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BENNING Operating instructions

with Thysat controller

Date Designation No. 4407 en

Issued: 11.01.07 Mo/Obs Kocar. p. l /5 7p.
Revision: 23.10.09 Mo/Obs
Checked: 23.10.09 Mohr
C:\Users\enk:_a\AppData\Local\Temp\_D3TMP1 \Release\4407 EN TDG3(A4 702607).DOC
BENNING Rectifier THYROTRONIC with Thysat controller

1 General ........................................................................................................................... 6

1.1 Purpose of the Operating Instructions ............................................................................ 6

1.2 Scope of the Operating Instructions ............................................................................... 6

1.3 Presentation remarks ...................................................................................................... 7

2 Safety .............................................................................................................................. 8

2.1 General ........................................................................................................................... 8

2.2 Personnel qualifications ................................................................................................. 8

2.2.1 Commercial use .............................................................................................................. 9

2.3 Use as intended ............................................................................................................... 9

2.4 Safety instructions concerning place of use and storage .............................................. 10

2.4. l Safety instructions for battery use ................................................................................ 10

2.5 Safety instructions concerning setting up and installation ..................... ~ ..................... 11

2.6 Safety instructions concerning operation ..................................................................... 11

2.7 Safety instructions concerning troubleshooting and repair .......................................... 12
3 Product details ......... ..................................................................................................... 13
3 .1 Description ................................................................................................................... 13

3 .2 Type designation .......................................................................................................... 14

3 .3 Remaining risk ............................................................................................................. 14

3.3.1 Battery .......................................................................................................................... 16

3.4 Description of protective installations .......................................................................... 16

3.5 Identifications and signs on the rectifier ...................................................................... 17

4 Assembly, installation and start-up .............................................................................. 18

4.1 ,Mains connections and mains fuses ............................................... .............................. 18

5 Operation ............................................................. ......................................................... 20

5.1 Indicator and operating panel ....................................................................................... 21

5.1.1 LCD operating panel .................................................................................................... 22

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BENNING Rectifier THYROTRONIC with Thysat controller


5.1.2 LED bar ........................................................................................................................ 24

5.2 Test and reset button......... ............... .. ...... ....... .. ......... ................................................... 25

5.2.1 Unit switch Off/On.... ........... .... .................. .................................................................. 25

5.3 Initial start-up and function test ................................. ............. ......... .. ............ ..... .... .....26

5.4 Description of the general menu levels/options ........................................................... 28

5.5 Component description ................................................................................................. 28

5.6 Switching-on the unit ................................................................................................... 29

5.7 Switching-on process on the controller ........................................................................ 29

5.8 Operation modes - charging states ............................................................................... 30

5.8.1 Float charging ............................................................................................................... 30

5.8.2 Boost charging .............................................................................................................. 30

5.8.3 Equalizing charging ...................................................................................................... 31

5.8.4 Direct supply ............................................................. ...................................................31

5.9 Battery-temperature inclined characteristic .................................................................. 31

6 Messages ...................................................................................................................... 32

6.1 Power supply on ........................................................................................................... 33

6.2 Mains fault .................................................................................................................... 33
6.3 Equipment failure ......................................................................................................... 33

6.4 Current limitation (optional) ........................................................................................ 33

6.5 Battery charging current limitation (optional) .............................................................. 34

6.6 High DC voltage ........................................................................................................... 34

6.7 Low battery voltage ...................................................................................................... 34

6.8 Common message (relay contact) ................................................................................ 34

6.9 Option 1 - 6................................................................................................................... 34

6.10 Faults and error messages ............................................................................................. 35

6.11 Earth resistance ............................................................................................................. 37

6.12 Signalling contacts ....................................................................................................... 37

6.13 Voltage adjustment ....................................................................................................... 38

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BENNING Rectifier THYROTRONIC with Thysat controller

6.14 Parallel operation of two rectifiers ....................................................................... ... .....38

6.15 Parallel operation, cin;uits ............................................................................................ 39

6.15.1 Battery test .................................................................................................................... 43

6.15.2 Manual .......................................................................................................................... 44

6.16 Shutting down ............................................................................................................... 44

6.16.1 Switching off the rectifier. ............................................................................................ 44

6.16.2 Isolating the rectifier .................................................................................................... 44

7 Maintenance ................................................................................................................. 45

7.1 General ......................................................................................................................... 45

7.2 Inspection and maintenance ......................................................................................... 45

7 .3 Cleaning ........................................................................................................................ 46

7.3.1 Terminals and plug connections .................................................................................. .46

7.3.2 Contactors, relays ......................................................................................................... 46

7.3.3 Monitoring installation ................................................................................................. 47

7.4 Exchange of electrolyte capacitors .............................................................................. .47

7.5 Externally ventilated semiconductors, semiconductor units and transformers
(optional) ...................................................................................................................... 47

7.6 Changing the controller programme ............................................................................ .48

7.7 Replacement parts ........................................................................................................ 48

7.7.1 Disposal ........................................................................................................................ 48

7.8 Batteries ........................................................................................................................ 49
8 Components of the rectifier .......................................................................................... 50

9 Cable cross sections of the DC end connection ........................................................... 57

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BENNING Rectifier THYROTRONIC with Thysat controller

Index of figures:

Fig. 1 Overview circuit diagram ............................................................................................. 13

Fig. 2 Type code ..................................................................................................................... 14

Fig. 3 Signs at the rectifier and type plate template ............................................................... 17

Fig. 4 Exemplary diagram: Terminal connection (from 58061.01MOOOA3) ........................ 19

Fig. 5 Indicator and operating panel ....................................................................................... 21

Fig. 6 LCD and buttons .......................................................................................................... 22
Fig. 7 Meaning of the LEDs in the LCD operating panel ...................................................... 23

Fig. 8 LED bar with standard assignment and Test/Reset button ........................................... 24

Fig. 9 Unit switch ................................................................................................................... 25

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BENNING Rectifier THYROTRONIC with Thysat controller

1 General

1.1 Purpose of the Operating Instructions

These Operating Instructions serve to enable the secure operation of the rectifi-
er THYROTRONIC as intended.

The present Operating Instructions contain the information necessary for the
safe operation as intended of the rectifier.

The Operating Instructions must always be available and kept handy in the vi-
cinity of the rectifier.

The operating instructions must be read and observed by every person commis-
sioned with performing tasks on the rectifier; this comprises transport, setup
and installation, operator control, maintenance and dismantling.

In commercial use, the guidelines, standards and laws for safe and proper
working applicable at the place of operation or country of use must be ob-
served in addition to the Operating Instructions.

Additional information beyond that of these Operating Instructions can be ob-

tained from the specialists of the manufacturer or supplier.

All documentation is protected under copyright law. Passing on and copying of

documents, even in form of extracts, and utilisation and dissemination of its
contents is not permitted unless expressly approved.

1.2 Scope of the Operating Instructions

If required as a result of the site conditions, the rectifier can be supplied in a

large number of versions. A description of all versions would reduce the bene-
fit and compact nature of your Operating Instructions.

For this reason these Operating Instructions refer exclusively to the standard
configuration of the rectifier. Exact details concerning your version of the rec-
tifier can be taken from:

---+ the order confirmation,

---+ according to the technical data sheet;
---+ the type plate on the inside of the front door,
-+ These details concerning your version are of prior validity compared with
possibly deviating details concerning the standard configuration in these
Operating Instructions.

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BENNING Rectifier THYROTRONIC with Thysat controller

1.3 Presentation remarks

The rectifier is manufactured according to the generally accepted rules and the
current state of the art design techniques. Additional safety instructions are
provided in order to guarantee the personnel adequate safety. Adequate safety
when handling the rectifier is ensured only if these instructions are adhered to.

From time to time it is necessary to emphasise certain text passages. The pas-
sages marked thus have different meanings:

Notes contain additional information facilitating safe and efficient

handling of the rectifier.

This warning draws attention to possible damage to property which

may result from a failure to adhere to precautionary measures or
from incorrect handling.

