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Infant Perception of Object Unity from Translatory Motion in Depth and Vertical

Author(s): Philip J. Kellman, Elizabeth S. Spelke and Kenneth R. Short
Source: Child Development, Vol. 57, No. 1 (Feb., 1986), pp. 72-86
Published by: Wiley on behalf of the Society for Research in Child Development
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Accessed: 11-04-2020 18:34 UTC

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Infant Perception of Object Unity from
Translatory Motion in Depth and Vertical

Philip J. Kellman
Swarthmore College

Elizabeth S. Spelke
University of Pennsylvania

Kenneth R. Short
Swarthmore College

Unity from Translatory Motion in Depth and Vertical Translation. CHILD DEVELOPMENT, 198
72-86. Previous research indicated that 4-month-old infants perceive the unity of a c
occluded object when its visible ends share a common lateral translation in space. The present
investigated the class of motion relationships that can specify object unity to infants, specif
asking whether it includes all rigid translations. 3 experiments tested the informativeness of
of translation not previously studied: translation in depth and vertical translation. These mo
also allowed assessment of certain interpretations of previous results that invoke specific sen
consequences of lateral movement, rather than perceived motion, as underlying perceived
Experiment 1 provided evidence that a small extent of translation in depth specified the unity
object, but only to the subgroup of infants who detected the motion. Experiment 2 used a gr
displacement in depth and found clear evidence for perception of object unity. Experim
indicated that vertical translation, in which the 2 visible areas of the partly hidden object un
dissimilar changes, also specifies object unity to infants. These results suggest that infants' pe
tion of object unity depends on perceived coherence of motion, no matter how specified, and
the class of informative motions includes all rigid translations.

Kellman and Spelke (1983) reported that

shape, they showed equal dishabituation to a
young infants perceive the unity of partly oc- and a broken object (Kellman &
Spelke, 1983; Schmidt & Spelke, 1984).
cluded objects by detecting the motion rela-
tions of their visible parts. When 16-week-old
infants were habituated to a center-occluded What is the class of motions that gives
object the visible surfaces of which under-
rise to perception of object unity in infancy?
went a common lateral translation, they One
gen-natural possibility is that perceived unity
eralized habituation to a connected, fully vis- on perceived coherence of move-
ible object and dishabituated to a brokenment: Infants may perceive two surfaces as
object-a display in which the two visible
connected when they undergo a common
surfaces appeared fully in view and were rigid
sep- translation (Kellman & Spelke, 1983).
arated by a gap where the occluder had been.
Since many objects tend to move rigidly and
In contrast, static variables that can indicate
to maintain their coherence as they move, the
object unity to adults-alignment of contours,
use of rigid translation as an indicator of ob-
ject unity and boundaries would often result
regularity of shape, and similarity of surface
color-were found to be uninformative to in accurate perception. Such a dependence of
young infants. When 16-week-old infants perceived unity on perceived motion might
were habituated to a center-occluded station- be an example of "percept-percept coupling"
ary object of a uniform color and regular (Epstein, 1982; Hochberg, 1974), that is, de-

This research was supported by NSF Research grant BNS-10110 and a Swarthmore College
Faculty Research grant to PJK, and NIH grant HD-13248 to ESS. We thank Richard N. Aslin for
very helpful comments. Reprint requests should be addressed to Philip J. Kellman, Department of
Psychology, Swarthmore College, Swarthmore, PA 19081.

[Child Development, 1986, 57, 72-86. ? 1986 by the Society for Research in Child Development, Inc.
All rights reserved. 0009-3920/86/5701-0014$01.00]

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KeUlman, Spelke, and Short 73
pendence of one percept on another rather
than on stimulus variables. This coupling
need not be learned (Rock, 1977); indeed, the
y z
available evidence suggests that, contrary to
many constructivist accounts of object percep- x
tion (e.g., Piaget, 1954), the perception of
unity from motion arises in the absence of ex-
tensive haptic experience (von Hofsten &
Spelke, in press; Kellman & Spelke, 1983). A

