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140 Classification and Characteristics of Igneous Rocks Q Not Igneous Foidolite F UGS casstcaton of ptonic and of volcanic ccs nthe double tangle O-A-P-F, according to thelr actual mineral eortent (At Srecheicin, 1973, 1976 1973) wil Sandstone Composition Classification equeseyp-snoaub} bb AUN, dul auluasespjoy asejo-o16elg oney Y/4 % bh eyuereliud %0S suuarespia}-y, weUd. sedspia}-4 eyuere ey J be Ash Jo euo\spueg HSS AWD eyuoreuiqns ayuaespjajqng oyuorezyeny X7 %56 0 WoHeoNISSEIZ UojjsodUITD OUOISPULS Folk, PL, Andres, and D.W. Levis, 1970. Detital sedimentary rock cassication and nomenclature for use in New Zealand: New Zealand Journal of Geology and Gephysics, v13, Fig 8, 958, and Fig 9, 959, Brilsh Crown copyright ’ Abbreviation of Geologic Terms ‘greenstone Ginst point ‘gypsiferous oyp porphyritic hematitic hem probable horizontal horiz pyritic f © Shornblende Hol pyroxene hornfels Hills pyroxenite hypidiomorphic hypid pyrrhotite igneous ign quartz ignimbrite goin quartzite iimenite lim - radiolarian inclusion Incl reconnaissance interbedded intoda regular intrusion late rhyolite irregular ireg rocks i iit aie rounded kaointe aol sandstone Keteldspar Kspar saturated laminates lam secondary limestone ls sediment limonite Lim sedimentary ltnologic fit serpentine magnetite Mag siliceous maximum Max siltstone member Mor soluble metamorphic: met sphalerite ‘microline Micr ‘station monimorilonite —° Mont staurolite mudsstone Mdst structure muscovite Muse stratigraphic nepheline Neph ‘surficial ‘nodular nod tabular olvine o temperature orthopyroxene Opx topographic orthoclase Orth tourmaline outcrop tcp tremolite pebble Pol uncontormity pegmatite Peg variegated peridotite Perid vegetation permeability Perm vertebrate henocryst Pheno voleanie phlogopite Phiog volume phosphatic phos wollastonite plagioclase: Plag xenolih 139 porph prob Px Pxt Pye az zt Rad Recon reg Rhy mad Ss sec Sed Spt si Stst sol ‘Sphal sta Staur strat surf tab topo Tourn Unet wrtg vetb vole Wott Xen | INCH U.S. to METRIC yards x 0.914 = meter mile x 1.609 = kilometer quart x 0.946 = liter gallon x 3,785 = liter ounce x 28.349 = grams Ibs x 0.454 = kg mpg x 0.24! m/itr mph x 1.609 = km/hr °F to °C (F - 32) x.555 12 inches 36 inches 3 feet 1,760 yards 2,026.8 yards 5,280 feet 6,060.4 feet 63,360 inches 72,963 inches MEASUREMENT CONVERSIONS METRIC to U.S. centimeter x 0.394 = inch meter x 3,28 = foot meter x 1.094 = yards kilometer x 0.621 = mile liter x 1.057 = quarts liter x 0.264 = gallon grams x 0.035 = ounce kg x 2.205 = Ibs km/Itr x 2.354 = mpg km/hr x 0.621 = mph °C to°F (Cx 1.8) +32 ENGLISH LINEAR MEASUREMENTS = 1 foot =1yard lyard 1 mile statute Imile nautical = 1 mile statute = 1 mile nautical =1mile statute = 1 mile nautical MAP SCALES—ENGL! & METRIC SCALE TINCH= 1 CENTIMETER = noon Ete te _ sono” 2aRRAet att =" 15000 44ST ft fe tess SUM 207 et wooo «SEEEBt ata, Se ee = nepniege 41,667 feet 16.404 feet 12,700 meters 5,000 meters ) a3 Grain-size Scales By Roy L Ingram, University of North Carolina. Modified Wentworth scale. 28, p.996-898. copyrighted by The American Geophysical Union Us. Standard mmm __Inches__phi__mm__GRADE NAME slow Sores soos 181912 = == - pe eyo; cans cee apes | it Sus 40 4 =~ = oeas ' m2 ime 94 ees | me. tot eee ooo. j lage } i eo ye Mei Cots ~~~ i nat GRAVEL i 4 peers ee som i i 18 en. SiS i 8 fom $4 nee Ae 47 die os ee Shas 5 OB ee - No. 10- 46 Oo ao ae in 2-25 Sh, 00 oe medium Sand SAND i ee oat, oe ee Th coc loe. aoginges | Ae === 4.02. | | wee ---- 8 0001 | We = 48 ane | wae ---- +7 0008 | } 1288. 