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Seeley’s 1.


ESSENTIALS OF Anatomy & 2. Control of food intake and digestion

Physiology Tenth Edition
3. Tissue development
Chapter 10 4. Ion regulation
5. Water balance
Endocrine System Lecture Outline
7 Endocrine System Functions 2
Endocrine System Glands 6. Heart rate and blood pressure
Figure 10.1
7. Control of blood glucose and other
Cell Secretion Types 1 nutrients

Autocrine: 8. Control of Reproductive functions

• released by cells and a have local 9. Uterinecontractionandmilkrelease
effect on same cell type
10.Immune System regulation
• Example - eicosanoids
8 Characteristics 1
The endocrine system is composed of
 released by cells that affect other endocrine glands and specialized
cell types in endocrine cells located throughout the
body. Endocrine glands and cells
close proximity secrete minute amounts of chemical
messengers called hormones into the
 Example - somatostatin bloodstream, rather than into a duct.
Cell Secretion Types 2 Hormones then travel through the
general blood circulation to target
Neurotransmitter and tissues or effectors.
9 Characteristics 2
• secreted by nerve cells
• Example - nervous system The target tissues have receptors for a
function specific hormone.

Hormones and neurohormones: Hormones produce a particular

• secreted into blood and bind to response in the target tissues.
receptor sites
10 Types of Hormones
• Example - epinephrine and
Water-soluble hormones:
• includes proteins, peptides, amino
6 Endocrine System Functions 1
• most common 16 Inhibition of Hormone
• Examples - growth hormone, Release 1
antidiuretic, prolactin
Humoral inhibition of hormone release
Lipid-soluble hormones: generally involves the actions of
• includes steroids and eicosanoids companion hormones.
Usually each of the companion
• Examples - LH, FSH, androgens hormones performs an opposite
11 Control of Hormone Release
1 For example, to raise blood pressure,
Blood-borne chemicals can directly the adrenal cortex secretes the hormone
stimulate the release of some aldosterone in response to low blood
hormones. pressure, but to lower it the heart atria
These chemicals are referred to as secrete atrial natriuretic peptide.
humoral stimuli because they circulate They work together to maintain
in the blood, homeostasis of blood pressure.
Humoral refers to body fluids,
including blood. 17 Inhibition of Hormone
Hormone release can also be under Release 2
neural control. Neurons inhibit targets just as often as
Following action potentials, neurons they stimulate targets.
release a neurotransmitter into the
synapse with the cells that produce the If the neurotransmitter is inhibitory, the
hormone. target endocrine gland doesnot
12 Control of Hormone Release 2
In control of hormone release by other
Hormone release can also be controlled hormones, some hormones are
by other hormones. inhibitory hormones, that reduce the
It occurs when a hormone is secreted release of the hormone being
that, in turn, stimulates the controlled.
secretion of other hormones. 2 For example, thyroid hormones can
control their own blood levels by
The same three types of stimuli inhibiting their anterior pituitary tropic
(humoral, neural, and hormonal) can
stimulate or inhibit hormone release.
18 Regulation of Blood
13 Humoral Regulation Figure
Hormone Levels
Two major mechanisms maintain
14 Neural Regulation Figure 10.3 hormone levels in the blood within a
homeostatic range: negative feedback
15 Hormonal Regulation Figure and positive feedback
10.4 Most hormones are regulated by a
negative-feedback mechanism,
whereby the hormone’s secretion is
inhibited by the hormone itself once Some hormones, such as epinephrine,
blood levels have reached a certain can bind to a “family” of receptors that
point. are structurally similar.