Despite its plausibility, this interpreta-

tion cannot be strongly evaluated on the basis
of previous experiments because lateral trans-
lation in the frontal plane is the only pattern
of movement that has been investigated. It is SIi
possible that object perception depended not ii-
on perception of the rigid displacement of an
object but on detection of some of the sensory
changes that are produced by an object that
/ \
moves laterally. First, object perception may
have depended on detection of a common lat-
eral translation of images across the retina,
rather than on perception of a common lateral B C D
translation of an object in space. Whenever FIG. 1.-T
the images of two visible surfaces undergo in three-
the same shift at the infant's eye, they may be quences o
perceived as connected. Second, object per- lowing B
ception may have depended on detection of line of si
the similarity of the changes in the images of parallel t
the object at the eye. Whenever the images observer
of the two visible ends of an object are sub-
B, lateral
jected to similar transformations, infants may tical tran
perceive those ends as connected. Although the extre
similarity of static aspects of objects such as case.)
color, texture, and orientation does not pro-
vide useful information to infants (Kellman &
translation in depth are specified by very dif-
Spelke, 1983; Schmidt & Spelke, 1984), a
ferent patterns of optical and oculomotor
similarity principle defined over optical trans-
formations may underlie infants' perception
information (see below), and they are ac-
of objects. companied by very different sensory conse-
quences. If all three motion patterns lead to
The present research was undertaken to perception of a unitary object, it would appear
investigate the class of rigid motions that give that object perception depends on perception
rise to perception of a unitary object. Since of motion, not the detection of particular sen-
previous experiments showed that lateral sory changes.
translation is effective, the present experi-
ments focused on translations along the other
More specifically, studies of vertical and
spatial axes: vertical translation and transla- depth motion permit one to test the two sen-
tion in depth (see Fig. 1). If all three ortho- sory interpretations outlined above. When a
gonal translations were found to give rise tocenter-occluded object moves in depth, the
perception of a unitary object, that finding images of its visible surfaces do not undergo
would strongly suggest that the class of effec-any common lateral displacement; rather,
they progressively shrink and expand at the
tive motions includes at least all of the simple
translations. infant's point of observation. When an object
moves vertically, the images of its surfaces do
Furthermore, studies of motion in depth not undergo the same pattern of change;
and of vertical motion serve to investigaterather, the image of one of its surfaces grows
whether perception of object unity depends while the image of the other surface shrinks.
on the perception of some pattern of move- If either sensory interpretation is correct, then
ment of an object or on detection of someone of the new patterns of translatory motion
sensory consequence of object movement.should fail to lead to perception of a unitary
Lateral translation, vertical translation, and object.

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74 Child Development

Translation in Depth
For adults, the perception of translation
in depth arises from a variety of stimulus con-
ditions, including optical expansion or con-
traction of the projection of a moving object,
changes in convergence and accommodation,
changes in binocular disparity, and others.
There is evidence that binocular disparity is
informative to young infants (Birch, Gwiazda,
& Held, 1982; Fox, Aslin, Shea, & Dumais,
1980), as are differences in binocular conver-
gence (von Hofsten, 1977), although these
studies did not involve motion in depth.
There is also evidence that young infants per-
ceive movement from translation in depth of
real objects (Carroll & Gibson, 1981) and from
projected optical expansion patterns (Ball &
Tronick, 1971; Dunkeld & Bower, 1980;
Yonas, Pettersen & Lockman, 1979). These
sources of information about motion in depth
are quite different from the conditions of reti- FIG. 2.-Displays and design in Experiment 1.
nal displacement, optical pursuit, and rela- The upper figure depicts the occlusion display; the
tional changes in the positions of objects that complete and broken rod test displays are pictured
underlie perceived lateral movement. Experi- below. (Arrows indicate translation in depth.)
ment 1, therefore, focused on infants' percep-
tion of a partly occluded object undergoing a
to a display with a gap where the occluder
translation in depth, in order to investigate
had been (Kellman, Gleitman, & Spelke,
whether this motion gives rise to perception
1985; Kellman & Short, 1985; Kellman &
of the unity of the object.
Spelke, 1983; Schmidt & Spelke, 1984; Ter-
mine, Hrynick, Gleitman, & Spelke, 1985).
Experiment 1 Although the extent of motion in depth
To test the effectiveness of translation in used in this study matched the extent of lat-
depth, this experiment used the same rate anderal translation used in earlier studies (about
extent of real motion as did previous studies 15 cm), this extent of motion in depth could
of lateral translation (Kellman & Spelke, be more difficult for infants to perceive than is
the same extent of lateral motion. This would
1983). As in those studies, perception of the
partly hidden object was assessed by a habitu- be the case if the optical information specify-
ation-of-looking-time method (Gibson, Ows- ing the motion (changes in binocular dispar-
ley, & Johnston, 1978; Horowitz, 1974). Aity, optical expansion and contraction, and so
forth) were difficult for infants to detect. In-
partly hidden object was repeatedly pre-
sented until a clear decline in looking time fants would not be expected to perceive a
occurred. Afterward, test trials were con- complete object based on motion information
if that information were below threshold or of
ducted with no occluding object present.
These consisted of alternate presentations of a very low salience. Therefore, in the present
complete object and an object with a gap (bro- study we attempted to assess perception of
ken object) where the occluder had been (see motion as well as perception of object unity
Fig. 2). by examining infants' duration of looking at
the partly occluded rod as it moved. Infants
If infants perceived the visible surfaces typically look longer at moving displays than
of the partly hidden object as connected, they at stationary displays (Carpenter, 1974; Volk-
were expected to generalize habituation to mann & Dobson, 1976). In our own previous
the complete object and to dishabituate to the work with rod and block displays, looking
broken object. If infants did not perceive the times to moving displays have been two to
visible surfaces as connected, they were ex- three times longer than looking times to sta-
pected to show equal dishabituation to the tionary displays, on average (Kellman &
two test displays. In no studies, with station- Spelke, 1983). Accordingly, looking times to
ary objects or objects in motion, regular ob- the rod moving in depth, in the present study,
iects or irregular objects, have infants general- were compared to looking times to the same
ized habituation from a partly occluded object rod in previous studies, both when the rod

