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Lagna in different rashis

Lagna #1: Mesha Lagna

Saravali 48.3–6. Mesha Lagna: (1) Highly susceptible to
fire, (2) Fond of in visiting foreign places, (3) Miserly, (4)
Emaciated, (5) Not happy, (6) Jealous, (7) Stammering in speech,
(8) Troubled by bilious and windy diseases, and complaints of
heat, (9) Skilful in performance, (10) Timid, (11) Religious, (12)
Not very intelligent, (13) Destroy others’ wealth, (14) Fickle-
minded, (15) Enjoy pleasures, (16) Famous, (17) Ugly nails, (18)
Bereft of brothers, (19) Abandoned by father, (20) Walk fast, (21)
Inactive (or unlucky) children, (22) Various kinds of wealth, (23)
Virtuous, (24) Wife will belong to a base family, (25) Reproached
even by her own people, (26) Derive happiness and wealth in
undesirable manners.

1. Highly susceptible to fire: Strong Agni. Agni Rasi, lorded

by Agni Graha Mangal and is the Uccha Rasi for another Agni
Graha Surya.
2. Fond of in visiting foreign places: Strong Agni. Rasi of
strong influence of Surya — this makes the person leave home
land and wander in foreign land. Settling in a place is difficult
due to high energy level. High energy = High mobility. This is
also a movable sign (Chara Rasi).
3. Miserly: Strong benefic influence in the 3rd house makes
one miserly. Here the 3rd house is owned by Budha. Also,
Mesha Rasi represent a very young age, where the tendency is
to hoard rather than sharing with others.
4. Emaciated: Strong Agni = High metabolism.
5. Not happy: Strong Krura grahas influence on the Lagna.
Always anxious.
6. Jealous: Jealousy = Budha. Look at the 3rd and 6th house,
governed by Budha. Also, Rahu gets Uccha in the 3rd house
and Mulatrikona in the 6th house, indicating strong Rahu
influences on these two houses.
7. Stammering speech: Strong watery element in the 2nd
house indicate stammering due to heave tongue. 2nd house
from Mesha is governed by Jala Tattva Shukra and is the Uccha
Rasi for Chandra.
8. Troubled by Bilious and Windy diseases, and
complaints of heat:Bilious = Strong Agni. Windy is caused
by Strong Agni as Agni and Vayu are strong friends.
9. Skilful in performance: High energy level. This skill is
coming from Mangal and Surya.
10. Timid: Strong Benefic influence on the 3rd house. The 3rd
house from Mesha is ruled by Budha indicating Timidity.
11. Religious: 9th house is ruled by Devaguru Brhaspati.
12. Not very intelligent: Here intellect does not mean the
ability to reason, but the ability to choose the right thing at the
right time and place. This is because strong influence of Surya
on the lagna and the 5th house. Surya makes one behave
according to own wish, instead of adapting to the expected
13. Destroy others’ wealth: Others = 7th house, Other’s
wealth = 8th house. 8th house falls in Vrschika Rasi, where
Chandra gets Neecha.
14. Fickle-minded: Strong influence of Mangal on the Head.
Mangal and Chandra are two grahas which cause fickle-
15. Enjoy pleasures: 4th house is the house of comfort,
governed by Chandra and is the Uccha sthana for Guru. Hence,
this indicates that these natives are fond of comforts and
luxuries on life.
16. Famous: Surya gets Uccha in the Lagna. The Lagna lord
gets Uccha in the 10th house. Guru and Chandra are
comfortably placed in the Lagna.
17. Ugly nails: Shani gets Neecha in the Lagna, indicating that
these natives have some issues pertaining to things governed
by Shani.
18. Bereft of Brothers: Especially elder brothers are less born
to these natives, as the 11th is owned by Shani and Rahu.
Whichever Bhava has strong influence of Shani and Rahu, the
native is either separated from the significations of that Bhava
or have suffering pertaining to them.
19. Abandoned by father: Separation of father is indicated
because 9th lord gets Neecha in the 10th house and the Lagna
lord gets neecha in the 4th house. Weakness in the 4th-10th
axis indicate early separation from father. Another
combination is Surya Uccha or Neecha in the 1st-7th axis.
20. Walk fast: Strong Agni influence. Chara Rasi.
21. Inactive (or unlucky) children: Strong Agni Tattva in the
5th house can cause anxiety or separation from Children.
22. Various kinds of wealth: Precious metals and stones are
given by Surya and Chandra, who are well placed in the lagna.
Also, the 2nd house of wealth is owned by Shukra and is the
Ucchakshetra for Chandra. Shukra = luxuries. Chandra =
previous stones, good food etc.
23. Virtuous: Guru and Surya are good friends to this Lagna.
Strong Surya destroys all darkness and strong Guru gives good
guidance to be in the righteous path.
24. Wife belongs to a base family: Shani is the only inimical
Graha towards Lagnesha Mangal, while Shukra and Budha are
only neutral. The weakness is where the enemy gets Uccha.
Shani attains Uccha in the 7th house, indicating that this will
be the area of weakness in these native’s life.
25. Reproached even by her own people: Friends are seen
from the 11th house. The 11th house is governed by Shani and
Rahu, who are inimical towards the Lagnesha Mangal. Thus,
these natives are reproached by the friends and well-wishers.
Also 4th house is the Bandhu Bhava i.e., the people who makes
the person comfortable. Lagnesha is Neecha in the 4th house,
indicating that these people find it difficult to get comfort from
26. Derive happiness and wealth in undesirable
manners: This is an extreme condition because, Mangal gets
Neecha in the house of comforts i.e., the 4th house. Indicating
that the native can resort to Neecha Means (undesirable
means) to get comfort.

Lagna #2: Vrshabha Lagna

Key Characteristics of this Rasi:

1. It is a Sthira Rasi (Fixed sign), indicating fixity of purpose,

nature etc.
2. It is Owned by Shukra and Chandra attains Mulatrikona and
Uccha here.
3. There is strong presence of Jala Tattva here due to joint
influence of Shukra and Chandra.
4. It is a feminine Rasi (even sign). It falls in the Natural 2nd
House ruling Wealth (Dhana), Kutumba (family) and Vani
(speech). Being the natural 2nd house, it has the blessings of
both Lakshmi and Sarasvati.
5. Its lord Shukra attains Uccha in the Labha sthana in Meena,
while Neecha in the Suta sthana in Kanya.
6. The friends of the Lagnesha Shukra are Budha and Shani.
Budha owns the Dhana (Mithuna) and Suta (Kanya) Bhavas,
while Shani owns the Dharma (Makara) and Karma (Kumbha)
7. Friend Budha attains Uccha in Suta (Kanya) and Neecha in
Labha (Meena) bhava. Friend Shani attains Uccha in Shatru
(Tula) and Neecha in Vyaya (Mesha) Bhava.
8. Surya is highly inimical to the Lagnesha Shukra. Guru is only
mildly inimical and Mangal is neutral. Inimical Surya owns the
Sukha (Simha) Bhava, attains Neecha in the Shatru (Tula)
Bhava and Uccha in Vyaya (Mesha) Bhava.
9. Mildly inimical Guru is the lord of its Uccha Rasi, hence
beneficial. It owns the Randhra (Dhanu) Bhava and the Labha
(Meena) Bhava. It attains Uccha in the Sahaja (Karka) Bhava
and Neecha in the Dharma (Makara) Bhava.
10. Neutral and its counter balance Mangal owns the Jaya
(Vrschika) and Vyaya (Mesha) Bhava, attains Uccha in Dharma
(Makara) and Neecha in the Sahaja (Karka) Bhavas.
11. Its friend Rahu attains Uccha in the Dhana (Mithuna) Bhava
and Neecha in Randhra (Dhanu) Bhava. Ketu is the reverse.

Saravali 48.7–9. Vrshabha Lagna. (1) Brave, (2) Endure

miseries, (3) Happy, (4) Destroy enemies, (5) Inclination to
gather wealth right from childhood, (6) Broad and strong
forehead, nose, cheeks and lips, (7) Industrious, (8) Fortunate,
(9) Devoted to parents, (10) Charitable, (11) Many expenses, (12)
Short-tempered, (13) Phlegmatic and windy humour, (14) Father
(many) daughters, (15) Insults own men, (16) Devoid of religion,
(17) Interested in women, (18) Fickle minded, (19) Fond of food
and drinks, (20) Endowed with various kinds of robes and

1. Brave: 3rd lord Chandra attains Uccha in the Lagna,

indicating 3rd house to be the area of strength for these
natives. Also, the symbol is that of a Bull, which is a very brave
and stubborn animal.
2. Endure miseries: Strong Agni Tattva in the 4th house. It is
ideal to have strong Jala Tattva in the 4th house for comforts
and happiness in life. Also, the 4th house is inimical to the
Lagnesha Shukra. Lagnesha Shukra gets neecha in the 5th
house of psychology, indicating that these people will have
something eating them from within, they appear to look for
something without knowing how to get it.
3. Happy: This is quite opposite to the previous indication of
miseries. How? There appear to be some contradiction in their
life. They also attain happiness because Lagnesha Shukra
attains Uccha in the house of Gains in Pisces.
4. Destroy enemies: Because Lagnesha Shukra also owns the
6th house. It is the area of strength as Shukra’s good friend
Shani attains Uccha in the 6th house.
5. Inclination to gather wealth right from
childhood: Childhood = Budha. 2nd from this Lagna is ruled
by Budha. Rahu = Material gains. Rahu gets Uccha in the 2nd
house and is a friend of Lagnesha Shukra. Thus 2nd is another
area of strength for this Lagna.
6. Broad and strong forehead, nose, cheeks and
lips: Indications of the symbol of this Rasi, a Bull.
7. Industrious: Industriousness and enterprise is governed by
the 3rd house. The 3rd lord attains Uccha in the Lagna.
8. Fortunate: Good luck and fortune comes from the 9th
house. 9th house falls in Makara and its lord attains Uccha in
the 6th house of enemies, diseases and troubles, indicating that
these people are naturally protected from these issues in life.
9. Devoted to parents: Karaka for Mother Chandra attains
Uccha in the Lagna. Lagnesha Shukra well disposed towards
9th lord Shani.
10. Charitable: Charity comes from the 9th house and
secondarily from the 2nd and 11th house. 2nd is lorded by a
friend Budha who attains Uccha in the 5th house of psyche.
Lagnesha Shukra attains Uccha in the 11th house in Meena.
12th house of expenditure has strong influence of Surya, the
karaka for Dharma. Hence, spending on righteous things are
seen. 9th lord attains Uccha in the 6th, the house of service,
indicating service is an important Dharma for these people.
11. Many expenses: 12th house is a weakness for these people,
as the 9th and 10th lord Shani, a friend of Lagnesha Shukra
attains Neecha in the 12th house.
12. Short-tempered: Strong influence of Shukra makes one
Short-Tempered. Also, the 8th house governs Short-temper
and belligerence. 8th is ruled by Dhanu Rasi, whose lord Guru
can cause loss of fortune as it gets Neecha in the 9th house.
Hence, these native should be careful when they get angry, as
they can cause great troubles to themselves.
13. Phlegmatic and windy humour: Combined influence of
Shukra and Chandra. Shukra is 2/3rd Kapha and 1/3rd Vata,
while Chandra is 1/3rd Kapha and 2/3rd Vata according to
Maharishi Parashara.
14. Father (many) daughters: The 5th house falls in the
Kanya Rasi, which indicate female Child. Kanya = Girl child.
15. Insults own men: 11th house of friends falls in Meena Rasi.
The lord Guru gets neecha in the 9th house of Dharma. What is
the native’s Dharma? Insult (Neecha) the friends and Kinsmen
(11th lord). Also Lagnesha is inimical to the 4th house of
Bandhu, ruled by Simha and Surya.
16. Devoid of religion: Surya and Guru are karaka for religion
who are inimical towards the 9th house Rasi Makara. Guru
being the 8th lord attains Neecha and Surya is in Shatru
Kshetra. People of this Lagna can change their faith few times
in life.
17. Interested in women: Strong influence of Jala Tattva on
the Lagna. Jala Tattva = Relationship, sex, amorous.
18. Fickle minded: Strong influence of Chandra on the Lagna.
Chandra attains Uccha in the Lagna.
19. Fond of food and drinks: Vrsha Rasi = natural Rasi for
food and drinks. Also strong influence of Chandra = Food and
Shukra = Drinks.
20. Endowed with various kinds of robes and
ornaments: Strong influence of Chandra and Shukra.
Chandra= ornaments and Shukra = Robes. Feminine Rasi =
fond of beauty and wearing ornaments.
Lagna #3: Mithuna Lagna
Key Characteristics of this Rasi

1. This is the natural Sahaja sthana, the natural 3rd house of

courage and enterprise.
2. This is a Dual sign, indicating adjustment and adaptation.
3. This is an intellectual (self-reflection, introspection) Rasi,
being a Vayu Rasi.
4. The Rasi is symbolised by Maithuna, Copulation. A couple
embracing each other.
5. Rahu attains Uccha here and Ketu Neecha.
6. The Lagnesha Budha attains Uccha in the Sukha sthana and
Neecha in the Karma Sthana.
7. Shani and Shukra are the friends of the Lagnesha Budha.
Shani attains Uccha in the Mantra Bhava and Neecha in the
Labha Bhava. Shukra attains Uccha in the Karma Bhava and
Neecha in the Sukha Bhava.
8. Chandra is fond of Budha, Surya and Mangal are neutral
towards Budha, and Guru is inimical towards Budha.
9. Friendly Chandra owns the Dhana Bhava and attains Uccha
in the Vyaya Bhava, and Neecha in the Shatru Bhava.
10. Neutral Mangal owns the Shatru Bhava and Labha Bhava. It
attains Uccha in Randhra Bhava and Neecha in the Dhana
11. Neutral Surya owns the Sahaja Bhava, attains Uccha in the
Labha Bhava and Neecha in the Mantra Bhava.
12. Inimical Guru owns the Jaya and Karma Bhavas. It attains
uccha in the Dhana Bhava and Neecha in the Randhra Bhava.

Effect of Birth in this Lagna

Saravali 48.10–13. Mithuna Lagna. (1) Has a dear wife, (2)

Fond of ornaments, (3) Charitable, (4) Respectable, (5) Two
mothers, (6) Favourable even to his enemies, Destroy even
fearful enemies, (7) Interested in music, fine arts, Vedas,
Shastras, amusement, poetry etc., (8) Gentle, (9) Fond of
beautification, (10) Conceited, truthful, impatient and crafty, (11)
Evil sons, (12) Few relatives, (13) Limbs are of irregular sizes,
(14) Round eyes, (15) Fierce in appearance, (16) Endowed with
lands, jewels, gold etc.

