IV Sem B - E - Mech

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GOVERNMENT COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY, COMATORE- 641013 OFFICE OF THE CONTROLLER OF EXAMINATIONS [BRANCH MECHANICAL ENGINEERING (CURRICULUM: IV SEMESTER =| come Conimous | ead | |__ cts Case Category | Assessnent | sem | Tt! wo Mads [Mans [MAPS] 1 |r] p | © || tHtoRy S e 1) ReMBSAOT | Nana Metis Ce 2 | rewesion | Appt Elston and rs | 50 [0 | m [3 folols Mioprcesos 3 | TePCROS | Rima oF Macnee a 4 TGMPCAON [Enginesing Themadjranies [PE] 80] 30 | 00] 3] of ops 5 TOMPCIOS | Metoogy and Meawemenis [FE] 30] I] Iw] FPO] OY 5 | TOMO | Manaicirng Feciotogy | PE | 59] SOHO STOO PRACTICAL ‘iachine Dang and Ding cy] [tower [a ve | so | | mw [ofols]z Te Treamoxog | Metay and arciogy = =| * freon om re | | 5 | w]ololsla TOAD alin wo Pe Ee fae Racam sc scidaataine aah \ josey CONTROLLER OF EXAMINATIONS sswaséoy, NUMERICAL METHODS ~ caresonr: 8s _ (Common 1 Civil, Mechavical ed Electrical Engineering) Lree 220 4 COURSE OBJECTIVES: ~ To familiarize with mei solutions of equation wi one variable and sytem of equations ‘To obtain the knowledge oF numerical interpolation, numerical fferentation and. unericl iegration. ‘To scquve hive of nisl sli Fs ur una dil eyeations sing single det ep techniques ‘To pan the knowledge of sumercalslution to second onder pata lentil equations using explicit and implicit etd UNIT-1_ SOLUTIONS OF EQUATIONS AND EIGEN VALUE PROBLEMS (9 erative method- Newton Raphson method for sigl variable and simultaneous equations with wo variables Solutions liner system of equations - Gauss Elimination, Gauss lord Matrix by Power method 1, Gaus Seidel method- Eigenvalue of UNIT INTERPOLATION oo ‘Operators - Relation between the opecator-Newton's divided diffrence formals Lagrange’ nd Hexmit's polyomials- Newton Forward and bakwvatd diffrence formula - tiling’ nd Besse’ conte dfference formulae. UNIT-IIl_ NUMERICAL DIFFERENTIATION AND NUMERICAL INTEGRATION (+6), [Numerical approximation of derivatives using interpolation polynomials - Numerical iteration by ‘Trapezoid, Simpson's one third and Simpson's tne eighth rules - Two pont and thee point Gassian quadrature formula - Double etgrtion sing Trapezoid and Simpson one thir rule - Difference equation UNIT-IV_ NUMERICAL SOLUTION OF ORDINARY DIFFERENTIALEQUATIONS (946) “Taylor series method - Euler method - Msifid Esler method - Fourth order Ruge Kuta metho for solving fist ocder equations -Predietor and comestor methods: Milnes and Adam Rash methods UNIT-V_ NUMERICAL SOLUTION OF PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL FQUATIONS (916 Finite dierence solutions fo the second onder oninrydiferemaleqtionstinite free sluions for ‘one dimensional Heat Equation (Both Explicit and Implicit Methods) -One dimensional wave equation Leplae and Poisson equation Contact Periods: Lecture: 48 Periods, ‘Torin: 0 vids Practice Periods Totals 75 Periods ‘Gorrie lige Tecra ‘CoMBATORE” Gat ory ‘Text Books 1 Kandasamy P,Piegevotty Kand Canova K, * Numerical Method Delhi, Reprint 201% Veerarjan T and RamachondranT, “Numerical Methods with Programming in C°, McGraw Ht Edcation Pvt Ld, New Dei," Eition,Repring 2016 SChand& Co, Rarmgor, New Reference Hooks 1. Grewal BS, “Higher Engineering Mathematics”, Khanna Publishers, New Della, 