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Amy Quinn’s Credo

Math & Science Coordinator – West Bloomfield Schools

• Relationships - Trust begins with relationships. Our job is not about the work, it is about the people. We are
here to support teachers. Take the time to get to know all the wonderful people around us. Communicate clearly
because clear is kind. Listen to others, enjoy them and be available. Don’t just talk about data and job issues, talk
about goals, find ways to connect and know what is important to others. Have fun together! Ask how we can
support them and what they need from us, then follow through. Share how much we appreciate others. Remember
to “love the one you are with”. Don’t compare or judge -find their strength and accept their differences. Always have
positive intent. We are a team and together we can handle any challenge!
• Time – We only have so much time in a day to complete our many tasks. Spend it wisely. Our job is not about the
work, it is about the people. Be present. There are times we will need to turn off our computers, put our phone
down, step out of the office and spend time in classrooms. Be available. Work side by side with all teachers. Join in
so you really know how things are going - teach a math lesson, hold a discussion, join in an investigation, or simply sit
down next to the student that doesn’t have a partner. When people talk to us, we must listen with our mind and
heart. Every student, staff member and colleague matters.
• Innovation – Believe in yourself. Our job requires us to take risks. Just take one step at a time. Mistakes will
happen, that is ok. We will use those moments for personal growth and reflection. Be an inspiration. Our job is
not about the work, it is about the people. Empower others to share their ideas. Tinker. Think outside the box.
Problem solve and preserve, even when situations are difficult, challenging or new. Be brave. Always have a growth
mindset. Share your passion and enjoy each moment because WB is the place to be and we are so glad that you are

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