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Inventory voucher perform the function in the invenytory system as accounting voucher
do. They are the mean by which you enter transaction relating to the Inventory. The
voucher record transaction relating to thr issue and reciept of stock, the transfer of stock
between goods owns , and physical stack adjustements. The following inventory voucher
are avalilable:
1. Purchase (Alt+f4)
2. Sale order (Alt + F5)
3. Rejection out (Alt+F6)
4. Rejection In (Ctrl + F6)
5. Stock Journal (Alt+F7)
6. Delivery Note (Alt +F8)
7. Reciept Note (Alt+F9)
8. Physical Stack ( Alt+F10)
Step to go to Inventory Vouchers:-
a) First , Go to getway of Tally
b) Then Click on Inventory voucher which is under the Transactions.
c) And , at last creat a Inventory Voucher under following types wich is given above:

Before creating ninventory voucher , You need some settings. Set the option .
Integrate Accounts and Inventory to Yes in Fill : Feasture : F1:Accounting
Feature / Inventory Features:
Inventory :- Allow Investing .
Enter Purchase in Invoice format ? No
Press F12:
Maintain Multiple Godowns.r? Yes:

To create Goodowners.
1. Go to getway of Tally.
2. Then, Click on Inventory info.
3. Press on Godowns.
4. And creat Godowns. .
Eg:- i) Name : Kumaripati
Under Primary.
Then press y or Enter to accept the screen.Similarly , we can creat the following
ii) Kupondol iii) Jowalakhal iv) Satobato
v) Gwarko vi) Pulchok viii) Balkumari
ix) Patan Dhoka x) Sundara xi) Imadole
Purchase Order ( Alt + f4)
A purchase order has to be mode in the book of the company to assist them in
checking whether the goods have been recivued or not . The purchase order number can be
used as a Pre reference. For example, The company wishes to place an order with the
supplier for some goods.
Purchase order
Description Records placing an order for stock item to suppliers.
Detalis Surppliers leder account , Name and address , Order details , name of
Records stock item , Due on Godowns , Quantity , Rate on, Amount, Narration

Sales Order ( Alt + F5)

A sales order entry has to be made to record this . The sales number can be used as a
reference . For eg: A customer place on order with the company for purchasing some goods.
Sales Order
Description Records placing an order for stock item received from customer.
Detalis Customer’s leder account , Name and address , Order details , name
Records of stock item , Due on Godowns , Quantity , Rate, Amount, Narration

Rejection Out (Alt + f6)

A rejections out entry is passed to record the rejection good. This is a pure inventory
voucher . For example : We have purchasing some goods and have rejected a part of it.
Rejection Out (Purchase Return)
Description Records rejected stock item returned to suppliers.
Detalis leder account , Supplier Name and address , Stock item, Tracking
Records details order details , Godowns , Quantity , Rate, Amount, Narattion

Rejection In (Ctrl + f6)

A rejections In entry is passed to record the rejection good. This rejections In entry is a pure
inventory voucher . For example : a coustomer has rejected good that was slod early.
Rejection In (Sales Return)
Description Records rejected stock item , received from Customer
Detalis leder account , Customer’s Name and address , Stock item, Tracking
Records details order details , Godowns , Quantity , Rate, Amount, Narattion
Stock Journal (Alt + F7)
To record the consumption of goods there is no need for entries on the both side of the
voucher . Such entries can be entered in a sltock journal voucher . For example: the
company transfer the items of stock from the warehouse to the shop.
Stock Journal
Description Essentially Records the transfer of stock from one godowans to
Detalis Name of from and to go down, Name of stock item , Quantity , Rate,
Records Amount, Narattion
Delivery Note (Alt + F8)
Goods that are being delevered to a customer in a Delivery Note Voucher.
Delivery Note
Description Records delivery of new stock to customes.
Detalis Reference, leder account, Suppliers ( If supplamentary details are set to yes in

Records F12: Delivery Note cofiguration) then , Name and address , Order item &
dispatch details, Name of stock item , Tracking details order details ,
Godowns , Quantity , Rate, Amount, Narattion

Receipt Note (alt+f9)

Goods that are revieved from the supplier are recorverd in a receipt note (goods receipt note
-GRN) voucher –
Receipt Note
Description Records receipt of new stock from suppliers.
Detalis Reference, leder account (If supplamentary details are set to yes in F12: Receipt Note
Records cofiguration) then ,order details suppliers Name and address , name of
stock item , Tracking details , order details, Godowns , Quantity , Rate
(optional), Amount (optional), Narattion.

Physical stock voucher (alt +f10).

It considered the stock available based on the entry mode in a physical stock voucher .for
example , on conducting a stock_check ,the company finds a discrapancy between the
actual stock and the recoverded stock figure.
Physical stock voucher.
Description Records the physical stock count as the new stock blance .
Detalis Name of stock item ,Godown ,physical stock quantity.

Entering invntory details in accounting vouchers.

Assusm that the inventories have to be update at the same time as entering the accounting
vouchers. This is particularly useful for organigatioes that send and and recive goods with a
bill or invoice only.
Apart from the sales ane purches vouchers are used to record the sock movement .
 Debit note for good rejacted and returned to supplies .
 Credit note for goods rejacted and returned to costomer.
 Set yes to use Debit/ Credit Notes in fill : Feature ( F1 ; Accounting feature ) Do
not active the invoice mode.
 Make sure that Inventory value are effected? Is set to yes in all ledger account under
the group sales Accounts and purchase Accounts.\
 Set use Tracking Number to No in fill: Feature (F2 : Inventory features)

Go to the garway of Tally > Accounting Vouchers:

 Ensure that in fill: features (F1; Accounting Features) Allow Invocing is set to No.
 Create the followimng Accounting voucher with Inventory details.

i) Purchase Voucher
Select F9 : From the buttom bar 2nd enter:
Date :- 1-7-2019 Date :- 2-1-2019
Ref: 1 Ref: 2
Cr:- cash a/c Cr:- cash a/c
Cr amount 500 Cr amount 100000
Dr vegetable alc Dr; Vegetable alc
Dr: amount 5000 Dr: amount 100000
Narration : Beinng vegetanle purchase Narration : Being car purchase

ii) Salse voucher

Date :- 1-7-2019 Date :- 2-1-2019
Ref: 1 Ref: 2
Dr:- cash a/c Dr:- cash a/c
Dr:- amount 500 Dr:- amount 100000
Cr:- vegetable alc Cr:- Vegetable alc
Cr:- amount 5000 Cr:- amount 100000
Narration : Beinng vegetanle purchase Narration : Being car purchase

Refrence :-
 Tally. ERP 9 Release Notes ©Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
 Tally. ERP 9 Series A Release 4.9 Release Notes
 Google

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