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Prepared for: Mayeesha fairuz rahman

Lecturer, Southeast University

Prepared by: Afrid sarwar khan

Id: 2018210000099
Course title: Organizational Behavior
Course code: MGT211
Answer to the question no 1

We can link the working conditions and injustices of Nowshin Bank to a theory,
"Equity theory" A theory that says that individuals compare their job inputs and
outcomees with thosers of others and then respond to eliminate any inequities. If
this kind of injustice continues in his workplace then many kinds of outcomes can
come from Nowshin. This kind of outcome is very harmful for the organization.

Based on equity theory those who perceive inequity will make one of the six

1 Change inputs: It will reduce the effort to work. If Nowshin is overpaid then she
will work with better efforts.

2Change outcomes: Piece-rate product will reduce the production capacity of the
product as compared to the previous production of 100 products will be rotated
50 piece.

3 Change perceptions regarding own self: Nowshin will think that she works
more than others. It will change perception of Nowshin and she will feel very

4 Change perceptions regarding others: She will start thinking she is doing a
better job than her friends. Nowshin ideas about his friend's job will change. My
job is not so bad considering my entire friends job.

5 Choose a different referent: Nowshin used to compare her job with friend but
now she feels much better than friend when she look at other people's jobs. i
may not make as money as my best friend but still i am doing much better than
6 Leave the field: If Nowshin thinks this is a complete injustice and she has
nothing else to do, she will quit his job.

Answer to the question no 2 (a)

There are several reasons why we make wrong decisions in real life or at work

Overconfidence Bias : When it comes to over-confidence in any subject or task,

we make a decision without reviewing that task, which leads to mistakes in
decision making.

Anchoring Bias: One of the reasons why a decision is wrong is because it is made
too quickly in the first step. If you hire someone just by seeing the fast
impression, you can be discovered later in another way which is the result of
wrong decision.

Confirmation Bias: Personal decision may not always be the right one; Decisions
need to be made after reviewing with different criticisms and ideas from others
person. Must have an open mind.

Availability Bias: Without making decisions based on the latest information, It

becomes important to follow the previous data without making a decision based
on the latest information. By doing this we will be more forward in considering
the employee in the workplace or making any decision.
Answer to the question no 2(b)

At the HR meeting I will temporarily tell him about my own qualifications and
convince him that I am a qualified leader for his organization. I will analyze the
four part diagram to give him an idea about me.

Extraversion: You can communicate with everyone very easily and solve any
problem through Communicate. I like to work in a team and I can complete the
work in a very smooth manner under the supervision of the team. I believe that
all ideologies are impersonal.

Conscientiousness: I am a reliable person who can trust me. I would carry my own
personality as the only symbol of reliability and trust.

Openness: I can adapt to any kind of new change with a smile. do not
underestimate anyone and look forward to combining new work with new change
and achieving success.

Emotional intelligence: I carry positive emotional stability. I have the ability to

control my own emotions and keep in touch with others at any time in case of
lack of success or failure.
I hope I can complete the whole meeting with him very successfully.
Answer to the question no 3(a)

Here in the above diagram we see the corporate goals an organization wants
Suppose this diagram is about the organizational goals of Prescription point then
at first the management will set some objectives they wants to achieve and the
employees need to work hard to achieve the goals set by the management.
Then management will monitor the employees, how well are they working if they
are giving their best or not.
After that the management will evaluate the outcome wither they have achieved
the goals or not.
After evaluating the management will give rewards to the employees who have
completed their task properly and it will motivate them to work hard and
properly in the future.
After that the management will review the next organizational objectives and will
set new objectives for the employees to follow.
This is how the cycle is go on.
Answer to the question no 3(b)

Management by objectives Management by objectives (actively) is a strategic

management model that aims to improve the performance of an organization by
clearly defining objectives that are agreed to by both management and
employees. According to the theory, having a say in goal setting and action plans
encourages participation and commitment among employees, as well as aligning
objectives across the organization.

Management by objectives (MBO) is the establishment of a management

information system to compare actual performance and achievements to the
defined objectives. Practitioners claim that the major benefits of MBO are that it
improves employee motivation and commitment and allows for better
communication between management and employees. However, a cited
weakness of MBO is that it unduly emphasizes the setting of goals to attain
objectives, rather than working on a systematic plan to do so.
Answer to the question no:4(a)
The personality types that will go best with:
(i) Salesperson: Conscientiousness and Extraversion
(ii) Scientist: Introvert

Answer to the question no:4(b)

My role model in real life: Mr. Ariful bari majumder (my maternal uncle)

He is a successful businessman

According to Big Five Model of personality his type will be as follows:

I. Conscientiousness
II. Extroversion

My uncle is self-disciplined, cautiousness, and achievement striving that’s why I

have written Conscientiousness.
He is also very cheerful, fun loving, friendly, and excitement-seeker that is why I
have written Extroversion.

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