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Earth Sciences
• RESEARCH PAPER • doi: 10.1007/s11430-015-5074-x
doi: 10.1007/s11430-015-5074-x

Integrated research methods in watershed science

CHENG GuoDong & LI Xin*
Cold and Arid Regions Environmental and Engineering Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Lanzhou 730000, China

Received November 12, 2014; accepted March 18, 2015

We discuss the concepts, research methods, and infrastructure of watershed science. A watershed is a basic unit and possesses
all of the complexities of the land surface system, thereby making it the best unit for practicing Earth system science. Water-
shed science is an Earth system science practiced on a watershed scale, and it has developed rapidly over the previous two
decades. The goal of watershed science is to understand and predict the behavior of complex watershed systems and support
the sustainable development of watersheds. However, watershed science confronts the difficulties of understanding complex
systems, achieving scale transformation, and simulating the co-evolution of the human-nature system. These difficulties are
fundamentally methodological challenges. Therefore, we discuss the research methods of watershed science, which include the
self-organized complex system method, the upscaling method dominated by statistical mechanics, Darwinian approaches based
on selection and evolutionary principles, hydro-economic and eco-economic methods that emphasize the human-nature system
co-evolution, and meta-synthesis for addressing unstructured problems. These approaches together can create a bridge between
holism and reductionism and work as a group of operational methods to combine hard and soft integrations and capture all as-
pects of both natural and human systems. These methods will contribute to the maturation of watershed science and to a meth-
odology that can be used throughout land-surface systems science.

watershed science, land-surface system science, Earth system science, self-organized complex system, scale, Darwinian
theory, human-nature system co-evolution, meta-synthesis, macro science

Citation: Cheng G D, Li X. 2015. Integrated research methods in watershed science. Science China: Earth Sciences, 58: 1–10,
doi: 10.1007/s11430-015-5074-x

Earth system science has undergone more than 20 years of and environment systems? How can we better integrate the
rapid development since its conception. The establishment achievements of social sciences so that the large role of
of dozens of Earth system models and the maturity of Earth humans in Earth systems is fully understood? How can the
observation systems indicate that Earth system science has innovations in Earth system science and technology be used
left its infancy and is growing into an adolescent interdisci- to support a sustainable future Earth?
plinary science. However, striking advances in science and The study of Earth system science should certainly have
technology have not produced parallel improvements in the a global vision. However, one prominent problem in the
predictability of Earth systems. To achieve the goal of sus- study of Earth system science is the difficulty of identifying
tainable development of human society, a wide gap must be a basic system unit of the complex Earth. To provide clarity
bridged, and the following scientific questions must be an- and identify efficient methods of integrating the various
swered (Reid et al., 2010): How do the achievements in elements of the water-soil-air-plant-human continuum
individual branches of Earth science fundamentally support (Cheng et al., 2014a) in Earth systems, it may be necessary
improvements in the predictability of the weather, climate, to initially focus on a basic unit of the greater Earth system:
The watershed.
*Corresponding author (email:
Hydrologically, the watershed can be viewed as an

© Science China Press and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2015
2 Cheng G D, et al. Sci China Earth Sci January (2015) Vol.58 No.1