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Kellman, Spelke, and Short 75
was stationary and when it moved laterally. ronome. The display mover could not see the
These comparisons were used to give some subject.
indication whether the infants detected the
Design.-Infants were habituated to the
translation in depth.
partly occluded rod display in which the two
Method visible parts of the rod moved toward and
away from them in depth. After habituation,
Subjects.-Subjects were 16 infants aged
105-137 days (mean age: 123 days). An addi- infants were tested with the complete and
broken rods undergoing the same translatory
tional four infants did not complete the exper-
movement in depth. The complete and bro-
iment due to fussiness (3) or equipment fail-
ure (1). ken test displays were shown three times
each in alternation, and half of the subjects
Displays.-The habituation display con- saw the complete display first.
sisted of a black wooden dowel, the middle of Procedure.-Each subject was tested in-
which was partly occluded by a tan wooden dividually, seated in a standard infant seat
block (see Fig. 2). (For half of the subjects the centered in front of the display box. On each
display actually contained two aligned rod trial throughout the experiment, the curtain
pieces with a gap between them behind the opened to reveal the display and remained
occluder. The two versions of the habituation open until the infant registered a look at the
display were indistinguishable to adult ob- display of at least .5 sec and subsequently
servers.) The rod was 53 cm long and 1.3 cm looked away for 2 sec continuously. If the in-
in diameter, oriented at a 200 angle from the fant was still looking at the display after 120
vertical. The block was 23.4 cm wide, 11.7 cm sec, the trial was also terminated. The inter-
high, and 2.5 cm thick. The rod and block trial interval was 3 sec, not including 1.5 sec
were presented in front of a white pegboard each required for closing and opening the
surface, 76 cm high and 86 cm wide. The in- curtain.
fant was seated with the occluding block at
eye level, 81 cm from the block and 105 cm The partly occluded display was shown
from the background. The rod moved toward repeatedly until a criterion of habituation was
and away from the infant through a distance met. This criterion was a 50% decline in look-
of 15.2 cm at a real velocity of about 7.5 cm/ ing time, calculated by summing looking
sec, with a .5-sec pause at each end point. times on the first three trials, dividing this to-
Relative to the infant, the rod's distance tal in half, and summing sets of subsequent
varied from 86 cm to 101 cm. At its far point, trials until three consecutive trials were ob-
the rod subtended visual angles of 27.70 tained in which the total looking time was
(length) and .870 (width). The velocity of the less than or equal to this value. If looking time
moving (expanding and contracting) rod con- on the first three trials was less than 12 sec,
tours on the retina was about 4 min/sec. The the criterion was based on the first three trials
occluding block subtended 16.10 (horizontal) for which total looking exceeded 12 sec. After
and 8.20 (vertical). the criterion was met, the block was removed,
and infants saw the two test displays three
In addition to the habituation display, times each on alternating trials. The test dis-
there were two test displays: a moving com- plays were changed during the 3-sec period
plete rod and a moving broken rod presented that the curtain was closed. The test trials
without the block (see Fig. 2). The complete were otherwise identical to the habituation
rod was the same as that in the habituation trials.
display in all respects. The broken rod dis-
play consisted of two 21.5-cm pieces with a Looking time was recorded by two ob-
10-cm gap between them. servers who viewed the infants through holes
in the pegboard background. The observers
All displays were presented at the back
used push buttons connected to a microcom-
of a large display box with a plain white floor
puter. Interobserver agreement (proportion of
and tan sides. It was illuminated from over- total time both observers were registering a
head by one 100-watt and one 60-watt sun- look or nonlook) ranged from .83 to .98 and
light bulb through a translucent diffusing averaged .91. Observers were unable to see
cover. Stimulus presentation was controlled the display objects and were not told which
by a motor-driven curtain that opened and display was being presented. One observer
closed between the subject and the display was designated as the primary observer: His
box. All display movements were made by or her responses were used by the computer
hand from behind the display box by a trained to determine when a trial should end and
assistant after extensive practice with a met-when the criterion of habituation was met.

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76 Child Development




o 30

o 20


-6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 1 2 3


FIc. 3.-Looking times in Experiment 1

which the criterion of habituation was m

The primary
a broken also
rod decided
to suspend complete
terminate therod. An
infant became fussy.
paring theThe display
last habit
changed the displaysken rod test
at the trial, a
test trial showed a m
If an infant became fretful during t
30) = 2.90, .05 < p <
three trials, the experiment was sto
sons revealed that l
several minutes and was begun anew
ble. If the infant became rod
broken test late
fretful tri
than on the first co
habituation series, the experiment w
= 1.62, .05 < p < .10
rupted and resumed if possible, wit
subjects looked long
three new trials required to meet th
the infant
tion criterion. If the first test trial.1
became fr
broken rod test trial
ing the test series, the experiment
habituation trial,
minated and the subject was repl
tailed), and looking
subject had more rod than test one break
trial du
and the
habituation period.
not differ, t(15) = 1
Results looked longer at th
Habituation andthantest at the final
period ex
are shown in Figure
display 3. After
partly occluded rod
the translating in d
complete displa
display (N.S.).
fants showed some tendency to look

'1The marginal superiority of looking time to the broken test display over looking time to the
complete test display, despite the equal numbers of subjects who preferred each display, is due to
the magnitude of the preferences in each subgroup. Infants who preferred the broken display
averaged 19.5 sec more looking to it than to the complete display, whereas the average difference for
infants who preferred the complete display was 2.1 sec. This asymmetry is consistent with the
hypothesis (see below) that the experiment contained two subgroups of infants, only one of which
perceived the motion in depth. If some infants perceived motion and consequently object unity, we
would expect them to show a robust difference between looking to the broken and complete test
displays. The subgroup not perceiving motion would be expected, on the basis of previous results,
to show minimal preferences in either direction.

