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Strategic management of technology at Frito-Lay’s

Kern manufacturing facility

Mohsen Attaran
School of Business and Public Administration, California State University,
Bakersfield, California, USA
Samuel Michael Grijalva
Bakersfield, California, USA

Quality, Introduction State-of-the-art technologies
Automated guided vehicles,
Strategic management The Frito-Lay Kern plant is a 375,000 sq.ft Initial construction began in 1986 with a
processing and warehouse facility, which sits 175,000 sq.ft facility, and five production
Abstract on 640 acres, or one square mile, of property lines: one Lay’s1 potato chip line, two Frito 1
Recognizing that technology is an
in Kern County, California, USA. This site lines, and two Doritos1 lines. The warehouse
important element of competitive
strategy, the Frito-Lay Kern facility has the ability to operate independently of is composed of an automated storage and
has invested substantially in both any city or county infrastructure by retrieval system (AS/RS), manufactured by
its people and technology. providing its own electrical power, HK Systems, with four storage retrieval
Reviews the technology and vehicles (SRVs) and 20 automated guided
process applications, highlights compressed air, domestic water, and waste
organizational approaches and water treatment systems. The site produces vehicles (AGVs), with a capacity of
discusses implementation issues 6.2mW of electrical energy via a co- approximately 4,000 pallet bays. The AS/RS
and success factors at the Kern
generation operation. The co-generation system operates under a ``first-in/ first-out’’
facility. philosophy and turns over products in
plant also produces steam for the heating of
approximately 2.3 days. In 1995, the plant was
water and oil in the manufacturing process.
expanded by an additional 140,000 sq.ft with
Two domestic wells supply the plant with 1.2
the addition of three more SRVs, 12AGVs,
million gallons of water a day, and maintain
one Baked Potato Chip1 line, one Baked
emergency water storage for fire protection.
Tostitos1 line, and one Rolled Gold1 pretzel
The facility also provides a wastewater
line. In 1996, an additional pretzel line was
treatment facility, which is in turn applied to
installed just prior to another 60,000 sq.ft
a 325-acre alfalfa farming operation. With expansion incorporating a Reduced Oil
recent plant expansions, the manufacturing Tortilla Chip line (ROTC), Reduced Fat
processes have the ability to produce on ten Doritos 1 . In 1997, the ROTC line was
different product lines, achieving over modified to produce one of Frito-Lay’s new
525SKUs. Total plant output yields over products, WOW1 , made with Olean1 , a
127,000,000 pounds per year, or 2,442,307 synthetic oil manufactured by Proctor &
pounds per week, equating to 2,000,000 bags Gamble (Ohama, 2000).
per day. From a warehouse and logistics
standpoint, the handling of 97,692 cases a day State-of-the-art bakery
requires 16 truck docks for both shipping and Kern’s 1995 bakery expansion added an
receiving. Today, the Kern plant ranks additional 140,000 sq.ft of facility utilized for
among the top performing plants in the USA processing, packaging and warehouse
and employs over 750 people. To manufacture storage. The processing and packaging lines
at this level, the Frito-Lay Kern facility has operated independently of the existing
invested substantially in both its people and infrastructure and computer technology
technology. systems. The technology incorporated into
This paper reviews the technology and the Bakery was similar in design and
process applications and discusses the recent technology as the existing core plant, but
expansions to the Kern facility and how incorporated new state of the art computer
technology was introduced to provide a integrated management (CIM) systems
transparent transformation. coupled with a faster broadband
communication network known as the Data
Industrial Management &
Data Systems Highway (DH).
101/6 [2001] 264±272 The CIM system ``. . . uses computers and
The current issue andfull text archive of this journal is available at
# MCB University Press communications networks to transform
[ISSN 0263-5577] http://w ww /ft
automated manufacturing systems into
[ 264 ]
Mohsen Attaran and interconnected systems . . .’’ which allows The automated warehouse
Samuel Michael Grijalva coordination and collaboration between The warehouse system comprises six
Strategic management of computers and the functions they formulate.
technology at Frito-Lay’s Kern different computer systems, each responsible
manufacturing facility (Attaran, 1996). The DH network links Allen for specific warehouse functions. First, a
Industrial Management & Bradley 504 (500 series) programmable logic system known as Auto motion1 transfers
Data Systems controllers (PLC) and operator interface core products to an induction lanes system.
