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G.R. No. 155488             December 6, 2006 I FURTHER CERTIFY, that on the 27th day of September,
ERLINDA R. VELAYO-FONG, petitioner,  1993, copy of the same WAS SERVED personally upon the
vs. other defendant Rodolfo R. Velayo, Jr., at No. Block 57, Lots
SPOUSES RAYMOND and MARIA HEDY VELAYO, respondents. 17 and 19, G. Sanchez Street, BF Resort Village, Las Piñas,
Metro Manila, but who also refused to sign in receipt thereof.

DECISION WHEREFORE, original copy of the summons is now being

respectfully returned to the Honorable Court DULY SERVED.
Before the Court is a petition for review on certiorari under Rule 45 of
the 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure seeking the reversal of the Decision1 of Quezon City, Philippines, September 30, 1993.6
the Court of Appeals (CA) dated May 14, 2002 in CA-G.R. CV No.
54434 which affirmed the Decision of the Regional Trial Court, Branch Upon ex-parte motions7 of respondents, the RTC in its Order dated
105, Quezon City (RTC) in Civil Case No. Q-93-17133; and the CA November 23, 1993 and January 5, 1994, declared petitioner and her co-
Resolution2 dated October 1, 2002 which denied petitioner's motion for defendant in default for failure to file an answer and ordered the ex-parte
reconsideration. presentation of respondents' evidence.8

The procedural antecedents and factual background of the case are as On June 15, 1994, the RTC rendered its Decision in respondents' favor,
follows: the dispositive portion of which reads:

On August 9, 1993, Raymond Velayo (Raymond) and his wife, Maria WHEREFORE, premises considered, judgment is hereby
Hedy Velayo (respondents) filed a complaint for sum of money and rendered ordering the defendants to pay the plaintiffs:
damages with prayer for preliminary attachment against Erlinda R. 1. the amount of P65,000.00 as actual damages;
Velayo-Fong (petitioner), Rodolfo R. Velayo, Jr. (Rodolfo Jr.) and 2. the amount of P200,000.00 as moral damages;
Roberto R. Velayo (Roberto).3 Raymond is the half-brother of petitioner 3. Attorney's fees in the amount of P5,000,00 it being a
and her co-defendants. judgment by default; and
4. cost of suit.
In their Complaint, respondents allege that petitioner, a resident of 1860 SO ORDERED.9
Alamoana Boulevard, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, and her co-defendants, On September 1, 1994, petitioner filed a Motion to Set Aside Order of
who are residents of the Philippines, made it appear that their common Default claiming that she was prevented from filing a responsive pleading
father, Rodolfo Velayo, Sr. (Rodolfo Sr.) and petitioner had filed a and defending herself against respondents' complaint because of fraud,
complaint against Raymond before the National Bureau of Investigation accident or mistake; that contrary to the Officer's Return, no summons
(NBI), accusing Raymond of the crimes of estafa and kidnapping a minor; was served upon her; that she has valid and meritorious defenses to refute
that petitioner and her co-defendants also requested that respondents be respondents' material allegations.10 Respondents opposed said Motion.11
included in the Hold Departure List of the Bureau of Immigration and
Deportation (BID) which was granted, thereby preventing them from In its Order dated May 29, 1995, the RTC denied petitioner's Motion
leaving the country and resulting in the cancellation of respondents' trips ruling that the presumption of regularity in the discharge of the function
abroad and caused all of respondents' business transactions and operations of the Process Server was not sufficiently overcome by petitioner's
to be paralyzed to their damage and prejudice; that petitioner and her co- allegation to the contrary; that there was no evident reason for the Process
defendants also filed a petition before the Securities and Exchange Server to make a false narration regarding the service of summons to
Commission (SEC) docketed as Case No. 4422 entitled "Rodolfo Velayo defaulting defendant in the Officer's Return.12
Sr. et al. v. Raymond Velayo et al." which caused respondents' funds to
be frozen and paralyzed the latters' business transactions and operations to
their damage and prejudice. Since petitioner was a non-resident and not On September 4, 1995, respondents filed a Motion for Execution.13 On
found in the Philippines, respondents prayed for a writ of preliminary September 22, 1995, petitioner filed an Opposition to Motion for
attachment against petitioner's properties located in the Philippines. Execution contending that she has not yet received the Decision and it is
not yet final and executory as against her.14

Before respondents' application for a writ of preliminary attachment can

be acted upon by the RTC, respondents filed on September 10, 1993 an In its Order dated January 3, 1996, the RTC, finding that the Decision
Urgent Motion praying that the summons addressed to petitioner be dated June 15, 1994 and the Order dated May 29, 1995 were indeed not
served to her at Suite 201, Sunset View Towers Condominium, Roxas furnished or served upon petitioner, denied respondents' motion for
Boulevard, Pasay City and at No. 5040 P. Burgos Street, T. Towers execution against petitioner and ordered that petitioner be furnished the
Condominium, Makati.4 In its Order dated September 13, 1993, the RTC said Decision and Order.15
granted the said motion.5
On March 28, 1996, the RTC issued an Order directing the issuance of
The Process Server submitted the Officer's Return, to wit: the writ of execution against petitioner's co-defendant.16

THIS IS TO CERTIFY, that after several failed attempts to On May 23, 1996, petitioner, through her counsel, finally received the
serve the copy of summons and complaint issued in the above- Decision dated June 15, 1994 and the Order dated May 29, 1995.17
entitled case at the given addresses of defendant Erlinda
Velayo as mentioned in the Order of this Court dated
September 13, 1993, finally, on the 23rd day of September,
1993, at the instance of herein plaintiffs through counsel,
undersigned was able to SERVED (sic) personally upon
defendant Erlinda Velayo the copy of summons together with
the thereto attached copy of the complaint, not at her two (2)
given addresses, but at the lobby of Intercontinental Hotel,
Makati, Metro Manila, right in the presence of lobby counter
personnel by the name of Ms. A. Zulueta, but said defendant
refused to sign in receipt thereof.

Petitioner filed an appeal with the CA questioning the propriety and judgment was already rendered by the RTC since the proper remedy is a
validity of the service of summons made upon her. Respondents opposed motion for new trial or a petition for relief from judgment under Rule 38;
the appeal, arguing that the petition should be dismissed since it raised that the issue on summons is a pure question of law which the CA does
pure questions of law, which is not within the CA's jurisdiction to resolve not have jurisdiction to resolve under Section 2 (c) of Rule 41 of the 1997
under Section 2 (c) of Rule 41 of the Revised Rules of Court; that, in any Rules of Civil Procedure.22
case, petitioner's reliance on the rule of extraterritorial service is
misplaced; that the judgment by default has long been final and executory
The Court finds it proper to resolve first whether the issue involved in the
since as early as August 1994 petitioner became aware of the judgment by
appeal filed with the CA is a question of law and therefore not within the
default when she verified the status of the case; that petitioner should
jurisdiction of the CA to resolve.
have filed a motion for new trial or a petition for relief from judgment and
not a motion to set aside the order of default since there was already a
judgment by default. In Murillo v. Consul,23 which was later adopted by the 1997 Rules of
Civil Procedure, the Court clarified the three modes of appeal from
decisions of the RTC, namely: (a) ordinary appeal or appeal by writ of
On May 14, 2002, the CA rendered its Decision affirming the Decision
error, where judgment was rendered in a civil or criminal action by the
and Order of the RTC18 ruling that it (CA) has jurisdiction since the
RTC in the exercise of original jurisdiction; (b) petition for review, where
petition raised a question of fact, that is, whether petitioner was properly
judgment was
served with summons; that the judgment by default was not yet final and
executory against petitioner since the records reveal and the RTC Order
dated January 3, 1996 confirmed that she was not furnished or served a rendered by the RTC in the exercise of appellate jurisdiction; and (c)
copy of the decision; that petitioner was validly served with summons petition for review to the Supreme Court.
since the complaint for damages is an action in personam and only
personal, not extraterritorial service, of summons, within the forum, is
The first mode of appeal, governed by Rule 41, is taken to the Court of
essential for the acquisition of jurisdiction over her person; that
Appeals on questions of fact or mixed questions of fact and law. The
petitioner's allegations that
second mode of appeal, covered by Rule 42, is brought to the Court of
Appeals on questions of fact, of law, or mixed questions of fact and law.
she did not know what was being served upon her and that somebody just The third mode of appeal, provided for by Rule 45, is elevated to the
hurled papers at her were not substantiated by competent evidence and Supreme Court only on questions of law.
cannot overcome the presumption of regularity of performance of official
functions in favor of the Officer's Return.
A question of law arises when there is doubt as to what the law is on a
certain state of facts, while there is a question of fact when the doubt
Petitioner filed a Motion for Reconsideration19 but the CA denied it in its arises as to the truth or falsity of the alleged facts.24 For a question to be
Resolution dated October 1, 2002.20 one of law, the same must not involve an examination of the probative
value of the evidence presented by the litigants or any of them.25 The
resolution of the issue must rest solely on what the law provides on the
Hence, the present petition anchored on the following grounds:
given set of circumstances. Once it is clear that the issue invites a review
of the evidence presented, the question posed is one of fact.26 Thus, the
test of whether a question is one of law or of fact is not the appellation
given to such question by the party raising the same; rather, it is whether
the appellate court can
RULING THAT PETITIONER WAS PREVENTED FROM determine the issue raised without reviewing or evaluating the evidence,
FILING RESPONSIVE PLEADING AND DEFENDING in which case, it is a question of law; otherwise it is a question of fact.27
Respondents' claim that the issues raised by petitioner before the CA are
pure legal questions is not tenable.
Parties filed their respective Memoranda on September 8 and 9, 2005.

A scrutiny of petitioner's petition before the CA reveals that it raised two

Petitioner argues that summons should have been served through
issues: (a) the propriety of the service effected on a non-resident; and (b)
extraterritorial service since she is a non-resident; that the RTC should
the validity of the service made upon her. The first is a question of law.
have lifted the order of default since a default judgment is frowned upon
There is indeed a question as to what and how the law should be applied.
and parties should be given their day in court; that she was prevented
The second is a question of fact. The resolution of said issue entails a
from filing a responsive pleading and defending against respondents'
review of the factual circumstances that led the RTC to conclude that
service was validly effected upon petitioner. Therefore, petitioner
properly brought the case to the CA via the first mode of appeal under the
through fraud, accident or mistake considering that the statement in the aegis of Rule 41.
Officer's Return that she was personally served summons is inaccurate;
How may service of summons be effected on a non-resident?