Some hormones are regulation by This specificity is due to molecular

positive feedback, as exemplified by shape and chemical characteristic.
tropic hormone action.
21 Hormone Receptors 2
19 Negative and Positive Lipid-soluble and water-soluble
Feedback hormones bind to their own classes of
Figure 10.5
Lipid-soluble hormones bind to nuclear
18 Regulation of Blood Hormone receptors due to their lipid solubility
Levels and small molecular size allowing to
Two major mechanisms maintain easily pass through the cell membrane.
hormone levels in the blood Water-soluble hormones bind to
membrane-bound receptors. Water-
within a homeostatic range: negative soluble hormones are polar molecules
feedback and positive feedback and cannot pass through the cell
Most hormones are regulated by a
negative-feedback mechanism, 22 Lipid-Soluble Hormone
whereby the hormone’s secretion is Receptors
inhibited by the hormone itself once Lipid-soluble hormones bind to nuclear
blood levels have reached a certain receptors due to their lipid solubility
point. and small molecular size, allowing to
Some hormones are regulation by easily pass through the cell membrane
positive feedback, as exemplified by and nuclear membrane.
tropic hormone action.
Nuclear receptors can also be located in
19 Negative and Positive the cytoplasm, but then move to the
Feedback Figure 10.5 nucleus when activated.

20 Hormone Receptors 1 When hormones bind to nuclear

receptors, the hormone-receptor
A hormone can stimulate only the cells complex interacts with nuclear DNA to
that have the receptor for that hormone. regulate specific gene transcription.
The portion of each receptor molecule
where a hormone binds is called a 23 Water-Soluble Receptors
receptor site. Water-soluble hormones, such as
protein and peptide types, cannot pass
The receptor site has specificity, through the cell membrane.
allowing only one hormone to bind to
it. Interactions are with membrane-bound
receptors, that are proteins that extend
across the cell membrane, with their 29 Membrane Receptor Actions
hormone-binding sites exposed on the 2
cell membrane’s outer surface.
When the hormone binds to the A second messenger molecule is
receptor, it turns on intracellular produced inside a cell once a ligand
enzymes that ultimately cause the binds to its membrane-bound receptor.
response dictated by the hormone-
receptor interaction. A second messenger, such as cyclic
adenosine monophosphate (cAMP),
24 Target Tissue Specificity thenactivatesspecificcellularprocessesin
and Response Figure 10.6 sidethecell in response to the hormone.

25 Nuclear and Membrane- 30 G-Protein Activation 1

Bound Receptors Figure 10.7 Many membrane-bound receptors
produce responses through the action of
26 Action of Nuclear Receptors G proteins, which consist of 3 subunits.
Lipid-soluble hormones stimulate
protein synthesis. The G proteins are so named because
one of the subunits binds to guanine
Lipid-soluble hormones diffuse across nucleotides.
the cell membrane and bind to their
receptors, with the complex now G-proteins, after several sequential
binding to hormone- response elements actions, interact with adenylate cyclase,
on DNA. an enzyme that converts ATP to cAMP
This action regulates the transcription (cyclic adenosine monophosphate).
of specific messenger ribonucleic acid
(mRNA) molecules and protein Cyclic adenosine monophosphate binds
synthesis occurs. to protein kinases and activates them.

27 Nuclear Receptor Model Figure 31 G-Protein Activation 2

10.8 Protein kinases are enzymes that, in
turn, regulate the activity of other
28 Membrane Receptor Actions enzymes.
1 Depending on the other enzyme,
Membrane receptors act in two ways, protein kinases can increase or decrease
either altering the activity of G proteins its activity.
on the inner surface of the cell Phosphodiesterase, an intracellular
membrane or directly altering the enzyme, breaks down cAMP and thus
activity of intracellular enzymes. results in no further cell stimulation.
Activation of G proteins, or
intracellular enzymes, elicits specific 32 G-Protein Activation 3 Figure
responses in cells, including the 10.9
production of molecules called, second
messengers. 33 Cyclic AMP Synthesis Figure
34 Signal Amplification 1 Small gland in brain
Hormones that stimulate the synthesis Controlled by hypothalamus
of second messengers act quickly and Divided into 2 regions: anterior and
have an amplification effect. posterior

Each receptor produces thousands of Secretes at least 6 hormones

second messengers, leading to a
cascade effect and ultimately 38 Pituitary Gland 2 Figure 10.12
amplification of the hormonal signal.
39 Anterior Pituitary Gland
35 Signal Amplification 2 Actions

