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Information Resource Management System

According to this concept, data is as important as other assets of an organization are, because it is used
in decision making.

Information System
Information system is a mechanism or system in which we can store data and can retrieve data from it.

Raw facts about anything it can be text, images, sound videos etc. Data can also be defined as the stored
representation of objects and events that have meaning and importance.

Information is the processed data, in such a way that it increases the knowledge of the user.

Example of data and information

Name of Student Likes Coca Cola Likes Pepsi
Ahmad Yes No
Ali No Yes
Bilal yes No
Rizwan Yes No

Students who like Pepsi = 25%
Students who like Coke = 75%

Database (DB)
Organized collection of logically related data that can be shared by multiple users is called a database.
A Database is like a container.

Database Management System (DBMS)
A DBMS is a software (+hardware) with the help of which we can create and manage the database e.g.
MS Access, SQL Server, Oracle, Informatics and Power Builder etc.
It can also be defined as the process to manage the Database.
Steps to convert data into information

1. Data gathering (Acquisition) (getting the data, collecting the data)

2. Data storage
3. Data processing
4. Information retrieved
5. Information distributed

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