Please observe all warnings and measures that prevent the occur-
rence of damage on the rectifier and other property. Proceed with
particular care!

This warning refers to possible injuries to persons which may result

due to a failure of adhering to precautionary measures or through
incorrect handling.

Please observe all warnings and measures which prevent injuries to

yourself or third parties. Proceed with particular care!

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BENNING Rectifier THYROTRONIC with Thysat controller

2 Safety

2.1 General

These Operating Instructions are an essential part of the rectifier.

The operator will ensure that the Operating Instructions are always available on
the rectifier and that the operating personnel will pay attention to these guide-

The Operating Instructions must be supplemented by the operator with operat-

ing instructions on the basis of existing national regulations for accident pre-
vention and environmental protection including the information concerning su-
pervisory and notification obligations for the consideration of special opera-
tional features for instance with regard to work organisation, working process-
es and personnel employed.

In addition to the Operating Instructions and the valid regulations for accident
prevention applicable in the country concerned and at the place of operation it
is also necessary to observe the recognised special technical rules for safe and
correct working.

2.2 Personnel qualifications

Only qualified and trained technical personnel may work on the rectifier. In
particular qualified electricians authorised for this purpose must only perform
the installation, initial start-up, maintenance and disassembly of the rectifier.

The competencies of the personnel for operation must be clearly separated

from those of installation, programming and repair. Only service personnel
must be able to

~ open the housing of the rectifier,

~ get to the password-protected menu levels of the controller programme.

Qualified technical personnel in the sense of these basic instructions are per-
sons who are familiar with the installation, start-up, operation, maintenance,
shutdown and disassembly and who have the qualifications corresponding to
their activity.

With qualified electricians it must be assumed that the applicable regulations of

the local power supply company (EVU) and the safety instructions of the acci-
dent prevention regulations of the trade associations (for instance BGV A3)
and all rules for safe and correct working (for instance DIN VDE 0100 and
IEC 664 or DIN VDE 0110) are observed and adhered to.

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BENNING Rectifier THYROTRONTC with Thysat controller

The manufacturer points out that the manufacturer will not accept any liability
for damage and operating faults arising from a failure to observe the Operating

2.2.1 Commercial use

If the rectifier is employed commercially, the following will apply in addition:

- The operator must be familiar with handling the rectifier through special
induction or training courses.

- Only authorised personnel may become active.

2.3 Use as intended

Danger of injury!!

Danger of serious injuries to persons and property may result from:

- improper use or wrong operation,

- unauthorised opening of the rectifier,
- wrong installation or improper maintenance and repair.

All details concerning the use as intended, the residual risk, the installation, the
operation and maintenance contained in these Operating Instructions must
therefore be observed and adhered to. The rectifier THYROTRONIC is intended
to supply DC voltage loads. In addition to this the rectifier can be used for
charging suitable batteries. Only rechargeable lead and nickel-cadmium batter-
ies are suitable. The rectifier is not suitable for all other accumulators and non-
rechargeable batteries!

The instructions of the battery manufacturer must be observed and adhered to!

As part of the intended use, the details of the type plate and the details in the
supplied technical documentation must be observed and adhered to.

The rectifier may only be used for the applications provided in these operating
instructions and in the technical description and only with the accessories or
components recommended and approved by the manufacturer.

Use other than this or beyond this will not be considered as use as intended.
The operator or user of the rectifier will carry the sole responsibility for dam-
age resulting from such use.

Start-up of the rectifier is only permitted subject to adherence to the guideline

for electromagnetic compatibility (2004/108/EG). The limit value class is spec-
ified in the technical data sheet.

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BENNING Rectifier THYROTRONIC with Thysat controller

In the case of a rectifier with subsequent modifications on the part of the opera-
tor (with regard to components, circuits, controller programming, etc.) it is
compulsory on the part of the operator to document the equipment status in the
technical documentation and to provide suitable instructions permanently on
the front of the unit if applicable.

2.4 Safety instructions concerning place of use and storage

The rectifier must be protected from unauthorised loads. In particular, no com-

ponents must be damaged during transport and handling. Avoid contact with
electronic components.

• Entering liquids,
• entering conductive dusts (soot, metals),
• high humidity of the air and
• formation of condensate (for instance through airtight packaging) and
• ambient temperatures below 0 °C and above 40 °C
may damage the rectifier and must therefore be excluded.

Heat soak conditions on the rectifier for instance through heat sources or
blockage of the ventilation slits must be excluded. Although non-conductive
dusts do not impair the function of the rectifier they may however obstruct the
dissipation of heat if allowed to accumulate and consequently reduce the ser-
vice life of the rectifier.

If the rectifier is supplied in a particularly protected version, the details in the

order confirmation must be observed and adhered to.

2.4.1 Safety instructions for battery use

Open flames and smoking in rooms with battery charging stations are prohibit-

No combustible materials and spark-forming equipment may be located in a

vicinity of 2 m around battery charging stations.

The place of operation must be adequately ventilated so that resulting charging

gases (acid fog, oxyhydrogen) are able to dilute sufficiently, securely prevent-
ing the occurrence of explosive gas mixtures.

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BENNING Rect1fier THYROTRONTC w1th Thysat controller


2.5 Safety instructions concerning setting up and installation

The rectifier contains electrostatically susceptible components which can be

easily damaged through incorrect handling. Electrical components may not be
mechanically damaged or destroyed.

Perform the electrical installation (line cross sections, fuses, earth connections)
according to the applicable regulations.

Adherence to the limit values as required by the EMC act is strongly connected
with the installation and combination with other pieces of equipment and the
type of operation. In order to comply with the EMC act, the installation must
take into account all details concerning screening, earthing, arrangement of fil-
ters and insulation of lines.

• Prior to performing the electrical installation, compare the ratings on the

type plate with the ratings of the supply connections.

• Protect the rectifier against overcurrent by means of an upstream mains


• Adhere to the mains connection values of the type plate (voltage and fre-

• Polarity reversal of poles with mains and battery connection must be se-
curely excluded.

2.6 Safety instructions concerning operation

Publicise location and operation of fire protection equipment and adhere to fire
alarm and fire fighting possibilities.

The rectifier may only be used in a technically perfect condition and as intend-
ed under consideration of safety and hazards and adhering to these Operating
Instructions. In particular, faults impairing the safety must be corrected imme-

In the event of safety-relevant changes to the rectifier or the operating behav-

iour, the rectifier must be stopped immediately and the fault reported to the re-
sponsible office.

Even when the rectifier has been switched off completely, individual compo-
nents will still carry voltage for as long as they are connected with the supply
system and/or the battery.

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BENNING Rectifier THYROTRONIC with Thysat controller

2 .7 Safety instructions concerning troubleshooting and repair

Consult the manufacturer prior to performing conversions and major repairs.

No changes or modifications may be made to the rectifier without the approval

of the manufacturer! This applies also to the installation and adjustment of
safety installations: Especially ensure that distances, creep and air gaps are not

Replacement parts used must satisfy the technical requirements determined by

the manufacturer. This is always ensured when using original replacement

Use only insulated tools for performing maintenance work.

Prior to starting maintenance or repair work disconnect the rectifier input and
output from

• the mains voltage,

• the battery if applicable and
• all loads.

Equipment used for disconnection must be locked to prevent inadvertent or

spontaneous switching on. Use additional signs to warn against switching on, if

After switching off, wait for at least five minutes before taking off the covers
of the housing. The capacitors of the control will have been discharged com-
pletely only after such time.

If work on live equipment is unavoidable, a second person must be involved to

isolate the rectifier or initiate first aid measures in the case of an emergency.

First check all disconnected components to ensure they are de-energised, then
earth, short circuit and insulate live adjacent components.

When working on high-voltage assemblies, connect the supply cable to the cas-
ing following the disconnection of the power. Short-circuit components such as
capacitors by way of an earth rod.

If the repair measures require the disassembly of protective installations, rein-

stallation and testing of the protective installations must be performed immedi-
ately after the completion of the work.