she does not remember having been served with summons during the said
Section 17,28 Rule 14 of the Rules of Court provides:
date but remembers that a man hurled some papers at her while she was
entering the elevator and, not knowing what the papers were all about, she
threw back the papers to the man before the elevator closed; that she has a Section 17. Extraterritorial service – When the defendant does
valid and meritorious defense to refute the material allegations of not reside and is not found in the Philippines and the action
respondents' complaint. affects the personal status of the plaintiff or relates to, or the
subject of which, is property within the Philippines, in which
the defendant has or claims a lien or interest, actual or
On the other hand, respondents contend that petitioner was validly served
contingent, or in which relief demanded consists, wholly or in
with summons since the rules do not require that service be made upon
part, in excluding the defendant from any interest therein, or
her at her place of residence as alleged in the complaint or stated in the
the property of the defendant has been attached in the
summons; that extraterritorial service applies only when the defendant
Philippines, service may, by leave of court, be effected out of
does not reside and is not found in the Philippines; that petitioner erred in
the Philippines by personal service as under section 7; or by
filing a motion to set aside the order of default at the time when a default

publication in a newspaper of general circulation in such Petitioner's bare allegation that the statement in the "Officer's Return that
places and for such time as the court may order, in which case she was personally served summons is inaccurate" is not sufficient. A
a copy of the summons and order of the court shall be sent by process server's certificate of service is prima facie  evidence of the facts
registered mail to the last known address of the defendant, or as set out in the certificate.35 Between the claim of non-receipt of
in any other manner the court may deem sufficient. Any order summons by a party against the assertion of an official whose duty is to
granting such leave shall specify a reasonable time, which send notices, the latter assertion is fortified by the presumption that
shall not be less than sixty (60) days after notice, within which official duty has been regularly performed.36 To overcome the
the defendant must answer. presumption of regularity of performance of official functions in favor of
such Officer's Return, the evidence against it must be clear and
convincing. Petitioner having been unable to come forward with the
Under this provision, when the defendant is a nonresident and he is not
requisite quantum of proof to the contrary, the presumption of regularity
found in the country, summons may be served extraterritorially. There are
of performance on the part of the process server stands.
only four instances when extraterritorial service of summons is proper,
namely: (a) when the action affects the personal status of the plaintiffs;
(b) when the action relates to, or the subject of which is property, within The Court need not make a long discussion on the propriety of the
the Philippines, in which the defendant claims a lien or interest, actual or remedy adopted by petitioner in the RTC of filing a motion to set aside
contingent; (c) when the relief demanded in such action consists, wholly the order of default at a time when there was already a judgment by
or in part, in excluding the defendant from any interest in property located default. As aptly held by the CA, since petitioner was not furnished or
in the Philippines; and (d) when the defendant's property has been served a copy of the judgment of default, there was no notice yet of such
attached within the Philippines. In these instances, service of summons judgment as against her. Thus, the remedy of filing a motion to set aside
may be effected by (a) personal service out of the country, with leave of the order of default in the RTC was proper.
court; (b) publication, also with leave of court; or (c) any other manner
the court may deem sufficient.
Petitioner's argument that the RTC should have set aside the order of
default and applied the liberal interpretation of rules with a view of
Thus, extrajudicial service of summons apply only where the action is in affording parties their day in court is not tenable. While indeed default
rem, that is, an action against the thing itself instead of against the person, orders are not viewed with favor, the party seeking to have the order of
or in an action quasi in rem, where an individual is named as defendant default lifted must
and the purpose of the proceeding is to subject his interest therein to the
obligation or loan burdening the property. The rationale for this is that
first show that her failure to file an answer or any other responsive
in in rem and quasi in rem actions, jurisdiction over the person of the
pleading was due to fraud, accident, mistake, or excusable neglect and
defendant is
then she must show that she has a valid and meritorious defense.37

not a prerequisite to confer jurisdiction on the court provided that the

In this case, petitioner failed to show that her failure to file an answer was
court acquires jurisdiction over the res.29
due to fraud, accident, mistake or excusable neglect. Except for her bare
unsupported allegation that the summons were only thrown to her at the
Where the action is in personam, that is, one brought against a person on elevator, petitioner did not present any competent evidence to justify the
the basis of her personal liability, jurisdiction over the person of the setting aside of the order of default.
defendant is necessary for the court to validly try and decide the case.
When the defendant is a non-resident, personal service of summons
Moreover, when a party files a motion to lift order of default, she must
within the state is essential to the acquisition of jurisdiction over the
also show that she has a meritorious defense or that something would be
person.30 Summons on the defendant must be served by handing a copy
gained by having the order of default set aside.38 The term meritorious
thereof to the defendant in person, or, if he refuses to receive it, by
defense implies that the applicant has the burden of proving such a
tendering it to him.31 This cannot be done, however, if the defendant is
defense in order to have the judgment set aside. The cases usually do not
not physically present in the country, and thus, the court cannot acquire
require such a strong showing. The test employed appears to be
jurisdiction over his person and therefore cannot validly try and decide
essentially the same as used in considering summary judgment, that is,
the case against him.32
whether there is enough evidence to present an issue for submission to the
trier of fact, or a showing that on the undisputed facts it is not clear that
In the present case, respondents' cause of action in Civil Case No. Q-93- the judgment is warranted as a matter of law. 39 The defendant must show
17133 is anchored on the claim that petitioner and her co-defendants that she has a meritorious defense otherwise the grant of her motion will
maliciously instituted a criminal complaint before the NBI and a petition prove to be a useless exercise. Thus, her motion must be accompanied by
before the SEC which prevented the respondents from leaving the country a statement of the evidence which she intends to present if the motion is
and paralyzed the latters' business transactions. Respondents pray that granted and which is such as to warrant a reasonable belief that the result
actual and moral damages, plus attorney's fees, be awarded in their favor. of the case would probably be otherwise if a new trial is granted.40
The action instituted by respondents affect the parties alone, not the
whole world. Any judgment therein is binding only upon the parties
In the present case, petitioner contented herself with stating in her
properly impleaded.33 Thus, it is an action in personam. As such, personal
affidavit of merit that the cases against respondent Raymond were filed at
service of summons upon the defendants is essential in order for the court
the instance of her father.41 Such allegation is a conclusion rather than a
to acquire jurisdiction over their persons.34
statement of facts showing a meritorious defense. The affidavit failed to
controvert the facts alleged by the respondents. Petitioner has not shown
The Court notes that the complaint filed with the RTC alleged that
petitioner is a non-resident who is not found in the Philippines for which
that she has a meritorious defense.
reason respondents initially prayed that a writ of preliminary attachment
be issued against her properties within the Philippines to confer
jurisdiction upon the RTC. However, respondents did not pursue its Thus, since petitioner failed to show that her failure file an answer was
application for said writ when petitioner was subsequently found not due to fraud, accident, mistake, or excusable neglect; and that she had
physically present in the Philippines and personal service of summons a valid and meritorious defense, there is no merit to her prayer for a
was effected on her. liberal interpretation of procedural rules.

Was there a valid service of summons on petitioner? The answer is in the WHEREFORE, the instant petition is DENIED. The assailed Decision
affirmative. and Resolution of the Court of Appeals are AFFIRMED.

Costs against petitioner.


SO ORDERED. THIS IS TO CERTIFY that on 14th day of May 1999, the undersigned

served a copies (sic) of Summons in connection in (sic) the above-entitled
case accompanying (sic) by the Complaints with annexes attached thereto
G.R. No. 177598              October 17, 2008
upon defendants, at their given address, to wit:
ROBERT SAN PEDRO, petitioner, 
DECISION Spouses Brigida Santiago thru their son Jaime Narciso/
Guillermo Narciso

Before this Court is a Petition for Review on Certiorari  under Rule 45 of Received & sign
the Revised Rules of Court, filed by petitioner Robert San Pedro (San
Pedro), seeking to reverse and set aside the Decision1 of the Court of Adora Dela Peña thru her sister-in-law/
Appeals dated 29 December 2006 and its Resolution2 dated 13 April 2007 Received but refused to sign
in CA-G.R. CV No. 79399. In its assailed Decision, the Court of Appeals
reversed the Decision3 dated 21 February 2003 of the Regional Trial Rufino Landayan thru his son Christopher
Court (RTC) of Malolos, Bulacan, Branch 19, in Civil Case No. 515-M- Landayan/received & sign
99, declaring, inter alia, that the deeds of real estate mortgage constituted
on the subject properties are null and void; while, in its assailed Normita Caballes & thru Paul Caballes son of 
Resolution, the appellate court denied San Pedro’s Motion for Willy Ong - Normita Caballes/received
Reconsideration. & sign

The factual and procedural antecedents of this case are as follows:

The original copy of Summons is, therefore, respectfully returned DULY
On 3 April 1996, San Pedro purchased from the spouses Guillermo
Narciso and Brigida Santiago (spouses Narciso) two parcels of land
While the spouses Narciso, Landayan, Ong, and Caballes separately filed
(subject properties) covered by Transfer Certificates of Title TCTs No. T-
their Answers in accordance with the summons, thereby voluntarily
82381 and No. T-82382 of the Registry of Deeds of Bulacan, with areas
submitting themselves to the jurisdiction of the RTC, Dela Peña failed to
of about 200 square meters and 150 square meters, respectively. San
do so and she was, thus, declared by the RTC to be in default.
Pedro bought the subject properties for ₱35,000.00, as evidenced by
Deeds of Sale executed in his favor by the spouses Narciso on 8 April
1996.4 In their Answer,9 the spouses Narciso admitted to selling the subject
properties to San Pedro, and denied authorizing the mortgage of the same
to Ong. Their signatures on the SPAs were fraudulently secured by Dela
In order to transfer in his name the TCTs covering the subject properties,
Peña who misrepresented to them that such document was necessary to
and upon the spouses Narciso’s recommendation, San Pedro hired the
facilitate the transfer of the TCTs of the subject properties to San Pedro.
services of Adora Dela Peña (Dela Peña) who is known to be very
The spouses Narciso denied that they participated in or benefited from the
familiar with the intricacies of real property transfers.5
loan obligation obtained by Dela Peña from Ong.

After sometime, San Pedro inquired with the Registry of Deeds of

For their part, Caballes and Ong raised in their Joint Answer10 the defense
Bulacan as to the status of his application for the issuance in his name of
of mortgagee-in-good-faith. They claimed that they both relied in good
new TCTs for the subject properties. He was surprised to find out,
faith on the SPAs granting Dela Peña the authority to mortgage the
however, that the subject properties were still registered in the names of
subject properties since there was nothing on the face thereof which
the Narciso spouses and were mortgaged to Willy Ong (Ong).6
would have raised their suspicion as to the authenticity of the document.
Ong alleged that the subject properties were used by Dela Peña as
According to the annotation stamped at the back of TCTs No. T-82381 collateral for the loan, amounting to ₱170,000.00, which she obtained
and No. T-82382, the spouses Narciso, on 23 July 1998, executed Special from Ong. Since the said loan obligation already became due and
Powers of Attorney (SPAs) authorizing Dela Peña to mortgage the subject demandable, Ong sought the foreclosure of the subject properties. During
properties to Ong. The SPAs were procured by Dela Peña from the the auction sale, Ong emerged as the highest bidder but the TCTs of the
spouses Narciso with the help of one Rufino Landayan, a tricycle driver subject properties were not yet transferred to his name.
who accompanied Dela Peña to the spouses Narciso’s residence. San
Pedro found out that it was Normita Caballes (Caballes), Ong’s agent,
Landayan, in his Answer,11 denied any participation in the procurement of
who caused the registration of the mortgages with the Registry of Deeds
the SPAs or in the mortgage of the subject properties, except that he was
of Bulacan and the annotation thereof on the TCTs of the spouses
hired by Dela Peña to bring her to the spouses Narciso’s residence at the
time the alleged SPAs were fraudulently procured.

