BNWAS Class Flag Requirements

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BNWAS Class/Flag Requirements

Quite often the regulations coming out of the IMO are open to interpretations and in these cases the
different classification societies may view the regulations in slightly different ways. Having more than one
variation of the rules can be very confusing, especially if not all of your fleet are classed with the same
The table below shows you information on each of the classification societies and the rules which they
apply to their Type Approvals.

Classification Society Requirements

Class Class Rule International Standards Additional Info

ABS 2010 Steel Vessel Rules 1- SOLAS Reg. V/17, IMO N/A
1-4/7.7 & 13. Guide for MSC.75/24 Annex 11
Bridge Design And Resolution MSC 128(75) and
Navigations Equipment / IACS UI 194
Systems C13.8
BV N/A IMO Res.A.694(17), IMO N/A
Res. MSC.128(75), IMO
MSC/Circ.982, IMO
Res.MSC.191(79), IEC 62616
(2010), IEC 60945 (2002),
IEC 61162 Series and IEC
62288 Ed.1.0(2008)
CCS N/A IMO MSC.128(75) and N/A
CRS Croatian Register of IMO MSC.128(75), IEC N/A
Shipping; Rules, Part 12 - 62616:2010, IEC 60945:2002
Electrical Equipment, Part and IEC 61162-1:2007
16 - Navigational aids
DNV N/A IMO MSC.128(75) DNV interpretation guidelines.
GL Guidelines for the IMO MSC.128(75), IEC 62616 GL guidelines
Performance of Type (2010-02), IEC 60945 (2002-
Approvals VI-7-2 Edition 08) and IEC 61162-1 (2007-
2003 04)
IRS N/A IMO MSC.128(75) and IEC N/A
KR Pt. 6, Ch 2, Art. 301 of the IMO MSC.128(75) N/A
Rules for Classification,
Steel Ships
LR LR Ship Rules 2010, Part 7, IMO MSC.128(75), IEC 62616 LR accepts the use of reset
Chapter 9, section 4.2 (2010-02), EN 60945/IEC arrangements based on the
60945 (2002-08) and IEC detection of movement for
61162-1 (2007-04) vessels where Flag
Administrations accept the use
of them.
However, LR does not accept
the use of reset arrangements
based on the detection of
movement for vessels with the
additional optional ‘NAV1’ or
‘IBS’ class notations.
NKK N/A IMO MSC.128(75) and IEC ClassNK does not issue a Type
62616 (FDIS) Approval of its own.
However, they do accept a Type
Approval certificate issued by
the Authorities and Flag States
and also accepts MED
certificate as an equivalent of
the Authorities.
More NKK info...
MSC.75/24 Annex 11
Resolution MSC 128(75),
IACS UI 194 & IEC 61162
RINA RINA Rules for the N/A N/A
Classification of Ships - Part
C, Machinery, Systems and
Fire Protection - Chapter 3,
Section 6, table 1
RR Part V of the Rules for the IMO Resolutions A.694(17) N/A
Equipment of Sea-Going and MSC.128(75)
Ships of Russian Maritime
Register of Shipping

Flag Authority Requirements

Flag Authority Key Information

The BMA stance on PIR as a reset method for BNWAS had previously been
that they were not acceptable.
Bahamas Maritime
However following a review of the performance standards of Intelligent PIR and
Authority (BMA)
review of IMO NAV 55/20/2 and 55/21 papers, they are now of the view that
'Intelligent' PIR are acceptable.
The Estonian Maritime Administration has outlined the minimum requirements
Estonian Maritime
of systems installed prior to 1st July 2011 in order to be recommended for
For a number of years Germany has required that all ships with a keel laying
date after 1st January 1988 have to be equipped with a fixed installed 'Bridge
Watch Alarm'.
Moreover, the national performance standard for that equipment is considered
to be 'equivalent' but not identical with the standard adopted by the IMO.
German Flag
Therefore, the German Administration referring to SOLAS Regulation v/
has decided that all ships under German Flag with a construction date prior to
1st July 2011 and already equipped with a fixed installed 'Bridge Watch Alarm'
in accordance with the German national requirements do not need to update
their equipment to the new BNWAS in accordance with the new SOLAS
In principal the Greek Flag Administration requires the proposed BNWAS to
comply with the IMO Resolution MSC.128 (75). This means that the relevant
BNWAS has to be type approved in accordance with the IMO Resolution
MSC.128 (75) and the International Standard IEC 62616.
Greek Flag State
Further to the above, the Greek Flag State doesn’t have any objection to accept
a BNWAS to be equipped for reset functions with Infrared Motions sensors and
also manual ‘push-button’ devices in order to be in compliance with the
requirements of IMO MSC.128 (75) / para.
The Administration will accept BNWAS installed before 1 July 2011 that do not
Marshall Islands -
meet MSC.128(75) provided:
1. The system is manufactured for marine service;
2. Audible alarms or visual indicators are provided in the wheelhouse and
on the bridge wings; and
3. Second and third stage audible alarms are raised in locations deemed
appropriate by the Classification Society of the vessel.

A BNWAS installed after 1 July 2011 must be Type approved to meet the
full requirements of MSC.128(75).
BNWAS, regardless of when installed, fitted with motion detectors to serve as
the reset function must meet the following additional requirements:

1. The sensors cover only the area of the bridge forward of any bridge
2. The area of the bridge covered by the motion sensor does not include
bridge chairs, unless the chair is integral to the primary conning position,
such as in a cockpit style operating position; and
3. Moving bridge curtains will not reset the BNWAS.

MPA Singapore have issued a circular (No.21 of 2010) that directs those with
Maritime and Port
Singapore vessels to the performance standards as set out in MSC.128(75).
Authority of
MPA Singapore hold the view that PIR motion detectors are not acceptable as
Singapore (MPA)
a method of resetting the BNWAS.

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