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Materials Science & Engineering A 688 (2017) 416–428

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Effects of niobium addition on microstructure and tensile behavior of as- MARK

cast ductile iron

Xiangru Chena, Jie Xua, Henry Hub, , Hardy Mohrbacherc, Ming Kangd, Wei Zhange,

Aimin Guoe, Qijie Zhaia,
State Key Laboratory of Advanced Special Steel & Shanghai Key Laboratory of Advanced Ferrometallurgy & School of Materials Science and Engineering,
Shanghai University, Shanghai 200072, China
Department of Mechanical, Automotive and Materials Engineering University of Windsor, 401 Sunset Avenue, Windsor, Ontario, Canada N9B 3P4
NiobelCon bvba, Swaenebeecklaan, 2970 Schilde, Belgium
Dongfeng Commercial Vehicle Co., Ltd., Wuhan 430056, China
CITIC Metal Co., Ltd., Beijing 100004, China


Keywords: The effects of niobium addition up to 0.11 wt% on the microstructure and tensile properties of as-cast ductile
As-cast ductile iron iron (ACDI) were investigated. Metallographic analyses by both optical microscopy (OM) and scanning electron
Niobium microscopy (SEM) indicated that niobium (Nb) promoted the formation of pearlite, reduced pearlite lamellar
Microstructure spacing and decreased the extent of graphitization taking place in the Nb-alloyed ACDI. The nodularity and
(Nb, Ti) C nano precipitate
nodule counts of graphite changed insignificantly when the Nb content was less than 0.08 wt% in the ACDI. The
Tensile behavior
analysis of precipitates by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) revealed that nano and micro sized (Nb, Ti)
C carbides acted as nucleation site for graphites, and promoted the formation of large graphite nodules with low
roundnesses as Nb content rose above 0.08 wt%. The results of tensile testing showed that the yield strength,
ultimate tensile strength and elongation of the ACDI with 0.08 wt% Nb increased by 12.1%, 11.2% and 14.3%
over those of the Nb-free ACDI, respectively. The optimum values of the yield strength, tensile strength and
elongation of the Nb-alloyed ACDI were found to be 418 MPa, 746.0 MPa and 8.0%, respectively, at the Nb
content of 0.08 wt%. The high strain hardening rates of the Nb-containing ACDIs implied that they were capable
of spontaneously strengthening itself increasingly to a large extent, in response to a slight plastic deformation
after yielding.

1. Introduction of carbon steel. Iacoviello et al. [9] found that graphite nodules present
in the matrix of ductile iron behaved almost like voids with regard to
More than 90% by weight of metallic materials used by human mechanical properties. Ductile iron comprising graphite nodules with
beings are ferrous alloys, which are classified into two groups based on high counts and low average diameters exhibited better mechanical
the carbon (C) content in the alloys. Steel generally contains between properties. In the past decades, the implementation of heat treatment
0.04 and 1.7 wt% C, while cast irons have between 1.8 and 4.0 wt% C processes and the introduction of alloying elements have been proven
[1]. Compared to steel, cast irons have relatively low melting tempera- to be critical for the mechanical property improvement of ductile iron.
tures, very good fluidity and castability, and moderate shrinkage during Resulting from the application of heat treatment, austempered ductile
solidification and cooling [2,3]. But, engineering applications of cast iron (ADI) is one of the most studied variants for its excellent tensile
irons were limited until ductile irons were successfully developed by strength, ductility and wear resistance [10–12]. However, increased
adding a small amount of magnesium and/or cerium to the gray iron in manufacturing cost and extended production cycle limit a widespread
1948 [4,5]. Nowadays, ductile irons are widely used for manufacturing application of austempered ductile iron. Research interests [13–18]
wheels, bearings and gears due to its excellent castability, good have also been in developing alloying methods, in which the effects of
mechanical properties and low cost [3–8]. Due to the spherical alloying elements, such as copper, nickel or molybdenum on the
graphite morphology, the strength of ductile iron is equivalent to that improvement of the tensile strength, hardness, wear resistance and