13" Eaton 2014 2. Bologuewsamy B, “Numerical Methods" McGraw Hill Education Pt Lid, New Deli, dition Reprint, 2016, 3. DrManish Goy, “Statistics and Numerical Method, University Science Press, New Det 2010 4. Dr JS. Chita, “Numerical Methods” Pecinicol Publications, Pane, 2010 5. Kon Filey, Mike P Hobson and Stephen]. Bence, “Fundemental of Engineering Nanerical Anais” Cambridge University Press New Delhi, 2015, course ovrcomes [Upon completion ofthe cure, the siden wil beable to (CO I: Understand the numerical solutions to algebraic, exponential, ogarthic, wanscendenal and Iinear system of simultaneous equations (CO 2:Acquire Aueney in sumer interpolation techniques wih equal and unequal interval (C03: Understand the techniques of Finite differences to apply for numerical differentiation, numerical quadrature and numerical ebatue (CO 4: Understanding numeri solution to rst ode ordinary differential equations by diferent methods like singe step and mi CO 5: Understanding numerical solution o second order puta. ire ep ee equations by diferont methods using inte diferences. (COURSE ARTICULATION MATRIX [ €or | Po] Fo [ra [po [Po [ro [Po [ra] ra PO PO | PO | PSO lols {2|slalslol7/s{o/w|n| 2/4 foo fu fet TT z M M cor | tt hi i M | cos | wf v iw) w v| Foor ifn aca — Pr cost | H]— co “ome T i feel" [ele feL fe a | ‘COMBATORU cas aV3 someséae [APPLIED ELECTRONICS AND MICROPROCESSORS - ‘areconres (Common to Procsion Engicering) LTec¢ S00 PRE-REQUISITE, - I6MESIOS Basics of Electrical and BlecromcsEnginering COURSE OBJECTIVES: To equip the students with the Basic nowledge of amalog and digi elecronic circuits and UNIT-1 ANALOG ELECTRONIC CIRCUITS o Review of characteristics of transistors - Need fur biasing ~ DC Loa line analysis - Basing of BUT-Typeea Fixed and Self biasing - RC Coupled amplifier - Cass A Power amplifier ~ Cass. puspll rkhavsen criterion - RC phase shift Biasing anpliier- Distortion in amplifiers. Concept of fedbsck - Oseillates oscillator - Harley Ossilaor-Colpits Osilator UNIT-1_DIGITAL-cIRCUFTS %, Binary number sytem AND, OR, NOT, NAND, NOR and XORsute~ Combinational eiruits - Adder aid subtrctrs. Flip lps ~ RS fp lop, IK, D,T lip flops. A/D and DYA converter - weighted resistor DAC [RR ladder DAC - servo tacking A/D - sucessive approximation A/D converter -Dual slope ADC ~ “Memeries- KOM - EPROM - EEPROM-RAM. UNIT- IT 8085 ARCHITECTURE AND PROGRAMMING cy Block diagram of microcomputer ~ Architecture of $085 ~ Pin configuration ~ tstaction formats = Inston set ~Addeessing modes ~ Simple assmbly language programs UNIT-1V_TIMING DIAGRAM AND INTERRUPTS oy Instruction eyle - machine cycle Timing diagram: OP code Fetch eel, Memory and UO read eye, memory 1nd VO write cycle, interupt acknowledge machine cycle, Inlerups = Hardware Inerps ~ Vesored Interrupts ~ Non-vctored items ~ Priority interups Dats transfer schomes = synchronous trans, asynchronous transfer, intr devon transfer and DMA transfer UNIT-V__ INTERFACING AND APPLICATIONS. » Interfacing of input and output devices ~ Applications of microprocessor - Temperature contol ~ Stepper ‘motor control Taffiight contr Digital ock- EPROM Programmer. Contact Periods: Lecture: 48 Periods Tutorial: @Peviods Practical: Periods Total: 45 Periods 2 - uavroles a txaminnsons covnmmentcallage of Tenealous TCOMMRATORE. 