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Write a short note on

(a) Nucleation and growth
(b) Micro segregation and macro segregation
(c) Homogeneous and Heterogeneous nucleation
(d) Directional solidification. [4+4+4+4]
2. (a) Why is an octahedral void called Octahedral?
(b) Draw a unit cell of FCC and also show atleast one octahedral void in it. How
many such voids are present in it?
(c) Draw a unit cell of BCC and show atleast one octahedral void in it. How
many such voids are present in it?
(d) Draw a unit cell of HCP. Show one of the octahedral holes in it. How many
octahedral holes are present in it? [4+4+4+4]
3. Duralumin alloy rivets used in aircraft construction are kept at -400C after solution
treatment. Whenever required they are taken out and riveted on the spot. Explain
the reason for keeping them at -400C and also explain how rivets operation at room
temperature strengthen the rivets? [16]
4. (a) Give the classification of stainless steels?
(b) Explain each type of steel with chemical composition, microstructure, proper-
ties and applications? [4+12]
5. (a) What is Martensite? Distinguish between Lath Martensite and Accicular
(b) Discuss briefly Nitriding of steels. [8+8]
6. Discuss the following alloys:
(a) Cupronickels
(b) Beryllium Bronzes. [8+8]
7. (a) Compare the properties of crystalline ceramics and glass ceramics.
(b) Why annealing and tempering operations are performed on glass? Describe.
8. (a) What is the role of matrix in a composite material? Discuss various types
matrix materials.
(b) Indicate any one important metal matrix composite and mention its charac-
teristics, properties and applications.

Read more:

1. (a) Define grain and grain boundary? How does the presence of grain boundary
affect the physical and mechanical properties of metals?
(b) What is the effect of heating rate and cooling rate of steel on grain growth
and properties of steel?( Consider heating to Austenite zone and cooling from
the same zone)? [8+8]
2. (a) What are intermediate phases? Discuss various types of intermediate phases?
(b) What is the importance of ratio of radius of interstitial to solvent atom in
interstitial compounds? [8+8]
3. (a) Discuss the effect of alloying elements in Fe-Fe3C diagram?
(b) Discuss the effect of carbon on
i. Mechanical properties
ii. Grain size. [8+8]
4. (a) Give the heat treatment and applications for the following steels
i. Austenitic stainless steels
ii. Martensitic stainless steels
iii. Ferritic stainless steels
iv. Precipitation hardening stainless steels.
(b) Explain each type of steel with chemical composition, microstructure, proper-
ties and applications? [16]
5. (a) What is the difference between Iron-Cementite and Iron-graphite phase dia-
(b) Draw T-T-T diagram for a eutectoid steel and explain the effect of cooling
rate on the transformation products and hardness obtained. [6+10]
6. (a) Differentiate between oxygen free high conductivity copper and electrolytic
tough pitch copper. Indicate their relative conductivities.
(b) For any three important brasses, give composition, treatment, structure, prop-
erties and applications. [4+12]
7. Discuss the effect of the following factors on mechanical behaviour of ceramic ma-
(a) grain size and shape
(b) Purity and
(c) Porosity [8+4+4]
8. (a) What are laminates? Indicate their characteristics.
(b) Compare and contrast carbon matrices with glass matrices.

Read more:

1. (a) Define crystallization of metal? How is that commercial alloy invariably so-
lidify with heterogeneous nucleation?
(b) What factor favours the formation of fine grained material? How is a large
single crystal being produced? [8+8]
2. (a) Discuss in detail the necessity of alloying with few examples.
(b) Explain how are alloys actually made in industry? [8+8]
3. (a) Define cast irons ? Explain the cooling history of 4.3% C in Fe-Fe3C system
by drawing cooling curve?
(b) Calculate proportionate of different phases for 2.8%C in Fe-Fe3C diagram at
12000C, 11730C, and 6000C. Also draw the microstructures at room tempera-
ture? [6+10]
4. (a) Why stainless steels are stainless?
(b) Is it possible to harden 18%Cr-8%Ni steels by heat treatment?
(c) Why Austenitic stainless steels prone to welddecay? How can you avoid weld
decay? [2+7+7]
5. (a) Distinguish between hardness and hardenability.
(b) Critically discuss Pack carburizing of steels. [5+11]
6. (a) What are light metals? Explain the important characteristics of aluminium
and its alloys.
(b) Describe alloy and temper designation of Al and its alloys. [8+8]
7. (a) Calculate the density of FeO which has an NaCl-type structure. (assume
stoichiometry). Radius of Iron is 0.74A0 & oxygen is 1.40 A0.
(b) Discuss briefly the structure, properties and uses of Al2O3. [6+10]
8. (a) Explain how to improve damping ability of a composite.
(b) Compare and contrast whisker and particulate reinforced composites