1. Has a dear wife: Lagnesha is friendly to Karaka Shukra.

7th lord Guru attains uccha in the 2nd house of family. Karaka
Shukra attains Uccha in the Rasi ruled by the 7th lord Guru.
2. Fond of ornaments: Love and liking comes from the 5th
house. 5th House falls in Tula Rasi, ruled by Shukra, the graha
ruling femininity and love of ornaments.
3. Charitable: Charity comes from strong Dharma, 9th house.
9th lord Shani attains Uccha in the 5th house of love and
psychology. What prevails in the mind is seen from the 5th
house. Also the 9th co-lord Rahu attains Uccha in the Lagna.
4. Respectable: Respect and honour comes from the strength
of the Lagna. Who attains Uccha in the Lagna? 9th co-lord
Rahu, that of preceptor and masters, attains Uccha in the
5. Two mothers: The Rasi is not positive towards Chandra as
Budha is inimical towards it. Mithuna is also a Dual Rasi
indicating two mothers. Lagnesha Budha attains Uccha in the
4th house of mother, another dual Rasi, indicating two
mothers. One is the real mother, another one can be an
maternal aunt.
6. Favourable even to his enemies, destroys even
fearful enemies:There is strong connection of the Shatru
Bhava with this Lagna. Because the 6th house and the 6th from
the 6th house both owned by Mangal. So the same graha owns
both the 6th and 11th house. The native is not perturbed by
enmity because of the nature of Lagnesha Budha. Budha is the
karaka of non-violence and is the counterforce of Mangal, the
graha of violence and aggression. Budha keep the mind
undisturbed. Also look at the 5th house which gives Stamina
and Balance of mind. It is where the graha of sorrow and pain,
Shani, Gains Uccha, indicating high tolerance towards
disturbing forces. Why the native destroys even fearful enemies
is tricky! This power is given by fierce Rahu who attains Uccha
in the Lagna and the courage given by Surya. 6th lord Mangal
is neutral (sama) towards Budha, while Budha is also neutral
towards Mangal. Hence, such native will not have much enmity
in life, unless, Mangal and Budha are badly placed from each
7. Interested in music, fine arts, Vedas, Shastras,
amusement, poetry etc.: Mithuna is the Rasi of
communication and interaction with the outside world. It is
symbolised by a couple having intimate conversation. Lagnesha
Budha is the Karaka for learning and since the Karaka for
Shastras i.e., Shukra and Guru, are well disposed towards this
Lagna, the native is interested in various forms of music, fine
arts, Vedas, Shastras etc. Also look at the 2nd house governed
by Chandra. Chandra= Signing, Guru attains Uccha here. Guru
= Vedas, Shastras. Also Look at the 5th house ruled by Shukra.
Shukra= amusement, poetry, Shastras etc.
8. Gentle: The nature of Lagnesha Budha is gentle, innocent,
playful and childish, one who loves to experiment,
9. Fond of beautification: Same as #2, i.e., fond of
10. Conceited, truthful, impatient and
crafty: Contradicting character indicated by the Dual sign
governed by Budha. Budha has dual nature. It becomes Shubha
in the company of Shubha graha and becomes Krura in the
company of Krura graha. It can become highly truthful in the
company of Guru, pleasure seeking in the company of Chandra,
knower of the Shastras in the company of Shukra and can
become crafty in the company of Rahu. Mithuna is the Uccha
kshetra for Rahu indicating craftiness.
11. Evil sons: 5th lord Shukra attains Neecha in the house of
comforts and happiness i.e., 4th house. Also 8th lord Shani
attains Uccha in the 5th house, indicating children with
undesirable character.
12. Few relatives: 11th lord of friends, Mangal is neecha in the
house of family. The 5th lord of likings attains Neecha in the
4th house of Bandhu (kinsmen). The house of family becomes
weak in the 6th house of maternal relations, indicating
weakness in that house in the area of family.
13. Limbs are of irregular sizes: It is not clear why the
limbs should be of irregular sizes for this Lagna.
14. Round eyes: Eyes = 2nd house, owned by Chandra,
indicating round eyes.
15. Fierce in appearance: Uccha Kshetra of Rahu, one who is
fierce in appearance.
16. Endowed with lands, jewels, gold etc.: Land because
Lagnesha is exalted in the 4th house of land and the Karaka for
Land, Mangal owns the 11th house of gains. Jewels and gold
because, Karaka Surya attains Uccha in the 11th house of Gains.

Lagna #4: Karka Lagna

Key Characteristics of this Rasi

1. Natural 4th house of home, comforts, luxuries, vehicles etc.

2. Owned by Chandra, a emotional, sensitive, changing and fast
moving Graha.
3. 6th and 9th lord Guru attains Uccha here.
4. Lagnesha Chandra attains Uccha in the Labha Bhava. It
attains Neecha in the Suta Bhava.
5. Guru, Surya and Mangal are the friends of Lagnesha
Chandra. Guru owns the Shatru and Dharma Bhava and
attains Uccha in the Lagna and Neecha in the Jaya Bhava.
Surya owns the Dhana Bhava, attains Uccha in the Karma
Bhava and Neecha in the Sukha Bhava. Mangal owns the Suta
and Karma Bhava, attains Uccha in the Jaya Bhava and Neecha
in the Lagna Bhava.
6. Shani and Budha are highly inimical. Shukra is not
so inimicalbecause it gives its Rasi to Chandra to attain
Uccha. Shani owns the Jaya and Randhra Bhava, attains Uccha
in the Sukha and Neecha in the Karma Bhava. Budha owns the
Sahaja and the Vyaya Bhava, attains Uccha in the Sahaja Bhava
and Neecha in the Dharma Bhava. Shukra owns the Sukha and
Labha Bhava, attains Uccha in the Dharma Bhava and Neecha
in the Sahaja Bhava.

Effect of Birth in this Lagna

Saravali 48.14–17. Karka Lagna. (1) Timid, (2) Many

residences, (3) Fickle minded, (4) Learned, (5) Intelligent, (5)
Enduring, (6) Troubled by diseases of the anus, (7) Destroy his
enemies, (8) Crooked in disposition, (9) Sensuous, (10) Honour
Brahmins and Gods, (11) Religious, (12) Highly phlegmatic, (13)
Possesses a feminine physique, (14) Honoured for his virtues, (15)
Preceded by sisters in birth, (16) Bereft of relatives, (17) Few
children, (18) Has a censured family and a vile wife, (19) Enjoy
others’ wealth, (20) Firmly obstinate, (21) Live in foreign places,
(22) Valorous in his deeds, (23) Courageous, (24) Earn through
water, (25) Endowed with wife, ornaments, robes and happiness.

1. Timid: Timidity or Courage is seen from the 3rd house of

Valour and Enterprise. Here, 3rd house falls in Kanya Rasi,
where Budha gets Uccha. Budha = Non-violence. Strong Budha
vibrations in the 3rd house. These natives shy away from any
kind of violence and aggression.
2. Many residences: Karka is the natural Sukha Bhava, the
Bhava for residences.
3. Fickle minded: Strong influence of Chandra on the Lagna.
4. Learned: Uccha Rasi for Guru. 2nd House of Learning is
owned by Surya, the source of all knowledge. 2nd lord Surya
attains Uccha in the 10th house of Karma, Action. Learning is
an important activity for these natives.
5. Intelligent: Uccha Rasi for Guru, the karaka for knowledge
and wisdom.
6. Enduring: The ability to endure is blessed by Shani. Shani
gets Uccha in the 4th Bhava of Happiness. Also, strong
Chandra and Guru vibrations on the Lagna. Mother is the
symbol of endurance, especially at the time of pregnancy and
labour and childbirth.
7. Troubled by diseases of the anus: Anus region is
governed by the 8th house and influence of Rahu on the 8th
can cause serious troubles in that region. Rahu can cause
blockage to the free flow of excreta. There is strong Rahu
vibrations in the 8th house, due to its co-lordship.
8. Destroy his enemies: Timid, but destroys enemies? When
there is strong Guru’s vibrations in the 6th house, the enemies
are defeated with less or no effort. Here, the Shatru Bhava is
owned by Guru.
9. Crooked in disposition: Where is the psychology? The 5th
house, that falls in Vrschika. Lagnesha Chandra is Neecha in
the 5th house. Vrschika also indicate crookedness. These
natives can be highly secretive and it is difficult to gauge what’s
happening within their mind.
10. Sensuous: Strong influence of Jala Tattva on the Lagna.
11. Honour Brahmins and Gods, Religious: Strong
vibrations of Guru, Shukra and Ketu on the 9th house. 9th
house falls is Meena, owned by Guru, Uccha Rasi of Shukra and
Mulatrikona of Ketu. It is the Rasi of the Maharishis.
12. Highly phlegmatic: Strong influence of Jala Tattva on the
Lagna Bhava. The Rasi is a Jala Rasi and is owned by a Jala
Tattva Graha. The Vayu Tattva vibrations of Chandra is
subdued here, as the Rasi is strongly Jala Tattva.
13. Possesses a feminine physique: Karka = Feminine Rasi.
Chandra= Feminine graha. Chandra attains Uccha in another
Feminine Rasi, Vrsha Rasi.
14. Honoured for his virtues: Shubha Lagna. Strong Budha’s
vibrations in the 3rd house of Talent. Strong Guru’s vibrations
in the 9th house of Righteous thoughts. Strong Surya’s
vibrations in the 10th house of Righteous actions.
15. Preceded by sisters in birth: Elder siblings = 11th house.
11th house falls in Vrsha Rasi, where Chandra gets Uccha.
Vrsha = highly feminine Rasi due to joint influence of Shukra
and Chandra.
16. Bereft of relatives: 4th house of Bandhu Bhava is where
8th lord Shani gets Uccha.
17. Few children: Lagnesha Chandra gets Neecha in the 5th
house Vrschika.
18. Censured family and a vile wife: 2nd (Kutumba) lord
Surya gets Neecha in the 4th house (home). 7th is owned by
Shani, who is greatly inimical towards Lagnesha Chandra.
19. Enjoy others’ wealth: Others wealth = 8th house. 8th lord
attains Uccha in the 4th house, meaning other’s wealth giving
comfort and happiness to the native.
20. Firmly obstinate: Nature of the symbol, Crab.
21. Live in foreign places: Chara Rasi. Lagnesha Chandra =
Fast moving graha.
22. Valorous in his deeds, courageous: Timid but valorous.
Perhaps because the 3rd lord is exalted in the 3rd house.
23. Earn through water: Strong influence of Jala Tattva on
the Lagna. Also Lagna lord attains uccha in the Labha Bhava,
with strong Jala Tattva.
24. Endowed with wife, ornaments, robes and
happiness: Happiness is given by Uccha 9th lord in the
Bhagya. The native is given all happiness and good fortune due
to the blessings of Guru.

Lagna 5: Simha Lagna

Key Characteristics of this Rasi

 It is the 5th house of the zodiac ruling Children, Mind,

Mantra, followers, power and influence.

 Fixed Rasi = stubborn, rigid.

 Agni Rasi and also ruled by an Agni Graha, hence strong


 Symbolised by Lion and dense jungle.

 No graha attains Uccha or Neecha in this Rasi.

 Surya attains Uccha in the 9th house of Dharma and Neecha

in the 3rd house of morality.

 Friends of Surya are Chandra, Mangal and Guru. Chandra

owns the Vyaya Bhava, attains Uccha in the Karma Bhava and
Neecha in the Sukha Bhava. Mangal owns the Sukha and
Dharma Bhava, attains Uccha in the Shatru Bhava and Neecha
in the Vyaya Bhava. Guru owns the Suta and Randhra Bhava,
attains Uccha in the Vyaya Bhava and Neecha in the Shatru

 Shukra and Shani is highly inimical, Budha is friendly.

Inimical Shukra owns the Sahaja and Karma Bhava, attains
Uccha in the Randhra Bhava and Neecha in the Dhana Bhava.
Inimical Shani owns the Shatru and Jaya Bhava, attains Uccha
in the Sahaja Bhava and Neecha in the Dharma Bhava. Friendly
Budha owns the Dhana and Labha Bhava, attains Uccha in the
Dhana Bhava and Neecha in the Randhra Bhava.

Effect of Birth in this Lagna

Saravali 48.18–21. Simha Lagna. (1) Fond of eating meat,

(2) Earn wealth and honour through the King, (3) Bereft of
religion, (4) Dutiful in family affairs, (5) Face resembling that of
a lion, (6) Hold a high rank of office, (7) Majestic, strong and
bold, (8) Speak sparingly, (9) Miserly, (10) Trouble others, (11)
Fond of eating and worldly enjoyments, (12) Wander in hills and
forests, (13) Irascible, (14) Firm in friendship, (15) Careless, (17)
Inaccessible (or inviolable), (18) Destroy enemies, (19) Famous
sons, (20) Honour the virtuous, (21) Rich through agriculture
etc., (22) Interested in business, (23) Spend heavily on
prostitutes, dancers and his own wife, (24) Suffer dental

1. Fond of eating meat: The Rasi symbol is Lion, meat eater.

2. Earn wealth and honour through the King: Strong
influence of Surya on the Lagna. Surya = King, Government.
3. Bereft of religion: Lagnesha Surya attains Uccha in the 9th
house in Mesha. The native considers himself to be divine. The
9th lord attains Neecha in the Vyaya Bhava, the house of loss.
Strength of 9th lord in the 12th house give pilgrimages, while
weakness causes losses to the 9th house matters.
4. Dutiful in family affairs: Surya = Sense of duties. These
natives may be atheist, but are still highly duty bound, as the
9th house is still very important in their life. Uccha of Surya in
the 9th house indicate their sense of duties and obligations, but
no external behaviours (show off) on religious activities.
5. Face resembling that of a lion: The Rasi symbol is lion.
6. Hold a high rank of office: Surya = Natural leader.
Attains Uccha in the house of master. People treats them as a
master, leader. The ability to rule comes from the 10th house of
throne. Chandra another royal graha attains Uccha in the 10th
house. 10th lord Shukra attain Uccha in the 8th house
indicating some suddenness in their ruling.
7. Majestic, strong and bold: Characteristics of Surya, a
highly dignified graha, never engage in the trivial.
8. Speak sparingly: Characteristics of Surya. Only speak
when necessary. On the contrary, Chandra/Shukra/Budha:
Highly talkative.
9. Miserly: 3rd house is governed by a Shubha Graha Shukra.
Also Surya attains Neecha here, indicating their selfishness.
10. Trouble others: Lagnesha is a Krura Graha, attaining
Neecha in the 3rd house of enterprise.
11. Fond of eating and worldly pleasures: Fond of eating =
strong metabolism that makes them hungry very often. Fond of
worldly enjoyments because strong influence of Shukra on the
10th house of activities. They like to enjoy their position.
12. Wander in hills and forests: Nature of Lion.
Adventurous mind. What proven in their mind is 5th house
Dhanu. Dhanu = Ucchakshetra of Ketu, who is a renunciate
monk, doesn’t like any kind of binding, want to remain free.
Ketu = adventure.
13. Irascible: Nature of the Lion. Less tolerant for people
encroaching into their personal space.
14. Firm in friendship: 11th house = Friendship. 11th lord
Budha attain Uccha in the 2nd house of family. Friend =
family. Also, always keep their promise, very truthful to what
they say.
15. Careless, reckless: Strong influence of Agni Tattva.
16. Inaccessible (or inviolable): Nature of Lion, does not like
others to encroach their personal space. Doesn’t let others to
take them lightly. Highly Dignified!
17. Destroy enemies: Nature of Lion. Highly inimical towards
the the 6th lord. Also naturally strong compared to the 6th lord
Shani (naisargika bala)
18. Famous sons: 5th house is very positive. 5th lord Guru is
the Karaka for children. In addition, Surya gets Uccha in the
9th house, the secondary house of Children (Bhavat Bhavam).
19. Honour the virtuous: Due to high sense of duty towards the
learned and virtuous people (9th house). Surya attains Uccha
in the 9th house.
20. Rich through agriculture etc.: Vrsha Rasi = Agriculture.
Vrsha Rasi falls in the 10th house of livelihood.
21. Interested in business: Business = 7th house. 7th house
falls in Kumbha owned by Shani and Rahu. Rahu attains Uccha
in the 11th house of Labha indicating Gain from the Business.
Shani attains Uccha in the 3rd house of enterprise, indicating
business is the cause of putting effort and enterprise.
22. Spend heavily on prostitutes, dancers and his own
wife: Lion = Strong masculinity, strong sex drive. Highly
inimical towards Shukra, hence Surya is not a Graha for
relationship, it is just inclined towards fulfilling its carnal
23. Suffer dental diseases: Dental diseases = Rahu + Guru.
8th house ruled by Guru. Rahu attains neecha in the Rasi of
Guru in the 5th house.