In order to free the subject properties from the said encumbrances, San
After the Pre-Trial Conference, trial on the merits ensued.
Pedro filed with the RTC on 7 May 1999 a Petition for Nullification of
Mortgage with Damages against the spouses Narciso, Dela Peña,
Landayan, Ong, and Caballes, docketed as Civil Case No. 515-M-99. During the trial, San Pedro presented Landayan to testify in his favor.
According to Landayan, he came to know Dela Peña when the latter hired
his tricycle. Landayan took Dela Peña and a woman, whom he identified
On 14 May 1991, the RTC issued summons to spouses Narciso, Dela
as Caballes’ sister, to the residence of the spouses Narciso to secure
Peña, Landayan, Ong, and Caballes, directing them to file their Answers
Guillermo Narciso’s signature on a certain document. While Dela Peña
to San Pedro’s Petition in Civil Case No. 515-M-99. On the same day, the
and Caballes’ sister were inside the spouses Narciso’s house, Caballes
Sheriff served the summons on all concerned as evidenced by the
was waiting for them outside in a white car. After a few minutes, Dela
Sheriff’s Return,8 which reads:
Peña and Caballes’ sister came out, and together with Caballes, they
visited and inspected the subject properties; after which, Dela Peña and
SERVICE RETURN Caballes’ sister proceeded to a restaurant to try and secure Brigida
Santiago’s signature on the document they carried. After somebody

signed the document for Brigida Santiago, Dela Peña asked Landayan to registered owner of the properties being mortgaged and was only
sign the same as witness, to which he obliged.12 purportedly authorized by the registered owners thereof. The RTC, thus,
San Pedro himself took the witness stand. He testified that he bought the
subject properties from the spouses Narciso for ₱35,000.00. After the WHEREFORE, judgment is hereby rendered as follows:
execution of the Deeds of Sale and payment of the purchase price to the
spouses Narciso, possession of the subject properties were turned over to
1. Declaring [San Pedro] the legal and rightful owner of the two (2)
him. San Pedro started to build his dream house on the subject properties,
parcels of land subject of this litigation, covered by TCT No. T-82381
spending about ₱2,000,000.00 thereon, only to find out later on that the
and TCT No. 82382 presently in the name of [the spouses Narciso].
subject properties on which his house was built was encumbered by Dela
Peña to Ong on the strength of the SPAs executed by the spouses Narciso
in Dela Peña’s favor. When San Pedro confronted the spouses Narciso 2. Adjudging the sale by [the spouses Narciso] to [San Pedro], legal,
about the mortgages, they denied authorizing the same.13 valid, subsisting and in all respect enforceable.

San Pedro’s sister, Luz San Pedro Tominago (Tominago), narrated before 3. Resolving to declare the Special Power[s] of Attorney constituted in
the RTC that on 31 March 1991, she filed a complaint against Dela Peña favor of [Dela Peña] null and void.
before the Philippine National Police (PNP) Station in Balagtas, Bulacan
for the latter’s failure to effect the transfer of the TCTs of the subject
4. Declaring the Deeds of Mortgage purportedly executed by [Dela Peña]
properties in San Pedro’s name, as she was obliged to do. Tominago filed
as Attorney-in-fact of [the spouses Narciso], in favor of [Ong] constituted
the complaint on behalf of San Pedro, who was working abroad.14
in [sic] TCT No. T-82381 and TCT No. 82382 void ab initio.

Finally, a document examiner and handwriting expert from the National

5. Ordering the Registry of Deeds for the Province of Bulacan to cancel
Bureau of Investigation (NBI) was also presented as a witness for San
the recordings of mortgages in favor of Ong constituted in [sic] TCT No.
Pedro. He confirmed that the signature of Guillermo Narciso on one of
82381 and TCT No. 82382 as well as any annotation of foreclosure
the SPAs was forged, while the signatures of his wife Brigida Santiago on
proceedings if there are any by [Ong].
both SPAs were spurious.15

6. Ordering [Ong] to return to [San Pedro] the owner’s duplicate copy of

After San Pedro presented his evidence, Ong and Caballes filed a
TCT No. 82381 and TCT No. 82382 which are presently in his
demurrer to evidence, questioning the lack of jurisdiction of the RTC over
the person of Dela Peña. Since Dela Peña was an indispensable party in
the case, they claimed that no final determination of the same could be
arrived at without the said court acquiring jurisdiction over Dela Peña.16 7. Ordering [Dela Peña] to pay [Ong] the sum of P245,000.00 plus legal
interest from September, 1998 until the whole obligation is fully
In an Order dated 24 August 2001, the RTC denied the demurrer to
evidence filed by Ong and Caballes. Hence, trial proceeded with the
presentation of evidence by the defense. All other claims, counterclaims and cross claims are ordered denied for
lack of merit.19
Ong testified for the defense that Caballes informed him that she knew of
two parcels of land in Bulacan that were being offered as collaterals for a Without filing any Motion for Reconsideration before the RTC, Ong and
loan. When Ong expressed interest in the subject properties, Caballes Caballes appealed the adverse RTC Decision to the Court of Appeals,
showed him copies of the SPA executed by the spouses Narciso in favor assigning as error the lack of jurisdiction of the RTC over the person of
of Dela Peña. Ong then instructed Caballes to verify with the Registry of Dela Peña which rendered all the proceedings held before said court
Deeds whether the spouses Narciso were the real owners of the subject fatally defective. Their appeal was docketed as CA-G.R. CV No. 79399.
properties and whether their TCTs were clean. Caballes returned with
certified true copies of the TCTs which were in the names of the spouses
Narciso and bore no encumbrances. Satisfied with the documents, Ong In a Decision20 dated 29 December 2006, the Court of Appeals granted
agreed to release the amount of ₱170,000.00 as loan, secured by the the appeal of Ong and Caballes, and accordingly reversed the RTC
subject properties. Ong admitted that he was not able to personally talk to Decision dated 21 February 2003. The appellate court justified its reversal
Dela Peña or to the spouses Narciso. All negotiations pertaining to the of the ruling of the RTC on its finding that the service of summons on
loan and mortgages were transacted through Caballes.17 Dela Peña was invalid; thus, the RTC did not acquire jurisdiction over her
person. The substituted service of summons employed by the Sheriff was
ineffective for failure to comply with the statutory requirements before
Caballes also offered her testimony, in which she stated that she came to such mode of service could be resorted to. The Sheriff in the present case
know Dela Peña because the latter was looking for someone who can used substituted service without even showing that Dela Peña could not
grant her a loan with the subject properties as collateral. Dela Peña was be served personally with the summons within reasonable time. Since
armed with the SPAs from the spouses Narciso authorizing her to Dela Peña was an indispensable party to the controversy, without her no
mortgage the subject properties. After Caballes examined the documents, final determination of the case can be had. Thus, the dispositive portion of
she proceeded to the Registry of Deeds of Bulacan to verify the status and the assailed Court of Appeals Decision reads:
ownership of the subject properties. After she found out that the TCTs
were in the name of the spouses Narciso and were clean, Caballes went to
Ong who released the money for the loan. Dela Peña issued nine post- WHEREFORE, all the above premises considered, the Decision, dated
dated checks to Ong as payment for her loan obligation. All nine checks February 21, 2003, of the Regional Trial Court of Malolos, Bulacan,
were dishonored by the drawee bank when presented for payment because Branch 19, is hereby set aside for want of jurisdiction. The instant case is
Dela Peña’s account was already closed. Ong, thus, instituted before the hereby remanded to the court a quo for appropriate proceedings. No
Municipal Trial Court (MTC) of Balagtas, Bulacan, a case against Dela costs.21
Peña for violation of Batas Pambansa Blg. 22.18
The Motion for Reconsideration filed by San Pedro was denied by the
On 21 February 2003, the RTC rendered a Decision in Civil Case No. Court of Appeals in its Resolution22 dated 13 April 2007 for the issues
515-M-99, declaring null and void the mortgages constituted over the raised therein were already sufficiently threshed out in its Decision.
subject properties in Ong’s favor. According to the court a quo, Ong and
Caballes failed to exercise reasonable degree of diligence before they
entered into mortgage contracts with Dela Peña, who was not the

San Pedro is now before this Court assailing the adverse decision the status, ownership or liability of a particular property but which are
rendered by the Court of Appeals.23 For the resolution of this Court are intended to operate on these questions only as between the particular
the following issues: parties to the proceedings and not to ascertain or cut off the rights or
I. interests of all possible claimants. The judgments therein are binding only
WHETHER OR NOT THE RTC HAS JURISDICTION TO HEAR AND upon the parties who joined in the action.27
According to Section 6, Rule 14 of the Revised Rules of Court, summons
on the defendant in actions in personammust be served by handing a copy
thereof to the defendant in person, or, if he refuses to receive it, by
tendering it to him.28 Meanwhile, in actions in rem or quasi in rem,
jurisdiction over the person of the defendant is not a prerequisite to confer
WHETHER OR NOT ONG WAS MORTGAGEE-IN-GOOD FAITH. jurisdiction on the court provided that the court acquires jurisdiction over
the res, although summons must be served upon the defendant in order to
satisfy the due process requirements.29
Vital to the resolution of the present controversy are the questions on
whether there was a valid service of summons upon Dela Peña; and if
there was none, whether the improper service of summons on Dela Peña In Alba v. Court of Appeals, 30 the Court further elucidated that:
invalidates the entire proceedings before the court a quo.
In an action in personam, jurisdiction over the person of the defendant is
Summons is a writ by which the defendant is notified of the action necessary for the court to validly try and decide the case. In
brought against him. Service of such writ is the means by which the court a proceeding in rem or quasi in rem, jurisdiction over the person of the
may acquire jurisdiction over his person. Any judgment without such defendant is not a prerequisite to confer jurisdiction on the court,
service in the absence of a valid waiver is null and void.24 provided that the latter has jurisdiction over the res. Jurisdiction over
the res is acquired either (a) by the seizure of the property under legal
process, whereby it is brought into actual custody of the law; or (b) as a
To provide perspective, it is crucial to determine first whether the action
result of the institution of legal proceedings, in which the power of
is in personam, in rem, or quasi in rembecause the rules on service of
the court is recognized and made effective. The service of summons or
summons under Rule 14 of the Revised Rules of Court apply according to
notice to the defendant is not for the purpose of vesting the court with
the nature of the action.25
jurisdiction but merely for satisfying the due process requirements.
(Emphasis supplied.)
In the case at bar, Civil Case No. 515-M-99, instituted by San Pedro, is
anchored on his claim that he is the real and rightful owner of the subject
Given that Civil Case No. 515-M-99 is a an action for quieting of title,
properties, thus, no one else has the right to mortgage them. The real
settled to be quasi in rem, the RTC was not required to acquire
estate mortgages constituted on the subject properties in favor of Ong,
jurisdiction over the persons of the defendants, it being sufficient for the
annotated on their TCTs, are encumbrances on said properties, which may
said court to acquire jurisdiction over the subject matter of the case. By
be considered a cloud on San Pedro’s title thereto.
San Pedro’s institution of Civil Case No. 515-M-99, the RTC already
acquired jurisdiction over the subject properties – the res. Therefore, the
Such cloud may be removed or San Pedro’s title quieted under Article service of summons to the defendants in said case, including Dela Peña,
476 of the Civil Code, which reads: did not affect the jurisdiction of the RTC to hear and decide Civil Case
No. 515-M-99, and did not invalidate the proceedings held therein on the
basis of jurisdiction.
Art. 476. Whenever there is a cloud on title to real property or any interest
therein, by reason of any instrument, record, claim, encumbrance or
proceeding which is apparently valid or effective but is in truth and in fact Admittedly, there was a defect in the service of the summons on Dela
invalid, ineffective, voidable, or unenforceable, and may be prejudicial to Peña. The Sheriff immediately resorted to substituted service of summons
said title, an action may be brought to remove such cloud or to quiet the on Dela Peña without attempting first to effect personal service within
title. reasonable time. The Sheriff’s Return31 merely stated that he served a
copy of the summons on Dela Peña’s sister-in-law who refused to sign the
An action may also be brought to prevent a cloud from being cast upon
title to real property or any interest therein. (Emphasis ours.)
Personal service of summons is preferred to substitute service. Only if the
former cannot be made promptly can the process server resort to the
San Pedro alleged in his Petition in Civil Case No. 515-M-99 that the latter. Moreover, the proof of service of summons must (a) indicate the
mortgages in favor of Ong may, at first, appear valid and effective, but impossibility of service of summons within a reasonable time; (b) specify
are actually invalid or voidable for having been made without the the efforts exerted to locate the defendant; and (c) state that the summons
knowledge and authority of the spouses Narciso, the registered owners of was served upon a person of sufficient age and discretion who is residing
the subject properties and San Pedro’s predecessors-in-interest. In asking in the address, or who is in charge of the office or regular place of
the cancellation of the mortgages on the TCTs of the subject properties, business, of the defendant. It is likewise required that the pertinent facts
San Pedro was ultimately asking the RTC to remove a cloud on his title to proving these circumstances be stated in the proof of service or in the
the same. It is, thus, irrefragable that Civil Case No. 515-M-99 is an officer’s return. The failure to comply faithfully, strictly and fully with all
action for quieting of title. the foregoing requirements of substituted service renders the service of
summons ineffective.32 Indisputably, the Sheriff did not comply with any
Significantly, suits to quiet title are characterized as proceedings quasi in of the foregoing requirements, thus, rendering his service of summons on
rem. Technically, they are neither in remnor in personam. In an Dela Peña invalid.
action quasi in rem, an individual is named as defendant. However, unlike
suits in rem, a quasi in rem judgment is conclusive only between the Nonetheless, the improper service of summons on Dela Peña did not void
parties. A proceeding quasi in rem is one brought against persons seeking the proceedings conducted by the RTC in Civil Case No. 515-M-99, for
to subject the property of such persons to the discharge of the claims lack of jurisdiction. As the Court has underscored herein, in quasi in
assailed. 26 rem proceedings, the court need not acquire jurisdiction over the persons
of the defendants, for as long as it has acquired jurisdiction over the res.
In an action quasi in rem, an individual is named as defendant and the The defect in the service of summons merely infringed Dela Peña’s right
purpose of the proceeding is to subject his interests therein to the to due process that precluded the RTC from rendering a valid judgment
obligation or loan burdening the property. Actions quasi in rem deal with with respect to her personal liability. And since Dela Peña’s right to due

