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What is English for Specific Purposes?

English for Specific Purposes (ESP) is a learner-centered approach to teaching English

as an additional language, which focuses on developing communicative competence in a
specific discipline such as academics, accounting, agrology, business, IT, teaching, and
engineering.  Students are also exposed to Canadian workplace or academic culture and
real world communication practice.

ESP programs differ from general English language courses and contain the following

   1. Designed to meet the specific needs of the learners.

   2. Related in content (themes and topics) to particular disciplines or occupations.
   3. Use authentic work-specific documents and materials.
   4. Promote cultural awareness and seeks to improve intercultural competency.
   5. Deliver intermediate and advanced level language training.

ESP at the University of Winnipeg

The English for Specific Purposes (ESP) Program offers classes that focus on developing
the language skills needed for success on the job or in post-secondary.

The ESP program at the University of Winnipeg (UW) is composed of two streams;
English for Professional Purposes (EPP) and English for Academic Purposes (EAP). We
also offer a Foundations for ESP course, which prepares students to enter either

Foundations for English for Specific Purposes 

This course is designed for students with a CLB level 5-6 who intend to move on to CLB
level 7 courses in ESP at UW. Learn more 

English for Professional Purposes (EPP)

These courses focus on the development of job-specific English language
communication skills for those who seek to enter or advance in their professions. To be
eligible for EPP courses, you must have a Canadian Language Benchmark of 7 or
8. Learn more

English for Academic Purposes (EAP)

If you plan to pursue a degree or diploma at a post-secondary institution, and English is
not your first language, this program can help you develop your academic
communication skills. In addition, successful completion of our Academic Writing course
also meets the language requirement of UW. To be eligible for EAP courses, you must
have a Canadian Language Benchmark of 7 or 8. Learn more

Do you want to become an independent language learner? Do you want to learn how to
set, track and achieve your language goals? Do you want to learn strategies that will
help you improve your English skills outside of a classroom? If you answered "yes" to
any of these questions, then iEnglish is for you!

Discover the rewards of the iLEAP cycle:

identify your goals
Locate samples of language
Explore and learn new language
Act on what you learned
Process your learning
iEnglish is a specialized course that is offered once a year during the summer term. Classes are  conducted
once a week during the evening from 6:00 pm- 9:00 pm.

Registration for iEnglish will begin in May, 2014.

Eligibility Criteria for All Courses

The ESP Program is fully funded by Citizenship and Immigration Canada and offered at no
cost to qualifying individuals.
To qualify you must meet one of the following requirements:

 Be a permanent resident of Manitoba and be able to show your permanent

resident card
 Have applied to be a permanent resident of Manitoba and be able to show your
“Provincial Nominee” letter of approval and your letter of confirmation from
Citizenship and Immigration Canada
You must also reside in Manitoba and have a Canadian Language Benchmark
assessment and referral from the Winnipeg English Language Assessment and Referral
Centre (WELARC).
Please Note: All students must submit an application along with your referral from WELARC.

Contact Information:
     University of Winnipeg
     English for Specific Purposes
     515 Portage Avenue
     Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
     R3B 2E9
     Phone: (204) 982-1818

In Person: To meet with an ESP administrator please make an appointment by phone at

204.982.1818 or e-mail
     University of Winnipeg
     English for Specific Purposes
     Unit 5-471 Portage Avenue (Rice Centre)
     Winnipeg, MB R3B 2E9
Course syllabus
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15 points
Course Description
Considers theory and practice in developing language courses to meet the specific academic or
work-related needs of adult learners. In particular, it focuses on analysis of target
communication, needs analysis, issues and methodologies in ESP and ESP research. Uses the
example of English for Specific Purposes but is relevant to the teaching of other languages for
specific purposes as well.     

On completion of the course, participants should

 Demonstrate an understanding of the theoretical underpinnings of ESP

 Demonstrate understanding of the role of needs analysis and analysis of specialist
 discourse 
 Be  familiar with critical perspectives, current issues & debates in the field 
 Demonstrate understanding and ability to critically reflect on different approaches
and issues in ESP course design

Class information for Semester 2, 2017
Semester dates: 24 July – 20 November 
Classes: Thursday 4:00 - 6: 00 PM          Location: 206: 314
Associate Professor Helen Basturkmen
Room 325 Arts 2 Building, Ext. 84965

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