With amplification, a single hormone The anterior pituitary gland synthesizes

activates many second messengers, hormones, that is under the control of
each of which activates enzymes that the hypothalamus.
produce an enormous amount of final Neurons of the hypothalamus secrete
product. releasing hormones that stimulate the
The efficiency of this second- production and secretion of a specific
messenger amplification is virtually hormone. Inhibiting hormones decrease
unparalleled in the body. the secretion of a specific anterior
pituitary hormone
36 Cascade Effect Figure 10.11
40 Hypothalamus and Anterior
37 Pituitary Gland 1 Pituitary Figure 10.13

Small gland in brain 41 Anterior Pituitary Hormones

Controlled by hypothalamus
Divided into 2 regions: anterior and Growth Hormone:
posterior Secretes at least 6 hormones
 Target tissues: most
38 Pituitary Gland 2 Figure 10.12  Functions: stimulates growth of
39 Anterior Pituitary Gland
Actions muscles, and organs
The anterior pituitary gland synthesizes  Abnormalities:
hormones, that is under the control of
the hypothalamus. Too much GH causes giantism
Too little GH causes pituitary
Figure 10.11
42 Anterior Pituitary Hormones
37 Pituitary Gland 1 2

Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone (TSH):

 Target tissues: thyroid gland Prolactin:
 Functions: regulates thyroid
gland secretions •Targettissues: mammary glands and
 Abnormalities: ovaries

Too much TSH, thyroid gland • Functions: milk production

47 Anterior Pituitary Hormones
Too little TSH, thyroid gland 6
Melanocyte Stimulating Hormone
43 Regulation of Thyroid (MSH):
Hormone Secretion Figure 10.16
•Targettissues: melanocytesintheskin
44 Anterior Pituitary Hormones
3 • Functions: stimulate melanin
production in melanocytes
Gonadotropin Hormone LH
LH (Luteinizing) for females: Adrenocorticotropic Hormone
 Target tissue: ovaries
• Target tissues: cells of adrenal cortex
 Function: promotes ovulation
• Functions: stimulate production of
and progesterone production
certain corticosteroids
LH for males:
• Target tissue: testes 48 Posterior Pituitary Actions
• Function: sperm production The posterior pituitary gland
and testosterone synthesizes and releases hormones
produced by neuroendocrine cells in
45 Anterior Pituitary Hormones 4 the hypothalamus.

Gonadotropin Hormone FSH The two hormones released from the

posterior pituitary are antidiuretic
Follicle-Stimulating for females: hormone (ADH) and oxytocin.
•Targettissue: folliclesinovaries
•Function: 49 Posterior Gland Hormones 1
Antidiuretic Hormone (ADH):
FSH for males:
• Target tissue: seminiferous tubules • Target tissues: kidneys
(testes) • Functions: conserve water
• Abnormalities: Diabetes insipidus
• Function: sperm production
• low ADH
46 Anterior Pituitary Hormones • kidneys to produce large amounts of
5 dilute
• (watery) urine Hypothyroidism:
• can lead to dehydration and thirst • Decreased metabolism
• Weight gain, reduced appetite, fatigue
50 Posterior Gland Hormones 2
• Low temp. and pulse
Oxytocin: • Dry, cold skin
• Myxedema in adults
• Target tissues: uterus • Cretinism in infants
• Functions: increases uterine
contractions during labor Hyperthyroidism:
• Increased metabolism
51 Hypothalamus and Posterior • Weight loss, increased appetite,
Pituitary Figure 10.14 nervousness

Figure 10.17 • Higher temp. and pulse

• Warm, flushed skin
• Graves’ disease (leads to goiter)

Hypothalamus and Posterior 54 Parathyroid Gland

Parathyroid hormone (PTH):
Figure 10.14 • Target tissues: bones and kidneys
• Functions: regulates blood Ca2+ levels
Thyroid Gland (more than calcitonin)
One of largest glands If Ca 2+ is low then osteoclasts break
Requires iodine to function down bone matrix and less Ca 2+ is lost
Secretes thyroid hormone and in urine.
If Ca 2+ is high then osteoclasts don’t
Thyroid hormones secreted by
break down bone matrix and more Ca
follicular cells: 2+ is lost in urine.