process is personal and pertains to her alone, it could not be invoked by land. Although the instant case does not involve a sale but only a
her other co-defendants in Civil Case No. 515-M-99 so as to escape the mortgage, the same rule applies inasmuch as the law itself includes a
judgment of liability against them. mortgagee in the term "purchaser."

Contrary to the pronouncement of the Court of Appeals, Dela Peña The Court has stressed time and again that every person dealing with an
was not an indispensable party to this case, without whom, no final agent is put upon inquiry, and must discover upon his peril the authority
conclusion of the case can be arrived at. of the agent, and this is especially true where the act of the agent is of
unusual nature. If a person makes no inquiry, he is chargeable with
knowledge of the agent’s authority, and his ignorance of that authority
The Court defined indispensable party in Philippine National Bank v.
will not be any excuse.35
Heirs of Estanislao Militar and Deogracias Militar, 33 as follows:

In the more recent case of Bank of Commerce v. San Pablo, Jr.,36 the

An indispensable party is one whose interest will be affected by the
Court elucidated:
court's action in the litigation, and without whom no final
determination of the case can be had. The party's interest in the subject
matter of the suit and in the relief sought are so inextricably intertwined The Bank of Commerce clearly failed to observe the required degree of
with the other parties' (sic) that his legal presence as a party to the caution in ascertaining the genuineness and extent of the authority of
proceeding is an absolute necessity. In his absence there cannot be a Santos to mortgage the subject property. It should not have simply relied
resolution of the dispute of the parties before the court which is effective, on the face of the documents submitted by Santos, as its undertaking to
complete, or equitable. lend a considerable amount of money required of it a greater degree of
diligence. That the person applying for the loan is other than the
registered owner of the real property being mortgaged should have
Conversely, a party is not indispensable to the suit if his interest in the
already raised a red flag and which should have induced the Bank of
controversy or subject matter is distinct and divisible from the interest of
Commerce to make inquiries into and confirm Santos’ authority to
the other parties and will not necessarily be prejudiced by a judgment
mortgage the Spouses San Pablo’s property. A person who
which does complete justice to the parties in court. He is not
deliberately ignores a significant fact that could create suspicion in an
indispensable if his presence would merely permit complete relief
otherwise reasonable person is not an innocent purchaser for
between him and those already parties to the action or will simply avoid
value (Emphasis ours.)
multiple litigation. (Emphasis supplied.)

Considering Ong’s undue haste in granting the loan without inquiring into
Evidently, Dela Peña does not fall within the definition of an
the ownership of the subject properties being mortgaged, as well as the
indispensable party. As the Court has explained, Civil Case No. 515-M-
authority of the supposed agent to constitute the mortgages on behalf of
99 is an action for quieting of title, intended to remove any cloud upon
the owners, he cannot be considered a mortgagee-in-good-faith. Ong’s
San Pedro’s title to the subject properties. The real estate mortgages in
averment that he exercised prudence in the loan-mortgage transaction is
favor of Ong annotated on the TCTs of the subject properties constitute
debunked by his own admission that he merely relied on Caballes’
the cloud to be removed. Thus, the crux of the controversy is the title of
representations thereon, without personally meeting or speaking with
San Pedro to the subject properties vis-à-vis that of Ong, for the
Dela Peña, the supposed agent, or the spouses Narciso, the registered
determination of which, Dela Peña’s participation is not an absolute
owners of the subject properties. Although he instructed Caballes to
necessity. The judgment of the RTC upholding San Pedro’s title to the
check the TCTs of the subject properties, he did not bother to personally
subject properties over Ong’s, or even if it were the other way around,
meet Dela Peña and ascertain the genuineness and authenticity of the
would not have affected Dela Peña, because Dela Peña never claimed title
latter’s authority to mortgage the same on behalf of the spouses Narciso
to the subject properties; she only misrepresented that she had authority to
especially considering that the one mortgaging the property is not the
mortgage the same on behalf of the registered owners, namely, the
registered owner.
spouses Narciso. After she successfully, albeit, fraudulently, obtained the
loan using the subject properties as mortgage, her interest in the same had
ended. She may have perpetrated fraud for which she may be held liable The real estate mortgages constituted on the subject properties based on
but, clearly, these may be established in a separate and subsequent case. false and fraudulent SPAs are void ab initio. In Veloso and Rosales v. La
Her presence in the proceedings before the RTC would have only Urbana,37 the Court ruled that forged powers of attorney are without force
permitted complete relief since the said court could have already and effect and, thus, nullified the mortgage constituted on the strength
determined therein her liability for the damages she had caused to any of thereof:
the parties, but it does not make her presence indispensable.
In view of the forgoing facts, the court held that pursuant to Article 1714
San Pedro’s title proved to be superior to that of Ong’s. The subject of the Civil Code and under the Torrens Act in force in this jurisdiction,
properties were sold to him prior to the mortgage of the same to Ong. The the forged powers of attorney prepared by Del Mar were without force
spouses Narciso, registered owners of the subject properties, admitted the and effect and that the registration of the mortgages constituted by virtue
sale thereof to San Pedro and denied giving any authority to Dela Peña to thereof were likewise null and void and without force and effect, and that
mortgage the said properties. An expert witness affirmed that the they could not in any way prejudice the rights of the plaintiff as the
signature of Guillermo Narciso on one of the purported SPAs in favor of registered owner of her participations in the properties in question.
Dela Peña was forged, while the signatures of his wife Brigida Santiago
on both SPAs were spurious. Ong and Caballes cannot even point out any
Consequently, the foreclosure proceedings on the mortgaged properties
defect in San Pedro’s title to the subject properties. Ong can only assert
are likewise void ab initio. Since Ong cannot be deemed a mortgagee-in-
better right to the same as allegedly a mortgagee in good faith.
good-faith nor an innocent purchaser for value of the subject properties at
the auction sale thereof, his claim to the said properties cannot prevail
However, the well-entrenched legal principle in our jurisprudence over that of San Pedro. The Court’s ruling, however, is without prejudice
requires a higher degree of diligence to be exercised by the mortgagee to the right of Ong to proceed against those who perpetrated the fraud to
when he is not directly dealing with the registered owner of real property. his prejudice.
As the Court enunciated in Abad v. Guimba34:
WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing, the instant Petition
While one who buys from the registered owner does not need to look is GRANTED. The Decision dated 29 December 2006 rendered by the
behind the certificate of title, one who buys from one who is not the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. CV No. 79399 is REVERSED and SET
registered owner is expected to examine not only the certificate of title ASIDE. The Decision dated 21 February 2003 of the Regional Trial
but all factual circumstances necessary for [one] to determine if there are Court of Malolos, Bulacan, Branch 19, in Civil Case No. 515-M-99, is
any flaws in the title of the transferor, or in [the] capacity to transfer the herebyREINSTATED with the modification that the portion ordering