Lagna #6: Kanya Lagna

Key Characteristics of this Rasi

1. This is the 6th Rasi in the zodiac. 6th is the house of diseases,
worries, injuries etc. It is also the house of various weaknesses
known as Shadripus. However, this is also the house of
Celibacy, Purity and restrain.
2. This represents Duality of the nature. A person practicing
Celibacy, Purity and restrain can overcome all the weaknesses
in life.
3. It represents Celibacy because it is the 12th house (Loss)
from the 7th house (Sexual relationship). Kanya = maidens
who have not attained Puberty yet. It is completely free from
Sexual desires as Shukra attains Neecha here. Budha =
Innocence, Childishness. Budha gets Uccha here. Budha = Non
violence. Hence, this Rasi is free from any kinds of aggression
and violence.
4. Kanya is Rahu’s mulatrikona Rasi, indicating strong
influence of Rahu. However, this is active only when Budha is
5. Budha attains Uccha in the Lagna and Neecha in the 7th
house. These people not not much inclined towards sexual
relationships. But they are fond of friendship and platonic
6. Budha’s friends are Shani and Shukra. Shani attains Uccha in
the 2nd house and neecha in the 8th house. Being 5th lord in
the 2nd, it can give wealth and prosperity. However, being 6th
lord in the 2nd, it can also cause troubles from enemies or
Servants in the family matters. Shani’s neecha in the 8th house
can affect longevity, or indicate long-term diseases.
7. Shukra attains Neecha in the Lagna and Uccha in the 7th
house. These natives are usually not sexually oriented, but in
intimate relationships, they can be great lovers.
8. Among the Deva Grahas, Budha is friendly towards Surya,
but Surya is neutral towards Budha. Budha is neutral towards
Mangal but Mangal is inimical towards Budha. Chandra loves
Budha but Budha is inimical towards Chandra. Thus these are
mostly one sided relationships.
9. Surya owns the 12th house (losses) and attains Uccha in the
8th house (prevention of loss of life) and Neecha in the 2nd
house (loss of wealth). This can indicate loss of wealth due to
penalty from the government etc.
10. Chandra owns the 11th house (gain, elder siblings), attains
Uccha in the 9th house (good for gains). It attains Neecha in
the 3rd house (Younger siblings), indicating discord with both
the elder and younger siblings. Mostly younger siblings because
Mangal is inimical towards Budha.
11. Guru owns the 4th (Sukha) and 7th (Jaya). It attains Uccha in
the 11th house indicating gains (11th) of comforts (4th) and
gains from Trade (7th). It attains Neecha in the 5th house
(anxious mind) due to home (4th) and 7th (relationships).
12. Mangal owns 3rd (enterprise) and 8th (longevity). It attains
Uccha in 5th house (enterprise prevail in the mind i.e., highly
enterprising) and Neecha in the 11th house (loss of income due
to too much risk taking, or younger siblings causing loss of

Results of Birth in this Lagna

1. Very straightforward (sadhutva-yuta): Budha is

childish in nature. Among the 2 Rasis of Budha, this Rasi the
cleanest one. In fact Kanya Rasi the cleanest Rasi in the entire
zodiac. There not a spec of guile here. This is the most
innocence side of Budha.
2. Highly learned, Scholar (siksha patu): Budha =
Student. Kanya = Sincere student who is not distracted.
3. Talented in music, poetry and fine arts (gaandharva,
kaavya, shilpa patu): Budha= literature, mathematics,
astronomy, astrology and numbers. Literature includes various
forms such as music, poetry and fine arts.
4. Sweet speaker (priyavalgukathabhaashi): Budha =
Speech, communication, Kanya = devoid of guile, transparent,
clean hearted. Kanya = Uccha Rasi of Budha.
5. Affectionate (pranayi): Kanya= Feminine nature, very
caring and affectionate nature, like a small girl who has not
attained puberty. Very clean hearted. Neecha Rasi of Shukra, so
sex is ruled out.
6. Inclined towards charity and serving others
(daanopachaararata):10th lord Budha attains Uccha in the
Lagna, being the Lagna lord. This indicate strong sense of
supporting and helping others. Strong morals in the matters of
work. Strong sense of self-sufficiency. Self-confident.
7. Sport with maidens (kanyaavilaasi): Fond of playing
with girls, but the attitude is not sexual, but friendly. Like to
have many friends, especially of opposite sex. Kanya = Girls,
before the puberty stage.
8. Endowed with goodness, merciful (satva-
sthitirdayaavaan): All good qualities of Budha, the Karaka
for non-violence. Complete opposite of Mangal, the god of war.
9. Enjoy others’ wealth (parasvabhoktaa): Others= 7th
house. Other’s wealth = 2nd from the 7th house i.e., 8th house.
8th lord Mangal attains Uccha in the 5th house. 5th house =
what prevails in the mind. 8th lord exalted in the 5th house =
other’s wealth prevail in the mind. Kanya Lagna people often
look for other’s support in life.
10. Enjoyer of material pleasures (bhoktaa): Rahu’s
Mulatrikona Rasi. Rahu = Material enjoyment.
11. Wandering disposition (desha-bhramana): Budha = high
speed, high mobility. Uccha Budha = Strong influence of Budha
in the Lagna.
12. Feminine nature (stri-prakrti): Kanya = Maidens. Also
Feminine Rasi (Even Rasi).
13. Modest, humble (vinayavaak): Strong Budha’s
influence, who is free from Guile. Like an obedient child.
14. Liar (kitava): Not that all Kanya people are liars. But they
are good in lying. It is difficult to catch if they are lying. Strong
influence of Budha as well as Dual nature of Budha. Good in
acting. Good in putting a facade on their face and hide their
thoughts. Strong influence of Rahu, one who shields and keeps
things hidden. Mulatrikona Rasi of Rahu.
15. Attempt to expand his landed properties
(bhamandala-vardhana-bhaak): 4th lord Guru attains
Uccha in the Labha Bhava of Gains. Gains from landed
16. Fortunate (subhaga): Bhagya= 9th house, Guru. 9th lord
Shukra attains Uccha in the 7th house, the Rasi of Guru.
17. Sensuous (kaami): This is not generic, as Kanya Rasi
people believe in platonic love and friendship. This is because
Shukra attains Neecha in this Rasi and Budha attains Uccha.
Kanya = maidens who have not attained Puberty yet. Hence,
relationship of Kanya Rasi people are mostly platonic. The
Sensual aspect comes only when they are in intimate
relationship. Here Shukra attains Uccha in the 7th house. Sex =
Shukra, 7th house. Since, they are not sensuous in most
relationship, it is not right to say that, they will be not sensuous
even in intimate relationship. Strong influence of Shukra and
Jala Tattva in the 7th house makes one Sensuous, and both are
true for this Lagna.
18. Famous (yasha): Fame = Surya, Chandra, Guru, Sattva
Guna, Lagna, 10th house. For this Lagna, 10th lord Budha
attains Uccha in the Lagna, hence these people have a natural
tendency of getting noticed, especially after they have started
19. Clean hearted (amala): Kanya = Rasi of Purity. Heart =
4th house, Surya. 4th house falls in a Shubha Rasi. Principles =
Lagna. Lagnesha attains Uccha in the Lagna, hence such
natives have strong principles in life as well.
20. Religious (rjudharmavaan): 9th lord Shukra attains
Uccha in the Rasi of Guru in the 7th house. 7th house = Shiva.
Such natives can be great Shiva-Bhaktas. They will have a
strong sense of philantropy (paropakara).
21. Handsome or beautiful (surupa): Beauty = Lagna.
Lagnesha attains Uccha in the Lagna. Well formed and well
proportioned physique.
22. Good likings (suruchi): Fondness or love for something
should be seen from both Lagna and the 5th house. Lagna has
strong influence of Budha, who represents Purity in this Rasi.
5th lord Shani attains Uccha in the 2nd house of Learning, in
the Rasi of Shukra indicating exquisite tastes.
23. Honour the preceptors and elders (guru-
bhakta): Strong influence of Guru on the 9th house. 9th lord
attains Uccha in Guru’s Kshetra. Also, the Mind, Chandra
attains Uccha in the 9th house.
24. Sinful (paapairhaaryavrttai): This is an exception, when
the Lagnesha is weak. There is hidden sinful tendency in this
Lagna because of (1) Lagna is Rahu’s Mulatrikona Rasi, (2)
Aggressive Mangal attaining Uccha in the 5th house. Thus
there is strong Shani-Mangal energy in the 5th house of psyche.
However, this is dormant since Budha is the karaka for Purity
and innocence. Only when Budha is afflicted and its purity
corrupted, the sinful tendencies are manifested.
25. Inimical to brothers (sahajaischa samam
virudhascha): Brothers = 3rd house, 11th house. 3rd lord =
Mangal, 11th lord= Chandra. Lagna lord Budha is highly
inimical towards both Mangal and Chandra. Chandra, the elder
brothers could be loving the native, as Chandra loves Budha
very dearly. However there could be serious discord with
younger brothers as Mangal hates Budha even more.
26. More daughters (kanyaa-praja): Kanya Rasi =
Feminine, maidens, small girls. Native is blessed with the
significations of Kanya Rasi, even though this does not fall in
the 5th house of Children.
27. Phlegmatic and windy in humour (anila-
kapha): Budha is equal balance of all the three Dosas Vata,
Pitta and Kapha. See below. However, since Shukra attains
Neecha here, the combination of Vata and Kapha dominates.
Also, the diseases these natives will be affected by can be seen
from the 6th house falling in Kumbha. Kumbha = Super Strong
Vata. Hence Kanya Lagna people have high susceptibility
towards suffering from Vata Diseases.
28. Stay away from base and inimical people (nicha-ari-
vivarjita):Kanya = Rasi of Purity. So the mind is inclined
towards Purity. To stay in the company of good people. Strong
Principles = Lagnesha attaining Uccha in the Lagna.
29. Talkative (katha): Budha = Speech, communication.
Budha can’t stay without talking (Mauna). The best way to
calm the mind of these natives is to ask them to observe Mauna
Vrata for a short window of time everyday. Budha = highly
energetic and fluctuating. Hence, they need to calm their mind
for them to focus on certain areas. Else, they want to do too
many things in too short time.

According to Parashara, the humours (Tri-Dosha) of the

Grahas are:

(1) Surya = 3 Pitta. (2) Chandra = 2 Vata + 1 Kapha. (3)

Mangal = 3 Pitta. (4) Budha = 1 Vata + 1 Pitta + 1 Kapha. (5)
Guru = 3 Kapha. (6) Shukra = 1 Vata + 2 Kapha. (7) Shani = 3
Vata. (8) Rahu = Akin to Shani. (9) Ketu = Akin to Mangal

Saravali 48.22–25. Kanya Lagna. (1) Very straightforward

(sadhutva-yuta); (2) Highly learned, scholar (siksha patu); (3)
Talented in music, poetry and fine arts (gaandharva, kaavya,
shilpa patu); (4) Sweet speaker (priyavalgukathabhaashi); (5)
Affectionate (pranayi); (6) Inclined towards charity and serving
others (daanopachaararata); (7) Sport with maidens
(kanyaavilaasi); (8) Endowed with goodness, merciful (satva-
sthitirdayaavaan); (9) Enjoy others’ wealth (parasvabhoktaa);
(10) Enjoyer of material pleasures (bhoktaa); (11) Wandering
disposition (desha-bhramana); (12) Feminine nature (stri-
prakrti)(13) Modest, humble (vinayavaak)(14) Liar (kitava); (15)
Attempt to expand his landed properties (bhamandala-
vardhana-bhaak); (16) Fortunate (subhaga); (17) Sensuous
(kaami); (18) Famous (yasha); (19) Clean hearted (amala); (20)
Religious (rjudharmavaan); (21) Handsome or beautiful
(surupa); (22) Good desires (suruchi); (23) Honour the
preceptors and elders (guru-bhakta); (24) Sinful
(paapairhaaryavrttai); (25) Inimical to brothers (sahajaischa
samam virudhascha); (26) More daughters (kanyaa-praja); (27)
Phlegmatic and windy in humour (anila-kapha); (28) Stay away
from base and inimical people (nicha-ari-vivarjita); (29)
Talkative (katha).

