Week 7

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\N'E:tK -1

10:15 OPENING: Devi Prayer< _minutes Sequence:..l 7 Playlist: W Date:

Introductions: Guiding you through your practice minutes
Multilevel class, offer both challenges and modifications + Devi
Please listen to your body, knowing when to_push _yourself and when to_pull back
It's all about finding your edge, listening to what your body is telling you
You can always find rest in Downward Dog or Child's Pose
I do occasionally move through room to adjust & assist so please give a wave if you prefer that I not adjust you
• i V1j \,Vr i e. 5 I preJ ,t .,.,C'
Connection: Begin in easy seat, hands resting on the knees, eyes gently closed
Begin to turn the gaze inward, checking in with the breath I vP fPl IJ i r1
Taking the time to fully arrive on the mat in the present moment
Let the shoulders drop back, crown of head floating toward the sky
Relax the face, the jaws, the space between the eyes
-s-eg• inTo n-oti'ce'the ·serrs-atitm ·of the bre-ath as 'in fi'tl's the· 1mdy
Take three deep breaths here, inhaling deeply, exhaling fully
Engage the Ujjayi breath Inhale through nose, exhale with the sound of an ocean wave, or fog frosty window
Focus: b \;\ \ . •
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r ---f1,,e bf'· �£. be tw-e-e- 'fl,,.
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boc\'j t\...-iJ �e Wl•"'ld. tlV>d �e (&tee wh€.r'4!


b lct n�.e. eVVLo+·iovt� 6 -r -tv�e I.A e�I!""

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V' f cd, j &f �e L,,eC\d •
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• Vi.S d P\, 1Ylt'Ctrf1 f"'-re, cte&tr,.. tr-\¼cu a: rt ·-cc! b -t1-1e.


e\ew e.�-t of �- o.r c-e ,... 0 .-,oi I • -e i .... (>( 1 e., Clo ' b""d t'\
� vJvii(� �o\c\$ -t\..-el{yl- e Co,,t_ t;tlof\ r. J-t � aH el-e.neV)- --ea_,-tvi,we1te,, 11r ,oflr;,,
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I+ {1,,,1$ Ckv'1.tcV7\.--_ is too o,re..-,
-t- 0

-...JVe �,3v,-r b� over-- c\�--tive.,pe----f c ,, '- -t, , 0 ,r ev v\

b'etf�ri'C)\'i .e v-- - ,mfo-S,,,.,:, oV-( 1rv1 s., O!,\,r ld�GL) veu,.. o�-e�, &U..tL,..l ,., .

• 1-.f ,--Is ol·d<-'1 W-�VV\Aj SPR-· r hOv\�h1feel t,ke we',.-e 1"101 -� . evtO\.A<jl,. I
hold cov1S1��o,\ v,e
I , t>r 'oe. �lole k, S
,9\f{\,,{:r,. -\"YiJl l_'IAc\ "- ChAl<--v A.-- , ..... lo..tletll"ICP w-t. vt,,-e., fy-ee to c;epr-eS$ 11\,r..._,el \.vlh'-
t _
Olu i7-'1--e .,.._ - ) C I -tv c4- . ' 't!!!
I l'1 Ce y. I fv . we__ c_ c,._ ,,.., S' p-e C( IL Ov- r +ri.,l M ......, I TV°'- C t e>t r I i
..fv\-(\11, ,.... ..,- -f...t �H. -t """-Ci."" n-ee· Sht:\_r-e - to be h-ec:\r
fi:V' we C t(n O\lSo
Cl) (noye Cl-et t,\.,ft IA d-er �.... • we Ce(. n I, �-te ...-. I'!,@ t. wd""'
O p-e'v'"I "'I.£"(. ,--t I Cl rd --f1 rid �e, S:pPtce
e 1_ v,I"'\ pe
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-e_ )( fW-" .,;

i � 11.... ,. "' -t"'p y c:.L><c-l ru "' i .,._ -, 1 Ct 2. t.,.... , We Vh"'e1.1
V'- .,._
-< -'\. "'- Y�DlC ,
-me kej -to COVYWV\t,,<.lr\,-Ca--P- w,n a�-S I ae,--h-1-alt'j Yh61-e' .q DLA+ Vlovv we t--A.U::.
' '