Adora Dela Peña to pay Willy G. Ong the sum of ₱245,000.00 plus legal 2. Defendant Nicolas V. Quijano, at the same address, thru his
interest, is DELETED. wife Lu-Ann Quijano, who signed to acknowledge receipt
thereof. That effort (sic) to serve the said summons personally
upon said defendant were made, but the same were ineffectual
and unavailing on the ground that per information of (sic) his
wife said defendant is always out and not available, thus,
G.R. No. 156759               June 5, 2013 substituted service was applied;
3. Defendants Isaias Albano, Janet Bay, Jesus R. Galang,
RANDY HAGOS, Petitioners, 
Randy Hagos and Lily Reyes, at the same address, thru Rene
Esleta, Editorial Assistant of defendant AbanteTonite, a
FRANCISCO R. CO, JR., Respondent.
person of sufficient age and discretion working therein who
signed to acknowledge receipt thereof. That effort (sic) to
serve the said summons personally upon said defendants were
BERSAMIN, J.: made, but the same were ineffectual and unavailing on the
ground that per information of (sic) Mr. Esleta said defendants
is (sic) always roving outside and gathering news, thus,
To warrant the substituted service of the summons and copy of the substituted service was applied.
complaint, the serving officer must first attempt to effect the same upon Original copy of summons is therefore, respectfully returned duly served.
the defendant in person. Only after the attempt at personal service has Manila, September 22, 2000.
become futile or impossible within a reasonable time may the officer On October 3, 2000, petitioners moved for the dismissal of the complaint
resort to substituted service. through counsel’s special appearance in their behalf, alleging lack of
jurisdiction over their persons because of the invalid and ineffectual
The Case substituted service of summons. They contended that the sheriff had made
Petitioners – defendants in a suit for libel brought by respondent – appeal no prior attempt to serve the summons personally on each of them in
the decision promulgated on March 8, 20021 and the resolution accordance with Section 6 and Section 7, Rule 14 of the Rules of Court.
promulgated on January 13, 2003,2 whereby the Court of Appeals (CA) They further moved to drop Abante Tonite as a defendant by virtue of its
respectively dismissed their petition for certiorari, prohibition and being neither a natural nor a juridical person that could be impleaded as a
mandamus and denied their motion for reconsideration. Thereby, the CA party in a civil action.
upheld the order the Regional Trial Court (RTC), Branch 51, in Manila
had issued on March 12, 2001 denying their motion to dismiss because At the hearing of petitioners’ motion to dismiss, Medina testified that he
the substituted service of the summons and copies of the complaint on had gone to the office address of petitioners in the morning of September
each of them had been valid and effective.3 18, 2000 to personally serve the summons on each defendant; that
Antecedents petitioners were out of the office at the time; that he had returned in the
On July 3, 2000, respondent, a retired police officer assigned at the afternoon of the same day to again attempt to serve on each defendant
Western Police District in Manila, sued Abante Tonite, a daily tabloid of personally but his attempt had still proved futile because all of petitioners
general circulation; its Publisher Allen A. Macasaet; its Managing were still out of the office; that some competent persons working in
Director Nicolas V. Quijano; its Circulation Manager Isaias Albano; its petitioners’ office had informed him that Macasaet and Quijano were
Editors Janet Bay, Jesus R. Galang and Randy Hagos; and its always out and unavailable, and that Albano, Bay, Galang, Hagos and
Columnist/Reporter Lily Reyes (petitioners), claiming damages because Reyes were always out roving to gather news; and that he had then
of an allegedly libelous article petitioners published in the June 6, 2000 resorted to substituted service upon realizing the impossibility of his
issue of Abante Tonite. The suit, docketed as Civil Case No. 00-97907, finding petitioners in person within a reasonable time.
was raffled to Branch 51 of the RTC, which in due course issued
summons to be served on each defendant, including Abante Tonite, at
their business address at Monica Publishing Corporation, 301-305 3rd On March 12, 2001, the RTC denied the motion to dismiss, and directed
Floor, BF Condominium Building, Solana Street corner A. Soriano Street, petitioners to file their answers to the complaint within the remaining
Intramuros, Manila.4 period allowed by the Rules of Court,6 relevantly stating:
In the morning of September 18, 2000, RTC Sheriff Raul Medina
proceeded to the stated address to effect the personal service of the
Records show that the summonses were served upon Allen A. Macasaet,
summons on the defendants. But his efforts to personally serve each
President/Publisher of defendant AbanteTonite, through LuAnn Quijano;
defendant in the address were futile because the defendants were then out
upon defendants Isaias Albano, Janet Bay, Jesus R. Galang, Randy Hagos
of the office and unavailable. He returned in the afternoon of that day to
and Lily Reyes, through Rene Esleta, Editorial Assistant of defendant
make a second attempt at serving the summons, but he was informed that
Abante Tonite (p. 12, records). It is apparent in the Sheriff’s Return that
petitioners were still out of the office. He decided to resort to substituted
on several occasions, efforts to served (sic) the summons personally upon
service of the summons, and explained why in his sheriff’s return dated
all the defendants were ineffectual as they were always out and
September 22, 2005,5 to wit:
unavailable, so the Sheriff served the summons by substituted service.
This is to certify that on September 18, 2000, I caused the service of
summons together with copies of complaint and its annexes attached Considering that summonses cannot be served within a reasonable time to
thereto, upon the following: the persons of all the defendants, hence substituted service of summonses
was validly applied. Secretary of the President who is duly authorized to
receive such document, the wife of the defendant and the Editorial
1. Defendant Allen A. Macasaet, President/Publisher of
Assistant of the defendant, were considered competent persons with
defendant AbanteTonite, at Monica Publishing Corporation,
sufficient discretion to realize the importance of the legal papers served
Rooms 301-305 3rd Floor, BF Condominium Building, Solana
upon them and to relay the same to the defendants named therein (Sec. 7,
corner A. Soriano Streets, Intramuros, Manila, thru his
Rule 14, 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure).
secretary Lu-Ann Quijano, a person of sufficient age and
discretion working therein, who signed to acknowledge receipt
thereof. That effort (sic) to serve the said summons personally WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing, the Motion to Dismiss is hereby
upon said defendant were made, but the same were ineffectual DENIED for lack of merit..
and unavailing on the ground that per information of Ms.
Quijano said defendant is always out and not available, thus,
Accordingly, defendants are directed to file their Answers to the
substituted service was applied;
complaint within the period still open to them, pursuant to the rules.

SO ORDERED. Furthermore, the CA ruled:

Petitioners filed a motion for reconsideration, asserting that the sheriff Anent the issue raised by petitioners that "Abante Tonite is neither a
had immediately resorted to substituted service of the summons upon natural or juridical person who may be a party in a civil case," and
being informed that they were not around to personally receive the therefore the case against it must be dismissed and/or dropped, is
summons, and that Abante Tonite, being neither a natural nor a juridical untenable.
person, could not be made a party in the action.
The respondent Judge, in denying petitioners’ motion for reconsideration,
On June 29, 2001, the RTC denied petitioners’ motion for held that:
reconsideration.7 It stated in respect of the service of summons, as

The allegations of the defendants that the Sheriff immediately resorted to

Abante Tonite’s newspapers are circulated nationwide, showing
substituted service of summons upon them when he was informed that
ostensibly its being a corporate entity, thus the doctrine of corporation by
they were not around to personally receive the same is untenable. During
estoppel may appropriately apply.
the hearing of the herein motion, Sheriff Raul Medina of this Branch of
the Court testified that on September 18, 2000 in the morning, he went to
the office address of the defendants to personally serve summons upon An unincorporated association, which represents itself to be a
them but they were out. So he went back to serve said summons upon the corporation, will be estopped from denying its corporate capacity in a suit
defendants in the afternoon of the same day, but then again he was against it by a third person who relies in good faith on such
informed that the defendants were out and unavailable, and that they were representation.
always out because they were roving around to gather news. Because of
that information and because of the nature of the work of the defendants
There being no grave abuse of discretion committed by the respondent
that they are always on field, so the sheriff resorted to substituted service
Judge in the exercise of his jurisdiction, the relief of prohibition is also
of summons. There was substantial compliance with the rules,
considering the difficulty to serve the summons personally to them
because of the nature of their job which compels them to be always out
and unavailable. Additional matters regarding the service of summons WHEREFORE, the instant petition is DENIED. The assailed Orders of
upon defendants were sufficiently discussed in the Order of this Court respondent Judge are AFFIRMED.
dated March 12, 2001.
Regarding the impleading of Abante Tonite as defendant, the RTC held,
On January 13, 2003, the CA denied petitioners’ motion for
"Abante Tonite" is a daily tabloid of general circulation. People all over Issues
the country could buy a copy of "Abante Tonite" and read it, hence, it is Petitioners hereby submit that:
for public consumption. The persons who organized said publication 1. THE COURT OF APPEALS COMMITTED AN ERROR
obviously derived profit from it. The information written on the said OF LAW IN HOLDING THAT THE TRIAL COURT
newspaper will affect the person, natural as well as juridical, who was ACQUIRED JURISDICTION OVER HEREIN
stated or implicated in the news. All of these facts imply that "Abante PETITIONERS.
Tonite" falls within the provision of Art. 44 (2 or 3), New Civil Code. 2. THE COURT OF APPEALS COMMITTED
Assuming arguendo that "Abante Tonite" is not registered with the REVERSIBLE ERROR BY SUSTAINING THE
Securities and Exchange Commission, it is deemed a corporation by INCLUSION OF ABANTE TONITE AS PARTY IN THE
estoppels considering that it possesses attributes of a juridical person, INSTANT CASE.11
otherwise it cannot be held liable for damages and injuries it may inflict Ruling
to other persons. The petition for review lacks merit.

Undaunted, petitioners brought a petition for certiorari, prohibition, Jurisdiction over the person, or jurisdiction in personam –the power of the
mandamusin the CA to nullify the orders of the RTC dated March 12, court to render a personal judgment or to subject the parties in a particular
2001 and June 29, 2001. action to the judgment and other rulings rendered in the action – is an
element of due process that is essential in all actions, civil as well as
criminal, except in actions in rem or quasi in rem. Jurisdiction over the
Ruling of the CA
defendantin an action in rem or quasi in rem is not required, and the court
acquires jurisdiction over an actionas long as it acquires jurisdiction over
On March 8, 2002, the CA promulgated its questioned the resthat is thesubject matter of the action. The purpose of summons in
decision,8 dismissing the petition for certiorari, prohibition, mandamus, to such action is not the acquisition of jurisdiction over the defendant but
wit: mainly to satisfy the constitutional requirement of due process.12

We find petitioners’ argument without merit. The rule is that certiorari The distinctions that need to be perceived between an action in personam,
will prosper only if there is a showing of grave abuse of discretion or an on the one hand, and an action inrem or quasi in rem, on the other hand,
act without or in excess of jurisdiction committed by the respondent are aptly delineated in Domagas v. Jensen,13 thusly:
Judge. A judicious reading of the questioned orders of respondent Judge
would show that the same were not issued in a capricious or whimsical
The settled rule is that the aim and object of an action determine its
exercise of judgment. There are factual bases and legal justification for
character. Whether a proceeding is in rem, or in personam, or quasi in
the assailed orders. From the Return, the sheriff certified that "effort to
rem for that matter, is determined by its nature and purpose, and by these
serve the summons personally xxx were made, but the same were
only. A proceeding in personam is a proceeding to enforce personal rights
ineffectual and unavailing xxx.
and obligations brought against the person and is based on the jurisdiction
of the person, although it may involve his right to, or the exercise of
and upholding the trial court’s finding that there was a substantial ownership of, specific property, or seek to compel him to control or
compliance with the rules that allowed the substituted service. dispose of it in accordance with the mandate of the court. The purpose of
a proceeding in personam is to impose, through the judgment of a court,