Lagna #7: Tula Lagna

Saravali 48.26–29. Tula Lagna. (1) Crooked physique
(vishaamnga); (2) Bereft of virtues (sheelavarjita); (3) Fickle
minded (chapala); (4) Fluctuating wealth (upachita-heena-
dravina); (5) Bereft of physical felicity (sukha-hrd-
dehaanusaari); (6) Phlegmatic and windy humour (kapha-
vaatika); (7) Fond of promoting quarrels (kali-ruchi); (8) Long
face and a long physique (deergha-mukha-sharira); (9)
Righteous (dharma); (10) Learned, knowledgeable (mati); (11)
Eloquent (vetta); (12) Very sorrowful (bahu-duhkha-bhaav); (13)
Good intellect (su-medha); (14) Injure others’ honour
(paraavagardi); (15) Beautiful and black eyes (suchaaru-
krsnaaksha); (16) Devoted to Guru (bhakta); (17) Honourable
(pujya); (18) Help the needy (pitaanyabhaajaam jaatah); (19)
Truthful (satya); (20) Gentle and bright (mrdu-shukla); (21)
Affectionate to brothers (bhraatr priya); (22) Pre-eminent (arya-
mukhya); (23) Chaste (suchi); (24) Help sinners and befriend the
mean (paapopachaara-bandhuscha); (25) Charitable (daata);
(26) Crooked mind (kutsita-vrtta); (27) Livelihood of Dharma
(dharma-vyavsaaya); (28) Sinful (neechamati).

Key Characteristics of this Rasi

1. Tula Rasi is the 7th house of the natural zodiac. 7th house =
relationship, partnership, trade and commerce.
2. Symbol = Balance. Balanced wisdom, reconciliation of
differing ideas, thoughts and opinions.
3. Symbol = Balance. Trade and commerce.
4. Tula Rasi represent a market place, that is full of people,
hustling and bustling with life.
5. This is an odd sign = masculine qualities of Shukra. Winning,
war, war strategy, material success.
6. Lagnesha Shukra attains Uccha in the 6th house and Neecha
in the 12th house. 6th house positive = fight and attain victory.
12th house negative = Difficulty in letting go, can’t forget
negative things easily, may need to leave homeland, unworthy
travels etc.
7. Shani attains Uccha in the Lagna. Shani is the 4th and 5th
lord. Blessings of positive 4th house = comforts. Positive 5th
house = knowledge, wisdom, intellect.
8. Friends of Shukra are Shani and Budha. Shani’s negative Rasi
is 7th house. Being 4th and 5th lord, it indicates challenges and
stress in the home (4th) on account of marriage and
relationships (7th). Being 5th lord, neecha in the 7th, indicate
miseries and suffering due to relationship matters.
9. Budha owns the 9th house and attains Uccha in the 12th
house, indicating Charity as Dharma. Budha attains Neecha in
the 6th house, indicating an attitude of religious arrogance, or
fundamentalism (fights on account of religion). 12th lord
negative in the 6th indicate, losses, fatigue or even injuries on
account of travel.
10. In the deva group, Guru is inimical towards Shukra, while
Shukra is neutral towards Guru. Chandra is neutral towards
Shukra, while Shukra is inimical towards Chandra. Mangal and
Shukra are neutral to each other. Surya is Shukra are inimical
towards each other.
11. Surya owns the 11th house of labha, attains uccha in the 7th
house and neecha in the Lagna. This indicate gains (11th)
trough trade (7th) or through Dharma (Surya). There could be
losses in income (neecha 11th lord), if the native goes into
immoral activities (Lagna) or in the path of unrighteousness
(neecha Surya).
12. Chandra owns the 10th house of activities, authority, status
and position. It attains Neecha in the 2nd house, indicating loss
of wealth for promoting one’s status and authority. It attains
Uccha in the 8th indicating success (10th) in occult area (8th)
or insurance sector, or inheritance and death.
13. Mangal owns 2nd house of Dhama, Kutumba and Vani, and
the 7th house of relationship, partnership, trade and
commerce. Mangal attains Uccha in the 4th house, indicating
investment of wealth (2nd) in real-estate (4th) or construction
of houses, public properties, or making home a comfortable
place. Also also indicate trade in real-estate properties, or
relationship with someone close to the home. 2nd and 7th lord
Mangal attains Neecha in the 10th house, indicating losses of
wealth and trade caused by authorities (10th) or the
14. Guru owns the 3rd and 6th house indicating high intellect.
Guru attains Uccha in the 10th house, indicating siblings
helping the native attaining position of authority. 6th lord
attaining Uccha in the 10th house indicate hard work. 3rd and
6th lord attaining Neecha in the 4th house indicate siblings,
servants and enemies will be the cause of anxiety, lack of
comforts and happiness, or challenges at home.

Results of Birth in this Lagna

1. Crooked physique (vishaamnga): Crookedness = Shani

who became lame owing to a curse. Strong influence of Shani
on the Lagna, as it attains Uccha here.
2. Lack of good manners (sheelavarjita): Sheela = good
manners. Tula Lagna people can be brash, which comes from
this sign being a Odd sign, ruled by Asura Guru and the place
for Uccha or Shani. One of the qualities of Shani is that it does
not give a damn to the manners of the world.
3. Fickle minded (chapala): Fickle mindedness is caused by
3 grahas, Chandra, Mangal and Budha. Strong influence of
these grahas on the lagna or the 5th house can cause
ficklemindedness. Budha owns a negative Rasi of Lagnesha
Śukra, the Kanya Rasi, where Śukra attains Neecha.
4. Fluctuating wealth (upachita-heena-
dravina): Dhana= 2nd house, in Vrschika. Chandra attains
Neecha here. Chandra = Sustainer of wealth.
5. Bereft of physical felicity (sukha-hrd-
dehaanusaari): Karaka for Lagna Bhava = Surya. Surya
attains Neecha in the Lagna. This Lagna people often have
some physical suffering, unless there is Shubha Yuti-Drsti on
the Lagna and Lagnesha.
6. Phlegmatic and windy humour (kapha-
vaatika): Śukra = 1 Vata + 2 Kapha.
7. Fond of promoting quarrels (kali-ruchi): Uccha sthana
for Śukra = 6th house in Meena. 6th house = conflicts, fights,
quarrels. This Lagna people relish the circumsances of quarrels
and fights.
8. Long face and a long physique (deergha-mukha-
sharira): Due to influence of Shani. Uccha Shani = Positive
qualities of Shani.
9. Righteous (dharma): 9th lord of Dharma, Budha attains
Uccha in the 12th house of meditation, pilgrimage.
10. Learned, knowledgeable (mati): Śukra= Sarvashastra
Pravaktaram = Knower of all the disciplines of knowledge.
11. Eloquent (vetta): Śukra = one of the most eloquent graha.
12. Very sorrowful (bahu-duhkha-bhaav): The karaka for
sorrow, Shani attains Uccha here. It is not that they lack
comforts, but there is something biting them within, always.
Positive Shani does not given them discomfort, but they are
more prone to look at the negative side of things, find sadness
even in joy!
13. Good intellect (su-medha): The planet of intellects are
Guru (wisdom) and Budha (scholarship). Guru being the graha
for in owns the 3rd and 6th house, the Bhavas of Dhimanta
yoga. Śukra attains Uccha in the 6th house, related to
Dhimanta yoga. Also, Symbol of Tula is a Balance = Balanced
intellect and judgement.
14. Injure others’ honour (paraavagardi): Śukra attains
Uccha in the 6th house, indicating someone in a attacking
mode. Also negative place for the 9th lord (respect for elders) is
the 6th house, indicating the attack will be aimed towards 9th
house. Also lord of attack, 6th lord, Guru is negative towards,
4th house where it attains Neecha. Indicating enmity will cause
sorrows. But Guru’s uccha in the 10th house indicate
inclination towards hard work.
15. Beautiful and black eyes (suchaaru-
krsnaaksha): Quality of Śukra. Śukra is the karaka for eyes.
According to Maharishi Parashara, Śukra is charming, has a
splendorous physique, has an excellent disposition, has
charming eyes, is a poet, is phlegmatic and windy and has curly
16. Devoted to Guru (bhakta): One who dishonours others
can also be a Guru Bhakta? They become Guru bhakta only
when they leave their ego aside. This is indicated by Uccha of
9th lord (elders and preceptors) Budha in the 12th house
(letting go of one’s identity)
17. Honourable (pujya): They are honourable because of their
balanced mind. Tula = Balance. Honour comes from 9th house
(respect) and 10th house (authority and status). The lord of
labour (6th lord), having qualities of wisdom (Guru) attains
Uccha (positive qualities of the lord) in the 10th house
(activities, authority and status). This indicates the quality to
lead others due to own enterprise and talent (3rd house).
18. Help the needy (pitaanyabhaajaam jaatah): Charity =
9th house, Guru, Chandra, Shukra. Giving away = 12th house.
9th lord (Dharma, righteousness) attains Uccha (positive
qualities) in the 12th house (giving). Hence, their Dharma is
attained by giving to others, helping the needy.
19. Truthful (satya): Truth = Strength of Lagna, Guru.
Lagnesha Shukra attains Uccha in the Rasi of Guru.
20. Gentle and bright (mrdu-shukla): Quality of Lagnesha
Shukra, who is resplendent but soft.
21. Affectionate to brothers (bhraatr priya): Siblings = 3rd
and 11th house. 3rd lord Guru attains Uccha in the 10th house
of action. The native’s inclination is towards helping the
younger siblings. Some issues with elder siblings as the 11th
lord Surya attains Neecha in the Lagna.
22. Pre-eminent (arya-mukhya): Quality of Lagnesha
Shukra. Also positive qualities of Shani, who can grant
kingdom when positve and make one a pauper when negative.
23. Chaste (suchi): Cleanliness and Chastity comes from the
Lagna. Negative Shani makes one dirty and unclean. Positive
vibrations of Shani on the Lagna makes one clean and chaste.
Not involve in any dirty business. Also, 10th house of action has
strong vibrations of Guru, the most benevolent graha in a
24. Help sinners and befriend the mean
(paapopachaara-bandhuscha):This is true only when
Lagna and Lagnesha are weak. Surya, the karaka for Dharma
(righteousness) is Neecha in the Lagna, indicating this
25. Charitable (daata): Refer to #18.
26. Crooked mind (kutsita-vrtta): What prevails in the mind
= 5th house. This falls in Aquarius, the Rasi of ghosts and
goblins, the dismembered spirits, the transition state between
leaving the body and finding a peaceful destination. This is
lorded by Shani and Rahu and has much negative vibrations.
This requires benevolence of Guru to transform this into a
highly spiritual vibrations. If Lagnesha and Guru are weak, this
manifests strongly.
27. Livelihood of Dharma (dharma-vyavsaaya): These
people can take up livelihood of teaching scriptures or dharma
to others. Shukra = knower of all the shastras i.e., the dharma
literature. The Labha (Gain) lord Surya attains Uccha in the 7th
house (trade), indicating business involving Dharma related
28. Sinful (neechamati): Refer to #24.

Lagna #8: Vrschika Lagna

Key Characteristics of this Rasi

1. Vrschika is the 8th house of the natural zodiac. 8th house =

keeper of life force (Prana), sum total of negative karma of past
lives, secretive, hidden, occult knowledge, mysterious or
unseen forces, unknown, uncertainly, darkness.
2. Sthira Rasi = Fixity. Jala Rasi = Pursuit of Knowledge,
Brahminical activities. Sama Rasi = Feminine energy, passive,
controlled, retained.
3. Feminine side of Mangal = Restrained Mangal, Vengeful,
attack in a secret manner, not in open war.
4. Chandra is Neecha here. Their life is sorrowful, solitary and
full of isolation. Also the path is full of thorns. Motherly love
and comforts are missing.
5. Lord Mangal attains Uccha in the 3rd house of valour,
enterprise, courage and adventure. Also 3rd and 6th sharp
intellect. Mangal owns the 6th and attains uccha in the 3rd
indicating this Rasi is one of the sharpest intellectual Rasi.
6. The Rasi symbol is a Scorpion, who attacks only when it is
provoked, else, it loves peace and solitude.
7. The place indicated by this Rasi is a Well, indicating deep
secrets, darkness, and stored knowledge. This also indicate
fixity, grit and determination.
8. The friends of Mangal are Surya, Guru and Chandra. Surya
owns the 10th house of authority and power, attains Uccha in
the 6th house and Neecha in the 12th house. They can serve
(6th) the King (Surya, 10th lord) or the Government. May
suffer distress and humiliation in the foreign land (10th lord
Surya Neecha in the 12th house). They may be honoured for
their fighting skills or after being victorious due to 10th lord
Surya Uccha in the 6th house of fights. They can also become
good surgeon or lawyer.
9. Guru owns the 2nd and 5th house, attains Uccha in the 9th
house and Neecha in the 3rd house. This is a good Rasi for
wealth as the 2nd and 5th lord attains Uccha in the 9th house.
Also, they are charitable minded as the wealth (2nd) goes into
Dharmic activities (9th house). They also put their mind (5th)
into righteous activities due to 5th lord attaining Uccha in the
9th house.
10. Chandra owns the 9th house, attains Uccha in the 7th house
and Neecha in the Lagna. Indicating interlock of Bhagya (good
luck) with the 7th house of marriage, relationship, trade or
commerce. Also the native is rebellious towards the Gurus and
elders due to the Neecha Sambandha of the Lagnesha and
Dharmesha. Neecha of Matrkaraka Chandra in the Lagna
indicate deprivation of motherly love and affection.
11. Among the Asuragrahas, Shani, Shukra and Budha, Shani is
inimical towards Mangal but Mangal is neutral towards Shani.
Shukra and Mangal are mutually neutral towards each other.
Budha is neutral towards Mangal while Mangal is inimical
towards Budha.
12. Shani owns the 3rd and 4th house of Courage and Comforts.
It attains Uccha in the 12th house of foreign Land and Neecha
in the 7th house of battles. This indicate that the native is not
inclined to war unless pushes to, as they feel uncomfortable in
war (4th lord Neecha in 6th house). Also, possible that they
lose their properties and home due to fights and court cases.
They may like to leave their homeland (Lagna) and settle
overseas (4th lord Uccha in 12th house). The 3rd lord of
courage Negative in the 6th house can indicate that they can
employ unwarranted strategies (attacking below the belt) to
gain victory in a battle.
13. Shukra owns the 7th (trade, relationship) and 12th house
(loss, leaving homeland), attaining Uccha in the 5th house and
Neecha in the 11th house. Indicating, women (Shukra) and
relationship (7th) matters prevails in their mind (5th). 12th
lord influence in the 5th indicate charitable disposition, a sense
of giving up. 7th lord Neecha in the 11th can indicate loss of
income (Neecha in 11th) through trade (7th) in Shukra related
matters (Vehicles, women articles, performed etc.). 12th lord
Neecha in the 11th indicate, loss of income (Neecha in 11th) due
to international trade (12th) pertaining to Shukra related
14. Budha owns the 8th house (longevity) and the 11th house
(gains). It attains Uccha in the 11th house and Neecha in the
5th house. Indicating gain from Budha related matters
(education, communication, journalism, writing etc.); gain
from occult (8th) related matters. 8th lord Neecha in the 5th
house indicate deep rooted sorrows which is difficult to
understand (8th), a sense of something missing within,
especially in the matters of Budha (kinsmen, learning,
knowledge, communication). Also, 11th lord Neecha in the 5th
house indicate sorrow pertaining to elder siblings, friends, or
income, especially in the matters pertaining to Budha.

