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Cooking Words with Pictures and Examples

Break (= a sparge) Layer (= a nivela)

She breaks 2 eggs into a bowl. (Ea sparge 2 This cake has a layer of fruit in the middle.
oua intr-un bol.) (Tortul are un nivel cu fructe in mijloc.)

Melt (=a topi) Roll out (=a intinde)

Melt the chocolate and allow it to cool She rolls out the pastry on a flat surface. (Ea
slightly. (Topeste ciocolata si las-o sa se intinde aluatul pe o suprafata plata.)
raceasca incet.)

Fry (= a praji)
Spread (=a unge) The ground was hot enough to fry an egg
He spread some strawberry jam on his toast. on. (Betonul era atat de fierbinte incat puteai
(El a uns niste gem de capsuni pe painea praji un ou pe el.)
Peel (=a decoji) Saute (=a cali)
As you peel away the onion skin,you will We should saute the onions for five
find another skin underneath. (In timp ce minutes. (Trebuie sa lasam ceapa sa se
decojesti ceapa, vei gasi un alt strat sub.) caleasca pentru 5 minute.)

Taste (=a gusta)

Mix (= a mixa/amesteca) My mom tastes the soup for the lunch.
After you have beaten the eggs, mix in the (Mama mea gusta supa pentru pranz.)
flour gradually. (Dupa ce ai batut ouale,
amesteca incet si faina.)

Cut (=a taia)

She cut the meat into small pieces. (Ea taie
Whip (=a bate) carnea in bucati mici.)
I can easily whip up an omelette. (Pot sa bat
usor o omleta.)
Chop (=a toca) Boil (=a firbe)
I chop the carrots up into small pieces. (Eu You’re pathetic! Can’t you even boil an
toc morcovii in bucati mici.) egg? (Esti un nasabuit! Nici macar un ou nu
stii sa fierbi?)

Slice (=a felia)

It’s best to slice into a rich cake from the Steam (= a aburi)
middle. (Cel mai bine sa tai tortul este din You should steam the carrots until they are
mijloc.) just beginning to be tender. (Trebuie sa lasi
la aburit morcovii pana cand se inmoaie.)

Grate (= a razui)
How about grating carrots for the salad Pinch (=a adauga un varf de ceva)
tonight? (Ce zici sa razuim morcovi in I pinch little salt into the soup. (Trebuie sa
salata pentru diseara?) adaugi doar un varf de sare in supa.)
Pour (=a turna)
When you’ve ground the coffee, use a Roast (=a frige)
funnel to pour it into the jar. (Dupa ce ai Are you going to roast the chicken? (Vei
macinat cafeaua, foloseste o palnie ca sa o frige puiul?)
torni in borcan.)

Bake (= a coace)
Add (=a adauga) Nowadays, I bake my own bread rather than
I’d like to add some pepper to the bean buy it. (In ultima vreme, imi coc singur
curd. (As vrea sa adaug niste piper la ciorba painea decat sa o cumpar.)
de fasole.)

Stir (=a amesteca)

Barbecue (=a face gratar) I need a teaspoon to stir my tea. (Am nevoie
If the weather is fine, we’ll barbecue in the de o lingurita pentru a-mi amesteca in ceai.)
ranch. (Daca vremea e buna, vom face un
gratar in gradina.)
Kitchen Tools with Pictures
and Examples

Apron (=sort) Teapot (=ceainic)

She tied an apron around her waist. (Si-a The teapot dropped out of her hand.
legat un sort pe langa brau.) (Ceainicul a cazut din mana ei.)

Bread basket (=cos cu paine) Measuring cup (=cana de

He took a slice of bread from the bread
basket and covered it with a thin,
The measuring cup is graduated in ounces.
meticulously applied coating of butter. (A
(Cana de masurat este gradata in mililitri.)
luat o felie de paine din cosul cu paine si a
acoperit-o cu un strat subtire, aplicat
meticulos, de unt.)

Baking tray (=tava de copt)

He was cutting biscuits out and putting them
on a baking tray. (El taia fursecurile si le
Bowl (=bol)
punea in tava de copt.)
The hungry boy gulped down the bowl of
soup. (Baiatul flamand a halit tot din bolul
cu supa.)
We should buy a new chopping board.
(=Ar trebui sa cumparam un nou curpator.)

Timer (=cronometru)
The timer on the cooker started to bleep. Grater (=razatoare)
(Cronometrul de la cuptor a inceput sa The ramp begins to be known as the
bipaie.) cheese grater. (Rampa incepe sa fie
cunoscuta ca razatoarea de branza.)

Spice container (=recipient pentru

condimente) Pie plate (=platou)
He put pepper, sugar, salt in different spice He places 2 tablespoons of the Alfredo
containers. (El a pus piper, zahar si piper in sauce mixture on the bottom of the pie
recipiente diferite pentru condiment.) plate. (A pus 2 linguri de sos Alfredo la
baza platoului.)

Chopping board (=curpator)

Napkin (=batista)
He picked the napkin from his lap and Spoon
placed it alongside his plate. (A luat batista She whacked butter and eggs with
din brate si a pus-o langa farfurie.) her spoon. (A apasat untul cu ouale cu o


Rolling pin (=sucitoare)

You may need to roll out dough slightly Knife (=cutit)
with a rolling pin. (Poate va fi nevoie sa This knife cuts well, doesn’t it? (Taie bine
rulezi aluatul cu o sucitoare.) cutitul?)

Fork (=furculita)
We eat with knife and fork. (Mancam cu
Whisk (=tel) furculita si cutitul.)
We use a whisk, mix the yolks and sugar to
a smooth paste. (Folosim un tel pentru a
mixa galbenusurile si zaharul intr-o crema
Frying pan (=tigaie)
She fried the eggs in a frying pan. (A prajit
ouale in tigaie.)

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