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R. K. MALIK’S JEE (MAIN & ADV.), MEDICAL + BOARD, NDA, IX & X Enjoys unparalleled reputation for best results NEWTON CLASSES in terms of percentage selection CHEMICAL EQUILIBRIUM |JEE ADVANCE PREVIOUS YEAR SOLVED PAPER] JEE Advanced 2. For the reaction Single Correct Answer Type 1. The oxidation of SO, by O, to SO, is an exothermic H(g) + 1g) == 2H) reaction. The yield of SO, will be maximum if “The Gilibeium GoustantK, changes with ‘a. temperature is increased and pressure is kept constant 'b. temperature is reduced and pressure is increased both temperature and pressure are increased ._ both temperature and pressure are reduced the amounts of Hand Tp present (IT-JEE 1981) 4d. temperature (UE JEE 1981) total pressure ST 39 YEARS} by catalyst = 2 ee ADVANCE! Office.: 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0661-2682623, 9635608812, 8507613968 NEWTONCLASSES.NET R. K. MALIK’S NEWTON CLASSES 3. A liguidis in equilibrium with its vapour at its boiling point. On the average, the molecules in the two phases have equal 4, intermolecular forces b. potential energy €. total energy 4. Kinetic energy ITJEE 1984) Pure ammonia placedina vessel at temperature where its dissociation constant (is appreciable, At equilibrium: ‘, does not change significantly with pressure does not change with pressure = concenration of NH, does ot change with pressure concentration of hydrogen sess than that of nitrogen (UTE 1984) An example of a reversible reaction is ‘& Pb(NO4)(4q) + 2Nal(ag) > PbI,(s) + 2NaNO4(aq) . AgNOs(aq) + HCKag) —> AgClis)+ HNO, (a5) ce 2Na(s)+ H,0() > 2NaOH(ag) + Hy) a KNO (ag) + NaCKag) — KCI(aq) + NaNOS(a) CUTEE 1985) The reaction which proceeds inthe forward direction is a. Fe,0,+ GHCI—> 2FeCly + 3H,0 NH, +H,0 + NaCl > NH,C1 + NaOH © SuCl, + Hg,Cl > SaCl, + 2HgCl, 4. 2001+ I, +4K" $20" 44KI UIE JEE 1991) . One mole of N,O,(g) at 300 K iskept in aclosed container under one atmosphere. It is heated to 600 K when 20% ‘by mass of N,O,(g) decomposes to NO,(g). The resultant pressure is A 12am bh 24am ¢ 20am d. 10am CETIEE 1996) For the chemical reaction 3X(g) + ¥(g) = X,Y(e) the amount of X,Y a equlbsium is affected by ‘a temperature and pressure 1. temperature only pressure only A. temperature, pressure, and catalyst ITSJEE 1999) For the reversibe reaction. NG) + 34g) —=2NHy@) at 500°C, the vale of Kis 1.44 10° when the pata pressure is measured in atmosphere. The corresponding value of K, with concentration in moUL is Lagx10" * eaiaxTIay? 1.48107 (0.082773) (UEIEE 2000) 1. When two reactants A and B are mixed to give products Cand D, the reaction quotient (Q) a the initial stages of the reaction a. iszeo 1, decreases with ime . is independent of time d. increases with time (IT-JEE 2000) * (@.082 x 5007 «, Latxs0? (0.082773) 11. At constant temperature, the equilibrium constant (K,) for the decomposition reaction, NjO, === 2NO; (2) (=9 x = extent of decomposition. Which of the following statements is true? a. K, increases with increase in P i. K; increases with increase in x ce. K;, increases with decrease in x 4. K, remains constant with change in P and x (HT-JEE 2001) expressed by K, where P = pressure and 12, The set with comet onder of acidity is &. HCI0 COsg) + H(@) Ata given temperature, the equilibrium amount of CO,(g) ‘can be increased by adding a suitable catalyst Db, adding an inert gas ‘e. decreasing the volume ofthe container 4. increasing the amount of CO(g) _(ICT-JEE 1998) 6. The equilibrium 2Cu! == cu + cul! {in aqueous medium at 25°C shifts towards the left in the presence of aNO} b, SCN ACN (UTJEE 2011) 7. ‘The thermal dissociation equilibrium of CaCO) is ‘studied under different conditions CaCOx(s) == Ca(s) + CO.