“atomic” unit. Watersheds are found worldwide and include nities in the Hydrologic Sciences (NRC, 1991), Watershed
catchments, sub-watersheds, and major rivers basins. A riv- Research in the U.S. Geological Survey (NRC, 1997), New
er basin is a natural geographic unit formed by divisions of Strategies for America’s Watersheds (NRC, 1999), River
a watershed. Water, sand, sediment and chemical matter are Science at the U.S. Geological Survey (NRC, 2007), Chal-
cycled within a watershed and accumulate at the outlet via lenges and Opportunities in the Hydrologic Sciences (NRC,
water transport. Therefore, a watershed is a system that ex- 2012).
changes material, energy, and information with the external We believe that watershed science shares the characteris-
world while remaining relatively closed within a clear tics of fundamental research in Earth system science and
boundary. applied research in sustainability science. In relation to
Ecologically, the watershed is recognized as a natural Earth system science research, the goal of watershed sci-
unit of the terrestrial ecosystem. One ecologist has said that ence is to understand and predict the complex behaviors of
“studies of watershed ecology are significant in that the watershed systems, and the research methods can be con-
watershed provides an appropriate experimental foundation sidered to be an embodiment of the research methods in
for assessments of ecological theories and practical applica- Earth system science on a watershed scale. In relation to
tions” (Deng et al., 1998). Therefore, we can think of the integrated river basin management, watershed science fo-
watershed as a complete although heterogeneous ecological cuses on interactions between human and natural systems.
unit and study the material, energy, and information ex- Therefore, it is also an applied science with a goal of sup-
changes between highlands, coastal zones, and water bodies porting sustainable development through optimized config-
to analyze and simulate the overall function of watershed urations of natural resources and human activities.
ecosystems and achieve ecological restoration using the
watershed as a unit (Cai et al., 1998; Chen and Ouyang,
2005). 1 Research methods in watershed science
Socioeconomically, a number of national and interna- 1.1 System science
tional administrative boundaries correspond to major rivers
or watersheds of river basins, and economic activity often Watershed science utilizes the same research methods used
develops along major rivers. Therefore, economic zones in in Earth system science, which is a discipline that has a ho-
river basins are important units for planning economic ac- listic perspective and incorporates both holism and reduc-
tivities. Moreover, conflicts related to water usage between tionism. Schellnhuber (1999) noted that research methods in
upstream and downstream populations and other wa- Earth system science can generally be summarized as fol-
ter-related conflicts frequently occur in river basins. There- lows.
fore, the river basin is an ideal unit for managing water re- (1) The “bird’s-eye” principle, in which the Earth is ob-
sources, land resources, and other resources and for study- served from outside. The striking achievements in Earth
ing the issue of sustainable development. observation systems over the past 50 years make it possible
Overall, a watershed is a relatively closed system, partic- to observe the Earth as a whole. On a watershed scale, there
ularly from a hydrological perspective, and its interfaces are also many examples of high-resolution, real-time, and
with external systems are relatively clear, which is helpful integrated remote sensing and ground-based watershed ob-
for determining the boundaries of the system and perform- servation systems.
ing research in a relatively isolated and controllable manner. (2) The digital-mimicry principle by which Earth system
However, a watershed is also a complex system with a hier- models are developed. The modeling of complex Earth sys-
archical structure and integrated functions composed of tems has been referred to as the second Copernican revolu-
water resources, ecologic and socioeconomic systems tion. It has also become common to develop integrated wa-
(Cheng et al., 2011, 2014a). Watersheds have the complex- tershed models.
ity of land-surface systems; therefore, developing a better (3) The “Lilliput” principle, in which physical models are
understanding of these complex systems must involve near- used to perform controlled experiments on complex sys-
ly all disciplines pertaining to Earth system science. The tems. The most typical example is Biosphere No. 2, which
abovementioned two features of the watershed are insepara- is a closed ecological system. We believe that watersheds
bly interconnected, which makes the watershed the best unit can be considered to be a “Lilliput” system in Earth system
for the practice of Earth system science. science because they are relatively controllable semi-closed
After more than 20 years of continuous investigation, a and semi-open systems.
framework of watershed science has begun to emerge. A Holism dominates the philosophical principles of Earth
preliminarily clarification of the research areas has been system science. Ontologically, watersheds can doubtless be
proposed, and its integrated research methods have been considered in their entirety. However, the specific scientific
explored. During this period, reports from the National Re- practice of modeling and observation still relies on reduc-
search Council (NRC) of the United States have played a tionism as the dominant research method (Bergandi and
critical role. These reports include the following: Opportu- Blandin, 1998). Methods of bridging holism and reduction-
Cheng G D, et al. Sci China Earth Sci January (2015) Vol.58 No.1 3