2. +8 (0.004 wie ---- +9 0002 sos ---- +10 0001 eo ---— 11 0008 very fine 114096 - -+12 - 0.00025- Graph for Determinin g the Si i . V. Chiingar- AAPG Bulletin mentary Particles DARK PARTICLES Place sand grains or rock particles inthe central part ofthe circle. Compare the sizeof the particles with those on the graph with the aid of a magnitying glass. Record the corresponding number (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8) in notebook. For samples with particles ot varying sizes, record the most common size fist. 145 Graph for Determining the Size of Sedimentary Particles G. V. Chilingar - AAPG Bulletin LIGHT PARTICLES 0 5e8 :T “6 Relerences: G. V. Chinas, - AAPG Bulletin, Vol. reprinted by permission ofthe American Assccation of Petrloum Seolooe whose permission is required for future use. se 146 Comparision Chart for Estimating Percentage Composition Reprinted from Journal of Sedimentary Petography V . 25, N. 2, p. 229-284, Sept. 1955 1% 2% 3% S : sa 1% 10% 147 Comparision Chart for Estimating Percentage Composition 30% 148 Soil Classification E 3 Coarse-grained Soils i 200 sieve Gravel More than hatf of coarse fraction is larger than No. 4 sieve size Clean gravels (Uitte or no tines) Wellgraded gravels, gravel sand mixtures, litte or no fines. GP Poorly-graded gravels, gravel sand mixtures, litle or no fines. Gravels with fines (Appreciable ‘amount of fines) em ‘ity gravels, gravel-sand-sit mixtures, ec Clayey gravels, gravolsanc-clay mixtures. Sands ‘More than halt of coarse fraction is smaller than No. 4 sieve size Clean sands (Litle or no fines) sw Well-graded sands, gravely sands, Ite oF no fies. Poorly. graded sands, gravelly ‘sands, ile oF no fines. Sands with fines (Appreciable amount of fines) Sity sands, sand-st mixtures. Clayey sands, sand-clay mixtures. is smaller than Fine-grained Soils half of mater More than No. 200 sieve Sits and Clays. Lig tit less than 50 Thorganio sits and very fine sands, rock four, sity or clayey fine ‘sands, oF clayey silts with slight plasticity. Inorganie clays of low to medium plasticity, gravelly clays, sandy lays, sly clays, lean clays. COxganie sits and organic sity cays of low plasticity. Sits and Clays Liquid tit greater than 50 Inorganic sits, micaceous oF diatomaceous fine sandy or sity sais, elastic sits. Inorganic clays of high plasticity, fat clays. ‘Organic clays of medium to high plasticity, organic sits. Highly Organic 149 Soil Classification Millimeters Inches Sieve Sizes Boulders >300 11.8 - Cobbles 75-300 2.9-11.8 : Coarse Gravel 75-19 2.9-.75 : Fine Gravel 19-48 75-19 3/4" - No.4 Coarse Sand 48-20 19-08 No.4-No.10 Medium Sand 2.0-.43 08 - .02 No. 10-No.40 Fine Sand 43-08 02 - 003 No.40 -No.200 Fine Silt & Clay <.08 <.003 >No.200 Clay Undrained | Unconfined Clay Thumb SPT,N | shearstrengihe | Compressive Consistency | Penetration Blows/Ft. (PSF) ‘Strength Torvane _| Pocket Penetrometer Penotaied serail ches by Very Soft | Escapes between 2 250 500 thumb.and fingers wien squeezed In'hand soft. | Eno tae 2-4 250-500 | 500-1000 finger pressure. Penelrated over ig by turd Medium Soft | wih magerta, 4-8 500-1000 | 1000-2000 ‘eng ogo presse Indente Stiff a 8-15 1000-2000 | 2000-4000 with great efor Readily indented Very Stitt | Rem sat 15-30 | 2000-4000 | 4000-8000 indented only with Hard — | ait, by >30 >4000 >8000 thumbnail Sand SPTN | Relative Soil Type Blows/Ft. | Density% FieldTest Easily