. -
0!,tt' I e - ho ....._, we w •�es Thm- �� -e, 1 i-oeca.us-e- we h e-\. e
b-e etk> It C-O-" - \ Duv- a11L-I--OYVt�f,'t,, 11-u:u� l"t-t,S r' ,1_ or
I t:- S' -,e, vJh,i-t 1�
0 o l-4 o V'1 Ci p...(.4S1t1-£1SS be C,ov,-.e CI e Cl r· e, . / we. Cow,e C loJ-l'r fo -P,..e tv·�-tl,-t
\tJ e -fi ;') DlAY oi c-es
r, r
etv1 ovr l tfe'.s pvlr o�e,.. · .n 1.,-1e v-P ee
h&t -e_ ...,....,·c-1 .u1- 0- I
Intention: Now, we'll lift our arms skyward, bringing the palms to touch and pulling them close to heart
center. If you like you can set your own intention or dedication for your practice. Any word or phrase that
embodies your highest intention. You can return to this thought at any time. 10:20
l-} 0 I.\_, i I'- ne-r �
1. Seated Stretch, Warming 2. Sun Salutations
Songs:Nec{QI.( � oe -<-[,01 \fie@]
r Songs: b�h 3.:i...7 L-e
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9� I(') lo -\l'f'J t Y1 l) jJa j Br-.,..,.�ir,...-, � ,.:: Dt>WVl Do
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- pl0ce k:> o -h--- h e;t. .-,J,5 OVi 11--,
-lo r i ,,""\ a..,. a.,rer,,e<,;, to , AC 6::--- 1)'-t' \-t' D DO
-mov-�-. Clo -r brr<"H--, I •'ll· ,-r:, ..,"'- � o1yyer $. 'e
n �e A ... ,;t ..-.(;--l- ,. ""

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- 'r'IPl"'clr,. \o�c\l cloV' ,,_ �e i> t1. "'"' -css o -r lo-
cea..r- '-""� e ti ' ?t-l vt.,i7(,-t, �
YVlA � "' fl I o s VV''7
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<- r o ..f v'Clt:{1' --n.-e

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-fC,i \\<;- c, � .,., t---.1 - e� e.<e.
y... Ov,A-bV'\ ?k- Sl l ,...,u. I "'I b
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3. Stand.ing Lunges, Warr.iors 4. Standlng Ba.lance

Songs: t-1\� o !)-ea.Jc v :s ·2, Songs: 1-ro e� � · �
� s+cio -ti,- Ujh Lev) L�<.,, ·Kviee o...v/\ O't-fGI\\� . f
- \-\-z;tVlJ be VJ 1"' K.v\,l,( s r,Y">6 Dr, -s
- D vr lo AC� K -e e .ft,f"l4.}4 .,-J.
o --rREE"
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--Et!_�\-e., kY''{Vl t=° l X 3 - -\\>o-t

.,3-r -IM�-vJ-:J:-..,-leA €Ar <>E Al-te

-C 1,,,i Y\ \ uC,� to ope� � i,c.. o v r � -n,.._ ti\, n-or 3
D 12-
� 1 c\& ,::1..vi�L& -?\djuS+- h �ol ,,., ,5 a.c.e, -vi•p p 1.-b
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, \\ nejt;t;
5. Core Work 6. Plank Series, Arm Balan__ces � i."""' -e
Songs: I S tA"" 'ovt,l 7 · 0$ Songs: I & f-vtr1 le t Cc i:,�I- ,) /'SV7 01+ .i.., 3, 3"'
, fV\odC<..S'4-V'l� sq,..�-r " 0'rO vJ
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- 0 o er --f'-oo
- -t r-e-e.,.. c·

. Backbends, Seated Twists 8. Forward Folds, Hip Openers

.:iongs:V'lh� �'1 �o�..,11. l1tn1 · o 'I I� ·
�_C__ 3· £.I Songs: � I \ttr For· L-f, Lf
O-p-h "".5 �
o j o v,,,LA h l<-1tS 4 ""'--' -·--1....J--....,.,-t X:�� V) cl-
. Q)Su ppo,+c:J 9,r •·�e..,
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. Inversions, Supine 10. 11:05/11:10 SIVASANA
Songs: l,,cu,, h C P-e a..c-e O v\t) \JI· 'fl-J Songs: Sh,4/\,� l f � Ov-f-'")
o £ � oA.a. VVl,O e -t ll -As we prepare for Si ana, we can grab a layer to
I Svi- t.Alder �m..., retain heat
-u�-e -1h-e 1,,-)of<l\ , re-:. .:RtYllrn-g·slowtybm:kLo rest on tfre-earth
1h ' - ---\--in Yb v\ r -Close the eyes

,, Pl w . Af" t-'r p<- y;e -Limbs can splay out gently or you can keep the soles
of the feet on the floor and let the knees fall together
s I .r � ➔ [ bl &))d sJ -I won't get to everyone today, but if you'd like an
+;1 + C,t,,. ,.., h,
t'°n �

✓/'-# 1S1A.ppor-tca -'f;' 1- ., I 1:,,,-.