101/6 [2001] 264±272 terminals (OIT) which serve as the The Auto motion1 system receives cased
``backbone’’ of the computing and interfacing product from the potato chip, Fritos, and
needs required in an automated factory. The Doritos lines. This system is composed of a
OIT allows line operators to communicate to number of conveyance systems, which utilize
the CIM system in a pre-defined format, a number of photo sensors to traffic the flow
allowing line manipulation, in the form of of products to the induction system. Two
production throughput, quality, raw induction lanes separate cases so that a bar
ingredients, moisture content, and code scanner can determine the type of
temperature settings. The OIT uses a product being conveyed. Next, the system
graphical interface program (GIP), known as transfers individual cases on to a tilt tray
Wonderware1 , to provide a visual conveyance system that delivers the cases to
representation of all equipment speeds and one of 30 lanes, predetermined for a specific
settings. Additionally, this program provides product type. Both the induction lane and tilt
real time data to the operator to access line tray systems operate off the same computer.
performance. Settings established by the Once the product has been delivered to one of
operators must conform to a pre-established the 30 lanes, five automated case palletizers,
matrix of variables to allow the CIM systems manufactured by Fanue, will automatically
to maintain an ``auto’’ mode of operations. palletize the cases in predetermined formats.
Production line permissive matrixes vary Fanue robot palletizers are similar in
depending on the product type, seasons, and construction to those robots found in
mode of operation. Operational modes vary, automated car assembly lines ± primarily in
and are dependent upon the function being the welding applications. The
performed. For example, the ``start-up’’ mode implementation of the robots eliminated five
allows the manufacturing line to achieve positions, but created higher skilled
specified set points before any product is positions. Once the palletizers have
processed through the system. This function completed a full pallet, the pallet is staged for
eliminates the waste of raw ingredients and AGV pickup. The palletizing phase of the
the labor associated to it in the form of project focused on streamlining of the core
transportation, receiving, and staging. As the products business.
predefined set points are established, the The AS/RS system also had to
CIM system will display real time accommodate the new bakery expansion.
information of all conditions throughout the Upper management evaluated the cost and
line. The operator can then select the auto infrastructure requirements to determine the
mode for line production. As the line ramps feasibility of expanding the automation
up in production volume, the CIM system process. At that time, management
will continuously monitor all the line determined the feasibility to be outside the
variables (in the form of inputs, both discrete strategic needs of the business. However,
and analog, and display those variables to the management did determine the need with
OIT). respect to utilizing the AS/RS system in the
The CIM system will further monitor the bakery. Approximately 600yd of additional
line inputs and via output modules, will underground wiring (subsurface) were
control line temperatures and speeds. The needed for AGV tracking and monitoring.
computer programming matrixes, sometimes New AGV induction points were installed
in the form of cascaded programming loops, adjacent to bakery packaging where manual
looks at statistical process control (SPC) palletizing and transfer systems were
programs to evaluate trends and will make incorporated. Underground wiring had to be
line compensations to provide a steady state incorporated on predetermined shutdowns to
process. If computer input signals deviate allow for system startup and program
outside, above or below, predefined set initialization.
points, the CIM system will provide both Regardless of pallet input stations from the
audio and visual alarms to notify the bakery induction points and the input points
operator of a control point deviation. The of the auto palletizers, the system would
operator will then have to assess the transfer all products to the AS/RS input
situation to determine a proper course of stations, known as pickup and drop off (P&D)
action. Figure 1 illustrates the bakery CIM stands. At this point, the SRVs would
network in a generic format. continuously deliver products to and from
[ 265 ]
Mohsen Attaran and Figure 1
Samuel Michael Grijalva Generic CIM layout
Strategic management of
technology at Frito-Lay’s Kern
manufacturing facility
Industrial Management &
Data Systems
101/6 [2001] 264±272

the P&D stands for insertion into the 6,000- located control room houses all the
pallet location high rise. Pallets being pulled computers where operational modes can be
from the high rise were normally delivered to changed to meet the changing demands of the
shipping docks for transportation to logistical networks. The operational modes
predetermined drop-off points (distribution work within an auto mode function
centers, direct deliveries to retailers, and providing flexibility to the dynamics of the
promotional staging areas). The entire system. Modes consist of a balance mode,
automated warehouse system is managed by input mode, and an output mode. The
a computer system, which coordinates all balanced mode is the normal mode of
computer systems, known as ``The Manager’’. operations, which equally distributes the
Figure 2 illustrates the new automated AGVs in inputting and removing product
warehouse computer system. A centrally from the AS/RS system. The output mode

Figure 2
Warehouse systems

[ 266 ]
Mohsen Attaran and will shift system priorities, providing a Reduced Oil Tortilla Chip expansion
Samuel Michael Grijalva 60 percent focus on the removal of products The Reduced Oil Tortilla Chip (ROTC)
Strategic management of
technology at Frito-Lay’s Kern from the AS/RS system. This mode is expansion occurred in 1996 with a 60,000 sq.ft
manufacturing facility invoked when the high rises in reaching near addition to the northwest side of the plant.