649009 “Text Book: 1. SSulvahanan, NSwresumor and A Vellore), “Electronic Devices and Circuits Blin Tar Metin il 2008, 2. Morris Mono M. "Digi Design, Premice Hal Of India Pvt. bi. 2008. 3 Ramesh S. Goankor,*Microprocescr Architscture and Programming and Applications NOMS / $080 Penrom International Publishing Ct) 2004 Reference Books: 1. Madr SP, Kubsreshha DC, Chadha PR. “Electronic Devices and Applications and Integrte Grents" Une Pablcations, 2004 2. Krishna Kem, “Microprocessor and Microcomroler Architecture, Programming and Sten Design wing 8085,3086, SUS! and 8096", PH, 2011.4 Pal, “Meroprocessr Principles and Appleations”, Toto Megraw Hil, New Deli 1999, 3 len Mottersheod"Erecronie Devices and Circuits” Prentice Hall af Ina, 2008. 4. Chores Rosh, Jr “Fundamentals of Loge Design’ 4* Elion, Jaleo Publahing Howse, 2008, couRse oUrcomES: ‘Upon completion ofthis cours, the students wil have: COW-Knowlege about bipolar junction and eld effet ansstors. (C02: Knowledge on the design of amplifiers and osilators, (COB: Knowledge about combinational and sequential ogi eis. COs: Basie knowledge about A/D and DIA converters COS: In-depth knowledge on architecture and programming concepts of $085 miroprcessx CO6: Exposure to various interfacing circuits fr realtime applications. (COURSE ARTICULATION MATRIX ‘cor [PO |PO | FO | ¥0] PO] PO] FO] PO| PO] PO | FO | PO [FSO] FSO | PSO) voli |2|slalslel7|slo uiolit ts con 1 se |e a | eae conf L W cos) a cos | M| | w cos [mw |—[ # seme m \ 4 | sa | | oatrale lexan Goverment Caitage of Tecnanous Coumatome c4s ory sewPc0s inenaTes oF macnes — ‘cavecony: Pc 16385107 Engineering Graphics 16MES206 Bnginering Mechanics COURSE OWIECTIVES: + Tofomilarze sues with he basic of mechanisms, friction drives 10 ull confidence om the bases of earthy and its nomenclature UNIT-1 BASICS OF MECHANISMS o- Terminology and dfition ~ Degree of feedom- Higher and Lower par ~ Mobily — Grashof's aw Various types of Mechanisms: Desrption of mechanisms- Inversion of fou bar chain and side rank chins = Mechanical advantage ~ Transmission angle = Springs as links Practeal considerations pin joins vs slidershort inks, linkages vs cams UNIT-I1_ KINEMATIC ANALYSIS Oe Velociy and aceclertion analysis on simple mechanisms ~ Grapheal and analytical techigucs- Instantaneous center of velocity ~ Coriolis component ~ Klein's constretion fe lider crank chain, UNIT-IIL_ FRICTION DRIVES. or Bel.ané rope dive Open an cos bel drive ~ Bel materials ~ Creep andatip - Rati of tensions — et of tifa fre ~ condition for maximum power ~ Friction in Joumal Besvng- Flat pvt eating» Friction clutches ~ Single plate~ Mili plate ~ Cone eltches- Brakes - Shoe brake antral Expanding brake ony. UNIT-IV_ CAMS Cs Types of cams an fllowers~ Determination of cam profiles, peesure angles for SHM,wniform acelin tnd retardation wih reciprocating and osilating followers ~ Knifes, roller and lat ~ practi design onsiderations- Special cams and its applications. UNIT-V GEARS o Gear terminology Types of gearing ~ Presre angle and undercutting - Law of geing-Inerfxence ~ ge coneetions- Gear tains Simple, compound, reverted and epic Contact Periods: Perigds Tutorial: © Perils Practical: Periods Tot 4S Peri 1. Thomas Bevan, “Theory of Machines”, Pearson Edcaton Limited 2010 2. Rattan SS, “Theory of Machines”, Tata