEE, pp. 705–708.
The Georgia Institute of Technology and prior to Georgia Tech, he was a Senior Research
Engineer at Symantec. He is an IEEE senior member.


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