Peneivao wi very ‘peas Sand 4 0-15 fod puss CaN Loose z : iy Penotated with 1 and 4-10 15-35 ob puted by han i Med, Dense Sand jo-30 | 35-65 | fosenenwina sit hanmer Dense Sand 30-50 | 65-85 | fovarven wana's b harmer. Very Dense Sand 50 85-100 | fedarwenwitva's Bhanmec, a 150 Metamorphic Rocks = ounjows} peyeinusio, = ainjoey Weis. ‘auoispues z Lu poseduoo vow eos neous | z reise ‘ouereedde snoasn-ang 3 SLIZLEWNO Zeno, ag pare A 2 Jou - sues6 ow) ssouoR seunjow4 ‘2. o 3 ‘suyesB seinuesBinbe AueON “t 3 5 mi ‘ss0/6 UeY) 101408 $1 400u °C & ange 1OH eingo uy seosenoys 5 ‘steisAso Gupyooy ‘voulwuo9 - epue|aqwoH omoen eae] g uowwoo-eaw 13 @ paEIO} Al@SIEOD “z. 8 vowwoo-zyeno 123 3 quepunge - sedspie4 2 3 40 SPUR DUNEWIBHE ‘19ife22d-qng °} a a ‘pareyo} URL “b 3 epuaiquoy | 8 8 | siseiq-csAydiod sureuoo = ‘snooidsucou- sedspie4 & | ounioey) oxi-1e0ys Anem * z - ASIHOS ‘uowwoo - zueND 5 | 19m ‘poxsed, sejquiesas Ajuowwog *z 5 3 wepunge-en |e FeO] o £ 3 Jo voneiuauo jaqesed-ang “y 2 a 18 uy a}dooscuojw AyesoUeB a un6eg eney Aew epueiquioy 10 80S eq Aew SUE ME} Y °C z BLITIAHG eau ais yo wewdoreneg | & |aymianns curiae) Anem) .poiemuaig 2] uoeys ANS “L 3 aus uemesvop sion] B she-x 10 edoosco Ayquapy 0} ews oo1 SUI *E 8 aLwis Um Aluo payiiu@p! S}RIOUIN BOBPNS ,AIMIIeY} Ie AWA ‘2 se1sm yng “L | SYN YOOU ADOWHANIN OILSIHSLOVEVHO SSILY3adOUd ONLSIWSLOVYEWHO | auNLxaL| SYOLONYLS sy90y OIYCOW BION syooy o]ydioweN Surface Openings ORE BODIES AND DRILL HOLES Geological Map Symbols 151 High-grade oro Altered wall rock, showing Intensity of alteration Stringers or veintots of mineralization ° Low-grade mineralization Vertical deilt hole Vein of high-grade mineralized rock Vein of low-grade mineralized rock LARGE-SCALE MAPS ‘ Vertical shaft Inctined shatt Portal and open cut Trench Large open pit, quarry, ‘oF glory hole ‘SMALL-SCALE MAPS Inclined shatt x Prospect pit Sand, gravel, or clay pit wa 50" Inclined drill hole, ‘showing bearing, inclination, ‘and position of bottom of hole Va Portal of tunnel or adit ‘Small prospect pit or open cut wing Wz a S wie 2 Dump 7 Portal of tunnel or adit, Mino, quary, glory hole, oF large open pit 152 Geologic Map Symbols FOLIATION AND CLEAVAGE* & oho ¥ Strike and dip of foliation Suike end dip of cleavage Strike of vertical folation = pees: A Strike of vertical cleavage _Horlzontal follation Horizontal cleavage JA EE Alternative symbols for other planar olomonts JOINTS ok Bo -- Seike and dipoffeint strike ot vertical fit Horizontal jin 0 2 pen Sikes and cps of multiple systems BEDDING \ 2 @ ~ Strike and dip of beds Horizontal beds Approximate strike and dip Xo ay Ro Svike cf vertical beds Strike and dip of beds where Stike and dip of ip of beds can be distinguished; used only In areas of complex overturned folding Je Ae — Generalized strike and dip of Strike and dip of beds and, ‘Apparent dip crumpled, plicated, crenulated, plunge of slickensid ‘or undulating beds, “The map explanation should always specify the kind of cleavage mapped 43 Geologic Map Symbols Contacts —__ 7 oon Contact Approximate contact Interred contact 2% ESS iss ee Concealed contact Contact, showing ip Vertical contact, LINEATIONS ae + Wis Bearing and plunge of Vertical lineation Horizontal lineation Tineations 25 2s w\ 10) oo Doubletinestion ‘Strike and dlp of beds and Strike and dip of foliation plunge of lineation lunge of lineation & m™ A Strike and dip of beds Strike and dip ot Vertical beds, showing showing horizontal lineation foliation showing plunge of lineation