McGraw Hil Publishers New Deh, 2008, Reference Books 1 Shipley LE Andicher JJ, “Theory of Machines and Mechanisms” Mera il Ine, 1995 2. VPSingh "Theory of Machines”, Dhanopatral & Sons, 2005 5. George H Mort, "Kinematics and Dynamics of Machines Warland Pele, 2002 4. RL Norton, “Kinematics and Dynamics of Machinery”, Metin Hil 2009 5. CE Wilson, P Sadler, “Kinematics and Dynamics of Machinery” 3 dition, Parson Education, 2014 ‘covernvent Collage a! Teenage ‘commparon cavars COURSE OUTCOMES: Auth end ofthe course students wl be able to (COL: Design mechanisms for practical aplication. (COR: Sythe of mechanisms forgiven conditions COB: Select appropriate pe of ein dives gear for a spec application. OK: Construct cam profile for given follower moion. (COS: Stang he geor or gear tains (COURSE ARTICULATION MATRIX co | Po | Po [Po [Po | PO | PO [PO [Po [Po | PO | PO so | PSO roli|2{s\eislol7]s]o]w|u Sees cor [u {w(t [Mit {e{efnfe fe nM feofutut [a [wt lw [o tate fe a | | [cos [u[w[u[M[elM[etM [i Te HM cofu fm fate[M[etaie {eto [e M | ™ cos uf uM |e ML [we Le MM ‘eM Mlafafalelatola fe Lie ni M Coavatar of exami Government allege Teenage ‘COWMBATORE. 647919 sswrcsoe” [ENGINEERING THERMODYNAMICS carecony: Po Toric PRE-REQUISITES 16MBSIO3 Applied physics TOMBSIO4 Engineering chemistry” COURSE OBJECTIVES: + Toexpose hermodmamlc concepts, processes md eels for analysing the thermodynan systems UNIT-1 CONCEPT OF THERMODYNAMICS or Basie definitions, Microscopic and Macroscopic approach, Types of systems - Thermodynamic processes Point and Path funtion - Thermodynamic eilbriim ~ Quasistatic proces, Heat and work ~ Zero law First law of thermodynamics ~ Applications to closed and open systems ~ Steady flow processes — spplictons| UNIT-I SECOND LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS AND ENTROPY o Limitations of First w— Kelvia-Pank and Clauss statements ~ Heat engines — Refrigerators het pumps efficiency and COP ~ levers ~ applications. Carnot cycle ~ Entropy ~ principle of increase in entropy ~ reversibility and UNIT-IIT_ IDEALAND REAL GASES. o, Equation of state ~ Weal and Real gases ~ Properties caleultions - Generalized compressitily chart ‘anderwaal’s uation specific hems Cand C,- Joul- Thomson coefficient ~ ideal gs mixes. UNIT-1V COMBUSTION oO Fuels ~ Combustion equntions- Stoichiometric irfuel ratio ~ Exhaust and ve pas analysis ~ practical analysis of combustion products ~ Dissociation ~ internal energy and enthalpy of reaction ~ Enthalpy of formation ~Calrite value of fuels ~ powerplant then effcieney ~ practical determination of carte ‘ales aioe - vapour mixtures. oN PROPERTIES OF STEAM AND VAPOUR POWER CYCLE o Properties of seam ~ use of stem tables and Moller chart ~ dryness fation cleans. Basie Rankine cece ~ Rankine eel with reheating and regeneration ~ Application af Binary vapour eye Contact Periods: Lecture: 45 Periods Tutorial: Periods Pract “Text Books: 1. Nag, PK, “Engineering Thermodynamics” Tata McGraw Ell Company, 3° Biton, 2013 2 Yunus Cone, “Thermodynamics” Tata McGraw Hit Company. 8° Edition, 2014 Pesiods Toa 45 Periods Hs 9h €xainnaions Giovamniant Galage of Treansioue Toimeatont essors Reference Books: 1. Kothandaraman, CP, “Thermal Engineering", Dharpat Rol & Sons, 1998 Holman, LP, “Thermodynamics” MeGrawill Company, 2000 Rojpu, RK. “Thermal Engineering” Laem Publications Eton 2010, Balianey PL, “Thermal Engineering", Khonna Publisher. 