(g). For this equilibrium, the correct statement(s) istare) a. Adis dependent on b. Kis independent ofthe initial amount of CaCO, Kis dependent om the pressure of CO; at a given T 4d. AHis independent of the catalyst, if any (IEE Advanced 2013) Assertion-Reasoning Type Each question contains Statement 1 (Assertion) and Statement 2 (Reason). Bach question has 4 choices (a), (b}, (¢) and (d) out of which only one is correct. Mark your answer as ‘a. IF both Statement 1 and Statement 2 are correct, and Statement 2s the correct explanation of Statement 2. If both Statement 1 and Statement 2 are correct, but Statement 2 is not the correct explanation of Statement If Statement | is correct but Statement 2 is incorrect. J. TF Statement 1 is incorrect but Statement 2 is correct. |. Statement 1: The endothermic reactions are favoured at lower temperature and the exothermic reactions are favoured at higher temperature Statement 2: When a system in equilibrium is disturbed bby changing the temperature, it will tend to adjust tse $0.88 fo overcome the effect on change. (IIT-JEE 1991) Statement I: For every chemical reaction at temperature standard Gibbs energy of reaction is zero. Statement 2: At constant temperature and pressure chemical reactions are spontaneous in the direction of decreasing Gibbs energy. (UT-JEE 2008) in the Blanks Type - For a given reversible reaction at a fixed temperature equilibrium constants K, and K, are related by —__ (IT-JEE 1994) 2. A ten-fold increase in pressure on the reaction, N3(g) + 3Hg(g) —* 2NH(g) at equilibrium, results in ink,, (IT-JEE 1996) 3. For a gaseous reaction 28 —> A, the equilibrium constant K,is___tolthan K. (IT-JEE 1997) True / False Type 1. When a liquid and its vapour are at equilibrium and the pressure is suddenly decreased, cooling occurs. (IT-JEE 1984) If the equilibrium constant forthe reaction Ag+ Bye 2AB is K, then the backward reaction, the equilibrium constant is UK. 3. A catalyst makes a reaction more exothermic, (IT-JEE 1987) The rate of an exothermic reaction increases with (UT. JEE 1984) increasing temperature. (IT-IEE 1993) Subjective Type 1. One mole of nitrogen is mixed with three moles of hhydrogen in a4 litre container. 1f 0.25 percent of nitrogen isconverted to ammonia by the following reaction Nag) + 3Hs(¢) = 2NH) Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph. 0861-2662623, 9636608612, 8507613968, NEWTONCLASSES.NET 39 YEARS] ) PREVIOUS YEAR CH ADVANCI JE R. K. MALIK’S NEWTON CLASSES calculate the equilibrium constant (K,) in concentration units. What will be the value of KX, for the following. cquilibeium? 1 3 JNA@)+ 5HA@) —=NH(e) (ITER 1981) . One mole of Cl, and 3 moles of PCl, ae placed in a 100 L vessel heated to 227°C. The equilibrium pressure {2.08 aimospheres. Assuming ideal behaviour, caleuate the degree of dissociation for Pl, and K, forthe reaction, PC, PCI, + Cl; (CUTSEE 1984) . The equilibrium constant ofthe reaction A;(x) + B,(8) == 2AB(g) at 100°C is 50. Ifa one litre flask containing 1 mole ofA; is connected to a wo lite Mask containing twomoles of B, how many moles of AB wil be formed at 373 K? (IIT-JEE 1985) 4. Ata certain temperature equilibrium constant (Kis 16 for the reaction: SO,(g) + NOx(g) — S0\() + NO) we take one mol of each of al the four gases in aone lize container, what would be the equilibrium concentrations of NO and NO;? (IT-JEE 1987) 1,0, is 256 dissociated at 37°C and one atmosphere