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Kellman, Spelke, and Short 77
Analysis of looking times during all three during habituation, at least by some subjects.
test trials showed even less evidence that in- Such a result does not occur with stationary
fants perceived the partly occluded object as rods (Kellman & Spelke, 1983). Yet, the simi-
complete. An ANOVA with factors of test dis- larity of looking levels observed in this study
play (broken vs. complete) and trial (first, sec- to a previous study with stationary displays
ond, or third) showed no reliable main effects raises the question whether motion was per-
of test display, F(1,15) = 2.31, N.S., or trial, ceived at all from our translation in depth. We
F(2,30) = 1.06, N.S., and no interaction, F(2, hypothesized that the small extent of move-
30) = 1.47, N.S. ment in depth used in this study may have
Looking levels in this study were com- been very near threshold for infants at this
pared with two groups from previous studies
age. With some individual differences in
as an indicator of whether infants perceived thresholds or attentional skill, some infants
the motion of the rod. The infants in one of may have perceived the movement of the dis-
these groups (Kellman & Spelke, 1983, Ex- plays while others may have perceived no
periment 2) were habituated to a stationary movement at all. The marginal tendency to-
partly occluded rod and were tested with sta- ward complete object perception would be
tionary broken and complete rods ("stationary
understandable if the depth group consisted
group"). The infants in the other group (Kell- of two subgroups of infants: those who per-
man & Spelke, 1983, Experiment 1) were ceived the motion and also perceived the
habituated to a laterally translating, partly oc- partly occluded object as complete, and those
cluded rod and were tested with laterally who did not perceive motion and also did not
translating broken and complete rods ("mo- perceive unity. To check this hypothesis, we
tion group"). The infants in the present exper- looked for a correlation between total looking
iment ("depth group") showed looking levels time on the first two test trials, as an index of
more similar to those in the stationary group perceived motion, and preference for the bro-
than to those in the motion group. Total look- ken test display, as a measure of perceived
ing time on the first two test trials did not unity. When subjects' scores were categorized
as above the median or below the median on
differ between the depth group and the previ-
ous stationary group, t(30) = 1.03, N.S., but each of these two measures, the correlation
was reliably lower in the depth group than in (tetrachoric correlation, Ferguson, 1959) was
the movement group, t(30) = 2.16, p < .025. .92, p < .01.3 No significant correlations be-
On the habituation measures, the depth group tween total looking time and strength of pref-
was reliably lower than the motion group in erence for the broken test display have been
mean looking time per trial, t(30) = 3.14, p < found in earlier studies, where presumably
.01, total looking time in habituation, t(30) = no threshold problems occurred.
2.41, p < .025, and length of first habituation
look, t(30) = 2.01, p < .05. The motion group
also required fewer trials to reach the habitua- Experiment 1 did not provide clear evi-
tion criterion, t(30) = 1.76, p < .05 (one- dence that common translatory motion in
tailed).2 The depth group did not differ reli- depth specifies the unity of a partly hidden
object to 4-month-old infants. It seemed that a
ably from the stationary group on any of these
measures, all t's(30) < .85, N.S. translation in depth was not equivalent to a
lateral translation of the same physical extent
Additional Analyses in its effect on infants' object perception. The
Two aspects of the data led us to perform effects of depth motion and lateral motion
additional analyses. The marginally signifi- might be different either because motion in
cant tendency of the depth group to look depth did not provide information to infants
longer after habituation at a broken rod dis- about object unity, or because the depth mo-
play on the first test exposure suggested that a tion used was too near threshold to be de-
complete object may have been perceived tected by all subjects.

2 Greater numbers of trials to criterion tend to characterize looking patterns to stationary

plays. Since our procedure requires a certain minimum amount of looking to establish a habitu
criterion, the most common cause of large numbers of trials is failure to show 12 sec or mor
looking time during the first three trials.

3 The correlation was calculated on dichotomized data because the hypothesis makes no
diction about the strength of subjects' preferences within the subgroup that perceived motio
within the subgroup that did not. The correlation between these variables when not dichotomi
also significant, however, r = .58, p < .05.

