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Time: 5th April– 10thApril 2020


1. Answer ALLquestions in this paper.

2. All workings should be written in the respective subject exercise book.
3. Any need for consultation use the following phone numbers for teachers.
i. Sir Yohana 0769962485
ii. Sir Zabron 0757057265/0621912238
iii. Sir Msigalla 0769622985/0684716417
iv. Sir Lupembela 0684874330/0757219175
v. Sir Lwaka 0752787754
vi. Sir Tumain 0766598767
vii. Sir Nicolaus 0768078981/0625609368
viii. Sir Elikana 0767033979
ix. Sir Martine 0759053233
x. Sir Mbena 0658228822
xi. Md. Leilah 0787438305
xii. Sir Kdibuka 0693113996


1. In which stage did the man start making and designing tool?
2. Give one example of the past remain which can be determined its age by carbon 14
3. Who was Charles Darwin in relation to the origin of man?
4. How historical information can be obtained by historian researchers (seven methods).
5. Did man originate from apes? Why the modern monkeys do not change into human


1. The planet earth continents are said to undergo evolution. Prove this with concrete
2. Explain the following concepts of geography.
(i) Time zone (ii) Greenwich mean time. (iii) Local time
(iv) Physical geography (v) The sun.
3. How longitudes differ from latitudes (four difference).
4. How aphelion differs from perihelion?
5. Give difference between apogee and perigee.


1. Mention six consequences of not applying life skills.

2. Mention six importance of not studying civics.
3. Explain any five aspects of effective decision making skills.
4. (a) Define the term coat of arm
(b)Mention twelve components of the National emblem
5. Define the term constitution and give five importance of the National constitution.

1. Using diagram show the elements of commerce
2. Mention five (5) Features of Human wants
3. Outline three (3) differences between economic and commerce
4. Mention five(5) drawbacks of barter trade system
5. Outline any five (5) factors for rapid development of commerce in Tanzania
6. Why commerce should be taught in school? (5 points)

1. (i) Outline five(s) principles of person hygiene

(ii)List any five (5) items /equipment needed to keep you and your environment clean.
2. Write all the procedures of helping a person who has got accident of snake bite.
3. Mention common five (5) accidents found at school and at home.
4. What are the five (5) effects of poor waste disposal in our environment.

1. Use DO or DOES to fill in the space provided in the following sentences.
i. …….we like going to football ground?
ii. ……. Stella like writing English notes?
iii. …….. Chausiku like swimming in small pond?
iv. Yes, I …… like riding a bicycle to my uncle.
v. My dog …. Mock to the passer-by.
2. Using the words below, complete the following expressions.
(Chef, tailor, airhost, secretary, student, manager, customer, thief)
i. A person whose job s to make clothes like suites for an individual customer is
called ……
ii. A male flight attendant is called……….
iii. A person that buys something from a shop or business is called ……..
iv. A person whose profession is to cook in the hotel or restaurant is called ………
v. A person who takes other people properties without permission is called ………
3. Fill in the blank spaces with the appropriate preposition of time( at , in , on)
a. The party started ….8:00
b. The guest of honor arrived ……12:00
c. We ate lunch …. The evening
d. I go to church … Sunday.
e. We arrived at school …. The morning.
4. Introduce yourself with not less than 100 words considering the following instructions
i. Your name
ii. Your parents and relatives.
iii. Your birth place
iv. Primary education background
v. Your Secondary school.

1. Rafiki yako Julius anapenda sana hadithi. Leo ameomba umsimulie hadithi ya kufurahisha
na kuburudisha ambayo kifasihi huitwa soga. Andika hadithi hiyo katika ukurasa mmoja.

2. Wakati unasafiri kuelekea nyumbani kutoka Dar es Salaam jana ulikutana na rafiki yako
uliyesoma naye shule ya msingi Makwela Jr. Mlizungumza mambo mengi lakini mlijadili
sana kuhusu ugonjwa unaosababishwa na virusi vya Corona (Covid 19). Andika katika
ukurasa mmoja na nusu majibizano yenu.