Corresponding authors.
E-mail addresses: (X. Chen), (J. Xu), (H. Hu), (H. Mohrbacher), (M. Kang), (W. Zhang), (A. Guo), (Q. Zhai).
Received 17 July 2016; Received in revised form 29 December 2016; Accepted 9 January 2017
Available online 30 January 2017
0921-5093/ © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
X. Chen et al. Materials Science & Engineering A 688 (2017) 416–428

ductility of ductile iron are investigated. The introduction of different niobium addition. The Nb effect on the microstructure of the Ni-
alloying elements into ductile iron enables the control and manipula- containing ductile iron contributed to a small increase in yield and
tion of phase constitution, microstructural refinement and solution tensile strength as well as in hardness along with a decrease in ductility.
strengthening. Consequently, the mechanical properties of ductile iron So far, it appears that Nb addition to ductile iron has not been
are improved and even optimized to achieve both high strengths and extensively studied, in particular at a microalloying level of up to
ductilities. Among various alloying elements, niobium is widely used 0.10 wt%, although, in principal, it could provide microstructural
for microstructural control in nickel-base alloys [19–21], steel [22–24] refinement and precipitation strengthening due to its strong carbide
and cast irons [25–33]. Smith and Patel [21] pointed out that niobium, forming tendency. It is of interest whether similar positive effects of Nb
as a refractory element, was capable of improving mechanical proper- microalloying on the mechanical properties of ductile cast iron could be
ties of nickel-base alloys through carbide formation and precipitation obtained.
hardening despite its limited benefit as a solid solution strengthener In the present work, the effects of Nb microalloying up to 0.11 wt%
due to its relatively low melting point and modulus compared to other on the microstructure of the as-cast ductile iron (ACDI) were studied
refractory elements (Mo. Ta and W). The review given by Morrison [22] using metallographic analyses. The microstructural analyses by optical
recognized the advantages of adding a small amount ( < 0.12 wt%) of microscopy (OM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmis-
niobium to C–Mn steels for property improvement. The Nb addition sion electron microscopy (TEM) revealed that phase constituents and
not only refined grain structure but also precipitated nano-sized NbC or constitution as well as phase morphology in the ACDI were influenced
NbCN particles during normalizing treatment. Mohrbacher [23] ob- by Nb addition. The mechanical properties of the Nb-alloyed ACDI
served similar phenomena in multiphase steels microalloyed by Nb ( < were evaluated by tensile testing. Based on the results of tensile testing,
0.2 wt%). the optimum content of Nb with respect to both improved tensile
Nb microalloying to grey cast iron and its influence on mechanical strengths and elongations was identified.
properties are widely studied [25–29]. Zhou et al. [25] found that,
adding about 1.48 wt% Nb to grey cast irons increased hardness and 2. Experimental procedure
wear resistance considerably due to the massive presence of large-sized
NbC phases with dimensions over 10 µm, an increase in the number of 2.1. Material preparation
eutectic cells, and a reduction in the graphite size and the pearlite
interlamellar spacing. The study by Devecili and Yakut [27] showed The raw materials employed in this study were pig iron, steel scrap,
that the addition of 0.65 wt% Nb led to the formation of 10 µm chunky 80MnFe, copper, nickel and ferro-niobium (Fe65Nb). All the materials
Nb and Ti containing phases in grey cast irons, and improved their were melted and homogenized at 1520–1540 ℃ in an induction
abrasion resistance and tensile strength. It has been indicated [26] furnace having a maximum capacity of 16 kg. Upon the completion
that, with niobium level above 0.1 wt% primary NbC carbides could be of placing 1.2 wt% Fe-Si-Mg-Ba alloy (41.3 wt% Si, 6.9 wt% Mg and
formed in the liquid iron, which acted as nuclei for the eutectic 1.52 wt% Ba) on the bottom of the preheated ladle (covered with an
reaction, i.e., the transformation of the liquid phase into austenite iron sheet), the melt was poured into the ladle at a temperature of
and graphite or cementite. This explained the observation, that the 1440–1460 ℃ for spherodization. After skimming the slag off the
eutectic cells became finer with niobium additions. When the niobium surface of the spherodized melt, 0.8 wt% Fe-Si-Al alloy (74–79 wt%
content exceeded the alloying limit of 0.2 wt%, such primary carbides Si, 0.8–1.6 wt% Al and 0.5–1.0 wt% Ca) was added for inoculation. At
were formed already at elevated temperature becoming coarser with last, all the melts were poured into a Y-block sand mold as illustrated in
time and could thus be found in the microstructure as NbC even by Fig. 1. It should be noted that a small amount of melt was poured into a
optical microscopy. Zhu et al. [29] introduced 0.11 wt% Nb into grey metal mold for producing white iron specimens with a dimension of
cast irons and observed their improved high-temperature tensile 0.004×Φ0.040 mm, which were used for the chemical composition
strength and oxidation resistance. It was noted that brittle breaking verification. The results of chemical analyses are shown in Table 1.
occurred with the specimen containing niobium of 0.037 wt%, and
ductile breaking occurred with the specimen containing niobium of 2.2. Microstructural analysis
0.11 wt%, and the fracture exhibited ductile dimples. Fraś et al. [30]
studied the effect of small additions of niobium (up to 0.038 wt% Nb) Metallographic specimens were sectioned, mounted, and polished
on structure and mechanical properties of ductile iron. It was indicated from the bottom of Y-type specimens, and prepared following the
that niobium increased graphite nodule count with small diameters standard metallographic procedure. After polishing and 4% Nital
and the fraction of carbides in ductile iron, although the effect of small etching of metallographic specimens obtained from the bottom of Y-
additions of niobium on type of matrix is negligible. The Nb-alloyed
ductile irons exhibited the improved tensile and yield strengths, but the
reduced elongation. The work by Souza et al. [31] showed that the
0.47 wt% Nb addition to nodular cast irons (NCIs) led to a 20%
increase in their yield and tensile strengths over the values for the Nb-
free NCI because of the increase in pearlite content. A modest
increment of tensile ductility and Charpy toughness appeared while
only 0.23 wt% Nb was introduced. Alias et al. [32] alloyed the ductile
iron with 0.5–2.0 wt%. Their results showed that the Nb addition in
ductile iron provided significant enhancement in mechanical properties
when compared to unalloyed ductile iron. Addition of higher amount of
niobium had further increased the strength and impact toughness
properties. Bedolla-Jacuinde et al. [33] investigated the effect of
niobium in the range of 0–0.8 wt% in Ni-containing ductile cast irons.
Niobium was observed to be directly related to the formation of
polygonal niobium carbides of the type NbC, which had the size of as
large as 8 µm in the irons with 0.8 wt% Nb. The amounts of pearlite Fig. 1. Dimensions of the Y-block sand casting employed in the present study, and the
and ferrite phases were not affected by the niobium content added in arrow-pointed location in which specimens were sectioned for metallographic analyses
their study. Neither nodule count nor nodularity was affected by such and mechanical testing.

