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High Yield Cardiology

Internal Medicine Shelf

Amanda Krauss, Adee El-Hamdani
-Compiled from UWorld, OnlineMedEd, MTB, NBME
Chest pain
● Cardiac chest pain ● 1. Substernal 2. Worsened with exertion
and relieved by rest 3. Relieved by
● Diabetics and females
● Most likely to present without cardiac
● EKG (outpatient), troponins (ER)
chest pain ○ STE (>2mm), new LBBB
● Best initial test ○ Troponins-increasing >0.04, 3x
○ What are you looking for on EKG? ○ Troponin for reinfarction-myoglobin
○ What are you looking for on troponins? ● Morphine, O2, Nitrates, Aspirin, BB, ACEi,
○ Reinfarction?
Statin, Heparin (MONA BASH)
● Medications
● Risk factors ● DM (#1), HTN, HLD, Age>45M, >55F,
● So, if the troponins are negative and the smoking
EKG is normal-what is the next best step? ● Stress them
● Who cannot be stressed? ● LBBB, LVH, Pacer, Digoxin
● What chemical stress would you avoid in ● Dipyridamole (other options are
an asthmatic? adenosine, dobutamine with echo)
● What are you looking for on nuclear ● Reversible defects-if a defect is present at
imaging? rest and under stress, it cannot be
salvaged through an intervention.
However, if there is a defect that is only
present during stress, an intervention can
salvage it.
Intervention options
● PCI timeline? ● Door to balloon in 90 minutes
● When can you use thrombolytics? ● Question has to go out of the way to tell
○ Time limit? you they are in the boonies
○ Contraindication to thrombolytics? ○ <30 minutes if no PCI or PCI >2 hours
● What can you stent? away
● When do you need to call CT surgery? ○ Intracranial hemorrhage
○ Recent ischemic stroke (6 mo)
○ Surgery past 2 weeks
○ BP >185/110
● Stent >70%
● CT for CABG if
○ L main
○ >3 vessels
○ >2 vessels in DM
Discharge medications and complications
● What meds are you sending them home ● Short acting nitrates, ASA (+ clopidogrel if
on? stenting), BB, ACEi, Statin
○ How long for the clopidogrel? ○ 6 months if DES, 1 month bare metal
○ What BB? ○ Metoprolol, bisoprolol, carvedilol
○ What statins and what is the goal? ○ High intensity (atorvastatin, rosuvastatin;
● MCC death post MI goal <70)
● Arrhythmia
Post MI Complications
● RCA occlusion-leads ● II, III, aVF
○ Initial treatment ○ Fluids-nitro will not help because the issue
○ Severe pulmonary edema and new is preload
holosystolic murmur 3-5 days post MI ○ Papillary muscle rupture, leads to new MR
● LAD occlusion-leads murmur
○ New onset chest pain, shock, distant heart ● V1, V2, V3, V4
sounds ○ Free wall rupture, leads to a new
● LAD or RCA-new holosystolic murmur, tamponade presentation
step up in O2 level from RA to RV ● Interventricular septum rupture, leads to
● HR <60 post MI VSD murmur
● Re-infarction? ● Bradycardia post MI
● Pleuritic CP weeks later? ● Myoglobin
● Persistent STE? ● Dressler-give NSAIDS
● Aneurysm
• EKGs are measuring vectors based on particular lead
• Heart should depolarize from R to L and top to bottom
• Natural conduction system is the most efficient conduction system
• If you have the current depolarizing but in a direction that the system
isn’t made for-timing of a particular segment is going to be off
• Net current towards something gives an upward deflection,
away gives a downward deflection
• PR
• Glimpse of SA to AV conduction
• Shortened (<.2) in WPW because the Bundle of Kent depolarizes before the
conduction from SA to AV occurs
• Prolonged (>.2) in AV Blocks
• If the heart cannot use that conduction pathway because there is a block or
current is going the wrong direction, it will take >.12s
• RBBB, LBBB, pacemaker, WPW
Electrolytes on EKGs
Hyperkalemia-peaked t wave
Treatment? 1. Calcium gluconate-stabilize cardiac
2. Kayexalate-poop out the potassium
3. Insulin and glucose (do not just give
insulin because you will make the patient

Hypokalemia-u wave

As an aside, most questions involve

hyperkalemia in context of crush or
burn victims
Electrolytes on EKGs

Hypocalcemia prolonged QT

Hypercalcemia-shortened QT
If severe >14 treat with NS hydration,
calcitonin, and pamidronate or
another bisphosphonate for
Electrolytes on EKGs
First degree AV block-just long PR

