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Good morning! Basin nakabalo mo sa EXACT ANSWER ani na mga questions, pwede ko mangayo?

1. Janus can know the difference among different flavor off noodles even though this are only
a. Absolute threshold
b. Difference threshold
c. Sensory Threshold
d. Minimal Threshold
2. I would like to see if my students have achieved the objectives of my lesson. What portfolio
would I like to see?
a. Showcase Portfolio
b. Assessment Portfolio
c. Developmental Portfolio
d. Objective Portfolio
3. “The Problem with many of the organization’s offer is that they are often conscious ____ what
the members think or say about their project proposals”
a. About
b. In
c. For
d. On
4. Which of the following is NOT a correct function of organ in plants?
a. Epidermis – Protection
b. Vascular – Transport
c. Mesophyll – Photosynthesis
d. Stoma – Entrance of wate
5. The solution set for the equation x2 – 4x – 5 = 0
a. x= 5, 9
b. x= 5, 1
c. x= -5, 1
d. x= 5, -1
6. Which of the following is the role of the teacher from the perennialist perspective?
a. To assist the learner to clarify his/her value priorities through self-analysis
b. To give, to interpret, or analyze complete information to the student
c. To expose the learner to up-to-date information about Science and Math
d. To reveal the wisdom of the ages such as those contained in the Bible/Koran
7. Which one describes the percentile rank of a given score?
a. The percent of cases of a distribution within the given score.
b. The percent of cases of a distribution above the given score.
c. The percent of cases of a distribution below and above the given score.
d. The percent of cases of a distribution below the given score.
8. Teacher should bear in mind that the period of greatest mental development is from _______.
a. 3 to 6 years old
b. 6 to 9 years old
c. 9 to 12 years old
d. 12 to 15 years old
9. Some children are more active than others. As everyone knows, extremely high levels of activity
or hyperactivity are considered problematic. How may a teacher help a child who is
a. Make him the leader of the class
b. Transfer him to another class
c. Give him challenging activities that are appropriate to his ability level and interests
d. Allow him to spend longer time at the playground until he gets tired
10. It is the process of becoming aware of the contradictions existing within oneself and in society
and of gradually being able to bring about personal and social transformation
a. Scientific
b. Conscientization
c. Commitment
d. None of these
11. As senior high school class will take up paragraph writing but at a more sophisticated and
advanced level than a first year class. This is one example of what organization of learning
a. Articulation
b. Sequence
c. Integration
d. Continuity
12. Which teaching technique develops creative thinking by the use of comparison and analogy?
a. Heuristic
b. Synectics
c. Intrinsic
d. Aesthetic
13. Which one can enhance the comparability of grades?
a. Formulating tests that vary from one teacher to another
b. Using a common conversion table for translating test scores into ratings
c. Individual teachers giving weights to factors considered to ratings
d. Allowing individual teachers to determine factors for rating
(8 x−24)
14. Simplify
2 x 2−x−15
( x−4 )
(x +4 )
(2 x+5)
(2 x+5)
15. The readings on a water meter in April and May are 417. 8kl and 430.4kl. if there is a basic
charge of 23 pesos and the cost per kilo is 20 pesos, how much is the billing for water
consumption between the two months?
a. Php. 2,520
b. Php. 2,543
c. Php. 272
d. Php. 275
16. ____________ is the philosophy of our folks during the pre Hispanic days
a. Folktale
b. Folklore
c. Proverbs
d. Ordeal
17. Kung sa pakikinig ang mga layuning malibang ay mauuri bilang apresyatib, mauuri naman sa
pagbabasa bilang ______?
a. Mapanuri
b. Scanning
c. Intensibo
d. ekstensibo

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