1996 Mabesh M Rathore, “Thermal Enginering” Tto Me Graw Hill Eduction Private Limited 1s edition, 2010, COURSE OUTCOMES: (On completion of his couse, stems wil be able to CO 1: apply thermodynamic principles oral if thermodynamic problems C02: amayee the principles of entropy generation CO deni the characterises of gases C04 apply the principles of combustion o thermal aalsis problems €O.5: appreciate amd analyze the vapour power cycles COURSE ARTICULATION MATRIX: co’ [Po [Po [PO | PO] Fo [ro |FO [0 | FO | FO | FO or rolilalslalsiel7isislwlulniia|2| 3 corp ww M ww cola [Ht iw fete te oleae oma Ra [cos[u[m[M[H{ | [ct] | Pa corp tut Ma oH wpM pre cos; H | H|H|M a ie lena me sorta [miu fee | w falas | ratio examinations ‘covernmen!Callege at Yeenpolous {COIMBATORE 641013 somPoans ‘METROLOGY AND MEASUREMENTS, ‘avecony: Pe ce PRE-REQUISITE 16MBS103 Applied pysies 4 ‘COURSE OBJECTIVES: + To acquire knowledge on various measuring isrumens, measuring machines and priipes of measurement of form, sain, force, tong, press, temperate and flow UNIT LINEAR AND ANGULAR MEASUREMENTS » Lena Standards - Length Measuring instaments~ Venice instuments - micrometer, eight eng, dale ingicators, Bore gauges, Slip gauges, Comparators “Mechanical, Eleetica, Opal & Pneumatic, Optial Projector. Angle measuring instruments - Bevel protactr, Sprit level, Sine bar, Avocollimtor, Angle dekkor, Interferometry UNIT-1l_ FORM MEASUREMENT or Screw thread terminology- Measurement of festive diameter by two wire nd thre wie methods - rosin ‘tveads- Measurement of pitch, profile rors an tal composite eros, Gear tooth terminology Methods of measurements of runout, pith, profile, lead, backlash, tooth thicknss-composite method of inspeton = Parkinson gear tester, Measurement of surface fash - Sys robe instruments - poflometeTomlisom an ‘Talysur instumentSraightess, Fltness and Roundness measurement LUNIT—IIL_ MEASURING MACHINES AND ADVANCES IN METROLOGY oO “oo! maker's microscope - Computer controled CMM Universal measring machine ~ Automatic aad ‘multidimensional inspection machine « Computer aided inspection -Machine vision Laser interferometer UNIT-IV_ MBASUREMENTS: STRAIN, FORCE, TORQUE AND PRESSURE MEASUREMENTS oo» ectrical, Metallic Resistance Stain Gauge ~ Surin Gauge Ballas Bridge cieut - Load cel « hydraulic. and pewmatic ystems - Presse measuring transducers ~ Elastic and diaphragms — Mechanical, Hydraulic, Electric and Transmission Dynanomets. UNIT-V TEMPERATURE, FLUID FLOW AND VIBRATION MEASUREMENTS oO. Bi-Metllic strips - presse thermometers, thermo couples, opie and ration pyrometer ~ Flow measurement ~ Obstruction meters - Pill tbes - Rolameters~ Turbine type meters, magnetic low meters = hot Wie anemometr- vibrometers and accelerometers ~ sei ecsermeters Contact Periods: Lecture: 45 Periods” Tutorial: Periods Practical: Periods ‘Tota: Pers oatroler a bxamnatons Goverment Catinge of Tcnlour TTOWMATORE BATT ‘Text Books: Jain RK: “Engineering Metology” Khanna Publishers, DD, 204 2 Thomas G. Beckwith Roy D, Marangoni, Joh H.lienhord “Mechanical Mesarements"Addion Wesley Publishing Company, 2004 Reference Books: 1. Gupta LC, "A tet book of Engineering Metrology",DhanpatBie Sons, Delhi, 2003, 2 HolnanJ P., “Experimental Methods for Engineers” MeGiraw Hill Book Company, 2006 3. Jain 8K, “Mechanica and Industrial Measurement”, Khanna Publishers, Dll, 2006 4 Chaves Reginald Shtbot, “Metrology fr Engineers”, sh eo, Cengoge Leaning EMEA, 1990 5. Bocksith, Marangoni. Lienhard, “Mechanical Measuremens”, Parson Education, 2006 ‘COURSE OUTCOMES: (On completion of this course, salen wll be able to CO}: select amd use appropriate measuring instrument for diferent applications (CO 2:appy the knowledge of various measurement techniques for inure neds CO 3:estimate mechanical and thermo pysical properties CO A:appy the knowiedge measarements in quali conrol COS: use advantage in metrology in quality contol ‘COURSE ARTICULATION MATRIX cor P0 [PO] FO] PO| PO [FO] PO| FO | PO | PO [FSO] PSO | #80 Po stalsiel7|sl>|m{ulels|2|s3 cor c weet Lt con Mw eal Essie cos c mt. [cos M wale M iM cos || w L M ~fut_| sue 1 tel {+(e [effete i ulm Cotroties of xaminaone ‘COIMBATORE Get O19 sempcsos / ‘manufacture recuwotocy it~ careoont:Fe- Loree 30035 PREREQUISITES; Es . 16MPC304 Manyfctring Toohnology 1/ COURSE OnIECTIVES: + To understand the mechoics of metl cating. working of machine fools such ax aoa. aor seal curing processes and stdy the sis of nontrtonel machining processes. UNIT-1 THEORY OF METAL CUTTING oO, Mechanism of tal cuting ~ types ~ cutting force — chip formation ~ Merchant's circle diagram calcaatons - too! geometry ~ machinabilty too! wear — too fe cut tool mit ‘ypes. ~ cutting ids = UNIT AUTOMATS, SHAPING AND PLANING MACHINES, O-. stan and turtles — castustion «indexing mechanism - operations - working principle of singe and ‘mult - spindle aromas ~ shaping and planning machines types ~constrcton - meshanism ~ pinip of opeaton~ dierent shaping operations - work holding devices UNIT-IT_ DRILLING, BROACHING AND GRINDING MACHINES, or Dring machines - specifications, types feed mechanism, operations ~ dil ool nomenclature brosching speciiaions, types, tol nomenclature, brosching operations ~ srinding ~ types of grinding machines trinding whecls, peciiatons~ bonds ~ mouating and conditioning of grading wheels UNIT- IV MILLING AND GEAR GENERATING MACHINES, or Miling~ specifications ~ types - cuter nomenclatre—iypes of eters ~miling processes — indexing ~ eae Forming in milling ~ gear generation» gear shaping and ger hobbing speciation -cuters -coued tals &inseseating spur and lca gears bevel ger generators ~ esa ishing methods UNIT-V_ NON-TRADITIONAL MACHINING oy Classification of machining processes - process selection - ultrasonic mashing ~ abrasive jet nachining ‘vate je machining - laser beam machining - electron Beam machining -plasiva ate machining. Contact Periods Lecture: 45 Pevfods Totorial: Periods Practical: D Periods Total 48 Periods Text Books [Hage Chonilry SK. and Bose SK. “Workshop Technolgy Vol I” Media Promoters an Publishers Po 11d, Bombay, 2004 2. Sharma PC, “A Text Book of Production Technology", Shand & Company Lil, Nev Deh, 10th Revised ition, 2010 5. PN. Rao, Manufaeturing Technology Foundry, Forming and Welding, Tay McGraw hill 3° ion 209 Coates yi examnatany CoimeaTORE 619013 Reference Books 1, Serope Kalpaljian and StevonR Scho, “Manufacturing Engineering and Technology”, Addison Wesley {Longman (Singapore) Pte Lid, Dei, 2008 2a RK. and Gupta SC, “Production