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I, R_____ V. B_______, of legal age, Filipino and a resident of Purok 04,

Brgy. N_____, ______, Isabela under oath, hereby depose and state as follows:

1. I am the Attorney-in-Fact of the Plaintiff in the above-entitled case for


2. That Plaintiff is the owner of said properties, particularly described as

follows, to wit:
Make : Isuzu
Series : MU-X 4X2 LS -A
Type : Wagon
Chassis No. : MPAUCR85GGT002484
Engine No. : 4JJ1PD1612
Plate No. : ACL60__
Model : 2016

Make : Suzuki
Series : N/I
Type : Dropside
Chassis No. : DC51T324758
Engine No. : F6A6074293
Plate No. : NOG6__
Model : 20__

Make : Yamaha
Series : Mio Sporty 40C2
Type : MC
Chassis No. : PA040C000A00517__
Engine No. : 40C012938
Plate No. : 34__ BN
Model : 20__

3. That the said personal properties are wrongfully detained by the

defendant without lawful cause whatsoever;

4. That the said personal property has not been taken for a tax
assessment or fine pursuant to law, or seized under an execution, or an
attachment against the property of the plaintiff;

5. That the total value of said properties is One Million One Hundred
Ninety Thousand Pesos (Php I,190,000.00);

6. That the said personal properties have not been distrained or taken
for a tax assessment or a fine pursuant to law, or seized under a writ of
execution or preliminary attachment, or otherwise placed under custodia legis,
or if so seized, that it is exempt from such seizure or custody;

7. That the plaintiff is ready, willing and able to put up a good and
sufficient bond of double the actual market value of said motor vehicle
conditioned on the return thereof to the Defendants if such return be
adjudged, and for payment of such sum as they may recover from the plaintiff
in the instant action;

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto affixed my signature this ___

Day of March, 2020 at Echague, Isabela.

R_____ V. B______
Atorney-in-Fact/ Affiant
Driver’s License No. B02-19-00____

SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this ___ day of ___________,

2020 at Echague, Isabela. I hereby certify that I personally examined the affiant
and I am satisfied that he has read and understood the contents of the
Affidavit and he attested that the same is a product of his own free will. Affiant
have exhibited to me his Identification Card (Driver’s License) bearing his
picture and signature as competent proof of his true identity.

Doc No.
Page No.
Book No.
Series of 2020.

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