Read more:

1. (a) What is the importance of grain size in steel? How do you determine grain
size of the given steel?
(b) Explain why grains are stronger than grain boundaries at high temperature
and grain boundaries are stronger than grains at room temperatures? [8+8]
2. (a) Distinguish between commercially pure metal and an alloy?
(b) What is a master alloy? What are its chief characteristics?
(c) Justify the statement “ Alloy is a material which is expected of a metal, but
it is not a pure metallic element”. [6+6+4]
3. (a) Name possible types of Cementite in Fe-Fe3C diagram? Explain why proeu-
tectiod product forms at grain boundaries of austenite ?
(b) Differentiate between
i. Proeutectiod ferrite and eutectoid ferrite
ii. Hypoeutectic and Hyper eutectic white cast iron. [8+8]
4. What are four basic types of cast Irons? Explain them with respect to properties,
microstructure with a diagram and applications? [16]
5. (a) What is an alloy? Give two examples.
(b) Discuss in detail the effect of alloying elements in steels.
6. (a) Alpha brasses are cold worked while Alpha-Beta brasses are hot worked. Ex-
(b) Extensive coring occurs in cast bronzes compared to cast brasses. Give rea-
(c) What is dezincification? What are its effects? How is it prevented? [7+4+5]
7. (a) In a heterogeneous multiphase refractory, what are the microstructural fea-
tures present? Mention their applications.
(b) Why chemically synthesized magnesium-aluminate spinel is used exclusively
as refractory in molten salt electrolysis cell for producing magnesium? [10+6]
8. (a) What is aspect ratio? Why is it so important?
(b) Discuss briefly about whisker reinforced composites?

Read more:

The ratio of the lateral strain to linear strain is called the Engineering Metallurgy
Deflection of a cantilever beam under load on doubling its
Engineering Metallurgy
width will _________ the deflection.
A cantilever beam subjected to several concentrated loads
Engineering Metallurgy
has maximum ...
Which one has the maximum capillary rise relative to
Engineering Metallurgy
Hydraulic controllers are used to control upto a distance of
Engineering Metallurgy
_________ metres.
Pneumatic control valves are generally designed for pressure
Engineering Metallurgy
upto ________ kg/cm²
Which of the following factors does not influence the
Engineering Metallurgy
measurement accuracy?
Thermit welding is a form of _______ welding. Engineering Metallurgy
When welding is in progress, the arc voltage range is
Engineering Metallurgy
________ volts.
Filter material need not be necessarily used in case of Engineering Metallurgy
The oxidising flame mixes the oxygen and acetelene in the
Engineering Metallurgy
ratio of
TIG is especially useful in welding Engineering Metallurgy
Most weldable of the following steels is the Engineering Metallurgy
The normal defects, which occur in a welding joint are Engineering Metallurgy
Refractoriness of a typical silica brick corresponds to seger
cone number 32, which is equivalent to a temperature of Engineering Metallurgy
________ °C
With increase in the alumina content in fire bricks, its fusion Engineering Metallurgy
point (refractoriness)
In panel test for spalling resistance, the average face
temperature of panel assembly is maintained at _______°C Engineering Metallurgy
for 24hours.
Fireclay bricks are not used in the Engineering Metallurgy
Air infiltration in a furnace Engineering Metallurgy
Ceramic recuperators compared to metallic recuperators for
Engineering Metallurgy
the same duty
The thermal efficiency of a steel slab reheating furnace
Engineering Metallurgy
(pusher type) may be about _________ percent.
The reason for excessive clinker formation in gas producers
Engineering Metallurgy
is the
Higher ash in coal for metallurgical coal making Engineering Metallurgy
Which is not a manufactured fuel? Engineering Metallurgy
Caking index of coal is a measure of its Engineering Metallurgy
Swelling index of coal is a measure of its Engineering Metallurgy
Thorium can be converted into U-233 in a _______ reactor. Engineering Metallurgy
Which of the following does not need a moderator? Engineering Metallurgy
U-235 content in enriched that is normally used in power
reactors (e.g. at Tarapur Atomic Power Plant) is about Engineering Metallurgy
_______ percent.
Liquid metal (e.g. molten sodium) is preferred as a coolant
Engineering Metallurgy
in case of a/an _________ reactor.
With increase in size of grains, the Engineering Metallurgy
A system is called non-variant system, if the degree of
freedom is zero. This system (consisting of ice, water and Engineering Metallurgy
steam) at triple point is
Electrons can move through lattice, only when the ________
Engineering Metallurgy
is satisfied as per free electron theory.
__________ states that "no two electrons in an atom are in
Engineering Metallurgy
the same energy state as defined by four quantum numbers."
Bell metal comprises of __________ Engineering Metallurgy
Machining properties of steel as improved by adding Engineering Metallurgy
Presence of nitrogen in steel ... Engineering Metallurgy
Zircalloy used as a fuel cladding material in a nuclear
reactor (thermal) is an alloy of zirconium and which of the Engineering Metallurgy
Which of the following defects in metal does not get welded
Engineering Metallurgy
up during its hot working
Machanical working of metals does NOT change its Engineering Metallurgy
Stress relief annealing of cold worked matals Engineering Metallurgy
Bauschinger effect is Engineering Metallurgy
Refractory lining life in Kaldo Vessel is about ______ heats. Engineering Metallurgy
For de-phosphorisation in LD process the slag should be Engineering Metallurgy
Alloying elements in steel which tend to stabilise austenite
Engineering Metallurgy
Metallic yield of steel during steel making in Indian steel
Engineering Metallurgy
plant is about _____ percentage.
In one day of normal Blast Furnace operation, maximum
Engineering Metallurgy
tonnage of ________ is produced.
A blast furnace operating with high top pressure has higher Engineering Metallurgy
Which of the following factors does not favour de-
Engineering Metallurgy
sulphurisation in the blast furnace
Basicity of acidic sinter is Engineering Metallurgy

