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Mystery of the Treasure

Long ago in the ancient time period when

the kings
Rule on his peoples. A rich man lived named
Zen. He
was a kind-soft hearted man. He usually
helps the
people so people call him a social worker.
But, actually
he was a rich merchant. He is very happy in
his life
he has a daughter named Zon and a wife
named Alexa, but the problem was that he
has no male child. So, Zen
adopted a male child and named him Zex.
Zex was a brave, honest, smart and
intelligent child. As some year
after the time passed through but his sister
and his mother never come back again to
their home after the third
Sunday of June Zen and Zex lost them when
they were gone for shopping in Sunday
march. And due to lose of his mother and
sister Zex was going into down. So due to
that Zen decided for an adventure camping
trip. After the all preparation they gone to
woods when they were going and on the
highway which
was alone unknown for Zex a deer passed
through front
of the car the car turned over. It was
accident in which
the Zen died and Zex feared and gone into
the woods
and found a smart and brave dog so he
made him his pet

and named Crol. They made a snag cave in
the Hemlock
tree which was six feet in diameter and a
bed of knee high
of large leaves and four to five knotholes.
But after some
month a department came there and cut
down half of the woods in the forest so Zex
and Crol run away from there and reached
to an ancient, beautiful city and they
worked for a day and take some food to eat
than they decided to go into another woods.
When they were going
Crol run after Zex. A king was passing by
named Lienin he was the king of the
kingdom Axon he just take
Zex into his kingdom that Zex will be model
for people as he stays alone in the forest
without any fear. So, he
Adopted Zex. When Zex grown up to an
adult his
Father Lienin gave him a box in which there
was a bottle
And a locate and a chit the bottle was full of
some special water and the locate has some
sand and who to use that thing was written
in the chit actually if the sand will be mixed
with the water than we can reverse the time
back as we want than one day another
kingdom’ king attacked to that Lienin ’s
kingdom Axon Lienin said to Zex that run
away from the kingdom to safe the box than
Zex run away to that kingdom and soldiers
were at the back so Zex pasted his photo
and lunched that box to that river which in
front of Zex. After that when it came to the
shore Crol saw that photo of Zex and take it
to his guardian his guardian was Zon who
was Zex ‘s sister and Zon take that box to
her mother Alexa. Then they opened the box
then reversed the time back and taken taken

of Zex. Then they live very joyfully. One day
playing with Crol, Zex
smashed the box than they saw that a
paper was there
in which was written at the back 3 same as
A half of a map is in the half of the paper
and on the other
Side of the half paper was an incomplete
word was written Zex and Zon travelled to
that maps which has incomplete way in this
way no problem was in between.
Then they joined that map but it was
incomplete now also
they travelled to this way also and in search
of the third
box but in this time in between in the woods
they found
an old lady they eat there food and done few
hours that the old lady said them that
you cannot take that box because it is under
the power of king Herich who is known as
the king of monster he can bring alive dead
being. If you will ask him to give that box,
he will fry you in the hot boiled oil and eat
you but if you will tell him the real use of
the box and gave her father again then he
can only you can ask him for the box. Zex
said that how you know about the box the
old lady said a am the sister of Lienin in a
large crowd we lost each and other I came
here and made a small hut. But for your
problem I can give you advice
that say something in the monster language
that I can let your father come if you will
give me the box Zex said but who will say
this we cannot say this because they will eat
me before I go monster’s king who had lost
his father and the second thing is I don’t
know the monster’s language


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