pressure. Calculate (i) K, and (i) the percentage dissociation at 0.1 atmosphere and 37 CITJEE 1988) ‘The equilibrium constant K; ofthe reaction, 280,() + 0,(¢) — 280,66) is 900 aum at 800 K-A mixture containing SO, and O, having inital pressure of | and 2 atm respectively isheated a constant volume to equilibrate. Caleulte the paral pressure ofeach gas at 800 K. (IEEE 1989) For the reaction, CO(g) +2H(@) —=CH,OH) hydrogen gatis introduced into a five lite ask at 327°C, containing 0.2 mol of CO(g) and « catalyst, until the pressure is 4.92 sum. At point, 0.1 mol of CH,OH() is formed, Calculate the equilibrium constants K, and (IT-JEE 1990) 0.15 moles of CO taken in a 2.5L ask is maintained at 750K along witha catalyst so thatthe following reaction can take place: CO(g) + 2H4{g)— CH,OH) Hydrogen is introduced until the total pressure of the system is 8.5 atm at equilibrium and 0.08 moles of methanol is formed, Calculate (i) K, and K, and (i) the final pressure ithe same amount of CO and Has before ae used, but wih no catalyst so that the reaction doesnot take place (UEJBE 1993) At temperature T, a compound AB(g) dissociates according tthe reaction 2AB,(g) — 2AB(g) + Bulg) with a degree of dissociation x which is small compared with unity. Deduce the expression for x in terms of the equilibrium constant K, and the total pressure, (UTJEE 1994) |. The progress of reaction Am nB with time, is presented inthe figure given below. + a L Concentration (no! 7s Time (t) —> Determine 2. The value of n 1b The equifrium constant K, 6. The inal rate of conversion ofA. (IIT-JEE 1994) ‘A sample of air consisting of N, and O; was heated 10 2500 K until the equfrium ‘N3(g) + 0,(g) == 2NO(g) was established with an equilibrium constant, K, = 2.1 x 10”. Atequilibrium, the mole% of NO was 1.8. Estimate the inti composition of air in mole fraction of Np and 0, (UT-JEE 1997) . The degree of dissociation is 0.4 at 400 K and 1.0 atm forthe gaseous reaction PCI, === PCI, + Cl. Assuming ideal behaviour ofall he gases, calculate the density of qulibrium mixture at 00 K and 1.0 atmosphere (relative ‘atomic mass of Ps 31.0 and Clis 35.5, (IT-JEE 1998) ‘When 3.06 g of solid NH,HS is introduced intoatwo litre cvmcuated ask at 27°C, 30% ofthe solid decomposes nto ‘gaseous ammonia and hydrogen sulphide, 1. Calculate K, and K, forthe reaction at 27°C. {i What would happen to the equilibrium when more solid NH,HS fs introduced ito the ask? (IEJBE 1999) 14, 8. In the following equiibium 8,0) = 20,8) when Soles ofeachis taken the temperatures ket at 298 K, the toll pressure was found to be 20 bar. Given that AG}(N;0,) = 100 kd AG} NO, =50 13 1. Find AG ofthe reaction Ii. The direction of the reaction in’ which the equilibrium shits, {A graph is ploted fora real gas which follows van der Waals equation with PV, taken on Y-axis and pon ‘X-axis, Find the intercept ofthe lin where Vis molar volume (IESE 2004) 39 YEARS] ) PREVIOUS YEAR CH ADVANC! JE Office.: 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi, Ph.; 0861-2662628, 9696608612, 8607619968, NEWTONCLASSES.NET ea aH LS SURES RVs aia ae BENJAMIN DISRAEL| #RKMALIKSNEWTONCLASSES Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-t, Ph.: 0651-2662623, 9836608812, 6607613968 NEWTONCLASSES.NET. R. K. MALIK’S NEWTON CLASSES Hints and Solutions JEE Advanced gle Correct Answer Type 1b. LAccondingis Le-Chatliers principle, exothermic reactions are favoured at low temperature According to Le-Chatelier’s principle, the eactons in which ‘<0, are favoured at high pressure Given 250, + 0, =" 280, + Heat tis an exothermic