ism will be the main topic of discussion in the following al., 2012). However, the methods of self-organized complex
sections (1.2–1.6). systems have not been applied successfully to allow for
modeling of hydrological functions and ecosystem dynam-
1.2 Complex systems ics. Because self-organized complex systems exhibit ran-
dom and disordered features on the scale of system compo-
Emerson wrote that “Nature is intricate, overlapped, inter- nents but a certain degree of order on the scale of the entire
weaved, and endless”1). Indeed, a watershed is an example system, approaches to simulating the behavior of self-
of such a giant and complex system (Qian, 1991). First, a organized complex systems may require a combination of
watershed’s complexity is reflected in its large size. For deterministic and stochastic dynamics based on concepts of
instance, consider a simulation of a watershed with an area statistical physics.
of 105 km2 and at a spatial resolution of only 1 km. There
could be as many as 100 variables, including those that de- 1.3 Scale problems
scribe the model state and the ecological and hydrological
fluxes and parameters of each response unit (which can be The spatial and temporal scales of watersheds span large
viewed as a sub-system). Thus, the number of degrees of ranges. The spatial scale of hydrological processes, which
freedom in the entire system could be as many as 107, which ranges from that of water molecules to soil cores, slopes,
is comparable to the number of degrees of freedom in a catchments, sub-watersheds, and entire watersheds, can
general circulation model applied on a global scale. Second, range up to an order of 1015. The spatial scale of ecological
watershed complexity is reflected in the watershed’s long processes, which involves DNA to cells, leaves, communi-
history because long time spans are required to simulate a ties, and ecological systems, can range from the molecular
watershed's past and predict its future. Third, watershed scale to a scale of thousands of square kilometers. The
complexity is reflected in the numerous factors and complex temporal scale of a watershed can range from that of ex-
interactions involved in the functioning of a watershed. The tremely rapid biochemical processes to rainfall-runoff and
water-soil-air-plant-human continuum is merely a generali- soil hydrological processes (minutes to hours), plant growth
zation, and each element in the continuum contains a large processes (days, seasons, and years), community succession
number of specific elements. These elements and relevant (decades and hundreds of years) and on up to soil weather-
factors outside the system are interconnected, and human ing and morphological evolution (tens to hundreds of thou-
activities add to the complexity. Fourth, watershed com- sands of years). Despite the wide range of temporal and
plexity is reflected in the inherent uncertainty in such sys- spatial scales, all of these processes are interconnected and
tems. Heterogeneity is amplified on the watershed scale, add to the complexity of watershed behaviors.
and certain processes that are ignored and simplified in However, existing hydrological and ecological models of
global scale models become prominent on a watershed watersheds have primarily been developed by viewing the
scale. Thus, watershed heterogeneity and associated uncer- land surface as homogeneous; thus, methods of upscaling
tainty (Li, 2013) may pose unprecedented challenges. these models to a watershed scale with high heterogeneity
A watershed system is extremely complex, but it also ex- and by non-linear processes domination have presented a
hibits features of self-organization (Dooge, 1986; Sivapalan, fundamental problem in the study of watershed science
2005). For example, the topography, vegetation, and drain- (Dooge, 1986; NRC, 1991).
age system in a watershed exhibit self-similarity on various At present, the upscaling problem in watershed hydrolo-
scales, and the hydrological variables (e.g., soil moisture, gy is typically resolved by adopting the following ap-
evapotranspiration, and groundwater depth) also exhibit proaches. (1) Micro models are used to represent macro
features of self-organization (Rodríguez-Iturbe and Rinaldo, models by adopting the equivalent parameters as the input
2001; Solé and Bascompte, 2006). In addition, different of model; therefore, the differences between the micro-scale
watersheds with similar climatic-hydrological features also and macro-scale are all attributed to equivalent parameters
exhibit similarity in terms of hydrological functions that depend on the scale. (2) Macro models are redefined by
(Wagener et al., 2007). Consequently, a watershed is a assuming that the watershed behaviors are dominated by
complex system with a degree of self-organization (Si- various physical laws rather than the established mi-
vapalan, 2005). cro-scale laws. In this approach, semi-physical and semi-
The self-organization of watersheds provides new op- empirical models are developed on a macro-scale based on
portunities for simulating the behaviors of watershed sys- the conservation of water and energy. The typical model in
tems. Currently, fractal analysis and other methods used to this approach is the Budyko hypothesis and its variants
study self-organized complex systems have achieved suc- (Budyko, 1974; Yang et al., 2007). In this approach, the
cess in the simulation of watershed drainage pattern and input often consists of macro features of the watershed, such
landform evolution (Rodriguez-Iturbe et al., 2011; Perron et as the runoff, averaged temporal-spatial climatic, hydrolog-

1) Ralph Waldo Emerson. 1860. Fate.

