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Domestic responsibility, Academic performance and Physical/Mental health of mobile

gamers in Western Mindanao State University Alicia Campus

An Undergraduate Thesis

Presented to

The Faculty of the College of Education

Western Mindanao State University Alicia Campus
Alicia Zamboanga Sibugay

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

For the Degree of Bachelor in Elementary Education (BEED)


Zaldy M. Acuña
Arilyn Siblag
Roselyn Cotillar
Juwena Mae A. Vasquez
Jhesabeil R. Buenavista

Chapter I


Background of the study

Technologies play a vital role in 21st century. It helps us to communicate easily with
friends and families and makes our lives lighter and convenient. Mobile gaming, either it is
offline or online gaming, is one of the widely used leisure activities by many people now a day.
For some people it is said that playing video games has a number of reasons to be played, for
it can be a stress reliever, challenge and competition, relaxation, enjoyment, social interaction,
and even mentally escaping from the real world.

For most people, mobile gaming is one of the best past time that they acquire specially
for teenagers, youngsters and students. According to Kuss & Griffiths,teens that playing online
games are just having fun. They do not just actually play because of some sort of seriousness,
but also because they just want to feel relief. During school hours, students tend to feel
stressed due to loads of school works and through playing it will relieve their stress.

It is undeniably questionable that playing mobile games provide them something that no
one can give. According to some researches it is beneficial. It enables the mind of the players
to be more active, especially those puzzle-based games. Furthermore, it helps the player to
come up with decisions in tight situations, especially those adventure games that keep the
players to be alert, active and strategic.

Students' learning takes place unexpectedly, but the inappropriate usage of playing
mobile games also leads in some problems such as being distracted in school. Further, it is
where the attention of the child were divided that even their health and social life is
unknowingly affected.

Several studies in psychology have found out that increased time spent on the Internet
can lead to negative impact on a person's ability to communicate appropriately face-to-face
with friends, peers, family members including parents.

Studies revealed that the human brain is easy to destruct and one of the reasons is
using technology. The education system tends to go with the flow with this constant change in
the society in order to get things relevant with the generations today.

Video game addiction is a mental health disorder, World Health Organization said.

The WHO (World Health Organization) calls gaming addiction "a pattern of persistent or
recurrent gaming behavior" so severe it "takes precedence over other life interests". The World
Health Organization (WHO) officially recognized gaming disorder over the weekend as a part
of its 11th edition of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11). This was a decision
the industry was awaiting since the WHO detailed its intentions last summer.
“Now, in an effort which includes the Entertainment Software Association (ESA),
several organizations have released a statement which states that "gaming disorder" needs
more evidence before it can be included in such a classification. The organizations behind the
effort include the ESA as well as the Entertainment Software Association of Canada, the
Interactive Games & Entertainment Association, the Interactive Software Federation of
Europe, and the Korea Association of Game Industry (K-GAMES). "The global video game
industry--including representatives from across Europe, the United States, Canada, Australia,
New Zealand, South Korea, South Africa, and Brazil--today called on World Health
Organization (WHO) Member States to re-examine at an early date its decision to include
'Gaming Disorder' in the 11th edition of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11),"
the organizations stated in a collective quote in a press release. "The WHO is an esteemed
organization and its guidance needs to be based on regular, inclusive, and transparent
reviews backed by independent experts.’Gaming disorder' is not based on sufficiently robust
evidence to justify its inclusion in one of the WHO's most important norm-setting tools." (May 26,
2019, 3:08 PM EDT / Updated May 28, 2019, 4:19 PM EDT / Source: Variety)

According to the American Time Use survey, Americans spend an average of 15

minutes daily playing games. In addition, according to NewZoo, the top 5 countries in total
gaming revenue are China, Japan, the UK, and the US, combined account for 69.8 percent of
total revenue of top 100 countries worldwide. In 2017, China had the highest total gaming
revenue, at estimated $ 32.54 billion, or about one-third of total game revenue worldwide.
According to the survey, Philippines ranked as 36 th of all the countries where mobile games
are very rampant.

The researchers felt the need to determine the impact of mobile gaming to Domestic
responsibility, Academic performance and Physical/Mental health of mobile gamers in Western
Mindanao State University Alicia Campus.

Statement of the problem

This study aimed to identify the Domestic responsibility, Academic performance and
Physical/Mental health of mobile gamers in Western Mindanao State University Alicia Campus.

The following research questions are intended to be answered:

1. What is the level of the academic performance of mobile gamers in Western Mindanao
State University Alicia Campus?

2. What is the extent of Domestic responsibility, Physical and Mental health of mobile
gamers in Western Mindanao State University Alicia Campus?

3. Is there a significant effect the mobile gaming on Domestic responsibility, Academic

performance, and Physical and Mental health of mobile gamers in Western Mindanao
State University Alicia Campus?
Scope and Delimitations

This study focuses on Domestic responsibility, Academic performance, and Physical

and Mental health of mobile gamers in Western Mindanao State University Alicia Campus.
This study was conducted to all mobile gamers of Western Mindanao State University Alicia
Campus officially enrolled in the present year.

Significance of the study

This research aimed to study the effect of mobile games on the Domestic responsibility,
Academic performance, and Physical/Mental health of mobile gamers in Western Mindanao
State University Alicia Campus.

The generalization of this present study would be great contribution to the vast
knowledge in relation to students’ achievements. Vital result of this research could be highly
significant and beneficial specifically to the following:

The findings of the study will inspire, enlightened and become beneficial to the mobile
gamer students of Western Mindanao State University Alicia Campus. They will be able to
know their limitations on using their gadgets especially in playing mobile games.

The given data would guide the teachers how to handle mobile gamer students. And
allow them to understand the behavior of the mobile gamer of Western Mindanao State
University Alicia Campus.

Like the teachers, the parents too will understand why their children are engage on
mobile games. The given data would also guide the parents on how to handle and discipline
their children well.
Future Researchers
This study is very helpful to the future researchers. It will help them to find ideas and
information regarding with mobile games.

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