Industrial Management & full capacity. This expansion was very complex in nature
Data Systems and required a great deal more of
101/6 [2001] 264±272
Packaging room management with auto coordination between the plant, contractors,
case packer and erectors and headquarters. Operations management
The packaging room management (PRM), proved to be an integral part of the decision-
derived as a corporate initiative, was a making processes thus providing the
four-year pilot project that re-engineered the necessary resources to implement such a
PC packaging lines. Initially, two auto case project.
erectors (ACE) were installed to speed up line Resource allocations came in the form
efficiencies by 30 percent. As a step function, of two project engineers, operators, quality
the auto case packers (ACP) followed suit, assurance, sanitation, maintenance and
thus eliminating the need for a packer. Line processing managers. As construction was
efficiencies again increase by an additional underway, a production manager, line
10 percent. The incorporation of this operators, quality assurance, and
technology proved challenging at the time. maintenance technicians traveled to the R&D
Employee frustrations rose not in the loss of facility for formal training. The training
jobs, but more so in the loss of control. encompassed all facets of the project, from
Top management held team meetings with equipment functions, start up sequences,
the PC teams to discuss the upcoming computer programming, ladder logic
technology and the implications involved. sequences, operational parameters, and
Management’s foresight proved pivotal in the trouble-shooting techniques. Once training
future of this project. Management affirmed was complete, the operators returned to the
employee reassignments were to be absorbed facility and trained the remaining personnel.
by natural attrition without layoffs. Subsequently, new positions had to be filled
After the project was installed, the loss of to staff the new line thus trained personnel
control was more evident in the lack of had to backfill, requiring the training of new
performance of the new automated
The ROTC line was to be positioned
equipment. In weekly meetings, employees
adjacent to the existing Doritos lines, thus
and line managers discussed the obstacles
increasing the complexity of the project.
they faced with the new technology and, with
Numerous pieces of equipment had to be
upper management’s support, an engineering
installed without any disruption to
team was redirected to combat operational
production lines. To make this happen, a
pseudo-construction wall had to be built to
As the technology proved to be successful,
separate construction activities from
the PRM system was incorporated. This
production. Once the building was erected,
system would serve as an information tool to
new equipment had to be installed.
provide management real time information Additionally, new infrastructure had to be
on machine efficiency, over/under weight routed through the existing facility, and
statistics, packer efficiency, packaging steam, water, and electrical ties had to be
machine operator (PMO) efficiency, and coordinated with operations. The new
inventory management. The PC packaging electrical infrastructure required additional
room consisted of 18 lines, eight of which motor starters and variable frequency drives
were automated with ACE and ACP. (VFD) to be tied into an Allen Bradley
The combination of the ACEs, ACPs, and PLC5-80 processor. VFDs control motor
PRM turned the PC packaging department speeds on belts, conveyors, fans, and pumps
into the most efficient process in all of to match line throughput requirements. The
Frito-Lay. new CIM system functioned on the same
Prior to the beginning of this project, network as the existing processing lines.
packaging labor efficiencies hovered around Additionally, an adaptive process controller
77 percent. With the implementation of this (APC) would be incorporated into the CIM
new technology, the packaging department system to control product-finished oils. The
was sky rocketed to 104 percent sustained OIT system utilized a Windows NT program ±
labor efficiency. (Note: headquarters in similar to other parts of the plant. On
terms of cases packed per hour establishes successful installation, a three-week
labor efficiencies. This standard is based on a engineering test run had to be performed. As
human performing the packing of the in all new line start-ups, a systematic
cases. approach to debugging the new system had to
[ 267 ]
Mohsen Attaran and be conducted. In this phase of the project, characteristics directly affect product
Samuel Michael Grijalva data communications are vigorously tested texture, taste, and shelf life. The MM-55
Strategic management of to determine all networking issues. Since the interfaces with the CIM system providing an
technology at Frito-Lay’s Kern
manufacturing facility computer systems were similar to existing analog signal as to the product oil and
Industrial Management & equipment, few problems were encountered moisture levels. The computer will, via
Data Systems over the network. The majority of issues ladder logic programs, send signals to the
101/6 [2001] 264±272 stemmed from minor ladder logic fryer (in this scenario) to compensate for
programming changes to end device deviations in standard set points. The
calibration, tuning, and wire landings on computer program will send signals to
terminal blocks. One important factor in a control fryer temperature and dwell times.