X. Chen et al. Materials Science & Engineering A 688 (2017) 416–428

Table 1
Chemical composition of the ACDI in weight percent (wt%); Fe: balance.

Samples C Si Mn P S Cu Ni Cr Ti Mg Nb

1 3.87 1.64 0.30 0.04 0.02 0.45 0.57 0.02 0.03 0.05 0
2 3.86 1.67 0.32 0.03 0.02 0.41 0.70 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.04
3 3.92 1.69 0.25 0.03 0.02 0.44 0.64 0.03 0.03 0.04 0.06
4 3.91 1.76 0.33 0.06 0.02 0.46 0.60 0.02 0.03 0.03 0.08
5 3.86 1.72 0.30 0.04 0.02 0.42 0.71 0.03 0.03 0.04 0.11

Fig. 2. Optical micrographs showing the graphite morphology of the ACDIs with different Nb contents: (a) 0 wt%Nb, (b) 0.04 wt%Nb, (c) 0.06 wt%Nb, (d) 0.08 wt%Nb and (e) 0.11 wt%

X. Chen et al. Materials Science & Engineering A 688 (2017) 416–428

If the shape of a particle is a perfect circle, the roundness value of

the graphite nodule is 1. The fewer bumps a particle have, the lower the
roundness value. The pearlite lamellar spacing was measured accord-
ing to the procedure reported by Voort et al. [36]. The procedure was
described as follows: selecting a circle on a high amplification micro-
graph containing pearlite, and counting the number of intersections
between the circumference and cementite layers. The pearlite lamellar
spacing was calculated by the following formula:
S =
nM (4)
where s is the average pearlite lamellar spacing, D is the circle
diameter, n is the number of intersections between the circumference
and cementite layers, and M is the magnification of the selected
micrograph. In the present analysis, for each microstructure para-
meter, at least 40 circles were randomly selected from each specimen to
ensure an uncertainty less than 5%.
The detailed features of the microstructure were also characterized
Fig. 3. Nodularity, roundness of graphite nodules of the ACDIs with different Nb at high magnifications by Phenom ProX scanning electron microscope
contents. (SEM) in a backscattered electron (BSE) mode with a maximum
resolution of 10 nm in a backscattered mode, and maximum useful
magnification of 100,000. To maximize composition reading of the
Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS) data, an etchant was applied to
polished specimens for microscopic examination. Fractured surfaces of
tensile specimens were analyzed by the SEM in a secondary electrons
(SE) mode to ascertain the nature of fracture mechanisms. Thin
sections for transmission electron microscopy (TEM) were first ground
on a series of CARBIMET abrasive papers to thin foils with thickness of
~20 µm. The thin foils were further thinned by ion beam milling with
an incidence angle of 3–5° for about 1 h. The thin foils were examined
on a JEOL 2010 transmission electron microscope (TEM) equipped
with an energy dispersive X-ray spectrometer (EDX) at an operating
volt of 200 keV.