Technology”, Khanna Publishers, New Deli 1999 3 Richer R Kibe,Jolm E Neely, Roland O. Merges and Warr White *Mackine Too! Practices” Prentice Hall of hadi, 1998 4 Roy A Lindberg, “Process amd Material of Manufacture”, Poth Elton, PHI/PeorsonKaation 2006. COURSE OUTCOMES: On completion ofthis course, students wll be able C01: apply the theory of meal eign roa fe machisig (602: understand the operating mechanisms olathe, shaping ond planning machine 603: 10 gain knowledge om driling. bring and grinding machines. C04: know abou principles, operation and working of ling a gear generating machine COS: nontraditional manufacturing methods ‘COURSE ARTICULATION MATRIX “Cor | Po. vo | 1 | 2 cor] | cor | | t cos |__| cos | | M 0s [1 rome | | cnoe | | entratisol exmmnationn Government Cnlloge ot Tenncloes TCOWMEATORE 641 a1 sgmpeao7 MACHINE DRAWING AND DRAFTING LABORATORY ‘cavecony: Pe PRE-REQUISITES: + J6MES107 Enincering Graphics « ‘COURSE OMECTIVE To create knowledge about standard presentation of components and symbols. I develops the knowledge select proper tolerance and i eel of appropriate machine components Indies the knowledge fo generate abou 2-dimensiona and dimensional raing wth Auto CAD UNIT CONVENTIONS, ABBREVIATIONS, AND SYMBOLS 19) Inrrpted views, paral views of symmetieal objects, conventional representation ofthe continuous square and cirelar od ends, adjacent pars, common mechine elements, abbreviations dosripton of tolerances and des, pes of is nd their descriptions selection of Fis rom standard tbls is for ferent aplication ‘examples: geometrical olerances- surface nish conventions. UNIT PREPARATION OF ASSEMBLY DRAWING 05) 7 Cater jit, knuckle joint, Mange coupling, universal covpling,Fotstep bering, Phammer block, connecting rod end, sre jack, late astock, stop valves, UNIT AUTOCAD aye Basie ool and commands of AutoCAD, line types, dimensioning, 2D drawing of machine components, 3D ‘model, importing ad exporting lst othe software Contact Periods: ‘Lecture: 0 Periods Tutorial: 0 Periods Practical: 60 Peffods Total: 60 Periods “Text Hooks: 1. Gopaatrsina KR, “Machine Drawing” Subhas Publishers, Banglore, 2005. 2. Bhat. ND, “Machine Drawing”, Chortar Publishing Howse, 2001 Reference Books 1. GillPS, "Teat Book of Machine Drawing” S K Kear & Sons, Publisher: & Disribors, Delhi. 1998 2. Narayana KL, Kannigh P., Verkaareddy K, "Machine Drawing”, New Age International Publishers, 2006 James D. “Engineering Graphics with AutoCAD 2002", Pearson Education 2005 4 Alan Kalemeja, “AutoCAD 2008: A sator fr Engincering Graphics", Avte Desk Press 2007 attaliesa examinaione Goverment Cllage a Tnenncioge (COIMBATORE. 641019 ‘COURSE OUTCOMES {Upon competion ofthe course, stent wil be able fo COL: ability 1 select proper joint for products design C02: ability to wderstand aint proper stoma ad codes C03: abit 1 we proper symbols and select proper tolerance values for approprte apliatons CO#: ability to communicate effectively i Inds (prodeton line) trough ths subject owledge COS: abit to develop he beter drawing using Auto CAD software (luring) wih fll echnical lets a required ‘COURSE ARTICULATION MATRIX coi [Po] Po | Po [Po [PO | PO) PO] PO] Po | ro | ro | Po | Ps0 | FSO | PSO rolil|2|sielsie6lr}s/o)wi/ula2| 1/2] 3 cor | M. L fi Cu alone [oe conf | M we cos | a] iE M ML ‘cot L cos | L