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Kesuburan tanah


Kesuburan tanah menggambarkan

kemampuan tanah untuk menyediakan
unsur hara , menyangkut kualitas hara,
ketersediaan dan serta upaya untuk
menahannya dari pelindian
Peran tanah bagi pertumbuhan tanaman
adalah untuk tempat berjangkarnya akar,
penyimpanan air, udara dan unsur hara
Unsur hara bagi tanaman terdiri dari 16 unsur
hara esensial (makro dan mikro esensial)

tempat berjangkar
takar tanaman,
2. STORAGE/Supply of
3. STORAGE/Supply of
4. Storage/Supply of
Sixteen Essential Nutrients

• Primary = C, H, O
• Macronutrients = N, P,
• Secondary Nutrients
– Ca, Mg, S
• Micronutrients
– B, Cl, Cu, Fe, Mn, Zn, Mo
• Beneficial
– Na, Ni, Si, Co
• Nutrients that are required by plants in relatively
large amounts and include the three supplied by
the atmosphere carbon, hydrogen and oxygen
• and six supplied by the soil: nitrogen,
phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium,
and sulphur.
• Nutrients that are required by plants in
small amounts (10 to 1000 times less
than macro) and include 5-8 provided by
the soil: chlorine, iron, boron, manganese,
zinc, copper, molybdenum and nickel.
• Unsur hara bagi tanaman terdiri dari 16 unsur
hara esensial (makro dan mikro esensial)
• Ada 3 syarat agar unsur hara dapat dimasukkan
dalam kriteria esensial
• Respon tanaman terhadap unsur hara dapat
berupa kekurangan, kecukupan, dan kelebihan
• Gejala kekurangan hara dapat dipengaruhi :
fungsi hara dan mobilitas hara dalam tanaman
Principle of Limiting Factors
“ The factor which is least optimum will
determine the level of crop production”

The Essential Elements

– 16 - essential elements
– Must be in form usable by the plant
– Optimum concentration for plant growth
– Proper balance
Konsep dasar Kesuburan tanah
How plants absorb nutrients
• movement to the root surface
• absorption into plant
Determining nutrient need
Essential plant nutrients
• categories
• effect of soil characteristics
Movement of ions from soils to roots

• Mass flow

• Diffusion

• Root interception
Criteria of Essentially
1. A deficiency of the element makes it impossible
for the plant to complete the vegetative or
reproductive stage of its life.
2. The deficiency can be corrected only by supplying
the element
3. The element is directly involved in the nutrition of
the plant, quite apart from its possible effect in
correcting some micro-biological or chemical
condition in the soil.
Sources of nutrients to plants
Soil solution
- ionic form
- low concentration
- highly buffered

Contributors to the soil solution

- exchange sites on clay and organic matter
- organic matter and microorganisms
- soil rocks and minerals
- atmosphere and precipitation
- fertilizer and other additions
• The symptoms of nutrient deficiency
– Depend partly on the nutrient’s function
– Depend on the mobility of a nutrient
within the plant
Deficiency of a mobile nutrient
 Usually affects older organs more than young
Deficiency of a less mobile nutrient
 Usually affects younger organs more than
older ones
Sources of N for Plant Growth
• N tanah yang diserap tanaman berasal dari beberapa
sumber yaitu :

• The atmosphere /Atmosfer, melalui proses :

– Biological fixation / Fikasasi biologi
– Loncatan muatan listrik ( petir) dan hujan
– Fiksasi di Industri Pupuk
• Commercial fertilizers /Pupuk buatan
• Soil organic matter /bahan organik tanah
• Crop residues /sisa tanaman
• Animal manures /pupuk kandang
Peranan N
- Bagian dari protoplasma - Warna hijau daun
- Protein - Ukuran daun
- Klorofil - Tingkat hasil
- Pertumbuhan tanaman - Kualitas hasil

Kekurangan N
- Tanaman kerdil
- Daun hijau

Kelebihan N
- Lambat masak
- Batang lemah
- Sukulen  peka terhadap
Nitrogen (N) Deficiency Symptoms

Yellowing of mature lower leaves- nitrogen is

highly mobile in plants
Nitrogen Deficiency

Nitrogen-deficient plants are yellow and stunted, with the symptoms
expressed on the older leaves first. In severe cases, leaves eventually
turn brown and die. Fruit may be misshapen and few in number.
Phosphorus in Soils
• Soils may contain from 0.1 to 0.02% P
• N:P ratio in soils is about 8:1
• There is little relationship between total soil P
and available P; only a tiny fraction of total P
is available to plants
• Forms of soil P:
– Organic - various P forms associated with humus
– Inorganic - mineral P, adsorbed P
– P in soil solution (ionic forms)
P and Soil Fertility
• Total P generally low in soils (1/10 to 1/4
as much as N)
• Most soil P not available to plants
• Soluble P added to soils can be fixed
Fe, Al, Ca phosphates
• Mineralization of organic P biological
versus biochemical
Municipal & Industrial By-Products
Phosphorus Cycle
Agricultural Wastes

Plant Residues Erosion, Runoff

Sediment & Soluble P

Plant Uptake
Sorbed P Sorptio
Al, Fe Oxides Desorp Soil Solution P
HPO42- & H2PO4-
t ion
issolu Immobilization
D ion
a t
Secondary P Minerals cipit Mineralization
Ca, Fe, Al phosphates
it on
iss Organic P
D Soil Biomass (living)
Primary P Minerals Soil Organic Matter
Apatites Soluble Organic P

(Redrawn from Pierzynski et al., 1994)

Peranan P
- Fotosintesis
- Metabolisme, asam amino, lemak, belerang
- Oksidasi biologis
- Transfer energi
- Pertumbuhan / perkembangan akar
- Memperkuat batang
- Pembentukan buah & biji
- Mempercepat pemasakan
- Kualitas buah

Kekurangan P
- Laju respirasi turun  gula  dalam jaringan
- Daun / batang bagian bawah  pigmen kelabu
- P  mobil dalam tanaman
gejala muncul dari bagian tua
- Tanaman kerdil
- Penundaan kematangan
- Penurunan hasil
Phosphorus Deficiency
Corn Tomato
Normal (left) and phosphorus-deficient (right) corn plants.
Note stunting and purple color


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