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PROGRAMA DE FORMACION: __________centro de comercios y servicios ___________________________________

CODIGO FICHA: ___ 2023675________________

NOMBRE Y APELLIDOS: __ María Isabel paredes Báez ________________________________________________
IDENTIFICACION______ 28951254___________________________________________________
FECHA: ________22/05/2020________

Telling a story in English activity

En esta ocasión el aprendiz construirá una narración de un caso ético en el área de Imágenes
diagnósticas, ya sea positivo o negativo en inglés usando el tiempo pasado simple. A
continuación podrá encontrar un ejemplo en otra área de salud:

Dr. Pablo, a recognized surgeon

Pablo was a famous surgeon in Pambelle city; he did excellent operations and saved many
lives. He loved his profession and sacrificed his personal life to work. He had a family and lost it
because of his work. His colleagues admired him for his knowledge in the surgery field. One
day, he went to a party and drank some brandy to feel better but he had to work the next day.
That day, he went to work as usual and he had a surgery, he started the surgery and a nurse
could see he wasn’t in conditions to do it and tried to persuade him to stop the operation and he
didn’t hear her. Anyways the nurse talked to a doctor and they got Pablo didn’t continue with the

Ferney a renowned diagnostic imaging technologist. who worked in a well-known clinic

in Cali, Valle de Lili. Who did not dedicate much time to his family for having worked
very long hours well known to his colleagues admired for what he had learned in that
clinic. until one day the very tired forgot that he was committed to another institution.
going through the pain of not having attended.
Which led him to make discharges for the lack of not having arrived at his work on time.
Ferney began with delays in all of his activities to the point where he was fired for failing
to meet the contract times on time.

Ferney accepts his mistake and decides that he is going to correct it because he had not
lived a situation where the functions he performed had been affected. Concerned about
what Ferney had caused, he decided to withdraw to avoid being fired for not having
fulfilled what had been agreed.

OBSERVACIONES: ________________________________________________________________________


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