Results of Birth in this Lagna

Saravali 48.30–33. Vrschika Lagna. (1) Fleshy and broad

limbs perfected by exercises (peenaprthuvyaayataanga); (2)
Sharp (teekshna); (3) Irritable disposition (antarvishama); (4)
Valorous (shoora); (5) Attached to his mother (maaturbhishta);
(6) Inclined to fight (ranodyata); (7) Charitable, renouncing
(tyaagi); (8) Serious (gambhira); (9) Tawny eyes (pingala); (10)
Prominent chest (uddhatavrksha); (11) Sunken belly
(mahaahrnnimagnajathara); (12) Depressed nose
(antarvilagnaghona); (13) Adventurous (sahasa nirata); (14)
Firm (sthira); (15) Fierce, formidable (chanda); (16)
Trustworthy (visvaasa); (17) Amusing or humorous
(haasavashya); (18) Pitta diseases (pittarugaarta); (19)
Endowed with a family (kutumbasampanna); (20) Rebellious
towards preceptors, elders and friends (guru-suhrda-
droharata); (21) Fond of attracting other women (para-angana-
akarshana-anurata); (22) Attractive face (bandholvanavaktra);
(23) Serve a king (bhupati-sevi); (24) Has enemies (sa-shatru-
paksha); (25) Give his money to others (prayato-arthada); (26)
Blessed with a good natured lady (su-yuvati); (27) Attached to
the religion or righteous acts (dharma prati vatsala); (28)
Narrow minded (kshudra).

1. Fleshy and broad limbs perfected by exercises

(peenaprthuvyaayataanga): Rasi symbol= Scorpion, strong
2. Sharp (teekshna): Feminine side of Mangal, highly
intelligent, sharp. Lagnesha Mangal attain Uccha in the 3rd
house, which is combination of Dhimanta Yoga, indicating
super intellect.
3. Irritable disposition (antarvishama): Negative side of
Mangal. Mangal is a Purusha Graha, warprone, but in Vrschika,
it can’t go into direct war due to strong Jala Tattva. Strong
sense of deprivation and internal anxiety due to Neecha
Kshetra of Chandra.
4. Valorous (shoora): Rasi lorded by the god of war, Mangal.
Mangal attains Uccha in the house of courage and enterprise,
the 3rd house.
5. Attached to his mother (maaturbhishta): Vrschika
Lagna people have much sadness with regards to the Mother as
Chandra gets Neecha here. Also the 4th house in Kumbha is
highly inimical towards Chandra. There is a strong sense of
deprivation of motherly love and affection. Hence, they long for
motherly love and affection. They are highly devoted to mother
but don’t have good motherly luck as the Lagnesha Mangal
attain Neecha in the 9th house of Bhagya, that is owned by
Chandra, the mother.
6. Inclined to fight (ranodyata): Nature of the Scorpion.
Owned by Mangal, the god of war. These people don’t like to
fight openly, but do it in a secretive manner, something like a
spy. Ketu is the co-lord, indicating hidden fighting techniques
(Ketu= shadowy= hidden). The strong Jala Tattva influence,
does not let them go into a war openly, like the natives of
Mesha Lagna.
7. Charitable, renouncing (tyaagi): Neecha Chandra =
Strong sense of dejection, giving way own things, low level of
attachment with material comforts. Chandra = sustenance. Jala
grahas Shukra and Chandra are the giver of comforts,
compassion and love. Neecha Chandra indicate that their life
has no comforts. This starts with unhappy or troublesome
8. Serious (gambhira): Neecha Chandra = Lack enthusiasm
in life, to cheer themselves up. Prone to looking at the negative
side of things. Neecha Rahu = not attracted to material
9. Tawny eyes (pingala): 2nd house is governed by Guru,
who gives Tawni eyes. 2nd house is also an Agni Rasi, which
also indicate Tawny eyes. Guru has golden or tawny hair and
10. Prominent chest (uddhatavrksha): Rasi symbol =
11. Sunken belly (mahaahrnnimagnajathara): Rasi
symbol = Scorpion.
12. Depressed nose (antarvilagnaghona): Neecha Chandra.
13. Adventurous (sahasa nirata): Lagnesha = Mangal,
highly courageous and adventurous. Lagnesha attains Uccha in
the 3rd house of valour, courage and adventure.
14. Firm (sthira): Sthira Rasi. Rasi symbol = Well, fixed water.
Not easily swayed by emotions.
15. Fierce, formidable (chanda): Lack emotion and empathy
as Chandra is Neecha here. They are extremely fierce in fights.
Highly tenacious and don’t give up till end. They are hardened
by the sorrows in life, so not easily swayed by emotions.
16. Trustworthy (visvaasa): Firm nature, they don’t want
pleasures and comforts in the world, hence their motives are
clean. Also the the graha of dual nature Rahu attains Neecha
here, so they don’t go back on their words. 2nd lord of Speech
Guru attains Uccha in the Dharma Bhava. So they follow the
Dharma of their speech i.e., promise that can’t be broken.
Highly trustworthy friends to have, who will fight till death to
keep their commitment. They are not afraid of death as they
have many close encounters with it from their early childhood.
17. Amusing or humorous (haasavashya): How can a
person be serious and humorous at the same time? This means
that they are very serious within and are not swayed by the
external happiness or sorrow. But in the company of friends,
they become jovial and humous, but only sometimes. They
don’t like to attend big social events etc. and like to live a life of
recluse. But, when they mingle with their friends and kinsmen,
they display a different mood. The graha of fun frolic and
humour Budha attains Uccha in the 11th house, the house of
18. Pitta diseases (pittarugaarta): Strong influence of Agni.
Owned by Agni Grahas Mangal and Ketu and also the
Ucchakshetra for Ketu. There could also be Kapha diseases,
because it is a Jala Rasi and Chandra attains Neecha here.
19. Endowed with a family (kutumbasampanna): What’s
in their destiny, 9th house? Chandra being the 9th lord and
Guru getting Uccha in the 9th house. Motherly love is missing
as Chandra is Neecha in Lagna. But Guru is still positive, being
the 2nd lord of family in the house of Luck.
20. Rebellious towards preceptors, elders and friends
(guru-suhrda-droharata): Lagnesha Mangal attains
Neecha in the 9th house indicating that these people are
negative towards the 9th house matters. Also, the 9th lord
Chandra attains Neecha in the Lagna indicating that the elders
don’t have much empathy for these people. Hence, they
develop a kind of rebellious attitude towards them. It is not
that they disrespect them because Guru attains Uccha in the
9th house, but they trust their own capabilities over the
blessings from the Gurus and elders.
21. Fond of attracting other women (para-angana-
akarshana-anurata):What prevails in their mind? 5th house
is a Jala Rasi, and is the Uccha Kshetra of Shukra. Shukra =
women, relationship, sex. These people are intense in their
sexual habits as Lagnesha Mangal attains Uccha in the Mithuna
Bhava (3rd house) and Shukra prevails in their mind. Also,
they only have limited relationships or partners but they are
very intense in their relationship with them. Sometimes they
have the fear psychosis due to the sorrows they receive with
regards to mother’s love in childhood.
22. Attractive face (bandholvanavaktra): Face = 2nd
house. 2nd house is governed by Guru. Guru= dignified
23. Serve a king (bhupati-sevi): 10th house is governed by
Surya towards whom, Lagnesha Mangal is a great friend. They
are highly loyal to the King (or their bosses at work), hence,
they are noticed by the King or the Bosses.
24. Has enemies (sa-shatru-paksha): For them, life is the
path of struggle and fights, as the Lagnesha Mangal governs the
6th house as well. The enemies are powerful and influential as
Surya attains Uccha in the 6th. Also, the lord of Sukha
(happiness and comfort) attains Neecha in 6th house,
indicating the fights give them a lot of sorrow. They sometimes
like to run away from their own identity, background, social
setup, homeland and home as the 4th house attains Uccha in
the 12th house. The 6th house is supported by Surya (Uccha
Surya), while the Lagna is not supported by anyone (Neecha
25. Give his money to others (prayato-arthada): 12th lord
Shukra attaining Uccha in the 5th house of things that prevail
in the mind. They don’t mind spending on Charity (Meena
Rasi) and on women (Shukra).
26. Blessed with a good natured lady (su-yuvati): Karaka
Shukra attaining Uccha in the 5th house. 5th house = Trine =
Blessings of goddess Lakshmi).
27. Attached to the religion or righteous acts (dharma
prati vatsala):Preceptor Karaka Guru attains Uccha in the
9th house. Guru is also 5th lord of Chitta (mind) attaining
Uccha in the 9th house, indicating pre-disposition towards
righteous acts. But, they are yet rebellious towards Guru and
elders as Lagnesha attains Neecha in the 9th house and 9th
lord attaining Neecha in the Lagna.
28. Narrow minded (kshudra): Broadness of mind =
strength of the 9th house. The Neecha sambandha of Lagnesha
and the 9th house and the vice-versa indicate that. They can be
highly focused towards their own path or belief (Guru and 5th
lord Uccha in the 9th), but less tolerant towards others
(Lagnesha neecha in 9th). Symbol = Well = Focused in own

Lagna #10: Makara Lagna

Key Characteristics of this Rasi

1. Makara is the naisargika Karma Bhava or the natural 10th

house of the zodiac. 10th house = action, endeavours,
undertakings, achievement, success, power, leadership,
authority, king.
2. It is a Chara Rasi indicating action, drive and a kind of go
getter attitude.
3. It is a Prthvi Rasi indicating success and achievements.
Among he three Prthvi Rasis viz., Vrsha, Kanya and Makara,
Kanya and Makara are governed by the Karakas of the Karma
Bhava Budha and Shani. The other two Karakas of the Karma
Bhava are Guru and Surya. Shani being the governor the
naisargika Karma Bhava indicate hard work, patience and
perseverance. The influence of Chara indicate action. Thus it
shows that achievement in life can only be attained with hard
work, perseverance and action. It is a feminine Rasi indicating
that one needs to balance out the energy and drive with
steadiness, collaboration and team work.
4. Shani is also the Karaka for the Dusthanas, 6th, 8th and 12th
house indicating that one needs to overcome many hurdles in
life, only then success knocks at the door.
5. Lagnesha Shani is positive in the 7th house and negative in
the Langa. 7th is the house of relationship and partnership,
trade and commerce. This indicates the important roles these
elements play in attaining success at work. Great work can be
achieved only with the right balance between self effort and
also getting support from partners and collaborators, having
right mindset of procuring and selling things with regards to
ones endeavours.
6. The negative feature of Lagna with regards to the Karmesha
is that, one needs to shun all bodily comforts and sacrifice
mind, body and soul in the endeavour for success. This also
means that putting too much focus on work, effort and labour
can spoil the health, due to tiredness and fatigue. If that
happens, one needs to focus on the 7th house to rejuvenate.
One’s spouse, relationship, partners and collaborators play a
very significant role in sharing one’s work load, reducing
fatigue and helping one to succeed. The saying that “behind
every successful man, there is a women” has a strong Jyotish
7. Mangal, the naisargika Lagnesha and Randhresha gets Uccha
in Makara, the naisargika Karma Bhava. What do they
indicate? Lagna is one’s personality, intellect, social support,
identity etc. that play a very important role in success. One can
get necessary support, either because he is very smart and
intelligent, or because he is born in a certain background that
helps. For instance, it is seen that one born to a doctor,
architect, entertainer etc. take up profession of their lineage!
Thus Lagna plays a very important part in the livelihood one
8. What does the Uccha of naisargika Randhresha imply? It
implies that growth (10th= upachaya) happens when one
innovates and thinks out of the box. If one does things the
same way, there is no improvement, there is no growth. 8th
indicate breaking the norms and doing things in a different
9. Shani’s friends are the Asura grahas Budha and Shukra. For
both Shani’s Lagna, Shukra is a Yogakaraka, which Budha
carries mixed characteristics. Although it lords one of the
Konas, the other is a Dusthana, that makes it of mixed nature.
It gives favourable results only with other favourable influences
on it.
10. Mitra Shukra owns the 5th governing mind and the 10th
governing action, indicating that these two Bhavas will be very
positive for this native. Shukra attains Uccha in the 3rd house
action and passion. Being the 5th lord of Mind attaining Uccha
in the 3rd house indicate that Action and Passion will prevail in
mind, and there is too much indulgence in sexual pleasures.
Shukra attains Neecha in the 9th house indicate that the native
will not be attached (5th house) towards the 9th house matters
i.e., deva, dharma, guru, pita and atithi. But these attributes
will not be completely missing as another friend Budha governs
this 9th Bhava. Perhaps this will be stronger at childhood when
Budha is very prominent.
11. Mitra Budha: Budha owns the 6th and the 9th house. The
Trishadaaya ownership corrupts it to some extent, hence, its
yoga with 10th lord Shukra is not valid. Budha attains Uccha in
the 9th house and neecha in the 3rd house. This indicates that
the father and Guru play an important role in success in these
people’s life, although their level of respect towards them is
less. Also, too much indulgence in sexual activity (3rd house)
can cause their downfall.
12. Shatru Surya: Surya owns the 8th house of longevity and
death. It attains Uccha in the 4th house and Neecha in the 10th
house. This indicates that there is risk of spoiling of health (8th
lord Neecha) due to overwork (10th). The health can rejuvenate
with some relaxation and comforts (4th).
13. Sama Guru: Guru and Shani are sama (neutral) towards
each other. Guru governs the 3rd and the 12th, hence
unfavourable for this Lagna. Guru attains Uccha in the 7th
house of relationship, partnership, and trade and Neecha in the
Lagna. Guru neecha in the Lagna indicate difficulties in
decision making. Being 3rd lord, its Neecha in the Lagna
indicate too much of enterprise, effort can spoil the health and
too much of sex can spoil the wisdom. The neecha of 12th lord
in the lagna indicate that the native will find it difficult to save
as he will spend liberally. The Uccha of the 12th lord in the 7th
indicate that the native can be successful in foreign or
international trade. The Uccha of the 3rd lord in the 7th house
indicate strong sexuality.
14. Sama Chandra: Chandra owns the 7th house and attains
Uccha in the 5th house and Neecha in the 11th house. This
indicates that the relationship, partnership etc. (7th) will
motivate the native (5th), and if the native indulges too much
in the 7th house activities, there could be loss of income or
gains (11th).
15. Shani governs the 2nd house in addition to Lagna, indicating
that the native is a family person and has strong focus on
16. This sign is synonym for tenacity indicated not only by
Lagnesha Shani, but also the symbol of Crocodile, which when
catches someone never leaves it, even its head is chopped off!

