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I am Musila Magdalene a second year student of St.

Augustine University of Tanzania

(SAUT) Arusha Centre, PursuingBachelor of Arts with Education (BAED). I am conducting
a research with the title“Factors causingdivorce among Young Couples in Tanzania, A
case study of Arusha City.” Kindly I request the information from you so as toaccomplish
this Research. The information will be used for the research only.
Part A:Demographic information
1.Please put a tick[√] in the box next to the answer of your choice or write in the space
i.Sex :a)male b) Female
ii.Age: a) 18-24b) 25-30 c) 31-45 d) 46+
iii. a) Christian b) Islamic c ) Others
Part B. Put your Check Mark for your correct choice
2. i). Have you ever come across divorced couples?
a) Yes b) No c) Somehow d) Not at all
ii). Have you ever had a dialogue with any of the divorced persons?
a) Yes b) No c) Somehow d) Not at all
iii). Do you agree with the issue of divorcein our society today?
a)Yes b) No
iv). Are you happy or sad with the situation of divorce among young couples in our society
a) Happy b) Sad
3. What do you think could be the causes of divorce among young couples in our society

4. How do you feel about the brokenness of young couples in our society today?
5. What do you think might be the cause of this early stage of young couple’smarriage
to get divorced?

Part C:
6.a). What kind of weaknesses do you realize in these two young couples?
On this table put a check mark on the other factors Agree Neutral isagree
i) Jealousy in love affairs
ii) No enough knowledge on relationships
iii) Early marriages
iv) family pressure
v) Different attitude of the couples
vi Culture differences
vii Intermarriage among the tribes
viii Being in relation by force
ix Religious differences

7.What are the challenges resulting from divorce among young couples in Arusha city?
9.What are the strategies that could be used to address the divorce among young couples in
Arusha City?

10. How differently would you suggest possible ways to create a healthy relationship
among young couples in Arusha City?

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