4 Cheng G D, et al. Sci China Earth Sci January (2015) Vol.58 No.1

ical variables and fluxes, average geomorphological fea- per-resolution models (Beven et al., 2015). However, tradi-
tures, and statistics of vegetation distribution. (3) Mac- tional models are not necessarily successful, and they often
ro-scale processes are simulated from a statistical mechan- face problems of being overly complex, over-parameterized,
ics perspective. In this approach, the microscopic physical and equifinality; moreover, it is difficult to estimate, trace,
laws are assumed to be correct, and the macro-scale system and control the modeling uncertainty.
is considered to be a statistical ensemble composed of nu- Recently, Darwinian methods have received more atten-
merous scale-invariant microscopic dynamic systems that tion in watershed science. Despite the endless heterogeneity
obey the microscopic physical laws. Through this approach, of watersheds (as mentioned in section 1.2), watersheds of
the upscaling problem becomes a dynamic-statistical prob- various sizes exhibit self-organizing features and various
lem and can be solved using various methods of statistical types of self-similarities. The factors controlling this self-
mechanics. The methods of ensemble averaging and en- organization and self-similarity likely are the principles of
semble forecasting that are used in hydrology are rooted in selection and evolution advocated by Darwinism. Therefore,
this concept. since the 1980s, the forerunners of hydrologic science and
Currently, a number of case studies are available for de- pioneers of eco-hydrology have advanced new ideas based
veloping upscaling methods in watershed science, but the on Darwinism, such as the “new hydrological theory”, “hy-
general theory of upscaling has rarely been examined. In drological law” and “laws at the macroscale” (Dooge, 1986;
addition, the upscaling methods themselves are difficult to Sivapalan, 2005). However, the pace of scientific practice in
verify, which is related to the lack of multi-scale observa- general lags behind these forward-looking concepts. Studies
tions (Vereecken et al., 2007). In recent years, the rapid of the self-organization and self-similarity of watersheds
development of multi-scale observations and experimenta- still primarily focus on the stage of pattern generation, and
tion has provided new opportunities for the validation and these studies have not yielded an operational and predicta-
development of upscaling methods. ble method. At present, a hydrological model has not been
developed based entirely on the principle of Darwinian sys-
1.4 Newtonism vs. Darwinism tem evolution. However, in simulations of the biogeograph-
ical distribution of vegetation and the evolution of ecosys-
Watershed science inherits the legacies of two disciplines of tems, concepts based on Darwinism have achieved certain
natural science that have different intellectual traditions: successes (e.g., Phillips et al., 2006).
hydrology and ecology. Hydrology reflects the traditions of We believe that watershed science should not be a sci-
Newtonism. It is a dynamical system based on the continui- ence of place but rather should move toward a universal
ty equation and energy, mass, and momentum-balance theory, which is required to extend the scientific practice
equations. Ecology, in contrast, reflects the traditions of from one watershed to another watershed and to land-
Darwinism, with selection and evolution as the principle of surface system science. To achieve this goal, Newtonian
system dynamics. The modeling of ecosystem dynamics and Darwinian worldviews must be synthesized by examin-
often involves optimizing a cost function based on the prin- ing watersheds from the different perspectives of hydrology
ciple of maximum entropy or using evolutionary calcula- and ecology. In addition, different methodologies in the
tions. Newtonism emphasizes universality, simplicity, and study of system dynamics and system evolution must be
predictability, whereas Darwinism emphasizes special integrated (Harte, 2002). Because Newtonian and Darwini-
properties, contingency, and self-organization. an theories differ in terms of their philosophical traditions
The practice of watershed science in recent decades in- and operational practices, works that truly synthesize these
dicates that watersheds have a common property of being two approaches are rare (King and Caylor, 2012). The syn-
controlled by the basic laws of water and energy balance; thesis of Newtonism and Darwinism is an important direc-
however, each watershed does exhibit its distinct character- tion for future methodological developments in watershed
istics. Therefore, it is unclear whether watershed science is science and Earth system science (Eagleson, 2002; Harte,
a science of place. Does universality or contingency play a 2002).
dominate role? Are the research methods of Newtonism and
Darwinism in conflict with each other? Is there any room 1.5 Research methods of hydro-economics and eco-
for compromise between universality and contingency? economics
Research methods dominated by Newtonism currently
play a much more important role in the study of watershed Current watershed science studies of the effects of human
science because a majority of ecological and hydrological activities are primarily focused on economic impacts. Rele-
models are based on Newtonian concepts, and these models vant studies have benefited from the development of three
use equations based on Newtonian mechanics to describe disciplines: hydro-economics (Harou et al., 2009), eco-
watershed processes. There is growing interest in develop- economics (Costanza et al., 2007), and water resource-
ing more complex models with an increasing number of economics (Cai, 2008). The focuses of these three disci-
parameters, and there is a tendency toward developing hy- plines are different, although they share certain common
Cheng G D, et al. Sci China Earth Sci January (2015) Vol.58 No.1 5