reaction ‘Yield of SO, is maximum at low temperature n=2-3=-1orn<0 Yield of $0, maxi thigh presse. NO-WINTER LASTS Only temperature affects te equlivum constant ‘Vapour nd igs ara he same temperature. seatceiseisceseamem | | FOREVER NO. SAIG ‘The reaction, KNO,ag) + NaCi(aq) = KClan) + NaNO ag) 1 [AS none of the reactants or products is solid. Hence it is a i reversible reaction. Due to absence of hydrolysation of FeCl, backward reaction ‘ill not take place. Hol Borland: NO, = IND, 1 o ST 39 YEARS} D PAPERS IL (1-02 202-08 ‘oial pressure = 12 NEWTONCLASSES.NET [As te temperature is doubled, the pressure becomes double Therefore, the ol fine pressure fs .2 x2 = 2 atm. Eguiiboum is affected by tempertre and presse de to change in heat a8 well 85 change in volume of substances (Co-Chairs principe. Nig) + 38g) —=2NHQ) ‘hn, = No, of gascous moles of right side ~ No. of gasoous mmoles of eft side = 2 Mato? (wore) 10.4, Reaston quotient is eqal othe ratio ofthe concentration of oducts othe rat ofthe concentration ofthe ean ty Stage ofthe reaction, exch concentration erm bing ried 2 the powerof its stichiometecoefce In the bepmning of the action, =0 1.44, isnot based pon pressure and concentration. 1a i For oxpacids containing similar ental atom the aid strength neenses withthe increase inte mmber of xy 60 tom atahed to the central atom and not tached ony otter som. Hiner te oxidation mame ofthe etal stom. higher is the aid of the species. Tus aiity follows the oder Ovitson number of CHCIO 2G, (Gyy4 3G) = 0 oF 2G, = Gy, +36, Multiple Correct Answers Type 1. abe dh Applying Le-Chatelir’s principle, when the temperature is increased, the equilibrium shifts in the direaction of less numberof moles, The removal of «reactant and adton ofa produc shift the equilibrium inthe backward direction. Ed 2NaNO(g) — 2NINOe) +0500) AH = positive, endothermic Addon of solids des not affect the equilibria Endothermic reaction is favoured by inrease in temperature. Increased pressure shift the equilibrium in the direacton of less gaseous moles = ‘At constant volume, there is no effect on ation of inert as toa reaction in equilibrium. At constant pressure, forthe tese- tions for which An = O. thee iso effect on adtion of inert as toa reaction in equlibrum. At constant pressure, for the reactions for which 4 #0, the eguiium shit inthe dire tion of more number of moles. cndye. ‘Aiconsant volume, There is elect on addon of ner gas to a reaction in equilibrium, At constant pressure, forthe reac: tions for which A = 0, thee is no effect on ation of inex 88 oa reaction in equiibriam. A constant pressure, forthe reactions for which nO the equilibria shifts in the dire: tion of more numberof moles. Addition of the reactant favours forward reaction. Increasing the volume means decreasing the pres, which shifts the reaction inthe direction of tote umber of gaseous motes, = CO) + HO) —* COs) + Hye) At constant volume, there is no effect on ation of inert gas to aresction i equilibrium ‘At constant pressure, forthe reactions for which A=, there {smo effect on addition of nent gu toa reaction in equim, ‘The presence ofa catalyst just Reps to achieve the equilibrium, Assertion-Reasoning Type 1.4. Statement| js clearly waong in context with Le-Chatlier's ata differen pace. It doesnot affect the amount ofa reactant or ‘product at equim, Only if the reactant concentration is increased, the equilibrium shifts forward andthe product concentration is increase. byend 2Cu! == Cu + Cu" CC and CN® both make precipitate with Cu! and hence ive the reaction tothe let. CCupric