successful transition between engineering
and operations hand over, is the involvement
of line operators during the engineering test Obstacles
run phase. This provides operators with a
``hands on approach’’ to become acclimatized Even with all the planning that can be done
with the controls and sequencing line in advance of implementation, the state-of-
parameters. Additionally, operators are the-art technology utilized in the Kern plant
encouraged to note any issues or concerns, must be adaptable to changes in the business.
which are to be addressed by engineering. Furthermore, contingency plans were very
Once the engineering test runs were important. How would certain operations
complete, a two-week line commissioning run if the systems crashed? Would the entire
was initiated. The line commissioning plant be shut down by a computer? While
required a team effort from engineering, some of these issues were addressed before
maintenance, operations, logistics, start up, others developed which had not
sanitation, and quality assurance. The been anticipated.
objective was to fine-tune the line to produce
the highest quality product. On a daily basis, Training and investment
engineering would conduct a meeting CIM technology requires a substantial
discussing the day’s progress, issues that amount of training expense and capital
arose, issues needing attention, resources investment. Computer programmers,
required for the next day’s run, and the maintenance technicians, operators, and
objective for the next day. managers have to have a high degree of
training and confidence to operate and
WOW! expansion troubleshoot such a system. Staffing
Shortly after the ROTC expansion, a new changes were made to ensure that the plant
product made with Olean1 oil was to be had qualified technicians who could
installed modifying the ROTC line. The troubleshoot problems that developed and
building addition was minor, and the interface with the programmers when
equipment modification required the changes were required. Likewise,
removal of some major pieces of equipment, traditional models of cost justification do
being replaced with new upgraded not consider the hidden cost of quality, and
equipment. Programming changes made justification may have to rely on head count
allocations for line flexibility in producing reduction and increased throughput
either WOW! or Doritos products. This capacity.
required new programming permissive
matrixes to operate the line in different Modification of existing programs and
configurations. The existing CIM system was technologies
utilized with additional PLCs and input/ The second phase of the bakery expansion
output racks. The major issue with the WOW! incorporated the addition of three SRVs
project was the Olean1 oil. On the existing (totaling seven), commonly known as cranes.
lines, the oil maintains a liquid state at room In addition to the SRVs, there were 12 AGVs
temperature, whereas the Olean1 oil would totaling 32. This phase of the project yielded
congeal. The implementation of this project many obstacles to the implementation of not
is minimal as to the direction of this paper; only new equipment to an existing process,
however, to better understand the scope of but the modification of existing programs
the project, see the Appendix. and technologies. To further compound this
project, the project engineers in conjunction
Automated control with operations, warehouse and logistics
A number of the processing lines incorporate personal had to formulate a tactical plan of
what is known as a MM-55 (recent upgrade to action to make the transition as transparent
MM-56), which monitors product oils and as possible. Being a food manufacturing
moisture contents. The oil and moisture facility, this team had to keep line
[ 268 ]
Mohsen Attaran and interruptions to a minimum thus allowing increased quality, but has actually
Samuel Michael Grijalva daily operations to continue as normal, and maintained consistently high quality at
Strategic management of at the same time maintain Frito-Lay’s high increased throughput rates. Because of the
technology at Frito-Lay’s Kern
manufacturing facility level of food safety, known as good precision made possible by the automated
Industrial Management & manufacturing practices (GMP). The GMP system, material waste also has been
Data Systems program is an industry standard, which minimized. Other benefits of CIM technology
101/6 [2001] 264±272
establishes food safety protocols required by that were realized are flexibility, improved
the American Institute of Baking (AIB). service, faster response times, and higher
inventory turnover rates.