orientations. Each discipline involves the study of the quantitative methods are referred to as structured problems,
co-evolution of and interdependence between economic and problems related to social factors that are difficult to
activities and natural systems, and they all emphasize that quantify and formalize are often referred to as unstructured,
social-economic behaviors are an indispensable component ill-structured, or wicked problems. New approaches to these
of natural ecosystems and can reshape the entire system. In problems must be developed.
addition, all of these fields are oriented toward sustainable In recent decades, a series of methods called meta-
development. synthesis or soft systems methodology have emerged to
Similar to the research methods of natural systems, stud- address complex unstructured problems. Typical methods
ies of watershed economic systems also apply a variety of include the “meta-synthesis from qualitative hypothesis to
modeling methods. However, watershed economic models quantitative validation,” which was proposed by Chinese
and eco-hydrological models are not tightly coupled. Cur- system scientist Xuesen Qian (Hsue-Shen Tsien). This
rently, the modeling approach in river basin management is method later evolved into an operational method known as
to investigate the impacts of socioeconomics on the hydro- the “hall for a workshop of meta-synthetic engineering
logical and ecological processes based on static socioeco- (HWMSE)” (Qian et al., 1990). The core of this methodol-
nomic scenarios and using these scenarios to drive hydro- ogy is the co-participation of computer technology and ex-
logical and ecological models. Although this approach may perts in qualitative and quantitative analysis. After more
take into account the human-nature relationship, it does not than ten years of development, this methodology has gradu-
establish a dynamic feedback loop from the natural system ally matured operationally. HWMSE has three components:
to the socioeconomic system, and there is a lack of repre- a human experts system, a knowledge system, and a ma-
sentation of the coevolution of human-nature systems. The chine system. It integrates the intelligence of experts, multi-
emerging field of social-hydrology (Sivapalan et al., 2012) ple sources of data and information, various computer mod-
suggests that economic and social factors should be used as els, and high-speed computing power to combine “the sci-
endogenous variables in the integrated model, and a dy- entific theories of various disciplines and human experienc-
namic method of human-nature interactions should be de- es” (Qian et al., 1990), thereby forming an enormous intel-
veloped to explicitly account for the co-evolution of the ligent system. We believe that the operational process of
human-nature system. HWMSE is a method of combining holism and reduction-
The valuation of ecosystem services is another challenge ism, which can be summarized as follows. In step one, an
in coupling economic and eco-hydrological models. The issue, which is defined from a macro-qualitative perspective
focus of natural system models is the material cycle and as a problem for which a definite definition is difficult to
energy flow in ecological and hydrological systems, and provide, is proposed, and the assumptions and scenarios of
economic models eventually value the material cycle and the issue are defined. This process emphasizes the overall
energy flow. However, the valuation of ecosystem services qualitative understanding of the issue. In step two of the
is currently considered to be “an imperfect art” (Harou et HWMSE, ideas and knowledge (primarily qualitative) from
al., 2009), and calculating the value of such services using experts are synthesized by relying on computer-supported
different valuation methods can produce significantly dif- cooperative work. In addition, computers are used to collect
ferent results. Nevertheless, in the study of eco-economics and analyze the data and information from numerous data-
and hydro-economics, understanding that natural capital is bases on the internet. When sufficient data, information, and
irreplaceable and emphasizing justice, equality, and knowledge have been collected, various decision methods
long-term sustainable development will advance studies of are applied to integrate these inputs. Based on the above
watershed management and sustainable development and procedures, a conceptual model is then proposed. During
become indispensable aspects of watershed science. this step, synchronous and asynchronous human-computer
interactions and computer-aided human-human interactions
1.6 Meta-synthesis are critical. In step three, versatile computer models, in-
cluding simulation models, data-driven models, case-based
Hydrology, ecology, and economics are three major disci- reasoning models, and other types of models, are developed,
plines in the integrated study of watershed science, and re- and the models are run to provide quantitative information.
search in these fields is dominated by quantitative methods. In step four, a computer-assisted group discussion of the
However, in addition to the traditional factors considered in model results is conducted in the HWMSE, and if the re-
these three disciplines, social factors such as politics, legis- sults are not satisfactory, the issue is then reconsidered, and
lation, policies, culture, religion, habits, customs, behaviors, the conceptual model of the issue may be refined. Through
and psychology must be considered in watershed science this recursive process of qualitative and quantitative hu-
studies, particularly in the integrated management of river man-computer interactions, our understanding of complex
basins. It is difficult, however, to quantify these social fac- systems is increased, and eventually, solutions to the issue
tors in watershed modeling. Often, those problems that can are proposed primarily based on a quantitative understand-
be represented by mathematical equations and solved with ing (Qian et al., 1990; Yu and Zhou, 2002; Li et al., 2004;
6 Cheng G D, et al. Sci China Earth Sci January (2015) Vol.58 No.1