thicyanateCu( SCN), black power, insoluble in wate, readily turning into cyprous thiocyanate Cu(SCN) a whitish yellow powder, hence it ala drives the equilibrium othe left Bebe de AH =Cpgy AT Hence enthalpy depends on temperature CaCO. C305 + C0) Ky =Pooy depends only on temperature and not on pressure 4. Enthalpy ofreactonisindependent ofthe catalyst A catalyst generally lowers activation energy AST 39 YEARS] Drincipl, which states tha ‘equilibrium inthe forward direction of those reactions whic proceed with absorption of heat endothermic reactions), and in the backward direction of those reations which proceed & with the evolution of heat (exothermic reactions)" Statement 2s clearly true aguin according to Le-Chatelie’s principle. = ‘We know that for every chemical reaction at equim, Gis fee eneruy (AG'= 0) is zero, However standard Gbb's fee enerey (8G) may oF may not be zero. Thus Statement 1 isfalse For a spontaneous reation, at constant temperature and pres- sure the reaction proceeds in the direction in which AG is <0 lies im the ditetion of decreasing-Gibb's energy (G) so the & Statement 2s tue. ‘Tims, the only such option is (4) which is coerect answer, Fill in the Blanks Type 1. K=KURD where An = No.of moles of gaseous products ~ No.of mole of saseous reacans PREVIOUS YEAR CHAPTE] No change. K, does't gt changed by‘ For reversible reaction, Ng) + 38g) = 2NH,(6) 2 \a+b-297 (a= 20-3 xP where «and b are the motes of Ny and Hat change in mole of Ns ino NH and Pistol pressure at equi lieium. On increasing in pressure on the reaction in equi. rium ess inno change in Less K,= KAR For given reaction, ice Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph. 0861-2662623, 9636608612, 8507613968, NEWTONCLASSES.NET R. K. MALIK’S NEWTON CLASSES 4 , Now, PV» af at xiriam True / False Type 2.05. 100 =» 00821 x00 1 Tne: 2 £20999 When the pressure is decreased, the oiling pont decreases. Now he degre of isscition for Therefore, cooling occurs beease evaporation ndetermic Moles dissociated 09939 snd cooling is caused, PC, ee Fates For, Ay + 8; —=2AB fr [= Xa, }eT" [equation is reversed equlitriam constant reciprocal Ne (Le) equation is divided by equitxum constant nV erin xa l4ar 9939) “| 40.9939 | (41 Ag+ By = 2A8@) ° For Beat, ee aera Aegan (1-3) = x anPto Total volume ofboth cosines on joining becomes 3 “ca woNg Fae ae ee delps to achieve equilibrium at a differen pace. 5 . False: 42 =100- 1505+ 500° of 460 1508+ 100 ‘The rate of an exolbermic reaction decreases with increasing or x=093 and 2.326 which is not valid since xx2 tenpre Forenahemic easton, te valet Kies moles of AB = 2e= 2% 093" 1.86 the value of K decreases. with increase in temperature and vice So a % poe > S06) + me tequila (1-3) 1-3) asa ary Let the total volume ofthe mixture is live ye =) Subjective Type 1. Initial moles Ng) 3Hyg) > 2NHg) alt Bq moles — 1-000 3-a007s 2x0.0028 z 16) Since 0.0025 and 0.0075 are very small, | ~ 0.0025 and 30.0075 may be taken as 1 and 3 respectively. ‘Substitute the various values 0.0025 0.0025, 4x4 434 4 Erers] ) PREVIOUS YEAR CH . Belore dissociation 1.48% 10° itre!mol? Alter dciton| For the equilibrium, ADVANCI where avis the degree of dissociation. ~ f cs Ae)" ow Kea = IR 08107 not) eo) 8210“ire mol 1 spe FN2(6)+ 5 H(@) NH) JE = ro,sa, ‘Moles at oqulibdum x ot Total moles present at eglibrium = 4 +x Given, otal pressure at equilibrium =2.05 atm Office.: 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi, Ph.; 0861-2662628, 9696608612, 8607619968, NEWTONCLASSES.NET CHEMICAL THERMODYNAMICS |JEE ADVANCE PREVIOUS YEAR SOLVED PAPER} Again at 0.1 