2.3. Tensile testing

Tensile specimens with a gage length of 0.06 m and a diameter of

Fig. 4. Graphite nodule count and average diameters of graphite nodules as a function of 0.01 m were prepared in accordance with ASTM E8 [37]. Tensile
Nb contents in the ACDIs. testing was carried out on the 20-t SANS machine with a strain rate of
3×10−3 s−1 in room temperature. The test data was recorded by a data-
block, an optical microscope (Axio Cam MRc5) was used to analyze acquisition system which was connected to the tensile testing machine.
graphite morphology, and phase constitution including graphite nodule The tensile properties, including ultimate tensile strength (UTS), yield
conunts, ferrite and pearlite content in the matrix microstructure. The strength (YS) and elongation (ef) obtained by the extraction of recorded
nodularity, graphite nodule count and ferrite, pearlite content were data based on the average of three tests.
statistically determined by Image-Pro Plus software in accordance to
ASTM 247 [34]. Graphite particles were classified into five groups 3. Results
based on the area percentage ratio calculated by the following equation
Ag 3.1. Microstructure
Asc (1)
Fig. 2 presents optical micrographs showing the unetched matrices
where C is a constant for a specific graphite particle, Ag is the measured of all the experimental ACDIs. It is evident that all the tested ACDIs
area of a selected graphite particle, and Asc is the calculated area of a had a satisfactory level of nodularity. The distribution of graphite in the
minimized circle surrounding the selected graphite particle. The matrices of the ACDIs was homogeneous. Fig. 3 shows the influence of
constant ( C) value for each individual graphite particle was rounded Nb addition on the nodularity and roundness of graphite of the ACDI.
off to one decimal point in percentage. The nodularity ( N) of graphite The nodularity decreased from 92.4% to 84.5%, and the roundness
particles was calculated by value decreased from 0.89 to 0.81 as Nb content increased from 0 to
0.11 wt%.
∑i =0 Ci ng Fig. 4 displays the graphite nodule count and average diameter of
N= n
∑i =0 ng (2) graphite nodules as a function of Nb content in the ACDIs. It can be
seen from Fig. 4 that, with increasing Nb content from 0 to 0.11 wt%,
where ng is the number of graphite particles in each classified group the graphite nodule count decreased from 287/mm2 to 212/mm2, and
with a specific constant of Ci. the average diameter of graphite nodules increased from 17.2 to
The roundness is defined by the following equation [35]: 20.2 µm.
Fig. 5 gives optical micrographs showing the phase constituents of
perimeter 2
roundness = graphite, ferrite and pearlite in the microstructure of the etched ACDIs.
4 × π × area (3)
It is obvious from Fig. 5 that the ferrite rim around graphite nodules

X. Chen et al. Materials Science & Engineering A 688 (2017) 416–428

Fig. 5. Optical micrographs showing the phase constituents of graphite, ferrite and pearlite in microstructure of the etched ACDIs with different Nb contents: (a) 0 wt% Nb,(b) 0.04 wt
% Nb,(c) 0.06 wt% Nb,(d)0.08 wt% Nb and (e) 0.11 wt% Nb.

(“bullseye”) became notably thinner, and the pearlite content rose with sized particle given in Fig. 8(a) or micro-sized particle clusters revealed
increasing niobium contents. Fig. 6 reveals the effect of Nb addition on in Fig. 8(b). The probe crossed the nano-size particle along the solid
the pearlite and graphite volume percentages in the Nb-alloyed ACDIs. line in Fig. 8(c–f). When the probe went from the graphite to the
Fig. 7 shows the pearlite microstructure in the tested ACDIs with particle, the elements of Ti, Nb and Fe were detected. The selected area
the different Nb contents by SEM micrographs in a backscattered diffraction pattern in Fig. 8(e) revealed the Nb-containing phase was
electron (BSE) mode. A selected circle in Fig. 7(d) represented the area (Nb, Ti) C with a cubic structure. The detection of iron might result
for the measurement of the pearlite lamellae spacing. from the inherent content of the ACDI.
Fig. 8 presents the TEM results showing the nano and micro-sized
niobium carbides present in the ACDI with 0.08 wt% Nb addition. The
Nb-containing precipitates were present in the form of a single nano-

X. Chen et al. Materials Science & Engineering A 688 (2017) 416–428

nodules could be considered negligible up to a level of 0.08 wt% Nb.

