GB - Clauses of Contrast and Purpose Grammar Bank PDF

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9A clauses of contrast and purpose clauses of contrast 1 Although the advert said it would last for years, mine broke after two months, Iwent to work even though I wasn't feeling very well. like Ann, though she sometimes annoys me. Inspite of (Despite) her age, she is still very active being 85, she is still very active. is still very active. 64) a Complete the sentences with one word. We're very happy in our new house, though there's lot todo, We loved the film three hours long! the fact that it was nearly 2 Carl doesn’t like spending mon though he's very well off, 3. They went down to the harbour sec ifthey had fresh fish. 4 I'll put your number straight into my phone so not to forget it 5 My mother called the doctor's in tomakean appointment. The cake tasted good in the photo in the recipe book. Ive put the heating on quite high so house will warm up quickly. the service was poor, the meal of not looking like the must say that was delicious. I stopped at a motorway café before continuing on my journe not being very fit, he managed to walk the three miles tothe village aquick meal Use although, though, even though, and in spite of or despite to expresss contrast. 1 Use although, though, even though + aclause. Although and even though can be used at the beginning or inthe middle of a sentence. + Even though is stronger than although and is used to express a bigor surprising contrast. * ‘Though is more informal than although. Itcan only be used in the middle of a sentence. After in pite of or despite, use a noun, a verb in the -ing form, or the ‘fact that + subject + verb. + Remember notto use of after despite NOT Bespiteofthersin= clauses of purpose 2 to 5) 1 Twentmsthetank Inonderto talktomybenkmanager 2 Iwent to the bank for a meeting with my bank manager. 3 Iwent co the bank so that I could talk to the manager in person. 4 wrote down what he said $0 as not to forget. Use to, in order to, so ast, for, and so that to express purpose. 1 After to, in order to, and soas to, use an infinitive. 2. Usefor + a noun, eg, fora meeting. You can also use for + gerund to describe the exact purpose ofa thing, e.g. This liquids for cleaning metal. 3 After so that, use a subject + modal verb (can, could, would, et.) 4 Toexpressa negative purpose, use s0 as not to or in order not to, ©. wrote down what he said inorder not o forget it. NOT tomotforgetit. 1b Rewrite the sentences, Despite not getting very good reviews, I thought the book was fantastic. Even though the book didn't get very good reviews, I thought it was fantastic. We stayed at a bed and breakfast so as not to spend too ‘much money on accommodation, We stayed ata bed and breakfast so that... Despite earning a fortum Although, Everyone enjoyed the film even though the ending was sad. Everyone enjoyed the film in spite of. The plane managed to land despite the terrible weather conditions. The plane managed to land even though. [told her I enjoyed the meal she had cooked me so that I wouldn't offend her. [told her enjoyed the meal she had cooked me so a. , she drives a very old car. 4 6 ‘The manager called a meeting so asto explain the new policy. ‘The manager called a meeting in order.

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