Gu and Tang, 2005). ti-scale, and real-time controlled watershed observation

HWMSE is a virtual environment composed of humans systems.
and computers and based on the rapid development of in- Over the past ten years, distributed observation systems
formation technology. Internet technology, including web on a watershed scale have become increasingly popular, and
search engines, online encyclopedias, e-mail, instant mes- several watershed observation systems have become well
saging, social networking sites, blogs, web chats, web con- established, including the Critical Zone Observatory (CZO),
ferencing, and groupware that support group discussion and which is supported by the National Science Foundation of
collective thinking, make it possible to rapidly integrate the United States; the Terrestrial Environmental Observa-
collective wisdom and a variety of information. Moreover, tions (TERENO) of Europe (Zacharias et al., 2011; Bogena
the mining of big data and progress in semantic analysis et al., 2015); the Danish Hydrological Observatory (HOBE)
provide additional possibilities for decision-making in- (Jensen and Illangasekare, 2011); the Changing Cold Re-
formed not only by causation but also by correlations found gions Network (CCRN) of Canada (Debeer et al., 2015);
in the data. and the Watershed Observation System in the Heihe River
As for integrated river basin management, HWMSE may Basin, China (Li et al., 2010a, 2013). The features that these
be considered to be a new-generation decision support sys- observation systems share are that they (1) provide mul-
tem (DSS) (Tang, 2007) because it can be used to effec- ti-variable and multi-scale observations, (2) apply sensor
tively address unstructured problems and support group network techniques, (3) provide test beds for new observa-
decision-making. tional technologies, (4) use airborne remote sensing to ac-
quire high-resolution data (such as super-high-resolution
digital elevation models), (5) are used to conduct controlled
2 Building an infrastructure of watershed sci- experiments, (6) are integrated with modeling systems, and
ence (7) are tightly integrated with information systems.

Research methods in watershed science will not mature 2.2 Modeling platform
without significant advances in Earth observation technol-
ogy and information technology. Investigators have applied The study of watershed science requires various models that
concepts of cyber-infrastructure and e-science to describe may be applicable to the integrated study of the water-
the required infrastructure (such as observation, modeling, ecosystem-economy system throughout an entire watershed
and information systems) for the study of watershed sci- as well as to single-discipline studies. Such models may be
ence, and such infrastructure can be conceptualized as a 3M applicable on the scale of an entire watershed and on the
(monitoring, modeling, and data manipulating) integrated relatively small scales of catchments and single sites. In
platform (Cheng et al., 2014a). addition, models may be applicable to understanding a
complex watershed system and verifying scientific hypoth-
eses and applicable to integrated management of river ba-
2.1 Observation systems
sins. Therefore, a modeling platform for managing multiple
Earth system science thrives with the use of Earth observa- models must be developed; such a platform is defined as a
tion systems. Similarly, an important precondition for the “computer software platform that supports the efficient de-
development of watershed science is the establishment of velopment of integrated models and convenient coupling of
watershed observation systems. The advances in satellite existing models or modules, model management, data
and ground-based observation techniques have substantially pre-processing, parameter calibration, and visualization” (Li
propelled the development of individual branches of water- et al., 2010b). Compared with the model itself, the modeling
shed science and reshaped the nature of these disciplines. platform is generally an integrated information technology
Satellite remote sensing has proven immensely useful in system. Various model platforms have been developed us-
measuring the primary hydrological and ecological varia- ing various architectural structures and technical schemes in
bles and fluxes (NRC, 2008) and has allowed for focused the previous few decades (Nan et al., 2011).
scientific objectives and increasingly finer spatial and tem- From the perspective of watershed science infrastructure,
poral resolutions. In addition, a number of new technologies the new generation of modeling platforms should provide
in ground-based observations have emerged in recent years, the following features: (1) Inclusion of models of natural
including sensor networks and a variety of footprint-scale system, such as surface water, groundwater, land-surface
observational techniques, such as cosmic-ray soil moisture processes, the cryosphere, ecological processes, and vegeta-
observing systems and large-aperture scintillometers. These tion growth, and models of human system, such as land use,
new techniques have provided unprecedented opportunities water resource allocation and management, economics, and
for watershed observations, and they have been rapidly in- policies; (2) support for scale transformation to a watershed
corporated into mainstream watershed observation ap- scale; (3) support for simulations of time scales ranging
proaches. Thus, it is possible to establish distributed, mul- from minutes to years, decades, or even tens of thousands of
Cheng G D, et al. Sci China Earth Sci January (2015) Vol.58 No.1 7