O 0"".r
� Cl�
adjustment in·sivasana, you can turn your pa·lms
-c1-e_,:::,.,,,, s,· bi--e� e�6 upward or if you aren't interested you can turn palms
j....,h�t.e, <.>chAl - \,,,t,\.A_A..-...i XL toward the earth.
-Soften the back of the neck and shoulders
- re re -t � , o xL
-Soften the face and the space behind the eyes
o R:e,Wl-0"e., b toc.,k.. s.
-"Let the tongue fa·r, away from fhe root ot fhe moufh
1'-V"lee --to ..ow.s .,-. -Allow the breath to flow freely
0 I �---------------r:;.Every
( �- ,1. I"---'
� \"/'IA�' e,, A- k,ea.vt1·,-fi,-.1, Swi' rt,,,, /o/1.-{e
inhalation draws in the aendits of 9our 9oga
w,( +-, <jOIA t ,,,1,,P1.Je i+-f'i0v ,� Lo(. �afatiowaltows-you to let go of a,r,-tliing tJ-;iat

V.O\,,,L r h'\ fY" r • .ifL- , c,c.r(lu. i-,J our

t10 r
eJOl,-1e:'!.\ , i+ -fl
, ,,,,L
¥tee I+ vn��-. t-'. V'\o e-�,
do,.,,._)...-, dees iiUl se1 v'e 'f84::I, allewi-Ag yOO'i:U�liglitet, Fiee.-,
and 1+10re S"'8€�0w,....1
pe;1..1-\ o-f LjCV-V \.o� b-ec�s
C,ou'Ylpl.e W re �.JC-I I CO'V p� � .free ,,
o...y \. r e¥d-,.,....e L'
11:13 CLOSING: Devi Prayer <_minutes
-I invite you to slowly awaken, wriggling the fingers, the toes
-"Bring the arms'high overhead for a deep morning stretch
-Slowly rolling onto the right side of the body
-Eyes closed gently
-We'll meet again in Sukhasana, comfortably seated on our mats GIA-€ ll C
-l-l'lank yew -f.erbe•ng,l:ler-e teciay
� tt, LA v- I' p Y-AC-h- c.Q. he I t= to Ii. f-e v i -hA o pell')
h--e� r I i1\.-uU+j e
o IV\A'j e -h Ao o <" o · ce I e '>:C p, .e Ss,,,, � r �IA, vi, -f
tt.v1.J .e-e. t. vi
hone�tl -t opev11 vJi� C..b"'""f¥._s.s, i:,"" ,fb, ; o-fvl�.
<!> we.. \-etl(\(") --\o s ec \C- OIAf" hi� e-r, di , "e :fh clt'tAf'Lj wi� e e.. 1-
a \\ dl.Slo� p r o ,,.a.llow·-'t IA..5-t)J wh.q-+-
we lo"e tt· s� e i+ d·· � v0·,,,....- { s Y"'\?-\.V,.j of'- (.,(,� o...r o r F.fe'
r ro�e. - --f'n-e <.cs �eo. o{' l"'e,Jeciio. -4-{!-ct• L r--e,, ,--r&1, n . Q ,·r . ..-a..ou. t..... ,n,0� ..
-t'----12 ,,,d<; < eV\ --Peo.,r o-f S' cce s- ·, · 1 ,p. (../J� 1<.eep At'-·h nJ .r-,.,,.. � �ea..r &<. 'c:-:KL
-we \\ vvoi 1 --t-- -Po r e"'ev. -f J
a, v i.
o-fh.l Sol fl lV' i -ti> l?:>S � -e{)... ti CLj -.op..e>'\,·/l up oppo 1v..�•11.
�e C-bv\ l o- e. ✓ et' m 1fl.£., 'fl,\t vtV\t I v-S-L- •� 1vle l to mee v.-5 Wit\ a. ,,.,.--
-May O:l;l;f.::p;ractice:bi:iiig 1:1s eleser �o ell ti-let i.?1 D1¥1NE. ti b 4, o-f. b €'..}5,,,,1 tl� .
-And now we'll raise our hands one last time, bringing the palms to touch and drawing them close to heart
center, finding the space you've created within yourself and sealing your intention.
-The light in me sees the light in you and finds that the source is the same. Namaste

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