Additional Nb content over 0.08 wt% in the ACDI deteriorated the
morphology of graphite nodules to an extent, which could reduce its
mechanical properties (Fig. 4).
The properties of the pearlite phase depend on the detailed
microstructure characteristics such as the pearlite lamellae spacing.
The average values of pearlite lamellar spacing measured in the ACDI
with the different Nb contents are summarized in Table 4. The addition
of Nb to the ACDI gave rise to a decrease in the pearlite lamellar
spacing from 1.04 to 0.79 µm when the Nb content increased from 0 to
0.11 wt%. It has been demonstrated by the past research on pearlitic
irons and steels that the presence of a fine lamellar spacing led to high
strengths and especially in improved toughness [16–18,22].
It is evident that the addition of higher amounts of niobium to the
ACDIs resulted in two competing effects which were directly related to
microstructure development. The degradation of graphite nodule
morphology with increasing niobium contents caused a reduction in
mechanical properties. But, the refinement of the pearlite microstruc-
Fig. 6. Effect of Nb addition on the volume percentage of the pearlite and graphite in the ture resulting from the increased usage of niobium improved mechan-
ical properties of the ACDIs.

3.2. Tensile properties and fracture

4.2. Metallurgical consideration of niobium addition
The representative engineering stress-strain curves of all the five
ACDIs measured at room temperature are given in Fig. 9. Table 2 It has been indicated by the previous work [15] that niobium
summarizes the yield strength (YS), ultimate tensile strength (UTS) exhibits high affinity with carbon to form carbides and has low
and elongation (ef) values of the tested Nb-alloyed ACDIs in details, solubility especially in iron alloys which contain relatively high carbon
which were extracted from the curves in Fig. 9. The small addition of content, such as cast iron. Depending on the actual concentration of
Nb at 0.04 wt% increased the YS, UTS and ef of the ACDI from 373, carbon and niobium in the carbon-containing alloy, four scenarios
671 MPa and 7.0% to 380, 681 MPa and 7.0–7.4% by a very minor rise might happen:
of 1.9%, 1.5% and 5.7%, respectively, as compared to Nb-free ACDI. As
Nb addition increased from 0.04 to 0.08 wt%, the YS, UTS and ef of the 1. Primary precipitation of Nb-containing carbides in the melt;
Nb-alloyed ACDIs arose to 418 by 10%, 746 MPa by 9.5% and 8.0% by 2. Precipitation in the solid-liquid interval;
8.1% from 380, 681 MPa and 7.4%, respectively. With increasing Nb 3. Precipitation in austenite; and
content from 0 to 0.08 wt%, both the YS, UTS and elongation of the 4. Precipitation in ferrite.
ACDIs increased from 373, 671 MPa and 7.0% to 418, 746 MPa and
8.0% by 12.1%, 11.2% and 14.3%. As Nb further rose from 0.08 to The first two scenarios are reflected in the phase diagram repre-
0.11 wt%, however, the YS, UTS and Ef decreased slightly from 418, senting the appearance of niobium in eutectic iron with 4.23 wt% C
746 MPa and 8.0% to 382, 690 MPa and 7.4% by 8.6%, 7.5% and 7.5%. [26], which closely corresponds to the carbon equivalents of the ACDIs
SEM fractographs in SE mode present the fracture surfaces of the employed in the present study. Above the melting temperature of
Nb-free ACDI and the ACDIs with the highest Nb content (0.08 wt%) 1500 °C, substantial amount of niobium could be dissolved in the
after tensile testing as shown in Fig. 10. The direct comparison between ACDIs. With decreasing temperature below the liquidus, the precipita-
the Nb-free and Nb-containing ACDIs revealed that there was almost tion of primary niobium carbide out of the liquid takes place due to the
little difference in the features of their fracture surfaces. reduced solubility of niobium. These primary precipitates have a cubic
morphology and are several micrometers in size. As can be seen from
the phase diagram given in Fig. 11, almost no Nb carbide is
4. Discussion
precipitated from the liquid, and only austenite (γ-iron) and graphite
form in the liquid while Nb addition is low and less than 0.07 wt%.
4.1. Microstructure analysis
The amount of solute niobium in austenite can be calculated from
the solubility product. Ohtani et al. [38] proposed a solubility product
The nodularity and roundness of graphite nodule are the major
that should be particularly applicable in high carbon iron alloys as
microstructural criteria to evaluate graphite morphology in ductile
iron. High nodularity and low roundness values usually indicate that
the graphite nodule is close to the shape of an ideal sphere [35]. It is 4880 ⎛ 1590 ⎞
well known that the nodularity is an important factor influencing the log[Nbwt %]∙ log[Cwt %]= +1. 18 + [Cwt %]∙ ⎜ −0. 1⎟
T ⎝ T ⎠ (5)
tensile strength since the micro-cracking is more easily initiated at the
corners of irregular graphite nodules due to stress concentration [9]. where T is the absolute temperature. The carbon correction term in this
The addition of Nb up to 0.11 wt% in the ACDI had a limited effect on formula accounts for a marked reduction in the chemical potential for
the nodularity and roundness of graphite nodule. Nb at high carbon concentration. Inserting these carbon concentrations
Table 3 lists the content of the phase constituents, pearlite and in Eq. (5), the maximum solubility of Nb as a function of temperature is
graphite, in the matrix of the ACDIs with different Nb contents. The calculated and displayed in Fig. 12, which considers the temperature
improved roundness of graphite nodules reduced stress concentration range of 700–1200 °C since the three phase field (austenite, graphite
in the surrounding matrix. The addition of Nb led to an increase in the and liquid) ends up at a temperature lower than 1200 °C. At the onset
pearlite content from 74.4% to 85.8% and a minor decrease in the of austenite formation from the liquid, its soluble Nb content is around
graphite content from 9.9% to 8.5% as compared to the Nb-free ACDI. 0.1 wt%. The Nb solubility in austenite subsequently increases to reach
The optical microstructure observation suggested that the influence a maximum at the eutectic temperature. During equilibrium solidifica-
of niobium alloying to ACDI with regard to the effect of graphite tion, the Nb solubility in austenite decreases significantly as the