some responsibility or liability directly upon the person of the defendant. the defendant knowingly does an act inconsistent with the right to object
Of this character are suits to compel a defendant to specifically perform to the lack of personal jurisdiction as to him, like voluntarily appearing in
some act or actions to fasten a pecuniary liability on him. An action in the action, he is deemed to have submitted himself to the jurisdiction of
personam is said to be one which has for its object a judgment against the the court.21 As to the latter, the essence of due process lies in the
person, as distinguished from a judgment against the property to reasonable opportunity to be heard and to submit any evidence the
determine its state. It has been held that an action in personam is a defendant may have in support of his defense. With the proper service of
proceeding to enforce personal rights or obligations; such action is the summons being intended to afford to him the opportunity to be heard
brought against the person. As far as suits for injunctive relief are on the claim against him, he may also waive the process.21 In other words,
concerned, it is well-settled that it is an injunctive act in personam. In compliance with the rules regarding the service of the summons is as
Combs v. Combs, the appellate court held that proceedings to enforce much an issue of due process as it is of jurisdiction.23
personal rights and obligations and in which personal judgments are
rendered adjusting the rights and obligations between the affected parties
Under the Rules of Court, the service of the summons should firstly be
is in personam. Actions for recovery of real property are in personam.
effected on the defendant himself whenever practicable. Such personal
service consists either in handing a copy of the summons to the defendant
On the other hand, a proceeding quasi in rem is one brought against in person, or, if the defendant refuses to receive and sign for it, in
persons seeking to subject the property of such persons to the discharge of tendering it to him.24 The rule on personal service is to be rigidly enforced
the claims assailed. In an action quasi in rem, an individual is named as in order to ensure the realization of the two fundamental objectives earlier
defendant and the purpose of the proceeding is to subject his interests mentioned. If, for justifiable reasons, the defendant cannot be served in
therein to the obligation or loan burdening the property. Actions quasi in person within a reasonable time, the service of the summons may then be
rem deal with the status, ownership or liability of a particular property but effected either (a) by leaving a copy of the summons at his residence with
which are intended to operate on these questions only as between the some person of suitable age and discretion then residing therein, or (b) by
particular parties to the proceedings and not to ascertain or cut off the leaving the copy at his office or regular place of business with some
rights or interests of all possible claimants. The judgments therein are competent person in charge thereof.25 The latter mode of service is known
binding only upon the parties who joined in the action. as substituted service because the service of the summons on the
defendant is made through his substitute.
As a rule, Philippine courts cannot try any case against a defendant who
does not reside and is not found in the Philippines because of the It is no longer debatable that the statutory requirements of substituted
impossibility of acquiring jurisdiction over his person unless he service must be followed strictly, faithfully and fully, and any substituted
voluntarily appears in court; but when the case is an action in rem or service other than that authorized by statute is considered
quasi in rem enumerated in Section 15, Rule 14 of the Rules of Court, ineffective.26 This is because substituted service, being in derogation of
Philippine courts have jurisdiction to hear and decide the case because the usual method of service, is extraordinary in character and may be used
they have jurisdiction over the res, and jurisdiction over the person of the only as prescribed and in the circumstances authorized by statute.27 Only
non-resident defendant is not essential. In the latter instance, when the defendant cannot be served personally within a reasonable time
extraterritorial service of summons can be made upon the defendant, and may substituted service be resorted to. Hence, the impossibility of prompt
such extraterritorial service of summons is not for the purpose of vesting personal service should be shown by stating the efforts made to find the
the court with jurisdiction, but for the purpose of complying with the defendant himself and the fact that such efforts failed, which statement
requirements of fair play or due process, so that the defendant will be should be found in the proof of service or sheriff’s return.28 Nonetheless,
informed of the pendency of the action against him and the possibility the requisite showing of the impossibility of prompt personal service as
that property in the Philippines belonging to him or in which he has an basis for resorting to substituted service may be waived by the defendant
interest may be subjected to a judgment in favor of the plaintiff, and he either expressly or impliedly.29
can thereby take steps to protect his interest if he is so minded. On the
other hand, when the defendant in an action in personam does not reside
There is no question that Sheriff Medina twice attempted to serve the
and is not found in the Philippines, our courts cannot try the case against
summons upon each of petitioners in person at their office address, the
him because of the impossibility of acquiring jurisdiction over his person
first in the morning of September 18, 2000 and the second in the
unless he voluntarily appears in court.14
afternoon of the same date. Each attempt failed because Macasaet and
Quijano were "always out and not available" and the other petitioners
As the initiating party, the plaintiff in a civil action voluntarily submits were "always roving outside and gathering news." After Medina learned
himself to the jurisdiction of the court by the act of filing the initiatory from those present in the office address on his second attempt that there
pleading. As to the defendant, the court acquires jurisdiction over his was no likelihood of any of petitioners going to the office during the
person either by the proper service of the summons, or by a voluntary business hours of that or any other day, he concluded that further attempts
appearance in the action.15 to serve them in person within a reasonable time would be futile. The
circumstances fully warranted his conclusion. He was not expected or
required as the serving officer to effect personal service by all means and
Upon the filing of the complaint and the payment of the requisite legal
at all times, considering that he was expressly authorized to resort to
fees, the clerk of court forthwith issues the corresponding summons to the
substituted service should he be unable to effect the personal service
defendant.16 The summons is directed to the defendant and signed by the
within a reasonable time. In that regard, what was a reasonable time was
clerk of court under seal. It contains the name of the court and the names
dependent on the circumstances obtaining. While we are strict in insisting
of the parties to the action; a direction that the defendant answers within
on personal service on the defendant, we do not cling to such strictness
the time fixed by the Rules of Court; and a notice that unless the
should the circumstances already justify substituted service instead. It is
defendant so answers, the plaintiff will take judgment by default and may
the spirit of the procedural rules, not their letter, that governs.30
be granted the relief applied for.17 To be attached to the original copy of
the summons and all copies thereof is a copy of the complaint (and its
attachments, if any) and the order, if any, for the appointment of a In reality, petitioners’ insistence on personal service by the serving officer
guardian ad litem.18 was demonstrably superfluous. They had actually received the
summonses served through their substitutes, as borne out by their filing of
several pleadings in the RTC, including an answer with compulsory
The significance of the proper service of the summons on the defendant in
counterclaim ad cautelam and a pre-trial brief ad cautelam. They had also
an action in personam cannot be overemphasized. The service of the
availed themselves of the modes of discovery available under the Rules of
summons fulfills two fundamental objectives, namely: (a) to vest in the
Court. Such acts evinced their voluntary appearance in the action.
court jurisdiction over the person of the defendant; and (b) to afford to the
defendant the opportunity to be heard on the claim brought against
him.19 As to the former, when jurisdiction in personam is not acquired in a Nor can we sustain petitioners’ contention that Abante Tonite could not
civil action through the proper service of the summons or upon a valid be sued as a defendant due to its not being either a natural or a juridical
waiver of such proper service, the ensuing trial and judgment are void.20 If person. In rejecting their contention, the CA categorized Abante Tonite as

a corporation by estoppel as the result of its having represented itself to allegations in the complaint" 7 and the court in determining such fact need
the reading public as a corporation despite its not being incorporated. not go beyond the allegations therein. 8 In this case, the allegations that
Thereby, the CA concluded that the RTC did not gravely abuse its petitioner entered into a contract with private respondent to supply and
discretion in holding that the non-incorporation of Abante Tonite with the install various machineries and equipments for the use of the latter's oil
Securities and Exchange Commission was of no consequence, for, mill factory 9 and that the first shipment of machineries from petitioner
otherwise, whoever of the public who would suffer any damage from the was received by private respondent 10 are sufficient allegations that
publication of articles in the pages of its tabloids would be left without petitioner is doing business for purposes of Section 14, Rule 14. In any
recourse. We cannot disagree with the CA, considering that the editorial case, the determination that a foreign corporation is doing business is
box of the daily tabloid disclosed that basis, nothing in the box indicated merely tentative and only to enable the local court to acquire jurisdiction
that Monica Publishing Corporation had owned Abante Tonite. over the person of the foreign corporation through service of summons. It
does not foreclose a subsequent finding to the contrary depending on the
evidence. 11
WHEREFORE, the Court AFFIRMS the decision promulgated on March
8, 2002; and ORDERS petitioners to pay the costs of suit.
Having determined the issue of doing business, the Court will now
inquire on whether petitioner was validly served with summons. Under
the Rules of Court, if the defendant is a foreign corporation doing
business in the Philippines, summons may be served on (a) its resident
G.R. No. 126477 September 11, 1998 agent designated in accordance with law; (b) if there is no resident agent,
FRENCH OIL MILL MACHINERY CO., INC., petitioner,  the government official designated by law to that effect, or (c) any of its
vs. officer or agent within the Philippines. 12 Private respondent alleged in its
COURT OF APPEALS [CA], REGIONAL TRIAL COURT [RTC], complaint that Trans-World is petitioner's agent, so that the service was
CEBU CITY, BR. 11, and LUDO & LUYM OLEOCHEMICAL made on the latter. Such general allegation is insufficient to show the
CO., respondents. agency relationship between petitioner and Trans-World. However,
RESOLUTION although there is no requirement to first substantiate the allegation of
agency yet it is necessary that there must be specific allegations in the
MARTINEZ, J.: complaint that establishes the connection between the principal foreign
corporation and its alleged agent with respect to the transaction in
question. Nowhere in the case of Signetics Corporation v. CA, 13 cited by
Private respondent filed a complaint for breach of contract with damages both parties, did the court state that if the "complaint alleges that
against petitioner foreign corporation and the latter's alleged Philippine defendant has an agent in the Philippines, summons can validly be served
agent Trans-World Trading Company. The complaint states in part that: thereto even without prior evidence of the truth of such factual
allegation." It is only in the headnote of the reporter 14 where the quoted
1.2 Defendant French Oil Mill Machinery statement appears. Certainly a portion of the decision was paraphrased to
("FOMMCO") is a corporation with principal convey that statement which is never meant nor mentioned in
office at, Piqua, Ohio, United States of America, theponencia and thus, was a misinterpretation of the scope of the
engaged in business in the Philippines through its decision. The headnote or syllabi is not the work of the court, nor does it
agent Trans-World Trading Company. FOMMCO state its decision. It is simply the work of the reporter, who gives his
may be served with summons and other court understanding of the decision, and is prepared for the convenience of the
processes through its agent, Trans-World Trading profession in the examination of the reports. 15 A headnote is not a part of
Company. the court's decision.

1.3 Defendant Trans-World Trading Company For purposes of the rules on summons, the determination of principal-
("Trans-World") is the agent of FOMMCO in the agent relationship from the allegations in the complaint is only
Philippines, with office at Don Pablo Building, 144 preliminary and is not even conclusive as to liability. Nothing bars the
Amorsolo St., Makati, Metro Manila, where it may court from later making a different finding after the parties had
be served with summons and other court substantiated their respective allegations with respect to agency should
processes. 1 the same be disputed. As found by both courts below, petitioner treated
Trans-World as its Philippine agent in the assailed transaction. 16 Such
factual assessment is binding on this Court 17 and will not be disturbed as
Summons was served on Trans-World which moved to dismiss the no exceptional circumstances 18 nor cogent reasons 19 were shown to
complaint arguing that it is not petitioner's agent. Petitioner itself filed a justify its reversal. For it is well-settled that factual findings of the trial
special appearance with motion to dismiss contending that the court had court are respected on appeal when supported by substantial evidence on
no jurisdiction over its person due to improper service of summons. It record 20 and carry more weight when affirmed by the appellate
argued that (a) it is not doing business in the Philippines and (b) Trans- court, 21 absent any proof that significant facts or circumstances were
World is not its agent, therefore the procedure in Sections 14 2 and 17 3, overlooked or disregarded which would have varied the outcome of the
Rule 14 should have been observed. The court a quo initially dismissed case. 22
the complaint for lack of jurisdiction over petitioner 4 but on private
respondent's motion for reconsideration, said court reversed the order of
dismissal and ruled that summons was properly served on petitioner Finally, petitioner fears that it could no longer contest the jurisdiction of
whom it found doing business in the Philippines and Trans-World as its the court once it files an answer instead of a motion to dismiss, as the
agent. Petitioner elevated the case to the Court of Appeals (CA) via filing of the former amounts to voluntary appearance. 23 Suffice it to say
petition for certiorari and prohibition but to no avail. Not satisfied, that the filing of an answer  per se should not be automatically treated as
petitioner filed this petition under Rule 45 which was initially dismissed voluntary appearance by the defendant for purposes of summons. It
for being filed late 5 but on petitioner's motion for reconsideration was should be noted that when the appearance of a defendant is precisely to
reinstated by the Court. 6 object to the jurisdiction of the court over his person, it cannot be
considered as appearance in court. 24 The foregoing, however, need not be
further discussed in this case as petitioner did not file any answer.
Petitioner contends that it is not doing business in the Philippines and that
Trans-World is not its agent, and thus, the summons served on the latter
has no effect on the former. The contention is not meritorious. ACCORDINGLY, the petition is DENIED for lack of merit.