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BENNING Rectifier THYROTRONIC with Thysat controller

3 Product details

3.1 Description
Electrical loads are employed in all areas of industry and public life which
must be protected against failure of the power supply system. Together with
shunt-connected batteries, the rectifier THYROTRONIC forms a guaranteed
power supply.



--c:;:6- (5)
(1 ) Battery
(2) AC mains 230/3x400 V
(3 ) Rectifier
(4) Protected DC mains
(5 ) Load

Fig. 1 Overview circuit diagram

The rectifier operates with an IU characteristic compliant with DIN 41773 .

This ensures that the set output voltage is kept constant within a load range of 0
and 100% of the equipment current with a deviation of± 0.5 %. Mains voltage
and mains frequency fluctuations are compensated.

Mainly sealed or closed low-maintenance lead batteries are employed as ener-

gy storage units today depending on application; nickel-cadmium batteries can
be found in a large number of special applications.

Lead and nickel-cadmium batteries achieve maximum service life if they are in
a position of rest in the charged condition. This position of rest of the batteries
is achieved when the rectifier takes over the supply of the loads and the battery
is only utilised in the case of mains failure or high current loads. This operation
mode is termed standby parallel operation.

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BENNING Rectifier THYROTRONIC with Thysat controller

With a severely depleted battery, the rectifier will initially operate in the !-
branch of the ID-characteristic, the charging current being obtained from the
difference between the rated current of the rectifier and the load current.

The transition to constant voltage charging (U-branch) follows on reaching the

set output voltage of the rectifier.

Accelerated charging takes place by switching over the characteristic from

float charging to charging. This changeover is performed automatically but
can also be done manually.

For temperature-controlled charging, the rectifier may be designed with a

charging characteristic. The battery temperature-dependent inclined float
charging characteristic possesses an adjustable inclination and adjustable point
of operation. A separate temperature sensor is necessary for this function.

3.2 Type designation

The rectifier THYROTRONIC is available in different versions. The following

is an example of a decoded type designation:

-- l
E230 G60/30 BWrug -TOG

2.,~,.zu,,,tzbm~hoong (1)
Gerate-Eigenschaften @atterie- und Widerstands- (2)
last, Kenn linienregelung, .Ymschaltbare Kenn Iinie,
~~ geglatteter Ausga ngsstrom)
,. Ausgangsstromart und -nennspannung/ -nennstrom (3)
Eingangsstromart und -nennspannung ( 4)

Fig. 2 Type code

(1) Additional manufacturer designation

(2) Unit properties (battery and resistive lad, characteristic regulation,
switchable characteristics. smoothened output current
(3) Output current type and rated output current/rated output voltage
(4) Input current type and rated input voltage

The exact technical data are provided on the type plate on the rectifier, in the
order confirmation and in the technical data sheet.

3.3 Remaining risk

Dangerous electrical voltage warning!

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BENNING Rectifier THYROTRONIC with Thysat controller

The rectifier is a piece of electrical equipment carrying voltages and currents

that are dangerous to human beings.

The rectifier may therefore only be:

• operated by instructed and trained specialists.

• installed, opened, repaired and dismounted if required by qualified elec-


The power supply and a battery and/or load contact must always be discon-
nected before intervening and working on the rectifier.


Switching on a battery in addition to the rectifier will cause an arc,

which may cause severe injuries to yourself and others if handled
incorrectly. There is an increased fire hazard.

Installation and start-up of the rectifier , especially in the case of units with bat-
tery connection, are only permitted by experienced and qualified electricians.

Explosion hazard!

Explosive gases may escape during battery charging.

The operation of the rectifier is therefore permitted only in adequately

ventilated rooms.

You should never break the battery connection during a charging pro-
cess, since this could result in sparks or arcing, which could ignite the
oxyhydrogen gases.


When batteries are being charged, caustic acid gases may be gener-
ated which can cause short-circuits in electrical equipment (fire
hazard) and corrode components!

Always place batteries so that the rising acid gases are able to freely dilute at
the place of operation and escape.

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BENNING Rectifier THYROTRONIC with Thysat controller

3.3.1 Battery

Batteries contain sulphuric acid which is highly caustic. The ex-
posed metal parts of a battery always carry voltage. Do not open
any battery housings and do not touch any exposed metal parts!

Work on and with battery systems may therefore be carried out only

• by correspondingly qualified personnel and

• complying with the operating instructions of the battery manufacturer.

3.4 Description of protective installations

The rectifier has been designed and built according to the accepted rules of en-
gineering. When used as intended there are no consequent safety and health
hazards to operating personnel or third parties.

All control parts are clearly marked. All live assemblies are equipped with
housings, covers which can only be removed by means of tools. All cables and
plugs are properly screened and earthed.

All electrical and electronic components correspond to the European safety re-
quirements; all insulating clearances have been adhered to. All electric circuits
have been equipped with primary and secondary fuses of defined amperage and
tripping characteristic.

All metallic components are earthed via a protective circuit.

The rectifier is equipped with an overvoltage cut-off function, which is activat-

ed when preset charge voltages are exceeded. This prevents battery overcharg-
ing and excessive formation of explosive gases. (Note: The overvoltage cut-off
function is not operational when the rectifier is in the Equalizing charge mode)

In its standard configuration the rectifier is designed in accordance with protec-

tion class IP 20. Any deviating data can be found on the type plate, in the order
confirmation or the technical data sheet.

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BENNING Rectifier THYROTRONIC with Thysat controller

3.5 Identifications and signs on the rectifier

Dangerous electrical voltage warning!

Attached in the interior of the unit.

Attention! Adhesive label

Prior to working in the unit, disconnect Attached to the inside of the front door.
mains and battery fuses.

Attention! Adhesive label

Do not touch live parts. Individual termi- Attached to the inside of the front door.
nals and components may also carry volt-
age even with the switched off. (De-
energise first when performing mainte-
nance operations on the unit).

Use only fuses of the same type and char-


High leakage current! Adhesive label

When connecting to the mains, connect the Attached to the inside of the front door.
PE conductor prior to L and N!

r===;;:r=-==========~~~=iJ=::..;.i===--' Type plate

CE I_____ __ -=~iJ
Attached in the interior of the unit

j____ - -~ ··---·"·-··-· ····-~·-·---~'~

rn/1tem·N.;1 Ver/SW I ____i' \
Opt Art/mode JDB/co __ j ..
Eingang/lnput Ausgang/Output
Art/Kind j
Hz ~===~

-- - IP: I ...:J

Fig 3 Signs at the rectifier and type plate template

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BENNING Rectifier THYROTRONIC with Thysat controller

4 Assembly, installation and start-up

The sections on

Safety instructions concerning place of use and storage as well as

Safety instructions concerning setting up and installation

are contained in a separate description and have to be absolutely complied


4.1 Mains connections and mains fuses

Dangerous electrical voltage warning!

The rectifier is a piece of electrical equipment carrying voltages

and currents that are dangerous to human beings.

The rectifier may therefore only be:

• operated by instructed and trained specialists.

• installed, opened, repaired and dismounted if required by qualified elec-


Protect the rectifier against excessive contact voltages according to the local
regulations of the power supply company: It is considered an installation with
fixed connection and must be protected in the power-supply circuit (electrical
systems of the building) against short circuit or overcurrent.

A mains connection is necessary at the intended place of operation of the recti-

fier. The mains voltage and frequency must correspond to the details on the
type plate. The housing must be earthed properly.

We cannot unconditionally recommend the operation of the unit by way of

earth leakage circuit breaker since it can be triggered by the specified interfer-
ence suppression capacitors.

• Protect with - mains fuses in accordance with the technical data sheet.

When connecting the cables, observe the details of the circuit diagrams and the
terminal diagrams!

When connecting the battery, ensure correct polarity (+ to +; - to -) !

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BENNING Rectifier THYROTRONIC with Thysat controller

The currents for determining the cross sections for the mains, battery and load
lines can be taken from the type plate. The resulting voltage drop between rec-
tifier and battery and load should be taken into account when determining the
cross sections.