Systems interruptions Another advantage CIM technology
CIM system interruptions in computers or bestowed on the Kern facility is the increase
communication networks have proved in line throughput. By increasing line
challenging at times. For example, during capacities, future capital investment is
poor weather, lighting storms have been deferred from new expensive plant
known to spike the electrical distributions construction and startups. Not only has the
system. ``Spikes’’ of this nature have actually Kern plant seen increased throughputs,
shut down parts of the CIM system. In this economies of scale, but also the plant has the
case ``The Manager’’. As the warehouse ability to make a number of different
system goes down, and usually takes one products at the same time, thus providing
hour to three hours to reinitiate, production economies of scope. Efficiency is achieved
usually shuts down two or more production through variety rather than repetitiveness.
lines, thus losing the ability to meet service For example, the potato chip line has the
to sales. As product cases stack up on the ability to produce regular Lays1 Potato
warehouse floor, the remaining lines have to Chips while producing two variations of
reduce throughput, further compounding the flavored chips. This is not limited to just
problem. Furthermore, inventory tracking is Lay’s1 Potato Chips, as the same line can
minimized or lost, thus causing swings in produce Ruffles and Wavy brand chips. In the
over/under production rates. As with any plant as large as Bakersfield, the ability to
line startup or shutdown, raw materials are shift quickly from one mix to another, or to
lost in the process, and labor becomes change from one flavor to another greatly
inefficient. No data was available as to the improves efficiency and productivity.
cost of such a CIM interruption, but based on
experience, the figure could easily mount to
tens of thousands of dollars. Implementation issues/success
CIM requires a new perspective on the part of
As small scope projects come about, the
management ± maybe even a new philosophy.
existing CIM infrastructure needs to have the
Top management, manufacturing and
capacity to grow and adopt new technologies
industrial engineers must change their way
and applications. For example, on the Doritos
of thinking and develop new skills. CIM
lines, operations requested an engineering
success requires deliberate and careful
analysis to determine the feasibility to better
planning of technical elements in
control oil level within the fryers. In this
conjunction with training from day one. To
case, an oil level deviation of two inches
take full advantage of CIM’s benefits, the
could change the fryer dwell time, thus
affecting chip moisture. A Hydpark sonic entire manufacturing process from product
design to procurement, production
sensor (communicating with a 4-20mA signal)
scheduling, management, production and
working in conjunction with a Maxon
delivery must be integrated. The existing
metering valve (receiving a signal from the
infrastructure of the organization must be
computer) would modulate the flow of oil into
altered to facilitate cooperation between
the fryer, thus maintaining a level with a
deviation less than half of an inch. engineering, marketing, manufacturing,
accounting and information services
departments. Moreover, traditional financial
techniques must be redirected to quantify
Benefits derived and track productivity improvements
CIM technology has allowed many companies generated from flexibility, improved
to compete on a global basis; however, there efficiency, and higher productivity (Attaran,
are advantages and disadvantages to 1997).
incorporating such technology. The Frito- The technology in itself does not guarantee
Lay Kern facility is highly dependent on its success in increased efficiencies and reduced
CIM system. This technology has not only inventory turnover times. Management plays
[ 269 ]
Mohsen Attaran and a fundamental role in the indoctrination of electrical engineers, controls engineers,
Samuel Michael Grijalva such initiatives. Management’s foresight in information technologist, processing
Strategic management of communicating new projects and the engineers, packaging engineers, and field
technology at Frito-Lay’s Kern
manufacturing facility potential impacts to the Kern employees was quality personnel. The commitment
Industrial Management & critical to the overall success. Management instilled by Frito-Lay executives is
Data Systems has clearly adopted a new management style substantial. Resource allocations and
101/6 [2001] 264±272 that incorporates flexibility, customer capital investments provide the necessary
service, employee welfare, quality, and tools for successful implementation of new
training. In 1994, Frito-Lay implemented a technologies.
corporate initiative which changed the Quality initiatives are best illustrated by
company’s management philosophy of what is known as a quality ``wall’’. The ``wall’’ is
top-down style management to continuous a real time product evaluation conducted once
improvement (CI) process. every four hours that brings together
The employees play an equally important operators, quality assurance technicians, the
role in the success of CIM. Management quality manager, plant manager, production
needs to understand that CIM manager and line operators. Wide ranges of
implementation will not simply affect the product attributes are evaluated to assess a
blue-collar worker. It will reach deep into ``weak-link’’ score. The ``weak-link’’score rates
the white-collar world as well. Employee the product as green, yellow, or red, where the
fears about job displacement need to be lowest score determines the quality of the
alleviated or at least explained. To prepare product. Quality logs are actively used to
workers for their new roles, management document issues and action plans, which are
needs to begin an education and training followed up at the next product ``wall’’.