It is not enough to merely allege in the complaint that a defendant foreign SO ORDERED.
corporation is doing business. For purposes of the rule on summons, the
fact of doing business must first be "established by appropriate G.R. No. 130974 August 16, 2006

MA. IMELDA M. MANOTOC, Petitioner, During the hearing on the Motion to Dismiss, petitioner Manotoc
vs. presented Carlos Gonzales, who testified that he saw defendant Manotoc
HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALS and AGAPITA TRAJANO as a visitor in Alexandra Homes only two times. He also identified the
on behalf of the Estate of ARCHIMEDES TRAJANO, Respondents. Certification of Renato A. de Leon, which stated that Unit E-2104 was
owned by Queens Park Realty, Inc.; and at the time the Certification was
issued, the unit was not being leased by anyone. Petitioner also presented
her Philippine passport and the Disembarkation/Embarkation
Card 7 issued by the Immigration Service of Singapore to show that she
VELASCO, JR., J.: was a resident of Singapore. She claimed that the person referred to in
plaintiff’s Exhibits "A" to "EEEE" as "Mrs. Manotoc" may not even be
her, but the mother of Tommy Manotoc, and granting that she was the
The court’s jurisdiction over a defendant is founded on a valid service of one referred to in said exhibits, only 27 out of 109 entries referred to Mrs.
summons. Without a valid service, the court cannot acquire jurisdiction Manotoc. Hence, the infrequent number of times she allegedly entered
over the defendant, unless the defendant voluntarily submits to it. The Alexandra Homes did not at all establish plaintiff’s position that she was
defendant must be properly apprised of a pending action against him and a resident of said place.
assured of the opportunity to present his defenses to the suit. Proper
service of summons is used to protect one’s right to due process.
On the other hand, Agapita Trajano, for plaintiffs’ estate, presented
Robert Swift, lead counsel for plaintiffs in the Estate of Ferdinand Marcos
Human Rights Litigation, who testified that he participated in the
deposition taking of Ferdinand R. Marcos, Jr.; and he confirmed that Mr.
Marcos, Jr. testified that petitioner’s residence was at the Alexandra
Apartment, Greenhills. 8 In addition, the entries 9 in the logbook of
Alexandra Homes from August 4, 1992 to August 2, 1993, listing the
The Case name of petitioner Manotoc and the Sheriff’s Return, 10 were adduced in
This Petition for Review on Certiorari 1 under Rule 45 presents the core
issue whether there was a valid substituted service of summons on On October 11, 1994, the trial court rejected Manotoc’s Motion to
petitioner for the trial court to acquire jurisdiction. Petitioner Manotoc Dismiss on the strength of its findings that her residence, for purposes of
claims the court a quo should have annulled the proceedings in the trial the Complaint, was Alexandra Homes, Unit E-2104, No. 29 Meralco
court for want of jurisdiction due to irregular and ineffective service of Avenue, Pasig, Metro Manila, based on the documentary evidence of
summons. respondent Trajano. The trial court relied on the presumption that the
sheriff’s substituted service was made in the regular performance of
The Facts official duty, and such presumption stood in the absence of proof to the
contrary. 11
Petitioner is the defendant in Civil Case No. 63337 entitled Agapita
Trajano, pro se, and on behalf of the Estate of Archimedes Trajano v. On December 21, 1994, the trial court discarded Manotoc’s plea for
Imelda ‘Imee’ R. Marcos-Manotoc 2 for Filing, Recognition and/or reconsideration for lack of merit. 12
Enforcement of Foreign Judgment. Respondent Trajano seeks the
enforcement of a foreign court’s judgment rendered on May 1, 1991 by Undaunted, Manotoc filed a Petition for Certiorari and
the United States District Court of Honolulu, Hawaii, United States of Prohibition 13 before the Court of Appeals (CA) on January 20, 1995,
America, in a case entitled Agapita Trajano, et al. v. Imee Marcos- docketed as CA-G.R. SP No. 36214 seeking the annulment of the October
Manotoc a.k.a. Imee Marcos, Civil Case No. 86-0207 for wrongful death 11, 1994 and December 21, 1994 Orders of Judge Aurelio C. Trampe.
of deceased Archimedes Trajano committed by military intelligence
officials of the Philippines allegedly under the command, direction,
authority, supervision, tolerance, sufferance and/or influence of defendant Ruling of the Court of Appeals
Manotoc, pursuant to the provisions of Rule 39 of the then Revised Rules
of Court. On March 17, 1997, the CA rendered the assailed Decision, 14 dismissing
the Petition for Certiorari and Prohibition. The court a quo adopted the
Based on paragraph two of the Complaint, the trial court issued a findings of the trial court that petitioner’s residence was at Alexandra
Summons 3 on July 6, 1993 addressed to petitioner at Alexandra Homes, Unit E-2104, at No. 29 Meralco Avenue, Pasig, Metro Manila,
Condominium Corporation or Alexandra Homes, E2 Room 104, at No. 29 which was also the residence of her husband, as shown by the testimony
Meralco Avenue, Pasig City. of Atty. Robert Swift and the Returns of the registered mails sent to
petitioner. It ruled that the Disembarkation/Embarkation Card and the
Certification dated September 17, 1993 issued by Renato A. De Leon,
On July 15, 1993, the Summons and a copy of the Complaint were Assistant Property Administrator of Alexandra Homes, were hearsay, and
allegedly served upon (Mr.) Macky de la Cruz, an alleged caretaker of that said Certification did not refer to July 1993—the month when the
petitioner at the condominium unit mentioned earlier. 4 When petitioner substituted service was effected.
failed to file her Answer, the trial court declared her in default through an
Order 5 dated October 13, 1993.
In the same Decision, the CA also rejected petitioner’s Philippine
passport as proof of her residency in Singapore as it merely showed the
On October 19, 1993, petitioner, by special appearance of counsel, filed a dates of her departure from and arrival in the Philippines without
Motion to Dismiss 6 on the ground of lack of jurisdiction of the trial court presenting the boilerplate’s last two (2) inside pages where petitioner’s
over her person due to an invalid substituted service of summons. The residence was indicated. The CA considered the withholding of those
grounds to support the motion were: (1) the address of defendant pages as suppression of evidence. Thus, according to the CA, the trial
indicated in the Complaint (Alexandra Homes) was not her dwelling, court had acquired jurisdiction over petitioner as there was a valid
residence, or regular place of business as provided in Section 8, Rule 14 substituted service pursuant to Section 8, Rule 14 of the old Revised
of the Rules of Court; (2) the party (de la Cruz), who was found in the Rules of Court.
unit, was neither a representative, employee, nor a resident of the place;
(3) the procedure prescribed by the Rules on personal and substituted
service of summons was ignored; (4) defendant was a resident of On April 2, 1997, petitioner filed a Motion for Reconsideration 15 which
Singapore; and (5) whatever judgment rendered in this case would be was denied by the CA in its Resolution 16dated October 8, 1997.
ineffective and futile.

Hence, petitioner has come before the Court for review on certiorari. SEC. 8. 21 Substituted service. – If the defendant cannot be served within
a reasonable time as provided in the preceding section [personal service
on defendant], service may be effected (a) by leaving copies of the
The Issues
summons at the defendant’s residence with some person of suitable age
and discretion then residing therein, or (b) by leaving the copies at
Petitioner raises the following assignment of errors for the Court’s defendant’s office or regular place of business with some competent
consideration: person in charge thereof.

I. RESPONDENT COURT OF APPEALS COMMITTED [A] SERIOUS We can break down this section into the following requirements to effect
(1) Impossibility of Prompt Personal Service
SUMMONS IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 8, RULE 14 OF THE The party relying on substituted service or the sheriff must show that
REVISED RULES OF COURT. defendant cannot be served promptly or there is impossibility of prompt
service. 22 Section 8, Rule 14 provides that the plaintiff or the sheriff is
given a "reasonable time" to serve the summons to the defendant in
person, but no specific time frame is mentioned. "Reasonable time" is
defined as "so much time as is necessary under the circumstances for a
reasonably prudent and diligent man to do, conveniently, what the
contract or duty requires that should be done, having a regard for the
rights and possibility of loss, if any[,] to the other party." 23 Under the
55869, FEBRUARY 20, 1984, 127 SCRA 632 WHICH DEFINES THE
Rules, the service of summons has no set period. However, when the
court, clerk of court, or the plaintiff asks the sheriff to make the return of
the summons and the latter submits the return of summons, then the
validity of the summons lapses. The plaintiff may then ask for an alias
III. RESPONDENT COURT OF APPEALS COMMITTED [A] summons if the service of summons has failed. 24 What then is a
SERIOUS ERROR IN CONCLUDING THAT THE RESIDENCE OF reasonable time for the sheriff to effect a personal service in order to
THE HUSBAND IS ALSO THE RESIDENCE OF HIS WIFE demonstrate impossibility of prompt service? To the plaintiff, "reasonable
CONTRARY TO THE RULING IN THE BANK OF THE PHILIPPINE time" means no more than seven (7) days since an expeditious processing
ISLANDS VS. DE COSTER, G.R. NO. 23181, MARCH 16, 1925, 47 of a complaint is what a plaintiff wants. To the sheriff, "reasonable time"
PHIL. 594. means 15 to 30 days because at the end of the month, it is a practice for
the branch clerk of court to require the sheriff to submit a return of the
summons assigned to the sheriff for service. The Sheriff’s Return
IV. RESPONDENT COURT OF APPEALS COMMITTED [A] provides data to the Clerk of Court, which the clerk uses in the Monthly
SERIOUS ERROR IN FAILING TO APPLY THE RULE ON EXTRA- Report of Cases to be submitted to the Office of the Court Administrator
TERRITORIAL SERVICE OF SUMMONS UNDER SECTIONS 17 within the first ten (10) days of the succeeding month. Thus, one month
AND 18, RULE 14 OF THE REVISED RULES OF COURT. 17 from the issuance of summons can be considered "reasonable time" with
regard to personal service on the defendant.
The assigned errors bring to the fore the crux of the disagreement—the
validity of the substituted service of summons for the trial court to acquire Sheriffs are asked to discharge their duties on the service of summons
jurisdiction over petitioner. with due care, utmost diligence, and reasonable promptness and speed so
as not to prejudice the expeditious dispensation of justice. Thus, they are
The Court’s Ruling enjoined to try their best efforts to accomplish personal service on
defendant. On the other hand, since the defendant is expected to try to
avoid and evade service of summons, the sheriff must be resourceful,
We GRANT the petition. persevering, canny, and diligent in serving the process on the defendant.
For substituted service of summons to be available, there must be several
Acquisition of Jurisdiction attempts by the sheriff to personally serve the summons within a
reasonable period [of one month] which eventually resulted in failure to
prove impossibility of prompt service. "Several attempts" means at least
Jurisdiction over the defendant is acquired either upon a valid service of three (3) tries, preferably on at least two different dates. In addition, the
summons or the defendant’s voluntary appearance in court. When the sheriff must cite why such efforts were unsuccessful. It is only then that
defendant does not voluntarily submit to the court’s jurisdiction or when impossibility of service can be confirmed or accepted.
there is no valid service of summons, "any judgment of the court which
has no jurisdiction over the person of the defendant is null and void." 18 In
an action strictly in personam, personal service on the defendant is the (2) Specific Details in the Return
preferred mode of service, that is, by handing a copy of the summons to
the defendant in person. If defendant, for excusable reasons, cannot be
served with the summons within a reasonable period, then substituted
service can be resorted to. While substituted service of summons is
permitted, "it is extraordinary in character and in derogation of the usual
method of service." 19 Hence, it must faithfully and strictly comply with
the prescribed requirements and circumstances authorized by the rules.
Indeed, "compliance with the rules regarding the service of summons is
as much important as the issue of due process as of jurisdiction." 20