X. Chen et al. Materials Science & Engineering A 688 (2017) 416–428

Fig. 7. SEM micrographs in BSE mode showing pearlite morphology in the ACDIs with different Nb contents: (a) 0 wt% Nb,(b) 0.04 wt% Nb,(c) 0.06 wt% Nb,(d)0.08 wt% Nb and
(e) 0.11 wt% Nb.

X. Chen et al. Materials Science & Engineering A 688 (2017) 416–428

Fig. 8. TEM micrographs of (a) a nano-sized (Nb, Ti)C particle, (b) micro-sized (Nb, Ti) C particle clusters embedded in the graphite nodules of the ACDI with 0.08 wt% Nb, (c) line
scans and the corresponding line scanning pattern for the nano-sized (Nb, Ti)C particle, EDS patterns for (d) Ti, (e) Nb and (f) Fe, and (g) diffraction pattern of nano-sized (Nb, Ti)C

X. Chen et al. Materials Science & Engineering A 688 (2017) 416–428

section (Fig. 11), the presence of Ti identified by TEM in the Nb-

containing precipitates should be attributed to the fact that Ti was
available as an impurity in the studied ACDIs, which has a high affinity
with carbon [39]. The identified (Nb, Ti)C particles were situated inside
the graphite nodules. This observation indicated that the (Nb, Ti)C
precipitates were the primary phase present in the liquid phase. They
formed before the austenite-graphite eutectic reaction during solidifi-
cation, which could efficiently act as nucleation sites for the formation
of graphite nodules. The size and distribution of the Nb-containing
particles influenced the size, morphology and number of graphite
nodules. Large Nb-containing particles or particle clusters promoted
larger graphite nodules with low roundness. Nano precipitates also had
an inoculating effect promoting small and round shaped graphite
nodules. The stability of (Ti, Nb)C in steels was indeed predicted by
Jang et al. [40] using first-principles calculations.