Connect the rectifier with the earthed conductor by means of the earth screw
provided for this purpose.

1L - 1Lt 2L - 2L t

L1 L2 L3 N
1L- 1L+ 2L - 2L +

Fig. 4 Exemplary diagram: Terminal connection (from 58061.01 MOOOA3)

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BENNING Rectifier THYROTRONIC with Thysat controller

5 Operation

Dangerous electrical voltage warning!

The rectifier is a piece of electrical equipment carrying voltages

and currents that are dangerous to human beings.

The rectifier may therefore only be:

• operated by instructed and trained specialists.

• installed, opened, repaired and dismounted if required by qualified elec-


The power supply and a battery and/or load contact must always be discon-
nected before intervening and working on the rectifier.

The rectifier THYROTRONIC, more exactly the thyristor bridge, is controlled

and operated by way of the Thysat controller. The controller is a programme-
controlled microprocessor.

The display and operating panel in the front of the unit allows the personnel to
monitor the operating status and the specialised electrical personnel authorised
and qualified for this purpose to change the programme settings (see descrip-
tion: Advanced operation and programming )

If the rectifier operates normally (automatic operation), no interventions by the

operating personnel are required. The rectifier is in the correct operating state if

• the unit switch is in position I (on),

• the LED Unit On ( operation ) above the LCD lights up,

• additionally, the LED Float charging lights up or alternatively

• the LED Boost/Equalizing charge lights up as well as

• the LCD alternately displays the current values of unit voltage and unit
current and

• no fault indicator LEDs are illuminated .

The individual operating steps are explained in more detail in the following
chapters. Prior to operating the rectifier for the first time, carefully read
these chapters.

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BENNING Rectifier THYROTRONIC with Thysat controller

5.1 Indicator and operating panel


ml •••
~ o a o
U- ULl hi. ~

Fig. 5 Ind icator and operating panel

Top left: LED bar; (see Fig. 8)

bottom left: Test/Reset button ;
centre right: LCD operating panel with display, four buttons and four LEDs; (see Fig. 6)
bottom right: Unit switch Off/On. (0 I) (see Figure 9)

The indicator and operating panel serves to:

• indicate the error and operating states by means of LEDs

• perform unit tests and reset the messages by means of the Test/Reset but-

in the LCD operating panel:

• values of the unit are displayed by means of LCD,

• settings of the unit are changed by way of four buttons,

• Important unit states are indicated by means of four LEDs, e.g. unit On

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BENNING Rectifier THYROTRON1C with Thysat controller

5.1.1 LCD operating panel

The current operating values and the selected menu levels and menu options
and their values in the case of programme changes are displayed in the LCD.

The menu levels and items which allow monitoring and adjustments or settings
to be made can be accessed using the 4 buttons beneath the display (extract from

~ ...
u u t:::l ~ f1.

Fig. 6 LCD and buttons


All released statuses and measured values in the LCD can be queried and set
with the four buttons. Safety-critical menu levels can only be accessed by way
of a password. The meaning of the buttons is indicated in the display.

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BENNING Rectifier THYROTRONIC with Thysat controller

The meaning of the 4 LEDs above the LCD

There are four LEDs arranged above the display providing information on the
basic unit condition.

u green unit ON ( operation )

UCJ yellow battery ~peration

!] red alarm

} red urgent alarm

Fig . 7 Meaning of the LEDs in the LCD operating panel

• The message unit ON shows that the unit has been switched on.

• The LED Battery operation indicates that any loads are supplied with bat-
tery current (by way of a battery bar, if applicable).

The LED Battery operation is illuminated when:

the battery current is negative and

the DC voltage is lower than the float charge voltage, or

no output voltage is generated (for instance during a mains fail-

ure, unit switch Off and in the event of a disconnecting fault).

• The message Alarm does indicate "non-urgent" faults and continued op-
eration of the rectifier is possible. The alarm message is displayed in more
detail in interaction with the messages by way of the LED bar.

Repair of a non-urgent fault should be performed within 24 hours. How to

perform troubleshooting, see chapter Faults and error messages.

• The message Urgent alarm indicates faults which restrict or end the opera-
tion of the rectifier. Depending on requirement, urgent alarm messages are
coupled with a visual or acoustic fault signal (common fault). The respec-
tive form, for instance a signal tone in a control centre, depends on the sit-
uations on site.

Urgent faults should be repaired immediately. How to perform trouble-

shooting, see chapter 6.10 Faults and error messages.

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BENNING Rectifier THYROTRONIC with Thysat controller

5.1.2 LED bar

In accordance with the standard configuration supplied ex factory, the LED bar
indicates the following statuses:

D I float charging

D I boost/equalizing charge

D Ibattery test
II Imains fault

•• Iequipment failure
Ihigh DC voltage
Ill I1ow battery voltage

• Ibattery test negative
Ibattery circuit fault

• I+earth fault

•• I - earth fault

Ill I(spare)

green D LED Test I Reset

Fig . 8 LED bar with standard assignment and Test/Reset button

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BENNING Rectifier THYROTRONIC with Thysat controller

The meaning of the 13 LEDs is determined by the configuration file and de-
pendent on the programming of the controller.

The general meaning of the colour of the LEDs is fixed in the standard IEC
73/DIN VDE 0199. The following therefore applies:

RED Danger or alarm Warning indicating possible dangers or conditions requir-

, ing immediate intervention or accurate observation of the
YELLOW Caution Changes or imminent changes of the normal operating
GREEN Safety Indicates safe operating conditions or further operational
procedure release.

5.2 Test and reset button

A function test of the LED status indication and the LCD measured value dis-
play is possible with the Test/Reset push button. If the button is pushed for at
least 3 seconds, all the LEDs light up.

Faults can be acknowledged by pressing briefly (reset):

• Disconnecting fault messages such as overvoltage or equipment failures

and fault messages from auxiliary monitoring systems are cancelled, the
rectifier switches on again.

• Pending messages, identifiable by flashing LEDs, will be deleted .

5.2.1 Unit switch Off/On .

. -
~ -

0 I
~ - ---~- -

Fig. 9 Unit switch

The unit switch serves to switch the rectifier on and off, however without:

• disconnecting the connections from mains power supply, battery, load,

• switching off the controller.

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BENNING Rectifier THYROTRONIC with Thysat controller

5.3 Initial start-up and function test

This chapter must be thoroughly read before the initial start-up. More infor-
mation concerning display and operating elements can be found in the follow-
ing chapter.

For initial operation, proceed as follows:

- Compare the ratings on the type plate with the ratings of the supply con-

- Check to ensure that all input and output connections have correct polari-

- Check to ensure that all connections, contacts and fuses are firmly seated,
circuit breakers and motor protection switches are switched on.

Please note:

When connecting a charged battery to the rectifier, the de-energised filter ca-
pacitors will be charged by a large charge current surge. Under certain condi-
tions this may cause the battery fuses to trip. This can be prevented by charging
the filter capacitors to the approximate battery voltage before connecting the

Pr ocedure:

- Ensure that no loads are switched on initially.

- Switch on the rectifier without battery connected using the equipment

switch in the front door.

The initialisation phase of the rectifier takes approximately 30 seconds. Vari-

ous LEDs will initially light up during this time but will then change to flash-
ing mode. These alarms have no significance at this point (without battery and
load connected). The LCD is triggered and performs a self-test. Afterwards, the
following information is displayed in the LCD for a few seconds:

• Version number

• SAT address

• Unit is master/slave.

This phase is completed as soon as the LCD displays current and voltage.

--+ Switch off the rectifier with the switch as soon as the initialisation phase
has been completed. The filter capacitors have been pre-charged.

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BENNING Rectifier THYROTRONIC with Thysat controller


Switching on a battery in addition to the rectifier can cause an arc,

which may cause severe injuries to yourself and others if handled
incorrectly. There is an increased fire hazard.

It is imperative to wear the protective glove with arm protection

and safety visor.

-+ Now, do not delay establishing the battery contact. Any delay, any retrac-
tion will "draw" an arc and increase arcing-over and fire hazards.