Second degree
Type I-PR
lengthens then
drops a beat
3rd degree-no
-Lyme and
a-waves on

2nd degree type

dropped beats

Atrial fibrillation
Atrial Fibrillation
• EKG? • Irregularly irregular-no p waves
• Risk factors for development of and irregular RR intervals
atrial fibrillation? • AE from HTN or CAD
• Rate or rhythm control (more
• Management? common rate), and
• What will you check in a patient anti-coagulation
• MCC is hyperthyroidism so check
with new onset Afib? TSH/T4
• Considered acute vs chronic? • <48 hours is acute and does not
require anticoagulation before
To Anticoagulate or Not
● CHA2DS2-VASc-What scores for what? ● >2 NOAC or OAC, <2 ASA or nothing
○ C? ○ CHF
○ H? ○ HTN
○ A? ○ Age >75
○ D? ○ DM
○ S? ○ Stroke
○ V? ○ Vascular (PAD, MI)
○ A? ○ Age 65-74
○ Sc? ○ Sex (Female)
Atrial flutter
• Consistent electrical circuit
• Sawtooth appearance
• Consistent RR interval
• Treat with OAC, rate or rhythm control
Multifocal Atrial Tachycardia

High yield association-lung disease

Electrical alternans in cardiac tamponade
Distant heart sounds, JVD, hypotension (Becks Triad)
Pulsus paradoxus (fall in BP>10 w/ inspiration)
● EKG? ● WPW
● What is causing it? ● Accessory pathway through Bundle of
● Drugs to avoid? Kent
● Tx? ● Avoid adenosine, beta blockers, CCB, and
digoxin (ABCD-essentially all drugs that
slow conduction through AV node because
increases chance of vfib)
● Tx with procainamide
SVT-come in with palpitations
and sweating
Tx? Carotid massage first,
then try meds


Tx? Mg
(ondansetron, anti-psych,
● Unstable-hypotension, change in ● DC conversion
consciousness, chest pain? ● Atropine and pacemaker
● Symptomatic bradycardia tx? ● VFib and pulseless VTach
● Shockable rhythms? ● Alternating epinephrine and amiodarone
● Medications in VFib and pVT? between CPR
Congestive Heart Failure
● Forms of CHF ● Diastolic dysfunction (preserved EF >50%),
● Best initial test systolic dysfunction (reduced EF <40% in setting
of ischemic heart disease and HTN)
● Most accurate test
● Transthoracic echo, if first presentation of
○ When would you actually use this?
CHF-EKG is indicated to ensure decompensation
● Medications-special note of decreased is not a result of ischemia/infarction
mortality ● MUGA
● Medications for acute decompensation ○ Pre-chemotherapy for a cardiotoxic agent
● Salt and fluid recommendations (ex. doxorubicin)
● ACEi, BB (carvedilol, bisoprolol, metoprolol),
● Indications for implantable defibrillator
spironolactone (NYHF III, IV), (diuretics, digoxin
do not decrease mortality but it improves
symptoms and decreases admissions)
● Lasix, Morphine, Nitrates, O2, Positional relief
● <2L fluid, <2g salt
● EF <35% and NYHF III, IV
Congestive Heart Failure
Cor pulmonale
● Common causes are COPD, ILD, OSA.
● Present with dyspnea on exertion.
● Exam shows increased JVP, peripheral edema, loud S2, right sided heave, and pulsatile liver from congestion.
● EKG in pericarditis ● Diffuse STE (concave) and PR depression
● Best initial treatment ● NSAIDS
○ Uremia ○ Indication for hemodialysis
● Role of colchicine ● Decreases recurrences
● MCC ● Viral
○ Others ○ MC other etiology in practice
questions-Lupus, RA
● Calcifications on imaging, pulsus ● Constrictive pericarditis
paradoxus, pericardial knock, and ○ Can occur in setting of viral pericarditis,
Kussmaul’s sign cardiac surgery, or radiation therapy
● Best initial test ● Blood culture (x3-do before imaging), TTE,
● Best initial treatment TEE
● IVDU-MC valve ● Vancomycin and gentamicin
○ What would the murmur sound like? ● Tricuspid
● MC valve for HACEK and Strep pneumo ○ Holosystolic murmur, increases with
○ What would the murmur sound like? inspiration
○ Treatment if HACEK ● Mitral valve
● What do you do if you find strep bovis? ○ Holosystolic murmur
● Who gets penicillin ppx in oral ○ Ceftriaxone
procedures? ● Colonoscopy
● Prosthetic valve, previous history of
endocarditis, cardiac transplant,
unrepaired cyanotic heart defect
● Different forms of cardiomyopathy ● Dilated, hypertrophic, hypertrophic
obstructive, restrictive
● Causes of dilated cardiomyopathy
● Myocardial infarction, alcohol, postviral,
○ Medications that decrease radiation/doxorubicin, Chagas
mortality ○ ACEi/ARBs, BB, and spironolactone
● Causes of hypertrophic ● MCC HTN
○ Avoid increase in HR and decrease
cardiomyopathy in LV chamber size (ACEi, ARB)
○ Meds to avoid ○ Tx with BB, diuretics
○ Tx
● Causes of hypertrophic obstructive ● AD sarcomere mutation
cardiomyopathy ○ Ablation of septum, defibrillators; BB, CCB
○ Tx ● Sarcoidosis, amyloidosis,
● Causes of restrictive cardiomyopathy hemochromatosis, fibrosis, scleroderma
○ Pt with CHF, LVH and proteinuria; no HTN; ○ Amyloidosis
waxy skin, anemia, big tongue ○ Low voltage
○ EKG ○ Speckling
○ Echo
• If it is a text question-go to the description of the murmur and start eliminating
(Megri’s Method)
• Systolic
• ASS (Aortic stenosis, pulmonic stenosis, tricuspid regurg, mitral regurg)
• Diastolic
• Aortic regurg, pulmonic regurg, tricuspid stenosis, mitral stenosis
• Holosystolic
• VSD, tricuspid and mitral regurg
• If you get in trouble-try to think about the murmur relative to the cardiac cycle
• Murmurs-think of as feed forward issues or backflow issues
• Feed forward-from valves that should be open but are not good at opening because they are stenosed
• Backflow-valves that should be closed that are allowing backflow
• Systole-open A/P, closed M/T
• Diastole-open M/T, closed A/P