atm 4a -@ 065 0 65% 5. Consider the reaction, K, 250, — 251 Ina peso 1 Axe (12 in, (Fo,F Atequilibrium Poo, =1=#= 1 ~0.0236= 09764 atm Pog, == Po, =2+ (2) = 2.0118 am 7. Let the numberof moles of hydrogen introduced be n moles, ‘otal moles of CO and hyérogen = 0.2 +n Applying, PY = nk, 492% 5 = 0082x600 (0.2+n) 492x5, D082 x 600 n=03 mol 024m COW) 21i49) — cHOHLe O2-z 03-2" 02-04 03-02 oon tcor= % tH) 9 jen,0% Applying the law of mass ation ou We know that = KR)", Aa = 2500 (0.082 x 600) 2500, = 1.0327 ain 8. PV=nRT (or es) Given that P= 8.5 atm, R=0.0821 L-atwv/K/mol motes (a) 22% 2 85x25 RF 0821x750 ‘Total moles at equilibrium = 0.3451 Cog) + He) — co a Olsmole — amoles Ateqiiviam (015-008) pele (0.16) mole = 0077 mole ‘Total moles at equilibrium 0.07 +(@~0.16) +008 =0.3451 So a=0.3555 mole ‘Motes of hydrogen at equilibrium = 0.3555 0.1600) Atequilbrium, cae =03451 108 mate [co)= 0.08 CH,011] = 2 mo (cH,011 33 mon. (CHK) ___oosns : (25) 86.88 x (0.0821 x 750) Inially motes of CO =0.15 Moles of H =0:3555 ‘Total moles =0.15 + 0.3555 = 0.5055 PI 055 SOS 00821750 am =12450m 2AB.(g) — 2B) + By) Intiatmole ° 0 p-Bxkr v Molestegh. 1-2 Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph. 0861-2662623, 9636608612, 8507613968, NEWTONCLASSES.NET 39 YEARS] ) PREVIOUS YEAR CH ADVANCI JE 10 R. K. MALIK’S NEWTON CLASSES 10. ame Acquis From the graph, itis clear that in 4, decrease in 18 ‘ncenation of4 = 0.2 mal increase in concentration H5]=°S)* =0.009 mou of =04 mel increase in concentration of Bis double one {compared decrease in concentration oA 1H 1= 280.009 mot, (-.Volumeof skis?) ‘herfoesn=2 coo = K,=[H,S}INH,]=0008 > 0.009 = 81 10 (mot? ‘Atequiibrum, As NHHS i solidi mt considered. tal=03 ‘As we know that “Aeitiam, Kx RT vivte {An for above reaction = 2 xt (A= number of gaseous mole of rh sie umber of es tar” 03 sous mole oflef side =2-0=2) For the fist half hous, change in concentration of A is T-27C+273~300K 06-0301 mot (10821 {atom mot ‘80101 mot ct! K,=81 x10 (0.0821 «3007 = 0.048 atm? aT 8. LAG, foreaction . Nia) + x) —= 2NO®) i epanitny) -ath Lethe total number of moles of Ny and Ot sta = 100 nd aoe mg ARDY smunber of moles of Ny at sta = a ar Further tthe numberof oles of NO present stem =x Now A¢=230387 080, +8Cy Ni@) + Os) = 2NOG) vst ote ° Aten (2) (100-00) x Given 24 0 18. gang So, AG=2303RTI0g 0, + 0=2303RT log Op 100 100 2303K7 log 10= 230387 Subsiutng the values in be ation = 2.308 0.82 298 __INor 56.276 L-atm, approximately iN,1031 Ai. Sine Qp 8 more than Ky ex? @xos? (calculate Ky by pitng the value of AGy inthe equation Gea aMI00 a=) * 05} 100 a0} 2.308 RT log Ks MGy = 0 thas why Kp comes & 1) (on usual ealeulion, a= 79 Hence, the reaction wil proceed in backward destin, of st» 79% The van dr Waal guation (of | mole ofa el 3) % of 0; nai = 100-79 =21%. e PCl{g) = PCh(g) + Clg) [oss ]e by RT aur-o t 8 fn] ‘Aegulteim (1-04) oa os ra ‘Total moles at equilibrium = 1-0.4+04+04=14 oF Pig Pot Spe RT, PV =nRT Ye 1 Ve 14x 0.0821 5400 a, or Pye RT+ Pb 4 LADLE sy we 2085 9 ‘To calculate the fatercept P-> 0d to which Vq—> = Tins.thedensiyofouliiam mistmen fr srga/h=4 S40 Thin wecanigoe belativtermsfignchadSacot © equation () hence S [LAST 39 YEARS] 2.1103 z z % g 1X A. Weight of NHS =3.06 ¢ Mote orniis = 3083-006 PV = RT Pb egy aah ee ‘When P= 0, the intercept will be RT. Atr=0—0p6male ° ° Atcqulbri (006-0018)mole O18 mole 0018 mole (62 30% decomposition) Office.: 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi, Ph.; 0861-2662628, 9696608612, 8607619968, NEWTONCLASSES.NET

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