-+ Switch on the rectifier with the switch.

-+ Switch on the loads.

During the following initialisation phase, various LEDs will initially start to
light up again, followed by flashing.

At the end of the initialisation phase and on the transition to Float charging
(basic state of boost charge), the LCD will display the current rated voltage and
the rated current and only the two LEDs Float charging and Operation should
be illuminated.

It is possible that the LEDs Low battery voltage and Alarm may light up.

-+ Reset all alarms by pressing the Test/Reset button.

Subsequently observe the operating state for some time. If additional alarms
are displayed, troubleshooting instructions can be found in chapter 6.10 Faults
and error messages.


Connecting a battery that has not been approved to the rectifier

may result in damage to the battery and the rectifier and subse-
quently to the load!

As operator and responsible service personnel, exclude any possi-

bility of confusing battery and loads connections!

Following the successful initial start-up, mark the rectifier with all necessary
details clearly visible, permanently and legibly:

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BENNING Rectifier THYROTRONIC with Thysat controller

~ Note down the applicable battery types and loads and possible subse-
quent changes to the controller programme at a suitable place in the inte-
rior of the unit and in the technical documentation!

~ In particular mark any deviations from the details on the type plate.

5.4 Description of the general menu levels/options

The LCD permits the display of the selected menu levels or menu options and
their measured values.

Large menu areas comprise sub-menu for configuring the controller. These ar-
eas are password-protected.

The functions are described in more detail in a separate description (see no.

5.5 Component description

Component designations of a standard unit having some extras.

Component designation Component description

Al Thysat controller
Al3 Mains monitoring
A31 Display unit
A33 Relay box
A34 Modem
A6, A7 DC monitoring relay
Fl AC m.c.b.
Fl4 Fuses
Fl7 Fuses
F4, FS, F6, M.c.b.s
F900 ...F90x Overvoltage arrester
K l, Kl.l AC contactor
Kl l, Kl2 DC contactor
K2 DC contactor
Ll Smoothing choke
NI Buffer amplifier
QI 1 Battery switch-disconnector
Q13, Q l4 Load disconnector
Q20 Load switch-disconnector
R22, R23,R24 Shunt
S2, S l 0-Sl3 Switch

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BENNING Rectifier THYROTRONIC with Thysat controller

Component designation Component description

T1 Tran sformer
T2, T3 Control-power transformer
T4, TS, T6 Current transformer
Ul Ignition transformer
VlO Block-type diode
V8, V9 Counter-cell
Xl,C5 - C8 AC input terminal, capacitor
XlO, Xll Distribution station
X2 DC terminal
X3 Signalling terminal

5.6 Switching-on the unit

The rectifier is an installation with permanent connection to the local electrical
system and is therefore always live. The unit switch Ojj!On serves to switch the
rectifier off and on; the controller remains always switched on and monitors the
operating state of the rectifier.

For start-up, proceed as follows:

----+ Switch on the rectifier with the switch.

Various LEDs will light up and subsequently flash during the following initial-
isation phase.

By the end of the initialisation phase during the switch-over to Float charging
(basic mode of automatic operation), the LCD shows the current voltage and
current values. Only the two LEDs Float charging and Unit ON may be illumi-

If the LEDs Low battery voltage and Alarm should still be illuminated:

----+ Reset all fault messages by pressing the Test/Reset button.

Subsequently observe the operating state for some time. If additional alarms
are displayed, troubleshooting instructions can be found in chapter 6.10 Faults
and error messages.

5.7 Switching-on process on the controller

Programme start commences as soon as the control board is supplied with volt-
age by the basic controller board. The SMD LEDs H501, H502and H504 to in-
dicate supply voltage available are illuminated.

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BENNING Rectifier THYROTRONIC with Thysat controller

The controller receives a stop signal while initialisation and a 5-second LED
test are being performed.

Subsequently the software version followed by the unit address will be dis-
played subsequent to that. The standard operation then starts.

The basic charge status is Float charging. After an initialisation phase of ap-
prox. 30 seconds (in case of stand-alone operation without further internal bus
user; can be shortened pressing the Test/Reset button), the rectifier will run up
to the output voltage setpoint for float charging if the device address is not
equal to zero.

5.8 Operation modes - charging states

Manual operation mode selection

The currently desired operation mode can be selected manually in menu TEST
(password required). The rectifier switches over instantly.

If another rectifier unit is shunt-connected by way of the internal bus and the
operation mode has not been selected on the master, changeover may take
some time until the changeover command has been sent by way of the bus.

All automatic operation mode changeover operations take place only from
Float charging!

5.8.1 Float charging

Float charging is performed with a defined set voltage per cell, depending on
the rechargeable battery type (exact details see technical data sheet). This is the
basic charge status at every start.

5.8.2 Boost charging

With the option Automatic charging switched on, switching takes place auto-
matically. The trigger for changing over to Boost charging is the presence of
the battery or unit current limitation for more than 30 seconds.

Switching back is always automatically in order to prevent continuous charg-

ing. Once the current has dropped below the current limitation threshold
(0.8 x Iset) and below the battery current limitation threshold the system switch-
es back immediately.

If a gassing charge time has been programmed, switching back to float charg-
ing takes place after the set time (gassing charge time). In the event of a mains
failure the expired gassing charge time is not protected. Upon return of the
mains power Float charging and changeover takes place according to the cur-
rent measuring signals.

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BENNING Rectifier THYROTRONIC with Thysat controller

Set DIP switch no. 8 to "OFF": Function BOOST CHARGING is disabled.

See the entry in the "technicaJ data sheet" of the rectifier.

5.8.3 Equalizing charging

Equalizing charge is the start-up mode for non-maintenance free batteries to

form the battery cells. Equalizing charge takes place with a defined set voltage
per cell depending on the rechargeable battery type (exact details see technical
data sheet) and with IMax= 0.2 x I Iset (in the normal case).

Equalizing charge can only be started manually by way of the operating panel.
The set equalise charging time (adjustable in the SYSTEM menu) starts to run

In the event of a mains failure, the expired equalise charging time is saved;
when the power returns, the begun Equalizing charge operation is resumed at
the point of interruption. Following time-controlled or manual changeover
from Equalizing charge to Float charging, no overvoltage query is performed
for 10 seconds.

Set DIP switch no. 7 to "OFF": Function EQUALIZING CHARGE is disa-

bled. See the entry in the "technical data sheet" of the rectifier.

5.8.4 Direct supply

Direct supply is the operation mode for pure load supply. Direct supply is per-
formed at Usct = 2.0 V/cell and IMax = lset· Direct supply is started and stopped

5.9 Battery-temperature inclined characteristic

If required, the float charging characteristic can also be temperature tracked. If

this option is switched off, the rectifier operates at the set rated voltage (e.g.
2.23 V /cell)

When temperature compensation is switched on, the reference temperature

(standard 20°C) and the characteristic inclination (standard -4 mV/cell per K)
must be set too. Compensation takes place in both directions and thus, depend-
ing on the actual temperature, leads to increase or decrease of the output volt-

The voltage limit values (<<U, >U etc.) remain constant and may be reached
under certain conditions!

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BENNING Rectifier THYROTRONIC with Thysat controller

6 Messages
LED bar

green D Ifloat charging

ye llow
D Iboost/equalizing charge
ye llow
D Ibattery test


Imains fault
Iequipment failure

• Ihigh DC voltage


Ilow battery voltage
Ibattery test negative


Ibattery circuit fault
I+earth fault

•• I- earth fault

• I(spare)

green D LED Test I Reset

like Fig. 8

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BENNING Rectifier THYROTRONIC with Thysat controller

6.1 Power supply on

Following the expiry of the switching-on delay following a mains failure, the
controller is enabled if no overvoltage is present and the rectifier has not been
switched off with the unit switch.

With the rectifier switched off, the controller and pulse blocking are set; the
mains power relay (if present) de-energises. The left LED above the LCD is
off; all monitoring operations except for equipment failure and sensor fracture
are performed.