years; (4) support for data assimilation and mod- integrated river basin management based on scientific mod-
el-observation fusion; (5) integration of knowledge systems els, and eventually creating a tool to support the sustainable
and use of unstructured information; (6) integration of ma- development of river basins. These goals are undoubtedly
chine learning techniques; (7) the capability to operate in consistent with the goals of watershed science.
network environments and in support of cloud computation; The National Natural Science Foundation of China
and (8) the capability to rapidly customize a DSS. launched a major research plan titled “Integrated Study of
the Eco-hydrological Processes of the Heihe River Basin”
2.3 Data platform (referred to as the “Heihe Plan”) in 2010. The Heihe Plan is
a program that will help China advance the study of water-
The narrow definition of watershed cyber-infrastructure shed science to international frontiers based on existing in-
primarily refers to the data and information systems of a tegrated studies of the Heihe River Basin.
watershed, which highlights the significance of the data The scientific objectives of the Heihe Plan are to reveal
platform in watershed science. The core function of a tradi- the interactions of eco-hydrological processes in an inland
tional data platform is data management, but the data plat- river basin at various scales, i.e., leaf, individual plant,
form required for watershed science should also be capable community, landscape, and watershed scales; identify the
of integrating a large amount of observational and model mechanisms of eco-hydrological processes in inland river
data and generating new data (Li et al., 2010c). In addition, basins under the impacts of climate change and human ac-
the platform should support data integration on three levels: tivities; develop methods of scale transformation in eco-
(1) Database integration, which primarily refers to a unified hydrological processes; establish an integrated watershed
database that can manage all types of spatial data and sup- model of the water-ecosystem-economy system; and im-
port interoperations of data from different sources and with prove the understanding of the formation and transfor-
different structures; (2) data content integration, which re- mation mechanisms of water resources in inland river basins
fers to the integration of multi-source and multi-resolution and the potential for sustainable management. This plan will
data into the datasets used for the development, verification, increase the international profile of watershed-scale eco-
and improvement of models; and (3) data reanalysis, which hydrological studies in China. To achieve these scientific
refers to the application of data assimilation methods to goals, a research platform that integrates observations, ex-
integrate multiple types of data from ground observations, periments, model simulations, scenario analyses, and deci-
remote sensing observations, and model output to generate sion support will be established through a collaboration
innovative new data products. among scientists from various disciplines.
The era of big data raises new challenges for data inte- Since the Heihe plan was launched, a systematic eco-
gration in watershed science. A variety of new data tech- hydrological observation network and a data platform have
niques are emerging; however, these techniques have pri- been established, comprehensive observational experiments
marily been developed based on information technology in typical sub-watersheds have been performed, the cou-
and often ignore the integration of data and models. In the pling mechanism of ecological and hydrological processes
information age, critical issues that require resolution in- have been preliminarily revealed, and a distributed eco-
clude addressing the data deluge, relieving the pressure on hydrological, surface water–groundwater coupled model for
data processing, and dedicating more time and effort to the entire river basin has been constructed (Yao et al., 2015;
solving problems using the data rather than processing the Yang et al., 2015), which has provided a foundation for the
data. Therefore, data platforms should focus more on optimal management of water resources in the Heihe River
achieving seamless, automatic, and intelligent data-model Basin (Cheng et al., 2014b).
integration (Koike et al., 2015). Thus, high-level automated At present, the Heihe Plan has entered the stage of inte-
data quality control, high-level data integration, and new grated research. We believe that the existing and ongoing
data provision technologies are all critical in watershed sci- exploration and practice of integrated research methods in
ence. the Heihe River Basin will substantially enrich the method-
ologies of watershed science.
3 Integrated study of the eco-hydrological pro-
cesses of the Heihe River Basin 4 Challenges, prospects, and summary
4.1 Challenges
The Heihe River Basin has been used as an experimental
river basin for the integrated study of the water-soil- Watershed science, which inherits the epistemology and
air-plant-human continuum in China (Cheng et al., 2008; methodology of Earth system science, can be thought of as
Cheng, 2009). The goals of such integrated studies include the practice of Earth system science on a watershed scale. A
exploring integrated research methods, improving the theo- watershed is a relatively controllable unit, and its scale is
ry of land-surface system science, developing a DSS for moderate; however, land surface complexity and heteroge-
8 Cheng G D, et al. Sci China Earth Sci January (2015) Vol.58 No.1