program before CIM arrival. Workers need Innovative products are best illustrated by
to be educated about the future impact of those in the Appendix. Frito-Lay
CIM technology. They need to know what continuously evaluates new products and
roles the machines will assume and what test markets to determine geographically
roles will be opened up for employees. acceptance. For example, some products are
Whether through shop seminars, in-house produced in geographical areas where a
classes or study towards an advanced demand may be greater than what would be
degree, employees need to have the seen on a national market. In some cases, the
opportunity to retrain themselves to new product may display some forms of
complete effectively those new tasks that ``cannibalization’’: where the new product
are required by CIM technology (Attaran, will take consumers from the existing
1997). Employee ownership is another product lines.
fundamental in the implementation and
sustaining of CIM technology. In the Frito-
Lay’s Kern manufacturing facility
employees are provided with all the
resources necessary to perform their Frito-Lay’s Kern manufacturing facility is
respective tasks and make decisions that one of the most efficient salt snack food
were once taken by managers. This manufacturing facilities in both the USA and
decision-making process has greatly internationally. The CIM systems
increased the success of such projects and incorporated have unlocked the vast
has illustrated a greater level of ownership. potential in manufacturing efficiencies. Time
Project implementation teams carry a and time again, Frito-Lay’s corporate
cross-functional diversity of people headquarters has determined the Kern
throughout the Kern organization. Team facility to be a key manufacturing facility.
members usually consist of the plant Pilot projects are typically installed, to
manager, technical manager, quality determine feasibility in relaying a strategic
manager, unit leaders, scheduling manager, and competitive advantage.
sanitation manager, capital project The Frito-Lay Kern facility has overcome
resource, warehouse unit leader, team all barriers to successfully implementing
leaders, processing technicians, packaging CIM technologies. The success illustrated by
technicians, quality technicians, the Kern facility should serve as a model for
maintenance technicians and facilities not only other Frito-Lay facilities, but also
manager. Frito-Lay headquarters also the industry as a whole. This model is not to
assembles a cross-functional team be considered as a rigid structure, but one
consisting of a project manager, project which is flexible, evolving and adaptive. As
engineer, sales, marketing, equipment Charles Darwin said, ``It is not the strongest,
designers, vendors, suppliers, contractors, or the most intelligent that survives, but the
commissioning coordinator, food scientists, most adaptive to change’’.
[ 270 ]
Mohsen Attaran and
. 1973 ± gas shortage shuts down some
Samuel Michael Grijalva
Attaran, M. (1996), ``Barriers to effective CIM
production facilities.
Strategic management of
technology at Frito-Lay’s Kern implementation’’, Information Systems
. 1973 ± Foods International, later called
manufacturing facility Management, Vol. 13 No. 4, Fall. PepsiCo Foods International (PFI) and
Industrial Management & Attaran, M. (1997), ``CIM: getting set for subsequently named Frito-Lay
Data Systems International, is established to market
101/6 [2001] 264±272 implementation’’, Industrial Management &
Data Systems, Vol. 97 No. 1. snack foods around the world.
Ohama, J. (2000), personal interview, Frito-Lay, . 1980 ± Frito-Lay Cheetos 1 ruffed balls
Kern County, CA, February. introduced.
. 1981 ± Tostitos1 brand tortilla chips
Appendix. Frito-Lay time line introduced.
. 1932 ± the Frito Company was founded in . 1983 ± Grandma’s1 cookies distributed
San Antonio by Elmer Doolin. nationally.
. 1933 ± Frito Company moves to Dallas, . 1984 ± Dips Jalapeno flavored Cheddar and
Texas. mild cheddar cheese introduced.
. 1938 ± Herman W. Lay founded H.W. Lay & . 1984 ± PepsiCo is restructured to focus on
Company, in Atlanta. its three core businesses: soft drinks,
. 1942 ± Lays begins production on a snack foods and restaurants.
continuous potato chip machine. Transportation and sporting goods
. 1944 ± Lay Company is one of the first businesses are sold.
snack companies to advertise on TV. . 1985 ± Santitas1 introduced.
