Crop Production - Forage Crops - Fodder Cholam

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roduction :: Forage Crops :: Fodder Cholam

Farmers Success S

and Varieties
District/Season Month Varieties


All Irrigated districts Jan - Feb and Apr – May

CO (FS) 29 & CO 31 (Multicut
Rain fed  

All Districts (Jun - Jul)

ential and Quality Characters


Derivative of the
Gamma ray (400 Gy) mutant of CO
Parentage cross TNS 30 x
(FS) 29
Sorghum sudanense

Multicut Multicut
Duration (Days)
(3 years) (3 years)

Average green fodder yield (t/ha) 160-170 (6-7 cuts) 190-(6-7 cuts)

Morphological characters

Plant height (cm) 220-250 270 - 290

Number of tillers 10-15 12-17

Number of leaves 80-105 90-110

Leaf length (cm) 75-90 85 - 95

Leaf breadth (cm) 3.5-4.6 4.5 - 5.0

Leaf stem ratio 0.2-0.25 0.26

Quality characters

Protein content (%) 8.41 9.86

Dry matter (%) 23.60 25.9

Crude fibre (%) 25.60 19.80

IVDMD (%) 50.30 52

dder Cholam can be intercropped with CO 5  and CO (FC) 8 Cowpea at 1:1 ratio and harvested together to provide nutritious fodder.

of Practices

Season : Can be grown throughout the year as a multicut variety under irrigated conditions.

Soils     : All types of soil with good drainage. Does not come up well on heavy clay soil or flooded or waterlogged condi

Preparatory cultivation : Plough 2-3 times to obtain a good tilth. Form ridges and furrows of 6 m long and 60 cm apart. Spread 25 tones
before ploughing and incorporate well.

Seed rate : 5 kg / ha

Spacing : 30  x 15 cm (Sow on both sides of ridges)

60 x 15 cm ( For seed production)

Fertilizers : Basal: 45 : 40 : 40 kg NPK/ha

Top dressing: 45 kg N at 30 days after sowing
After each harvest, apply 45 kg N/ha as basal.  
After first year apply 45:40:40 kg NPK/ha

After cultivation : First weeding on 25-30 days after sowing. After each harvest a weeding may be given before fertilization

Irrigation : Once in 7-10 days depending upon soil condition.

Plant protection : Generally not needed. If shoot fly is noticed, spray Endosulphan 35 EC 500 ml/ha or Dimethoate 30 EC 500 m
litres water. Plant protection sprays may be stopped one month before harvest of green fodder.


Fodder : First harvest 65-70 days after sowing and there after the ratoon crop may be harvested once in 50 days depen

Seed : 110 – 125 days after sowing.

Storage : Fed to cattle as green fodder or dry fodder and also ensiled.

Green fodder : 192 t/ha/year in 6-7 harvests

Seed yield : 1000 Kg/ha/year

Seeds can be harvested thrice in a year
Fresh seeds have dormancy for a period of 45-60 days and hence should be used for sowing only after 60 day

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