4.3. Tensile behavior

The results of tensile testing indicated that the Nb addition affected

Fig. 9. Typical engineering stress-strain curves of the ACDIs with different Nb contents. the tensile and yield strengths and elongation of the ACDIs. The YS,
UTS and Ef of the four Nb-containing alloys were higher than those of
Table 2 the Nb-free alloys. The moderate pearlite lamellar refinement (Fig. 7
Tensile properties, YS, UTS and elongation of the ACDIs varying with Nb content. and Table 4) and a small increase of pearlite volume percentage
(Table 3) should be responsible for the minor rise of the tensile
sample YS, MPa UTS, MPa ef %
strength and elongation. In the range of 0.04 and 0.08 wt% Nb, the
0% 373 671 7.0 increases in the YS by 10%, UTS by 9.5% and ef by 8.1% might result
0.04% 380 681 7.4 from several competing effects. The ACDIs experienced the insignif-
0.06% 386 715 7.8 icant deterioration of the graphite nodule morphology, and their
0.08% 418 746 8.0
pearlite volume percentage increased, and their pearlite lamellar
0.11% 382 690 7.4
spacing reduced. When Nb addition further increased to 0.11 from
0.08 wt%, the weakening effects on the tensile properties of the Nb-
temperature drops by hundreds of degrees. It is important to notice alloyed ACDIs caused by the progressive degradation of the graphite
that these values hold for equilibrium conditions. In conventional nodule morphology offset the contribution of the refined pearlite
solidification processes under non-equilibrium conditions such as lamellar structure. Hence, the highest tensile strength (746 MPa) and
casting, fast cooling might suppress the precipitation of niobium elongation (8.0%) of the Nb-alloyed ACDIs was achieved at 0.08 wt%
carbide especially in the solid phase. Consequently, a high amount of Nb, which could be considered as the optimum value of tensile
Nb is expected to exist as remaining solutes in austenite especially properties. Overall, the determined tensile properties of the Nb-alloyed
when no deformation leading to strain-induced precipitation is applied. ACDIs are fully in line with the discovered microstructural features of
For casting processes, this condition should prevail. the analyzed alloys discussed in the preceding section.
Since the carbon equivalents of the ACDIs used in the present study It is indicated by Fraś et al. [30] that the YS, UTS and ef of the
were close to the carbon percentage of the eutectic iron alloy given in ductile iron alloyed by 0.038 wt% Nb were 272 MPa, 426 MPa and
Fig. 11, their Nb solubility behaviors should be similar to each other. It 23%, respectively. In the present work, the ductile iron containing
could be expected that no Nb precipitated in the liquid phase and a 0.04 wt% Nb exhibited the YS, UTS and ef of 380 MPa, 681 MPa and
substantial amount of Nb remained dissolved as solutes until the 7.4%, respectively. The comparison with the results of Fraś et al. [30]
pearlite formation temperature reached. It is reported that the indicated the strength improvement achieved in the present study was
presence of solute Nb reduces the diffusivity of carbon and exert strong evidently significant. The appearance of the relatively low elongation of
solute drag on grain boundaries. Pinning by nano-size Nb-containing 7.4% should at least be attributed to the fact that the limited presence
precipitates as well as drag of solute Nb obstructed grain growth in of the ferrite was in the matrix structure of the 0.04 wt% Nb-alloyed
austenite [22]. The reduced carbon diffusivity by solute Nb delayed the ductile iron compared with that revealed in Ref. [30].
pearlite transformation and reduced lamellar spacing. On the other
hand, solute niobium hampered the carbon diffusion from the auste- 4.4. Strain hardening
nitic periphery to the graphite nodules. Lacking substantial depletion of
carbon in the periphery, ferrite formation was impeded. These effects For the analysis of deformation behavior, true stress (σt) and strain
should be reflected in the Nb-containing ACDIs employed in the (εt) needs to be determined by the following equations
present study.
σt =σe (εe + 1) (6)
The observation on microstructural features in the presently
studied niobium alloyed ACDIs suggested that, the low niobium ε t = ln(εe + 1) (7)
addition might had a limited influence on the formation of graphite
nodules since most of the niobium remained dissolved. The solute where σt is the true stress, σe is the engineering stress, εt is the true
niobium could lead to the refinement of pearlite lamellar. With strain, and εe is the engineering strain.
increasing Nb addition over 0.08 wt%, the NbC precipitation in the Fig. 13 displays the typical true stress-strain curves of the ACDIs
liquid could take place based on the phase diagram given in Fig. 11. with different Nb contents. They displayed similar trends with two
These particles had an influence on the graphite nodule morphology stages of elastic and plastic deformations. Upon the application of
and size. tensile stresses, the ACDIs started experiencing elastic deformation.
Despite no indication of Ti in the NbC given in the Fe-Nb isopleth When the yield point was passed, the ACDIs deformed plastically until

X. Chen et al. Materials Science & Engineering A 688 (2017) 416–428

Fig. 10. SEM fractographs in SE mode showing the fracture surfaces of the ACDIs with the Nb contents: (a) low magnification and (b) high magnification for 0 wt%Nb; and (c) low
magnification and (d) high magnification for 0.08 wt% Nb.

Table 3 The plastic deformation of the stress-strain curve for metals can
Phase content in the matrix with different Nb contents in the ACDI. described by the power law:
Nb content (wt%) 0.0 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.11 σ = K εn (8)