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78 Child Development

intrinsic interest in the two test displays apart

It is difficult to evaluate the latter possi-
bility on the basis of available evidence about from habituation effects. For this group, look-
motion detection in infancy. Experiments ing times to the two test displays were mea-
with optical expansion patterns (e.g., Ball sured
& with no prior habituation to an oc-
Tronick, 1971; Yonas et al., 1979) have not cluded display. Although previous research
addressed questions either about velocitywith broken and complete rod displays mov-
thresholds or displacement thresholds. The ing in a variety of ways has shown no differ-
extent of expansion and contraction in the ences in their baseline attractiveness, no
width of the rod in this study-about 8 min of
specific comparison of these displays translat-
visual angle-is very close to the low end of
ing in depth had been made previously. If
the range of estimates of early visual acuityinfants in the occlusion group perceived the
(Dayton, Jones, Aiu, Rawson, Steele, & Rose,partly occluded rod as complete, then they
1964; Lewis & Maurer, 1977). Perhaps more were expected to show greater preference for
directly relevant, 4-month-olds' average ver- the broken rod relative to the complete rod
than were infants in the baseline group.
nier acuity, that is, acuity for retinal alignment
differences, is about 5.5 min of arc (Shimojo,
Birch, Gwiazda, & Held, 1984). In the studiesMethod
by Shimojo et al., misalignment was actually The method of Experiment 2 was the
created by lateral movement of part of the dis-same as in Experiment 1, except as noted be-
play, making the situation even more compa- low.
rable to the retinal position changes given by
motion in depth. However, stereoscopic infor- Subjects.-Participants were 32 infants
mation might also be relevant to perceivingaged 104-135 days (mean age: 123 days). An
motion in depth, at least for some subjects. additional 11 infants began the experiment
While the moving rod's change in depthbut were not counted in the final sample due
(about 60 of convergence angle) is well aboveto fussiness (7), equipment failure (3), or pa-
the stereoacuity threshold for infants who rental interference (1).
demonstrate stereopsis at this age, a large per-
centage of infants do not yet display stereop- Displays.-The habituation and test ob-
sis at 16 weeks (Birch et al., 1982). jects differed from those in Experiment 1 only
Our own findings suggested that motion in the thickness of the rods, which was in-
thresholds were the limiting factors in the ex- creased from 1.3 cm to 2.5 cm. Displays
periment. Those infants who seemed to per-moved at the same real speed as before, but
ceive movement in this study showed a pref- the rods traversed 25.5 cm in depth, from 71-
erence for the broken object during the test 96.5 cm away from the subject. The distance
period. When infants perceive a unitary trans- from the subject's viewing position to the oc-
lation in depth, therefore, they may perceive cluding block was 66 cm, and to the back-
the unity of the translating object. If the over-ground it was 102 cm. The occluding block,
all findings of the experiment were weakened closer to the subject than in Experiment 1,
by the inability of some infants to detect the subtended a vertical visual angle of 10.10 and
movement, then an experiment in which in- a horizontal visual angle of 19.50. The visual
fants were presented with more easily per- angle of the complete rod ranged from 1.50
ceptible motion in depth should provide(width) and 28.80 (length) at its furthest posi-
stronger evidence for complete object percep- tion to 20 (width) and 36.70 (length) at its near-
tion. Experiment 2 was undertaken to investi- est position. The speed of real movement was
gate that possibility. about 7.5 cm/sec, as in Experiment 1. In terms
of retinal velocity, the width of the rod ex-
Experiment 2 panded and contracted by 9 min/sec.

To enhance the detectability of motion in

depth, the real extent of the object movement
Design and procedure.-As in Experi-
was increased, the width of the rods was in-ment 1, 16 infants (occlusion group) were
habituated to the partly occluded rod translat-
creased, and the subjects were positioneding in depth and tested afterward in alternat-
slightly closer to the displays. These changes
increased both the extent of expansion and ing test trials with fully visible complete and
broken rods. Half of the infants saw the bro-
contraction of the retinal projections of the
ken rod display first in the test trials. The
moving rods and the retinal velocity of the
motion. baseline group was tested in the same way
but with no preceding habituation period. In-
In addition to the occlusion group, aterobserver agreement ranged from .78 to .97
baseline group was run to determine infants'
and averaged .87.

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Kellman, Spelke, and Short 79

f 1------B

o 0
0 20

-6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 1 2 3


'------* BROKEN



C3 30

0 20


-6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 1 2 3


FIc. 4.-Looking times in Experiment 2. A, de

Results significant interactions

play, times
Figure 4 shows looking F(1,30) = 5.45,
during p
habituation and testdisplay
periods and trial,
in the F(2
There were
and baseline groups. Afterno other reliable main effects or
habituation t
partly hidden object interactions. The main effect of trial
translating inindicates
depth, o
clusion-group infantsthat looking times in general decreased
dishabituated across
the three
to a broken object but notpairs oftotest trials. Individual com- o
a complete
ject. Infants in the parisons
baseline showed that both interaction
group effects
preference for the derived
broken from theobject
occlusion group's
and greater
in f
showed some tendency looking timetoto look
the brokenlonger
rod display than atto t
complete object. A the2 x 2
complete rod x 3 on(group
display x te
the first test trial,
t(15) = 3.09, pcomparing
display x trial) ANOVA < .01. Broken rod lookingthe t
times did not reliably exceed
groups showed a significant main complete rod
trial, F(2,60) = 4.74,looking
p < times on either
.05. the second were
There or third als