horizontal lineation Mec Xen bs Vertical foliation, showing Vertical beds, showing Vertical fllation, showing plunge of lineation ‘horizontal lineation horizontal lineation c= 15 ‘40 firike and dip of beds, Strike and dip of folation Generalized etike of folded showing rake of lineation showing rake of ination beds o fltion, showing plunge of fold exes FOLDS ao “ee ¥ a aes aan 2s 40 Amtcine showing Overturned anti, showing nor an casting, Ont nic mtn ving 4p of ims and plunge $25 —F —A—- ee, Syncing, showing cresting Overturned sycine show- Minor synetine, showing plunge ‘ng race of afl srace Plunge andlp of timbs 154 Geologic Map Symbols FOLDS (continued) ay kote ae bee Ta Ay Avproximate axoa Inbred ee wae oy “WOR = Doubt axes, doted Horizontal fold axes where concealed Fold with inclined axial plane, showing dip and ‘bearing of plane and plunge of axis. FAULTS a 90 fas Soba — Fault, showing dip Approximate fault Vertical fault ont Inferred fault Doubttul fault, dotted where Concealed fault concealed v ames = High a Fault, showing relative movement =U up) and movement D (down) pee _— eet Thrust orlowangle reverse Thrust or reverse ful Normal fault, showing ult: upper plate barbs onside of upper plate bearing and plnge of relative movement of lowthrown Block (0) ae EA 5 it, showing bearing and Linoament Reverse faut showing Fowsenge of aoe, bearing an lunge of i fickensides movement of See 2 downthrown block (D) 2 ae eyo Fault zone or shear zone, Foul breccia ‘showing dip 155 Geologic Map Symbols OIL AND GAS WELLS e ° ws cam ve ain sentedot we ¥ © ¥ ars saiea oe oye semi clanigesnel ———Oytchatowctol Aberdeen gn % ¥ we Gaswell with show ofoll —Dryhole,with show of oll Abandoned gas wel, with ‘and gas show of of x % x Gas well Dry hole, with show of gas ‘Abandoned gas well o Shut in well CROSS SECTIONS High angle feuits OE vertical fault Low angle faults overthrust Uunderthnust ae Fault showing relative A.anay ton Soccer “Ttoward observer 156 (@) Depositional texture recognizable Lacks mud) Original andis ‘components INS ML grain supported bound together ———Mud-supporterd _ OM grains >10% grain Cc) (CRYSTALINE MUDSTONE _WACKSTONE PACKSTONE _GRAINSTONE_BOUNDSTONE CARBONATE x10 “Thoroughly recystalized rocks Daminary | ih Some ek sutures (Co> 95%) @o=so%) | PestnareY | Peaicie’” Lime wet Dolomudstone Dolomiti Wackestone | wackestone _|Dolowackestone} Crystalline Crystalline Dolomite doostone | limestone packstone | Dolopackstone Packstone Dolomitic Grainstone | grainstone | Dolograinstone Dolomitic Boundstone | boundstone | Dolobounstone Increasing gravel content gee iE el Re a % Gravel (>2mmn) in whole rock, as determined in outcrop Trace (<0.01%) 5/2 clasts. Clast-poor Clast-rich 5 E (GMc) | intermediate | intermeciate | Conglomerate | Conglomerate 5 ianicte’ | “dance | (©) © z 3S Muddy (0) (0) a Muidy | sandstone | 8 Bl | sendsone | gti, | Clatpoor | Clasuich Sle | ws) on sandy sandy £l5 diamicite diamicite 3 (se) (SID) (0) [Sandstone with Sand Sete) | coreeioas Gravelly sandstone ($6) crise 15" i PALEOGENE 9 lade 3 5 8 ll g i g 2 fe BEE Fae ea ae | i 5 | 2 = 2| TRIASSIC JURASSIC m ali : Q 38 f 5 i oO : plat 8 g |288\ 82 = : PUBL 8 eT fie wba 1 cavern Joaoovcin suman OIOZOANWd . oe AIWAG AIA AAMAINAN wer tau 0 Aages e294 21029 NAEERONSLZICAOEL 1 top ea Kap a fapopeted ate | Bi ft ! a (Po ARCHEAN [3 Bia a | 8 | 8 | 8 3 |Q 3 ‘ > Mi ; 3 Par 5 | 2/3 Els a z i z 3) 8 ls/ §/a EVEVETEPELE/ EVE E (ae /2 - be 8 ye a

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