neity are more prominent on a watershed scale. Therefore, methodology, and transformations from concept to applica-
the practice of watershed science is unique in ways that can tion requires further work and investigation. Watershed
enrich the theory and methodology of Earth system science. science requires its own methodology, which will contribute
Watershed science is a macro science: This means that, to the development of mature methodologies in Earth sys-
epistemologically, the water-soil-air-plant-human continu- tem science.
um should be studied as a whole, and multi-scale heteroge- As the theory and methodology of complex systems ma-
neity should be treated as an integral part of a watershed ture along with Earth observation techniques and infor-
(Sivapalan, 2005). Methodologically, macro laws and mation technology, we can expect breakthroughs to occur in
methods of analyzing a watershed as a whole should be de- the research methods of watershed science in the next ten
veloped, and effort should be focused on achieving these years.
goals by developing operational research methods that Exploration from multiple approaches including statisti-
combine holism and reductionism. cal mechanics methods, self-organizing complex systems
The development of watershed science confronts chal- methods, and models based on evolutionary principles may
lenges that are quite different from those faced by tradition- yield breakthroughs regarding the scale problem, which will
al watershed hydrology and watershed ecology. lead to mathematical equations suitable for representing the
First, there are the challenges at the macro science level, macro-scale hydrological and ecological processes with
such as determining how the self-organizing features of heterogeneity. Using these new macro equations as the con-
hydrological and ecological systems that affect the function trolling equations of hydrological and ecological models,
of watershed systems and further affect the hydrological and we will be able to develop scale-explicit and universal
ecological processes in a watershed are closely related to eco-hydrological models on a watershed scale. In addition,
scale. After Dooge (1986) proposed the search for laws in model uncertainty will be significantly reduced.
hydrology, the forerunners of hydrologic science once op- Moreover, more universal, effective, and operational
timistically speculated that the scale problem would be meta-synthesis methods that make effective use of unstruc-
solved relatively soon. However, progress in this area has tured information and knowledge will be developed. These
not been significant. Although the progress in developing methods will be capable of reproducing and forecasting the
philosophical concepts has been encouraging, theoretical co-evolution of the human-nature system and therefore in-
work is uncommon, and empirical work is even rarer. The corporating human factors into watershed science. The hu-
limited number of empirical case studies exhibit a lack of man factor will become a mark of watershed science. In
universality. Thus, there remain questions, such as those of addition, improved scientific understanding and scientific
developing a universal upscaling method based on sound models will play a more-significant role in integrated river
theory and establishing hydrological and ecological laws basin management (Cai et al., 2015).
that address the macro-scale watersheds with heterogeneity.
All of these issues remain serious challenges for the devel- 4.3 Summary
opment of watershed science.
Second, the integration of human factors into the study of We discussed the concepts, research methods, and required
watershed hydrology and watershed ecology remains a infrastructure of watershed science and developed the fol-
challenge. Natural systems and socioeconomic systems are lowing conclusions.
co-evolving systems, and during the Anthropocene, acceler- (1) As a microcosm of the Earth system, the watershed is
ating human activity has irreversibly affected the Earth sys- the best unit for the study of land-surface system science.
tem, which no longer exhibits its previous rhythms, thereby The water, ecosystem, and human activities within a water-
leading to numerous unknown unknowns2). Therefore, un- shed must be considered as a whole. Watershed science,
derstanding, modeling, forecasting, controlling, and man- from a fundamental science viewpoint, is a macro science
aging the co-evolving human-nature system is another ma- whose aim is to understand and forecast complex watershed
jor challenge confronting watershed science. systems from the perspective of an entire watershed. From
an applied science viewpoint, watershed science emphasizes
4.2 Prospects human impacts and aims to provide a scientific basis for
achieving integrated management of water resources and
Over the previous 100 years, scientific advances in statisti- other natural and social resources and, eventually, the sus-
cal mechanics, control theory, general system theory, and tainable development of watersheds.
complex systems theory have profoundly affected Earth (2) The research methods of watershed science should be
system science. Various concepts in these fields have be- neo-holistic, i.e., reflect a holism that operates through sci-
come conceptual pillars of Earth system science. However, entific practices. In addition, we expect that these methods
not every new theory has transformed into an operational can combine hard integration and soft integration and cap-

2) Rumsfeld matrix,

Cheng G D, et al. Sci China Earth Sci January (2015) Vol.58 No.1 9

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