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80 Child Development

test trials, both t's < 1.0. The finding of nally,

a as a check on the hypothesis about mo-
strong experimental effect on the first test trial
tion detection in Experiment 1, the correla-
after habituation and weaker or negligible ef-
tion between total looking time on the first
fects afterward is consistent with previous two test trials and preference for the broken
studies (Kellman & Spelke, 1983). In the display was calculated, r = .38, N.S. A high
baseline group, looking times to the completecorrelation between these two variables held
rod slightly exceeded those to the broken rod only in Experiment 1, as the motion-detection
on all three trials, but not reliably on any trial,
hypothesis would predict.
all t's(15) < 1.31, N.S. Discussion
To assess the relation of test trial looking After habituation to a partly occluded rod
times in the occlusion group to final habitua-
moving in depth, infants showed clear gen-
tion levels, a one-way ANOVA compared the
eralization of habituation to a complete rod
last habituation trial, the first complete rod and a clear pattern of dishabituation to a bro-
test trial, and the first broken rod test trial.
ken rod. No preference for the broken rod
There was a reliable effect of trial, F(2,30) =translating in depth emerged when the same
5.06, p < .025. Individual comparisonstwo test displays were shown without habitu-
showed no difference between looking timeation to an occluded display. We conclude
at the end of habituation and looking time to
that young infants can perceive the unity of a
the complete object, t(15) = .31, N.S., while
partly hidden object that undergoes a rigid
looking time to the broken object was reliably translation in depth.
greater than looking time on the final habitua-
tion trial, t(15) = 2.43, p < .025. Fifteen of 16 In light of the results of Experiment 2,
infants looked longer on the first broken rod the inconclusive findings of Experiment 1 ap-
test trial than on the first complete rod test pear to have resulted from the motion being
trial (p < .001); nine looked at least twice as
too near threshold. The increase in Experi-
long at the broken display. Fourteen of 16 ment 2 of extent of displacement, velocity of
subjects looked longer on the first broken rod retinal expansion/contraction, or both, pro-
test trial than on the final habituation trial duced
(p a clear completion result. The hy-
< .001), while only 9 of 16 subjects looked pothesis that many infants did not perceive
longer on the first complete rod test trial thanthe motion in Experiment 1 is bolstered by
on the final habituation trial (N.S.). In the the finding that overall looking times in Ex-
baseline group, 5 of 16 subjects looked longer periment 2 were comparable to those ob-
at the broken display than at the complete served in previous work with moving displays
display on the first test exposure. and greater than those previously observed
Overall looking times were compared to with stationary displays. Experiments 1 and 2
those of previous studies as an index of per-together give some indication of the range in
ceived motion. Looking times on the first two which infants' thresholds for perceptible mo-
test trials in Experiment 2 reliably exceededtion in depth are located. The closeness of
this range to the vernier detection thresholds
those observed for stationary rod displays,
reported by Shimojo et al. (1984) is consistent
t(15) = 1.88, p < .05 (one-tailed), and did not
with the possibility that perceiving motion in
differ from those observed for laterally trans-
lating displays, t(30) = 1.10, N.S. On the depth at this age is limited primarily by spa-
tial resolution.
habituation period measures, the occluded
depth movement group in Experiment 2 more The present findings extend our under-
closely resembled the motion group than the
standing of the role of motion in early object
stationary group. There were no differences
perception. Infants perceive the unity of an
between the depth group and the lateralobject from motion in depth as well as lateral
movement group on any of the four measures, motion. Since the retinal events produced by
all t's(30) < 1.13, N.S., but the depth group motion in depth are quite different from those
differed reliably from the stationary group infor lateral translation, perception of object
mean look per trial, t(30) = 2.94, p <.01, total
unity would seem to depend on the perceived
looking time, t(30) = 2.56, p < .01, and firsttranslatory movement of the object. Certainly,
look duration, t(30) = 2.53, p < .01. Theseperception of unity does not seem to require
two groups did not differ reliably in number detection of any lateral shift in the images of
of trials to habituation, t(30) = .95, N.S. Fi-
the object at the infant's point of observation.4

4 Although the stimulus for translation in depth includes a lateral, retinal displacement of the
outer contours of the object, the symmetrical expansion and contraction of the image around
stationary center is very different from translation of the entire image across the retina. Infants are
quite sensitive to this difference in tests of their perception of approaching objects (Ball & Tronick

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Kellman, Spelke, and Short 81
While the finding of complete object per- moving vertically.5 This display is depicted in
ception from motion in depth is consistent Figure 5. The rod never moved so far as to
with the hypothesis that perceived unity de- bring its central area-the area where a gap
pends on perceived motion, an alternative ac- could appear-into view. Although adults
count can encompass this and earlier findings. clearly perceive a unified partly hidden object
In displays with common lateral translation from this display, it provides only the most
and common translation in depth, the visible minimal information for object unity. During
parts of the partly hidden objects undergo vertical translation, the images of the vertical
similar changes. Similarity of changes or edges and the surfaces of the rod undergo no
events, rather than unitary motion per se, may changes at all: no shrinking or expanding or
underlie perception of unity. One way to lateral displacement. Only the top and bottom
compare the hypotheses of perceived motion edges of the rod are displaced. The parallel
and event similarity is to examine a stimulus displacements of the top and bottom edges
situation in which the visible parts of a partly and the consequent lengthening and shorten-
hidden object undergo dissimilar changes as ing of the upper and lower surfaces provide
part of a unitary movement. The hypothesis the only information for a common rigid dis-
that perceived unity depends on some class of placement.
motion relationships characteristic of cohe- Method
rent objects would predict unity perception in
The method followed that of the two pre-
such a case, while the similarity notion would
vious experiments, except as noted below.
not. Experiment 3 addressed these issues. It
also investigated the effects of translatory mo- Subjects.-Participants were 32 infants
tion along the one orthogonal axis that is so far aged 102-137 days (mean age: 121 days). An
untested: vertical translation.
additional 13 infants failed to complete the
Vertical Translation study, because of fussiness (12) or experi-
menter error (1).
When a center-occluded rod moves up
and down in the frontal plane, its two visible Displays.-The habituation display con-
parts undergo quite different changes. During sisted of a black wooden dowel, 47.4 cm long
the upward movement, for example, more ofand 1.5 cm in diameter, oriented vertically
the top part becomes visible, while more of (see Fig. 5). Occluding its middle was a tan
the bottom becomes occluded. If infants' per- wooden block 16 cm high, 25.4 cm wide, and
ception of the unity of a partly hidden object 2.5 cm thick. (Once again, a broken rod was
depends on the detection of similar changes actually used in the habituation display for
in the visible surfaces of the object, then in-half the subjects.) The block was 81 cm away
from the observer and 4 cm in front of the rod.
fants viewing this vertically moving object
should not perceive its unity: Different The rod moved up and down 8.7 cm at a real
changes are occurring above and below the velocity of about 7.5 cm/sec, with a .5-sec
occluding object. In terms of unitary move- pause at each end point. The center of the rod
ment, however, the top and bottom surfaces of(or the gap) never became visible. At the ob-
a vertically moving rod undergo the same server's viewing distance, the rod subtended
rigid translation. If infants perceive the unity 31.90 (length) and 1.00 (width), while the
of a partly occluded object by detecting any block subtended 11.50 (height) and 17.40
common rigid translation of the object, then(width).
the vertical translatory motion should have The test displays consisted of the fully
the same effect as the lateral and depth trans-visible complete rod, described above, and a
lations studied previously. broken rod display, consisting of two 20.4 cm
Experiment 3 long pieces (14.00) separated by a 6.6-cm gap.