Question Subject Category

Cinnabar is an important ore of Engineering Metallurgy
During extraction of zinc from its ore, smelting operation is
Engineering Metallurgy
carried out in a
Iron ________ is the most predominant conponent in slag
produced in the pyro-metallurgical process for the extraction Engineering Metallurgy
of copper from its sulphide ore
The product of calcination of Aluminium trihydrate at
Engineering Metallurgy
1100°C is
In which of the following surface hardening process of steel, Engineering Metallurgy
change in chemistry of the steel surface takes place?
Which of the following is the most common and convenient
Engineering Metallurgy
method for determination of harden-ability?
Internal Stresses in a body do not develop during Engineering Metallurgy
What is the menting point(°C) of pure silica sand
Engineering Metallurgy
Which of the following surface hardening treatment
Engineering Metallurgy
increases the carbon content in the surface of material?
In malleable Iron, carbon is in the form of graphite _____. Engineering Metallurgy
Which of the following is a NDT technique used for
Engineering Metallurgy
Choose a correct statement among the following: Engineering Metallurgy
Which of the following has the lowest prandtl number? Engineering Metallurgy
Latent heat absorbed by 1lb of water at 212° when it is
changed to steam at the same temperature may be around Engineering Metallurgy
_______ BTU.
Which of the following is the most widely used heat
Engineering Metallurgy
insulating material for pipelines carrying stream?
Water always boils, when its Engineering Metallurgy
The equivalent diameter for fluid flow through square cross-
section channel of the side 'x', for pressure drop calculation Engineering Metallurgy
purpose is given by
The reactions in a bem supported on rollers will be
Engineering Metallurgy
__________ to the axis.
The ratio of the average fluid velocity to the maximum
velocity in case of laminar flow of the Newtonian fluid in a Engineering Metallurgy
circular pipe is _______.
Prandtl mixing Length is Engineering Metallurgy
The rate of gaseous phase reaction is given by K.Ca.Cb. If
the volume of the vessel is reduced to 1/4th of its initial
Engineering Metallurgy
volume, then the reaction rate compared to the original rate
will be ________ times.
What is the unit of rate constant in a chemical reaction in
which 10% of the reactant decomposes in 1 hour, 20% in Engineering Metallurgy
two hours, 30% in three hours and so on?
The unit of frequency factor in Arrhenius equation Engineering Metallurgy
B.E.T. method can be used to determine __________ of the
Engineering Metallurgy
porous catalyst.

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