Results of Birth in this Lagna

Saravali 48.38–41. Makara Lagna. (1) Emaciated body, (2)

Timid, (3) Face akin to that of a deer, (4) Troubled by windy
diseases, (5) Bright and elevated nose, (6) Not mighty, (7) Many
sons, (8) Hairy-bodied, (9) Broad feet and hands, (10) Devoid of
good conduct and virtues, (11) Tormented by thirst (or morbid
heat), (12) Liked by women, (13) Wander in hills and forests, (14)
Valorous, (15) Knowledge of Shastras, Vedas, fine-arts, music
and musical instruments, (16) Little strength, (17) Householder,
(18) Hostile, wicked and ill-disposed towards relatives, (19)
Splendorous, (20) Wicked wife, (21) Not be a talebearer, (22)
Wealthy, (23) Virtuous, (24) Serve the king, (25) Very liberal,
(26) happy and fortunate.

1. Emaciated body: Lagnesha Shani has an emaciated body,

being of vayu Tattva. However, since this is a Prthvi Tattva
Rasi, there will be good muscles as well.
2. Timid: 3rd house is governed by Guru and is the Uccha
kshetra of another Shubha Graha Shukra. Too much Shubha
influence on 3rd house makes on timid.
3. Face akin to that of a deer: Rasi characteristics, a
crocodile with a deer face.
4. Troubled by windy diseases: Influence of Shani on the
Lagna. Shani is a Vayu graha. This is the Uccha Kshetra of
Mangal. The Agni of Mangal invigorates the Vayu in the Lagna.
5. Bright and elevated nose: Rasi symbol characteristics. of
Makara Rasi
6. Not mighty: Same as #2.
7. Many sons: Chandra gets uccha in the 5th house. Chandra
is the graha for Pregnancy and motherhood. Uccha = Son.
Neecha = Daughter.
8. Hairy-bodied: Shani’s influence. Shani governs over hair.
9. Broad feet and hands: Rasi symbol characteristics. The
bottom part is that of a Crocodile.
10. Devoid of good conduct and virtues: The Guna’s and
talent come from the 3rd house. The 9th lord of Bhagya or
destiny, Budha is neecha in the 3rd house.
11. Tormented by thirst (or morbid heat): The Rasi is very
dry being governed by Vayu Graha Shani and is the Uccha
kshetra for Agni Graha Mangal.
12. Liked by women: The Karaka Shukra attains is friendly
towards the Lagnesha Shani and attains Uccha in the house of
sexuality, the 3rd house.
13. Wander in hills and forests: Strong influence of Vayu
and Agni Tattva, that cause movement. It is also a Chara Rasi
indicating movement. The Rasi governs over swamps.
14. Valorous: How can a timid person be valorous? There is a
contradiction here. The valour comes from Uccha of the god of
war Mangal in the Lagna. When they are pushed to a war, they
become highly tenacious (like a crocodile).
15. Knowledge of Shastras, Vedas, fine-arts, music and
musical instruments: The Uccha of the 9th lord in the 9th
house indicate this. Budha governs over all the knowledge that
are mentioned here i.e., Shastras, Vedas, fine-arts, music and
musical instruments etc.
16. Little strength: Strength is seen from Lagna. 3rd lord of
enterprise Guru attains Neecha in the Lagna, indicating lack of
17. Householder: Shani is also the ruler of the 2nd house of
family, indicating that the native is highly focused towards the
well-being of the family.
18. Hostile, wicked and ill-disposed towards
relatives: 5th lord Shukra attains Neecha in the 9th house of
deva, guru, brahmin, pita (father) and Atithi (guests).
19. Splendorous: The splendour is given by Uccha of Lagnesha
in the Rasi of Shukra, the most beautiful graha in the zodiac. It
is also the 10th house indicating natural leadership qualities.
20. Wicked wife: Chandra governing spouse is not favourable
towards the Lagna. It gets neecha in the house of gain,
indicating wife is one of the sources of loss of income or gain.
21. Not be a talebearer: The 8th house is governed by Sattvik
graha Surya, who attains Uccha in the Bhava governing heart,
the 4th house. Surya also being a dignified graha (same as
Guru) does not believe in backbiting.
22. Wealthy: 2nd lord of Dhana attaining Uccha in the governor
of the Artha Trikona, the 10th house, that is governed by
Shukra, representing the goddess of wealth, Lakshmi Mata.
23. Virtuous: #10 states one devoid of good conduct and
virtues. How can the person still be virtuous? This indicating
indulging in religious or righteous activities indicated by the
9th lord Uccha in the 9th house. But there is contradiction in
life as 5th and 10th lord attain Neecha in the 9th house
indicating that the native will walk away from his own Dharma.
24. Serve the king: King = 10th house. Lagnesha Shani attains
Uccha in the 10th house.
25. Very liberal: Neecha of the 12th lord in the Lagna
indicating that the native has a habit of spending too much,
thus causing troubles in savings.
26. Happy and fortunate: Happy because of lord of 4th
governing happiness attains Uccha in the lagna. Fortunate
because the lord of fortune, 9th lord Budha attains uccha in the
house of fortune. The 2nd, 5th and the 9th lords are also good
friends supporting each other.

Lagna #9: Dhanu Lagna

Key Characteristics of this Rasi

1. Dhanu is the naisargika Dharma Bhava or the natural 9th

house of the Zodiac. 9th house = Luck, righteousness, religion,
faith, beliefs, respect towards scholars, elders, and preceptors,
fairness, justice, law and jurisprudence.
2. It is a Dvisvabhava Rasi indicating balance of multiple things
and the right pace in life, not too fast and not too slow.
3. It is an Agni Rasi but among the three Agni Rasis, Mesha,
Simha and Dhanu, it is the only Rasi governed by a Shubha
Graha. The other two are governed by Krura Graha. Hence it
represents great balance and benevolence, illuminating darker
sides of nature, give warmth and light to the needy.
4. This is governed by the greatest benefic of the Zodiac, Guru.
However, being a Masculine Rasi, the nature of Guru is active,
outgoing, assertive and controlling. It represents Guru who is
ready to remove darkness and ignorance from his world.
5. Lagnesha Guru is positive in the 8th house of hidden
knowledge and occult. Guru is also embracing uncertainties.
Guru attains Neecha in teh 2nd house, indicating that it is not
concerned about wealth and is critical about family. The real
family for Dhanu Lagna is much larger than the immediate
6. Friend Surya owns the 9th house and attains Uccha in the 5th
house, indicate the Dharma related matters (9th house) and
knowledge (Surya) prevail in their mind. Surya attains Neecha
in the 11th house of Gain, indicate that they don’t have much
gains from the path of religion, righteous acts and knowledge.
The path of righteousness and knowledge is what they like, but
not what they look forward to gain from.
7. Friend Chandra owns the 8th house and is the giver of
strength to Guru. It attains Uccha in the 6th house of
difficulties, celibacy and enemies, indicating that the native is
persevering (not afraid of difficulties), not prone to sexual
pleasures and is equanimous towards enemies.
8. Friend Mangal owns the 5th and the 12th house and attains
Uccha in the 2nd house of family and Neecha in the 8th house
of longevity. The Uccha of 5th lord Mangal in the 2nd house
indicate, their love and affection (5th) for the family (2nd),
especially the brothers. The Uccha of the 12th lord in the 2nd
house indicate, gain of wealth (2nd) from foreign land (12th),
especially in the matters governed by Mangal (rational
thinking, engineering, technology, science etc). Loss of
longevity (Neecha in 8H) or danger to life can be caused by 5th
and 12th house matters especially when Mangal is also
involved. This indicate some challenges in life indicated at the
time of Birth of a Child or Leaving homeland. Also, too much of
aggression (Mangal influence on 5th) can lead to loss of health.
Or some losses in life due to battles or fights (Mangal influence
on 12th) can have adverse impact on the health.
9. Among the Asura Grahas, Shani causes Neecha to Guru but is
Neutral towards it. Guru is also neutral towards Shani. Shukra
is neutral as it attains Uccha in Guru’s Rasi. On the other hand
Guru is highly inimical towards Shukra. Budha is neutral
towards Guru while Guru is inimical towards Budha. Thus
although Budha and Shukra are neutral towards Guru, Guru is
inimical towards them.
10. Neutral Shani owns the 2nd and 3rd house and attains Uccha
in the 11th house and Neecha in the 5th house. This indicates
income or gain (11th) through investment of wealth (2nd) or
through knowledge matters (2nd). Uccha of 3rd lord in the 11th
house indicate, gain through some talent of hand (3rd) such as
writing, painting, sculpture, sword fighting etc. Neecha of the
2nd and 3rd lord in the 5th house area of life the native is not
fond of. These are family (2nd) and siblings (5th); meaning that
the native is not attached to wealth, family and siblings, valour,
adventure etc. These people fight not because they love fighting
(3rd), but because they consider this to be their dharma (9th).
11. Neutral Shukra owns the 6th (difficulties, enemies) and 11th
house (income, gain, friendship). Shukra attains Uccha in the
4th house of home indicating real estate, home, vehicles etc
(4th). after difficulties (6th). The uccha of the 11th lord in the
4th house indicate, income going up in building real estate or
landed properties. Neecha of the 6th lord in the 10th house
indicate, enmities, conflicts and difficulties (6th) can cause loss
of status and position. Neecha of the 11th lord in the 10th house
indicate they have to make a choice between high status /
position and high income. Rise in income can show loss of
position. The rise in position happens when the focus is on
successfully completing the work at hand and not gaining
income from that.
12. Neutral Budha owns the 7th house (trade, commerce,
relationship) and the 10th house (activities, status and
position). Budha attains Uccha in the 10th house indicating,
only hard work can bring them high status in life. Uccha of the
7th lord in the 10th house can indicate success in trade or
commerce, or help of the partner or spouse in attaining success
at work. Budha attains Neecha in the 4th house. So the source
of unhappiness and discomfort is when the native is not
successful at work, loss of position or lack of recognition at
work (10th), or after getting into a relationship or marriage
(7th), which is especially caused by Budha related matters i.e.,
communication, speech, writing or mingling with the
colleagues etc.

Results of Birth in this Lagna

Saravali 48.34–37. Dhanu Lagna. (1) Big teeth

(sthuladanstunga); (2) prominent forehead (prthulamurdha);
(3) Patronise dependents (pranataanam-priyakari); (4)
Persevering (dhrti samanvita); (5) Physically strong (sattva
samanvita); (6) Dirty nose and lips (malinaasikoshtha); (7) Ugly
nails (kunakhi); (8) just (hrimaan); (9) Fat thigh and belly
(atipeevarorujathara); (10) Expert in science and scriptures
(vijnaanashastrakushala); (11) Progressive intellect
(pratyagramiti); (12) Irascible (prakopascha); (13) Not afraid of
opposing even the most powerful people
(balinaammarshanapara); (14) Chief in the dynasty
(kulamukhya); (15) Completely annihilate enemies
(naashitaaripaksha); (16) Famous through battles
(sangraamapadashreshtha); (17) Master of illusion
(Chhalabahula); (18) Find fault among his kinsmen
(Chidrabandhuguna); (19) Interested in fine arts
(shilpaadikarmanirata); (20) Mind own work (svakarmavaan);
(21) Do good to his kinsmen (bandhuvargashubhada); (22)
Resplendent (kaanta); (23) Afflicted by diseases of the body or
the eyes (badanaakshiroga); (24) Earn wealth through royal
favours (nrpaddhritaartha); (25) Engaged in righteous acts