3. Eleza tofauti mbili zilizopo kati ya Kiwakilishi na Kivumishi huku ukitoa mifano mitano
(5) kwa kila tofauti.

4. (a) Nini maana ya kiambishi?

(b) Taja aina za viambishi na utoe mifano mitatu kwa kila kiambishi kwa kupigia mstari.

5. (a) Katika kujifunza aina za maneno niaina ipi ya neon ilikupatia ugumu kuielewa?

(b) Ifafanue aina hiyo ya neon ili hata rafiki yako Samson akisoma ataelewa.

1. a) Mention four advantage of first aid.
b) What uses of:
i) Liniment ii) Painkiller iii) Iodine tincture.

2. a) Define the following and give one example to each:

i) Contact force ii) Action at a distance force.
b) Mention only five effect of force.

3. what is the volume of an irregular solid immersed in 50cm3 of water contained in a beaker
if it raised the water level to 57cm3.

4. a) Mention three common examples of errors.

b) Mention the importance of measurement.

5. The rocket above moves from the earth to planet X. if it weight 100N and 300N on the
earth and on planet X respectively, determine the gravitational force on planetX.


1. a) Change to fraction the 0.5 25

b) Find the value of X from -2x + 8 = 4x – 4

2. Write in words the following number.

a) 895674 b) 1005823

3. Find the value of X and Y from 5 = 2x + y = x – y

4. Find the LCM and GCF of numbers:

96, 108, 120 and 150.

5. Simplify
a) 4 + 3⅟4 ÷1⅟2 × ¾
b) 2{3x – [2x – (3x + 1) + 5x]}


1. (a) Give two applications of chemistry in everyday life and for each give example
(b) Give four characteristics of good laboratory
2. (a) Why most of laboratory apparatii are made of glass, give three reasons
(c) Give all the scientific procedures in ascending order

3. a) Name the two products in each of the following fields made by the application of
Types of classes of Fire extinguisher
i) D i) ……………………………………………….
ii) ……………………………………………….
ii) E i) ……………………………………………….
ii) ……………………………………………….
i) ………………………………………………..
iii) B
ii) ………………………………………………..

b) Explain any two methods of preventing rusting you know

4. Why is it important to provide First Aid to an injured person? Give four reasons
5. For each of the following indicate whether the process is a chemical or physical
i) Burning of a candle _____________________________________
ii) Decaying of meat _______________________________________
iii) Dissolution of common salt in water ______________________________
iv) Freezing of juice _________________________________________________


1. Classify the following items into liabilities and assets

(a) Computer (b) Buildings (c) Accounts payable for inventory (d) Inventory

(e) Accounts receivable (f) Cash in Bank (g) Bank overdraft (h) Loan to John

(i) Vans

2. Mention six (6) uses of books of prime entry.

3. Record the following transactions in the cash book of Rehema, a trader.
July 1. Started business with cash 3,800
2. Bought goods on cash 2,000
3. Sold goods in cash 3,000
10. Cash purchases 4,000
15. Paid wages in cash 1,500
18. Bought furniture in cash 1,500

28. Received cash from Ombela 5,800

4. Complete the following table


(i) Purchases day book

(ii) Sales day book

(iii) Debit note

(iv) Cash book

5. On October 2011 the financial position of M. Mombo, a trader,was as foolws:

Freehold premises 5,000,000
Cash at bank 800,000
Cash in hand 76,000
Trade debtors: H. Nkasi 83,000
N. Samba 41,000
Trade creditors: Lida store 54,000
M. Mashaka 33,000
Mkull and Sons Ltd 167,000
Fixture and fittings 200,000
Stock on hand 400,000
Motor vehicles 3,000,000

Enter the above ledger balances in the journal proper.


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