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Evidence: timelines

1. Before I was born the 1995 Pan American Games take place.
2. When I was born, a plane crashes into the Chinchontepec volcano.
3. I had already been born when the Queen Elizabeth II had 43 years in the throne of
Great Britain.
4. I had 3 years old, when in Venezuela, Hugo Chávez won the presidential elections
for the first time.
5. By the time I was 5, in Queens, New York, American rapper 50 Cent is shot
6. By the time I was 7, a Terrorist Bomb kills 170 people and injures other 250 in Bali.
7. When the Hurricane Katrina devasted New Orleans, I was 10.
8. When i was 10 years old, Pope John Paul II died
9. An earthquake of magnitude 8.8 on the Richter scale shakes Chile, I was 15 years
10. when i was 22 years old barack obama stopped being president of the united

Autobiographical Composition
I was born on august 2, 1995.
Before I was born the 1995 Pan American Games take place., and When I was born, a
plane crashes into the Chinchontepec volcano.
Later, I had already been born when the Queen Elizabeth II had 43 years in the throne of
Great Britain, and I had 3 years old, when in Venezuela, Hugo Chávez won the presidential
elections for the first time
By the time I time I was 5, in Queens, New York, American rapper 50 Cent is shot, and By
the time I was 7, a Terrorist Bomb kills 170 people and injures other 250 in Bali.
When the Hurricane Katrina devasted New Orleans, I was 10.
When i was 10 years old, Pope John Paul II died
An earthquake of magnitude 8.8 on the Richter scale shakes Chile, I was 15 years old
when i was 22 years old barack obama stopped being president of the united states

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