ela eed) se] eae] fea ae } { mt “| L L|M Lie ‘Garris ot examinations sovernmant Coleg of eenraloay ‘Gommarone 641018 METALLURGY AND METROLOGY LABORATORY “ carecony: po ~ [METALLURGY LABORATORY PRE-RFQUStTRS 16MBS103 Applied phyles = {SMPC3OS Brgincering Meallargy COURSE OMSECTIVES + To provide practical knowledge of specimen preparation for micro examination, stay the imicrostrctres,defets af eros and nonferrous materials LIST OF PXERCISES 1. Study of Metallurgical microscope Preparation of Specimer for metallographic examination Preparation and Sty o Microstructure of tea, as ron and non erro aloys Study of Mirostuctare of het rated and untreated tees Swéy of Microstuctreof heat weated and untreated easton Metsurement of inclusion rating and pain size Deternioation of harderabily of tea by Jominy cod quench est Stdy of Brava latices with he help of models Stdy of mierosrvetoreaf weldment and cast components 10, Study of Nondestructive testing ‘Contact Perio: Lecture: Periods Tutorial Periods Practice 30 Periods Total 30 Perods “COURSE OUTCOMES: ‘On completion of this couse, students wil be able to (COL: Demonsratthe specimen preparation method COD: Lenny and analyze the mirosrutres and defets tn ferous and nonferous engineering ‘components ‘COURSE ARTICULATION MATRIX cor | Po | Fo P50 ro. | 2 3 cor]. [it al cor) | st cml ser =| P| ‘Comvotay ol xammatons anvarant Callege of Tenralogy COWARATORE. 648073 ‘MerRoLoay tapoRArORY COURSE OMIECTIVES: + Te familarze the base eonceps of mecsarments, varios Tne, angular el form meosorog equipment, and ther principles of eperation LIST OF EXPERIMENTS: Study and we of Measuring Instruments Calibration of Dial gauge using ial Calibration Teste Measurement of external taper ange using sie brand slip gauges. ‘Measurement of internal and extemal dovetait angle using elles, “Measurement of iternal angle using spheres “Measuremeat of external angle using rolls and sip enue “Measurement of spur gear toot thickness sing ger tooth veri caliper, “Measurement of ntral diameter and depth ofthe cylinder sing spheres. “Measurement of effective diameter and pitch of screw tvead using tee wie method ad pitch nve. 10, Study of Autocotinator 1 Study of Profile Projector 12, Study of Tool Makers Microscope 13, Study of Co-ordinate Measring Machine. Contact Periods: Lecture: OPeriods Tutorial: Periods Prastis Reference Hooks 1. Laboratory Manual prepared by Department of Production Enginoering 2. Commie L Dotson, “Fundamentals of Dimensional Metrology”, Cengage Learting(D Private Lnited Now Deli 2003 3 Anand K Bewoor and Vinay A Kalter, "Metrology and Meararement", MeGraw Hill Education (D Private Lined 2013 COURSE OUTCOMES: On completion of his couse, stems wil be able to COL: explain the general concept of measurements C02: perform some linear angular and form measiements, and recor observations C03: calivate he measwring instrament, COF- explain abou sarions methods of rational and modern mcasirements that are ase the {industry ro measure produ dimensions (COURSE ARTICULATION MATRIX Co! | FO | FO | PO FO} PO FO] FO | FO [PO vo|1/2|3|4|5 o|wl nie corfi [4 wept corp pW t wt cos |u| | Mi L corp pi w wept 16MP | pemere sar i ae a ‘yavrales ol teaminsors ‘Goverment allege a Trenmalous TOIMBATORE 649 O13

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