• Target tissues: most

Regulation of Blood Calcium
•Functions: regulates Levels
Figure 10.17
Calcitonin secreted by parafollicular
Thyroid Gland and Parathyroid
• Target tissues: bone and some other
Figure 10.15 (d)©VictorEroschenko
• Function: reduces blood calcium level
Adrenal Gland Actions
when high
Thyroid Hormone Disorders
kidney Adrenal Gland Hormones 3
Each adrenal gland has an inner part,
called the adrenal medulla, and an outer Cortisol:
part, called the adrenal cortex. • Type of glucocorticoids

The adrenal medulla and the adrenal • Target tissues: most

cortex function as separate endocrine
glands. • Functions: increases breakdown of fat
Adrenal Glands • protein for energy uses reduces
inflammatory and immune
Figure 10.18 (c)©VictorEroschenko
Regulation of Aldosterone
Adrenal Gland Hormones 1 Secretion

Adrenal medulla hormones: Figure 10.20

• Epinephrine/Norepinephrine:
Adrenal Gland Hormones 3
heart,bloodvessels,liver,fatcells Cortisol:

•Functions: released as part of fight or  Type of glucocorticoids

flight response  Target tissues: most
 Functions: increases breakdown
Regulation of Adrenal Medullary of fat and
Secretions  protein for energy uses reduces
inflammatory and immune
Figure 10.19 responses
Adrenal Gland Hormones 2 Regulation of Cortisol
Adrenal cortex hormone:
Figure 10.21
• Aldosterone:
Adrenal Gland Hormones 4
• Type of mineralocorticoids
•Targettissues: kidneys Androgens:
• Functions: causes Na and H2O to be • Target tissues: most
retained and K+ to be secreted,
indirectly involved with blood pressure • Functions:
and blood volume
• Males: secondary sexual
Regulation of Aldosterone characteristics
• Females: sex drive
Figure 10.20
Pancreas Actions 1
The pancreas is a mixed gland, 70 Insulin Abnormalities
with an exocrine portion and an
endocrine portion. Diabetes mellitus:
The exocrine portion of the
pancreas secretes digestive  Causes: too little insulin or
enzymes. The endocrine part of faulty insulin receptors
the pancreas consists of  Symptoms: exaggerated
pancreatic islets (islets of appetite,excess urine,
Langerhans), which are dehydration, thirst, fatigue
dispersed throughout the  Type I: insulin dependent (daily
exocrine portion of the pancreas. injections required)
 TypeII:
Pancreas Actions 2
obesepeople,can be treated with
The islets consist of three cell
diet but can turn into type I
types, each of which secretes a
separate hormone.
71 Pancreas Hormones 2

Alpha cells secrete glucagon,

beta cells secrete insulin, and
• Target tissues: liver
delta cells secrete somatostatin.
These three hormones regulate • Function:
the blood levels of nutrients,
especially glucose • regulates blood glucose levels
• between meals glucose levels drop
Pancreas Structure and glucagon is secreted
Figure 10.22 • glucagon allows glycogen to be
©BiophotoAssociates/ScienceSo broken down into glucose

Pancreas Hormones 1 72 Regulation of Blood

Glucose Levels Figure 10.23
•Targettissues: 73 Testes Hormone
e Testosterone:

• Functions:  Target tissues: most

 Functions: aids in sperm and
• regulates blood glucose levels reproductive
• after a meal glucose levels are
high and insulin is secreted organ development and function

• extra glucose is stored in form 74 Ovarian Hormones

of glycogen
• Target tissues: most 76 Pineal Gland Hormone

•Functions: Melatonin:
development and menstrual cycle Target tissues: hypothalamus
Functions: plays a role in onset of
75 Thymus Gland Hormone puberty and

Thymosin: controls circadian rhythms. Light

affects its function.
• Target tissues: immune system tissues
•Functions: •Functions:
promotesimmunesystemdevelopmentan involvedinuterineandmammarygland
dfunction development and menstrual cycle

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