Experiment 3 tested infants' perception Design and procedure.-The 16 infants

of a vertically oriented partially hidden rod in the occlusion group were habituated to the

1971; Yonas et al., 1979). For a case in which there is no lateral retinal displacement at all, see
Experiment 3.
5 Our initial attempt to test vertical motion used rods tilted 200 from the vertical as in previous
experiments. The partly occluded display, however, gave rise to an illusory lateral component of
motion of the rod along the horizontal borders of the block. This illusion, the same sort of illusory
movement found on a rotating barber's pole (Robinson, 1972), frequently gave adult observers the
impression that the visible rod parts were misaligned, unconnected, or sometimes nonrigidly con-
nected. Since this ambiguity with adults would make interpretation of infants' responses prob-
lematic, the vertical orientation was used.

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82 Child Development
(group x test display x trial) ANOVA re-
vealed a reliable main effect of test display,
F(1,30) = 4.42, p < .05, and a marginally
significant group x test display interaction,
F(1,30) = 3.56, .05 < p < .10.6 There were no
other reliable main effects or interactions.7 In-
dividual comparisons showed that both the
effects of test display and group x test dis-
play were primarily due to longer looking by
the occlusion group at the broken test display.
Occlusion group infants looked longer at the
broken display than at the complete display

over the three test trials taken together, t(15)
= 2.25, p < .025. Comparisons by trials
showed reliable effects on the first test trial,
t(15) = 2.27, p < .025, and on the second test
trial, t(15) = 1.93, p < .05 (one-tailed), but not
on the third test trial, t(15) = 1.55, N.S. In
contrast, infants in the baseline group showed
no reliable difference in looking times to the
complete and broken displays across the
FIG. 5.-Displays and design in Experiment 3. three test trials, t(15) = .30, N.S., nor on any
(Arrows indicate vertical translation.) one of the three test trials, all t's(15) < 1.54,

Comparisons of the occlusion group's test

vertically moving partly occluded rod and
trial looking times with final habituation
tested afterward with vertically moving com-
levels showed that after habituation, com-
plete and broken rod displays. Sixteen infants
plete display looking, but not broken display
in a baseline group received only the test
looking, was comparable to looking time on
trials. Interobserver agreement ranged from
the final habituation trial. A one-way ANOVA
.79 to .98 and averaged .89.
by trial showed a reliable main effect, F(2,30)
Results = 5.87, p < .01. Individual comparisons re-
Figure 6 presents the looking times dur- vealed that looking time on the first broken
ing the habituation and test periods for the rod test trial reliably exceeded looking time
occlusion group and test trial looking times on the first complete rod test trial, t(15) =
for the baseline group. After habituation to a 2.27, p < .025, and also exceeded looking
vertically translating, partly hidden object, in- time on the final habituation trial, t(15) =
fants in the occlusion group looked longer at 2.77, p < .01. There was no difference be-
the broken test display than at the complete tween looking time on the first complete rod
test display. In contrast, infants in the test trial and the final trial of habituation, t(15)
baseline group looked about equally at the = .82, N.S. In terms of numbers of infants, 14
two test displays. These patterns were of 16 looked longer at the broken test display
confirmed by the analyses. A 2 x 2 x 3 on the first exposure than at the complete dis-

6 The marginal significance of the overall interaction effect in the general ANOVA prompted
further examination of the data. While the overall variances did not differ between the two groups,
inspection of the data, and an analysis of variance using the variance as a descriptive statistic,
indicated different variances in looking times as a function of group and test display. Accordingly,
the analyses of the looking time data were repeated after logarithmic transformation of all looking
times. These analyses showed the same reliable effects as the raw data analyses, although the
magnitudes of all effects were larger with the transformed data. For the group x test display
interaction, F(1,30) = 13.4, p < .001.
' The absence of a reliable interaction with trials in this study, along with Figure 6A, suggest
that the occlusion group's preference for the broken test display did not decrease across the three
test trials, as is usually the case with such effects. However, the high occlusion-group mean for
broken display looking on trial 3 resulted mainly from extremely long looks by two infants. The
remaining 14 subjects showed roughly equal looking times to the two test displays by trial 3 (means
= 9.0 sec for broken, 7.2 sec for complete). Statistically, the occlusion group's preference for the
broken test display was strongest on the first test trial and weakest on the last (see below), as would
be expected from prior studies.