• Best initial test? • Echo

• What kind of murmurs are we • Grade III or more, diastolic,
concerned about? pansystolic, radiating, or
Aortic stenosis
● Pathophysiology of AS ● Senile calcifications (MC>70), bicuspid
● Presentation aortic valve (association with Turner’s),
● Murmur late manifestation rheumatic heart
● Syncope, CHF, angina
● Systolic murmur, radiates to carotids
• Murmur? ● Late systolic with click
• Pathology? ● Myxomatous degeneration
● Treatment only indicated if symptomatic
• Treatment?
with heart palpitations, treat with BB
• Repercussions? ● Predisposes to IE (Strep Viridans-only
damaged valves)
Aortic regurgitation/dissection
● Widened pulse pressure and diastolic ● Aortic Regurgitation
murmur? ● Aware of heart beat due to LV
● Patient experience of AR? enlargement
● Associations? ● Connective tissue diseases, syphilis,
● Pain radiating to the back, pressure >20 ankylosing spondylitis
between arms, new onset aortic ● Aortic dissection
regurgitation? ● TEE
● Most specific and sensitive?
Mitral regurgitation
● Holosystolic, radiation to axilla
• Murmur and radiation
● Can be manifestation of RF, MVP is the
• Cause? most common cause of MR in developed
• In setting of IE or MI? countries
• P wave abnormalities in EKG? ● Chordae in IE, papillary muscle rupture
● Looks like m
• Manifestations of LAE?
● Predisposes to A. Fib, splays carina on
XR, can cause hoarseness and dysphagia
Coarctation of the aorta
● Underdeveloped lower extremity with ● Coarctation of the aorta
brachial-femoral pulse delay ○ LVH
○ EKG? ○ 3 sign with rib notching
○ CXR? ○ Turner syndrome
○ High yield association-genetics?
● Dysfunction in HOCM? ● Diastolic then systolic due to fibrous
● Murmur? replacement of sarcomeres
● EKG? ● Mitral regurg
● Treatment? ● Septal Q waves
● CCB or BB
Maneuvers on Murmurs
Murmur buzzwords
● Holosystolic(MR, VSD, TR) ● Murmur with Click-MVP
● Early systolic (AS, PS, HOCOM) ● Radiates to the Axilla-MR
● Mid systolic (MVP, ASD) ● Opening snap-MS
● Diastolic (MS, TS, AR, PR) ● Hyperdynamic circulation or signs-AR
● Best indication for MUGA to determine EF before starting cardiotoxic
● MC cause in questions-doxorubicin

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