1. Big teeth (sthuladanstunga): Not clear why Dhanu

Lagna should have big teeth. Perhaps because the symbol is
half human half horse. Or Perhaps a Human with strong
animal instinct.
2. prominent forehead (prthulamurdha): Strong
influence of Agni on the head = less hair. Forehead = Destiny.
Dhanu = natural 9th house of destiny.
3. Patronise dependents (pranataanam-
priyakari): Family = 2nd house. 2nd lord attains Uccha in the
11th house of gains. Karaka for family = Chandra. Lagnesha
attains Uccha in Chandra’s Rasi. Family is also a source
weakness to these people, as Lagnesha Guru attains Neecha in
the 2nd house of family.
4. Persevering (dhrti samanvita): Perseverance is seen in
the face of difficulties. Difficulties = 6th house. These native are
very receptive to difficulties, because the lord of difficulties
Shukra attains Uccha in the 4th house of comforts. Also, these
people have no feat from unknowns or uncertainties (8th
house) as the Lagnesha attains Uccha in the 8th house.
Meaning, these people very positive towards uncertainties and
look forward to it. They don’t like to spend too much time in
planning, as uncertainties give them thrill.
5. Physically strong (sattva samanvita): Sattva means
strength and Sattva also means Sattva Guna. Also Sattva Guna
= Strength. The strength to sustain one’s dharma and duties
under any adversities. Sattva = Not give up. Dhanu = Natural
9th house of Dharma. Agni Tattva Rasi, owned by Sattva Guna
Graha, Guru. Agni Tattva = Burn anything that is Dark, show
light in the Darkness, dispel darkness. Dhanu Rasi =
Dvisvabhava Agni = Balanced Fire or light.
6. Dirty nose and lips (malinaasikoshtha): It is not clear
why. Perhaps because of the Rasi symbol. Also, I am not sure if
the translation of the Sanskrit word is accurate.
7. Ugly nails (kunakhi): Nails = Shani. Arms = 3rd house in
Kumbha. Ugli nails may be due to strong Saturn and Rahu
influence on the 3rd house.
8. Just (hrimaan): 9th house = House of justice, fairness.
Lagnesha Guru = Judge.
9. Fat thigh and belly (atipeevarorujathara): Body
structure of Lagnesha Guru. But being an Agni Rasi, the body
structure is not so corpulent compare to Guru’s another Rasi,
the Meena Rasi. Guru’s body shape is usually that of Indian
Temple Priests. Guru = Priests.
10. Expert in science and scriptures
(vijnaanashastrakushala). 9th house = Higher knowledge.
Guru = great teacher, teacher of all subjects.
11. Progressive intellect (pratyagramiti): Guru = Karaka
for intellect. Ketu’s Uccha Rasi = Out of the box thinking,
strong vision for the future. Visionary. Lagnesha uccha in the
8th house = knowledge of the hidden, universe, darkness,
blackholes, dark matter etc. Knowledge of another world.
Knowledge of things which are yet to come.
12. Irascible (prakopascha): Agni Rasi = High temper. 8th
house = Short temper. Lagna = Agni Rasi. Lagnesha is positive
in the 8th house.
13. Not afraid of opposing even the most powerful
people (balinaammarshanapara): Fearlessness given by
the 3rd house Kumbha, owned by Shani and Rahu. Kumbha =
Rasi of ghosts and goblins, dismembered spirits, spirits who
are in transition between mortal body and final destination.
They have the guts to call their biggest rival on a lunch and
dinner and even give them all their resources to fight. Very
open in their fighting habits and are completely fearless. Their
valour is their Gain, as 3rd lord Shani is highly positive in the
11th house of gain. Co-lord Rahu is highly positive in the 7th
house, of opposition and war. They look forward to a Dual,
hence always ready with a bow and arrow in their hand. But
they will never start a war, as they are not inimical to anyone.
Their treatment towards their enemies is the same as friends.
14. Chief in the dynasty (kulamukhya): Kula = 2nd house.
Chief = 10th house, i.e., one who has the ability to lead. 10th
lord very positive in the 10th house, meaning ingrained
leadership qualities. Also strong Shani in the 2nd house can
make one chief among his people.
15. Completely annihilate enemies
(naashitaaripaksha): The enemies don’t stand any chance
in front of Dhanu Lagna people, as their agility and war sense is
unbeatable. Their strength is fairness and sense of justice,
which makes them extremely tenacious and persevering in the
face of war. They don’t want anything for themselves, but for
the larger good, hence they never get discouraged with small
defeats and rise up again and again till the end. Nonetheless
their enemies are also unrelenting. Sometimes, the whole life of
Dhanu Lagna is war, so new battles come up one after another.
While 6th lord Shukra is neutral towards Guru, Guru is
inimical towards Shukra, but has the guts to host him in his
house and give protection.
16. Famous through battles
(sangraamapadashreshtha): Fame = Lagna. Lagna symbol
= Half horse and half man carrying a bow and arrow in its
hand, ready to fight. The bottom horse portion indicate
strength, agility and speed of action.
17. Master of illusion (Chhalabahula): Ketu = lord of
Illusion. Dhanu = Ketu’s uccha kshetra. In a war, there is no
dearth of secret war strategies that Guru employs. That is why,
in all the wars of the Devas and Asuras, ultimately the Devas
invariably win. Shukra is also extremely clever at war, but Guru
employs such strategies that others are unheard of before.
18. Find fault among his kinsmen
(Chidrabandhuguna): This is one negative quality of Dhanu
Lagna. LAgnesha Guru is negative towards 2nd house in
Makara, as it attains neecha there. It does not affect the wealth,
it being the Karaka, but it does not spare the family. These
people can be highly critical towards other family members, as
they think that no one can match their qualities and intellect.
They need to overcome this weakness in life.
19. Interested in fine arts (shilpaadikarmanirata): Shilpa
or Fine arts talent = 3rd house. The lord is positive in the house
of gains. Indicating, such people can gain from their talent such
as fine arts, sculpting, writing etc.
20. Mind own work (svakarmavaan): They don’t interfere
in other’s work and are always focussed in their own work.
When they become boss, they give full autonomy to their
subordinates. 10th lord is highly positive in the 10th house
only, indicating focusing on own job. They can never become
micromanagers. They are great motivators to their
subordinates and followers.
21. Do good to his kinsmen
(bandhuvargashubhada): Family = 2nd house, Friends and
kinsmen = 11th house. 5th lord of likes and dislikes attains
Uccha in the 2nd house indicating their love for their family.
Also 2nd lord attains Uccha in the 11th house indicating, they
treat family members as their friends. Lagnesha Guru also
attains Uccha in Chandra’s Rasi indicating their family focus.
Chandra = Family.
22. Resplendent (kaanta): Lagnesha Guru = Resplendent,
strong Aura. Agni Rasi = Strong Aura.
23. Afflicted by diseases of the body or the eyes
(badanaakshiroga):Lagnesha Neecha in 2nd house of eyes.
Also Lagnesha getting Uccha in a Dusthana indicating that it is
inviting Dusthana energy on the body (Lagna). This can cause
some deformities in the body.
24. Earn wealth through royal favours
(nrpaddhritaartha): Royal graha = Surya and Chandra.
Blessings of Surya is there because it being the Bhagyesha is
highly positive towards the 5th house of blessings and future.
There can also be loss of income or loss of luck due to King’s
wrath as the 9th lord attains Neecha in the 11th house.
25. Engaged in righteous acts (sudharmarata): Dhanu =
Naisargika Dharma Bhava. 9th lord and Karaka Surya prevails
in the mind i.e., the 5th house, as this is a highly positive sign
for the 9th lord and Surya. Any connection between Surya and
Guru for these people can make them do many charitable
activities such as contributing for temple building, building of
educational institutions, public works etc.

Lagna #11: Kumbha Lagna

Key Characteristics of this Rasi

1. Kumbha is perhaps the most philosophical Rasi in the

horoscope as it governed by Shani and Rahu who give us the
knowledge of realm beyond the mortal realm. Shani is linked to
birth and death, while Rahu governs the boundaries, beyond
which nothing is usually known.
2. On the other hand Kumbha is also the natural Badhaka Rasi,
i.e., one that put obstacles in the free flow of time, thus causing
knots. equivalent to vortex in rivers and cyclones in air. So
evidently this Rasi helps us connect to the realm of the spirits,
which is always dangerous and risk prone.
3. Kumbha governs over the world of disembodied spirits and
ghosts. It is the region where the spirits remain until they are
either given moksha or another life in the mortal plane.
4. It is a Sthira Rasi, and no graha either gets Uccha or Neecha
here. This is one of the two Rasis where Grahas don’t attain any
dignity. The other being the Simha Rasi. Sthira imply stability,
but it can also imply creating a dam in the flow of river, thus
causing extremes i.e., huge water on one side and no water on
the other side of the River. When something is stopped from its
movement, it’s potential energy increases manyfold, which also
increases the risk of rupture and great calamity. In the
universe, it is not natural for things to be devoid of motion.
5. It is a Vayu Rasi, the other being Mithuna and Tula.
However, unlike Mithuna which is dvisvabhava, and Tula
which is Chara, the Vayu in Kumbha is sthira. Vayu is prana, or
one that keeps on alive through the breathing. Shani governs
over the Vayu Tattva, hence this Rasi is unique in that respect.
Pranayama which helps in stilling the breath can help in
increasing our body stamina, longevity and even take us to the
state of Samadhi, which the state of extreme stillness and bliss.
Yama means to put under restrain, while Pranayama means
restraining the Prana.
6. Surya governs over the heart, while Kumbha is also called
Hrdroga meaning Heart diseases. This is where the heart stops
beating, the breathe stops flowing, the blood stops flowing and
we are connected to the spirit world. This is the step we need to
cross to reach Meena Rasi, the liberated world, the world the
munis and the rishis, the spiritual realms.
7. Lagnesha Shani gets Uccha in the 9th house of Dharma and
Neecha in the 3rd house of Parakrama. This indicates that the
natives of this Lagna are highly prone to righteous acts,
charitable acts, worshipping of the Devas and Gurus and
honouring the Brahmins. Great philosophers are born when
Lagna or Chandra occupy the Kumbha Rasi. They shy away
from showing their valour and are inclined towards great
achievements and enterprise in life as the Lagna lord is
negative towards the 3rd house. They are usually happy
remaining in their own small world, engaged in spiritual
8. Co-lord Rahu attains Uccha in the 5th house, the mantra
Bhava and neecha in the 11th house of gains. Hence, they are
not driven by gains, but focus within their own self (5th house).
They also plan for their future, i.e., the future after death, as it
is Rahu who gets Uccha in the 5th house of mind. Rahu
indicate the realm beyond this mortal plane. This also gives
them good psychic power.
9. Shani’s Mitra are Budha and Shukra, while its Shatru is
Surya. Shani is inimical towards Chandra and Mangal, but both
of them are neutral towards him. Shani and Guru are mutual
neutrals. Lets see the Bhavas governed by their Mitra and
10. Mitra Shukra govern the 4th (Sukha) and Dharma (9th).
There is dichotomy in their life, indicating shifting between two
poles. On one side Shukra gets Uccha in the 2nd house
indicating great wealth, but it also shows renunciation and
detachment from the material wealth, when they take up the
path of sadhana. So it is possible to find two kinds of people,
one who is materially successful and also those who are
spiritually successful and completely detached from this
material life. Too much of focus on the 8th (sadhana) weakens
Shukra (bhagya and sukha) while too much of focus on 2nd
(family and household) strengths Shukra (bhagya and sukha).
11. Mitra Budha governs the 5th (Mantra) and Randhra (8th).
The nature of these people can summed up this contradiction
of houses governed by Budha. This indicate that the people of
this Lagna are mystical minded (joint influence of 5th and 8th)
and are detached from the material happiness. They are
naturally inclined towards taking up spiritual penances, unless
Budha is weak and Shukra takes control of the situation. Budha
when strong will promote 8th house (spiritual penance) and
demote 2nd house (wealth and family). They even take up
Mauna Vrata or the vow of silence (Budha-speech, 8th=
spiritual penance)
12. Shatru Surya governs the 7th (Dara). Surya when strong does
not promote Bhagya but promote parakrama. This makes the
native valorous and successful in trade and commerce, but can
give a irritable and base wife or relationship. This can certainly
change depending on there graha yogas in the horoscope. But it
is highly likely that people of this lagna does not consider
marriage and relationship as aim of their life.
13. Sama Chandra governs the 6th (Shatru). Chandra is mind
which rules the 6th house indicating that there is an element of
irritation or hatred they harbour for others (Chandra =
society). Chandra also indicate labour being the 6th lord.
Chandra is positive towards the 4th house of home and
negative towards the 10th house. When the native focuses too
much of power to dominate over others (6th), the 10th house of
success diminishes and instead there is too much of negativity
(6th) in the heart or at home (4th).
14. Sama Mangal governs the 3rd (Parakrama) and 10th
(Karma). Mangal promotes the Vyaya Bhava and diminishes
the Shatru Bhava. If these natives are not in the path of
Sadhana, they should put all their focus on creativity and
enterprise (3rd) as well as work, undertakings and various
righteous endeavour (10th). Also, instead of focusing on
marriage and relationship, they should focus on righteous
activities, worship of devas and Brahmanas etc. (9th). Focusing
on Karma will slowly lead them to liberation (12th); similarly
focusing on the dharma will give them success in wealth and
family (2nd).
15. Sama Guru governs the 2nd (Dhana) and the 11th (Labha).
Guru is a key planet for the matters of wealth as it rules two
bhavas linked to Dhana. Guru strengthens Shatru and
diminishes Vyaya. Hence, it is best not to harbour too much on
the prospects of wealth and keep doing one’s dharma and the
wealth will follow automatically. Too much focus on the wealth
also will increase enmity, obstacles etc. and affect the health.

Results of Birth in this Lagna

Saravali 48.42–45. Kumbha Lagna. (1) Indulge in mean

acts, (2) chief among the men of his race, (3) foolish, (4) blown
and sharp nose, (5) base, (6) irascible, harsh, agitated (7)
indolent, (8) inclined to enmity, (9) dissatisfied, (10) fond of
gambling, (11) base females, (12) not helpful to relatives, face loss
of relatives, (13) prohibited in social circles, not agreeable, (14)
Checkered prosperity, (15) acquires great wealth, suffer penury,
(16) Talebearer, crafty, (17) Honour elders. (18) At birth
Aquarius is not an auspicious Ascendant for ever, according to
Satyacharya. Yavanas go a step further, stating, that even
Aquarius Vargas are not auspicious, while Chanakya does not
consider such divisions inauspicious.

1. Indulge in mean acts: The Lagnesha are Shani and Rahu,

both are Krura grahas, of the Asura group. Depending on the
other yogas in the horoscope, either they are involved in mean
acts, or subjected to mean acts, or even help people who are
subjected to mean acts. All depends on the strength of the 4th
house (heart) and the 9th house (duties) in addition to the
strength of Lagnesha (intellect and outlook).
2. Chief among the men of his race: Race, clan and
dynasties are governed by the Lagna and the 2nd house. Lagna
represent the social background to which one belongs, while
the 2nd house represent one’s own family and lineage. Where
is this person’s Bhagya (destiny)? Where the 9th lord is
positive, the 2nd house where Shukra attains Uccha.
3. Foolish: This does not mean lack of intellect, but this
indicate a sense of conducting oneself depending on the time
and occasion; the dressing sense, adapting one’s speech etc.
These people are very straight forward and don’t hesitate to call
a spade, a spade. They don’t have a keen dressing sense;
actually they don’t care. They are too much engrossed in their
own world.
4. Blown and sharp nose: Characteristics of the Rasi. The
pitcher full of water, indicating influence of water. Nose =
Chandra. Also indicate Pranayama, which is about inhaling and
exhaling the prana vayu.
5. Base: Only when the Lagnesha is weak, else not.
6. Irascible, harsh, agitated: Bad temper comes from the
8th house. 8th lord is Budha, hence the graha that should give
one non-violence is asked to govern the 8th house. Then who is
going to calm him down? 8th lord also owns the Mantra Bhava
i.e., Mind, that makes this people easily irritated. But this only
happens when the 8th lord is weak and afflicted.
7. Indolent: Both Shani and Rahu are naturally lethargic.
People of this Lagna needs the power of Mangal or Surya in the
10th house, in Dikbala, to really get charged up.
8. Inclined to enmity: Where the lord of the enemies, 6th
lord Chandra is negative? It is negative in the 4th house, of
home and happiness. Getting happiness at home is challenging
for these people, as they have some or other skirmishes at
9. Dissatisfied: Satisfaction comes from teh strength of the
lagna and the 5th house. Negative influences to these two
Bhavas can cause dissatisfaction. Both these Bhavas have
strong nodal influence for this Lagna, causing them
dissatisfied. Hence, they look towards meditation and sadhana
to get over this.
10. Fond of gambling: This is due to the strong 8th house. The
lord of gambling is positive towards which house? The 8th
house, as Budha, the 8th lord attains Uccha in the 8th house.
This also means that these people have strong mystic mind due
to the strength of the 8th house. They love topics of mysticism,
yogas, spirituality etc., and may have a detached mind. On a
positive note, they are the greatest risk takers. They don’t mind
getting into completely uncertain and dark situation.
11. Base females: Where is the 7th lord Surya negative? The
Bhagya Bhava. So What is given in their Bhagya? Ill tempered
females! In actual horoscopes, this may or may not be true
depending on the actual disposition of Surya and Shukra. But it
is highly likely that these people, may not have a happy love
and relationship life, more due to their detached mindset.
12. Not helpful to relatives, face loss of relatives: The
weakness of the 2nd house lies in the 12th house. When they
get more and more involved with the 12th house activities, such
as meditation and sadhana, pilgrimages etc., they get more and
more detached from the family. Also when they focus more on
the 8th house i.e., pranayama, yoga, renunciation etc., they also
get alienated from the 2nd house, as 8th lord Budha attains
Neecha in the 2nd house.
13. Prohibited in social circles, not agreeable: This is
because of their eccentric and out of normal thinking. These
people are visionary, thanks to Shani and Rahu, but what they
think is not something that can be understood by other normal
mortals. Hence, they get alienated from their social circles.
People are simply not able to connect to these people as their
wavelengths are very different.
14. Checkered prosperity: 10th house is governed by Mangal,
which is excellent. But where Mangal would put all his energy?
In the 12th house of loss. So what kind of success it will given in
life? It will give success in making the native lose everything,
become free from material bondage and become and excellent
Sadhaka. Nonetheless, due to the focus on the 12th house,
these people can attain success outside their homeland and in
industry such as hospitals, healing, medicine and ayurveda etc.
They see many ups and downs in life with regards to general
success and prosperity in life.
15. Acquire great wealth, suffer penury: How come a
person who acquires great wealth suffer penury? This appears
to be contradictory unless we know whats happening. Who is
giving wealth for this native? The 9th house, the lord of fortune
himself. 9th lord Uccha in the 2nd house of Dhana indicate
blessings of Lakshmi Mata. But yet the native suffers penury,
why, because the 5th lord is focusing all its attention towards
the 8th house, indicating detachment from material success.
Thus outwardly these people may amass great wealth but
inwardly, they are in a state of rejection, detachment and
renunciation. They embody the state of mind that happens just
before moksha (Meena Rasi) i.e., giving up all material
16. Talebearer, crafty: This happens as a side effect when the
8th house is very strong in a horoscope. However, this does not
manifest for all, as the Lagna and the Dharma needs to be
weak, for the 8th house to take control. So, this can be seen
only in horoscopes where the Lagnesha and Bhagyesha are
weak or their Bhavas are weak. But if the said Bhavas are
fortified, the native is a great Sadhaka.
17. Honour elders: The Deva, Guru and Brahmana are
governed by the 9th house. Who is very positive towards them
in this horoscope? The Lagnesha itself! Indicating that the
native of this lagna have great reverence for the spiritual
teachers, gurus, priests and any person of great learning. Tey
will certainly honour and felicitate them. It is in their blood.
But of course, for the positive things to manifest, the Lagna and
the Dharma Bhava need to be strong.
18. General opinion: Among the Jyotish savants, there are
differences in opinions pertaining to this Lagna. According to
Satyacharya this is not an auspicious Lagna for anyone or
anything. Yavanas go a step further and state that even the
Vargas of Kumbha are not auspicious. But Chanakya does not
agree to the Yavanas and he does not consider the Vargas to be
inauspicious. In my humble opinion, here the savants are
arguing over how much material success this Lagna can bring,
which quite the reverse for Spiritual success. In my view, this
Lagna promotes great spiritual success, but through much
material challenges.