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KeUlman, Spelke, and Short 83

1.----- *BRO

U 1 I



0 20 7


-8 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 1 2 3


.------- BROKEN

w 40-

z 30

-60 -5 -4 -3 ,
-2 -1 1 2 3


FIG. 6.-Looking times in Experiment 3. A, vert

baseline group.

play, p < .01, and 15 of 16 looked longer

the broken display than at the
The results of thisfinal exposur
study suggested that
of the habituation display, pmotion
rigid translatory < .001. Eight
of a partly hidden o
16 infants looked longer at information
object provides the completeabout the te
display than at the final
object's exposure
unity, even of th
if the object's visible
habituation display, N.S. In the baseline parts undergo dissimilar proximal stimulus
group, 7 of 16 infants looked longer at the changes. Infants perceived a vertically trans-
broken than at the complete display on the lating rod as a single connected object, even
first test trial, N.S. though the light-reflecting areas of the rod

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84 Child Development

changed in different ways during theireffective for 4-month-olds. These results,

movement. along with the present research, suggest con-
siderable generality of the principles linking
The results also indicate that infants can
motion relationships to infants' perception of
perceive object unity from motion in a displayunity.
in which the movement is accompanied by no
lateral displacement. Unlike the motions in It is not yet clear how inclusive is the
Experiments 1 and 2, the motion was not ac- class of coherent motions that functions in
companied by any lateral movement of theearly object perception, especially during the
rod's edges as its image shrank or expanded. first several months of life. Whether this class
The results of Experiment 3 therefore provide includes other rigid motions, such as rota-
strong evidence that infants perceive objects tions, or any nonrigid motions, such as jointed
by detecting real object motions that preserveor elastic motions, will be treated in future
object coherence, rather than by detectingreports (e.g., Kellman & Short, 1985).
some simple motion or other change in the While our experiments and related
images reflected to the eyes by an object's findings are very compatible with theories as-
visible surfaces.
serting considerable innate perceptual com-
petence, they do not rule out some contribu-
General Discussion tion of learning in the perception of objects. It
is possible, for example, that infants learn dur-
The findings of these experiments clarify
ing the first few months to perceive objects
and extend our understanding of infants' per-
under conditions of occlusion. Nevertheless,
ception of the unity of partly occluded ob-
the present experiments and their predeces-
jects. The generalization supported by this re-
sors sharply constrain possible learning ac-
search is that early perception of object counts.
unity As we have argued elsewhere (Kell-
depends on perceived motion, and that the
man & Spelke, 1983), the results of our
class of effective motions includes, at least,
experiments are not consistent with the
the rigid translations of an object in three-
claims of Piagetian theory or of major empiri-
dimensional space. The effective motions
cist theories that infants learn to perceive ob-
may be specified by very different sources of
jects through active manipulation. Four-
stimulus information: image displacement
month-old infants are not capable of effective
and visual pursuit, shifts in binocular conver-
reaching and manipulation, yet they are able
gence and disparity, image expansiontoand perceive the unity of partly hidden objects
contraction. What all the effective motions
by detecting the objects' patterns of three-
have in common is that they preserve the dimensional movement. Infants' abilities to
rigidity and coherence of the moving object as
perceive the complete shapes of partly hid-
it is displaced in the three-dimensional lay-
den objects seem likely to depend on percep-
tual mechanisms or conceptions that are not
The informativeness of motion relation- products of learning.
ships in the early perception of unity has also The dependence of perceived object
been indicated in a different context: displays
unity on perceived object motion may be an
in which static contour and surface informa- instance of "percept-percept coupling" (Ep-
stein, 1982; Hochberg, 1974), since our re-
tion are eliminated by the use of moving light
points (Johansson, 1975). Infants seem to per-
sults suggest that perceived unity does not
ceive a walking person specified by moving
depend on any single stimulus variable but
light points by 9 months of age and may ex- on a single perceptual variable: perceived
tract some information about unity of the motion. Alternatively, it is possible that some
moving points as early as 3 months (Berten- more complex stimulus variable defined over
thal, Proffitt, Spetner, & Thomas, 1985; Foxrelations
& in optical flow patterns (c.f. Lee,
McDaniels, 1982). Since most of this research1974) might encompass what currently seem
has used complex animate motions, such as to a be various stimulus conditions leading to
person walking, the underlying perceptual perceived unitary motion. If so, it would be
principles and their relation to rigid motions
possible for infants to perceive objects by de-
have remained unclear. Recently, Kellman, tecting this variable directly. Whether object
von Hofsten, and Soares (1985) sought to testperception is direct or based on percept-
basic principles determining perception percept
of linkages, there appears to be a con-
rigid motion in depth (Borjesson & von Hof- cordance between the conditions under
sten, 1973, 1975). They found that retinal mo-
which motion is perceived and the conditions
tions of simple dot patterns that specify under which object unity and boundaries are
unitary translation in depth to adults are also

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Kellman, Spelke, and Short 85
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