Pearlite (vol%) 74.4 80.2 79.1 85.2 85.8 where K and n are empirical constants. The regression analysis
Graphite (vol%) 9.9 9.2 9.4 8.6 8.5 indicates that the power law was in good agreement with the tensile
results. The numerical values of these constants in the above equation
with the regression coefficients are listed in Table 5. The above
Table 4
Variation of pearlite lamellar spacing of the ACDI with the different Nb contents.
equation can be differentiated to obtain strain-hardening rates (dσ/dε).
All the tested ACDIs exhibited a pronounced strain hardening
Nb content (wt%) 0.0 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.11 behavior during plastic deformation. The strain hardening rates of
the Nb-alloyed ACDIs were determined based on the measurements of
Pearlite lamellar spacing (µm) 1.04 0.97 0.89 0.87 0.79
tensile testing. Fig. 14 displays the variation of the strain hardening
rates as a function of true strain for all the studied ACDIs with different
Nb contents. It is evident that, for all the five tested ACDIs, their strain-
hardening rates decreased with increasing true strains. As can be seen

X. Chen et al. Materials Science & Engineering A 688 (2017) 416–428

1500 Table 5
Fe + 4.23% C Best fit parameters of power equation.
Sample K (MPa) n R2

1400 0% 1418 0.2521 0.9945

0.04% 1461.8 0.2557 0.9959
Liquid (L)
0.06% 1503.8 0.2567 0.9953
Temperature (°C)

1350 0.08% 1555.3 0.2489 0.9954

L + NbC 0.11% 1485.4 0.2554 0.9955

from Fig. 14(a), the ACDI with 0.08 wt% had a high strain- hardening
1250 L+ +
rate (24,325 MPa) with respect to the Nb-free ACDI (21,190 MPa) at
L + NbC + + graphite
the onset of plastic deformation, which resulted in an increase of
1200 14.8%. For the Nb contents up to 0.08 wt%, the strain hardening rates
of the Nb-containing ACDIs increased with increasing Nb addition, and
1150 were consistently higher over the entire plastic deformation stage of the
+ NbC + graphite tensile strain range than that of the Nb-free ACDI. As depicted in
1100 Fig. 13(b), an additional introdution in the Nb content from 0.08 to
0 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40 0.45 0.50 0.11 wt% led to a minor decrease in the strain hardening rate of the
Niobium content (wt%) Nb-alloyed ACDI by only 5.3%. Hence, the content of 0.08 wt% Nb
Fig. 11. Phases diagram of Nb in eutectic iron (Fe+4.23 wt%C) [25]. could be considered as an optimum level in terms of tensile behavior of
the Nb-alloyed ACDIs. The observation on the strain hardening
behavior suggested that the Nb addition enhanced the ACDI capability
of spontaneously strengthening itself increasingly to a large extent, in
response to a slight plastic deformation after yielding.

4.5. Fracture behavior

The facture behavior of material plays a significant role with regard

to safety and reliability during service. In the presented two cases,
typical quasi-cleavage fracture was observed. The dimple-type features
had a loose connection to the plastic deformation of the pearlite, but
rather related directly to extracted graphite nodules. Tear ridges
observed on the cleavage plains were formed during linking up of
microcracks with the advancing fracture front. The favorable round-
ness of the graphite nodules reduced the stress concentration at the
matrix/graphite interface, which delayed the onset of cracking. In
addition, the refinement of both the prior-austenite grains and the
pearlite lamellar structure provided barriers to crack propagation,
which were beneficial to extended plastic deformation under high
tensile loading. Considering the factors affecting the fracture modes,
Fig. 12. Maximum solubility of niobium in austenite under equilibrium conditions. Nb addition in the range of 0.06–0.08 wt% should be beneficial
sufficiently to the engineering performance of the ACDI. The similar
fracture modes for the unalloyed and Ni or Co-alloyed ductile irons
with the carbon equivalent of 4.4% were also observed in the work by
Hsu et al. [18].

5. Conclusions

The influence of niobium addition on the microstructure and tensile

properties of as-cast ductile iron has been investigated. The congruent
relationship between microstructure, constitution of niobium as solute
or precipitate as well as mechanical properties is identified. Concerning
the effects of niobium alloying, the following conclusions can be drawn:

1. The niobium additions up to 0.08 wt% into the base ductile iron had
insignificant influence on the graphite nodule morphology and
nodule count. In these ACDI alloys, niobium remained in solution
before and after solidification. Increasing amount of solute niobium
promoted pearlite formation and refines lamellar spacing.
2. The relatively high amount of niobium addition, particularly at a
level of 0.11 wt% resulted in partial precipitation of Nb carbide
Fig. 13. Typical true stress-strain curves of the ACDIs with different Nb contents.
particles in the liquid phase. The precipitated particles could provide
nucleation sites for graphite nodules. But, the larger primary Nb
carbide particles as well as particle clusters might exhibit a detri-

X. Chen et al. Materials Science & Engineering A 688 (2017) 416–428

Fig. 14. Strain hardening of the ACDIs with the Nb contents of (a) 0–0.08 wt%, and (b) 0.08 wt% and 0.11 wt%.

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