. 1945 ± Frito Company grants H.W. Lay & . 1985 ± PepsiCo is now the largest company
Company exclusive franchise to in the beverage industry. The company
manufacture and distribute Fritos 1 brand has revenues of more than $7.5 billion,
corn chips in south-east. more than 137,000 employees. Pepsi-Cola
. 1948 ± Cheetos 1 brand cheese flavored products are available in nearly 150
snack introduced nationally skyrocket in countries and territories around the
popularity in first month. world. Snack food operations are in ten
. 1955 ± Frito-Lay1 brand bean dip international markets.
introduced. . 1986 ± The corporation is reorganized and
. 1958 ± Frito Company sales grow to $51 decentralized. Beverage operations are
million and acquires trademark rights to combined under PepsiCo Worldwide
Ruffles1 . Beverages; snack food operations are
. 1959 ± President Nixon takes Fritos1 to combined under PepsiCo Worldwide
Nikita Krushchev in Russia. Foods.
. 1961 ± The Frito Company and H.W. Lay & . 1986 ± Ruffles1 sour cream, French onion,
Company merged to form Frito-Lay, Inc. and Fritos Mild & Wild introduced.
with headquarters in Texas. . 1986 ± Chester Cheetah becomes
. 1961 H.W. Lay and Company acquires spokesman.
facilities for national distribution of Rold . 1989 ± Frito-Lay restructures into four
Gold1 pretzels. divisions giving more responsiveness to
. 1962 ± Fritos sold in over 48 countries. customers. Frito-Lay acquires Smart
. 1965 ± PepsiCo, Inc. is founded by Donald Food1 brand popcorn, Ruffles Mesquite
M. Kendall, president and chief executive Grille BBQ flavor, ranch flavored potato
officer of Pepsi-Cola, and Herman W. Lay, chips, Cheetos curls introduced.
chairman and chief executive officer of . 1990 ± PepsiCo enters top 25 of Fortune 500
Frito-Lay, through the merger of the two ranking. With sales of $15.4 billion, it is
companies. number 23. The company has more than
. 1965 ± Lays1 brand potato chip first to go 300,000 employees.
nationally. . 1990 ± Frito-Lay introduces Cheddar
. 1966 ± Doritos1 brand tortilla chips Crackers1 snacks, low fat Ruffles, Sun
introduced nationally means ``little bits of Chips introduced in test market.
gold’’ in Spanish. . 1991 ± Frito-Lay creates 22 sales /
. 1967 ± taco flavored Doritos big hit for marketing offices bringing decision
customers. making closer to retail customers.
. 1969 ± Funyons1 brand onion rings . 1991 ± Lays1 Tangy Ranch, Flamin Hot,
introduced. Cheetos1 Paws, Flamin Hot, Tostitos1
. 1971 ± Munchos1 brand potato chips Restaurant style, Lime & Chilli
introduced. introduced.
. 1972 ± national distribution of nacho . 1991 ± Sales of $100 million national retail.
cheese flavored Doritos1 . . 1992 ± Lays1 potato chips reformulated.
[ 271 ]
Mohsen Attaran and
. 1993 ± Wavy Lays and Tostitos unsalted Pepsi-Cola Company. International and
Samuel Michael Grijalva introduced. domestic snack food operations combined
Strategic management of 1993 ± Both PepsiCo beverages and snack
technology at Frito-Lay’s Kern
into one business unit called the Frito-Lay
manufacturing facility food operating profits pass the $1 billion Company.
Industrial Management & mark. . 1997 ± PepsiCo is a $29 billion company
Data Systems . 1994 KC Master Piece, Baked Lays1 , with approximately 140,000 employees
101/6 [2001] 264±272 Doritos1 Cooler Ranch, Ruffles1 Reduced worldwide.
Fat, Fritos 1 Scoops, and Rold Gold1 . 1997 ± Frito-Lay purchases Cracker Jacks
Thins introduced. from Bordon.
. 1995 ± PepsiCo sales reach $30.4 billion. . 1997 ± Lays1 Pizza flavor, Lipton1 French
There are 470,000 employees worldwide, Onion, Lays1 Red Pepper Grille
making PepsiCo the third largest employer. introduced.
. 1995 ± Mesquite BBQ, Baked Tostitos1 , . 1998 ± WOW!1 products launched.
Fritos1 Texas Grille, Tostitos1 Bite Size
. 1995 ± Olean1 approved by FDA ± WOW! Source: Frito-Lay Investor Information
chips introduced in test market. Historical Background (1999), available at:
. 1996 ± Pepsi-Cola domestic and
international operations combined into history.html

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