6 .2 Mains fault

The stop signal for the controller is output; the mains relay drops out; after 60
seconds, the non-urgent alarm is released; after 30 seconds, the signalling relay
Mains fault drops out. The message is then maintained (LED flashing, if the
phase error is no longer active) until it is reset by way of the Test/Reset push
button. All queries are active.

The message Mains fault is generated on the basic controller board and passed
on to the Thysat control board as a digital signal. The response threshold can
be set with the potentiometer on the basic controller board.

6.3 Equipment failure

An Equipment failure is output if no battery or unit current limitation is present

with running rectifier despite a drop below the set voltage value by >0.1 V /cell
(with Pb).

Sensor cable breakage is additionally monitored if

• the actual voltage value is approximately 0 V (< 0.3 V/cell with Pb) de-
spite battery or unit current limitation or

• the set voltage value is exceeded by> 0.2 V/cell (with Pb) despite battery
or unit current limitation.

The message Sensor fracture and equipment failure will then be issued. The
message is held (LED flashing, if the equipment failure is no longer active) un-
til it is reset with the Test/Reset button.

6.4 Current limitation (optional)

If the current limitation was active (standard: 90% of Iser-rated, e.g. with current
peaks through additional connection of loads), the charge waiting time is start-
ed for 30 seconds.

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BENNING Rectifier THYROTRONIC with Thysat controller

6.5 Battery charging current limitation (optional)

If the battery charging current limitation was active (standard: 90% of Iset-Batt),
the 30-second charge waiting time will start. If the battery current is not detect-
ed (no battery shunt connected), the battery charging current limitation <Isan is
by default not active. Until 10 seconds later, the system is not interrogated for

6.6 High DC voltage

If an overvoltage is present (a voltage above the set voltage per cell which de-
pends on the accumulator type; for details, see technical data sheet), controller
blocking is set within < 10 msec for approx. 200 msec and then switch over to
the basic operating state of Float charging takes place. If the message High DC
voltage occurs four times within 30 seconds, the controller blocking and the re-
lay common message (urgent alarm) will be activated, the mains relay drops
out. The messages can only be reset by pressing the Test/Reset button. The
message is held until the button has been pressed (LED flashing, relay dropped
out, if the overvoltage is no longer active). During Equalizing charge and until
10 seconds after the equalize charging has finished, the system is not interro-
gated for overvoltage.

6.7 Low battery voltage

If less than the defined set voltage per cell is available depending on the re-
chargeable battery type (exact details see technical data sheet), the message
Low battery voltage is output without delay by way of LED and relay. It will
only be deleted on exceeding the hysteresis limit (<<U +0.2 V/cell). However,
the LED message is retained flashing until it is reset with the Test/Reset button.

6.8 Common message (relay contact)

A common message is output if one of the faults is indicated as Urgent alarm
for instance

• High DC voltage or

• Equipment failure.

6.9 Option 1 - 6

If the optional inputs of the controller are selected by external contacts, the rel-
evant LED is illuminated. If the option is no longer present, the LED starts to
flash. The message is retained until it is reset with the Test/Reset button. All
options are monitored also in the event of mains failure. As an option it is pos-
sible to programme a relay on the relay board.

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BENNING Rectifier THYROTRONIC with Thysat controller

6.10 Faults and error messages

Faults and the status of the rectifier are indicated via the LEDs of the operating
and display panel. The following table gives an overview of the possible fault
causes and their remedies:

LED display Meaning Possible cause Test/repair

Mains fault Input voltage fault. Loose or incorrect Check all cables for mechanical-
connections. ly correct connections.
Check mains voltage at the recti-
fier terminals.
If available:
Check mains voltage on the con-
troller tenuinals (see wiring dia-
If available:
Check mains input fuses on the
basic controller board.
If correct:
Check jumpers Xl 1 to X13 for
correct position.
If correct:
Fault on controller and control
section Al is possible; Consult
supplier or manufacturer.

Equipment Output voltage of - Mains fault Switch off rectifier, contactor Kl

failure the rectifier too drops out.
- Mains contactor Check to see if DC voltage fuse
Less than 2.1
dropped off F7 (ur) or control fuses F4, F5,
V /cell and less
F6 have been interrupted.
than 80 % lset out-
put current.
- Sensor line break If correct:
Check all cables for mechanical-
ly correct connections
- Controller failed With 3-phase voltage input:
LED o,n impulse transmission
board must be illuminated.
- Defective semi- Check isolating point (option) in /
conductor the .DC circuit of the rectifier (be-
low choke L1 ).
If correct:
Additional tests only with sepa-
rate equipment. Consult supplier
or manufacturer

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BENNING Rectifier THYROTRONIC with Thysat controller

LED display Meaning Possible cause Test/repair

High DC volt- Overvoltage Dynamic load of the Check dynamic load of the recti-
age switch-off through rectifier too high. fier.
Incorrect number of Check number of battery cells
battery cells. (see technical data sheet).
No set I actual value Controller possibly defective, re-
registration by con- place.
troll er.

Low battery - Mains fault, Check all points described above.

voltage - Equipment failure,
- Load short circuit,
- Battery lines inter-
- Battery defective.

Battery test - Battery not fully - Check all points described

negative charged, above.
- Battery lines inter- - Charge battery.
rupted, - Check battery and load cur-
- Battery defective. rents.

Battery circuit Battery circuit in- Check all cables for mechanical-
fault terrupted ly correct connections.
Check all isolating points or fus-
es in the battery circuit for their
switching status.
Check battery for cell breakage
or cell short circuit or
loose/incorrect cell connectors.

+ Earth fault I Earth fault In the case of paral- Deactivate the earth fault moni-
- Earth fault !el operation with toring in the controller of a recti-
other rectifiers with fier: See chapter 6.13.
earth fault monitor-
With additional Check to see if the
earth fault monitor- THYROTRONIC rectifier has
ing in other system been earthed on one pole:
units If yes:
Deactivate earth fault monitoring
in the controller:

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BENNING Rectifier THYROTRONIC with Thysat controller

LED display Meaning Possible cause Test/repair

Operating earth Check if no-earth operation of
connection of the the rectifier is provided.
Check if there is an earth fault in
the rectifier or load.

6.11 Earth resistance

If no earth resistance sensor is activate, 100 MO earth resistance will be dis-

played in the LCD.

To enable the earth fault measurement, the following parameters must be met:

Rectifier operates in single operation.

Insert the jumpers X300 and X301 on the lower controller board as stated in
the following table. Valid jumper assignment for earth faults:

X300, X301 18 to 60 V 33 to 120 V 80 to 330 V

1-2 - 80V 220V
3-4 36V 60V 110 v
5- 6 24 v 48V -

6.12 Signalling contacts

For the signal output, the unit is equipped with 3 potential-free change-over
switches. By default, they are provided for the following messages:
common fault, low battery voltage and mains fault.

Maximum contact ratings: 250 V AC/8 A

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BENNING Rectifier THYROTRONIC with Thysat controller

1 =Voltage switched
e1c hstrom- starenz kurve (2)
\ 2 = DC current load limit curve
3 = DC current load limit curve

(1~50 ........
........ ohmsche Last: -
- (3) 4 =Current switched
~ 30

~ 10 0.1 0.2 o.s 1 2 s 10 20

SllZll>ll Schaltstrom [A) ( 4)

6.13 Voltage adjustment

The output voltage is measured constantly (actual value) and compared to the
desired value. In case of parallel operation with decoupling diode, the bar volt-
age is measured which is detected via the 2nd voltage channel.) Deviations are
balanced out (gradually). In this way, unit-internal temperature drift or slight
errors in rectifier calibration can be compensated.

Simultaneously, if rectifiers are interconnected by a parallel operation line (see

chapter 6.14 Parallel operation of two rectifiers) a parallel operation control is
performed that ensures an equal load distribution among the rectifiers. ln this
case the rectifier with the greatest deviation from the mean unit current is se-
lected and the voltage slowly increased or decreased.

Parallel operation regulation does not take place when the rectifiers are subject
to battery charging current limiting.