Lagna #12: Meena Lagna

Key Characteristics of this Rasi

1. Meena is the last Rasi in the zodiac indicating the end state,
liberation, freedom from the cycle of birth and death.
2. It is a Jala tattva Rasi and signify a boundless ocean. It is
governed by Guru who represents expansive and boundless
mindset. Guru’s tattva is Akasha which is omnipresent. Akasha
Tattva serves us the binding agent for all the Tattvas. It governs
how different Tattvas interact with each other.
3. It is a Dvisvabhava Rasi indicating Balance. The other two
Jala Rasi being Karka indicating flow of river and Vrschika
indicating stagnation of water in a well. Meena represent a
ocean which is neither flowing nor still, but moving with a
controlled pace, as it does not to go and meet into someone,
like a river.
4. Being governed by Guru, the preceptor of the gods and being
a Brahminical Rasi, this Rasi is suitable for all priestly activities
such as deva-aradhana (worshipping gods), learning Vedas or
other spiritual scriptures, teaching and preaching.
5. Meena is the uccha kshetra of Shukra, the planet of
knowledge, beauty, relationship, romance and sexual passion.
These matters prominently appear in the lives of these people.
6. Lagnesha Guru attains Uccha in the 5th house of knowledge,
hence when the Lagna and / or lagnesha is strong, learning,
knowledge, children, disciples, future planning, advises and
consulting appear very prominently in these people’s life.
7. Lagnesha Guru attains Neecha in the Labha Bhava, so when
the Lagna and the Lagnesha are weak, the financial prospects
of these native are badly hit. This can also happen when the
Dasa of a graha that is inimical to the Lagnesha is in progress
or a Bad transit is happening on the Lagna or the Lagnesha. We
need to watch out for factors that are conferring strengths or
weakness to the Bhava or Bhavesha in Dasa and gochara.
8. Among Guru’s Mitra and Shatru, Surya, Chandra, Mangal are
Guru’s friends. Among the Shatru, Guru is inimical towards
Shukra but Shukra is neutral towards Guru. Guru is inimical
towards Budha while Budha is neutral to Guru. Guru and Shani
are neutral towards each other.
9. Mitra Surya governs the 6th house, indicating that it can
support the positive attributes of the 6th house i.e., labour,
celibacy, sharp intellect etc. When Surya is strong it supports
the 2nd house i.e., wealth and family. While it is weak, it harms
the 8th house i.e., causing health, obstacles and sudden
dangers its life.
10. Mitra Chandra governs the 5th house and is the best
supporter of Lagnesha being its Uccha-Stanadhipati. When
Chandra is strong, it supports the 3rd house of siblings and
enterprise. while it is weak, it damages the 9th house causing
tremendous bad luck and misfortune.
11. Mitra Mangal is a very key planet for this horoscope as it
governs the 11th house is positive towards the 11th house of
gains. When it is strong and favourable, it is capable of giving
great fortune and gains. While when it is weak, aflicted and
unfavourable, it can cause troubles to the mind (5th), causing
restlessness and anxiety.
12. Sama Budha is unfavourable towards the lagna as it gets
neecha there, but favourable towards the 7th house which it
owns and also attains Uccha. Budha also owns the 4th house of
mother, comforts, luxuries, vehicles and properties. When it is
strong it promotes good partnership, business, trade and
commerce. However, when weak, it can cause ill health,
especially skin troubles and waterborne troubles.
13. Sama Shukra is favourable towards the Lagna, hence is only
neutral towards the Lagna, but Lagnesha is inimical towards
Shukra. Shukra owns the 3rd and 8th house, hence highly
unfavourable graha. However, when strong it becomes
favourable towards the native granting sudden gains and long
lifespan. However, when weak, it becomes highly unfavourable
and hits the 7th house of marriage, relationship, trade and
14. Sama Shani owns the Labha as well as Vyaya, hence is of
mixed nature. When it is strong it can improve gains and when
weak it can cause uncontrolled expenditure. Shani attains
uccha in 8th house and neecha in the 2nd house. So when
Shani is strong and favourable, it can improve longevity as well
give access to hidden knowledge of the 8th house. However,
when weak, it can seriously hit the family and wealth and its
ability to hit is very strong as Lagnesha gets Neecha in Shani’s
Rasi, hence Shani also holds the key to Guru’s strength.

Results of Birth in this Lagna

Saravali 48.46–49. Meena Lagna. (1) Fortunate, (2) Well

blown nose but not wide open eyes, exposed lips and teeth,
afflicted face, (3) Interested in profound knowledge and poetry,
knowledge of Vedas, knowledge of music and sexual union, (4)
Respectable, (5) Famous, (6) Tormented by leprosy, (7)
Courteous, gentle, pure conduct, modest, (8) Virtuous,
Charitable, (9) Trustworthy, (10) Endowed with goats, (11)
Courageous, mighty, (12) More daughters, (13) Gain through
brothers, (14) Good relatives.

1. Fortunate: Good fortune comes from the 9th house which

is governed by Mangal. Mangal is very strong in the 11th house
of gains. Indicating that the bhagya of people belonging to this
lagna shines in the form of many gains and prosperity in life.
2. Well blown nose but not wide open eyes, exposed
lips and teeth, afflicted face: The Rasi symbol is two fishes
one facing up and up facing down. This indicate a cycle,
something that repeats time and again. The characteristics of
this lagna is taken from its symbol. The afflicted face is due to
negative influence of Shani on the 2nd house representing face.
But this depends on how active Shani is in the horoscope, and
its overall influence on the native. if Shani is positive in the
horoscope, it will promote its positive indications i.e., those
pertaining to the 8th house, however, if Shani is negative its
horoscope, it will fuel the negative indications i.e., damage the
face. So one needs to look at the disposition of Shani in the
horoscope. The exposed lips and teeth is a indication of
influence of nodes. Meena is Ketu’s mulatrikona rasi, hence
there is significant Ketu’s influence on the lagna.
3. Interested in profound knowledge and poetry,
knowledge of Vedas, knowledge of music and sexual
union: The interests, likes and dislikes are judged from the
5th house, as 5th house represent the mind, hence its called the
mantra bhava. The 5th is governed by Chandra, having positive
influence of Guru and negative influence of Mangal. Chandra
indicate love, romance, sexual union, music, poetry. Their
nature is soft and devoid of rough edges, and their tastes are
refined. This is where human beings are destined to reach after
long period of evolution. The knowledge of the Vedas and other
profound knowledge comes from the positive influence of
Guru. When Mangal is negative in the horoscope, it can make
the person highly irritable and vengeful, due to the negative
influences of Mangal. The profound knowledge is also
indicated by the positive influence of Shukra on the Lagna.
Here Shukra is the 8th lord of deep knowledge.
4. Respectable: The respect and honour comes from the
Lagna which represents one’s name and identity. Who are
bestowing honour upon the native? The graha that attains
uccha in the Lagna. It is none other than 3rd and 8th from
Shukra. So Shukra need to be strong and favourable in the
horoscope for conferring respect and honour on the native.
Shukra in Uccha, Sva, Mulatrikona Bhava, in Kendra, Kona or
Labha will promote its positive indications including respect to
the native. But being a unfavourable graha for the native, this
will come with a cost, as Shukra will damage some indications
of the Bhava it occupies or aspects.
5. Famous: Lagna is the seat of fame and the grahas connected
with fame are Surya, Chandra and Guru, all three being
endowed with Sattva Guna. Meena Lagna people are naturally
noticed in any assembly, unless Lagnesha Guru is very weak.
The strength of Lagnesha and occupation of Surya and
Chandra in good places viz., Kendra, Kona, Labha, coinciding
with its Sva, Mulatrikona or Uccha Rasi can bestow upon the
native great fame.
6. Tormented by leprosy: Budha governs the skin, hence is
to be afflicted for leprosy. In addition to Budha, there are other
grahas linked to it such as Mangal causing affliction to Budha.
Chandra, the karaka for Jala tattva is also afflicted. The graha
causing affliction could be Shani, Rahu or Ketu. Thus there are
multiple factors at play for a person to suffer from leprosy. One
needs to study numerous yogas giving rise to this disease. But
native of this lagna has a natural propensity to contact this
disease more than others. Why? Because the karaka for skin,
Budha is negative towards Lagna. Hence, if Budha is afflicted
in the horoscope, then this Lagna people are easily impacted.
7. Courteous, gentle, pure conduct, modest: These
people are the most refined people in the zodiac. Why? Because
if each rasi starting from Mesha are taken as evolution of the
consciousness, then Meena being the last Rasi of the zodiac
represent the state where the consciousness is fully evolved.
This is also the Rasi of Rishis and Munis, giving it is a exalted
nature. Shukra, the graha for beauty and refinedness gets
uccha in this Rasi also indicate the refined tastes of the native.
8. Virtuous, Charitable: Virtues and talent comes from the
3rd house. The 3rd house is lorded by Shukra, who gives very
positive results in the Lagna indicating talent. The charity is
governed by the 9th house whose lord Mangal is very positive
towards the 11th house of gains. So, these people have a strong
sense of abundance, whether or not they have things in actual
abundance. So, they are charitable even when they are
themselves deprived of resources. Also, 12th house being the
natural Vyaya bhava, it is natural to expect that these people
are not inclined to hoard resources.
9. Trustworthy: The graha for trustworthiness or innocence is
Budha. Budha also governs the Bhava representing heart (4th
house) and it is very positive towards the 7th house of
relationship. So there is no doubt that these people can make
good trustworthy friends, unless Budha is weak, afflicted and
10. Endowed with goats: Mesha is the Dhana Bhava
representing Goats. This talks about the principle that the
nature of a person’s wealth can be gleamed from the Rasi
placed in the 2nd house, as well as graha occupying it or
aspecting it. Similarly, one should judge the Rasis and Bhavas
occupied and aspected by the 2nd lord as well as grahas
conjoined with or aspected by the 2nd lord. In today’s world it
is less likely to find someone endowed with goats, however, it is
still possible to find some connection of the wealth of the native
to the symbols of Mesha i.e., say wealth management agency of
this native can have in their name Mesha, Aries, Arian, Goat,
Sheep. Or they may deal with commodities linked to Goat and
Sheep. Or they may be set up in a mountainous terrains etc.
One should have an open mind to see the pay of these symbols
in a person’s life.
11. Courageous, mighty: The 3rd house of courage is owned
by Shukra who is highly positive towards the Lagna. In
addition, the god of war Mangal rules the house of destiny,
indicating that when these natives are pushed to the corner,
their support coming from divine blessings can take the form of
Mangal supporting them. Thus, their real valour and might can
be seen when they are challenged. Else, they are peace loving
people indicated by their Mana governed by Chandra in the 5th
Bhava and it is where the graha of Peace, Guru is very positive.
12. More daughters: The more daughters are indicated by
Karka falling in the5th house. Karka usually gives rise to many
children and mostly daughters. Why? Because Karka is a
feminine Rasi and is governed by a feminine graha and karaka
for motherhood, meaning that the children will grow up to
become mothers. It is where the karaka for masculinity Mangal
gets Neecha.
13. Gain through brothers: Brothers are governed by the 3rd
and the 11th houses. The two Kona lords Chandra and Mangal
are highly positive towards the 3rd and the 11th houses
respectively. This indicate that the blessings of Lakshmi Mata
as seen from the Kona Bhavas can also flow through the 3rd
and 11th houses. Thus for this lagna, both the yonder and elder
brothers become very important in their life. They receive great
support from them at the time of their need.
14. Good relatives: 4th house is the Bandhu Bhava while 2nd
house is the Kutumba Bhava indicating relatives and family.
The 4th lord are highly supportive of the 7th Bhava i.e.,
relationships trade and commerce, partnerships etc. On the
other hand the 2nd lord Mangal is highly supportive in their
pursuit of gains. So who will not say that their relatives and
family members are good when they get support in life in their
matter of finances and gains?

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