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DATED: 14-05-2020



Dear Sir/Madam,

I, Nikha Malhotra, R/o House No.1675, Street No.2, Govindpuri, Kalkaji Extn., New Delhi-
110019, was working with Aquaplus Global since ________ as a Sales Executive in Tiles
Department under Ms. Mehek Jain who is the Director of the company. This is to inform you
that after serving the company for __ years, in February 2020, I decided to resign from the
company as the company never paid my salary on time. M/s Aquaplus Global is now sending me
false, frivolous and fake notices in order to implicate me in false criminal cases and false
complaints against me in the local police departments, in order to settle personal vendetta with
me as I decided to leave the joband demanded my hard earned salary along with my letters which
include My salary of Rs 30,000/- for the month of March 2020, all my salary slips since ______
till _______ , my Increment letters and relieving letter, which the company is laible to handover
to me but the company on my various verbal and written requests has showed not deaf ears but
has send me a fake and frivolous notice stating that the company will implicate me in false
complaints and cases, if I demand the above mentioned dues of mine, which the company is
legally bound to pay me. The brief facts of my complaint are stated as below:

I joined Aquaplus Global on ________ and I was made to sign few documents This is to bring
to your knowledge that the company after hiring an employee in any department of any sister
concerns or Aquaplus Global, makes them sign few forms before the beginning of their services
with the companies, which also include a form for deduction of PF from the employee’s salary,
alongwith the forms which ask the basic details of the employees i.e the previous experiences
with the details of the employees and the personal information like address and phone numbers
etc. The same process was also followed with me when I was hired by the company as Sales
Executive for Tiles department in Aquaplus Global. The above mentioned form for deduction of
PF is just an eye-wash as the company never informs its’ employees in the beginning that the
companies will not actually deduct the PF but will only makes the employees sign that form in
order to make a forged and fake record to fulfill its’ ulterior motives of criminal practices, so that
in future it can harass the employees and deduct their part of salaries at the time when salaries
are paid. All the sister concerns and Aquaplus Global is also indulged in this criminal practice
hence making themselves and the Directors individually liable under Section 463, 464 and 465
of Indian Penal Code.

As a corrupt and illegal practice , the company also never generated my Salary slips nor gave my
Increment letters on time. Even after my repeated reminders from the Director of the company
Ms. Mehek Jain, no action was taken to generate my salary slips or to issue my Increment letters.
This is an illegal and malafide practice in which the company and the Directors are indulged
into, with all other employees as well including me who were working in Tiles Department and
also my friends (few of them who left the company or sister concerns for the similar reason of
harassment) who were working in other departments of Aquaplus Global and the sister concerns
of the company, which makes the companies and the Directors liable for criminal breach of trust
towards the employees.

All such malafide, illegal and corrupt practices by Aquaplus Global, Bathline India Pvt.
Ltd. and Aquaviva India Pvt. Ltd. (all sister concerns) makes the companies and their Directors
i.e Ms. Mehek Jain, Mr. Anoop Tandoon (who is the Director in Bathline India Pvt. Ltd. and
who is the mastermind behind all such malafide, illegal and corrupt practices), Mr. Vinay
Gupta( who hires legal personnel for his companies and makes them file forged complaints
against diligent, hardworking and innocent employees who are either working in the companies
above mentioned or have left the companies for the similar reasons as stated by me in this
complaint), Mr. Vivek Gupta and Mr. Varun Gupta . The company by indulging in such
practices makes itself and the Directors individually liable under Sections 120A and 120B of
Indian Penal Code, Sections 383 and 384 of Indian Penal Code, Sections 405 and 406 of Indian
Penal Code, Sections 415 and 417 of Indian Penal Code and 503 of Indian Penal Code.
This is to further bring to your knowledge that it is on April 25 th, 2020, that I emailed the
company as demand email stating it is a pandemic situation and that since the company has
asked me to work from home but the system provided by the company to me was not containing
any data and due to which I was unable to carry on

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