6.14 Parallel operation of two rectifiers

"Parallel operation with decoupling diode" in combination with "inclined char-


With these two settings the controller is informed that it feeds a common bar in
parallel operation with one other rectifier by way of a decoupling diode.

Both flags must be active. In these operating conditions, the 2nd voltage chan-
nel of each rectifier must measure the bar voltage. The set voltage values are
increased by the constant value 0.8 Vin order to compensate the voltage drop
on the diode and to maintain the set voltages on the bar. The voltage adjust-
ment acts on the second voltage channel. The voltage monitoring with battery
(circuit) test acts on the second voltage channel. (controller terminal: X 400

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BENNING Rectifier THYROTRONIC with Thysat controller

6.15 Parallel operation , circuits

There are several configurations to support parallel operation of multiple units.

This requires each unit to be equipped with block-type diodes!

Configuration 1

Two independent units are each fitted with block-type diodes at the rectifier
output. Each unit has a battery output and a consumer load output.
Both units supply with their respective output one common battery. See block
diagram 1

Both units may operate simultaneously. There is no parallel operation line be-
tween the two controllers required. In one of the units, the earth fault monitor-
ing needs to be disabled. The function battery circuit monitoring may be used.
However, no battery availability test can be performed since the devices do not
share one common battery shunt. If this function is kept active on both units,
status report errors may occur.

Block diagram 1

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BENNING Rectifier THYROTRONTC with Thysat controller

Configuration 2

Two independent units are each fitted with block-type diodes which are how-
ever switched in the consumer load circuit. Each unit disposes of a separate
battery, both are switched in parallel with the consumer load circuit.

Only the consumer loads are switched in parallel. Each rectifier disposes of a
separate battery. A parallel operation line (synchronising line) is not required.
In one of the units, the earth fault monitoring needs to be disabled. The func-
tion battery circuit monitoring may be used. The function battery availability
test can be used since each unit has an own battery.

Block diagram 2

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BENNING Rectifier THYROTRONIC with Thysat controller

Configuration 3

This is a system which is specifically designed for parallel operation. It fea-

tures a single battery output and one (or several) co111111on consumer load out-
puts. See block diagram 3

Here, both units are designed for fully synchronised parallel operation. A paral-
lel operation line (synchronising line) between the two controllers ensures
equal load distribution. It is included in the delivery scope. All parameters are
preset accordingly.

Block diagram 3

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BENNING Rectifier THYROTRONIC with Thysat controller

Configuration 4

Both w1its feed one common battery shunt via their battery outputs. Here, the
measuring circuit is connected to one unit and analysed there. See block dia-
gram 4

If the devices are on site wired like this, the shunt line to the controller needs to
be removed on the second unit. Furthermore, jumper X41 has to be removed
from the upper controller board. On one unit, the earth fault monitoring must
be disabled. A parallel operation line must be plugged in to connect the two
controllers to each other. (SAT-BUS)

Block diagram 4

If rectifiers, which do not correspond to configuration 3, are interconnected

on site, you need to make the following changes and settings:

Since both rectifiers come standard with earth fault monitoring, this monitoring
function must be disabled on one of the two rectifiers. Otherwise, the earth
fault monitoring systems will yield faulty measurements. To do so, proceed as

On the controller:

-- Remove the jumpers X8, X300, X301,

the jumpers are located on the lower board.

-- Remove jumper X9 (behind X4) from the upper board.

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BENNING Rectifier THYROTRONIC with Thysat controller

Inside the rectifier

- Remove the cahle connector from tem1inal strip X 3: tem1inal no.100 to


In configuration 3 and 4 if the charging voltage control is governed by the

battery temperature, a temperature sensor is needed on the first rectifier only.

6.15.1 Battery test

A battery test is performed with Uset = 1.8 V/cell and IMax=lset·

There are 4 types of battery tests:

• Manual battery test

It is manually started and stops automatically reaching the battery testing

time (battery test positive) or the set abort voltage (battery test negative).

• Manual battery circuit test

It is manually started and stops automatically on reaching the battery cir-

cuit test period (for instance 10 seconds, battery circuit test positive) or
the set battery circuit abort voltage (battery circuit fault).

• Automatic battery test

It is automatically started at fixed intervals (for instance every 3 months)

and stops automatically on reaching the battery testing time (for instance
3 h, battery test positive) or the set abort voltage (battery test negative).

• Automatic battery circuit test

It is automatically started at fixed intervals (for instance every 24 hours)

and stops automatically on reaching the battery circuit test period (for in-
stance 10 seconds, battery circuit test positive) or the set battery circuit
abort voltage (battery circuit fault).

The interval for the automatic battery (circuit) test is not changed by a
manually triggered battery (circuit) test, i.e. the next starting date for au-
tomatic battery (circuit) test remains intact.

During the battery test (not during battery circuit test), battery voltage,
duration of the battery test and Ah withdrawn (with connected battery
shunt) are recorded.

Set DIP switch no. 9 to "off': Function Battery test is disabled. See the
entry in the "technical data sheet" of the rectifier.

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BENNING Rectifier THYROTRONIC with Thysat controller

6.15.2 Manual

This is the sixth possible operation mode/voltage level. It is started and stopped
manually. This operation mode is only required and programmed for special
configurations (for instance for use in power stations for rectifier coupling).

6.16 Shutting down

6.16.1 Switching off the rectifier

Shutting down the rectifier is not practical or necessary during regular opera-
tion. Should shutting down of the rectifier be necessary for maintenance or re-
pair purposes, proceed as follows:

-+ Switch off the rectifier by placing the unit switch in the position "O".

6.16.2 Isolating the rectifier

In order to isolate the rectifier on the primary and secondary sides, proceed as
follows :

-+ Check to ensure that the rectifier has been switched off with the unit
switch or place the unit switch in the position "O".

-+ Disconnect the connections in the following sequence:

• to the load,

• to the battery,

• to the mains supply.

Please note:

-+ Wait for approximately 5 minutes until all voltage-carrying components

have been fully discharged.

---> Ensure the system is de-energised before commencing work on the recti-

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BENNING Rectifier THYROTRONIC with Thysat controller

7 Maintenance

7.1 General

Dangerous electrical voltage warning!

The rectifier is a piece of electrical equipment carrying voltages

and currents that are dangerous to human beings.

The rectifier may therefore only be:

operated by specifically instructed and skilled specialists.

installed, opened, repaired and possibly disassembled by qualified

The power supply and a battery and/or load contact must always be discon-
nected before intervening and working on the rectifier.

All information about Safety instructions concerning troubleshooting and

maintenance must be observed and adhered to.

The chapter Maintenance comprises the areas visual inspection and cleaning as
well as maintenance and repair of the rectifier through qualified electrical per-

The specified maintenance interval of one year refers to the continuous opera-
tion of the rectifier. The details described in that chapter must be considered as
minimum recommendations. Depending on the operating conditions, these in-
structions may require expansion in order to ensure the serviceability of the

Special additional and supplementary information can be taken from the ac-
companying documents of the rectifier.

7.2 Inspection and maintenance

At least once per year, and if operation deviates from the nonnal , inspect and
maintain as required.

Following major maintenance measures, all measured values must be verified

with a precision instrument following the start-up of the rectifier.

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BENNING Rectifier THYROTRONIC with Thysat controller

7.3 Cleaning

Avoid damaging transfonner windings and chokes.

• You can remove dust or dirt in the rectifier with a brush and vacuum clean-

7.3.1 Terminals and plug connections

Xl :Ll - L3, N, PE: AC Input

X3 :PE I 100 Measuring earth for earth
fault monitoring
X2:1/2: Battery temperature sensor
X2:3/4: Battery electrolyte sensor

~ Check the terminals and plug connections and tighten if required.

~Inspect the plug connections for clean contact surfaces, pull relief and cor-
rect engagement.

7.3.2 Contactors, relays

Contactor K 1:
AC main contactor

~ Check the contactors for ease of operation by pushing on by hand. (Remove

the arc chamber beforehand, if necessary.)

