Anglais 2

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Առարկա՝ Անգլերեն

9 points - 15 questions
Task 1
For each correct answer you will get + 0.6 points
For each incorrect or not chosen answer you will get 0 point.
4 points - 10 lines

Task 2 For each correct answer you will get + 0.4 points.
If you do not tick the correct line or do not write the word in front of each line, you will
get 0 point.
7 points - 4 True (T) and False (F) answers
Task 3
For each correct answer, you will get +1.75 points.
For each incorrect or not chosen answer you will get 0 point.

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Task 1. Grammar

There are 15 questions with a, b and c answers. Read the sentence and choose the correct
answer from a, b, or c.
The total score for this task is 9. For each correct answer you will get + 0.6 points. For each
incorrect or not chosen answer you will get 0 point.

1. I could not recognize my friend because he … a very weird hat.

a) wore b) was wearing c) wears
2. While I … a book, I came across a very interesting fact about our planet.
a) was reading b) have read c) read
3. If I had a little time, I…. you with this issue now.
a) would help b) will help c) would have helped
4. Katrina …………. the police everything she had seen.
a) must tell b) should have told c) should tell
5. If you ….earlier, you would not have missed the first part of the play.
a) had arrived b) arrived c) would arrive
6. Yesterday night a jewelry store ……… by local criminals.
a) have robbed b) robbed c) was robbed
7. Could you, please, tell me where …………………...
a) is the bus stop b) the bus stop is c) was the bus stop
8. I liked the movie we watched yesterday. So……I.
a) did b) do c) have
9. I…………… stay here any longer.
a) would rather b) had better not to c) would prefer not to
10. I was excited to know that we would stay at……..Marriott Hotel.
a) a b) the c) -
11. The largest planet in the Solar System is…… Jupiter.
a) the b) - c) a
12. On……………. side of the road there were beautiful flowers planted.
a) either b) neither c) both
13. This journey was so ………….. that I needed two days to regain my strength.
a) tiring b) tired c) tiredness
14. I have been working for George for three years. …….my boss he gives me much work to do.
a) Like b) As c) As if
15. It was snowing so ……… that we could not go outside.
a) hard b) hardly c) heavy

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Task 2. Grammar
Read each line carefully. Some lines are correct, but some have a word which should not be
there. Put a tick (V) if the line is correct. If a line has a word, which should not be there, write
the word in front of each line. There are 10 lines.
The total score for this task is 4 points. For each correct answer you will get + 0.4 points. If you
do not tick the correct line or do not write the word in front of each line, you will get 0 point.

Lines 0 and 00 are marked as examples for you!

To Whom It May Concern,

I recently bought a LED light for my bike. The purchase was being made 0 …being……..
via an online transaction. Unfortunately, the light is no longer functioning 00 … V...……
as advertised. I attached the light to the handle bar and have used it to 1 ……………..
commute to work. On Friday, it did get wet in a rainstorm, but the product 2 ……………..
description claims the light is waterproof. This light is advertised as is 3 ……………..
having a 1-year guarantee. Therefore, I’m requesting either a full refund 4 ……………..
to the credit card, or a free exchange. I would also not expect that you 5 ……………..
deliver the replacement with free shipping to compensate for this 6 ……………..
inconvenience. On my way to home on Friday night the light failed, and it 7 ……………..
was extremely so dangerous to get home without reliable illumination in 8 ……………..
the streets. Thanks for your prompt attention to this matter. If we can 9 ……………..
resolve this quickly, I can provide for a positive review on your website. 10 …………….

Task 3. Reading
1. The text has 4 True (T) and False (F) answers. The score for the text is7 points. For each
correct answer, you will get +1.75 points. For each incorrect or not chosen answer you will get
0 point.

Read the text carefully and mark or circle T if the answer is true, and F if the answer is false.

Sparta and Athens were two Greek states that illustrated two different types of conventional
The Spartans, tough and martial people, gave a purely military education. At the age of seven all
boys of noble families were taken from their homes and were sent to live in groups. They were kept
under a very strict discipline and were taught hunting, military scouting, swimming and the use of
weapons. The Spartans despised literature, and some people think they were illiterate.
At the very same time also for the upper crust only the Athenians were building what we call a
liberal education - one that helps a person to perfect all sides of his nature, helps him to make and
value beautiful things and helps him find the best way of life. They thought it essential to educate
the body as well as the mind, and had a program of physical training which consisted of running,
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jumping, wrestling and throwing the discus. Athenian education paid special attention to reading,
writing and literature.
Common people were not educated; they were trained in craftsmanship, workmanship and trades.

1. T F The Spartans were nice and gentle people.

2. T F Both in Sparta and Athens people of all social layers could get education.
3. T F Both types of education involved physical activities.
4. T F Uneducated people did not have any occupations.

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