Message Authentication Code: M. Abidoon Qadir

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Message Authentication


M. Abidoon Qadir

Data and Network Security 1

• Requirements - must be able to verify that:
1. Message came from apparent source
or author,
2. Contents have not been altered,
3. Sometimes, it was sent at a certain
time or sequence.

• Protection against active attack

(falsification of data and transactions)
Data and Network Security 2
Approaches to Message
• Authentication Using Conventional
– Only the sender and receiver should share a key
• Message Authentication without Message
– An authentication tag is generated and
appended to each message
• Message Authentication Code
– Calculate the MAC as a function of the message
and the key. MAC = F(K, M)
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Data and Network Security 4
Message Authentication
• Received code matches the calculated
code, then the following statements apply:
1. The receiver is assured that the message has not been
2. The receiver is assured that the message is from the
alleged sender.
3. If the message includes a sequence number (such as is
used with HDLC and TCP), then the receiver can be
assured of the proper sequence, because an attacker
cannot successfully alter the sequence number.

Data and Network Security 5

One-way HASH function
• An alternative to the message authentication code is the one-
way hash function.
• As with the message authentication code, a hash function
accepts a variable-size message M as input and produces a
fixed-size message digest H(M) as output.
• Unlike the MAC, a hash function does not take a secret key as

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One-way HASH function

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One-way HASH function
• Secret value is added before the hash
and removed before transmission.

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Secure HASH Functions
• Purpose of the HASH function is to
produce a ”fingerprint.
• Properties of a HASH function H :
1. H can be applied to a block of data at any size
2. H produces a fixed length output
3. H(x) is easy to compute for any given x.
4. For any given block x, it is computationally
infeasible to find x such that H(x) = h
5. For any given block x, it is computationally
infeasible to find y  x with H(y) = H(x).
6. It is computationally infeasible to find any
pair (x, y) such that H(x) = H(y)
Data and Network Security 9
Block cipher VS Hash function
• Block cipher – symmetric encryption
– input: blocks of plain-text of a fixed length
– output: blocks of cipher-text of the same
• Hash function – both symmetric and
asymmetric encryption method
– input: binary string of arbitrary length
– output: string of some fixed length

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Other Secure HASH functions
Digest length 160 bits 128 bits 160 bits
Basic unit of 512 bits 512 bits 512 bits

Number of 80 (4 64 (4 160 (5
steps rounds of rounds of paired
20) 16) rounds of
 
Maximum 264-1 bits
message size
Data and Network Security 11
• A keyed-hash message authentication code, or HMAC, is a type
of message authentication code (MAC) calculated using a
cryptographic hash function in combination with a secret key.
• The cryptographic strength of the HMAC depends upon the
cryptographic strength of the underlying hash function and on
the size and quality of the key.
• An iterative hash function breaks up a message into blocks of a
fixed size and iterates over them with a compression function.
• Motivations:
– Cryptographic hash functions executes faster in software than
encryptoin algorithms such as DES
– Library code for cryptographic hash functions is widely available
– No export restrictions from the US

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