~If necessary, remove any foreign bodies by removing the contactors con-

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BENNING Rectifier THYROTRONIC with Thysat controller

--+Check the condition of the protective contacts: Remove burns (welding

splatter) with a suitable file. Do not use emery cloth or sandpaper for that

-t Never grease contacts!

Tarnished contact pieces do not affect the function of the unit.

7.3.3 Monitoring installation

--+Check the response values of the monitoring functions of the controller.

The response values can be found in the technical documentation.

7.4 Exchange of electrolyte capacitors

In order to retain the smoothing requirements, the electrolyte capacitors must
be replaced after 10 years of operation.

Dangerous electrical voltage warning!

The rectifier is a piece of electrical equipment carrying voltages

and currents that are dangerous to human beings.

Before commencing work, disconnect the rectifier from all primary and sec-
ondary connections.

To do so, proceed as described in chapter 6.15 Shutting down.

In case of doubt or with regard to questions concerning the procedure, consult

the manufacturer or supplier.

7.5 Externally ventilated semiconductors, semiconductor units and

transformers (optional)
In order to ensure a perfect function, we recommend to check the air inlet and
air outlet at regular intervals (e.g. monthly for environments with high dust
levels), and to clean the same ifrequired.

In order to retain the proper functioning of the rectifier, we recommend to re-

place the fan after 5 years of operation.

Semiconductor unit

ln case of a fan failure, the rectifier is switched off by the temperature monitor-
ing system; the fault is optically signalled at the display unit and potential-free
signalled in the free central fault signal.

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BENNING Rectifier THYROTRONIC with Thysat controller


In case of a fan failure, the rectifier is switched off by the temperature monitor-
ing system; the fault is optically signalled at the display unit and potential-free
signalled in the free central fault signal. The fans can be pulled upwards out of
the fan duct for replacement, no tool is required for this.

Dangerous electrical voltage warning!

The rectifier is a piece of electrical equipment carrying voltages

and currents that are dangerous to human beings.

Before commencing work, disconnect the rectifier from all primary and sec-
ondary connections.

To do so, proceed as described in chapter 6.15 Shutting down.

In case of doubt or with regard to questions concerning the procedure, consult

the manufacturer or supplier.

7.6 Changing the controller programme

The progran1111e of the controller has been preset at the factory. If any changes
are necessary, please contact the manufacturer.

7. 7 Replacement parts

Please contact the manufacturer or supplier quoting the unit data of the type
plate should your require replacement parts.

7.7.1 Disposal
If the rectifier is finally taken out of service at the end of its life, adhere to the
laws and regulations concerning disposal applicable at that time.

Detailed information in this regard can be obtained from the specialist disposal
operations or the responsible authorities.


Electronic scrap with its various plastic, metal and heavy metal components
possesses a high hazard potential for the environment. For this reason electron-
ic scrap must be collected and disposed off separately from domestic and
commercial waste.

Electronic scrap should be disposed of to the internal disposal section who will
pass on the scrap to special companies (specialist disposal operations).

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BENNING Rectifier THYROTRONIC with Thysat controller

The packaging of the rectifier must be disposed of separately. Paper, cardboard

and plastics must be recycled.

7.8 Batteries


Old batteries contain heavy metals and caustic chemicals which may not enter
into the environment. Battery manufacturers are obligated to take these back
and to dispose of them free of charge.

Dispose of old batteries in the collection containers provided for this purpose
or contact your battery supplier.

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BENNING Rectifier THYROTRONIC with Thysat contro11er

8 Components of the rectifier

Description Picture
A31 Indicator and operating panel
Generally, the operating panel offers the e
l "loo1;::r.i.r;ing
1 ~1 1:ciu:o1~~.g--C"..ll '"11
t I
100 A
following functions: c 1 8.J~· t=ii I
0 1 1.1~~1&.1 1 •
([;! •• •
e I F:1u11m., m T>u'11""
o Controlling the DC operating o l tto11 r.c,,.~
0 0 0 0 f - -- - -

e ""'tlnt""'fY""'H'.so-
modes ci
_I a~:t;rJ ~i:!'"oi\;~:i*
0 I a~iltl ..,•.;ir;1,n:: '"'.Ji
o Performing battery circuit tests Cl j - £,TiM

with the rectifier by means of the •

) · f~u :

current load connection 0

o Programming the alarms setting,

o Monitoring the operating state of
the charger.

Refer to chapter 5 for more detailed data.

Block-type diode VlO

For rectifier shunt-connection. Counter-
cells V8N9:
For load voltage reduction.
Fuse for semiconductor protection
Vl - V6

Thysat controller /rectifier controlling
and monitoring

Terminals XlO:
Distribution station for DC control and
monitoring voltage

Terminals Xl 1:
Distribution station for digital inputs at
the Thysat controller

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BENNING Rectifier THYROTRONIC with Thysat controller

Description Picture
DC monitoring relay for switching the
counter-cell contactors

Kll, K12
Contactors for switching the counter-cells

M.c.b. for the mains contactor

M.c.b. for the heating units

M.c.b. for the DC control and measuring

Fl 7, F20-F22, F26:
Measuring voltage P2 and A30
F20 - F22
Measuring voltage for Pl
Control voltage for K6

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BENNING Rectifier THYROTRONIC with Thysat controller

Description Picture
K6, K13 , K14 : Control relays:

Battery electrolyte

Common fault message

High DC voltage:
DC semiconductor fuse for counter-cells

R22, R23 , R24:

For unit current
For battery current
For load current

Contactor K2:
Exhaustive discharge switch-off of the

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BENNING Rectifier THYROTRONIC with Thysat controller

Description Picture
Coniacior K3:
For switching contactor K2

Contactor K 1:
AC main contactor

T4 -T6: Current transformer for measur-
ing the AC input current

Ql 1
Battery fuse/load disconnector
Load Main Switch

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BENNING Rectifier THYROTRONIC with Thysat controller

Description Picture
F901 -F902:
DC overvoltage arrester

F18: Measuring voltage P2

F27, F28: Measuring voltage P2

Fl: AC m.c.b. mains input

F900: AC overvoltage arrester

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BENNING Rectifier THYROTRONIC with Thysat controller

Description Picture
X3.1 + X3.2:
1-3 common alarm
4- 6 battery deep discharged
7-9 high DC voltage
10-12 equipment failure
13 -15 mains failure
16-18 load voltage too low 99 V
19-21 load voltage too high 126.5 V
22-24 earth fault
25-27 battery electrolyte low
28-30 input MCB and over voltage
Xl :L1 -L3, N, PE: AC Input
X3 :PE I 100 Measuring earth for earth
fault monitoring
X2: 112: Battery temperature sensor con-
X2:3/4: Battery electrolyte sensor contact

Choke Ll:
Part of the DC smoothing

Transformer Tl
Voltage regulation and galvanic separa-
tion from the mains

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BENNING Rectifier THYROTRONIC with Thysat controller

Description Picture
Them1ostat S 11:
Temperature measurement in the unit
Hygrometer S13:
Moisture measurement in the unit
Switching the heating units in the unit
bottom on and off

Heating units El and E2:

Prevents the accumulation of dangerous
moisture in the components.
Controlled by temperature and humidity.

Relay box A33 .1 und A33.2:

Forwards messages coming from the
Thysat controller to the terminal strips
X3.l and X3.2.

Battery set:
Supplies the loads for a certain period in
case of a rectifier failure.

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BENNING Rectifier THY ROTRONlC with Thysat controller

9 Cable cross sections of the DC end connection

Listing of the DC connection cross section referred to the rated unit current.
Without taking into account voltage drops, deviating dimensioning of the fuses,
ambient temperature as well as plant-specific requirements. Please refer to the
technical data sheet of the unit for the dimensioning of the fuses.

Output current [A] Cross section mm2

20 4
40 10
60 16
80 25
100 35
125 50
160 70
200 95
300 150
400 30x5
500 40x5
600 40x5
800 40x10
1000 50x10
1200 50x10
1500 80x10

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