Requirements for Substituted Service

Section 8 of Rule 14 of the old Revised Rules of Court which applies to

this case provides:

The sheriff must describe in the Return of Summons the facts and acknowledged the receipt thereof of said processes but he refused to sign
circumstances surrounding the attempted personal service. 25 The efforts (emphases supplied).
made to find the defendant and the reasons behind the failure must be
clearly narrated in detail in the Return. The date and time of the attempts
WHEREFORE, said summons is hereby returned to this Honorable Court
on personal service, the inquiries made to locate the defendant, the
of origin, duly served for its record and information.
name/s of the occupants of the alleged residence or house of defendant
and all other acts done, though futile, to serve the summons on defendant
must be specified in the Return to justify substituted service. The form on Pasig, Metro-Manila July 15, 1993. 29
Sheriff’s Return of Summons on Substituted Service prescribed in the
Handbook for Sheriffs published by the Philippine Judicial Academy
A meticulous scrutiny of the aforementioned Return readily reveals the
requires a narration of the efforts made to find the defendant personally
absence of material data on the serious efforts to serve the Summons on
and the fact of failure. 26 Supreme Court Administrative Circular No. 5
petitioner Manotoc in person. There is no clear valid reason cited in the
dated November 9, 1989 requires that "impossibility of prompt service
Return why those efforts proved inadequate, to reach the conclusion that
should be shown by stating the efforts made to find the defendant
personal service has become impossible or unattainable outside the
personally and the failure of such efforts," which should be made in the
generally couched phrases of "on many occasions several attempts were
proof of service.
made to serve the summons x x x personally," "at reasonable hours during
the day," and "to no avail for the reason that the said defendant is usually
(3) A Person of Suitable Age and Discretion out of her place and/or residence or premises." Wanting in detailed
information, the Return deviates from the ruling—in Domagas v.
Jensen 30 and other related cases 31—that the pertinent facts and
If the substituted service will be effected at defendant’s house or
circumstances on the efforts exerted to serve the summons personally
residence, it should be left with a person of "suitable age and discretion
must be narrated in the Return. It cannot be determined how many times,
then residing therein." 27 A person of suitable age and discretion is one
on what specific dates, and at what hours of the day the attempts were
who has attained the age of full legal capacity (18 years old) and is
made. Given the fact that the substituted service of summons may be
considered to have enough discernment to understand the importance of a
assailed, as in the present case, by a Motion to Dismiss, it is imperative
summons. "Discretion" is defined as "the ability to make decisions which
that the pertinent facts and circumstances surrounding the service of
represent a responsible choice and for which an understanding of what is
summons be described with more particularity in the Return or Certificate
lawful, right or wise may be presupposed". 28 Thus, to be of sufficient
of Service.
discretion, such person must know how to read and understand English to
comprehend the import of the summons, and fully realize the need to
deliver the summons and complaint to the defendant at the earliest Besides, apart from the allegation of petitioner’s address in the
possible time for the person to take appropriate action. Thus, the person Complaint, it has not been shown that respondent Trajano or Sheriff
must have the "relation of confidence" to the defendant, ensuring that the Cañelas, who served such summons, exerted extraordinary efforts to
latter would receive or at least be notified of the receipt of the summons. locate petitioner. Certainly, the second paragraph of the Complaint only
The sheriff must therefore determine if the person found in the alleged states that respondents were "informed, and so [they] allege" about the
dwelling or residence of defendant is of legal age, what the recipient’s address and whereabouts of petitioner. Before resorting to substituted
relationship with the defendant is, and whether said person comprehends service, a plaintiff must demonstrate an effort in good faith to locate the
the significance of the receipt of the summons and his duty to defendant through more direct means. 32 More so, in the case in hand,
immediately deliver it to the defendant or at least notify the defendant of when the alleged petitioner’s residence or house is doubtful or has not
said receipt of summons. These matters must be clearly and specifically been clearly ascertained, it would have been better for personal service to
described in the Return of Summons. have been pursued persistently.

(4) A Competent Person in Charge In the case Umandap v. Sabio, Jr., 33 it may be true that the Court held that
a Sheriff’s Return, which states that "despite efforts exerted to serve said
process personally upon the defendant on several occasions the same
If the substituted service will be done at defendant’s office or regular
proved futile," conforms to the requirements of valid substituted service.
place of business, then it should be served on a competent person in
However, in view of the numerous claims of irregularities in substituted
charge of the place. Thus, the person on whom the substituted service will
service which have spawned the filing of a great number of unnecessary
be made must be the one managing the office or business of defendant,
special civil actions of certiorari and appeals to higher courts, resulting in
such as the president or manager; and such individual must have
prolonged litigation and wasteful legal expenses, the Court rules in the
sufficient knowledge to understand the obligation of the defendant in the
case at bar that the narration of the efforts made to find the defendant and
summons, its importance, and the prejudicial effects arising from inaction
the fact of failure written in broad and imprecise words will not suffice.
on the summons. Again, these details must be contained in the Return.
The facts and circumstances should be stated with more particularity and
detail on the number of attempts made at personal service, dates and
Invalid Substituted Service in the Case at Bar times of the attempts, inquiries to locate defendant, names of occupants of
the alleged residence, and the reasons for failure should be included in the
Return to satisfactorily show the efforts undertaken. That such efforts
Let us examine the full text of the Sheriff’s Return, which reads:
were made to personally serve summons on defendant, and those resulted
in failure, would prove impossibility of prompt personal service.
THIS IS TO CERTIFY that on many occasions several attempts were
made to serve the summons with complaint and annexes issued by this
Moreover, to allow sheriffs to describe the facts and circumstances in
Honorable Court in the above entitled case, personally upon the defendant
inexact terms would encourage routine performance of their precise
IMELDA ‘IMEE’ MARCOS-MANOTOC located at Alexandra
duties relating to substituted service—for it would be quite easy to shroud
Condominium Corpration [sic] or Alexandra Homes E-2 Room 104 No.
or conceal carelessness or laxity in such broad terms. Lastly, considering
29 Merlaco [sic] Ave., Pasig, Metro-Manila at reasonable hours of the
that monies and properties worth millions may be lost by a defendant
day but to no avail for the reason that said defendant is usually out of her
because of an irregular or void substituted service, it is but only fair that
place and/or residence or premises. That on the 15th day of July, 1993,
the Sheriff’s Return should clearly and convincingly show the
substituted service of summons was resorted to in accordance with the
impracticability or hopelessness of personal service.
Rules of Court in the Philippines leaving copy of said summons with
complaint and annexes thru [sic] (Mr) Macky de la Cruz, caretaker of the
said defendant, according to (Ms) Lyn Jacinto, Receptionist and Granting that such a general description be considered adequate, there is
Telephone Operator of the said building, a person of suitable age and still a serious nonconformity from the requirement that the summons must
discretion, living with the said defendant at the given address who be left with a "person of suitable age and discretion" residing in
defendant’s house or residence. Thus, there are two (2) requirements

under the Rules: (1) recipient must be a person of suitable age and In the case of Venturanza v. Court of Appeals, 41 it was held that "x x x
discretion; and (2) recipient must reside in the house or residence of the presumption of regularity in the performance of official functions by
defendant. Both requirements were not met. In this case, the Sheriff’s the sheriff is not applicable in this case where it is patent that the sheriff’s
Return lacks information as to residence, age, and discretion of Mr. return is defective (emphasis supplied)." While the Sheriff’s Return in the
Macky de la Cruz, aside from the sheriff’s general assertion that de la Venturanza case had no statement on the effort or attempt to personally
Cruz is the "resident caretaker" of petitioner as pointed out by a certain serve the summons, the Return of Sheriff Cañelas in the case at bar
Ms. Lyn Jacinto, alleged receptionist and telephone operator of Alexandra merely described the efforts or attempts in general terms lacking in details
Homes. It is doubtful if Mr. de la Cruz is residing with petitioner as required by the ruling in the case of Domagas v. Jensen and other
Manotoc in the condominium unit considering that a married woman of cases. It is as if Cañelas’ Return did not mention any effort to accomplish
her stature in society would unlikely hire a male caretaker to reside in her personal service. Thus, the substituted service is void.
dwelling. With the petitioner’s allegation that Macky de la Cruz is not her
employee, servant, or representative, it is necessary to have additional
On the issue whether petitioner Manotoc is a resident of Alexandra
information in the Return of Summons. Besides, Mr. Macky de la Cruz’s
Homes, Unit E-2104, at No. 29 Meralco Avenue, Pasig City, our findings
refusal to sign the Receipt for the summons is a strong indication that he
that the substituted service is void has rendered the matter moot and
did not have the necessary "relation of confidence" with petitioner. To
academic. Even assuming that Alexandra Homes Room 104 is her actual
protect petitioner’s right to due process by being accorded proper notice
residence, such fact would not make an irregular and void substituted
of a case against her, the substituted service of summons must be shown
service valid and effective.
to clearly comply with the rules.

IN VIEW OF THE FOREGOING, this Petition for Review is hereby

It has been stated and restated that substituted service of summons must
GRANTED and the assailed March 17, 1997 Decision and October 8,
faithfully and strictly comply with the prescribed requirements and in the
1997 Resolution of the Court of Appeals and the October 11, 1994 and
circumstances authorized by the rules. 34
December 21, 1994 Orders of the Regional Trial Court, National Capital
Judicial Region, Pasig City, Branch 163 are
Even American case law likewise stresses the principle of strict hereby REVERSEDand SET ASIDE.No costs.
compliance with statute or rule on substituted service, thus:
The procedure prescribed by a statute or rule for substituted or
constructive service must be strictly pursued. 35There must be strict
compliance with the requirements of statutes authorizing substituted or
constructive service. 36

Where, by the local law, substituted or constructive service is in certain

situations authorized in the place of personal service when the latter is
inconvenient or impossible, a strict and literal compliance with the
provisions of the law must be shown in order to support the judgment
based on such substituted or constructive service. 37 Jurisdiction is not to
be assumed and exercised on the general ground that the subject matter of
the suit is within the power of the court. The inquiry must be as to
whether the requisites of the statute have been complied with, and such
compliance must appear on the record. 38 The fact that the defendant had
actual knowledge of attempted service does not render the service
effectual if in fact the process was not served in accordance with the
requirements of the statute.39

Based on the above principles, respondent Trajano failed to demonstrate

that there was strict compliance with the requirements of the then Section
8, Rule 14 (now Section 7, Rule 14 of the 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure).

Due to non-compliance with the prerequisites for valid substituted

service, the proceedings held before the trial court perforce must be

The court a quo heavily relied on the presumption of regularity in the

performance of official duty. It reasons out that "[t]he certificate of
service by the proper officer is prima facie evidence of the facts set out
herein, and to overcome the presumption arising from said certificate, the
evidence must be clear and convincing." 40

The Court acknowledges that this ruling is still a valid doctrine. However,
for the presumption to apply, the Sheriff’s Return must show that serious
efforts or attempts were exerted to personally serve the summons and that
said efforts failed. These facts must be specifically narrated in the Return.
To reiterate, it must clearly show that the substituted service must be
made on a person of suitable age and discretion living in the dwelling or
residence of defendant. Otherwise, the Return is flawed and the
presumption cannot be availed of. As previously explained, the Return of
Sheriff Cañelas did not comply with the stringent requirements of Rule
14, Section 8 on substituted service.

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